View Full Version : Player Help Accidentally OP

2014-10-09, 07:10 PM
My long-time gaming group (who are all friends outside of game) recently started a 3.5 campaign. The DM is new to 3.5, but 4 of the 5 players have played before. (The DM wanted to run 3.5, which is why she is running and the experienced players are playing.) The game started (and is still at) ECL 8.

I've never gotten to play psionics, so took the opportunity to roll up a kalashtar psion (shaper). The DM's fiancee, J, is a pixie rogue. My best friend, G, was originally a WIZ 3/CLC 3/True Necro 2, but changed last game to a human warmage. The other experienced player, L, is a drow fighter, focusing on archery. The inexperienced (to 3.5) player, H, is an ogre fighter and is the only melee. (J built the fighter, and H is happy with it.) The DM started us way above WBL. (She added up all the WBL from 2-8, rather giving us LVL 8's WBL.)

As you can see, with the exception of me, this is a low tier group. (G was bragging about how much he can blast, and when H mentioned he may want to change his PC if he dies, but still stay melee, J recommended monk.) I knew this going in, so tried to make my focus BFC.

However, even doing BFC is making eveyone's jaws drop. The first time I dropped Energy Wall, I got a look of "it does what?" After the 3rd or 4th time I did it, the DM asked how many times a day I could do it. I've dropped Dimension Swap (from a power stone) a few times to get the ogre in combat and a "squishy" out. (The party liked that, though I am going to have to ask for more stones from treasure drops...) Burrowing Bonds and Entangling Ectoplasm had the DM ready to throw something at me until I told her how the monsters can break out. (The monsters didn't break out of either before they died, but at least they tried.) Time Hopping two enemies that were about to really hurt two party members got a "WHAT?" from G until he realized there is a save when I manifest, and the enemies get a roll each round to return. And then there was my 6th level Astral Construct that J was in awe of, until I told him how many resources I had to burn. (8 pp from my manifester level, 2 by overchanneling, and 1 from a Power Link crystal.)

I haven't even broken out some of my powers, yet.

I have 64 base pp. My 23 INT gives me 24 more. My race gives me 1/level, so 8. I have 2 Power Link stones, which each provide 2 points used to augment, 3 times a day. Finally, I have a stack of Manifesting Bolts, which the DM has ruled provide 5 pp/day (rather than 5/bolt).

I'm really not sure what to do. So far, no one is complaining, but I'm not sure if that will stay the case. (It may, and I may be worrying about nothing.) I'm not getting kills, which is probably a good thing. (In last night's session, I injured just about every enemy, but only got 1 killing blow - with my crossbow!) I tried to take (and use) BFC powers, but many also do damage (which is the only thing the other PCs do in combat).

Is there something I can do to not be too broken, but still be able to play the class?

2014-10-09, 09:56 PM
The classic way to use a caster in a low-op party is to buff the others, but psionics is notoriously bad at buffs.

Frankly, though, every power you bring up has them going "wait what" before you mention things like saves. You should probably mention those parts before they flip out, and then you'll be fine. Even a warrior's 1d10+20 damage can look scary if you neglect to mention that he has to be right next to the target and then succeed on a melee attack.

2014-10-11, 12:16 AM
You're a glass cannon, and it may be a good idea to remind the group of this first. Your big schtick is being able to point at anyone in sight and telling them to burn. You sacrifice a large amount of your defense to do so. Reaffirming that as your role and hopefully being as good at it as the others are at theirs should get rid of at least some of the "Yay Explody Boom-Booms!" syndrome.

If that doesn't work, I don't know how you could salvage this character. Have a new one to fill a role the party needs at the ready, just in case.

EDIT: Just to clarify, at the moment your only two easy options for boosting your durability are items and possibly the Masochistic Psicrystal trick (get the class feature disguised as a feat, learn Vigor and Share Pain, tag you and the crystal with Share Pain, tag the both of you with Vigor before a fight), and the second will drain your PP even further than it has been already.