View Full Version : Slaves of the Arena

2014-10-14, 12:16 AM
Chapter 1: Chains
Chains have been the one constant thing in the past few weeks. The ones that clank around your legs and feet, inhibiting your ability to walk. Once in a while you drift off to the side, and the driver will yank you back into the group by the chains, likely knocking you down in the process. The ill-fitted manacles and collars tend to chafe, and one of the group even broke his wrist from a too-tight strap. One of the guards not holding the chains is taking this time to explain to you exactly what you face.

"All of you come from different backgrounds. I know that some of you were criminals of various sorts, or enemy soldiers. Some of you fought in arenas in the outlying towns, hoping for this chance. And there are probably a few of you who were the wrong person's slave at the wrong time. But all that doesn't matter worth a damn now. As of right now, you are all considered prisoners until further notice. And that's the way it's going to remain unless one group of you makes for Arena Champions, so get used to it. See that skeleton over there? The one on top of the giant pit full of mortal skeletons? Those are the ones who try to run. If you somehow bypassed the wards, both on the doors and on your bodies, you would have a long dash across a field with dozens of the Empire's finest archers an crossbowmen firing at you- assuming they don't just go all-out and bring in the bastillas.

"You can see the Arena as we approach it. We'll be taking the entrance on the bottom right side, over next to those catacombs there. Single file down the stairs."

As you approach the entrance, you see flashing lights and hear the unmistakable sound of vigorous unarmed combat. As you descend the stairs, you witness a burly human locked in a grapple with an orc who looks to be half again the human's size. The human escapes the grapple and backs off, and his foe keeps his distance. This proves to be the Orc's undoing, however, as the human thrusts his fist foreword, opening his hand to reveal... a speck of dust. The orc begins to laugh, and is still laughing when, in the blink of an eye, the dust-speck grows to the size of a small boulder and impacts the orc bodily.

"This is pretty normal down here", the escorting guard says. "They aren't allowed to kill each other, but they can wail on each other all day long for all we care."

A pair of smaller orcs move the body of their unconscious leader into the next room, while the human wanders off with a gaggle of spectators asking him questions.

"Anyways", says the guard, "since we're inside the basement of the arena proper, there is no reason for these anymore." As he says this, he tosses people their handcuff and legcuff keys before closing the door behind him. You are all now in a bare greeting room, about thirty by thirty feet. "Don't worry", the guard reassures you, "Someone will come take you to orientation soon"

2014-10-14, 01:25 AM
As the guard spoke of how it was impossible to run away from the arena, Randal immediately thought of teleportation magic. He figured that he would be dead before he worked out how to do that, though, and he wasn't yet brave enough to ask questions about the nature of the arena, and so it remained nothing but an idea. In fact, it wasn't just speaking that he avoided - he didn't look around, he didn't nod his head, he didn't dare step out of line once. His plan was to go under the radar, and the first step there was to not draw attention to himself. The first time he moved in a way that was at least slightly out of the norm was when he received the key to the restraints binding him. Immediately he snatched it up and started fiddling around with the mechanism, subtlety be damned. He loved to move, and he'd been tied up for weeks now. He needed to be free.

Come on...get in there, stupid key!

2014-10-14, 02:39 AM
Free from his shackles, Daeithin took the time to feel his bare wrists once again and examine one of his free hands. He clenched that same hand into a fist, as the sigils around his head began to glow a little more brightly. Onto that fist, he swore that whoever let him live would soon regret their decision; but for now he had to stay calm and be patient. He let his hand drop down to his side as the light of his sigils slightly dimmed.

There were too many factors that he didn't know, they had all the cards, but he was the only one gambling. Yet despite this, Daeithin focused to remain calm; they say the house always wins, but they haven't dealt a hand Daeithin Lothuial yet, and he was looking for a chance to put the chips down.

First he needed to get a better bearing of his surroundings; Daeithin wasn't able to get a view of who was all with him since he's been put into chains, but now that he was capable of turning his head around without drawing too much attention, he needed to get a good idea of those who were around him.

Spot Check: [roll0]

He doubted that there would be anyone else from his platoon. If they were alive, it would serve his captors best to keep all of them separated; and if they weren't...
Well, it just gave him another reason to get out of this predicament.

Current Initiative: N/A (+5 from Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: N/A
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-10-14, 06:42 AM
John Doe watched those around him in the room. How wonderful would it be, to kill them all as a monument to blood? But he knew that was unlikely yet, and a reasonable voice called out inside him that he was wrong, and so he sat, watching the others.

2014-10-14, 10:07 AM
Oaken wasted no time in uncuffing himself from the shackles as their presence had felt like an unbearable weight upon him when they were on, listening to the satisfying clink they made as they impacted upon the floor and he stared at the briefly as if daring them to move before her took in his surroundings more fully. Still mentally kicking himself for the poor decisions and lack of wariness that had landed him in his current predicament he waited quietly in the room and took in the other captives he had arrived with unsure of what fate had in store for them all.

OOC: Basic description for those who observe him

Oaken has the weathered and tanned skin of somebody who spent much of their life outside, with shaggy brown hairs coming just past his shoulders, and large green eyes that have an almost feral look to them. He dresses simply with loose fitting clothes and worn sandals, carries a well used quarterstaff and has a small pouch and sling hanging from a simple corded belt. His most distinctive features are the animal motif tattoo's in black and grey that swirl up and down both arms.

2014-10-15, 10:12 AM
Martin looks around at the new meat as he puts the key in his chains.
So, what brings you lot here? I, for one, am a street rat with a sister to save.

