View Full Version : So far what ways are there to become immortal?

2014-10-12, 04:42 PM
So I was thinking about this, by only things published in 5e by wotc, how many ways can a pc become immortal? There is your classic vampire, asking a sphynx, polymorph? I am not sure how divine intervention works so maby that. I know one of the wizard capstones lets you reverse ageing. Any others you know?

2014-10-12, 04:48 PM
The transmuter wizard's Master Transmuter reduces a creatures apparent age. It doesn't extend the creature's lifespan.

However, the 8th level wizard spell Clone will do it. Not only does it prevent unnatural death, it can create a clone that is a "younger version of the same creature" making the target essentially ageless.

2014-10-12, 05:02 PM
The transmuter wizard's Master Transmuter reduces a creatures apparent age. It doesn't extend the creature's lifespan.

However, the 8th level wizard spell Clone will do it. Not only does it prevent unnatural death, it can create a clone that is a "younger version of the same creature" making the target essentially ageless.

OH thanks I did not notice that spell!

So can only wizards become imortal?

2014-10-12, 06:59 PM
Sorc can I guess, so can bard with wish. Anything that gets wish.
Something something druid or paladin gets age something I don't remember.

2014-10-12, 07:02 PM
Sorc can I guess, so can bard with wish. Anything that gets wish.
Something something druid or paladin gets age something I don't remember.

So all the spellcasters except cleric?

2014-10-12, 07:03 PM
Bard, cast Simulacrum on yourself and then have your simulacrum Reincarnate you.
Anyone with Clone.
Get Clone or Reincarnate cast on you by someone else.

2014-10-12, 07:09 PM
Maybe miracle ;o
Ask your god if immortality is right for you. 1/week.
True resurrection provides new body maybe a young one. This edition is still new, so tricks still need to be figured out.

2014-10-12, 07:50 PM
Maybe miracle ;o
Ask your god if immortality is right for you. 1/week.
True resurrection provides new body maybe a young one. This edition is still new, so tricks still need to be figured out.

The "ask your god" is probably a no unless you offer to guard something for eternity.

2014-10-12, 09:26 PM
Actually immortality? Don't think they have that yet, but you can potentially achieve everlasting life a few ways.

Wild magic can reduce age.
A young elf druid can become effectively immortal because druids eventually start aging at 1/10 the rate. 10,000 years is more than enough time to find a way to true reincarnate.

Think the others have been said.

2014-10-13, 12:57 AM
Doesn't the Oath of the Ancients paladin stop aging?

2014-10-13, 05:15 AM
Doesn't the Oath of the Ancients paladin stop aging?

They 'suffer none of the drawbacks' (PHB 87) so potentially, depending on your DM.

Edit: As a DM it seems kind of the opposite of the wizard one to me, I would rule that you still appear to age but your body stays in peak condition and you don't die of old age.

2014-10-13, 08:14 AM
Usually that means that you die when you're time's up, though it's not expressly stated in this instan/edition.

2014-10-13, 08:43 AM
I run the Mystara setting. It is full of ways to become "immortal". All of which are clearly defined in the Immortal rules or the Rules Cyclopedia. Minimal adaption need be done, as it is more goal oriented.

EX] "Complete quest to converse with and petition an immortal, obtain a time travel device, found a governmental structure/kingdom, use the time travel device to assist your descendants three times, etc."

But if your just looking for class/spell versions, then that is a different story.

2014-10-13, 11:08 AM
Not everything has to be rules-codified. You can have a deity, genie, or powerful celestial just appear and grant one of the PCs immortality.

This kind of stuff was common knowledge back in 2e days, rarely see it now.

Shining Wrath
2014-10-13, 02:11 PM
I think Monks get a Timeless Body effect, but IIRC you still die of old age. You're just young and vigorous until you do.

"I feel young! Vigorous! Like I was still 30 years old! Urk!"

2016-01-15, 12:13 PM
Level 10 undying warlock ages at 1/10th speed also

A lot of the spells that bring people back mention "not of old age". Level 5's Raise Dead and Reincarnate don't, and reincarnate gives you a new body, potentially of any age as it doesn't specify.

So if you are dying of old age, you could Glyph of Warding a raise dead or reincarnate on your deathbed
For dying in battle nothing beats a death-ward, or you could Contigency Spell raise/reincarnate/revivify.

Elves live to be 700+, undying warlock+lore bard. Magical secrets: glyph, revivify, raise, & reincarnate, undying spells death Ward.

Adult at 100, live for another 6,000. Rinse and repeat

2016-01-15, 12:16 PM
Also, Clone gives you a younger body

M Placeholder
2016-01-15, 01:11 PM
Astral Plane - There is no time there, so you are effectively immune from ageing there. But if you leave the plane, you instantly age the amount of years you spent on the Astral.

2016-01-15, 01:25 PM
I don't think there's any way to be truly immortal. The methods you list may eliminate aging, but an infinite natural life span doesn't mean your immortal. Whether you're a vampire or a lich, you can still be killed, you just don't die of old age.

2016-01-15, 01:41 PM
Become a lich.

2016-01-15, 03:25 PM
I don't think there's any way to be truly immortal. The methods you list may eliminate aging, but an infinite natural life span doesn't mean your immortal. Whether you're a vampire or a lich, you can still be killed, you just don't die of old age.

