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Mr Tumnus
2014-10-12, 02:09 AM
Divinity's Legacy


Several times in your journey towards Avendale you came across a heavily armed patrol, though initially wary they are polite and genial after you submit to a cursory search, after which you're given a small wooden token with the soldier's name on it to ease further travel. After a short conversation they inform you that they must continue on their way. As you approach the dusty road towards Avendale you see the small bustling city and a small crowd clustered just outside the city's checkpoint, waiting for admittance. ((You arrive at the checkpoint in your posting order))

Avendale (Common Knowledge, known by all)Avendale is the capital city of Touvette. General Cabol Voran took over after the death of the king, removing all temples from the city after driving out all the priests. The city was once dominated by a variety of faiths who filled the power vacuum left by a weak and incompetent king. These new faiths engaged in holy wars that further weakened the kingdom. With the coming of Cabon Voran this ended, he banished the priests from his capital and the entire nation. Now all of Avendale's temples have been converted in to "charities" equal parts orphanages, schools, hospitals and government work centres that serve the city's people.

Knowledge Local (DC 15)You've heard that there's recently there have been an uptick in local disappearances, admittance into the city has been tightened and visitors are subject to a through search before entering the city.

Knowledge History (DC 10)When Touvette’s king Aven died, his whelp of a son took over, and everything in this once-stable kingdom fell apart. Aven the Second was a lush and a fool, and due to his negligence the borders fell apart as neighboring kingdoms snatched at Touvette’s land. Lacking a strong central authority figure, rival churches filled the void in the people’s hearts and holy war erupted up in the streets. This was when General Cabol Voran stepped in. He united the army, overthrew the besotted king, and established the current government. The General reclaimed the kingdom’s borders, evicted the treacherous churches, brought a harsh peace to the people, and never let anyone forget that their safety and prosperity was due to his actions. Now the General is the sole authority in Touvette—a realm with no kings, churches, or foreign influences, only free men who serve to protect their lands and neighbors.

When the General took control of Touvette, he had his enemies—the bishops, high priests, and young king—brought before him, and found them guilty of betraying the kingdom. All priests and clerics were given 30 days to leave, under threat of death. The few who tried to remain were publicly flogged, their bloody bodies tied to carriages and driven through the streets of the capital, where the people threw rocks at their heads and burned their holy books.

Finally, the General turned to the borders. He fought back his neighbors with the same ruthlessness he had shown his previous enemies. When he conquered a foreign general, he crucified his opponent and carried him like a banner into battle. His own men feared the General mad, but he secured his borders from his adversaries, and was free to reshape Touvette in his own image—hard, unyielding, ruthless, and effective. Now every morning, the families of the kingdom begin the day with a ceremony of thanks to the General for liberating them from the tyrannies of laziness and faith and protecting them from evil.

2014-10-13, 04:03 PM
Jenks is glad to finally arrive at Avendale. He's been on the road for too long and is eager to find a nice bed for the night. He approaches the crowd and listens to hear anything of interest to his job. Any information on disappearances or oddities that average people wouldn't investigate. If nothing is said for several minutes he'd try and strike up conversation with people in the crowd, to see if he can ferret out any information.

I'm not sure where you want us to put our rolls, so I'll just put these two here, and I don't really expect anything to come of his trying to gather info form the crown, but it's what he'd do.
Perception: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2014-10-13, 04:28 PM
Driving his wagon towards the checkpoint Tod lets his guard down somewhat, no longer keeping a hand on his weapons But still leaving his Longbow ready to be drawn at a moments notice he uses his vantage point atop his wagon to keep an eye out for any trouble makers or misfits.

Perception [roll0]
Sense Motive[roll1]

2014-10-13, 05:13 PM
As Zilphyra get near the city, she see the gathering in front of the gate. Wondering what's going on, the halfling secure her bag on her shoulder and clap her hands a single time before fast walking until she get to the crown.

From her 2'9", she couldnt see anything, naturaly. Waiting a few second, she begin to tap her feet on the ground impatiently.

After 15 seconds, she let out a loud sigh. Turning to the nearest person on the scene, she pull gently on his shirt/cloak.

" Excuse me sir ( Or ma'am), can you please tell me what is going on? I can't see from down there."

She smile delightfully waiting for the answer.

Local: [roll0] (not trained, so max result is 10)
History: [roll1] (not trained, so max result is 10)

I don't know who is the nearest person, so i'll let the DM decide.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-13, 05:54 PM
Jenks is glad to finally arrive at Avendale. He's been on the road for too long and is eager to find a nice bed for the night. He approaches the crowd and listens to hear anything of interest to his job. Any information on disappearances or oddities that average people wouldn't investigate. If nothing is said for several minutes he'd try and strike up conversation with people in the crowd, to see if he can ferret out any information.

I'm not sure where you want us to put our rolls, so I'll just put these two here, and I don't really expect anything to come of his trying to gather info form the crown, but it's what he'd do.
Perception: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

People share a polite greeting with you but seem preoccupied with getting through the checkpoint and into the city. From the bits of conversation you get before the line moves forward and people pass into the city it seems as though most of the people outside the gate are visitors like you, either visiting the city because of family or on business.

It appears as though you're almost near the front of the line when you feel a tug on your cloak " Excuse me sir, can you please tell me what is going on? I can't see from down there."

Driving his wagon towards the checkpoint Tod lets his guard down somewhat, no longer keeping a hand on his weapons But still leaving his Longbow ready to be drawn at a moments notice he uses his vantage point atop his wagon to keep an eye out for any trouble makers or misfits.

Perception [roll0]
Sense Motive[roll1]

It appears as those with wagons are being brought aside and searched separately. There are two wagons ahead of yours, the first is a merchant whose goods the guards are currently picking through and while he is fretting over every shifted crate and chest they appear to be handling his goods in a respectful manner, careful not to damage anything. The wagon behind him though, attended by a gaunt man wearing a dark overcoat and a wide brimmed hat (a little odd on a sunny day like today) seems to be fidgeting as the guards finish up with the fretting merchant and make their way towards him.

2014-10-13, 06:16 PM
Jenks looks down at the woman half his height and responds with a friendly grin. "I'm not really sure. Just seems to be a line to get through the checkpoint though. I asked around and from what I gathered most are just trying to get in to visit family or conduct business."

The tall muscled man is wearing typical travelers clothes under a breastplate in addition to a well crafted dark violet colored wrapped around his neck. "If you want a boost to take a look around, I don't mind holdin' you up. Besides, I could use the company. I've been on the road for a while without much companionship" Jenks laughs lightly and keeps up his friendly smile.

2014-10-13, 06:30 PM
Tod, makes sure his weapons and such are arranged neatly in the back of his wagon along with his various supplies he uses when out and about camping, however he draws a single blunt arrow from his quiver and keeps it ready in-case the person in front of him tries to do anything funny. If the guards look like they are able to handle it he wont get involved with these humans... but all the same if the man threatens anyone he wont hesitate to act. While waiting for something to happen he'll use the time to make sure the arrow is true and straight.

2014-10-13, 06:46 PM
Zilphyra look down, smiling shyly.

" Thank you sir. But i think we are getting through soon enough, so it won't be nessessary."

She then shake her head and look up to the man's face, smiling ear to ear.

" But i can use the company too! I'm Zilphyra Shortwick, and it's a real preasure to meet you!"

2014-10-13, 06:58 PM
In typical fashion, the tall human -who went by the curious name of Abaddon- stood in the crowd outside the checkpoint of the small town of Avendale, waiting impatiently to be allowed in. He seemed quite distracted, with his guard entirely down, staring at the sky above. He had an extremely smug grin on his face, and his hands were resting on the long sheathed blade that rested horizontally on his shoulders. He wore no shirt, simply a long blue cloak with an odd symbol on it.

2014-10-13, 09:16 PM
Zilphyra look down, smiling shyly.

" Thank you sir. But i think we are getting through soon enough, so it won't be nessessary."

She then shake her head and look up to the man's face, smiling ear to ear.

" But i can use the company too! I'm Zilphyra Shortwick, and it's a real preasure to meet you!"

He reaches down to offer his hand, "I'm Jenks, and it's a pleasure to meet you too Zilphyra!" Assuming she shakes it, he would smile and glance around the crowd. "I wonder why there are so many people here today."

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-13, 11:59 PM
Tod, makes sure his weapons and such are arranged neatly in the back of his wagon along with his various supplies he uses when out and about camping, however he draws a single blunt arrow from his quiver and keeps it ready in-case the person in front of him tries to do anything funny. If the guards look like they are able to handle it he wont get involved with these humans... but all the same if the man threatens anyone he wont hesitate to act. While waiting for something to happen he'll use the time to make sure the arrow is true and straight.

The guards begin to inspect that second wagon, it goes smoothly until one of them uncovers a hidden compartment beneath the driver's perch, the discovery of which causes the fidgety gaunt man to bolt in the direction of the gates. You tense and consider drawing your bow but he doesn't get but a few feet when he's tackled to the ground by one of the waiting guardsmen and shackled. The contents of the wagon are reloaded and its led off to the side, after a brief moment to collect themselves the inspectors waive you forward.

Everyone hears a commotion off to the side of the inspection line and turn in time to see a man being hauled off in shackles. When people realize nothing more interesting is happening they return their focus to the inspectors.

After a moment Jenks finds himself standing at the front of the line, looking into the wooden booth you see a tired old man with a large book opened halfway who speaks with a faint lisp "Welcome to Avendale, what is your name and the purpose of your visit?"

2014-10-14, 12:46 AM
The bounty hunter, in his up beat mood, grins at the guard while saying, "My name's Jenks. I'm meeting a contact here, says he has a job for me."

2014-10-14, 01:33 AM
"I knew I shouldn't have listened to that bastard. 'Oh, don't worry about taking a job out of the city, you'll get back in just fine.' Never again. I don't care what the pay is, this line is bloody ridiculous." Aedan has been grumbling to himself nearly nonstop since he joined the line towards the guard post at Avendale's entrance. It had been a long day, and things did not seem to be looking up. Someone had already been arrested, and most guards took that as an excuse to get a little more pushy then Aedan really wanted to tolerate.

2014-10-14, 01:35 AM
Tod has his horse walk forward towards the inspectors and at the same time replaces the arrow in his quiver and puts down his bow. With a gruff grunt Tod tells them "Hello there Inspectors, I guess you want to look through my wagon as well. Do you know of a good inn I can stable my horse and wagon at once I'm in the city?"

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-14, 02:43 AM
The bounty hunter, in his up beat mood, grins at the guard while saying, "My name's Jenks. I'm meeting a contact here, says he has a job for me."

Dipping his quill into the inkpot he scribbles in his book before taking out a small sheet of paper. Sliding the small piece of paper towards you, you see it has your name, reason for being here and time you crossed this checkpoint. "Make sure to keep a hold of that, most likely you wont need it but it always pays to be safe. You're free to enter the city, good day."

The old official says "Next" and Zilphyra, you find yourself at the head of the line.

Tod has his horse walk forward towards the inspectors and at the same time replaces the arrow in his quiver and puts down his bow. With a gruff grunt Tod tells them "Hello there Inspectors, I guess you want to look through my wagon as well. Do you know of a good inn I can stable my horse and wagon at once I'm in the city?"

The guards get to work searching through your things though again, they do so with the utmost respect for personal property. One of them checking the under carrige says "Sorry but we have to search every cart on orders from the General." Another, searching the back calls out "If you're looking for just a place for the horse there's quite a few inns that might strike your fancy, not a whole lot of places have room for a wagon though. Bergman and Sons, just a few blocks inside the gate will check your wagon for you if you need a place to stow it."

((You don't have any contraband like Pesh or poisons on you right?))

One of the inspectors with a clipboard takes notes as the others call out what they find. When they're done they return everything more or less how they found it and the man with the clipboard passes you a piece of paper with a rough tally of what you have on hand. "If you do any trading within the city make sure to keep your receipts, the city has really cracked down on taxes. Otherwise, have a nice day." He waves you forward and as you move towards the gates you see a very tall muscular man leaving the checkpoint for foot traffic at about the same time.

2014-10-14, 03:06 AM
Jenks takes the piece of paper. "Thanks! I will be sure to, and you too!" The warrior enters the city and waits just on the other side for Zilphyra to cross through the check-point as well after storing the piece of paper in his pack, where he keeps his other bags and manacles.

2014-10-14, 07:45 AM
Zilphyra step im from of the booth and before rhw man even welcome her, she say loudly:

"I'm Zilphyra Shortwick, and I'm coming to Avendale to meet with my friend Jonathan Haverford."

She then smile to the old man.

2014-10-14, 09:01 AM
Akaro's talon was drumming a tattoo onto the handle of his sansetsukon as he waited in line for his turn. It seemed that the rumors held some merit to them after all, security had been heightened in response to something. He wondered what the guards were looking for though, since weapons were aplenty amongst the crowd waiting to enter. Looking ahead, Akaro tries to notice any trends and clues to what the guards are searching for... or perhaps not looking for. It didn't take long before someone was hauled off by the guards. "Excellent timing" he thought, "I wonder what's the linking factor here."

Not sure what I need to roll here..
perception [roll0]
sense motive ? [roll1]

edit: dat natural 1

2014-10-14, 10:26 AM
((You don't have any contraband like Pesh or poisons on you right?))

No, I dont have any poisons and definitely no Pesh.

Tod heads towards the gates and the checkpoint there.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-14, 04:16 PM
Zilphyra step im from of the booth and before rhw man even welcome her, she say loudly:

"I'm Zilphyra Shortwick, and I'm coming to Avendale to meet with my friend Jonathan Haverford."

She then smile to the old man.

He writes down your information, scribbles on a small piece of paper and slides it over to the edge of the table. He shows you a small smile and says "Welcome to Avendale, you may be interested to know that Avendale has quite a few halflings within its walls." Looking at the paper you see that it has your information and the time you crossed the checkpoint.

The old clerk calls "Next" and Abaddon, you find yourself at the head of the line.

Akaro's talon was drumming a tattoo onto the handle of his sansetsukon as he waited in line for his turn. It seemed that the rumors held some merit to them after all, security had been heightened in response to something. He wondered what the guards were looking for though, since weapons were aplenty amongst the crowd waiting to enter. Looking ahead, Akaro tries to notice any trends and clues to what the guards are searching for... or perhaps not looking for. It didn't take long before someone was hauled off by the guards. "Excellent timing" he thought, "I wonder what's the linking factor here."

Not sure what I need to roll here..
perception [roll0]
sense motive ? [roll1]

edit: dat natural 1

You're not sure exactly whats going on but its pretty easy to determine that the tall, gaunt man being dragged away is being arrested for something.

No, I dont have any poisons and definitely no Pesh.

Tod heads towards the gates and the checkpoint there.

((You already passed the checkpoint, they process wagons and foot traffic separately. The paper they gave you functions the same way as those received at the clerk's booth, it just also has all that extra stuff about your cart))

2014-10-14, 04:27 PM
He writes down your information, scribbles on a small piece of paper and slides it over to the edge of the table. He shows you a small smile and says "Welcome to Avendale, you may be interested to know that Avendale has quite a few halflings within its walls." Looking at the paper you see that it has your information and the time you crossed the checkpoint.

" Oh really? Thank you so much sir! Have a nice day!"

Zilphyra run in the town because she tought Jenks had left without her, but after a few feet she saw him waiting.

" Mister J! You waited for me? You are the best!"

Smiling like always, she look around now that she is inside the town.

Just looking around to see if something unusual catch my eyes.

2014-10-14, 04:48 PM
" Oh really? Thank you so much sir! Have a nice day!"

Zilphyra run in the town because she tought Jenks had left without her, but after a few feet she saw him waiting.

" Mister J! You waited for me? You are the best!"

Smiling like always, she look around now that she is inside the town.

"Hah, thanks Miss Zil, and of course I would; you're my new friend!" He says jovially, throwing in the halfling word for friend at the end. He too would glace around the area for anything standing out before turning back to the halfling woman. "So, what brings you to the capital?"

2014-10-14, 05:10 PM
Abaddon's smug grin grows larger, as he realizes he's at the front of the line, and flips the sword right back to where it would hang, at his back, next to his backpack. He walks right up to the man at the checkpoint, and speaks out loud, "I am Abaddon Iskhandyar, and I'm here to meet Jherto Valsk, the Pawnshop owner. Purpose is business."

2014-10-14, 06:20 PM
((You already passed the checkpoint, they process wagons and foot traffic separately. The paper they gave you functions the same way as those received at the clerk's booth, it just also has all that extra stuff about your cart))

Oops :smalleek:

Tod leads his horse and wagon to the business known as Bergman and Son's to house his wagon. Hmmm... I need a place to stay and find something to make this stop worthwhile the tall man over there looks like he has a purpose and looks like decent company, I think I'll introduce myself after I finish with this business..

As he leads his wagon over he keeps an eye out for any trouble.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-14, 08:19 PM
Abaddon's smug grin grows larger, as he realizes he's at the front of the line, and flips the sword right back to where it would hang, at his back, next to his backpack. He walks right up to the man at the checkpoint, and speaks out loud, "I am Abaddon Iskhandyar, and I'm here to meet Jherto Valsk, the Pawnshop owner. Purpose is business."

The old man wipes his eyes with the corner of his sleeve and before continuing to write in his book. "Very well" Pulling out another stack of those small papers you've seen him give out to others before he begins quickly scribbling in your information before passing it to you. "Make sure to keep track of this." he says sliding the paper across the booth's table. "Enjoy your stay in Avendale."