Martin is a lean man, bronze skinned and dark haired. He is well muscled, a sign of someone who has spent a few years in arenas. His face is grinning, but it doesn't spread to his eyes. His eyes are going over the newcomers, trying to size them up.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Bluff: [roll2]
Sense Motive for sizing people up, Spot for seeing if anyone stands out, Bluff to come off as less competent than he is (counter Sense Motives)

2014-10-16, 11:53 AM
Animal companions, familiars, and likewise are with you, but no weapons or gear.

Freed from your shackles, you gaze around the room and take in the details. The stone room is large, easily 30' to a side, but with a low ceiling that forces an Ogre in the corner to stoop. Three sets of doors line the walls of the room- the pair ornate iron doors that you entered through, and two sets of ruddy-looking wooden doors centered in the left and right walls. The room is filled with perhaps two dozen newcomers, still in the process of removing their chains, and a handful of veterans looking on with detached amusement. There are creatures of all sorts around- at least half a dozen kobolds, a few goblins, and a couple of the various common races. Notably among the newcomers are a dark-scaled dragon the size of a horse, and a man-sized dog with a burnt red coat and glowing red eyes, who appears to be having trouble removing an iron muzzle.

You see nobody from your former squad, nor anything particularly notable.

You notice that an Orc veteran in the corner is inexpertly concealing a knife in the sleeve of his shirt. Your eye is also drawn to a slender, dark-skinned halfling slouched in the corner, who despite his nonthreatening appearance has a balanced stance of a professional warrior.

The door to the left opens and a weary-looking, grey-haired elf with an eyepatch strides into the room. He has a battleaxe strapped over his back and is wearing a tight-fitting chain shirt. He looks over the room with a look of mild distaste, as if he had just been served a meal that had gone bad.
"Great. I ask them for a bunch of warriors, and they bring me... this. No clue what muck pond the General fished you out of, but it doesn't much matter now. Now, behind me are your quarters, where you will be staying." He motions down the long hallway behind him, lined with doors on each side with a set of double doors at the end. "The rooms to the sides are private rooms. Those aren't for you. At the end of the hall is a large room where you will all be sleeping. Bedrolls will be provided if you behave yourselves. Through the other set of doors over there are the training rooms. That's where you'll spend most of your time if you feel like surviving. Now, as you may know, some of you will be divided into squads of varying sizes. This is to give some of you an even match-up against the bigger gladiators- nobody comes to the Arena to watch Grog over there smash one of you into red pulp and then walk off. Those, along with your first fight assignments, will be brought along as soon as the messenger returns. Everybody is fighting today, but after this you might get a fight once a week. Now, are there any questions?"

2014-10-16, 12:06 PM
Using the thrown keys Oaken sets about releasing the chains wrapped about Kritter like a harness that had kept him tied to Oaken, Oaken has no clue how they subdued Kritter and chained him but he expects Kritter was less than thrilled by the experience, though the experience has left Kritter being almost needy as he stays by Oaken's side quietly staring about while keeping his flank pressed closely against Oaken. The idea of being trapped in this place to fight for his survival is not appealing but is not that uncommon in nature when one considers the predator prey relationship and how both often share the same habitat which can be in a confined space as well, for now the key is survival and later he can explore options of escape if the opportunity presents itself.

Once the unimpressed one-eye elf, think I will call him patchy for short, finishes his orientation Oaken asks no questions as he feels the question was likely rhetorical but instead waits silently for some indication they should proceed ahead or what will come next.

2014-10-17, 05:51 AM
Daeithin took a moment to remember the face of the warrior that gave them instruction. Daeithin presented himself at ease, and considered responding to the warrior. After a few mental moments, he figured it would be best to remain quiet; he wasn't in the position to negotiate nor did he believe anything that he wanted to ask about the upcoming "fight" wouldn't be answered momentarily. Now as far as his expectations? Daeithin was still unsure; but he knew that he had to find allies among the people who stood around him. Luckily it would seem that they would be put into groups; and besides that he had a good feeling he wasn't the only one who felt contempt for their current situation.

Current Initiative: N/A (+5 from Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: N/A
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-10-19, 01:17 AM
Randal shifted around as he took in everything the elf said. He was so nervous that it took all of his concentration just to process the simple information.

Everybody is fighting today.

Oh, that was just great. Right back into the thick of things. The scout wanted nothing more than to walk all the way down the hall, every extra second of nothingness a blessing, and lie down on the floor. But he knew he couldn't do that. He'd come too far and slain too many foes, reluctant as he had been at the time, to give in now. Perhaps this was a new opportunity for him, and he could make a new life in this city. But first he had to get out of this damn arena, and to do that, he'd have to become a damn good fighter. One of the best. He looked towards the doors that led to the training room, and silently nodded to himself. Once anyone who dared to ask a question was answered he would begin to move, strolling through the open space towards the doors, trying to remember what magic he had ready for the day.

2014-10-20, 08:01 AM
"...Talkative lot, aren't ya? Alright. Speedy here" the eye-patched elf motions at a one-legged, no-armed kobold striding out of the back room clumsily on a wooden leg, with a tray covered in slips of paper hung around his neck "will give you your team and fight assignments. You lot will be fighting some of our stock today- nobody you see in here, just a grab bag of whoever we don't expect to survive long. Form an orderly line, or however close to that you degenerates can manage, and grab the paper with your name on the front."

The room erupts into hustle and bustle as everyone lines up to grab a paper from "Speedy" the kobold. As each of you arrive, you find that the same thing is written on the back of each of your papers:

"Martin Snakehands
John Doe
Daeithin Lothuial
Randal Rowan

Fight #3"

2014-10-20, 02:49 PM
"Well this isn't very helpful, when do we fight and do we just wait here?" Oaken looks agitated by the lack of information but sighs and moves out of the way if no further information is forth coming and waits on the others who he will be fighting with.

