View Full Version : How to find Animals

2014-10-11, 09:07 PM
Are there any mechanics to finding a specific type of animal(or magical beast) in the wild, or any consistent price formula for buying one?

Edit: I don't mind using the PF prices (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/animals-animal-gear), but I was hoping for some Winged Snakes and Velociraptors.

Found the Masters of the Wild version for if you have detect animals and a Survival check of 10 you have a 30% per day in their terrain type to find one. Anywhere else, you know 3.5 or non-druid?

2014-10-12, 08:17 AM
I'm bumping this once asking again if there are any rules for finding a specific animal or a more comprehensive price list than PF?

2014-10-12, 08:54 AM
knowledge checks might help you know where to look, but they won't be 100%.

as far as pricing for non-listed animals/magical beasts go, the usual guidelines listed are the price for slaves in lords of madness pages 100-101, the formula being (CR^2) x100 gp. "great strength, great beauty, valuable skill, or exotic origin" can boost the price by a factor of 200%-400%, so one or more of those might apply if you wanted a particular magical beast such as a unicorn.

2014-10-12, 11:47 AM
Yay slaves! Thank you, for a Winged Snake that would only be 100g at most. Velociraptor 400g(CR2^2*100=400) without the exotic increase that puts it about on par with the other dinosaur prices.

Jeff the Green
2014-10-12, 12:09 PM
There's also war east from MMII.

2014-10-12, 02:48 PM
There is War Beast from MM2 and the slave pricing rules from Lords of Madness that might work. (Enslaved Awakened Animals anyone?)

War Beast is ridiculously cheap and only works on medium or larger animals. Fun fact though is that you can War Beast ANY animal, including ones with templates that don't change their type.
Check my sig for a set of random charts to select animals, templates, and vermin. Because War Beast lets you buy vermin too for no reason whatsoever.

As for how to find them its just a shopping check. Which according to Magic Item Compendium takes a few hours and a Gather Information check or two to search for a specific Magic item. If I were DM I'd use the same for buying specific spellcasting services, animals, and whatever else one might troll a marketplace or scour a city for.

Edit: Oh and the Arms and Equipment Guide has some language about the existence of animal and magical beast trainers and some feats to allow for even stranger things to be trained and bought. You might try reading through that section too.

2014-10-12, 06:30 PM
I looked at A&EG but it wasn't very helpful for the unlisted animals/beasts though it did give a lot more prices. I was aware of the warbeast method, however both Velociraptors and Flying Snakes are small creatures. I think I'll just use slavery(works for me in Minecraft anyway yay village farm!), I wanted to get them at first level so warbeast may be good for some but not all, mmm fractional CR is wonderful.

2014-10-12, 07:03 PM
Tthe slave prices are a bit high for what little the Animal type gets you. Again, consider asking your DM if adding some templates is allowed. Is the very reason I set up the thread in my sig, so that I might have some interestingly templated animals without succumbing to the temptations of overly applied template stacking.