After several other travelers Aedan finds himself standing in front of the line when the old man calls "Next"

Oops :smalleek:

Tod leads his horse and wagon to the business known as Bergman and Son's to house his wagon. Hmmm... I need a place to stay and find something to make this stop worthwhile the tall man over there looks like he has a purpose and looks like decent company, I think I'll introduce myself after I finish with this business..

As he leads his wagon over he keeps an eye out for any trouble.

You see a few young boys joking loudly and rough housing as they walk through the center of the street in your direction but as your wagon approaches they make way for you and wave politely before continuing on their way. As they pass you see an emblem of a small bird sewn onto their right shoulders.

As you move on you quickly see the sign for Bergman and Sons proudly displayed on the main road just a few blocks from the gate, just as the guard mentioned. Turning your wagon onto the side street you see a large two story warehouse with double sliding doors open,inside you see several wagons and carriages of different makes and models with a fair number of people coming and going. Adjacent to the large warehouse you see a smaller building with glass windows and an open door, the same Bergman and Sons sign hangs just above the door.

2014-10-14, 08:47 PM
"Hah, thanks Miss Zil, and of course I would; you're my new friend!" He says jovially, throwing in the halfling word for friend at the end. He too would glace around the area for anything standing out before turning back to the halfling woman. "So, what brings you to the capital?"

(In halfling)"Ho! You talk my tongue! You are full of surprise!"

Zilphyra was so happy to have met Jenks, she was screaming while waving her arms around. She take a few seconds to calm down, and reply, in common this time.

" I'm here to see one of my friend. He ask me to come here to investigate about strange magical traces on missing persons body. He's weird sometime, but if he think it's worth a look, i'm here to help. What about you?"

2014-10-14, 10:16 PM
Abaddon clicked his fingers, and made his signature "Zing!" fingers at the man, and said "Thanks a bunch.", and then grabbed the sheaf of papers on the checkpoint. He walks straight in, and attempted to locate a nearby inn. A real man didn't do business the easy way. A real man did it the hard way, while being hammered out of his mind.

Or at least, he thought thats what real men did. Maybe he just liked trying to out-drink dwarves.

2014-10-14, 10:34 PM
(In halfling)"Ho! You talk my tongue! You are full of surprise!"

Zilphyra was so happy to have met Jenks, she was screaming while waving her arms around. She take a few seconds to calm down, and reply, in common this time.

" I'm here to see one of my friend. He ask me to come here to investigate about strange magical traces on missing persons body. He's weird sometime, but if he think it's worth a look, i'm here to help. What about you?"

"I'm here to find information on the missing people. I've got a contact in the city who might be able to point me in the right direction, Wanna stick together? since it seems we're both here for generally the same reason? Safety in numbers and all, and besides, it looks like you need some muscle around." He winks cheekily at her when he finishes speaking. He's glad he ran into her, she's good company.

2014-10-14, 11:00 PM
Akaro sighs. If there was a pattern, he certainly wasn't seeing one. Reaching into his backpack, he rustles through it for a bit before fishing out a whetstone. With a splash of water from his waterskin, Akaro starts honing his nodachi's edge as he waits in line.

2014-10-15, 12:20 AM
"Aedan nic Riain. Just coming home after work. And no, my permenant residency papers haven't cleared yet." Aedan produces his travel documents, and lets the guards take their customary shuffle through his pack. "Any news about town? I can't say the line is this long normally. Anything change recently?"

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-15, 06:49 PM
"Aedan nic Riain. Just coming home after work. And no, my permenant residency papers haven't cleared yet." Aedan produces his travel documents, and lets the guards take their customary shuffle through his pack. "Any news about town? I can't say the line is this long normally. Anything change recently?"

"Oh, welcome home" He says as he examines your documents. Dipping his quill into his inkpot and writing in that large book. After writing in that large book he picks up your documents and examines them closely before bringing out a small wooden box from a lower shelf. The old man opens it and retrieves a small thumb sized stamp and tiny stick of wax. Melting the wax over a low burning candle, dripping onto your travel papers he presses the stamp into it. Blowing on it to cool it he slides it back over to you. As he goes about this process he continues talking, looking down at the task at hand. "There have been quite a few unexplained disappearances lately, the General has tightened security until we discover the cause. You're all set, have a nice day."

Akaro, by the time you reach the front of the line you've been waiting for about twenty minutes, in that time you've had more than one person look at you, then look away and pretend they were looking at something else. Several whispers between the guards stationed around the checkpoint and those still waiting for admittance. Finally when the elf at the front of the line is done the old man manning the checkpoint's booth calls "Next"

2014-10-15, 09:30 PM
Sheathing his weapon in one fluid stroke, Akaro marches up to the table. The staring and whispering hardly bothered him, it seemed to be the favourite past time in this land. "Akaro Mio. I'm here to see Jherto Valsk."

"The city's atmosphere seems tense. How many have gone missing?" he added.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-16, 03:30 PM
Sheathing his weapon in one fluid stroke, Akaro marches up to the table. The staring and whispering hardly bothered him, it seemed to be the favourite past time in this land. "Akaro Mio. I'm here to see Jherto Valsk."

"The city's atmosphere seems tense. How many have gone missing?" he added.

When you walk up to the table the old scribe quirks an eye at you before returning to his writing. "I believe it was a little over ten missing last I heard." Shortly after he slides your papers back to you. Looking up at you he places his hands on his desk in front of him and says "It may not be the best time for someone of your persuasion to be walking the streets. There are good people here but when things like this happen everyone looks for someone to blame. Best take care of yourself sir."

Inside the City

At this point you have all made your way inside the city. Where are you going first?

2014-10-16, 04:43 PM
Abaddon made for the nearest inn he could see, as that seemed like the best thing to do at the time.

I don't like doing this in IC, but I already posted about this

2014-10-16, 05:44 PM
"I'm here to find information on the missing people. I've got a contact in the city who might be able to point me in the right direction, Wanna stick together? since it seems we're both here for generally the same reason? Safety in numbers and all, and besides, it looks like you need some muscle around." He winks cheekily at her when he finishes speaking. He's glad he ran into her, she's good company.

Looking at Jenks with wide eyes, Zilphira answer with emotion in her voice.

" Whooooow you are here for the mysterious disparition too Mister J? That's awesome! I'll gladdy sitck with you! You are right, i might need some muscle, but you will need my electric charm if you don't want to just hack'n slash your way in life."

She end with a wink and start walking.

" Let's fo see my friend first, i havent see him in years!"

I suppose in his letter Jonathan Haverford told me where to meet him, right?

2014-10-16, 10:20 PM
Akaro cackles in what could pass as a laugh. As they always do. Ah, would you mind directing me to Jherto's place. It's been quite a while since I've been here.

Akaro then heads along to Jherto's pawnshop.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-17, 04:43 AM
Abaddon made for the nearest inn he could see, as that seemed like the best thing to do at the time.

I don't like doing this in IC, but I already posted about this

((My mistake, I must have missed it))

Finding an inn is a fairly simple affair, the main streets of the city are lined with a number of colorful signs grabbing for your attention. Stopping at the first one that sounds like an inn you find yourself at The Weary Traveler. Stepping into the common room you see a very familiar affair, a middle-aged woman sits at a desk near the door with the guestbook open in front of her and a common room about half full. Most of those lounging at a table are travelers wearing clothing in the local style, but you do see a small handful of what must be off-duty guards, still in uniform. The woman behind the desk you assume can help you with a room is whispering softly to a fussy baby she's cradling in both arms.

Looking at Jenks with wide eyes, Zilphira answer with emotion in her voice.

" Whooooow you are here for the mysterious disparition too Mister J? That's awesome! I'll gladdy sitck with you! You are right, i might need some muscle, but you will need my electric charm if you don't want to just hack'n slash your way in life."

She end with a wink and start walking.

" Let's fo see my friend first, i havent see him in years!"

I suppose in his letter Jonathan Haverford told me where to meet him, right?

((He didn't explicitly say where to meet him but from your correspondence with him in the past you know that he's a priest of Nethys (though he doesn't openly practice anymore in the wake of the rebellion) and runs a small magic school here in town out of a small building on the west side.))

When finally you find Johnathan Haverford its past noon, you come upon his tiny schoolhouse just after the bells have stopped ringing and four children each carrying several dusty slates exit the small, unassuming building and head towards a well in the center of the street. Through the open windows you can see your old friend wiping down several chalkboards with a wet cloth.

Akaro cackles in what could pass as a laugh. As they always do. Ah, would you mind directing me to Jherto's place. It's been quite a while since I've been here.

Akaro then heads along to Jherto's pawnshop.

The old man shrugs and says "I'm sorry, I'm not sure who that is, you say it's on the west end though? Maybe one of the guards can help you." Moving along you ask the guards and they give you some general directions. "Old Jherto has some pretty cool stuff, a bit too pricey for me but they say its all real. That he used to be an adventurer." With the guards directions you quickly make your way across town to the pawnshop. Like before you get more than a few strange looks, mothers pull their gawking children out of your path, that sort of thing. But while the journey across town is tense, you reach the pawnshop unmolested. The pawnshop is of modest size, though it does look well off if the bright paint and wrought iron filigree are any indication. The large glass window covering most of the storefront has in bold yellow letters:

Jherto Valsk's Odds and Bobs
Buy, Sell, and Trade

2014-10-17, 12:55 PM
Akaro unslings the nodachi from his back before entering; he had gotten a fair bit of flak for splintering door frames before when he forgot about the blade's length. Pushing the door open with the other hand, he enters with the nodachi in hand. "You look like you've been doing pretty well for yourself, Jherto. Have the disappearances driven up the weapon sales ?" muses Akaro with what could pass for a wry smile on his avian features.

2014-10-17, 07:07 PM
You see a few young boys joking loudly and rough housing as they walk through the center of the street in your direction but as your wagon approaches they make way for you and wave politely before continuing on their way. As they pass you see an emblem of a small bird sewn onto their right shoulders.

As you move on you quickly see the sign for Bergman and Sons proudly displayed on the main road just a few blocks from the gate, just as the guard mentioned. Turning your wagon onto the side street you see a large two story warehouse with double sliding doors open,inside you see several wagons and carriages of different makes and models with a fair number of people coming and going. Adjacent to the large warehouse you see a smaller building with glass windows and an open door, the same Bergman and Sons sign hangs just above the door.

Tod will pull his wagon up to just outside the office then head in to inquire as to the cost to store his wagon in Bergman's warehouse.

2014-10-17, 07:22 PM
((My mistake, I must have missed it))

Finding an inn is a fairly simple affair, the main streets of the city are lined with a number of colorful signs grabbing for your attention. Stopping at the first one that sounds like an inn you find yourself at The Weary Traveler. Stepping into the common room you see a very familiar affair, a middle-aged woman sits at a desk near the door with the guestbook open in front of her and a common room about half full. Most of those lounging at a table are travelers wearing clothing in the local style, but you do see a small handful of what must be off-duty guards, still in uniform. The woman behind the desk you assume can help you with a room is whispering softly to a fussy baby she's cradling in both arms.

As Abaddon walked in, he found the whole deal quite like the inn back in his village in Numeria. He felt comforted by the reminder of home, but then somewhat saddened, as the chaos and destruction of the Numerian cities came back to him. He was still quite perplexed by the whole ordeal, as a city wouldn't just... disappear like that. He sat down at the bar, and asked for a mug of the bartender's strongest ale. Drinking at this time of the day seemed fantastic. As far as he knew, hangovers didn't occur if you drank early in the day... didn't they?

2014-10-18, 10:44 AM
Zilphyra run to the door of Jonathan Haverford's school and knock several time with joy. She's wink at Jenks and wait for the door to open, waiting to meet her friend with her most chaming smile.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-19, 07:14 AM
Akaro unslings the nodachi from his back before entering; he had gotten a fair bit of flak for splintering door frames before when he forgot about the blade's length. Pushing the door open with the other hand, he enters with the nodachi in hand. "You look like you've been doing pretty well for yourself, Jherto. Have the disappearances driven up the weapon sales ?" muses Akaro with what could pass for a wry smile on his avian features.

A little bell hung just above the door rings as you open it, you can see glasses wearing Jherto sitting at a stool behind the counter reading a book, you don't remember him having to use glasses the last time you saw him but it has been a bit and he is getting old. As he sees you he takes off the lenses and squints in your direction "...you look very familiar but your name escapes me...ah yes, Akaro. Well enough indeed, oddly enough though the disappearances have been troubling for business. The people that come in here mostly buy the odd curios and knickknacks that come through here when adventurers breeze through town. I don't think I've sold a weapon in almost three years.

Tod will pull his wagon up to just outside the office then head in to inquire as to the cost to store his wagon in Bergman's warehouse.

As you step inside you can see that the door is propped open by a little wooden triangle wedged underneath the door. Inside you can see that the office is actually fairly large, there is a large L shaped desk dividing the office's front area with that of the actual office space. There are several clerks in the office, most of them older ladies rushing about with stacks of papers but there is a young teenage boy manning the clerk's desk. A set of double doors on your left are also open, leading into the warehouse through which you can see many of the goings on. Several pairs of footmen lug fine chests from an elegant carriage, stacking them onto a dolly while several merchants dicker over the price of a shipment.

Looking around the office you can easily see a wooden plaque on which they've written out the rates for different types of storage and shipping. For a cart of your size its 5 copper pieces a day but if you decide to instead pay 1 silver piece a day they will also insure your wagon and its contents for its full value as determined by its assessment by the city ((the papers you got at the gate)).

As Abaddon walked in, he found the whole deal quite like the inn back in his village in Numeria. He felt comforted by the reminder of home, but then somewhat saddened, as the chaos and destruction of the Numerian cities came back to him. He was still quite perplexed by the whole ordeal, as a city wouldn't just... disappear like that. He sat down at the bar, and asked for a mug of the bartender's strongest ale. Drinking at this time of the day seemed fantastic. As far as he knew, hangovers didn't occur if you drank early in the day... didn't they?

The older bartender turns to you and says "Are you sure you want the best? That can get a bit pricey, I got it a number of years ago but aside from a finger to taste it myself and a few fool boys nobody has had much of it." You can see quite a few years in this man's face, as well as a striking resemblance to the woman at the desk.

Zilphyra run to the door of Jonathan Haverford's school and knock several time with joy. She's wink at Jenks and wait for the door to open, waiting to meet her friend with her most chaming smile.

You can see Jonathan Haverford stop and sigh before saying "You know, if the door's open you don't need to knock---" but before he can finish his sentence he turns and sees you. Showing you a tired smile to answer your own. "Well, I've always been a fan of stating the obvious, 'It's been a while'." Dusting himself off you see him beckon for you to come in "Please, have a seat, can I get you anything? I made some coffee earlier but I'm sure its stale by now, maybe tea?"

2014-10-19, 09:05 AM
" It's been waaaay more than a while Jon!"

She jump on a chair as she talk.

" Tea would be great! Coffee usualy don't do well on me. This is my friend Jenks! He is investagating the missing persons too! But first, how have you been? You run a magic school now? That's so great!"

Zilphyra's face is light up and she's smilling to no end.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-19, 08:30 PM
" It's been waaaay more than a while Jon!"

She jump on a chair as she talk.

" Tea would be great! Coffee usualy don't do well on me. This is my friend Jenks! He is investagating the missing persons too! But first, how have you been? You run a magic school now? That's so great!"

Zilphyra's face is light up and she's smilling to no end.

Jon takes out a set of slightly chipped tea cups and pours you, Jenks and himself a cup. As you begin speaking with him you note that his Taldan accent has all but disappeared, though you can still hear a faint touch of it when he rolls his R's "Well, I had this brilliant idea to begin educating the next generation in the proper use of magic but teaching was a lot more work than I thought it'd be. You wouldn't believe how much my fundamentals have improved though. Many of the master's lessons make so much more sense after several years experience."

Taking another sip he sets down his cup and says "Well then, enough reminiscing about the past, if you're here I assume you got my letter?"

2014-10-19, 09:43 PM
The older bartender turns to you and says "Are you sure you want the best? That can get a bit pricey, I got it a number of years ago but aside from a finger to taste it myself and a few fool boys nobody has had much of it." You can see quite a few years in this man's face, as well as a striking resemblance to the woman at the desk.

Abaddon rested his left arm on the bar, and leaned onto it, as he was sitting, and spoke again "Well, my good sir, when a man truly must drink to enjoy, or to forget, he must have the very best, and if he cannot, he must strive to be able to. It is one's true purpose as man, to enjoy ale, regardless of race or gender. I do not claim to be a rich man, but I can afford this much. Hopefully." He grinned as he said so, giving an aura of intense friendliness. One also got the idea he had every clue about what he was speaking.

He didn't. Every "man" statement was bull**** he came up with on the spot to sound fantastic.

2014-10-20, 10:15 AM
Taking another sip he sets down his cup and says "Well then, enough reminiscing about the past, if you're here I assume you got my letter?"

Zilphyra drink the tea sip by sip while listening to her old friend. When he ask about the letter, she become serious, something really unusual for her.

" Yes I got it. But you will have to givee more details, I'm not sure I follow everyting."

She was calm and focus. This topic was a serious one and Zilphyra could not afford to be joking when people where disapearing.

