View Full Version : The Midearon Empire Campaign Pt.1

2014-10-13, 02:27 PM
The past several days were horrible. On a forced march, little water and even less food, watching escape attempts end in blood and death, the sight of a small town lifted your hope. Its the first town the caravan of prisoners headed directly towards. The largest building was easily the round coliseum on the far side of town. Beyond the town was a large forest as far as the eye could see to the west and east. The town guards halted the caravan but only for a moment as money exchange hands. The prisoners were led through the town quickly as the sun set, to the other side of the coliseum.

A larger human inspected most of the captured individuals and seemed excited by "stock." He quickly paid your capturers then had you led to your individual cells. The door closed quickly behind you and the dimming light allowed you to see your room. You were almost relieved at the sight of a makeshift bed. A sack full of straw with a small pillow and thin sheet in one corner. And in the other corner a small hole with a bucket inside.

As expected, most prisoners passed out quickly despite their hunger and unease at their new surroundings. You occasionally hear the passing of a couple of guards but sleep soundly anyways.

Morning comes a little too quickly but the smell of food inside your cell helps you wake up. An actual hot meal with three glasses of water. "Enjoy." the guard says as the he shuts the door, before moving to the next cell.

Alright guys, feel free to do what you want. Tark your cell is next to some stairs leading up as best you can tell, with Khamul's cell next to yours. On the other side of the dwarf, is the large female human Sophie. Next to Sophie is Alicia, who has the company of Nothas on your right side when looking at your door. Nothas you have a small creepy looking human next to you. Whenever you wake, he is just staring and smiling at you.

2014-10-13, 05:27 PM

You see before you a rag-clad duergar, feet rooted firmly on the earth as he stands on the dusty floor of his cell. Like all dwarves, he's short and squat, with a barrel chest and strong muscles not at all hidden by what passes for clothing. His hair is thin and grey, chopped off at shoulder length, and only a few days' stubble adorns his face. He's dusty and dirty like the rest, but doesn't seem quite as tired or wilted as most of the others.

His face is ill-proportioned and you think his nose has been broken a few times before.

"So...gladiators. It could be worse, at least we have a way up and out instead of breaking our backs building monuments.

This won't be my first, fifth, or twentieth fight. I'm not going to die here for the casual entertainment of the rabble. They'll put us against beasts first, and some team-work might help some of you share in not-dying."

2014-10-13, 06:24 PM
Hunched over into a crouch on the floor, Tark truly resembles a hyena that simply decided to grow hands. The stink of blood, sweat, and other fouler substances offends his sensitive nose. Living alone in the forest has made him wiry and alert, his flashing yellow eyes darting back and forth like animal trapped in a cell.

His earlier relief at not being slaughtered sinks into horror as he fully realizes the situation he currently faces.

Having learned the common tongue of Men second-hand, Tark is forced to rhyme to drudge the memory of the words to his mind. His voice is growly from his Gnollish accent and a yowl of fear colors his words.

"Trapped in cage like a bad hyena,
will we be stuck in the arena?
No more trees, only blood and sand?
Sent cringing and fighting under whip's command?

Can't stay here, die trapped in stone,
sliced open by swords in a bloody bout.
Got to escape, but can't do it alone.
Anyone know how we get out?"

2014-10-13, 08:18 PM
Nothas presently appears to be an elven male standing about five and a half feet tall, with dirty brown hair. He gazes intently at his fellow captives as they speak, his expression changing as he looks at them as he ponders various aspects of their appearance, though saying nothing. Eventually his expression shifts back to a more settled, almost detached appearance, and he sits down to eat while the food is still warm. Upon finishing his meal, he sets one of his full glasses of water to the side, untouched, and begins to speak calmly.

"A duergar on the surface, a gnoll in a cage, an unwashed aasimar; well if we are indeed to fight for entertainment, at least the audience won't be lacking variety in their bloodsport. I have rarely had cause or occasion to work with others, but I suppose fighting to the death together beneath a whip is a better catalyst than most for cooperation. Anyone know how things tend to get run around here?"

