View Full Version : [3.5] Wand Bracers, Wand Bracelets, Bracers of Wands?

2014-10-11, 09:27 AM
So after a too-long hiatus from tabletop gaming, I've found some other players and our first game is next week. Its pretty casual, so I decided I wanted to build a character heavily obsessed with Wands. Fighting with them, buffing with them, Collecting them in general - could be fun to play and at the least gives the DM some easy plot hooks.

The reason I thought about this character was because I was going through Dungeonscape and I came across the Wand Bracer again. The concept of dropping wand after wand into my hand at a twitch and blasting away like some magical combination of the Matrix Lobby Scene and Assassin's Creed appealed to me. :smallbiggrin:

But when I found the Wand Bracelet in MiC I realized there's likely many options available for the same concept of accessibility. Going through the DM's books I managed to find:


Wand Bracer
Dungeonscape p.33
300gp each
5 wands, retrieve with swift action, reload is full round I think

Wand Bracelet
Magic Item Compendium p147
12000gp each
Shrinks 4 items like Glove of Storing, swift action to store, move to switch

Bracer of Wands
Dragon 291 p51
60,000gp a Pair
Stores 3 wands per bracer (6 total) at the cost of a charge each. Wands can be used as if they were in-hand

Glove of the Master Strategist
Ghostwalk p71
3600gp each
The base Glove of Storing is over priced, this is based on the 3.0 price and also adds true strike. Free action to store 1 item

Casting Glove
Magic Item Compendium p.84
20,000gp each
As glove of storing, except any item inside the glove can be activated as if you were holding it

Each offers advantages - price, storing items vs wands, different timing, activation while holding something else. The Wand Bracer for example is a steal at 300gp at low levels for example, and being mundane opens up possible enchantment shenanigans. Originally I was going to ask about this character specifically for build timings, but thinking about it it might be best to leave it generic. That way we can get the Playground's opinion across different WBL's and builds.

Are there other possibilities for the same role? Which option do you prefer and when (level and situation-wise)? And why? Several of them only take up one arm, would you mix and match, or do they synergize with something else nicely? Tactical choices also depend on if you're using the Rules Compendium wand times or not.

2014-10-11, 09:43 AM
Worth noting: you can also put a Wand Chamber in a weapon. With quick-draw, that means you can quick draw a wand within a dagger or whatever. Alternately put a wand chamber or three into a elvencraft bow, since it's a double melee weapon as well as a ranged weapon. I don't know if there are any rules on weapon size for wand chambers, but if not you could put them in braid blades, boot blades, blade blades, and so on so you can have a nearly-excessive amount of wands ready at once.

2014-10-11, 11:57 PM
Worth noting: you can also put a Wand Chamber in a weapon. With quick-draw, that means you can quick draw a wand within a dagger or whatever. Alternately put a wand chamber or three into a elvencraft bow, since it's a double melee weapon as well as a ranged weapon. I don't know if there are any rules on weapon size for wand chambers, but if not you could put them in braid blades, boot blades, blade blades, and so on so you can have a nearly-excessive amount of wands ready at once.

Oh I didn't consider quick-draw! So Wand Chambers require a 6 inch hilt or equivalent IIRC, so boot and braid blades would be out RAI if not RAW wise as well. But still - A double weapon with the Bracers of Wand that's essentially 8 wands at the ready at all times. Plus dropping one weapon and quick drawing another is a free action, so you have as many as you're DM will allow you to hold in a belt. This gets ridiculous quick.

The spells you always want stay in the bracers, general offensive ones in the main weapon, and more specialized ones in the dagger belt.
Keep this up and you turn into Batman, not Batman Wizard, just literal batman. Having them always counting as in-hand makes wands of Nerveskitter doable if you use the RC version. Celerity, Friendly Fire, Eternal wand of Feather Fall for emergencies.

I'm starting to hope this campaign goes long enough to afford all this. If it doesn't, how can I optimize the Dungeonscape Bracer? And should I just save for the Dragon 291 Bracer or are the intermediate items worth the while?

2014-11-03, 01:37 PM
Tarvus I Came Across This Thread Because Im Getting Ready To Start A Campaign As A Magnus And Was Interested In The Whole Wand Thing With The Magus Class Abilities. Anyway The Post Was Helpful So Thank You. What Made Me Actually Register Was Your Signature...I Read It And Was Curious As To What Tuckers Kobolds Were...Google Once Again Took Me Somewhere Great And I Got To Read The Article..Thank You Again..

Im Sorry I Cannot Add Anything Insightful As To The Actual Thread..Like I Said I Am Doing My Own Research For The Magnus Class But What I Will Say Is If Your Considering Buying These Items etc With Some Being So Expensive Why Not Just Take What You Need To Actually Create An Item To Do Exactly What You Need When You Get The Gold...? There Are Similar Items So What You Want To Happen Is Not OP And You Would Save Time And Gold Minus XP To Get What You Want At A Earlier Level...

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-11-03, 02:06 PM
I know English is probably not your first language, but for sanity's sake--please limit your capitalization. In addition, try saying it out loud in your own (Korean?) language. Whenever you pause or take a breath, you should consider adding punctuation in English. I feel a little guilty criticizing since I cannot communicate in any language other than English. I hope this came off as helpful and not rude.

2023-12-13, 10:08 PM
You forgot one!

Casting Glove [25000] {MiC}
Acts as a glove of storing, but you can activate any magic item stored in it as if you were holding it. Essentially it lets you keep an extra scroll in hand. Also if I am reading correctly, activating a magic item without retrieving it from the gloves requires a standard action, meaning scrolls with casting times of 1 round or greater can be cast as a Standard action from a Caster glove. I must be misreading here.

Edit: Should have looked closer, lol!

2023-12-14, 05:57 AM
Does your DM allow materials from books they don't own? Because the Cannith Wand Adept is a prestige class that sounds like exactly what you're looking for, but comes from a book I'd never heard of before googling it just now (Sharn: City of Towers, an Eberron sourcebook). 3 levels, gives you the ability to quick-draw wands, dual-wield wands, improve your CL and DCs with wands, and siphon charges from wands to improve your other rolls.

Alas, while the prerequisites look pretty easy at first, you can't take it before level 10 without some loopholes, since one of the prereq feats requires CL 9.

Regardless, Wand Mastery (Eberron Campaign Setting) is a much less obscure feat also worth taking.

2023-12-15, 09:45 AM
If you're willing to drop your wands (or if you want to also work scrolls in, or other items), the druid's satchel from page 103 of Dungeon Magazine #92 is probably the best item in the game for quick item access. It works like a Heward's handy haversack, except it's a free action to draw items from it (and it stays on, shifting form to fit, whenever you shapeshift). Just a fantastic pick for any item-focused character. 3,000gp, and worth every copper.

There is also the ring of storing (Dr302 p. 82) which functions as a glove of storing except it costs 2,200gp (the price of the 3.0 glove, which glove of the master strategist also inherited).

2023-12-19, 08:45 AM
Metamagic Mod: Thread Necromancy