2014-10-20, 11:55 PM
Daeithin held the paper handed to him in front to present his name to his teammates.
Martin Snakehands, John Doe, Randal Rowan, Oaken... Let's hope we get along...
Daeithin made a quick glance to look for the names he read.
Spot Check: [roll0]
Though it might prove to be difficult with the crowd as it is...

Daeithin appears as a human of average height and muscular medium-weight build. He has a handsome face of someone who grew up with wealth, which has only recently become more rugged in recent years do to intense training. He has tan skin and black hair which has grown quite a bit since his capture, yet despite being without razor his face is relatively hairless. Though among all Daeithin's traits the most glaringly obvious would be the fact that he has a pseudo halo of glowing sigils floating around his head...

Current Initiative: N/A (+5 from Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: N/A
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-10-21, 01:43 AM
Martin scans the paper.
Too bad that halfling's not with me. Always good to have experience on my side.
He looks around, then holds up the hand with the list.
John Doe, Daeithin Lothuial, Randal Rowan, and Oaken? Hopefully you all speak the common tongue. Though if you don't, you probably have some ogre blood or something else that would be an advantage in the pits. So that's an option too.

2014-10-21, 01:59 AM
Or not. Turning back around, Randal moved over towards the Kobold who appeared and took his slip. Maybe he wouldn't be training just yet, but he could at least find out who he got to work with. Hopefully they were good and, unlike him, knew what they were doing. Before he could do anything he heard his name floating among the crowd, and turned to find the origin of the voice. A dark man was standing just behind him, and reading off four of the five names on Randal's note, Randal included. The one name he skipped over was the first one on the list. Aha.

"You're Martin Snakehands?" The scout asked after checking his note again. "I'm Randal."

2014-10-21, 06:50 AM
Martin nods.
Good to meet you. Wish circumstances were better, but as long as I'm wishing, I'll throw in a ton of gold and a harem.
He grins at his own joke.

2014-10-21, 08:05 AM
Listening as Martin called out the name son his sheet, Oaken realized that it matched his so he moved over towards Martin and others that were grouping in hopes of at least getting a feel for the others before they were thrown unceremoniously into an arena where their lives could be thrown away in quick order. Stopping beside Randal and Martin, Oaken goes ahead and introduces himself if nothing else names will help with any coordination they might be able to accomplish. "I'm Oaken and this is Kritter," Waving his hand at the dog sitting on his haunches at Oaken's side. " I speak common well enough, and my talents are more nature oriented but will hopefully be of some use to ensure we survive."

2014-10-21, 03:28 PM
John Doe looked up from his stupor, hearing fight from the outside. A fight would have blood and death. He loved blood and death. Did he? Where was he? He didn't remember. Fights. He heard the men around him speak, saying his name. He turned to look at them and gave one cursory grunt. It didn't matter who they were, though he thought he heard they were a team. What was a team? He forgot.

"I am," What was the name they called him? He couldn't remember. John, was it? John Doe. Was that his real name? "John."

2014-10-21, 11:33 PM
Luckily after a few moments it became increasingly obvious to Daeithin were he belonged among the forming circles, as he approached the voices saying the names he just read down. 1, 2, 3, 4 people, it looks like they're missing one. Daeithin approches with the best smirk he can muster.
"Martin, Randal, Oaken...John, I guess that would leave Daeithin Lothuial, wouldn't it?"

Current Initiative: N/A (+5 from Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: N/A
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-10-23, 09:03 PM
The eye-patched elf waits for the room to settle down before continuing to speak. "I see that most of you have found your teams. Now, each of your teams received a fight number; this is the order in which you will enter the Arena. I believe that you," he says as he gestures at an angry-looking drow and a trio of frightened kobolds, "are the team that will be fighting first. Are you ready?" The drow nods with a tight, angry face, and the kobolds stutter something that could be taken as assent. "Good. Proceed through the door," he says as he motions at the wall behind him and an ornate golden wall melds out of it, "arm yourselves, and then proceed into the arena proper. Oh..." the one-eyed elf adds as his face breaks away from its detached amusement for the first time, into a cruel grin, "Good luck. You'll need it."

The drow and three kobolds proceed into the arena. The sounds of battle are barely audible over the cheers of the crowd, but it's clear that it is a quick and deadly battle. In less than five minutes the drow returns with a single kobold in tow, both splattered with blood. The drow is wearing a wicked smile, the kobold a shell-shocked expression. The second group goes in- three dwarves, all of them looking to be elderly, one of them having difficulty walking. They go in as well, and never return. Finally, the one-eyed elf motions to you; it is your turn to enter the arena.

2014-10-23, 09:23 PM
John was the first to get up, pushing himself upwards before lumbering out, an impassive look on his face. What was he doing? He thought he heard he was going to kill. The feeling you get when you feel bones break under your grip was relieving. But how did he know this? When did he crush bones? Where was he? He smelled blood. Blood had an iron smell, pungent and cutting to your nose. It was delightful, in a strange way. Death was coming, he knew that. He was going to enjoy this.

2014-10-23, 10:14 PM
"It's good to see someone is confident"
Daeithin stands up and follows right behind John; grabbing a spiked chain, a long bow, and quiver as he passes by the weapon rack.
He slips into a chain shirt and then looks over to the rest of his team
"Not much time to strategize is there?... Not much time to strategize is there? Alright everyone quick; what is it that your good at that can keep us alive? I've studied in the Iron Heart and Diamond Mind schools; I've recently awakened to some magic, but I wouldn't rely on it to get us too far yet; and if you can find me a large enough sword..."
He smirks as he reaches and grabs a blade that was probably meant for Jim the Half-Giant's older brother.
"Well, then we can wreck some real havoc."

