View Full Version : Optimization Suggestions Wanted: Here comes the Horde

2014-10-10, 08:59 AM
I've got an idea for an Orc Warlord in a 3.5 campaign but I can't think of what I'd like for the other class levels to be.

The first 4 levels in Barbarian with the Spirit Lion Totem Variant and the Trapkiller ACF.

Follow that with 2 levels in Kensai Fighter Variant focusing on the Orc Double Axe and one bonus feat.

Then I was thinking either Eye of Gruumsh or Blessed of Gruumsh. Until I can grab Might makes right at level 9 to qualify for Orc Warlord which I intend on only taking 3 levels in to maximize horde size and then continue with the aforementioned Eye or Blessed.

Any optimization suggestions for the build would be helpful.

2014-10-10, 07:41 PM
I've got an idea for an Orc Warlord in a 3.5 campaign but I can't think of what I'd like for the other class levels to be.

The first 4 levels in Barbarian with the Spirit Lion Totem Variant and the Trapkiller ACF.

Follow that with 2 levels in Kensai Fighter Variant focusing on the Orc Double Axe and one bonus feat.

Then I was thinking either Eye of Gruumsh or Blessed of Gruumsh. Until I can grab Might makes right at level 9 to qualify for Orc Warlord which I intend on only taking 3 levels in to maximize horde size and then continue with the aforementioned Eye or Blessed.

Any optimization suggestions for the build would be helpful.

Any room for a bit of intimidation? Very flavorful for an orc leader, and pretty effective. Imperious Command from Drow of the Underdark allows the user to make those intimidated cower for one round. And there is a mask in MIC, blood mask, I think, that allows one to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.

Toss in one of the relics of Gruumsh from the MIC, I believe there is at least one. Even if the guy can't use it to full effect, it will be a nice visual and a nice trophy.

You could also likely just refluff Lolth-Touched template for Gruumsh-Touched, if you want to give the guy a bigger damage capability. Leap Attack is also good; the image of a huge orc, muscles rippling, soaring through the air towards the pc, falchion gripped in two hands raised high above his head. Good stuff.

2014-10-10, 08:37 PM
Firstly, is this a PC or an NPC enemy? Also, what ECL are we talking about?

Bad Wolf
2014-10-10, 08:56 PM
Gruumsh-Blooded? Fits the fluff pretty well, and you get some nifty abilities.

2014-10-10, 11:16 PM
I guess this is a PC, but it is strange to rationalize it as an adventurer.

Anyway you will thank the improved destruction capability from the Frenzied Berserker PrC.

If you are building an NPC villain, it is not recommended to boost his damage to an astonishing level, as he may easily kill multiple PCs in that way.
If this is a PC, then you had better invest some resource in his will saves. It is not interesting to be taken down by a mental spell in first few rounds.