Henry the 57th
2014-10-14, 01:51 AM
In her cell, looking curiously unperturbed by the way things have gone, is a good-looking young woman in a simple tunic and britches. She might pass for human were it not for her silver-white hair, golden eyes, and curiously unblemished skin. As it is, her otherworldly heritage is somewhat obvious to all who see her. Her expression is one of calm as her eyes flick back and forth, taking in all the surrounding prisoners.

Eventually, she ceases her observations, opting to consume the offered food. This she does without comment or change of expression, always keeping that eerily serene expression plastered on herself.

"If we are to be together for at least some amount of time," she says at length, after finishing the last of her food. "Perhaps we might introduce ourselves? It is always good to know with whom one may be fighting with or against. I am Alicia Sesero. I would say I am pleased to meet you, but these are not exactly ideal circumstances for such pleasantries."

2014-10-14, 10:51 PM
It's a curious thing, to see such extreme shifts from quite possibly the biggest woman you've ever seen. At least as far as humans go, she's ungainly tall and has pastel red hair even with the dirt and dust of travel; underneath the grime, she's not so bad looking. But to say she's erratic is putting it mildly; the giantess would rage like a wild animal when pushed too far by guards along the march, only to revert to a dangerously meek and quiet demeanor the next. It's not like she even said anything properly, overall she was given a wide berth...

Now, things are not so different. As soon as she stirs into conscious she begins to pray. Not a desperate plea of "Oh God, please don't let me die," but true litanies of a faith that is likely not well known in the squatter's prison of gladiators. It's almost serene... before once she finishes she dives for the double portions of food at the base of her cell and *devours* everything in sight. Wolves would learn a thing or two about table manners from her...

She drains the water slower, however, using some of it to wipe back hair from her face, and doe-like eyes scan the room, her lips quivering closed as conversation follows. She brushes a hand about her clothes, which seem less...threadbare and ragged than they did a moment before.

"Oh my, that's right, Aquilonia isn't here; she's been taken from me..." she mutters as if taking in a realization, "I suppose it's for the best; I've no desire to fight any of you strangers, least of all here."

In a rather formal sitting pose on the bare floor, she clears her throat as if she hadn't just obliterated her meal. "Sophia Summerrose Dracmar, at your service. Though Sophie is what I tend to go by, I'm gathering that we've all been forced here, and... against my inner desires, we should at least know what awaits us before we do something pleasantly rash about this hellhole... Is anyone still injured from our travels?"

Prepared my spells, cast mending on her clothes because propriety, damn it all, and while Sophie probably can't heal anybody from inside a cell, propriety again demands she at least ask.

2014-10-14, 11:32 PM
As you talk amongst yourselves and eat your meals, the guards bring around a large green Lizardfolk. Standing taller than any other prisoner, he looks over all of them. As if sizing each of them and you up against himself. The guards stop him in front of Tark's cell for a moment to open stares leading into the arena. The lizardfolk eyes the gnoll before remarking, "Shouldn't he be with the other mutts outside." Chuckling he heads up the stairs.

The creepy human staring now sideways at Nothas, not yet breaking his gaze, answers unasked questions. "That's Gral. Current champion. If you win your fight, you get to keep a possession of the person you kill before they sell the rest. Naturally, Gral likes weapons. Personally, I keep books." He shows off his stack of books next to his bucket. He stands up to see past Nothas, finally breaking his gaze. "You don't leave. You only fight or die. If you need something, anything else, just let me know. Im Dio." He then crouches back down and continues his staring at Nothas.

2014-10-15, 01:30 AM
"I go by Nothas, though Noth will work fine enough."

Nothas looks at Dio and meets his gaze.

"You seem pretty knowledgeable Dio, what sort of things are we like to encounter day one? How long until we are forced to fight fellow captives?"