2014-10-20, 12:39 PM
Akaro walks deeper into the shop and leans the nodachi against a corner of the shop. Sitting onto the countertop with a small hop, Akaro cradles his beak with one hand. "Funny, one would think a city ruled by a general would be more.. militant minded. So what's the low-down on the disappearances ? They look like they're ready to impose martial law any moment now."

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-20, 10:32 PM
Abaddon rested his left arm on the bar, and leaned onto it, as he was sitting, and spoke again "Well, my good sir, when a man truly must drink to enjoy, or to forget, he must have the very best, and if he cannot, he must strive to be able to. It is one's true purpose as man, to enjoy ale, regardless of race or gender. I do not claim to be a rich man, but I can afford this much. Hopefully." He grinned as he said so, giving an aura of intense friendliness. One also got the idea he had every clue about what he was speaking.

He didn't. Every "man" statement was bull**** he came up with on the spot to sound fantastic.

"Very well" Disapearing behind the high counter you hear the squeaking of a hinge and the clinking of glasses as they rattle against each other. Reappearing the bartender places a dark brown glass bottle covered in a thick, blocky script. "Its a gold a shot or fifty for the bottle".

The text reads "Longbeard Lambic"

Zilphyra drink the tea sip by sip while listening to her old friend. When he ask about the letter, she become serious, something really unusual for her.

" Yes I got it. But you will have to givee more details, I'm not sure I follow everyting."

She was calm and focus. This topic was a serious one and Zilphyra could not afford to be joking when people where disapearing.

As you continue conversing Jonathan's students return from cleaning their slates, turning up to them he says "Afternoon class is canceled, make sure to go home and read Aram Zey's guide to the examination of magical auras, I expect a one page summary on Master Zey's recommended methods for identifying a specific school of magic on my desk tomorrow morning." Amid some groaning the students gather up their belongings and excuse themselves.

After the students are all gone Jon places his glass on its little accompanying saucer, stands up and steps into a back room. Returning with a severe look and a small wooden box about the size of a softball he places it down on the table in front of you. "This is a sample of clothing from one of the victims that was found by the town guard down near the eastern gate. All of the samples we've found so far containing this unidentifiable aura have been fairly weak right? Well take a look at this." Saying that he opens the small box which, as the lid opens you can see is lead lined.

Akaro walks deeper into the shop and leans the nodachi against a corner of the shop. Sitting onto the countertop with a small hop, Akaro cradles his beak with one hand. "Funny, one would think a city ruled by a general would be more.. militant minded. So what's the low-down on the disappearances ? They look like they're ready to impose martial law any moment now."

Jherto stands up and walks to the door, flipping the open side to closed and locks the door. He proceeds to shutter the windows and lower the shades. After making sure the room is completely sealed he walks back to the counter until he finds his seat and says "It may seem a bit odd but it starts making sense when you hear some of the details. Theres something really strange about these disappearances, the first few were the ones you'd expect, a couple beggars missing from their usual perches, a few working girls missing from the local brothels, people no one usually pays much mind to when they disappear." Jherto leans back into his seat and crosses his hands, resting them against his chest before he continues. "The next ones...that's where things get spooky. A guard from his post, a merchant behind double locked doors, and even Brog Fireaxe, a former adventurer that settled down in the city is missing. These people didn't seem like the type to quiet into the night if you get my meaning. Whats more a couple weeks ago some bodies from those that first missing started to turn up dead, and not only dead, covered in this strange magic aura that no one can identify." Leaning forward Jherto says very seriously "The city has been able to keep most of the details under wraps so far but that wont last much longer, not with the bodies starting to pile up. You may want to stay away from his one Akaro, this whole situation smells like a whole load of trouble."

2014-10-20, 10:56 PM
A bit disturbed by Jon severe look, Zilphyra look at Jenks for a second to seek comfort. Then, she shake her head quickly and whisper to herself:

" Ok Zilph, let's do this."

She make some hand gestures while reciting an incantation in auran.

I cast detect magic.

2014-10-20, 11:10 PM
Abaddon looked at the door, then back to the bartender, as he returned to the bar with a bottle of ale, except that it looked absolutely and deliciously ancient. He could afford that much even if hit was suspiciously expensive.

"Four shots, and if you'd like to indulge, one for yourself, on me. Another shot for the poorest fellow you see in this bar. Might buy even more should I find it particularly fantastic. But after that, I must take my leave."

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-21, 01:05 AM
A bit disturbed by Jon severe look, Zilphyra look at Jenks for a second to seek comfort. Then, she shake her head quickly and whisper to herself:

" Ok Zilph, let's do this."

She make some hand gestures while reciting an incantation in auran.

I cast detect magic.

When Jon opens the box you see what appears to be a long metal sliver. The thing that has been consistent about every sample of this aura that you've been able to examine in the past they've been weak and have lasted much longer than any other type of aura you've seen before which makes what you find all the more surprising. You see the now familiar aura permeating the metal though you almost fall out of your seat when you see how strong it is.

Abaddon looked at the door, then back to the bartender, as he returned to the bar with a bottle of ale, except that it looked absolutely and deliciously ancient. He could afford that much even if hit was suspiciously expensive.

"Four shots, and if you'd like to indulge, one for yourself, on me. Another shot for the poorest fellow you see in this bar. Might buy even more should I find it particularly fantastic. But after that, I must take my leave."

"Thats very generous, I think I'll take you up on that offer." He takes out six glasses, places four in front of you, one in front of himself and another for the elderly bearded gentleman dressed very plainly at the end of the bar that you for some reason didn't notice until now. He raises the shot glass to you as a salute and drinks it down. Returning to in front of you he fills your glasses and finally, his own. When you drink the first shot you can quite literally feel the last few weeks on the road just seep out of you.

This drink is producing a magical effect, reducing your fatigue.
You've heard of this kind of drink before, they're Dwarven Magical Ales, alcoholic beverages with potent magical benefits. The recipes for which are jealously guarded by Master Brewers.

2014-10-21, 01:35 PM
"Nay, I've traveled a wee bit too far to turn back now. A big case like this one could pay out pretty well. Magic ain't quite my thing but when you mentioned weird magic, did you mean some fancy new spell they don't teach in the tower of wizards or something, or some new category that no one's seen before? Who's doing the identifying for the authorities anyway ?"

2014-10-21, 04:16 PM
" Whoa!! "

Zilphyra was stunned by the power of the magical aura of the little piece of metal. But she try to stay focused on her detection. Maybe she could learn a bit more.

Zilphyra try to keep her concentration for the second ans third round.

After that, she look up to Jonathan.

"Any idea what is that thing? Or where it come from?"

2014-10-21, 04:30 PM
Abaddon downed the drinks as quickly as he possibly could, and at the end, felt rejuvenated, even more so than the usual warmth of alcohol in his chest. Which seemed.... odd. He recognized it as magical, which seemed even odder. Perhaps he'd come back, and get the whole bottle some time.

He reached into his back pack, and pulled out a few coins, and slapped them on the table. But then, before he decided to leave, he asked the bartender, " Keep the change... Say, what's with the security around the place? I'm not quite sure whats going on around here, although I get a feeling I ought to know more about whats going on."

Arcana check


6 gp+ [roll1] lost

2014-10-21, 05:08 PM
Jenks sips quietly, letting the casters speak. He has no idea what they are talking about. He could never fully wrap his head around actually using magic himself. He tried to learn a cantrip once from a wizard he traveled with, but he couldn't quite get it down and cast it. After that attempt he held a new respect for spellcasters, it is much harder than it looks.

The swordsman is very glad he decided to tag along with the little sorceress. This information could help him immensely with his search for the disappeared, and who knows, maybe the information he gets from Vask will help her too.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-21, 07:46 PM
"Nay, I've traveled a wee bit too far to turn back now. A big case like this one could pay out pretty well. Magic ain't quite my thing but when you mentioned weird magic, did you mean some fancy new spell they don't teach in the tower of wizards or something, or some new category that no one's seen before? Who's doing the identifying for the authorities anyway ?"

Jherto rubs his stubble on his chin and says "I'm not sure about the magic stuff myself, I trusted Blackwell with that back in the day. I only know that the General's staff couldn't do anything with it so they sent it off to a couple of the more knowledgeable mages in town. One of them went off to some magic school in varisia to research, the other is still in town. Jonathan Haverford, he runs some sort of magic school on the west side."

" Whoa!! "

Zilphyra was stunned by the power of the magical aura of the little piece of metal. But she try to stay focused on her detection. Maybe she could learn a bit more.

Zilphyra try to keep her concentration for the second ans third round.

After that, she look up to Jonathan.

"Any idea what is that thing? Or where it come from?"

((Its not of any school that you recognize, though it has a Strong aura and no magical properties that you can discern))

As he closes the box you see the glow through your magical senses cut off and eventually dissipate. "This was found lodged in the second body, one of the city's investigators said that it was a piece of a blade of some sort that broke off. Beyond that they couldn't say, truthfully I haven't been able to provide the guard with much, the aura as you see it is the same strength as when it was brought to me two weeks ago. Other than not being able to identify it, it seems to react as a normal aura to detection spells and materials, lead for example."

Abaddon downed the drinks as quickly as he possibly could, and at the end, felt rejuvenated, even more so than the usual warmth of alcohol in his chest. Which seemed.... odd. He recognized it as magical, which seemed even odder. Perhaps he'd come back, and get the whole bottle some time.

He reached into his back pack, and pulled out a few coins, and slapped them on the table. But then, before he decided to leave, he asked the bartender, " Keep the change... Say, what's with the security around the place? I'm not quite sure whats going on around here, although I get a feeling I ought to know more about whats going on."

Arcana check


6 gp+ [roll1] lost

The Bartender recorks the bottle and stows it beneath the bar, you hear that same squeaky hinge and a soft thump "Oh, you haven't heard? There have been a number of disappearances as of late and some of them have turned up dead."

2014-10-21, 08:54 PM
Abaddon got right back into his seat, from the edge, where he'd been. He leaned forwards, and put his hand on the bar, showing interest. "Disappearances, you say? Mind telling me any more? Might be important for me to know, since I'm gonna get some work here."

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-22, 12:39 AM
Abaddon got right back into his seat, from the edge, where he'd been. He leaned forwards, and put his hand on the bar, showing interest. "Disappearances, you say? Mind telling me any more? Might be important for me to know, since I'm gonna get some work here."

"Well I don't know much, just what I hear from those passing through but some people have gone missing these last few months, most of them from east side. Vagrants mostly, though the guard seems to have the matter in hand." he says as he nods to the off duty guardsmen who raise their mugs in acknowledgement. "We haven't heard of anyone else come up missing since they found the body of that working girl, gods rest her soul"

2014-10-22, 04:15 AM
Akaro takes a moment to think over and try to commit to memory the information Jherto mentioned before speaking up again. "Hm... Let's wind it back a notch," he started with a twirl of a talon. "Before the crazy magic bit. The bodies started turning up, eh ? Do you think the General's people will allow private investigation of the sites ? What about the bodies too? Any rumours about the state of the corpses ?"

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-22, 04:32 AM
Akaro takes a moment to think over and try to commit to memory the information Jherto mentioned before speaking up again. "Hm... Let's wind it back a notch," he started with a twirl of a talon. "Before the crazy magic bit. The bodies started turning up, eh ? Do you think the General's people will allow private investigation of the sites ? What about the bodies too? Any rumours about the state of the corpses ?"

"I'm not sure, most likely not. I'm not sure about the bodies, I didn't hear anything strange about those then again, I didn't ask. I've told you pretty much everything I know about the matter, if you want to keep looking I'd talk to the investigator assigned to the case, Raleus something."

2014-10-22, 07:35 AM
Akaro picks up his nodachi as he gets up and stretches a bit. "Well, time to get to work then. Time is money and all that. Haverford, was it? Say, want me to get you anything the next time I come around, old man?"

Leaving with a wave without looking back, Akaro heads for Haverford's school, asking for directions if necessary along the way.

2014-10-22, 08:36 AM
" Humm.... a fragmeny of a magical blade used on the victims 2 weeks ago. And it's still this strong. Have you tried any divination spell on it?"

She turn to face Jenks. Concern is visible on her usualy so happy face.

" Any idea Mister Jenks? Anything can help at this point.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-22, 04:47 PM
Akaro picks up his nodachi as he gets up and stretches a bit. "Well, time to get to work then. Time is money and all that. Haverford, was it? Say, want me to get you anything the next time I come around, old man?"

Leaving with a wave without looking back, Akaro heads for Haverford's school, asking for directions if necessary along the way.

He waves you off and says "Bah, I'm fine. Just take care of yourself."

" Humm.... a fragmeny of a magical blade used on the victims 2 weeks ago. And it's still this strong. Have you tried any divination spell on it?"

She turn to face Jenks. Concern is visible on her usualy so happy face.

" Any idea Mister Jenks? Anything can help at this point.

He leans back in his chair frowning and crosses his arms "Divination was never my forte, aside from a few rudimentary detection spells I never put much stock in it and at this point I've exhausted my repertoire."

2014-10-22, 04:55 PM
"Well I don't know much, just what I hear from those passing through but some people have gone missing these last few months, most of them from east side. Vagrants mostly, though the guard seems to have the matter in hand." he says as he nods to the off duty guardsmen who raise their mugs in acknowledgement. "We haven't heard of anyone else come up missing since they found the body of that working girl, gods rest her soul"

Abaddon frowned, and put his hand to the small beard he had growing at his chin, and gave it a small stroke, and became furiously went through much thought before he answered the bartender. "Hmm, this is certainly disturbing. Thanks for your help. I'll have to get down to work, but I'll also try my best to look into this. And never forget the name, it's Abaddon. It might come back to your ears at some point."

With that, he rose from the chair, and began to leave the bar, with the intention of finally heading for his contact, and get down to work, although the new info he'd just learned weighed in heavily on him and his thoughts.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-22, 05:30 PM
Abaddon frowned, and put his hand to the small beard he had growing at his chin, and gave it a small stroke, and became furiously went through much thought before he answered the bartender. "Hmm, this is certainly disturbing. Thanks for your help. I'll have to get down to work, but I'll also try my best to look into this. And never forget the name, it's Abaddon. It might come back to your ears at some point."

With that, he rose from the chair, and began to leave the bar, with the intention of finally heading for his contact, and get down to work, although the new info he'd just learned weighed in heavily on him and his thoughts.

The bartender nods to you as you begin to leave. Leaving the inn you see that the middle-aged woman that was previously sitting at the front desk is now absent with a little notecard sitting on the desk that reads "Back in 15 minutes" Stepping outside the world seems too bright for a second as your eyes adjust to the daylight. Looking around you begin to make your way in the general direction you believe Jherto Valsk's pawnshop to be in. Mostly you're able to find your way there without too much trouble, having to ask your way along a few times when you lose track of where you are. As you reach the pawnshop you're greeted by a modestly sized but well decorated and taken care of shop with glass windows. On the big window you see the words:

Jherto Valsk's Odds and Bobs
Buy, Sell, and Trade

As you approach the door you can see that the blinds and shutters are closed, right before you reach the door a birdlike person steps out of the shop. A crow like humanoid with black feathers and red eyes wearing ankle length grey-blue pants and a light brown sleeveless shirt with a large sword in hand. The somewhat suspicious circumstances make you think about reaching for your weapon but a heartbeat later you see Jherto standing behind him, seeing him off.

((To Both Akaro and Abaddon, both you know Jherto but I'll leave it up to both of you whether or not you know each other.))

2014-10-22, 06:47 PM
Aedan sighs quietly top himself and heads back to Jonathans shop. Bursting through the door in a much better mood then he had been when he entered the city originally. "Right. No jobs from that client ever again Jon. And unless you've got anything that needs looking into right about now, I'll be out on the town as soon as I can drop my pack up in my room. You have about a minute and a half to convince me. Go."

I don't really have time for much more detail. Hopefully this will give you the opportunity for a meetup with the rest of the party Mr. Tumnus

2014-10-22, 09:26 PM
" Humm.... a fragmeny of a magical blade used on the victims 2 weeks ago. And it's still this strong. Have you tried any divination spell on it?"

She turn to face Jenks. Concern is visible on her usualy so happy face.

" Any idea Mister Jenks? Anything can help at this point.

The swordsman shakes his head and frowns with a pensive look on his face. "No, I am not familiar with magic beyond the most utterly basic. Have you checked with a blacksmith or someone who works with metals to see if they can identify the material its made out of?"

2014-10-23, 10:28 AM
"Well, what do you know, speak of the devil and he shall appear." Akaro grabs Abaddon by the shoulder and pushes him along. "I could use a magic user right now. You're probably here for all the evaporating people anyway, aren't you. I'll fill you in along the way."

2014-10-23, 12:43 PM
"No, I am not familiar with magic beyond the most utterly basic. Have you checked with a blacksmith or someone who works with metals to see if they can identify the material its made out of?"

Zilphyra smile to Jenks.

"Good thinking Mister J! Maybe it's a sort of skymetal? Or something even more mysterious! This is exciting! Not the missing persons of course, but all this mysterious magic!"

2014-10-23, 04:36 PM
It took Abaddon a bit of prodding around in his mind to remember who the feathered person, who was speaking to him as if he knew him, was, but managed to recall the fellow's name. His eyebrows shot up into his forehead, and his eyes widened in recognition. "Aha, Akaro, you feathered bugger, I didn't quite realize you'd be messing around in here. Ah, there's Jherto! Now, what's this all about?"

