View Full Version : DM Help I cast Command 'Obey'

2014-10-13, 06:38 AM
This isn't an actual problem yet, but it may come up in the future.

When a player says: 'I'm going to cast Command at the monster over there, with the command being Obey', and then proceeds to give the monster a detailed command consisting of several sentences, how should I respond?

2014-10-13, 06:50 AM
Unit has to obey the command on its next turn. If it's just 'Obey' then it either obeys everyone or nothing happens. Have its companions make an int check, if they pass it then they intercept with a command of 'do whatever you want'

Killer Angel
2014-10-13, 06:57 AM
As per the spell, the subject will obey a single command in the next round.
With complicated instructions, the spell automatically fails.

2014-10-13, 07:00 AM
The spell does indicate that the DM decides what non-standard commands result in. Since this is an attempt to do more than the spell should be able to, I'd have it quietly do not a thing at all, and I wouldn't feel compelled at all to spell out a rationale (such as 'didn't specify who or what to obey, so it obeyed itself'). Tell the player the story about the man with the goose that laid golden eggs if s/he needs it spelled out.

2014-10-13, 07:01 AM
As per the spell, the subject will obey a single command in the next round.
With complicated instructions, the spell automatically fails.

Reading comprehension, mate. The command is obey. The instructions come later, not as part of the spell.

2014-10-13, 07:27 AM
the target's face turns into andre the giant's face for one turn.

2014-10-13, 08:56 AM
Reading comprehension, mate. The command is obey. The instructions come later, not as part of the spell.

The command is pretty hard to interpret, then, unless you're allowing a lot of implicit instruction to accompany the one word. (You reasonably could; if somebody gives you an order, you refuse, and then they tell you to 'obey,' it is pretty clear what the command to 'obey' means.)

But I'd make them spend at least one action giving the detailed orders, and I'd probably make them do it FIRST. THEN cast the Command spell. You have to get the context just right to make this work. Recall that you can't give self-destructive orders, nor can you expect them to comply for more than a round. If you have an extra round to set it up (or two people working in close tandem), then it's probably not too overpowered.

2014-10-13, 09:10 AM
Obeying is already part of the spell.

Commanding someone to Obey might result in the target going uh.. yeah.. but obey what? By the time the caster elaborates the spell has ended and nothing happens.

Killer Angel
2014-10-13, 01:09 PM
Reading comprehension, mate. The command is obey. The instructions come later, not as part of the spell.

The duration of the spell is still one round.
You can give all the instructions you want, when the spell is already expired... :smallamused:

2014-10-13, 01:22 PM
This isn't an actual problem yet, but it may come up in the future.

When a player says: 'I'm going to cast Command at the monster over there, with the command being Obey', and then proceeds to give the monster a detailed command consisting of several sentences, how should I respond?

You should summon the kind of Inevitable that comes down and smites jokers who are only half as smart as they think they are. Spell doesn't work that way.

2014-10-13, 01:30 PM
OP, I think your solution is right there in the spell text:

You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves.

See? It says "DM determines". It doesn't say "DM goes on the internet to solicit twenty different and contradictory opinions." You have been given a carte blanche to determine what happens. Use it. You're completely free to set the creature's reaction to match the tone of the game you're trying to run.

- Is this a type of whimsical beer-and-pretsels games where players are encouraged to be clever and break things in half? Sure, go ahead and reward the player. The creature obeys him, because, like, whatever.
- Is this a type of more immersive game where gamesmanship and rule exploits are not encouraged? The creature stands there befuddled, his mind clouded by the spell, not knowing what to do.

2014-10-13, 01:31 PM
the target's face turns into andre the giant's face for one turn.

Best comment I've seen on this forum.

2014-10-13, 01:42 PM
Time them. If the command (including the time it takes to say the word "obey") takes more than six seconds, they've exceeded the spell's duration and it has no effect. Besides getting the creature's attention, that is. :smallamused:

2014-10-13, 01:56 PM
I think if you Command a target to Obey, you get arrested by the department of redundancy department.

Seriously though, ordering it to obey is no different than telling it to "stop" or "listen". The Command only lasts for one round, and since it takes your action to cast and has a verbal component, it seems to me that you wouldn't have time to issue more than a one word command until next turn anyway... So they'll spend one round LISTENING to your complex command then the spell ends.