2014-10-15, 02:03 PM
Dio nearly laughs with glee, "HA! Well one unfortunate arrival will be Gral's warm up then another will fight him in the arena tonight. The rest will be fill in matchups." He looks over Nothas again. "Did you like to read? Maybe you had a book on you when you were captured? Oh wait wait wait, the matches start after lunch so we have a few hours to decide who we want to fight."

2014-10-15, 05:25 PM

"No beasts, and all one-on-one duels? Bah, then why am I speaking with you all?"

2014-10-15, 09:44 PM
"He asked what to expect day one." Dio responding to the Duergar. "You'll need friends in here Ugly. It be a shame to get on someone's bad side...." His voice trailing off. A single guard patrolling by as Dio finishes his sentence. The guard passes the cells as he heads up to the arena.

2014-10-16, 09:59 PM
"I thank you for your generous offer Sophie, but I am well enough to be getting along with for now.

Dio, do they grant us any time to prepare for our matches, and likewise do they grant us provisions for our matches?"

2014-10-17, 12:41 AM
Dio starts to explain but stops as a couple of guards bring around a human. You recognize him from your journey to the coliseum. A small, quiet guy who would never look someone in the eye. Doesn't seem like he would have much experience in combat. They head into the arena, and he grew more terrified as they did.

Dio then continues "We have yard time shortly. Try to be careful. This is when they decide who we fight against. A little bad blood makes a better match, you see. For your first match you get to choose from your own items to fight with. If you didn't have one when you were captured, you may borrow from the arena."

Suddenly, a yell occurs from the arena, stopping mid scream. Gral had won his match. Heading back to his cell, the lizard wore the blood on his face and body as a trophy. He smirked at Alicia on his way back. "You want to be next?"

Few minutes later, guards start escorting prisoners in groups of 6 to the arena. As you step out onto the sand, there is blood near the stairs as if the killing blow was done at the door. A round well built stadium, obviously built to hold more people than in the town, there is a raised podium with 7 men standing there watching over the prisoners. Its hard to count the number of prisoners due to them shuffling about. Few stand out, mostly half orcs, humans, and half elves. A single dwarf lingers underneath the podium, while most prisoners are in their individual cliques. The 12 new arrivals(including yourselves) are last out there. And the final one through the door was a single human(Solar).

This is where you basically get a chance to loosen up, examine the opponents, try to find a way to get out, or just make an overall scene.

2014-10-17, 07:20 AM

Khamul steps to the side after they enter, placing his back against the wall. He leans there, scanning the arena for other doors and entry points.

2014-10-17, 11:44 AM
As they step outside, Tark carefully taps Alicia on the shoulder. It was never a good idea to surprise a female, he had learned.

"Psst, lizardman wants us dead.
Always better to hunt in pack.
Why not team up, instead,
so we can stab him in the back?"

2014-10-17, 04:36 PM
Solar Macharius, the human gladiator without the shirt, walked right forward, to be the man standing right in the front of the group. So long had he waited for this feeling of impending glory and battle, and as the crowd looked on, he could almost feel his ego swelling.

It was finally time to put his skills to use. Time to go into combat.

He spoke, in prose, "Ah, to walk upon the blood stained ground... To the last man, and the last round!" to himself, but loud enough to be heard by bystanders.

Henry the 57th
2014-10-17, 05:49 PM
Alicia seems mildly amused at something, though whether it's the verse or the idea of someone killing her isn't obvious. "I find you proposition... acceptable." she says to Tark after a moment of mulling it over.

2014-10-17, 08:43 PM
Nothas slowly wanders the edge of the group, attempting to make note of who the more prominent figures in some of the larger groups, while also noting which of the groups are standing nearer to each other, and which seem to be more reclusive and hostile.

2014-10-18, 11:33 AM
"Soon, Aquilonia..."