He walked right into the pawnshop, and nodded his head at Jherto, before taking his place at a wall, leaning against it to give himself some support.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-23, 04:39 PM
Aedan sighs quietly top himself and heads back to Jonathans shop. Bursting through the door in a much better mood then he had been when he entered the city originally. "Right. No jobs from that client ever again Jon. And unless you've got anything that needs looking into right about now, I'll be out on the town as soon as I can drop my pack up in my room. You have about a minute and a half to convince me. Go."

I don't really have time for much more detail. Hopefully this will give you the opportunity for a meetup with the rest of the party Mr. Tumnus

((I think theres some confusion, Jonathan Haverford is the teacher of a small magic school. Jherto Valsk is the former adventurer and owner of a small pawnshop. Jonathan doesn't give out jobs, he teaches magic. He may have tutored you off and on in private lessons, as I described in my earlier post those that go here are mostly kids barely into their teens.))

It took Abaddon a bit of prodding around in his mind to remember who the feathered person, who was speaking to him as if he knew him, was, but managed to recall the fellow's name. His eyebrows shot up into his forehead, and his eyes widened in recognition. "Aha, Akaro, you feathered bugger, I didn't quite realize you'd be messing around in here. Ah, there's Jherto! Now, what's this all about?"

He walked right into the pawnshop, and nodded his head at Jherto, before taking his place at a wall, leaning against it to give himself some support.

"Just business, Akaro here came asking about some problems we're having in town."

2014-10-23, 04:41 PM
((I think theres some confusion, Jonathan Haverford is the teacher of a small magic school. Jherto Valsk is the former adventurer and owner of a small pawnshop. Jonathan doesn't give out jobs, he teaches magic. He may have tutored you off and on in private lessons as described in my earlier post those that go here are mostly kids barely into their teens.))
I've got that one. Aedan is speaking more or less rhetorically, as in "Dude, this sucked. Never doing that again."

2014-10-23, 04:50 PM
((I think theres some confusion, Jonathan Haverford is the teacher of a small magic school. Jherto Valsk is the former adventurer and owner of a small pawnshop. Jonathan doesn't give out jobs, he teaches magic. He may have tutored you off and on in private lessons as described in my earlier post those that go here are mostly kids barely into their teens.))

"Just business, Akaro here came asking about some problems we're having in town."

Abaddon looked at Jherto, and mouthed "Aha.", before getting away from the wall and coming closer to Jherto. "Well, there is that, but I'm here for some work, as well. Although from what I've heard, those disappearances seem worth looking into, for me. Also, Akaro, whaddya need my arcane taaaaaaaalent foooooooooor?" he said, and drew out the last part of the sentence.

2014-10-23, 05:40 PM

Candrid walks towards Avendale, looking at all the people trying to gain entry. Merchants, farmers, poor, rich, meek and loud. All these people struggling with this simple task with the moment lost on them. He looks at the emotions on their faces: boredom, anger, hunger, frustration, excitement, love and hate. All there to see.

Candrid stands out among the crowd in his bright southern garb and waits patently in line.

2014-10-24, 09:32 AM
Abaddon looked at Jherto, and mouthed "Aha.", before getting away from the wall and coming closer to Jherto. "Well, there is that, but I'm here for some work, as well. Although from what I've heard, those disappearances seem worth looking into, for me. Also, Akaro, whaddya need my arcane taaaaaaaalent foooooooooor?" he said, and drew out the last part of the sentence.

"That's exactly what every bounty hunter worth a pinch of salt is looking into in this city at the moment, I would think. Something of this scale is bound to have a sizable reward. The usual split if you're up for it." Akaro says as he taps his talon on the sansetsukon impatiently again. "Don't make the old man repeat everything for goodness's sake. Like I said, I'll fill you in along the way. Someone else could be getting a leg up on us as we speak. We'll see how much that 'taaaaaaaalent' of yours is worth in a moment."

2014-10-24, 05:45 PM
"That's exactly what every bounty hunter worth a pinch of salt is looking into in this city at the moment, I would think. Something of this scale is bound to have a sizable reward. The usual split if you're up for it." Akaro says as he taps his talon on the sansetsukon impatiently again. "Don't make the old man repeat everything for goodness's sake. Like I said, I'll fill you in along the way. Someone else could be getting a leg up on us as we speak. We'll see how much that 'taaaaaaaalent' of yours is worth in a moment."

"I'm guessing we're here for the same job then? Well, I suppose we might as well work together, and get this done. Maybe I get to finally use you as a mount to fight any other buggers who fly. You up to put up with me again?" Abaddon said, jokingly, as he poked the feathery man with the back hilt of his sword, which still hung from his back. He looked over to the old man running the shop, and said "Well, no need for you to bring me in with any sort of exposition, or anything. I'll just go with what my feathered friend says, and try to figure out whatever mess I've been contracted to deal with."

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-24, 10:41 PM
Aedan sighs quietly top himself and heads back to Jonathans shop. Bursting through the door in a much better mood then he had been when he entered the city originally. "Right. No jobs from that client ever again Jon. And unless you've got anything that needs looking into right about now, I'll be out on the town as soon as I can drop my pack up in my room. You have about a minute and a half to convince me. Go."

I don't really have time for much more detail. Hopefully this will give you the opportunity for a meetup with the rest of the party Mr. Tumnus

Zilphyra and Jenks, as you're discussing this new revelation a tall elf bursts into the schoolhouse and proceeds to talk at Jon very loudly. You see Jon quite taken aback and when the elf finishes his tirade Jon says "Ummmm....don't go? I don't know what you want me to say Aedan."


Candrid walks towards Avendale, looking at all the people trying to gain entry. Merchants, farmers, poor, rich, meek and loud. All these people struggling with this simple task with the moment lost on them. He looks at the emotions on their faces: boredom, anger, hunger, frustration, excitement, love and hate. All there to see.

Candrid stands out among the crowd in his bright southern garb and waits patently in line.

When you finally reach the city's checkpoint you see that its mostly deserted, though from the look of the surrounding area, quite a few people have passed through here recently. As you step up to the booth which handles entrance into the city you see an overly enthusiastic young man wave to you from behind the desk. "Hello! How are you doing today? If you're looking to enter the city I'll need your name and reasons for visiting."

"I'm guessing we're here for the same job then? Well, I suppose we might as well work together, and get this done. Maybe I get to finally use you as a mount to fight any other buggers who fly. You up to put up with me again?" Abaddon said, jokingly, as he poked the feathery man with the back hilt of his sword, which still hung from his back. He looked over to the old man running the shop, and said "Well, no need for you to bring me in with any sort of exposition, or anything. I'll just go with what my feathered friend says, and try to figure out whatever mess I've been contracted to deal with."

"That's exactly what every bounty hunter worth a pinch of salt is looking into in this city at the moment, I would think. Something of this scale is bound to have a sizable reward. The usual split if you're up for it." Akaro says as he taps his talon on the sansetsukon impatiently again. "Don't make the old man repeat everything for goodness's sake. Like I said, I'll fill you in along the way. Someone else could be getting a leg up on us as we speak. We'll see how much that 'taaaaaaaalent' of yours is worth in a moment."

Akaro and Abaddon, as you stand there and talk in his doorstep Jherto sighs and says "Good Luck" As he turns his back and the door closes both of you can hear him whisper "I'm getting too old for this..."

2014-10-24, 11:17 PM

Candrid bows. "I am Candrid, a humble servant of Sarenrae. I am here to meet Jonathan Haverford."

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-25, 01:05 AM

Candrid bows. "I am Candrid, a humble servant of Sarenrae. I am here to meet Jonathan Haverford."

You see the official's smile turn into a frown as he says "Oh....Before you enter the city, please be aware that while we tolerate individuals belonging to a faith within the city walls, attempting to spread your church's beliefs is an offense punishable by death."

2014-10-25, 04:49 AM
Akaro sighs as he slings the nodachi. "Onwards to Haverford's then. The gist of it is people are vanishing, even those who should be combat trained and armed. Some corpses have appeared and they're smeared in some type of weird magic no one recognises. That's where you come in."

2014-10-25, 05:54 AM
You see the official's smile turn into a frown as he says "Oh....Before you enter the city, please be aware that while we tolerate individuals belonging to a faith within the city walls, attempting to spread your church's beliefs is an offense punishable by death."


Candrid smiles. "Thank you for the warning my friend. I am here to investigate the strange occurrences not to spread the word of the Dawn Flower."

2014-10-25, 08:49 AM
Zilphyra look at the new comer with a frown face, then go back to her old friend.

" Where were we? So about the metal piece, did you check the origin of the metal like Jenks ask?"

2014-10-25, 11:27 AM
Akaro sighs as he slings the nodachi. "Onwards to Haverford's then. The gist of it is people are vanishing, even those who should be combat trained and armed. Some corpses have appeared and they're smeared in some type of weird magic no one recognises. That's where you come in."

Abaddon walked out of the house, along with Akaro, and began to think over the info he'd been given.
"Yeah, I see what you'd need me for. I heard about the disappearances in an inn, while I was busy getting a drink. It was very good drink, but that's not the point. Strange magic, eh?"

He followed Akaro, as he led the way to Haverford. Whoever that was.

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-28, 04:56 AM

Candrid smiles. "Thank you for the warning my friend. I am here to investigate the strange occurrences not to spread the word of the Dawn Flower."

His cheeriness returns as he replies "Certainly!" Finishing your paperwork he slides it over to you and says "Please enjoy your stay within the city."

Akaro and Abaddon, you set out in search of this Jonathan Haverford in the hopes that he might be able to shed some light on the situation and perhaps bring you closer to finding those people who are still missing and the person or persons responsible. It takes you a while to locate the small school but as you've experienced in your short time here, the people of Avendale are very accommodating and you find it without too much fuss. What at first seems like a quiet little apartment looks incredibly busy upon closer inspection. As you approach you see three people sitting around a table with another standing with his back open to the open doorway.

Zilphyra, Jenks, and Aedan. In the midst of your conversation yet another distraction presents itself as you see two figures, a muscular shirtless man wearing a blue cloak and a black feathered bird person dressed in browns and grays approaching the shop intently.

2014-10-28, 05:15 PM
Abaddon simply steps right in, without too much of an invitation but the fact that he'd been noticed. "What's this, we already have other bounty hunters in town to look in to this? Well, too bad." He surveyed the fellows inside the room, and the single man caught his eye, as he seemed like the only fellow that would be Haverford, in this room. "Are you Haverford? We're here to look into the disappearances, and we heard you'd have a lead. If you're Haverford, of course."

Subtlety was already out the window.

2014-10-28, 05:34 PM
The halfling jump and stand up on her chair. Even there, she was not as tall as anyone in the room. She was angry, and it was easily see on her face.

" What's this? Is it impossible to discuss privatly in this town!??"

When she hear Abaddon talk about the disappearances, she calm herself and sit down.

" Ho you are there about that too? Words travel quickly around here. Well, the more the merrier!"

Now she was smiling, like she totaly forgot that she was mad less than 5 seconds ago.

2014-10-28, 10:12 PM
It seemed that another group had beaten them to the punch. Akaro briefly weighs the pros and cons of having a larger partnership before concluding that the decisive factor would be if there was another spellcaster in the group. It was always good to have a spare in case Abaddon kicked the bucket and having them double check each other would probably improve the accuracy of any magical deductions. Indeed we are, I presume that at least one of you is skilled in the magical arts as well?

2014-10-28, 10:18 PM
His cheeriness returns as he replies "Certainly!" Finishing your paperwork he slides it over to you and says "Please enjoy your stay within the city."


Taking the paperwork Candrid begins to head off, only to pause. "Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of Jonathan Haverford's magic school or temple?"

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-29, 06:06 AM
Zilphyra look at the new comer with a frown face, then go back to her old friend.

" Where were we? So about the metal piece, did you check the origin of the metal like Jenks ask?"

Jonathan glances at the people approaching but turns back to you and says "I wasn't sure I wanted to reveal the object, I've been trying to make discrete inquiry in order to avoid a panic but as of yet I don't know. Another friend of mine is returning to the city any day now, Ricard Brazio, he's an accomplished swordsman and dabbles in smithing."

Abaddon simply steps right in, without too much of an invitation but the fact that he'd been noticed. "What's this, we already have other bounty hunters in town to look in to this? Well, too bad." He surveyed the fellows inside the room, and the single man caught his eye, as he seemed like the only fellow that would be Haverford, in this room. "Are you Haverford? We're here to look into the disappearances, and we heard you'd have a lead. If you're Haverford, of course."

Subtlety was already out the window.

There is a quick flurry of conversation, when it seems as though he's addressed Jonathan starts talking but is quickly silenced by someone else. Finally when the conversation dies down he says "Yes...I'm Jonathan..." Zilphyra, Jonathan leans towards you and whispers in your ear ((Skya, you can read the spoiler without a roll)).

"At this point I've told you everything I know, I'll trust your discretion and leave it up to you exactly how much you want to share with these people."


Taking the paperwork Candrid begins to head off, only to pause. "Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of Jonathan Haverford's magic school or temple?"

"I'm sorry, I can't say I'm familiar with it. Though I'm sure if you ask around you'll soon find your way." Exactly as the young man says you ask around and quickly learn that Jonathan Haverford runs a small magic school out of a house on the west side. As you cross the city you notice that there seems to be quite a few guards around, a bit strange considering how nice everyone's been.

((You'll arrive when you reply, the most recent reply will be what you hear when you get close.))

2014-10-29, 08:23 AM
Zilphyra wink and smile to Jonathan before adressing the newcomers. She start by answering to the bird-man.

" Indeed, my friend Jenks here is a potent magic user. Why do you want to know?"

When she hear Abaddon talk about bounty hunter, her smile disapear.

" Oh, you guys are bounty hunter? Why are you here?"

2014-10-29, 03:31 PM
Jenks grins at Zilphyra's comment and nods as if he is confirming her assertion, though his musclebound physique and large weapons may hint otherwise.

2014-10-29, 07:06 PM

Candrid opens the door and walks into the house/shop. He looks around at the group, bows and says "Hello, I am Candrid, a humble servant of Sarenrae. I hope I am in the right house. I am seeking Jonathan Haverford."

Mr Tumnus
2014-10-30, 04:10 AM

Candrid opens the door and walks into the house/shop. He looks around at the group, bows and says "Hello, I am Candrid, a humble servant of Sarenrae. I hope I am in the right house. I am seeking Jonathan Haverford."

Jonathan sighs as at yet another guest arrives and says "Yes...I seem to be quite popular today. You wouldn't happen to be looking into the disappearances also would you? If so maybe these kind people can help you. Perhaps if you'd all like to go somewhere and talk about this? Preferably not here?" he sounds exasperated.

2014-10-30, 04:31 AM
Jenks nods at Jonathan's suggestion, "I think that is for the best. Let us get out of your hair." He turns from Jonathan to the others. "Why don't we discuss the disappearances over a meal? We all need to eat, don't we?" Jenks grins, trying to be friendly to the new comers.

2014-10-30, 08:03 AM
The halfling lady jump down her chair.

"Yay! What a wonderful idea Mister J!"

2014-10-30, 11:04 AM
Akaro gives the others a quick once-over and strokes his beak thoughtfully. "Interesting. We have some information of our own as well. An exchange and partnership could certainly be arranged." Akaro then turns to Haverford, "As you wish, Mr Haverford. However, my partner would like to have a quick reading of the alleged mysterious magical aura associated with the disappearances, if you please. Mr Jenks here may be kind enough to lend magical assistance but it is always worth while to ... invest in redundancy in our line of business."

2014-10-30, 11:56 AM
Abaddon was quite willfully ignorant of the words that went between the two, and continued on the line of conversation, "Well, there is that, but I'm sure we won't need redundancy. Not like I'm going to die or anything. Hopefully. And I think I know where we should go for a meal. A very nice inn, where I had the best drink I've had in years. A gold piece a shot, but certainly worth it."

2014-10-30, 09:02 PM

"Sounds like I either just missed the party or arrived just in time. What missing people?"

2014-10-31, 12:48 PM
"People have been trying to keep quiet about it around here, but recently there have been a large number of disappearances from the roads around Touvette. From what I've heard, some bodies have shown up recently, but as far as I know, those are just rumors." Aedan shrugs to himself. He had initially joined up with Haverford to find out about the goings on in Numeria, and in all likely hood, this was connected. "Say, mind if I tag along? I just finished a job and had been hoping to start looking into the disappearances myself. What do you say?"

2014-10-31, 04:11 PM
"I'm fine with another tagging along. The more of us working together the safer we'll be while investigating. Who knows whats doing the abducting."

2014-10-31, 06:09 PM
" Ok! Let's go to this inn you are talking about, shirtless man."

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-01, 04:38 AM
((So I guess everyone just accompanies Abaddon? Don't be afraid to give me prompts out of character as well as in character.))

After Jonathan kindly requests that everyone discuss their dealings elsewhere you all follow Abaddon partway across town, those unfamiliar with Avendale quickly recognize several landmarks from your short stay here and realize that you're heading in the direction of the gate where you entered the city. As you move through the city streets in the afternoon you can see that there are quite a few more people out and about; people purchasing groceries from market stalls, tradesmen moving carts full of goods, and the now familiar sight of the city guards are some of the many people you see.

Abaddon, it takes you a little bit to find it again but soon enough you come upon The Weary Traveler. As you step inside you see that the common room has pretty much cleared out, the desk just inside the door is empty and theres no one behind the bar, though you can hear rustling and the clinking of glass on glass from the open doorway behind the bar.

