View Full Version : Coming up with a spell list

Jeff the Green
2014-10-09, 10:22 PM
I'm going to be playing a Wizard soon, and a bunch of her resources have been dedicated to getting more spells: Elven generalist and Collegiate Wizard for more spells on level up, Aureon's spellshard for no scribing costs, and Apprentice (spellcaster) for freely copying spells from my master's spell list. That means that (since we're starting at level 6) she has 20 1st-level spells, 12 2nd-level spells, and 10 3rd-level spells from level up and a 50-60% chance of getting any other given 1st- or 2nd-level spells for free, too. And any I can't get for free only cost 50 GP/spell level.

The upshot is, I need to find a bunch of low-level spells to get. I've already gone through the obscure spell thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?374689-favorite-obscure-spells) and a couple handbooks. Here's the current list:

Level 1

Ancient Knowledge
Armor Lock
Benign Transposition
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Distract Assailant
Ebon Eyes
Endure Elements
Familiar Pocket
Floating Disk
Friendly Face
Guiding Light
Hoard Gullet
Karmic Aura
Mage Armor
Magic Aura
Ray of Clumsiness
Ray of Enfeeblement
Rot of Ages
Secret Weapon
Silent Image
Spirit Worm
Sticky Floor
Unseen Servant
Wall of Smoke

Level 2

Arcane Turmoil
Chain of Eyes
Create Magic Tattoo
Delusions of Grandeur
Dragoneye Rune
Entice Gift
Force Hammer
Insidious Insight
Leomund's Tiny Igloo
Magic Mouth
Master's Touch
Minor Image
Mirror Image
Nybor's Gentle Reminder
Ray of Stupidity
Rope Trick
See Invisibility
Shadow Spray
Spectral Hand
Spymaster's Coin
Theskyn's Mighty Heave
Touch of Idiocy
Unseen Crafter
Whispering Wind

(Regarding selection, she is overly cautious, so any spells with a risk of friendly fire would need to be exceptional, like glitterdust. Likewise summon spells; she doesn't much like plucking random creatures off the planes to fight for her.)

If it matters, she's a changeling Wizard 5/Stormwhistler (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20061121a) 1 with the elf 1st and 3rd substitution levels and the 5th changeling substitution level. In addition to Collegiate Wizard and Apprentice, she also has Racial Emulation, Jack of All Trades, and Trivial Knowledge.

Any recommendations?

2014-10-09, 11:58 PM
0: Chalkboard: creates illusory, opaque plane that you can write on (and hide behind!).
Loresong: You gain temporary mastery in a skill and can use it untrained (+4 comp bonus, +1/2CL additional comp, 1rnd/level).

1st: Skillful Moment: Take 20 on your next skill check.
Friendsight: Allies perceive each other as glowing to prevent confusion.

All courtesy of Dragon Magazine.

Jeff the Green
2014-10-10, 12:03 AM
Ah, right. I forgot to mention sources: All 3.5 WotC sources allowed (including online content), no 3.0 except what was grandfathered in by Player's Guide to Faerūn, no 3rd-party (including Dragon and Dragon Compendium).

I could probably convince my DM to allow a PrC or feat from otherwise disallowed sources that would be central to the character, but I don't particularly want to push it on just some spells.