Current Initiative: +7 (+12 w/ Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: N/A
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-10-24, 02:01 AM
As he walked towards the arena, Randal suddenly started to shake his hand, silently calling his weapon to him from beyond this realm. Unless his connection had somehow been broken, the rapier that had kept him alive for years now would suddenly appear in his hand in a puff of purple smoke.

"You sound a bit like me," he said to Daeithin, beginning to initiate a second series of signals with his other hand. "I personally have studied Lightning Fox, a rare school I learned of in an old scroll. But we can worry about that during the fight."

The nerves were beginning to build up in his stomach, but he shook them away. It wasn't the fear that made Randal hate battle - fear was trivial when you knew how it worked. No, it was the unjust killing that he despised. The taking of life for little or no reason other than to defend himself. It felt selfish. But it was what he had done for a year now, and like it or not, he was about to do it again.

Randal Rowan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38985)
Male Neutral Good Human Swiftblade // Vanguard, Level 2, Init +3, HP 15/15, Speed 50
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 2
Arcane Rapier +5 (1d6 + 5, 18-20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition None

2014-10-24, 11:28 AM
Watching as the wall of weapons suddenly appear, Oaken walks over and selects a quarterstaff, sling and a small pouch of bullets before returning to the others and preparing to enter the arena with them and Kritter. "I am of the natural world, if I can't use nature against them i will likely take the form of the wolf to fight them."

2014-10-25, 10:58 AM
Martin chuckles as he slips into a suit of light padded armor. He grabs an eight foot spear, spins it around, and slots it into a harness on his back. He then grabs two more, shorter spears, slotting one into the harness while keeping a firm grip on the other.
I keep away from my opponents. Taunt them into leaving themselves open to other threats. Strike at vulnerable areas and leave them to bleed out. Dodge around their attack until they give up and decide to go fight someone else.

2014-10-28, 06:31 PM
The room you enter into is little more than a 20x20 stone room with two doors and a distracted-looking gnome sitting behind a desk, with a sign above that says "Place Equipment Orders Here" in various languages. As each of you requests your equipment, the gnome draws the desired item from under the desk and passes it out with a grunt. After completing that task, the gnome strolls out of the room as if in a stupor, and a powerful voice emanates from the walls.

"Finish donning armors and take any necessary steps to prepare. Notify me when you are prepared, and I will transport you into the arena."

Sorry for all the delays, internet was down.

State any actions you want to take before entering the arena. Once everyone has posted the battle will begin.

2014-10-28, 06:49 PM
Equipment? Did he wear equipment? What did he do? He stepped forward and got two golden gauntlets in return, probably as mockery. Where was he? What was he about to do? He was going to fight.

It reverberated in his skull. Fight. He didn't know how to fight, he was just a minor worker in the mines. No. He was a monster. Was he? Fight. He could feel his blood flowing, almost crackling like lightning in his veins. A slight magical aura shone around him, faint, yet blazing in a turquoise corona, undetectable. He could feel adrenaline pumping through his body. Fight. He wasn't a worker. He was the beast in nightmares, a demon cast from hell. He was a monster.

His electric aura crackled about him.

Ready an action for both bloodrage and Rampage Release.

2014-10-29, 02:08 AM
After taking and donning a Chain Shirt, Randal began to cast spell after spell, sparing no expense to power himself up as the arena loomed ahead. His reflexes became quicker and his whole body seemed to feel lighter as he buffed himself, reluctant but ready to kill nonetheless.

"Alright, let's do it," he said to the gnome.

Donning a Chain Shirt and equipping a Spell Component Pouch, then summoning Arcane Rapier, casting Shield, and casting Swiftblade's Speed.

Randal Rowan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38985)
Male Neutral Good Human Swiftblade // Vanguard, Level 2, Init +4, HP 15/15, Speed 60
AC 23, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 2
Arcane Rapier +6 (1d6 + 6, 18-20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Shield - 1 Minute 9 Rounds Remaining
Swiftblade's Speed - 1 Minute Remaining

2014-10-29, 04:31 AM
After double checking his chain shirt Daeithin makes his final equipment requests, which most importantly includes a pair of shaded goggles. It was strange, ever since he awoken to his magic his eyes became sensitive to light. He then dons a helmet to protect his face and goggles, though it did nothing to hide his halo of magic sigils, which began to grow a little brighter once more as he focused the latent magical blood within. Casting Prestidigitation (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-v35--6/prestidigitation--2901/), he changes the color of his helm to dark nearly black indigo.
I have a feeling image is going to important, and you can't ignore the effect of good first impression.
Daeithin shifts his stance and it appears as if his own shadow shifts independently from him (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/island-blades--3695/), yet he keeps his blade undrawn from its massive baldric, readying himself to strike at full force.
The difference victory and death is razor thin, but I shall walk beyond that edge...

Daeithin casts prestidigitation to color his helmet, initiates the Island of Blades stance. At the beginning of combat he will cast Nerveskitter (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/nerveskitter--4591/) as an immediate action, boosting his initiative bonus from +7 to +12

Current Initiative: +7 (+12 w/ Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: Island of Blades
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-10-29, 12:37 PM
Martin spins a spear in his hand, and the tip begins to glow red. Then he glances over at John.
Hey, you awake over there? It's fighting time!

Activating Stance of Piercing Rays

Martin Snakehands (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38333)
Male N Ifrit Stalker 2//Warlord 2, Level 2, Init +12, HP 21/21, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 15, Flat-footed 12, Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 2
Spear (2) +6 (1d8+4, 20/x3)
Longspear +6 (1d8+4, 20/x3)
Padded Armor (+1 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
Condition None

Stance: Stance of Piercing Rays
Body of Night: Add your ranks in Heal to your Stealth, bonus to attack against flat-footed foes.
Phantom Sun Stance: Generate phantom ammunition for ranged attacks by copying a single weapon, arrow, or bolt.
Poisoner's Stance: Gain poison use, increased DC on poisons.
Stance of Piercing Rays: While in this stance fired ranged weapons / thrown weapons gain an additional 1d6 points of fire damage, +1d6/ eight initiator levels.