For those that have never been here before The Weary Traveler has a very familiar layout, there is a desk just by the door where the innkeeper would most likely take room reservations, just past the desk to the left is the modestly sized common room, to the right theres a staircase. There are ten tables set up in the common room with three chairs to a table, though from the looks of it people sort of just push tables together and appropriate chairs from other tables as necessary. At the far end of the common room there is a bar that sits about eight people, behind the bar is another door.

2014-11-01, 09:47 AM

Candrid accompanies Abaddon taking in the town as he goes. He keeps his eyes open due to being with strange people in a strange town.

Perception [roll0]

2014-11-01, 12:34 PM
"No one's tending the place ? That's a step down from the typically meager service about these parts."

2014-11-01, 12:49 PM
Abbadon quizzically looked around, and whistled loudly. He then turned around, and spoke to the rest of the people following him "Well, this is weird. Nobody in here. I was here just a few minutes back."

He turned around, and spoke loudly enough for anyone inside to possibly hear him. "Hey, anyone home? Or did everyone get hammered without me?"

2014-11-01, 01:00 PM
The halfling walked in with a frown on her face.

" With how you talked about this place, i exepected more, shirtless man."

She walk further in and jump on a chair.

2014-11-01, 01:02 PM

Candrid glances around unaware of the earlier conversation. "Seems nice enough."

perception to see if anything is amiss[roll0]

2014-11-01, 01:20 PM
Abbadon quizzically looked around, and whistled loudly. He then turned around, and spoke to the rest of the people following him "Well, this is weird. Nobody in here. I was here just a few minutes back."

He turned around, and spoke loudly enough for anyone inside to possibly hear him. "Hey, anyone home? Or did everyone get hammered without me?"

"So you mean... sudden disappearances ?" Akaro nudges his nodachi barely out of its sheath with a single talon while the other hands hovers over the hilt. Edging forward in a low stance, he heads quietly towards the bar.

stealth [roll0]
perception [roll1]

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-03, 04:50 PM

Candrid accompanies Abaddon taking in the town as he goes. He keeps his eyes open due to being with strange people in a strange town.

Perception [roll0]

You find that as you travel across town a number of the townspeople sneak looks at you, though they quickly look away should your gaze turn in their direction. The guards however have no such discretion and openly scrutinize you.

Abbadon quizzically looked around, and whistled loudly. He then turned around, and spoke to the rest of the people following him "Well, this is weird. Nobody in here. I was here just a few minutes back."

He turned around, and spoke loudly enough for anyone inside to possibly hear him. "Hey, anyone home? Or did everyone get hammered without me?"

((It was actually closer to an hour that you were gone))

When you call out you hear a voice respond from the back "Just a second" after a moment that same bartender from before walks into the common room from the door behind the bar. "Sorry, we usually don't get anyone during the market hours."


Candrid glances around unaware of the earlier conversation. "Seems nice enough."

perception to see if anything is amiss[roll0]

You don't see anything amiss on the ground floor but you hear the very faint sounds of a crying baby and someone trying to soothe them coming from upstairs

Everyone. When the man who quite clearly appears to be a bartender walks out of the back room and pauses, you see him visibly nervous from the somewhat aggressive stances greeting him . "...Can I get you folks anything?" Abaddon, you see a flash of recognition in the bartender's eyes as he sees you "Oh, welcome back."

2014-11-03, 05:27 PM
Abbadon grinned widely, as he saw the bartender, and said " Hope I'm not disturbing, but I brought along more customers for you! It seems we're all looking into the matter of the disappearances, and so will likely use your bar as a sort of place to talk. Of course, I'll pay for all the expenses."

He looked over to his new found comrades in arms, and said "Here we are, then. Doesn't seem like any thing suspicious to me, so lets get into it, shall we?"

2014-11-04, 12:56 PM
Akaro lets out a sigh of relief when he sees that all was well. "You, sir, should really consider getting someone to tend the store front, even in the off peak hours. Looks a whole lot better and saves you potential trouble like this. Oh, and one cup of rice wine, if you have it."

He then plonks himself down on a chair at the nearest table. "Let's begin then. We're all here for to look into the disappearances. The number and spookiness of disappearances that have escalated quickly, from those who were prone to "disappearances" in typical times anyway to armed and experienced combatants, including ex-adventurers. More than 10 now, if I recall correctly. Even one behind locked doors, I believe."

"Allegedly strange magic appears to be the biggest link and lead to these disappearances at the moment," Akaro gestures at Jenks and Zilphyra "which I believe you have investigated more thoroughly ?"

2014-11-04, 07:20 PM
"Allegedly strange magic appears to be the biggest link and lead to these disappearances at the moment,"[/COLOR] Akaro gestures at Jenks and Zilphyra "which I believe you have investigated more thoroughly ?"

Zilphyra, already seated and oblivious to the strange scene that happened right before, answer to the tengu with a smile.

"We didn't learn much. My friend Haverford had a sliver of metal found on the body of a victim, probably the piece of a weapon that was used agains him or something like that. The strange thing is the magical aura. It's been weeks since the peice was found and the aura is still as strong as when it was found, and is still unidentifiable. You have more information about the disappearances themself if i understood correctly?"

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-04, 09:46 PM
Akaro lets out a sigh of relief when he sees that all was well. "You, sir, should really consider getting someone to tend the store front, even in the off peak hours. Looks a whole lot better and saves you potential trouble like this. Oh, and one cup of rice wine, if you have it."

"Usually my wife is at the front desk, she's a bit trying to put my grandson down for a nap" When he speaks you see he's a little on edge but as you talk you see him relax by degrees, becoming more comfortable around you.

"Oh, and one cup of rice wine, if you have it."

"Sorry, not sure what that is. We have ale, mead, some wine, the usual stuff. Maybe I should just bring you all a round of the house brew?"

2014-11-05, 05:07 AM
"Sorry, not sure what that is. We have ale, mead, some wine, the usual stuff. Maybe I should just bring you all a round of the house brew?"

Akaro sighs, "that will do, thank you."

Zilphyra, already seated and oblivious to the strange scene that happened right before, answer to the tengu with a smile.

"We didn't learn much. My friend Haverford had a sliver of metal found on the body of a victim, probably the piece of a weapon that was used agains him or something like that. The strange thing is the magical aura. It's been weeks since the peice was found and the aura is still as strong as when it was found, and is still unidentifiable. You have more information about the disappearances themself if i understood correctly?"

"As of now, the noteworthy disappearances are a city guard on duty, a merchant sequestered behind double locked doors and a certain ex-adventurer Brog Fireaxe. According to o' Jherto, the local authorities have sent the magic coated samples to two places for study: one was sent to Haverford and the other to Varisia.

The other possible lead would be to get more information from the assigned investigator, Raleus. Personally I wonder if whoever or whatever had left a trail behind with that persistant aura. Perhaps Raleus would be able to clue us in, unless one of you already know where the disappearances took place."

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-05, 05:18 AM
The middle aged bartender comes back with a tray full of frothy ale. He begins setting down mugs in front of everyone and then quietly retreats into the back room. When you take a sip you're pleasantly surprised when you discover its been chilled and has a faint taste of apples.

((Some of you have information on the location of the disappearances. Abaddon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18294750&postcount=58), Zilphyra and Jenks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18289063&postcount=48).))

2014-11-05, 05:36 AM
Jenks is sitting beside Zilphya. He nods to Akaro, "Jonathan mentioned a piece of cloth was found by a guard near the eastern gate. That seems like the best place to start figuring out whats going on, unless someone else has more information?" He looks around the table. Hopefully that's not all they have to go on. It's not much, but with this many people actively searching they have got to find something.

2014-11-06, 12:57 PM
Jenks is sitting beside Zilphya. He nods to Akaro, "Jonathan mentioned a piece of cloth was found by a guard near the eastern gate. That seems like the best place to start figuring out whats going on, unless someone else has more information?" He looks around the table. Hopefully that's not all they have to go on. It's not much, but with this many people actively searching they have got to find something.

"Oh yeah you are right Mister J! I totaly forgot about that. If no one else have any leads, we should start there."

2014-11-06, 01:22 PM

Candrid is pleasantly surprised by the taste of the ale. He nods in regards to Jenks comment. It seemed these people were on t something he was not specifically aware of. He would do all he could to assist them.

2014-11-06, 01:41 PM
Apples and excessive carbonation. An odd choice for a brew but not unpleasant. Doesn't have anything on good sake though. Maybe there's a good export market here waiting to be exploited Akaro thought as he took another swig of the ale.

"Oh yeah you are right Mister J! I totaly forgot about that. If no one else have any leads, we should start there."

"I have no objections."

2014-11-06, 04:17 PM
"Nor do I." Abaddon said, letting the rest of the people do all the thinking, as he sat on a chair, and spent time playing around with his blade. Although he gave the impression that he wasn't thinking of anything useful, he was contemplating the whole situation, although lacking the insight of the rest of the fellows.

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-07, 06:01 PM
((So you guys are going to go check out Jenks lead or are you still conversing?))

2014-11-07, 06:55 PM
Zilphyra jump down of her chair.

" Well gentlemen, if we have no other leads let's stop wasting time here. To the eastern gate we go!"

The halfling start heading out of the tavern, and in direction of the eastern gate.

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-07, 09:28 PM
So you guys settle the tab and Abaddon pays the six coppers for the drinks. You leave The Weary Traveler and cross town yet again. The streets near the center of town and along the main roads are packed, the foot traffic has slowed to a crawl and attendants walk ahead of wagons to clear a path through the thick crowds. Getting to the eastern gate takes almost twice as long as it did to get to the inn, despite that being a slightly shorter trip. By the time you arrive in the eastern district its well into the afternoon, though you have a few hours of good sunlight left.

Following the directions you vaguely recall from Jonathan and with the advice of the accommodating townsfolk you find the alleyway a couple blocks from the eastern gate where the body of a woman was found with that mysterious sliver of metal lodged in her body. Standing at the mouth of the alleyway its fairly easy to surmise where the body was, you see several bunches of slightly wilted posies, dandelions other cheap flowers.

2014-11-08, 05:05 PM
Once they get there, without a word to the other, Zilphyra start wispering in Auran as she do signs with her hands.

Casting detect magic

2014-11-09, 01:38 AM
Akaro looks around and announces "Alright, magical people. Flaunt your stuff! Let's see if we have any good clues here."

perception [roll0]

2014-11-09, 07:59 AM

Candrid prays quietly and then walks into the alley looking for clues.

Casts guidance on himself to improve his perception
Perception to find clues [roll0]

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-09, 05:06 PM
Once they get there, without a word to the other, Zilphyra start wispering in Auran as she do signs with her hands.

Casting detect magic

Zilphyra, glancing near the ground where the flowers have been lain you see traces of that same magical aura, though its much fainter than the object Jon presented to you. Again, you know that magical auras of this strength are supposed to dissipate rather quickly, oftentimes in less than a minute but this one is still here. As your senses focus you do notice something strange about the bouquet of posies, as your magical senses slowly come into focus you see that those flowers also have faint traces of this aura.

Akaro looks around and announces "Alright, magical people. Flaunt your stuff! Let's see if we have any good clues here."

perception [roll0]

While Avendale does keep things clean even they cannot keep random debris from piling up in random alleyways and even the most traveled ones you've seen today have been at least somewhat dirty. This one was swept clean recently.


Candrid prays quietly and then walks into the alley looking for clues.

Casts guidance on himself to improve his perception
Perception to find clues [roll0]

You notice what Akaro does but you also notice something else. As you investigate the alleyway you notice something shiny through a drainage grate in the alley's corner, perched precariously on a mound of filth you see a tiny piece of what looks like metal.

2014-11-09, 05:24 PM

Candrid moves towards the drainage grate. "Someone has cleaned the alley, but there is a piece of metal down here. I don't think I can get it without it falling."

"Let me see what I can see."
Again he gestures and prays.

Perception [roll0]

2014-11-10, 08:51 AM
The halfling crouch down and take the the bouquet of posies of the ground.

I try to if the posies are magical, or were they simply in contact with something magical?
Spellcraft check ( to identify if needed): [roll0]

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-10, 03:36 PM

Candrid moves towards the drainage grate. "Someone has cleaned the alley, but there is a piece of metal down here. I don't think I can get it without it falling."

"Let me see what I can see."
Again he gestures and prays.

Perception [roll0]

((Judging from the bonus of your previous roll I'm assuming thats without sift's -5 penalty to perception))

Extending your senses outward you focus on the small piece of metal balanced in the gutter. You can see that concealed beneath the dirt and grime the sharp jagged edge facing towards you narrows to a point, it looks like the broken tip of a narrow blade, a dagger, or rapier maybe.

The halfling crouch down and take the the bouquet of posies of the ground.

I try to if the posies are magical, or were they simply in contact with something magical?
Spellcraft check ( to identify if needed): [roll0]

The flowers themselves are not magical, it seems as though they came into contact with something or someone with that aura.

2014-11-10, 07:11 PM

"I think it is a weapon or part of a weapon. It could be a clue. Does anyone have some magic or something to carefully bring it up?"

I didn't realize there was a -5, sorry.

2014-11-10, 07:29 PM
" This bouquet of posies was in contact with the same magic that radiate from the sliver of metal that Haverford has. That's weird."

Hearing the request of Candrid, Zilphyra walk up to him.

" Sure, i'll see what i can do."

Perception to know if i see the object Candrid is talking about (if needed):

If i see it, i do the next part.

The halfling start talking in Auran while manquing gesture.

I cast mage hand, and try to move the item to land in my hand. 5 Lbs limit.

While giving telepathic command to the item and waiting for it to come to her, Zilphyra ask the man next to her while she has her eyes fix on the object:

" What's your name again? Cantrip or something like that? I don't mind you being here with us, but why are you investigating these disappearance?"

2014-11-10, 07:41 PM

Candrid bows slightly. "My name is Candrid. I am a humble servant of the Dawn Flower. I came to try and help people with the evils that have been arising."

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-11, 02:37 AM
" This bouquet of posies was in contact with the same magic that radiate from the sliver of metal that Haverford has. That's weird."

Hearing the request of Candrid, Zilphyra walk up to him.

" Sure, i'll see what i can do."

Perception to know if i see the object Candrid is talking about (if needed):

If i see it, i do the next part.

The halfling start talking in Auran while manquing gesture.

I cast mage hand, and try to move the item to land in my hand. 5 Lbs limit.

While giving telepathic command to the item and waiting for it to come to her, Zilphyra ask the man next to her while she has her eyes fix on the object:

" What's your name again? Cantrip or something like that? I don't mind you being here with us, but why are you investigating these disappearance?"

Once Candrid points it out to you its fairly easy to spot, using your minor telekinesis you're able to pry it out of the muck. As it levitates through the heavy metal grating you see that it's aura is as potent as the one shown to you by Jonathan Haverford.

2014-11-11, 06:48 AM
" This bouquet of posies was in contact with the same magic that radiate from the sliver of metal that Haverford has. That's weird."

"Hm.. Odd. Before we leap to conclusions, how does it compare to Haverford's sample ?"

2014-11-11, 08:20 AM
"Hm.. Odd. Before we leap to conclusions, how does it compare to Haverford's sample ?"

" The flowers themself are not magical. They were "tainted" by a strong and unknow magic. Maybe they grew somewhere where the ground has been modified by this magic, of maybe they have been in contact with that is responsible of these crimes.... i don't know."

Zilphyra lookat the newly acquired piece of metal from all angles.


" But this piece Candrid found... it's the same as the sample we saw at Haverford's."

She extend of arm and open her hand to anyone who want to check the piece for themself.

2014-11-11, 12:25 PM
" The flowers themself are not magical. They were "tainted" by a strong and unknow magic. Maybe they grew somewhere where the ground has been modified by this magic, of maybe they have been in contact with that is responsible of these crimes.... i don't know."

Zilphyra lookat the newly acquired piece of metal from all angles.


" But this piece Candrid found... it's the same as the sample we saw at Haverford's."

She extend of arm and open her hand to anyone who want to check the piece for themself.

"Intriguing. We have three samples of the same magical aura with one weaker than the other two. Does it seem like the aura is capable of ... staining the objects around it? How odd that they might be different in strength from each other.. Any speculations?"

2014-11-11, 12:44 PM
"Intriguing. We have three samples of the same magical aura with one weaker than the other two. Does it seem like the aura is capable of ... staining the objects around it? How odd that they might be different in strength from each other.. Any speculations?"

" Not that I can think of right now. Maybe we could try to find where these popsie come from? That could give us some clues."

That behind said, Zilphyra try concentrate on the piece of metal for one last time.

Recasting detect magic if needed.
Spellcraft to identify if I can : [roll0]

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-11, 05:20 PM
" The flowers themself are not magical. They were "tainted" by a strong and unknow magic. Maybe they grew somewhere where the ground has been modified by this magic, of maybe they have been in contact with that is responsible of these crimes.... i don't know."

Zilphyra lookat the newly acquired piece of metal from all angles.


" But this piece Candrid found... it's the same as the sample we saw at Haverford's."

She extend of arm and open her hand to anyone who want to check the piece for themself.

" Not that I can think of right now. Maybe we could try to find where these popsie come from? That could give us some clues."

That behind said, Zilphyra try concentrate on the piece of metal for one last time.

Recasting detect magic if needed.
Spellcraft to identify if I can : [roll0]

You're able to confirm that Candrid's assumption was correct and it does indeed appear to be the broken tip of a weapon but the truth behind this aura remains unclear to you.