Shepherded out last, Sophie seems to wilt momentarily at the sight of both the grounds and the shirtless man's proclamation. If it weren't for her imposing height, she'd be the easiest damn target of all, but the captured cleric eventually seems to find composure.

She treads carefully around the grounds, trying to calm her inner fury at being subjected to this, trying to abate it by reasoning. Reasoning such as "let's find out how many guards there are, how high up are the walls, and is anybody injured?" Yes, the last thing on that list becomes a priority after the bloody steps. Sophie searches for anyone sporting fresh or mishandled wounds...

I suppose spot checks are in order here: [roll0] Trying to gauge how many guards there are, if she could conceivably climb the walls (She's 6'5", and Enlarge person would double that to almost 13' and with extended reach, I...am assuming that means she could-- with effort-- climb a 20ft high wall, maybe thirty if she had a running start and a jump...) And also if anybody is hurt.

2014-10-18, 03:43 PM
The arena is round with no pillars inside it. The walls are 15' up all the way around. The podium spot hangs out into the arena. There is one other door just like the one you enter across the arena. One large gate across from the podium that goes down into darkness.

Of the groups in the arena, you notice it breaks into 5 groups. The first group has a large Orc surrounded by several other half orcs and humans. The new people have yet to break off from the door, like yourselves. The next group seems to be more relaxed than most and smaller in number. Its mostly half elves and humans, 2 and 3 respectively, and they seem to follow Dio. The lone dwarf is a "group" all on his own. And the last group stands across from the Orc led group and has a single Elf leader with several humans and half elves backing him.

There are 7 guards on the podium and another 8 in the stands. With a total of 10 more guards standing in the arena with the prisoners. No one seems to be hurt out in the arena, but tension is rising between the Elf group and the Orc group. And the final thing you notice is that Gral is not out in the arena with everyone else.

2014-10-20, 07:42 PM
Solar cracked his neck in a somewhat eager fashion, and began to move forward, ready to start fighting as soon as possible. Glory and fame, his drug and weakness, were soon to flood him, or so he hoped.

He'd heard about the current champion, some form of lizard thing, in the rumors, or something, but didn't really know what it was. Never the less, he had his mind set on overthrowing the champion. He looked around at the rest of thr combatents he was expected to fight, and spat on the ground. They didn't look nearly as skilled at combat at him, even if some of them seemed to be more powerful than him in terms of brute force.

2014-10-20, 08:38 PM
The lone dwarf is enough to draw Tark's curiosity. He knows that no one here will have any love for his kind, so he cautiously approaches the loner. The gnoll is ready to evade any sort of hostile action. Keeping his voice down, he says,

"Here you stand, all alone.
Is that any fault of your own?"

2014-10-21, 12:16 PM
The lone dwarf is enough to draw Tark's curiosity. He knows that no one here will have any love for his kind, so he cautiously approaches the loner. The gnoll is ready to evade any sort of hostile action. Keeping his voice down, he says,

"Here you stand, all alone.
Is that any fault of your own?"

"A talking dog, now Ive seen it all." The dwarf looks over Tark and a small smile crosses his face. "Would you like to be of use?" He points out a certain someone, "That Dio guy is bad news. Why don't you take a small bite out of his leg?"

2014-10-21, 06:15 PM
"Careful, if you have him bite the wrong person, I might have to get involved..." swaying, hands behind her back as if she were a girl on a playground, Sophie watches Tark and the dwarf converse--a step out of reach away.

"How crowded does this place get during a match?" she follows up with, only occasionally looking at either fellow, mostly looking down at her near-ruined shoes. "And may I ask your name, please? I wouldn't want to seem too rude as a first impression..."

2014-10-21, 08:35 PM
The dwarf initially shows shock at the height of Sophie, then rescinds to his usual gruff look. "Im Kylan. Im sorry miss..." pausing before continuing as if he didn't really care "The arena stays mostly empty unless Gral has a good match up. Now back to the problem.... Dio." He says the name with hatred and disgust.