2014-10-29, 01:29 PM
Idly spinning the quarterstaff trying to get a feel for its balance before he may be required to use it to fight for his life, Oaken advances with the others and readies himself mentally for what might come. "Lets try and work together, when an animal separates from the pack it is the one that more often than not is killed."

2014-11-01, 10:17 AM
Once prepared, the room begins to flash with a red glow. The flashing increases in speed until the red glow overtakes your vision. When it fades, you find yourself in the Arena- or more accurately, a small subsection of the arena. The normally enormous arena is cordoned off, and there is only a small 25x50 area to fight in. Across the way are two kobolds dressed in leather armor, holding spears, one in studded leather with a crossbow, and a large, muscular lizardfolk carrying an enormous mace. These creatures hiss at you and posture aggressively.

a b c d e f g h i j
1 | E | L > 1 > 2 > 3 | 3 + | | x | x |
2 | K | K | | + 4 | 4 + | | x | x |
3 | | | | + 4 | 4 + | | x | x |
4 | | | | + 4 | 4 + | | x | x |
5 | | | | + 3 | 3 < 2 < 1 < x | x |

><^v Gradual slope
+ Sharp Drop
1234 Elevation- numbers are multiples of 5' off the ground
x Starting location
K- Kobold
L- Lizardfolk
E- Elite Kobold

Place your starting positions and roll initiative. Also, can people link their character sheets in the ooc thread so that I have them on hand without digging through the recruitment thread?

2014-11-01, 10:46 AM
John walked forward. The lizardthing hissed at him. He remembered being a lizardthing once before. But he was a normal human, not a lizardthing. It didn't matter. When he was a lizardthing his father was killed by one of those big lizardthings. That was impossible. He wasn't a lizardthing now. But he was, and he remembered his father dying. How did it make him feel? It made him feel...angry.

He roared as his static presence culminated in a glowing cacophony of electricity surrounding his neon blue form, crackling and sparking as a thick, rolling breeze flew about nearby.

Go into both rages before rolling initiative.
Taking J5
Modified sheet for all buffs.
John Doe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1024200)
M CE Magic Blooded Wild Neanderthal Teramach 2//Crossblooded Bloodrager 2, Level 2, Init +6, HP 30/30, Speed 45
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 18, Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus +2
- Platinum Gauntlets (N/A) +8 (1d4+7, 15-20/x2)
- Raging Platinum Gauntlets (N/A) +12 (1d6+13, 15-20/x2)
- BULLRUSH WHILE RAGING (-) +17 (-, -)
(+4 Dex, +9 Natural, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 28, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 14
Condition Stats during rage+bloodrage become 28 strength, 18 dexterity, 20 constitution
Gains powerful build during rage
Adds strength to AC
Double carrying loads
Replaces wisdom with constitution to will saves

2014-11-01, 07:30 PM
Randal Rowan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38985)
Male Neutral Good Human Swiftblade // Vanguard, Level 2, Init +4, HP 15/15, Speed 60
AC 23, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 2
Arcane Rapier +6 (1d6 + 6, 18-20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Shield - 1 Minute 9 Rounds Remaining
Swiftblade's Speed - 1 Minute Remaining
As soon as he was in the arena Randal looked about, trying to get as best a feel for it as he could in the few seconds he was given. He quickly moved to a place that put him near the wall. It seemed that this arena was trying to force him and his allies into a linear path, and he would have none of that. Twirling his blade about in his hand, twitching his free fingers as they channelled his force field, the scout calmly entered the mental state of a warrior.

Initiative [roll0]
Starting Square: I1

2014-11-01, 09:31 PM
"Interesting setup... looks like we can funnel the less agile opponents; though if we want to utilize our numbers we either let them push onto the other side... or we let them come to us; of course we do the latter they'll have the advantage in ranged support if they have it."
Finally Daeithin draws his massive blade flourishing it as if show off to whoever was watching.
"Although we're not really sure of our enemy's abilities, I can't help but think a more aggressive approach would be more appropriate."
His sigils glow and for a brief instantaneous moment the world slows down for Daeithin.

Daeithin moves into starting position I4
Immediate Action: Nerveskitter (+5 Initiative)

Current Initiative: +7 (+12 w/ Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: Island of Blades
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-11-03, 02:58 PM
Out of curiosity what is the terrain type, are we talking sand, grass, dirt, etc? Also how can we see the kobolds since we separated by a 20' hill essentially or is it some sort of wood lattice work we coudl possibly break through?

Finding himself placed (J4) in the arena Oaken and Kritter look about to get their bearings on the situation, and not being as much a front line fighter as some of the others clearly are holds his quarterstaff before him and waits for the others to lead the way.

Oaken (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38363)
Male Neutral Good Human Druid // Ranger, Level 2, Init +2, HP 17/17, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 18, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 2
Quarterstaff +6 (1d6, x2)
Sling +6 (1d4, x2)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 13
Condition Normal

Kritter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38713)
Male Neutral Riding Dog (Collie), Level 2, Init +2, HP 16/16, Speed 40
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 3
Bite +3 (1d6+3, x2)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Condition Normal

2014-11-05, 07:26 PM
The ledge in the middle is a wooden lattice, too thick to walk through but thick enough to see through. You have line of sight and line of effect, and targets across the lattice have cover. The ground is sandy and the walls are carved sandstone.

Sorry about the delay. I've been having computer troubles.