2014-11-11, 05:29 PM
Abaddon walked up from behind them, having obviously overheard the conversation that had happened between the two, and said "Here, let me try. I'll likely get it." He then went about, searching his mind, for the spells he'd learned from those dusty tomes not very long ago. He pulled out the data he had on it, that he'd prepared from his spellbook in the morning before he'd arrived, and let the magicka flow through him, letting it's unnatural flow move through him, and let his eyes go through it, to examine it.

Detect Magic
Spellcraft to identify [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana [roll1]

2014-11-11, 05:59 PM
Abaddon walked up from behind them, having obviously overheard the conversation that had happened between the two, and said "Here, let me try. I'll likely get it." He then went about, searching his mind, for the spells he'd learned from those dusty tomes not very long ago. He pulled out the data he had on it, that he'd prepared from his spellbook in the morning before he'd arrived, and let the magicka flow through him, letting it's unnatural flow move through him, and let his eyes go through it, to examine it.

Detect Magic
Spellcraft to identify [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana [roll1]

" Let's see what you can do, shirtless man."

Zilphyra wait, arms crossed on her chest, with a smirk on her face.

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-11, 06:21 PM
Abaddon walked up from behind them, having obviously overheard the conversation that had happened between the two, and said "Here, let me try. I'll likely get it." He then went about, searching his mind, for the spells he'd learned from those dusty tomes not very long ago. He pulled out the data he had on it, that he'd prepared from his spellbook in the morning before he'd arrived, and let the magicka flow through him, letting it's unnatural flow move through him, and let his eyes go through it, to examine it.

Detect Magic
Spellcraft to identify [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana [roll1]

You attempt to classify the properties of this aura but it doesn't conform to any of the Eight schools of magic. The aura is entirely alien to you.

2014-11-11, 06:28 PM
Abaddon spent a while staring at it, and over the course of that time spent staring at the object, his face underwent multiple changes of expression. At the end of the flux, ended up a frown, with him stroking his chin in a questioning way. He looked back at the other fellows, and spoke with a much more serious tone of voice than before. "See, there's our problem. It doesn't belong to any of the schools of magic. None of them. Seems like we've got our hands on one of them weird artifacts people tell stories of, maybe. All those magic-like, but not magic weapons, armor, and all the other jazz that cannot be replicated by even the best of wizards. Maybe not. There's always the chance its not even magic, and is something else entirely, although WHAT else it could be I do not know. Maybe even a whole new school of magic."

It was difficult to say, and although this wasn't where he excelled, he could certainly tell it was not quite right.

2014-11-11, 06:40 PM
The halfling smile to Abaddon.

" I could have told you that earlier if you were participating when we exchanged informations."

She end that sentence with a wink.

2014-11-11, 06:58 PM
Jenks lets the others do their work finding the shard and trying to identify it like Zel did with Jonathan. Meanwhile he keeps watch around the street and down the alleyway. Maybe someone is keeping tabs on the trail and is watching them.


Mr Tumnus
2014-11-11, 09:16 PM
Jenks lets the others do their work finding the shard and trying to identify it like Zel did with Jonathan. Meanwhile he keeps watch around the street and down the alleyway. Maybe someone is keeping tabs on the trail and is watching them.


Keeping watch you keep careful track of the alleyway and the people crossing in front of it. Its pretty easy as the foot traffic here is very light at the moment, just a few people here and there. Most likely everyone is at the markets, they seemed really full when you passed by.

2014-11-11, 09:55 PM

Candrid looks for any traces left by anything. The alley has been cleaned, but there could be something.


Mr Tumnus
2014-11-12, 04:31 AM

Candrid looks for any traces left by anything. The alley has been cleaned, but there could be something.


You check and double check the area but find nothing helpful.

2014-11-12, 01:01 PM
"Was the fragment of metal at Haverford's a weapon fragment as well? That's pretty unusual for a weapon to be breaking into pieces so easily or it's a rather bad one."

2014-11-12, 05:40 PM
"Was the fragment of metal at Haverford's a weapon fragment as well? That's pretty unusual for a weapon to be breaking into pieces so easily or it's a rather bad one."

" Yes i think. Maybe this magic make the metal easier to break or something?"

2014-11-12, 07:40 PM

"Or maybe the weapon is made brittle to transfer or maintain some magical taint? You did say it did leave powerful residue, did you not?"

2014-11-12, 11:18 PM
Aedan frowns to himself as he considers the crime scene. "The fragments may be weapons on their own. Some materials have magical properties. Maybe this is among them, perhaps being harmful under specific conditions, or from prolonged contact?"

2014-11-13, 07:59 AM
"Perhaps. I wonder if the General's men have attempted using hunting dogs and the like to try and track the scent of the victims as well.. Which brings up the question, do any of you have contacts with the General's staff? It might save us from retreading on leads that have already been investigated. Hey Abadon, didn't you get citizenship here recently or something?"

2014-11-13, 03:38 PM
At last, Rouqar arrived at the gates of Avendale. The trip from lake Encarthan was boring and tiresome. All he wanted to do is eat something hot and take a good night of sleep. But first things first. He needed to stop by his old friend Jherto. Even if the situation was grim, he would be surprised at how much he had grown since the last time he saw him.

Approaching the gate, Rouqar waited patiently his turn, listening at the other conversations around him. We never know when some useful informations might come up.


2014-11-13, 08:03 PM
Abaddon looked at Akaro, and confusedly said "What? How'd you get that idea? I'm still Numerian and homeless, man!"

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-13, 08:06 PM
At last, Rouqar arrived at the gates of Avendale. The trip from lake Encarthan was boring and tiresome. All he wanted to do is eat something hot and take a good night of sleep. But first things first. He needed to stop by his old friend Jherto. Even if the situation was grim, he would be surprised at how much he had grown since the last time he saw him.

Approaching the gate, Rouqar waited patiently his turn, listening at the other conversations around him. We never know when some useful informations might come up.


When you arrive at the check-in station for the EASTERN gate its early evening, there is still the sun in the sky though there are probably only a couple more hours of sunlight. There are no others that you can see waiting to get into the city, the detachment of guards in charge of sorting out the wagons are in the process of packing up and heading into the city. The booth admitting foot traffic is still manned though you can see that even they have that end of work relaxed feeling to them with the way they're talking and joking amongst themselves.

2014-11-13, 10:59 PM
Rouqar approach the man at the booth and, after a short bow, he introduce himself.

Hello good sir, my name is Rouqar. I believe that I have to pass this checkpoint if I am to enter the city?

Leaning against the counter, Rouqar awaits the man's reply.

2014-11-14, 01:30 PM
"I've lived here long enough to know that might not count for much, but if you're curious, you might just want to have a chat with the guards. Someone will likely tell you whats going on if you ask the right way."

Just smoothing the way for tofu here. No need to drag this part of the conversation out.

2014-11-14, 02:14 PM
"All this information is making my head swim." Akaro sighs as he puts a hand to his head. "But yes, trying to get in contact with Raleus is probably a decent next step after we exhaust this place."

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-14, 11:23 PM
Rouqar approach the man at the booth and, after a short bow, he introduce himself.

Hello good sir, my name is Rouqar. I believe that I have to pass this checkpoint if I am to enter the city?

Leaning against the counter, Rouqar awaits the man's reply.

As you approach you're spotted by one of the people loitering around the booth, he opens the access door and heads inside and takes his place. You see him scan several papers on his desk and he says "Well, if it's just you all we need is your name and reason for visiting."

2014-11-15, 05:20 PM
As you approach you're spotted by one of the people loitering around the booth, he opens the access door and heads inside and takes his place. You see him scan several papers on his desk and he says "Well, if it's just you all we need is your name and reason for visiting."

''Well, my name is Rouqar, glad to meet you. I'm currently here to visit a friend who owns a pawn shop somewhere in the city, he wanted to talk about his old stories of adventures. Maybe you have already met him, his name is Jherto Valsk. Anyway, i'll ask around for directions later.'' While putting a gold piece on the counter, he add. ''I've heard about the disappearances, as a man stationned at the gates, did you heard anyone talking abount any weird theory? I like to be the best informed there is when travelling somewhere.''

With the city gates passed, Rouqar enters the city, asking around for Jherto Valsk's pawn shop and any usefull informations he can hear or gather along the way.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-17, 04:47 AM
''Well, my name is Rouqar, glad to meet you. I'm currently here to visit a friend who owns a pawn shop somewhere in the city, he wanted to talk about his old stories of adventures. Maybe you have already met him, his name is Jherto Valsk. Anyway, i'll ask around for directions later.'' While putting a gold piece on the counter, he add. ''I've heard about the disappearances, as a man stationned at the gates, did you heard anyone talking abount any weird theory? I like to be the best informed there is when travelling somewhere.''

With the city gates passed, Rouqar enters the city, asking around for Jherto Valsk's pawn shop and any usefull informations he can hear or gather along the way.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

When you place down the gold piece you see that he becomes a lot more uncomfortable. Sliding the gold piece back to you he says "I'm sorry sir, I can't accept any personal gifts while on duty. Though I would have told you just for the asking, I'm not sure who this Jherto is but I'm sure you'll be able to find him without much trouble and I've heard people talking about weird theories all day, the disappearances are the subject of a lot of gossip lately." Sliding your papers back to you he says "Be safe sir". Making your way inside its a little hard to find where to go, not because the people aren't helpful, just the opposite actually. Its just that the streets are pretty much empty. Finally having found a kindly baker on his way back from the market, he tells you where Jherto Valsk's Pawn Shop is, on your way there you pass by a secluded alleyway when something catches your eye. Stopping for a moment you see a number of people inspecting different parts of an otherwise normal alleyway while a very tall and well muscled man with dark blue eyes and dirty-blond hair stands watch.

Jenks, while watching for trouble you see a black furred catfolk pause for a moment in front of it.

2014-11-17, 10:51 AM
Suprised by the man's honesty, he smiles while taking backt he gold piece and the piece of paper he is handing him. He looks at what's written on it before adding.

I'm suprised honest people like you still exist. If I see you off-duty, be sure to say hi, i'll treat you with something good to drink my friend.

With a wink, he heads into town. While trying to find other persons that can help with directions to Valsk's shop When he passed in front of an alleyway when something catched his eye. It wasn't the big man guarding the entrance but the others behind him, looking around the ground. At first he didn't want to stop but his curious nature took over and he stopped in front of Jenks.

Hello good sir, might I ask for directions to Jherto Valsk's pawn shop, if you might be so helpful.

While talking to the man, Rouqar moved fluently so his position gives him the best view of the scene going around behind the tall men.

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-19, 05:39 PM
Suprised by the man's honesty, he smiles while taking backt he gold piece and the piece of paper he is handing him. He looks at what's written on it before adding.

I'm suprised honest people like you still exist. If I see you off-duty, be sure to say hi, i'll treat you with something good to drink my friend.

He nods to you and then exits the booth and returns to talking with his fellows.

With a wink, he heads into town. While trying to find other persons that can help with directions to Valsk's shop When he passed in front of an alleyway when something catched his eye. It wasn't the big man guarding the entrance but the others behind him, looking around the ground. At first he didn't want to stop but his curious nature took over and he stopped in front of Jenks.

Hello good sir, might I ask for directions to Jherto Valsk's pawn shop, if you might be so helpful.

While talking to the man, Rouqar moved fluently so his position gives him the best view of the scene going around behind the tall men.

((I was hoping someone else (most likely jenks) would post a response))

As you gain a better vantage you see several people near the end of the alley in a small cluster, others spread throughout checking different parts of it; in addition to the muscular man near the front of the alley you see a second muscular human, this one without a shirt; a tall but thin elf wearing plain clothes; a cloaked figure with a beak protruding from the cowl; a rather short person obscured by those standing around them; and an averaged sized man wearing bright southern garb.

2014-11-20, 11:15 AM
Sliding under Jenk's arm as he tries to stop him, Rouqar approaches the group with a smile on his face!

''Hello friends, May I be of any assistance, i'm currently on my way to see a friend but couldn't help myself to a quick look. You know, a group of people looking around the ground always makes me curious Also, with all that comotion with the missing persons, it makes your group even more weird.''

Keeping a safe distance with the group, Rouqar kept an eye on jenks and both hands on his short swords pommels.

2014-11-20, 11:35 AM
Zylphira was lost in her thought, and when the newcomer talk to them she was taken by surprise. She looked at him with wide eyes.

" Oooooooooooooo..."

Then she shake her head and approach the feline man whilr reaching out her hand to shake his.

" Hello there! I'm Zylphira Shortwick. We are investgating on the missing peoples. Who are who?"

2014-11-20, 02:44 PM
Sliding under Jenk's arm as he tries to stop him, Rouqar approaches the group with a smile on his face!

''Hello friends, May I be of any assistance, i'm currently on my way to see a friend but couldn't help myself to a quick look. You know, a group of people looking around the ground always makes me curious Also, with all that comotion with the missing persons, it makes your group even more weird.''

Keeping a safe distance with the group, Rouwar kept an eye on jenks and both hands on his short swords pommels.

"Then you've found the right place, catbuddy." Akaro pulls back his cowl to reveal his face. "Excellent timing as always, we were about done here, by my reckoning." He points to the rest of the group and introduces each of them quickly "Jenks, Zylphira, Aedan, Candrid and Abaddon, whom you may remember from the Numerian job I mentioned the last time." Akaro then turns to face the group. "Everyone, this is Roquar. One of my bounty hunting associates as well."

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-23, 04:23 AM
((Bump Thread))

2014-11-23, 05:39 AM

"I am curious as to why bounty hunters are interested in these vanishings."

2014-11-23, 10:02 AM
While still being aware of his surroundings, one of Rouqar's hand left one of hum pommels and, while kneeling, took Zylphira's hand and deposed a small kiss on the top of her hand.

''Hello my lady, my name's Rouqar, at your service.''

When he was about to get up, a familiar face appeared. Its been a while since he didn't see his old time friend Akaro. Excusing himself to the halfling, he approached the Tengu. As weird as it might seem to see a catfolk and a tengu at the same place, Rouqar still took his buddy in his arm and gave him a warm handshake. Turning back to Candrid, he answered his question.

''Where there is dissapearances, there is usually a killer or some evil man behind the stories. And it always bring people like me, Akaro and, as it seems, Abaddon, to look for the person responsible of these crimes. Usually, it helps the city as well as our purse. So at the end, its a win-win situation.'' While approaching the man, he adds ''And you know, to be able to call yourself a bountyhunter means that you can do the job and usually are good at it, or you die while trying.''

2014-11-23, 10:08 AM
After Rouqar excused himself, Zylphira didnt move, fixing her hand. She was oblivious to the rest of the conversation.

She whisper to herself:
" It's so fluffy...i think i'm gonna die"

2014-11-24, 12:24 PM
Akaro gave Roquar's paw a good hard squeeze on purpose.

"Don't forget the challenge," Akaro adds to Roquar's answer on bounty hunting. "Cases like these almost always have unavoidable violence. You'll be hard pressed to find legalised combat elsewhere."

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-25, 07:30 PM
((Bump Thread))

2014-11-26, 08:50 AM
Zylphira shake hey head to wake up from her fantasy about fluffy cats.

" So, one more looking for the missings peoples? Welcome aboard, Sir Kitty! Do you have any info to add to ours? If not we will have to continu with our current clues, wich are really small..."

2014-11-26, 11:38 AM
With Akaro's mention of the challenge, he smiles. Then, returning to Zylphira, Rouqar answered her question.

''I'm sorry to inform you but I stopped on my way to see the friend that got me to come here in the first place. But seeing Akaro here, I think I would get pretty much the same information he had. With that being said, were you going on another clue or were you all still not yet finished here?''

2014-11-28, 11:35 AM
The halfling jump with exitement.

" I'm not sure where you guys want to go next, i didnt follow all the conversation, but i'm following. Some one lead the way!!"

Mr Tumnus
2014-11-28, 09:14 PM
So you all ponder the situation as you prepare to depart the scene of this crime. Akaro and Rouqar, you know that blacksmiths in the area use smithing techniques that are usually different from one smith to the next. If these blades were purchased locally and if you were to find someone knowledgeable enough, he may be able to tell you who was making these blades.

Aedan and Zilphyra, from the evidence shown here and back at Jonathan's shop you know that this aura seems to leave its mark on whatever it comes into contact with long after it supposedly dissipates. Perhaps you can use this to identify other places in the area this aura has shown up.

2014-11-29, 03:09 AM
Aedan nods to himself as he finishes taking in the scene. "Hmm. These shards leave some fairly long lasting traces. How many here can detect magical energies? If we split up into small groups and scour the city, we might be able to find a pattern as to where attacks have occurred, or the blades have been left."

2014-11-29, 06:19 AM
Zylphira raise her hand and jump in place.

" Ho I can! I can! Can i have Mister J and Sir Kitty with me?"

2014-11-29, 01:26 PM
"Not a bad idea. Say, the local smiths might be able to tell us something about these weapon fragments. Or better still, recognise their own handiwork. Interviewing them may prove to be fruitful."

2014-11-29, 07:48 PM

"I can detect magic. and would be happy to seek other traces of the same. I am also good with people.""

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-01, 05:55 AM
Discussing your plans for moving forward the sun passes behind the city's high walls and suddenly the town is bathed in dusk. As you stand on the edge of a main street you see that there are a lot of people on the streets again, most laiden with baskets or little handcarts hauling various things home from market. You also see group of figures, lanterns in hand moving down the streets in pairs of two. As they pass by the lamp posts that dot the city's streets at regular intervals you see them gesture at the lamp posts, causing them to light up and faintly illuminate the area with diffuse yellow light.