2014-10-22, 02:17 PM
Nothas stays at the edge of the crowd, making no effort to initiate interactions with any of the various groups.

2014-10-23, 05:30 PM
Snarling, Tark whuffs at the dwarf.

"I'm not some dog, at your beck and call.
Dio's been helping us get through.
Go bite him yourself, if you have guts at all,
or tell me what's biting you."

2014-10-24, 12:09 AM
Snarling, Tark whuffs at the dwarf.

"I'm not some dog, at your beck and call.
Dio's been helping us get through.
Go bite him yourself, if you have guts at all,
or tell me what's biting you."

"DONT QUESTION MY GUTS!!!!" The dwarf puffing up his chest. "He's not helping you. He will get you killed. Mark my words."

Nothas stays at the edge of the crowd, making no effort to initiate interactions with any of the various groups.

Dio wanders over to Nothas, "Who would you like to fight today?"

2014-10-24, 08:32 PM
Nothas considers Dio for a moment before answering.

"Generally I would prefer the opportunity to observe an opponent in action before facing them in combat, so that I may determine their typical method of fighting, in order to better prepare myself for our confrontation. While I would be grateful of such an opportunity, I imagine that is beyond the scope of your influence.

Preferences notwithstanding, it would be unwise to haphazardly choose an opponent at random, knowing nothing in advance of their prowess or abilities. Appearances can be deceiving...

I am curious however, as to the cause of your interest in me."

2014-10-25, 09:49 AM
Tensions seem to be rising between the Orc led group and the Elf led group, with individuals yelling across the arena at the other group.

Dio responds to Nothas "Most of the new guys are larger and brutish. You, however, are smaller." he pauses to smile, "I like helping the small guys. Favors can go a long way."

As soon as Dio finishes the sentence, the yelling escalates into fighting. The guards in the arena are outnumbered, so they aren't in a hurry to break up the fighting, but have drawn their weapons. The guards in the stands are at the edge of the arena, ready to jump in, but are waiting.

The elf leader stands back, as does the orc, watching each other while others fight around them. Several of the new arrivals just stand against the walls, trying to avoid involvement. The dwarf seems really agitated and afraid once the fighting broke out, and seems to be cowering behind Tark.

2014-10-25, 11:06 PM
The dwarf's obvious cowardice is enough to send Tark into the howling laughter typical of his people as he twists to regard Kylan.

"'Don't question my guts', eh?"

2014-10-26, 07:27 AM
Just don't laugh at my dwarf.

Sorry I'm not posting IC right now, but Neutral Evil is "I take care of me" and the rest of the group hasn't shown that they're able to help him...so he's sitting back and watching instead of risking getting hurt (or getting put up against the lizardman champion) in some stupid brawl between elves and orcs.

2014-10-26, 08:34 PM
"I'd like to question why the orc and the elf are looking for a fight..." Sophie makes a show of pointing towards the brewing trouble, glancing quizzically at the dwarf. In fact, Sophie tries to nudge/shoo Tark out of the way so she's the one suddenly acting as a wall between him and danger.

"That is, assuming they just don't like each other just cause, but it seems like taking any side here is an easy way to die..."

2014-10-26, 10:39 PM
Kylan goes to respond to Tark and Sophie when 4 humans walk over, the dwarf now looks mortified. "Look, Ill explain anything you want, Just don't let me get injured. Dio wouldn't appreciate a fair fight against me." He attempts to step in front of the two of you. "So you girls want to try and slow me down?" Obviously putting on a brave face as he looks on his soon to be assailants.

The guards are now in the thick of the fighting, trying to separate the two groups. Some of the new prisoners see this as an opportunity to attack the guards, escalating the fighting.

2014-10-27, 09:16 AM
Khamul moves along the wall to stand near the gnoll, tall woman, and dwarf as the 4 human gladiators approach.

What are the guards equipped with?