2014-11-05, 07:37 PM
Martin positions himself towards the front, but keeps himself slightly back. He keeps one spear raised and ready to throw.

Initiative: [roll0]
Start at I3
Ready an action to throw a spear if one of our opponents moves to the top of the barrier
Attack: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4] fire
Crit damage: [roll5]

2014-11-05, 11:24 PM
Initiative rolls:
Kobold 1: [roll0]
Kobold 2: [roll1]
Elite Kobold: [roll2]
Lizardfolk: [roll3]

Initiative Order:
Martin Snakehands
John Doe
Kobold 2
Elite Kobold
Oaken (Average initiative)
Kobold 1

2014-11-06, 07:37 PM
Martin Snakehands' move remains the same.

2014-11-06, 08:24 PM
John roared, charging up the ramp and leaping downwards, before shouting vile curses and words at the nearby lizardthings, wishing violent pain and death.


Move to B5.
Jump check to not take fall damage: [roll0]

2014-11-08, 11:09 AM
The kobold towards the back hisses at John as he makes a powerful charge over the barrier. The kobold runs forward and whirls his spear around, attempting to trip John.

Touch attack: [roll0]
Trip attempt: [roll1]
AOO: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Critical Damage: [roll5]

a b c d e f g h i j
1 | E | L > 1 > 2 > 3 | 3 + | | R | |
2 | | K1| | + 4 | 4 + | | | |
3 | | | | + 4 | 4 + | | M | I |
4 | K2| | | + 4 | 4 + | | D | O |
5 | | J | | + 3 | 3 < 2 < 1 < | |

><^v Gradual slope
+ Sharp Drop
1234 Elevation- numbers are multiples of 5' off the ground
x Starting location
K Kobold
L Lizardfolk
E Elite Kobold
J John Doe
R Randal Rowan
D Daeithin
O Oaken
I Kritter
M Martin

The kobold's feeble trip attempt fails as the edge of his spear bounces ineffectively off of John's legs. The kobold looks frightened as he realizes the position he just put himself in.

2014-11-09, 09:41 AM
Daeithin follows after John up the ramp and jumps down; taking a better a look at the opposition, he readies his blade to retaliate against the first opponent that engages him. Still, he couldn't help but feel bothered about what he was facing.
Somethings off...

Move Action: Move to D5, jumping down from E5
Jumping Down: [roll0]
Ready Action: Shadow Blade Technique vs. 1st Enemy Within Melee

Current Initiative: +7 (+12 w/ Nerveskitter)
HP: 18/18
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flatfooted: 14
Fort: 2
Ref: 6
Will: 2
2 Cold Resistance
+2 Saves Vs Shadow Affiliated Effects
Dark Vision 90 ft

Current Stance: Island of Blades
Punishing Stance: -2 AC and 1d6 damage
Island of Blades: You and an ally flank all adjacent foes
Sublime Point Pool: 9/9 [2 Recover/Turn]
Steel Wind: Strike 2 adjacent enemies, resolve each attack with a separate attack roll. (3)
Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute a Concentration Check [d20+8] for a Will Save. (3)
Shadow Blade Technique: Roll 2d20 for an attack roll and pick which apply to an attack roll. Pick the lowest to add 1d6 cold damage. (3)
Mastery Points: 2/2 [Recover all Mastery Points per extended rest]
Fast Heal 1: 5 rounds of Fast Heal, stacks with 1 other source. (1)
Recover Sublime Point Pool: Recover 3 Sublime Points per Mastery Point Spent
Chosen Damage Boost [Fullblade]: Add damage equal to Trissociate level [2] before rolling for damage. (1)
Chosen True Strike [Fullblade]: As part of the attack roll gain the true strike effect to a single attack roll. Limited Once per Round. (1)
Lesser Chosen Pounce: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. Limited to 1 extra attack except to those in addition to Flurry. (1)
Chosen Pounce [Fullblade]: Make a full attack/flurry at the end of a charge. (2)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

2014-11-09, 10:54 AM
The kobold in the back corner focuses intently for a moment. Frost crystals begin to form on his body as the temperature drops dramatically, and a tendril of magical energy stretches out and touches John. The touch is chilling down to the soul, and drains John's willpower, making it difficult to muster the energy to move.

Save: [roll0]

a b c d e f g h i j
1 | E | L > 1 > 2 > 3 | 3 + | | R | |
2 | | K1| | + 4 | 4 + | | | |
3 | | | | + 4 | 4 + | | M | I |
4 | K2| | | + 4 | 4 + | | | O |
5 | | J | | D + 3 | 3 < 2 < 1 < | |

><^v Gradual slope
+ Sharp Drop
1234 Elevation- numbers are multiples of 5' off the ground
x Starting location
K Kobold
L Lizardfolk
E Elite Kobold
J John Doe
R Randal Rowan
D Daeithin
O Oaken
I Kritter
M Martin

John manages to shake off the effect, his hardy constitution standing resilient against the touch of chilling cold.

2014-11-10, 12:39 AM
Oaken with kritter following at his side race forward to join the fraying knowing that despite his anger at being in this place that to survive requires team work and hsi companions have already engaged, so he moves to F3 with Kritter in F4

2014-11-11, 02:06 PM
The second kobold takes a more conservative approach, stepping forward and attempting to grab onto Daeithin's back.

Grab On: [roll0]

a b c d e f g h i j
1 | E | L > 1 > 2 > 3 | 3 + | | R | |
2 | | K1| | + 4 | 4 + | | | |
3 | | | | + 4 | 4 + | | M | I |
4 | K2| | | + 4 | 4 + | | | O |
5 | | J | | D + 3 | 3 < 2 < 1 < | |

><^v Gradual slope
+ Sharp Drop
1234 Elevation- numbers are multiples of 5' off the ground
x Starting location
K Kobold
L Lizardfolk
E Elite Kobold
J John Doe
R Randal Rowan
D Daeithin
O Oaken
I Kritter
M Martin

Daeithin rebuffs the kobold's feeble attempt with ease.