The Lamplighters are casting Spark

((Divide yourselves however you like. For those searching for traces of that aura that possess detect magic, roll perception. For those speaking with the city's blacksmiths roll Diplomacy.))

2014-12-02, 01:21 PM
As the groups were forming up, Rouqar joined Zylphira

''It would be my pleasure to travel with you my little lady. while we travel from places to places, keep your eyes open for anything that looks weird.'' Turning back to the group, he adds ''We will go see the blacksmith north of this road, you can go see he ones south, if that is okay. Is there anywhere that the group usually meet after this?''

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-03, 09:02 PM
((Bump Thread))

2014-12-04, 07:20 AM
" Ok let's do this guys! Sir Kitty, Mister J. and me will go north of this street, looking for blacksmiths to interrogate. Let's meet here in 2 hours. That should be plenty of time."

She start walking before anyone answer.

If Rouqar or Jenks take the lead she follow them, if not she go at random in the street. If she find no blacksmith in 10 min she will ask a guard for direction.

Along the way she cast Detect magic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-magic) as soon as the spell end ( 4 minutes). Each turn she keep her concentration (swift action). If she detect source of magic (exept for Rouqar, Jenks and her), she concentrate on it to see if it's the same type that they are looking for.)

2014-12-04, 07:39 PM
Rouqar follows the halfling as she promptly quits the area. As she looks around, Rouqar takes the lead and ask around for the blacksmiths in the area, may they be the best or the worst, he would ask as much as he could.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-06, 12:38 AM
" Ok let's do this guys! Sir Kitty, Mister J. and me will go north of this street, looking for blacksmiths to interrogate. Let's meet here in 2 hours. That should be plenty of time."

She start walking before anyone answer.

If Rouqar or Jenks take the lead she follow them, if not she go at random in the street. If she find no blacksmith in 10 min she will ask a guard for direction.

Along the way she cast Detect magic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-magic) as soon as the spell end ( 4 minutes). Each turn she keep her concentration (swift action). If she detect source of magic (exept for Rouqar, Jenks and her), she concentrate on it to see if it's the same type that they are looking for.)

Keeping your eyes peeled for signs of this aura you definitely spot quite a few magical sources as you walk down the darkening streets but nothing like that strange aura.

Rouqar follows the halfling as she promptly quits the area. As she looks around, Rouqar takes the lead and ask around for the blacksmiths in the area, may they be the best or the worst, he would ask as much as he could.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

Asking for guidance from the local townfolk you pass by you gather that the best smithy in this part of town is Vedrin Stormblessed, a remarkably tall halfling from somewhere to the south, though nobody knows for sure. Approaching his smithy you find a young man putting tools away, he's wearing plain clothes with a thick leather apron and both his hands and face are covered in soot.

2014-12-06, 12:46 PM

As no one responded to Candrid, he waits for the others to respond or leave. He is a patient man.

2014-12-06, 01:52 PM
Zylphira approach and ask with a strong voice.

" Hello there. We are looking for Vedrin Stormblessed, is he here?"

2014-12-06, 02:03 PM
Aedan taps the priest on the shoulder. "I'll head out with you then. I'm capable of detection myself, and I figure two pairs of eye can't hurt anyone."

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-06, 06:05 PM
Zylphira approach and ask with a strong voice.

" Hello there. We are looking for Vedrin Stormblessed, is he here?"

The apprentice looks back at you and says while continuing to clean up "We're just about closed so we aren't taking new orders today, if it's urgent, Master Vedrin should be along in just a minute to lock up." Sure enough after standing around for a minute a rather tall (for a halfling) brawny halfling walks up whistling and twirling a ring of keys on one hand. "Can I help you" he asks in an uncharacteristically deep voice.

Aedan taps the priest on the shoulder. "I'll head out with you then. I'm capable of detection myself, and I figure two pairs of eye can't hurt anyone."


As no one responded to Candrid, he waits for the others to respond or leave. He is a patient man.

The two of you walk off in a different direction, both scanning for auras in the dimming light. As you walk down the street you're taken aback by the sight of it, the auras from the miscellaneous magic items all around you in shops and carried by the pedestrians stand out in such stark detail in this light. Dismissing the thought for the task at hand both of you continue to scan the area for this aura and Aedan, you think you see something. You catch a glimpse of something faintly green, indicative of that strange aura in a narrow alleyway nestled between a candle shop and a bakery.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-10, 04:38 AM
(( Bump Thread ))

2014-12-10, 10:20 PM
Jenks follows behind the short lady, letting her enhanced eyes lead the way. He walks quietly, letting the sorceress concentrate on her spell. He wonders where these shards will lead them. A unique kinda of aura is a scary thought.

While they were waiting Jenks looks to the other two and asks, "What are you two expecting to find out here?"

2014-12-10, 11:04 PM
While they were waiting Jenks looks to the other two and asks, "What are you two expecting to find out here?"

" Maybe information on the type of metal or the weapon."

Saying that, Zylphira's eyes widen.

" But i just remembered that this half-naked man kept the metal piece after he tried to identify the magic on it!!"

Then, when the blacksmith arrived, she talk to him.

" Humm... hi! We are investigating about the recent missing persons and, hum... we found some piece of metal, like if the weapon use to attack them broke. These shards were found at two attack location for now. But we don't have it right now...so i guess it will be hard for you to tell us anything if you can't examine it...right?"

She clearly sound and look weird and uneasy.

2014-12-11, 07:39 PM

Candrid walks into the alley and looks for the item that possesses the green aura.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-12, 04:38 AM
" Maybe information on the type of metal or the weapon."

Saying that, Zylphira's eyes widen.

" But i just remembered that this half-naked man kept the metal piece after he tried to identify the magic on it!!"

Then, when the blacksmith arrived, she talk to him.

" Humm... hi! We are investigating about the recent missing persons and, hum... we found some piece of metal, like if the weapon use to attack them broke. These shards were found at two attack location for now. But we don't have it right now...so i guess it will be hard for you to tell us anything if you can't examine it...right?"

She clearly sound and look weird and uneasy.

You see the halfling pause for a minute as he processes what you said, extending his hand he says "Well we're closing up but that does sound important, let me take a look." You pass him the metal piece and he examines it for a moment, looking it over in the light. You see his brow furrow for a bit and then a flash of recognition "This here weapon was wizard-made" he says. Walking over onto the wall he pulls down a long dagger and brings it over you, presenting both for your examination. "If you look closely at this blade, even though David here has polished it to a mirror shine you can still see the signs of its making, the subtle inconsistencies in the metal's grain. The pattern on this blade is perfectly symmetrical, that sort of thing just doesn't happen during the normal forging process."


Candrid walks into the alley and looks for the item that possesses the green aura.

((It was actually Aedan that spotted it but Oracleofsilence isn't posting))

Candrid, you walk into the alleyway searching out the glow pointed out by Aedan. As you approach you can see the the wall of the building on your right was an extension built outward into the alleyway some time ago. The protruding extension creates a little space at the back of the alleyway out of sight of anyone passing by on the streets. Tucked into this little alcove you see the same thick iron sewer grating that you've seen at regular intervals throughout the city, this one however has glowing outlines on the bars about a shoulder-width apart.

2014-12-12, 12:24 PM
The halfling girl is not really pleased by this answer. Blacksmiths are a dead-end then.

" Humm ok...magical crafting. Do you know if someone in town could have the magical talent to do that or do this come from somewhere else?"

2014-12-12, 01:26 PM
((It was actually Aedan that spotted it but Oracleofsilence isn't posting))

Candrid, you walk into the alleyway searching out the glow pointed out by Aedan. As you approach you can see the the wall of the building on your right was an extension built outward into the alleyway some time ago. The protruding extension creates a little space at the back of the alleyway out of sight of anyone passing by on the streets. Tucked into this little alcove you see the same thick iron sewer grating that you've seen at regular intervals throughout the city, this one however has glowing outlines on the bars about a shoulder-width apart.

"I must say that just looks like a regular grate to me. What do you reckon?"

2014-12-12, 11:51 PM
Still silent, leaning on the blacksmith's entrance, Rouqar spoke to the man showing him the dagger.

''Knowing how to see a magical item like this, You probably know some people around the city that produce them. A man such as yourself much have all kind of contacts around every corners of the streets right. Maybe you can show us the way to a specialist.''

2014-12-13, 11:54 AM

Candrid looks at the grate. "The grate is normal for sure. It is the glowing outlines that are of interest." Candrid mumbles a prayer and examines the glow in more detail.

Casts guidance on himself.
Perception [roll0] to pick out any details.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-16, 04:25 PM
The halfling girl is not really pleased by this answer. Blacksmiths are a dead-end then.

" Humm ok...magical crafting. Do you know if someone in town could have the magical talent to do that or do this come from somewhere else?"

Still silent, leaning on the blacksmith's entrance, Rouqar spoke to the man showing him the dagger.

''Knowing how to see a magical item like this, You probably know some people around the city that produce them. A man such as yourself much have all kind of contacts around every corners of the streets right. Maybe you can show us the way to a specialist.''

He returns the dagger to the wall and the sliver back to you. "As I understand it, the ability to magically produce a weapon is higher order magic which is beyond most that reside in the River Kingdoms. Usually people come here seeking fame and fortune or to make a fresh start, someone capable enough to produce such a weapon is unlike to need either." As you think over what Vedrin has told you, you hear the cracking adolescent voice behind the halfling as the apprentice speaks up "Master, what about that crazy old man, Vasili something. Didn't he used to do spells for gold?" Vedrin exclaims "Ah yes! Good memory David." Looking back to you Vedrin explains "Vasili Komaroff, used to be a knight or something from Ustalav to the west. Came here a few years ago, unfortunately he probably wouldn't be much in the way of offering much information seeing as he died.....I think about six months ago."


Candrid looks at the grate. "The grate is normal for sure. It is the glowing outlines that are of interest." Candrid mumbles a prayer and examines the glow in more detail.

Casts guidance on himself.
Perception [roll0] to pick out any details.

The Glowing outlines are lingering traces of that same strange aura most likely made by something coming into contact with the metal grate. Looking more closely at the grate, its housing you can see definite signs of it being used both frequently and recently. The random detritus that clutters the ground in this alleyway is clear around the grate and you can see some shallow scratches dug into the cobbles adjacent to it.

2014-12-17, 10:55 AM
Akaro points at the conspicuously clear area and its marks. "Check out the clear area and grooves on the ground, looks like someone was trying to wedge something hard through the grate." Akaro then prods the grate with his sansetsukon, hoping to see if the grate could be manipulated to gain entry.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-18, 03:12 AM
Akaro points at the conspicuously clear area and its marks. "Check out the clear area and grooves on the ground, looks like someone was trying to wedge something hard through the grate." Akaro then prods the grate with his sansetsukon, hoping to see if the grate could be manipulated to gain entry.

You wiggle the grate with your weapon and you do find that there is some play there.

2014-12-18, 06:03 AM

Candrid leans down and examines the grate more closely and then grasps it and pulls.

Is there some mechanism that hold the grate in place?

2014-12-18, 08:57 AM
He returns the dagger to the wall and the sliver back to you. "As I understand it, the ability to magically produce a weapon is higher order magic which is beyond most that reside in the River Kingdoms. Usually people come here seeking fame and fortune or to make a fresh start, someone capable enough to produce such a weapon is unlike to need either." As you think over what Vedrin has told you, you hear the cracking adolescent voice behind the halfling as the apprentice speaks up "Master, what about that crazy old man, Vasili something. Didn't he used to do spells for gold?" Vedrin exclaims "Ah yes! Good memory David." Looking back to you Vedrin explains "Vasili Komaroff, used to be a knight or something from Ustalav to the west. Came here a few years ago, unfortunately he probably wouldn't be much in the way of offering much information seeing as he died.....I think about six months ago."

" Ok. Thank you for the information. Can you tell us where this Vasili used to live? I would like to examinate if there is a magical aura left around his place. Just to be sure this is not linked."

2014-12-19, 04:05 PM
Aedan enters the alley behind Candrid and Akaro, watching their progress with interest. At the same time, he superstitiously loosens his scimitar in it's sheath. If this really was a lead after all, they may be in for a fight. Better to be prepared.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-19, 04:53 PM

Candrid leans down and examines the grate more closely and then grasps it and pulls.

Is there some mechanism that hold the grate in place?

((Oddly, no. Which in your experience usually isn't the case, they're usually welded shut.))

Tugging against the manhole cover you jostle it a bit but realize that while it has certainly been tampered with, its still a real sewer grate, just under a hundred pounds of solid iron. Bracing yourself you lift the heavy metal sewer grate out of its housing and set it down beside the hole.

" Ok. Thank you for the information. Can you tell us where this Vasili used to live? I would like to examinate if there is a magical aura left around his place. Just to be sure this is not linked."

"Not a problem, these murders are a grisly affair and if you can do anything to help I'm happy to do my small part. He used to live over near the markets, you may want to hurry though if you want to inspect the house. Vasili owed a bit of gold to a few people around town when he died, they've finally gotten the go ahead to sell off his things. Theres an estate sale tomorrow around noon, I plan on heading over there myself when I get the chance." Vedrin looks around and sees that his apprentice has pretty much put everything away while you've been talking. "Well, I think we're going to lock up now. If you need anything else we're here most days, otherwise you can find me at Doran's Roost"

Doran's Roost is a pub popular among Avendale's working class. They're famous for something called "the dragon's breath", a particularly strong yet refreshing brew.

Aedan taps the priest on the shoulder. "I'll head out with you then. I'm capable of detection myself, and I figure two pairs of eye can't hurt anyone."

((Are you dropping in then?))

2014-12-19, 05:10 PM
"Hmm. That seems a little suspicious. If you don't mind me asking, how are you two in a fight? If this really is connected with the murders, we should probably be prepared." Aedan crouches at the edge of the hole, pressing his hand against a small stone from his pack and muttering a few arcane syllables, before dropping the now glowing stone in. "Well, regardless, we might as well take a look. We've come this far after all."

Casting light on a small stone. I assume it's reasonable for Aedan to carry a few for circumstances such as this.

2014-12-19, 05:16 PM
Zylphira smile to the other halfling and tend her hand to shake his.

(In Halfling) " Thank you so much! I hope our path will cross again!"

She exit the shop and take a deep breath. Then she turn to her 2 companions.

" Ok guys. We have to go see this estate. I propose we go now to get a quick glance at the place, and to see if i can find that same magical aura. If this old wizard is linked with the murders and dissapearance, this could be a great place to start looking."

The halfling wait for Jenks and Rouqar opinion on what to do next.

2014-12-19, 11:00 PM
"This is a scout and skirmish attempt at best. Any sewer living criminal worth his salt will have traps and alarms set up and I've seen too many careers ended by a spring loaded rusty blade covered in sewer goo."

2014-12-20, 03:28 PM
Zylphira smile to the other halfling and tend her hand to shake his.

(In Halfling) " Thank you so much! I hope our path will cross again!"

She exit the shop and take a deep breath. Then she turn to her 2 companions.

" Ok guys. We have to go see this estate. I propose we go now to get a quick glance at the place, and to see if i can find that same magical aura. If this old wizard is linked with the murders and dissapearance, this could be a great place to start looking."

The halfling wait for Jenks and Rouqar opinion on what to do next.

With all this informations gathering in h is head, Rouqar agreed with Zilphyra.

''We must make haste and go before nightfall. Even more if he owed money. We need as much time as possible and look the place inside out.''

2014-12-20, 09:46 PM
Jenks nods to the others. "Lets get going then!" Jenks feels a bit useless right now with all this magical auras and whatnot, but he's sure that he'll be handy to have around soon enough.

2014-12-20, 09:52 PM
Zilphira lead the way to the market. When they get there, she ask around for the precise location of Vasili Komaroff's estate.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-21, 06:11 PM
(( Just to remind everyone, its actually night at this point. ))

Zilphira lead the way to the market. When they get there, she ask around for the precise location of Vasili Komaroff's estate.

Leaving the blacksmith's shop you see that Avendale has, for the most part, slowed down. The lamp posts keep the streets bathed in warm yellow light for the few people still attending to their business. As such its much harder to find someone who knows exactly what you're looking for. Thankfully however night has not reduced the number of city guards walking the streets, they kindly point you in the direction of the markets at the center of town. "The old wizard used to live in that big two-story house with the stone lions just past the clock tower at the edge of the marketplace."

2014-12-21, 06:23 PM
"The old wizard used to live in that big two-story house with the stone lions just past the clock tower at the edge of the marketplace."

" Thank you good sir!"

Zyphira, followed by her two bodyguard, walked in the direction the guard told her. While walking, she slow down a bit to cast her detection spell.

Casting Detect Magic

She look a bit around to see if there is others magical aura around the market while she walk to the wizard's house. Then, she look at the house, prepared to see all sort of magical aura.

2014-12-21, 07:02 PM
Jenks follows behind the halfling, his hands ready to grab his sword, eyes alert for danger. One could never know the threats lurking just behind the shadows. While walking he asks, "So Rouqar, What kind of skills do you have? If I'm going to work with you I'd like an idea of what you can do." The tall man smiles, obviously he is just curious about the cat-folk.

2014-12-21, 08:03 PM

Candrid mumbles a prayer and picks up a pebble and it bursts into light. He drops it into the hole and looks down and looks for any clues.