Now, I haven't looked at it RAW where metallurgic is concerned, but you might be able to get 2 or more rounds of control as a sorcerer. Worth looking into.

2014-10-13, 02:01 PM
I think if you Command a target to Obey, you get arrested by the department of redundancy department.

Nono! You get honoured at a luncheon. And then they give you a medal. And buy you breakfast. And give a toast to your honour. And then get you dinner.

Shining Wrath
2014-10-13, 02:04 PM
The target obeys the command to obey. What command does it obey?

Everyone involved who can hear and understand what just happened rolls for initiative. The winner gets to shout a simple command. A Spellcraft check may be required to realize that Command was used, but since the spell includes the verbal component "Obey" it's a DC 5 check, 10 if the person rolling the check doesn't speak the language of the caster.

So most likely a Rogue or archer will get to shout a command at the target. Use with caution....

2014-10-13, 02:16 PM
Everyone involved who can hear and understand what just happened rolls for initiative. The winner gets to shout a simple command. A Spellcraft check may be required to realize that Command was used, but since the spell includes the verbal component "Obey" it's a DC 5 check, 10 if the person rolling the check doesn't speak the language of the caster.

*cough**cough*5th edition*cough*no spellcraft*cough*

2014-10-14, 03:15 AM
Command forces the target to follow the command on it's next turn. It grants no control between when the command is issued and when their next turn is. On their next turn they will obay the command as given, that's how the spell works.

Further, even if you could convince your DM to allow to give a more complicated order on their turn as a reaction and make them still have time to understand and act upon it, all during their turn(which is unlikely) obay is such a broad wishy washy command as to not do anything. Was he ordered by his superiors to kill you, he's obaying.

Shining Wrath
2014-10-14, 08:58 AM
*cough**cough*5th edition*cough*no spellcraft*cough*

OK, know(arcana). Some sort of "Wait what just happened there?" check to realize that the next person to give the target an order will be obeyed.

2014-10-14, 09:03 AM
Further, even if you could convince your DM to allow to give a more complicated order on their turn as a reaction and make them still have time to understand and act upon it, all during their turn(which is unlikely) obay is such a broad wishy washy command as to not do anything. Was he ordered by his superiors to kill you, he's obaying.

This, a hundred times over. If they try this they accidentally activate the sleeper agent mode of their target, who turns into a crazy ninja assassin and slaughters everyone, then goes and does his pre-commanded nefarious deed that incites a global war.

2014-10-14, 09:33 AM
I vote for the "stands there confused waiting for the rest of the command" for one round implementation.

Obey is at best the beginning of a command. You could use "Cook" for instance and get the same response.

Alternate fun ideas for Command:

Dance - Disrobe - Doodle - Freeze - Run - Twirl - Disarm - Crawl

I really resisted the urge to use this for Van'elle the Winter Mage triple casting command:


2014-10-14, 10:58 AM
OK, know(arcana). Some sort of "Wait what just happened there?" check to realize that the next person to give the target an order will be obeyed.

*cough* Actually... the proper notation in 5E is "Intelligence (Arcana)"

pedant mode off...

2014-10-14, 11:24 AM
The target obeys the command to obey. What command does it obey?

He obeys all commands. Combat turns into a slapstick shouting match for the next round.

"Attack the cleric!" "Jump up and down!" "Rethink your life!" "Make me a sandwich!" "Take off your pants!""Bark like a chicken!" "Take off my pants!""Take a level in Ranger!""Calculate your THAC0!""Say your prayers!" "Eat your vitamins!" "Believe in yourself!"

2014-10-14, 11:30 AM
He obeys all commands. Combat turns into a slapstick shouting match for the next round.

"Attack the cleric!" "Jump up and down!" "Rethink your life!" "Make me a sandwich!" "Take off your pants!""Bark like a chicken!" "Take off my pants!""Take a level in Ranger!""Calculate your THAC0!""Say your prayers!" "Eat your vitamins!" "Believe in yourself!"

My name is Fwiffo86, and I fully support this message.

2014-10-14, 11:31 AM
Alternate fun ideas for Command:

I had a really good time a game or two ago running around and pointing my finger at people while yelling 'Masturbate'.

If that's not disadvantage in combat I don't know what is.

/best PK in years, too.