Some ancient dragons can clone themselves every day indefinitely for no cost and hide their bodies in any location in the world, and even in other planes. (Spellcaster variant)

2016-01-15, 04:03 PM
I don't think there's any way to be truly immortal. The methods you list may eliminate aging, but an infinite natural life span doesn't mean your immortal. Whether you're a vampire or a lich, you can still be killed, you just don't die of old age.

Wish -> Clone, Demiplane, Mord. Private Sanctum. Bam, effectively immortal.

2016-01-15, 04:11 PM
Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?473466-Warlock-Idea-The-Immortal&p=20242118) is a build I made for a character that can live upwards of about 6'000 years. Otherwise, clone.

2016-01-15, 05:07 PM
Magic jar works in a pinch. Duration is permanent now.

2016-01-15, 06:07 PM
All snark and jesting aside, I agree with the 'immortal vs Eternal' crowd.

I realize the OP is long gone (yay threadnomancy) but the question really is, do you mean Immortal, as in Highlander-esque, don't age, can't die - or do you mean Eternal - just really long lived (aging/not aging aside), with tricks (clone, et al) to restart the clock?

Only once that decision is made, can a true answer be given.

Eternal is much easier to pull off (you really have to have a ton of defenses to be truly Immortal) - Though as Rush says 'We're only immortal, for a limited time.' - I really groove to that lyric - as it puts into perspective what immortality really is.

2016-01-15, 08:10 PM
Some ancient dragons can clone themselves every day indefinitely for no cost and hide their bodies in any location in the world, and even in other planes. (Spellcaster variant)

I suppose that is a way to get dragon scale armor or whatnot without angering all the nearby dragons (as much) . . . simply say Toothfang gave me the skin of his old body . . . they will then just roll there eyes and say "yup that's Toothfang for ya'" and fly away (not wanting to kill one of Toothfang's pets).

2016-01-15, 09:33 PM
Outside the options already mentioned?

Book of Vile Darkness in DMG contains rituals to become a lich or death knight

True Polymorph into undead, construct or immortal outsider

Be a warforged

Play in the Warcraft setting, be a draenei or a night elf (second option needs a way to restore certain tree)

Annoy a necromancer, get turned into a zombie or a skeleton (well, there are certain disadvantages...)

2016-01-16, 02:31 AM
Well, considering in most D&D settings even the greatest gods can and have been killed, there is no true immortality (unless the DM says there is).

2016-01-16, 02:41 AM
I guess "real" immortality is something you have to work for. After all, what would happen if you never died or always came back from the dead? You would probably go to a dark place, get bored, maybe over correct for a few hundred years, and then just sort of "hang out" in the dim light and "do you" until something interesting came along. At least that is how I think I would react to not being able to permanently die.

As far as mechanical methods, excluding any homebrew stuff, I think clone on a demiplane with wards like woah is your safest bet. Yes, a long set up (unless you use wish to grow your clone faster), but a solid investment in your future, and your future's future.

2016-01-16, 02:47 AM
....You would probably go to a dark place, get bored, maybe over correct for a few hundred years, and then just sort of "hang out" in the dim light and "do you" until something interesting came along. At least that is how I think I would react to not being able to permanently die.

I don't know, I think an argument could be made that the limitations of the human memory would mean there was always something that seemed new and exciting as things drop into the blackness of the past.

The movie The Man From Earth actually did a pretty interesting job of handling their central character, an approximately 14000 year old man who doesn't age. In the movie he's just guessing how old he is based on what archaeologists and anthropologists say about the flashes of things he does still remember. Good movie. Surprisingly good for a move that takes place on one set with no flashbacks or other gimmicks.

2016-01-16, 02:50 AM
The movie The Man From Earth actually did a pretty interesting job of handling their central character, an approximately 14000 year old man who doesn't age. In the movie he's just guessing how old he is based on what archaeologists and anthropologists say about the flashes of things he does still remember. Good movie. Surprisingly good for a move that takes place on one set with no flashbacks or other gimmicks.

That movie is really well done and enjoyable to watch.

2016-01-16, 03:39 AM
The latest Dr Who season did similar, with Ashildr - she was a viking woman given the 'gift' of immortality through a device that constantly regenerated her body.

Her mind couldn't retain all her knowledge, so she wrote down her adventures in journals and would go back to refer to past deeds. Life still got a bit boring - repetitive, I imagine - it's not like you'd forget everything, and I'm sure there are triggering events... yeah, immortality has never appealed to me, in any fashion.

2016-01-16, 10:51 PM
I did play around with immortality as a class feature and made a background that grants immortality. It's a homebrew, but I figured I could share it here and get some feedback, too.

Background: Incarnation of Immortality (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?475218-Incarnation-of-Immortality-How-broken-would-true-immortality-be-in-5e-(PEACH))

2016-01-16, 11:14 PM
Play a Barbarian. Done. Trust me, if you playa Barbarian like a barbarian should be played, you will NOT die of old age.

2016-01-20, 06:43 PM
In the DMG there is a page on "Epic Boons" One of the boons is the Boon of Immortality.

It simply stops you from aging. You can still die by normal means but that seems to be what you are looking for.