Perception [roll0]

2014-12-22, 09:38 PM
"Agreed. If nothing else, I have no intention of staying down there longer then necessary." Aedan motions to Akaro and Candrid. "Either of you want to brave the depths first?"

2014-12-23, 01:17 PM
Akaro sighs as he makes a quick check to see if all his gear was present and secured before moving closer to the grate. He then inspects what can be seen in the sewers from their vantage point, taking care to look for potential hazards in there.

knowledge(dungeoneering) [roll1]

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-23, 06:22 PM

Candrid mumbles a prayer and picks up a pebble and it bursts into light. He drops it into the hole and looks down and looks for any clues.

Perception [roll0]

Dropping the pebble into the sewer it drops with a plop, landing in the shallow river of filth below. Looking as best you can from the street above it looks like an older style of sewer, there are no easily accessible shoulders to either side of the waste, its just a giant brick tube. The light shinning from the pebble you drop is dampened by the waste but you can easily make out many small, squeaking figures you recognize as rats swimming through the dirty water, the path you can see stretches to the north and to the south of your position, parallel with the street.

" Thank you good sir!"

Zyphira, followed by her two bodyguard, walked in the direction the guard told her. While walking, she slow down a bit to cast her detection spell.

Casting Detect Magic

She look a bit around to see if there is others magical aura around the market while she walk to the wizard's house. Then, she look at the house, prepared to see all sort of magical aura.

You definitely see several magical auras on the way to the Wizard's home, more commonly on city guardsmen and what appear to be the more wealthy citizens but none in the market itself. You reach the old Victorian style house with its signature turret, steep roof, and asymmetrical shape. As you approach you can see a pair of guards outside, though they don't wear the normal city guard colors, most likely they're private security hired by the debtors to prevent theft.

You see no magical auras from the house's exterior but then again your spell is of limited range and can be blocked by mundane substances given enough thickness between you and the source of any auras.

Akaro sighs as he makes a quick check to see if all his gear was present and secured before moving closer to the grate. He then inspects what can be seen in the sewers from their vantage point, taking care to look for potential hazards in there.

knowledge(dungeoneering) [roll1]

(( Read my reply to candrid above to see the description of what you see ))

You know that sewers in any city are a breeding ground for trouble, in addition to the various monsters that grow and spawn as a result of circumstance its also a breeding ground for disease, and rats are known to be carriers.

2014-12-23, 11:59 PM
"I hope you magic users have something to use against disease, those things look like plague rats down there." Akaro wedges himself carefully through the hole feet first, hanging down into the sewer from the opening to lower the distance he would have to drop and minimise noise. The reduced splashing would be a sweet bonus too. Sewer junk was notoriously difficult to clean off feathers properly.

2014-12-24, 06:46 PM
Rouqar smiles as Jenks questions him about his abilities.

''Well my dear Jenks, I could tell you much about myself but I can mostly be represented as a jack of all trades. But I do specialise in scouting. What about you?

As Rouqar's group approach the house, Rouqar sees the the guard and tells his two other friends that he will take a look around to see if there is any openings. He then seperate from the group and take a quick walk around the house, making sure not to get the guards attention. He mostly wants to look if there is an opening elsewhere and, if needed, from the second floor of the building.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Climb: [roll2]

2014-12-24, 07:48 PM
Jenks grins at the, teeth peeking from behind the smile. "Well, see this sword here?" He reaches up and grips the greatsword. "I hit things really, really hard with it, and if that doesn't work, I use this," he pats the heavy flail dangling off his left hip.

Jenks nods, acknowledging Rouqar's idea. "Do you want us to wait for you, or regroup after we find out what we can?"

2014-12-24, 08:35 PM

Candrid shrugs. "I see nothing down there in terms of a clue."

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-25, 05:02 AM
Rouqar smiles as Jenks questions him about his abilities.

''Well my dear Jenks, I could tell you much about myself but I can mostly be represented as a jack of all trades. But I do specialise in scouting. What about you?

As Rouqar's group approach the house, Rouqar sees the the guard and tells his two other friends that he will take a look around to see if there is any openings. He then seperate from the group and take a quick walk around the house, making sure not to get the guards attention. He mostly wants to look if there is an opening elsewhere and, if needed, from the second floor of the building.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Climb: [roll2]

Doing a quick look you see that this close to the center of town there is little to no gap behind houses and the little alleyways between each house has a wrought iron fence with a gate to keep out the random passerby. The little alleyways on either side of the house in question are in plain view of the guards though if you were able to sneak by them and get into that little guarded alleyway you can see windows fairly low to the ground. Also, while the lack of access on the ground floor created by the close building poses a problem you see that the houses being sandwiched so close together the roofs are barely five feet apart at their closest point. You're a little wary however, this far north the roofs have a pretty steep slant, it may be a bit precarious.

"I hope you magic users have something to use against disease, those things look like plague rats down there." Akaro wedges himself carefully through the hole feet first, hanging down into the sewer from the opening to lower the distance he would have to drop and minimise noise. The reduced splashing would be a sweet bonus too. Sewer junk was notoriously difficult to clean off feathers properly.

You lower yourself carefully into the sewer and you land with a muted splash and are immediately hit by the intense odor, so prevalent you can taste it in the back of your mouth. Despite your efforts to be subtle the rats around you are upset by your sudden appearance and thrash about for a moment before making their way down the tunnel on either side of you. Glancing down either way in the murky light all you see is more sewer tunnel broken by the pipes protruding from the stone walls that spit out watery filth at random intervals.

2014-12-25, 07:20 AM
"Bleah, damn bastards. They're not getting off light for this." cursed Akaro. Looking up to the others, he whispers harshly "Oi, you two coming? Gonna need those magic eyes of yours to find the trail down here."

2014-12-25, 09:10 AM
Just after the catfolk leave to scout ahead, Zylphira turn to Jenk.

" Can you go talk to those guards? I want to get closer to see if i can see any magic in the house, but talking and concentrating on that spell is not always easy."

The halfling recast detect magic if needed, and follow Jenks if he go to the guards. She then smile to them but don't talk much exept for a hi, concentrating on her scanning of the house.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-27, 05:10 AM
Just after the catfolk leave to scout ahead, Zylphira turn to Jenk.

" Can you go talk to those guards? I want to get closer to see if i can see any magic in the house, but talking and concentrating on that spell is not always easy."

The halfling recast detect magic if needed, and follow Jenks if he go to the guards. She then smile to them but don't talk much exept for a hi, concentrating on her scanning of the house.

As you approach, they look a little unsure of what to make of the situation but one of them finally says in a stern, professional manner "Excuse me, do you have any business here? If not we would appreciate it if you'd kindly keep moving."

2014-12-27, 09:24 AM

Camdrid replaces the cover with a fair degree of struggle then sets off to find more clues or the others.

2014-12-27, 02:42 PM
Aedan takes a moment to wrap a strip of cloth around his mouth and nose, then drops through the grate before Candrid closes it. He hurriedly casts pulls out a thin wooden stick from his pack, then speaks a single arcane syllable over it, causing it to produce a steady soft glow, illuminating their surroundings. "Here, take one. No real point in trying to stay hidden down here. The light will give us away more easily then anything else.

casting Light on a sticks. Sorry for the delayed post.

Edited for mistaken rules information.

2014-12-27, 02:50 PM

Candrid climbs down the hole after Aedan, taking one of the sticks. "I saw no signs of anything down here."

2014-12-28, 09:30 AM
Akaro takes the lit stick and gives it a brief examination before sticking it into an empty scabbard. "Nifty. So, any more traces of weird magic down here or will we have to do this the old fashioned way."

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-28, 06:37 PM
Akaro takes the lit stick and gives it a brief examination before sticking it into an empty scabbard. "Nifty. So, any more traces of weird magic down here or will we have to do this the old fashioned way."


Candrid climbs down the hole after Aedan, taking one of the sticks. "I saw no signs of anything down here."

((Though keep in mind you only used your mundane senses))

Aedan takes a moment to wrap a strip of cloth around his mouth and nose, then drops through the grate before Candrid closes it. He hurriedly casts pulls out a thin wooden stick from his pack, then speaks a single arcane syllable over it, causing it to produce a steady soft glow, illuminating their surroundings. "Here, take one. No real point in trying to stay hidden down here. The light will give us away more easily then anything else.

casting Light on a sticks. Sorry for the delayed post.

Edited for mistaken rules information.

The three of you descend into the sewer, though prepared for it the stench is still incredibly foul. As Aedan holds his light aloft you see your surroundings better, from where you stand the tunnel stretches off into two directions, North and South, what you see now though with a light not obscured by the sewer water is that it also breaks off into tunnels heading east and west about 100 feet in either direction.

2014-12-28, 06:54 PM

Candrid gestures and says a prayer as he reaches the bottom.

He casts detect magic.

2014-12-28, 07:01 PM

Candrid examines the area for signs of the magical signature they have been searching for or any other clues.

Perception [roll0]

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-29, 06:26 PM

Candrid gestures and says a prayer as he reaches the bottom.

He casts detect magic.


Candrid examines the area for signs of the magical signature they have been searching for or any other clues.

Perception [roll0]

As your magical sight once again overlays your mundane you're immediately aware of a number of auras within range of you. Filtering out the familiar ones carried by you and your companions, several still remain. In the gritty darkness of these sewer tunnels the sickly green glow you've grown familiar with stands out prominently. With your magical sight you can quite clearly see a trail made by marks along the wall and beneath the sewage leading towards the south.

2014-12-29, 08:13 PM

"We have a trail leading south, marked by the magic taint." Candrid begins to head that way.

2014-12-31, 01:26 PM
"Right." Aedan draws his scimitar and activates his own detect magic, Following behind the priest. Two pairs of eyes and all that.

2014-12-31, 02:02 PM
Jenks was remaining silent, so Zylphira had no choice to try to distract the guards while trying to check for the magical aura around the house.

" Hello there, i'm sorry to bother you but it seem we are lost."

" We are looking for a friends, and i hope you can help us."

" He's a dwarf. Named Torgrym Stonebreaker. Grumpy, hairy."

Between each sentense, she take a 2-3 seconds break to look at the house quickly, trying to see if there is this same strange magical aura

Concentrate on detect magic as a swift action (trait).

Bluff check if needed: [roll0]

2014-12-31, 02:53 PM
Jenks isn't the best with distractions, so he froze when asked to be one. What should he say? What would make him seem non-suspicious but still take the guards attention? He felt the knot in his chest uncoil when Zylph stepped forward to do it. His face reddens a bit at not being able to do it, but at least she was quick thinking enough to do it herself.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-31, 06:13 PM

"We have a trail leading south, marked by the magic taint." Candrid begins to head that way.

"Right." Aedan draws his scimitar and activates his own detect magic, Following behind the priest. Two pairs of eyes and all that.

The two of you engage your magical sight and the three of you proceed south, wading through the disgusting mixture at your feet that rises up to your ankles. Following the visible arcane signs dotting the tunnel leads you down a winding path until you have almost no idea where you are except maybe south and east of where you entered. Rounding a corner you see an anomaly up ahead, about 50 feet ahead you see a tattered cloth barely covering what appears to be a small opening in the sewer tunnel. From beneath the cloth comes a faint glow of green tinted light.

Mr Tumnus
2014-12-31, 06:30 PM
Jenks was remaining silent, so Zylphira had no choice to try to distract the guards while trying to check for the magical aura around the house.

" Hello there, i'm sorry to bother you but it seem we are lost."

" We are looking for a friends, and i hope you can help us."

" He's a dwarf. Named Torgrym Stonebreaker. Grumpy, hairy."

Between each sentense, she take a 2-3 seconds break to look at the house quickly, trying to see if there is this same strange magical aura

Concentrate on detect magic as a swift action (trait).

Bluff check if needed: [roll0]

While at first they seemed a little bit on guard they seem to be placated by your "honesty". "I'm sorry, we'd be happy to help you but we're working tonight and we can't leave our posts. I haven't heard of this Torgrym Stonebreaker before but I'm sure if you spoke with the guards on duty at the nearby precinct a few streets over I'm sure they'd oblige."

Now much closer to the house you detect the presence of several auras within your radius, scanning the house with your magical sight you see that there are several auras within the house, including that strange aura you've been chasing. You detect auras on the second floor and the first floor but between the stone and earth your sight can't see into the basement if this house has one.

Full List of Auras
Strong (Universal/No School) - 2nd floor
Moderate (Transmutation) - 2nd floor
Faint (Unknown Aura) Ground Floor

2014-12-31, 07:19 PM

Candrid whispers "Shall we ... or should we seek the others? I am good at being quiet."

2015-01-01, 02:05 AM
"Hold for a minute. And keep those lights covered." Akaro covers the opening of the scabbard with the light emitting stick using one hand and lets only a slit of light out between his talons. Pointing the light towards the ground a few metres ahead of him, Akaro creeps quietly ahead of the others and stops beside the opening, listening intently for sounds of activity on the other side.


If he doesn't hear anything he barely lifts the cloth to peek in.

2015-01-01, 11:46 AM
While at first they seemed a little bit on guard they seem to be placated by your "honesty". "I'm sorry, we'd be happy to help you but we're working tonight and we can't leave our posts. I haven't heard of this Torgrym Stonebreaker before but I'm sure if you spoke with the guards on duty at the nearby precinct a few streets over I'm sure they'd oblige."

Now much closer to the house you detect the presence of several auras within your radius, scanning the house with your magical sight you see that there are several auras within the house, including that strange aura you've been chasing. You detect auras on the second floor and the first floor but between the stone and earth your sight can't see into the basement if this house has one.

Full List of Auras
Strong (Universal/No School) - 2nd floor
Moderate (Transmutation) - 2nd floor
Faint (Unknown Aura) Ground Floor

" No problem, i understand. You have a job to do. Thank you so much, and i hope you won't have too much problem tonight!"

Zylphira walk away, and try to find a spot not in sight of those guard. Then she talk to Jenks.

" Ok, so there is a trace of that weird magical aura in the house. I propose we wait for Rouqar to comeback, then we go back to the rendez-vous point to meet the others. Then we choose our next move."

2015-01-01, 02:46 PM
" No problem, i understand. You have a job to do. Thank you so much, and i hope you won't have too much problem tonight!"

Zylphira walk away, and try to find a spot not in sight of those guard. Then she talk to Jenks.

" Ok, so there is a trace of that weird magical aura in the house. I propose we wait for Rouqar to comeback, then we go back to the rendez-vous point to meet the others. Then we choose our next move."

Jenks nods. "That sounds like the best move."

2015-01-01, 03:37 PM
" Ok, so there is a trace of that weird magical aura in the house. I propose we wait for Rouqar to comeback, then we go back to the rendez-vous point to meet the others. Then we choose our next move."

Some minutes after that, Rouqar joins back with his group. After sharing both parties experience, Rouqar explain his thoughts.

''Our best guess is the windows in the alleyway. Jenks can lift you up and he himself can get in, the windows are not that high. The two issues here are the gates and/or the windows will probably be locked. We could manage the two guards in front without a comotion but I don't know if we can manage the going in and the getting the guards out of the way part together while also managing the city guards. If you have any idea, it would be best to speak up or else it might be a tad hard to get in and out.''

2015-01-01, 03:46 PM
" Hum hum..."

Zylphira look at the sky for a few seconds.

" The night is almost here, so for now i think the best is to go back to the rendez-vous point to meet with the others. We could come back tomorrow for the auction, we only need to find wich item is radiating this strange aura, no need to loot the entire house. Let's avoid getting in trouble."

Mr Tumnus
2015-01-03, 06:31 AM
"Hold for a minute. And keep those lights covered." Akaro covers the opening of the scabbard with the light emitting stick using one hand and lets only a slit of light out between his talons. Pointing the light towards the ground a few metres ahead of him, Akaro creeps quietly ahead of the others and stops beside the opening, listening intently for sounds of activity on the other side.


If he doesn't hear anything he barely lifts the cloth to peek in.

Pausing for a moment you listen intently but the only thing you can hear is the very faint breathing of your companions and the constant drip drip drip of the sewer. Moving with grace your movements barely stir the filth at your feet as you stalk towards the opening in the sewer wall. Looking at it more closely you can now see that someone pried several bricks from the wall free, making an opening about 3 feet wide and 2 feet off the ground. As you pull back the curtain your eyes quickly adjust to the faint green light beyond. The opening is actually a tunnel dug through the earth beyond the sewer wall that goes on for about 6 feet and empties into a fairly big room. From your point of view you can see a staircase on your left that goes up into the darkness and out of sight, on the right you see what looks to be the source of this strange green light, a partitioned room with a closed door and light showing through the cracks.

" No problem, i understand. You have a job to do. Thank you so much, and i hope you won't have too much problem tonight!"

Zylphira walk away, and try to find a spot not in sight of those guard. Then she talk to Jenks.

" Ok, so there is a trace of that weird magical aura in the house. I propose we wait for Rouqar to comeback, then we go back to the rendez-vous point to meet the others. Then we choose our next move."

There isn't much cover on the street itself but a few houses down theres an intersecting street around the corner from the private guards.

2015-01-04, 09:32 AM
Satisfied with his find, Akaro creeps back to Candrid and Aedan to inform them of what he saw. "The place is bigger than expected. There's at least 2 floors and one suspicious looking room. There didn't seem to be anyone around but I don't think we should push our luck. Shall we head back to meet the others?"