2014-11-11, 04:59 PM
Randal Rowan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38985)
Male Neutral Good Human Swiftblade // Vanguard, Level 2, Init +4, HP 15/15, Speed 60
AC 23, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 2
Arcane Rapier +6 (1d6 + 6, 18-20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Shield - 1 Minute 8 Rounds Remaining
Swiftblade's Speed - 9 Rounds Remaining

Reluctant to participate, Randal spent a while watching the fight on the other side before participating. He figured that he could pretend he was slow, or scared, and at least earn himself a few extra seconds here at the starting position. As his last team mate left him to access the platform above, he realised he couldn't stall any longer. Turning to his right he immediately forced himself into a burst of motion, dashing straight up the wall next to through a combination of technique and arcane assistance. He hadn't been able to run like this in weeks, and it felt good. Hell, he could've run up that wall for hours if he was allowed.

But alas, all he got was a few seconds of freedom before reality ensued, and it was time to keep moving. Looking over to the platform where Oaken was standing, he kicked off the wall, sending himself flying through the air. It was a fifteen feet gap from him to the wall - too easy. He soared through the air parallel to the wall he had been running on, and landed on the raised platform on his feet. He kept moving forward until he came to the ramp leading down to the enemy's starting position and hopped on to it, using his momentum to slide down the sandstone to where the lizardfolk stood, likely unaware of his presence. His slide came to an end near the bottom of the ramp, and at that point Randal stabbed forwards with his weapon, aiming to pierce right through his foe's heart. A wave of guilt washed over him as he did so, but over the past year he had learned to brush that aside as well.

Free Action: Ready Manoeuvre - Burning Blade
Swift Action: Enter Stance - Momentum
Move Action: Move 15 Feet up the wall, Running Long Jump 15 Feet left to reach F1, move down to C1.
Standard Action: Attack Lizardfolk in B1 with Rapier, gaining +1 damage from Momentum and +1d6 Damage from Swift Surge
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-11-14, 08:59 AM
Posted the wrong map last time, and for some reason forgot to trigger Daeithin's readied action.

a b c d e f g h i j
1 | E | L > 1 > 2 > 3 | 3 + | | R | |
2 | | K1| | + 4 | 4 + | | | |
3 | | | | + 4 | 4 + | | M | I |
4 | K2| | | + 4 | 4 + | | | O |
5 | | J | | D + 3 | 3 < 2 < 1 < | |

><^v Gradual slope
+ Sharp Drop
1234 Elevation- numbers are multiples of 5' off the ground
x Starting location
K Kobold
L Lizardfolk
E Elite Kobold
J John Doe
R Randal Rowan
D Daeithin
O Oaken
I Kritter
M Martin

Attack rolls: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation: [roll2]
Damage roll: [roll3]
Critical: [roll4]

Daeithin's attack eviscerates the kobold in a single blow, cleaving it in half.

Randal's attack glazes off the lizardfolk's thick hide. The scaly creature emits a high-pitched shriek as it attacks, switching to a two-handed grip with the large mace it wields and attempting a powerful overhead strike.
Attack: [roll5]
Confirm: [roll6]
Damage roll: [roll7]
Critical: [roll8]

a b c d e f g h i j
1 | E | L > 1R> 2 > 3 | 3 + | | | |
2 | | | | + 4 | 4 + | | | |
3 | | | | + 4 | 4O+ | | M | I |
4 | K2| | | + 4 | 4I+ | | | O |
5 | | J | | D + 3 | 3 < 2 < 1 < | |

><^v Gradual slope
+ Sharp Drop
1234 Elevation- numbers are multiples of 5' off the ground
x Starting location
K Kobold
L Lizardfolk
E Elite Kobold
J John Doe
R Randal Rowan
D Daeithin
O Oaken
I Kritter
M Martin

Randal deftly avoids the powerful blow of the lizardfolk.

2014-11-18, 11:43 AM
Martin quickly runs up the ramp to the top and throws his spear at the Kobold in the back.
Hey, gecko! Up here!

Move Action: Move to E4
Swift Action: Initiate Horizon Wind Lancet
Standard Action: Attack the Elite Kobold (second range increment)
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] fire
Crit Damage: [roll4]

2014-11-20, 11:23 AM
Martin's spear flies towards the kobold at high speed, but at the last moment the scaly creature twists to the side and the spear glances off his armor.

2014-11-26, 03:19 AM
Randal Rowan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38985)
Male Neutral Good Human Swiftblade // Vanguard, Level 2, Init +4, HP 15/15, Speed 60
AC 23, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 2
Arcane Rapier +6 (1d6 + 6, 18-20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Shield, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition Shield - 1 Minute 7 Rounds Remaining
Swiftblade's Speed - 8 Rounds Remaining

Randal saw the Lizardfolk's attack from a mile away, and he deftly leapt backwards before it was even close to him, tucking and rolling up the hill he had come running down. Turning to the wall next to him, he dashed with a burst of speed and was suddenly sprinting straight up, shaking his off-hand as he went. Arcane energy coursed through his body again, and soon magical flames were seeping out of his palm. He stopped his run, sliding a few more feet up the wall before gravity took hold. As it did so, Randal reached over and touched his hand to the sword. The fires instantly spread along its length, a flaming Rapier now in Randal's hand. He flicked his off-hand and it went back to projecting his force field, though he doubted he'd need it against an opponent this slow.

