View Full Version : what book is gelgar stumpfoot the bugbear from?

2014-10-13, 11:14 PM
I remember an adventure hook/encounter that described a bugbear captain (fighter 4) named "gelgar stumpfoot." but looking through my books, I see nothing.

I remember that he was captain of a ship and that meeting him involved sailing, so I thought it was in stormwrack, but that didn't pan out.

in it, I believe his slow descent to madness is described, as is his BO likened to (iirc) brine and cheese.

amazingly, none of these things will tell me what book he's in. there is a different, unrelated gelgar in FRCS, but that's not what I'm looking for. my google-fu has given me his stats, but not what book he's from.

does anyone know where to find this inconsequential npc?

2014-10-13, 11:46 PM
Try DMG2? I seem to recall something like that from there.

EDIT: Hmm. Doesn't appear to be from there. I did find this (http://d20npcs.wikia.com/wiki/Gelgar,_Bugbear_Captain_CR6), though. Doesn't have any of the other stuff you're looking for though.