2014-10-28, 11:47 AM
With an unladylike grunt, Sophie once more moves in front of the dwarf, and cracks all the knuckles in her hands. Her formerly soft yet detached expression seems to have taken on a harder edge, as if she just saw someone track mud over a white carpet and is going to chew someone out over it.

"Let a real girl handle this.


I don't know what you four bucks wanted, but go tussle with somebody else. We were having a discussion, thank you very much."

Therein lies the faintest of leonine growls behind poor Sophie's words, as she gives the gladiators a steely warning glance.

[roll0] It somehow seems apropos that a polite intimidate check gets no bonuses... I wonder if it'll work at all.

2014-10-28, 09:16 PM
the guards are wielding longsowords but no shields.

The four men suddenly look less confident and unsure of their previous foolproof plan. "L...l..look lady, we just want the dwarf. Dio would appreciate if you got out of the way." One of the would be attackers checks over his shoulder on the guards and their progress on breaking up the massive brawl. It's not in the guards favor.

2014-10-28, 09:26 PM
Solar continued watching the fight rage on, and on, and quite frankly, found it dishonorable on the part of the prisoners. Those guards were trying to do their jobs, to provide for a family and themselves, and this was likely not their first choice of job. But as the tide of battle changed to make things rather difficult for the guard, Solar just barely resisted getting into the fight, on the side of the guards. He was unarmed, and without a blade in hand, he was not at an advantage. He thought he could win regardless, but not easily.

He sighed, and wished the fights would finish, so that he could get into the colloseum for real, and get right down into the fighting.

2014-10-28, 09:34 PM
Tark doesn't appreciate Sophie trying to shoo him away like a flea-bitten mutt, but he finds it hard to argue with a larger female. The human male's words, however, interest him greatly.

"Why do you want the dwarf anyway?
What's between Dio and him?
Tell us what there is to say
about making his odds so slim."

2014-10-28, 09:45 PM
One responds quickly "The dwarf and Dio have a match today." He nods as if saying you get what's going on.

The guards are now separating the crowd and starts escorting the major trouble makers to their cells.

2014-10-28, 09:51 PM
Nothas continues to stay away from the fighting.

"Are these sorts of brawls a regular occurance during yard time, or is something unusual afoot?"

2014-10-28, 09:58 PM
Dio answers Nothas questions "Small brawls are common, larger fights like this one takes a little.... Planning and incentive."

2014-10-30, 01:29 PM
Nothas chuckles softly to himself, then glances towards the captives that were brought in with him, curious to see how they are faring in the uproar.

2014-10-31, 10:04 PM
Besides the ones that jumped in after the guards during the large brawl, Nothas notices 4 other captives hugging the wall not wanting to be a part of any mess.

2014-10-31, 10:06 PM
"So, if there is no mistake,
it's his bones you want to break?"

2014-11-01, 04:29 PM
Everyone make a spot check!

At this point the 4 men have grown tired of talking and nervous of the guards, "That's exactly right and move to attack the dwarf, Tark, and Sophie.

2014-11-01, 04:42 PM

Solar was getting increasingly bored with how things were going, and decided, that perhaps one of the guards could tell him when the fighting would start. But he'd have to ask that later. There was still some commotion going on.

2014-11-09, 11:18 PM
Tark and Sophie are now being engaged and surrounded as well as the dwarf. The 4 attackers are human, but only one is armed. A small dagger. :smalleek: Not using a map quite yet, working on a new program though so hope to have one with next major combat. Since you actually won initiative, you two go first. The dwarf last and the attackers in between. If anyone wants to help, Jump in with Sophie and Tark. Except Nothas....

As the rioting and fighting finally has puttered out, the four men rush towards the dwarf hoping to get pass the Gnoll and the giant.... lady.:smallsmile:

Nothas meanwhile finds himself suddenly covered with blood, but not his own. Dio who was standing next to him has been struck by a longsword. Dio is gravely wounded but isnt dead.No one actually saw who threw the weapon but Sophie doesnt even know Dio has been struck. All other party members saw it.

