View Full Version : Pathfinder Wizard Revenge

The Grue
2014-10-12, 12:56 AM
I'm playing the Mummy's Mask adventure path with my new RL group. Current segment introduces the governor of [City name I can't be arsed to look up], and basically her entire purpose in this book is to stonewall the party's investigations and force us to waste time(we're up to at least two weeks now) running in circles and going over her head to the visiting nobility. Kudos to both the designer and our DM here, because as written she's really irritating but in a "fun" way.

Anyway, I'm playing a BFC conjurer wizard, and we hit level 9 soon which means Lesser Planar Binding, and my wizard is not the sort that forgets when he's been slighted - if you're wondering, I've cleared the general idea of "I want to get even later" with the DM and he approves. :smallamused: I was thinking I'd summon something up to visit retribution on the governor, but I'm drawing a blank for what to summon and what to have it do. Any suggestions? Keep in mind my character doesn't actually want to kill her or inflict physical harm in any way.

2014-10-12, 02:19 AM
You may want to splurge on a scroll of Moment of Prescience to do this, but a Succubus fills your needs to the T.

The scroll will cost you 3000 gp for a CL 15 version, though.

2014-10-12, 02:36 AM
Are we talking getting the person killed, maimed, cursed to have their loved ones die, or simply given a persistent annoyance? If you are looking for the last one, one rather diabolical (excuse the expression) plan you could have would be to simply summon an imp, and task it with tormenting the governor. Depending on how cruel you wish to be, it could do anything from persistently fly about invisible secretly tormenting the governor by stealing items, breaking items, causing unseemly event to transpire, or other such annoyances, to slowly driving them insane by scratching at the walls at all hours, whispering to them while they are trying to fall asleep, faking the sound of howling dogs or cawing birds, planting evidence of murders they didn't commit (which the imp can take care of if there isn't a friendly neighborhood serial killer available), and otherwise causing their mind to spiral out of control. And while it might take some convincing, and even a little bribery, these are the kind of things imps rather like doing, meaning they be naturally inclined to go along with this.

2014-10-12, 03:36 AM
Imp might be a bit too much. Maybe a mephit? There's a dozen types of them, one's bound to be good at this.

Abd al-Azrad
2014-10-12, 03:42 AM
I'm going to say that, if you just want to annoy this petty bureaucrat, summoning an Evil outsider of any sort is massive overkill. Sure, a properly bound Imp might not be a particular physical threat to this woman, but devils have a tendency to creatively interpret their orders such as to bring about the greatest possible harm and corruption. Killing her children, poisoning the food of a noble guest, exhuming grave sites and leaving her personal possessions at the crime scene as evidence... even if you're careful, you're playing with fire and you would probably end up ruining her life at best.

Somehow summoning a fey seems like it would play out better. They may be callous and chaotic, but they're not deliberately aiming to maximize suffering.

An Aghash Div (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/divs/div-aghash) might be a decent balance. Cursing a bureaucrat with cripplingly low Charisma would be a great way to remove her from power without permanently harming her. And if executed properly, from a distance via Spectral Hand, she might not even know it was an attack.

If you really wanted to do this right, I would try something along the following lines. It seems like what this petty bureaucrat wants is to exert her middling power in whatever way she can, out of fear that she has none. A truly devious revenge would be to somehow find a way to give her all the power she can handle - far more than she can handle, in point of fact - and let it consume and unmake her. Then at the end of the day, step in and resolve the problem, but only if she asks for your help in so doing. In other words, call and bind something powerful and conniving, and gift it to her - either directly as a bribe / gift, or arrange for her to come upon it somehow in the course of her day. See how much damage she can do to herself with a pet succubus, imp, or similar corrupting beast.