A couple of guards have rushed back out to the arena looking for a longsword that one of the guards have dropped....

Only some of the new recruits, including yourselves, Dio's group, the dwarf and 4 of the guards remain inside the arena. The stands are mostly empty except for 2 guards. The matches are suppose to start soon.

2014-11-09, 11:40 PM
The knifey guy is probably going to regret the consequences of his actions. Sophie seems to get bigger, the threads of her clothes seem tighter around rock-hard muscles as her eyes film over with the same rose red as her hair.

How DARE you!!!" she bellows, and rears back her foot and attempts to kick the bejeepers out of the shank-holder.

Sophie has entered RRRRRAAAAAAGGGGEEE, and her sheet has been updated.

Time to see how hard she can kick someone: [roll0]

[roll2] Non lethal damage

2014-11-10, 10:32 AM
Tark has no real love for the dwarf. But he realizes that he has a pick a side now, or be left out by both. Luckily, he knows a few spots to hit where it will hurt, even without a weapon... He swings a fist out at one of the humans, hoping to take them by surprise.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2014-11-10, 02:24 PM
Khamul charges the humans from behind, aiming for one of the unarmed ones. Catching his target unawares, his fists impact his target right in both kidneys, causing excruciating pain.

And not the one that just got kicked down.
Charge, power attacking for -1/+2
Unarmed strike +2 for charging
Damage [roll1] I am assuming that unarmed strike counts as a 1-handed weapon, and so doesn't get a 1.5x STR multiplier; otherwise, add 1 point of damage

crits [roll2] [1d3

2014-11-10, 02:45 PM
Nothas attempts to move between Dio any any further wouldbe assailants, though not quite taking his eye off Dio or the longsword.

2014-11-12, 10:29 AM
Just moments before the last attacker had 3 allies and had his enemy outnumbered, and in a flash he is the last man standing. Sophie's sudden and rather rude attack left the armed assailant on the ground, crying in pain. The gnoll fell another attacker swiftly with a punch to the chin, a solid hit that left the man unconscious on the ground. Khamul sees an easy opportunity coming up from behind the attackers, charges one of the two final men, lands a powerful punch that may have had enough force to break some ribs. The man left standing quickly realizes his trouble, drops to the ground and yells "GUARDS!!!!" Kylan tries to get in as many kicks as he can before any guards arrive to save the human.

3 guards start rush over, two are armed.

Nothas sees no threat to Dio, but notices the sword is no longer near you two. Dio is gravely wounded, but tries to stand up anyways.

Solar overall gets to watch two fights break out while he waits for his match.

I now know who you will each fight. Should be fun. :smallbiggrin:

2014-11-12, 12:03 PM
Khamul steps back from the fight and crosses his arms to make it clear that he's done. The stubble on his cheeks does little to hide a slight smirk.

2014-11-12, 12:48 PM
Sophie takes one look at the guards and while her insistence is to thrash them, she does not. Instead, she puts her foot on the fetal-positioned hoodlum she bested and with one last burst of her rage, shoves him roughly towards those guards.

"BASTARDGOTFRRRSH!" she explains in accusation, not caring if he had the sense to toss the knife away, but a small merciful part of her doesn't want to up and accuse him. With heavy breathing she comes down from her anger and crosses her arms in part to stay indignant, in part to steady herself.

"I TOLD him not to bother me!!!" she says with a sob for air, now looking shaken and more wilted than fresh from the fight...

Not sure if I need a bluff check or not, but: [roll0]

2014-11-12, 12:52 PM
Laying the human flat out in one punch is enough to make Tark break into a fit of hyena-like laughter. Still, he backs away to make it clear that his involvement is done.

2014-11-12, 10:49 PM
Nothas reaches out to assist Dio.

"Are you alright Dio? Your wound looks bad, do you need assistance?"