Gravity was taking hold of him now, and he slid back down towards the ground. Running the last few steps of his descent, he hopped back onto the ramp and then jumped, flipping in mid-air as he moved to land right next to the Lizardfolk again. Some would call all of that motion pointless, but those people knew nothing of the power one could gain through sheer momentum. As he landed in front of his foe, Randal shoved his blade forward with renewed force, aiming to shove it right through the thing's scales this time. If he could get a good shot that wasn't deflected by this beast's tough skin, he knew he could kill it. However, he found himself hoping that his attack would be once again wasted against its scales, and that his opponent would get to live a bit longer.

Free Action: Ready Manoeuvre - Static Strike
Free Action: Use Mobility's free 5-Foot Step to move to D1
Move Action: Move 25 feet up the wall, then 25 back down onto D1, then 5 left to return to C1
Swift Action: Activate Burning Blade
Standard Action: Attack Lizardfolk in B1 with Rapier, gaining +2 damage from Momentum, +1d6 Damage from Swift Surge, and +1d6+2 damage from Burning Blade
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-11-26, 03:23 AM
Oh, hey, Critical Threat.

Confirm [roll0]
Bonus Damage [roll1]

2014-11-27, 10:13 AM
John roared, savagely grabbing and striking the Kobold next to him, in a furious rage.





2014-11-29, 01:26 PM
Randal's blade pierces the throat of the lizardman and tears right through it. John Doe grabs a kobold by the leg and smashes it against the floor, killing it instantly.

2014-11-29, 08:50 PM
Oaken and Kritter seeing their companions wiping the floor with their opponents charge forward with oaken ending his move at B2 and swinging his quarterstaff at the kobold at A1, while Kritter charges forward to A2 pinning the kobold in the corner and savagely bites at him.



2014-12-08, 02:48 AM
The kobold ducks Kritter's attack only to catch Oaken's quarterstaff square in the face. The strike of the staff knocks him squarely out. The thundering voice of the Arena announcer calls out enthusiastically, "And we have a winner! Victors, exit the arena." The stone wall of the arena on the far side slides backwards, revealing a long, torch-lit hallway. As you egress from the arena, you notice a slender, fair-skinned humanoid leaning against the wall, her body and entire face except her eyes wrapped in a dark silk. As you approach, she steps forward and speaks.

"That fight was a notch above the standard first-day arena combat. On your part, anyways. I'm Elena Wufrad, Arena patron. Normally I'd wait a few fights for this, but I have no doubt that you lot will be sticking around for a while. I'd like to talk to you about your little group joining under my banner. I represent a coalition of gladiatorial groups that promotes certain interests in this city. You would be required to do a few small favors, and in return you would receive a number of... let's say 'special privileges'. Things that you won't be able to get otherwise. Interested?"

2014-12-08, 04:13 AM
Randal winced as he took his foe's life, struggling to watch as blood dripped out of the wound he had made. The energy of combat was fading now, his momentum leaving him, and just as he looked to the last opponent his ally flew in and knocked them down. The speedster let go of his ornate rapier, which immediately turned into a violet puff of smoke that dissipated into the air around.

Turning around, he went to move towards the exit hall along with the rest of his group. They were murderers, just like him, and he hated them all. As the dark-clad woman stopped them and spoke, he momentarily considered her words.

"You're sounding very vague, ma'am. What favours would you have us do, and what priviledges will we receive in turn?"

2014-12-08, 07:42 AM
John's rage faded. He stood and watched the lady that approached them. She wasn't dead. Why? Did they stop fighting? He already missed fighting.

2014-12-08, 08:44 AM
Martin glances at the woman.
My friend here has the right of it. I'm hardly going to agree to do favors chosen by someone I don't know in exchange for privileges chosen by the same person I don't know. That's just not smart.

2014-12-08, 12:35 PM
The mysterious figure chuckles. "Yes, I'd imagine you'd want a few more details, wouldn't you? Your primary duties would be simply the public endorsement of certain political figures in the area. Successful gladiators, which I suspect this group will become, are celebrities in this city, and the things they say can sway public opinion. I have... lets go with 'influence' over some of the arena officials, and I would be arranging your matches such that you would be fighting those affiliated with opposing figures. Your victories over them would embolden our supporters. As for privileges, I would ensure that the fights you participate in are ones that you can overcome, that you don't end up as fodder for one of the big-name gladiators to show off. Specific enough for you?"

2014-12-08, 12:41 PM
So, you want a bunch of poster boys for your politics?
Martins grins slyly.
Well, I for one have no objections to that, and am more than happy to not become fodder.

2014-12-08, 05:21 PM
Briefly nodding, he spoke up again.

"If getting put in the arena against some hardcore gladiator is a realistic threat that you're offering to shelter us from, then...well, yeah, I think we'll all take your offer."

The last thing Randal wanted to do was get creamed and die before he could find a way out of here.

2014-12-10, 10:14 AM
"It doesn't appear we have much of an option if we want to live though I can comfortably say I am not happy about my situation, what do you get out of this?" Oaken asked.

2014-12-11, 10:37 PM
The masked woman stands up straight, no longer leaning disinterestedly away, with a pleased look on what can be seen on her face. "Very well, then. A majority of you seem in for it and that's all I need. You'll receive information including the slogans you'll actually be promoting before your next fight. Those of you who wish to do so, reach out your arm- your first task is to be publicly marked with the sign of your sponsor." She turns to Oaken and replies to him, "All I get out of it is the political capital provided by celebrities publicly endorsing my sponsor."

2014-12-11, 11:59 PM
Sighing and rolling his right arm's sleeve up to the elbow, Randal stuck the limb out to be branded. He couldn't help but feel he was getting in over his head, but at the end of the day, he didn't have a choice. He would say or kill what he was told to if he wanted to survive here, and as much as he didn't want to do those things, he wanted to die even less.

I asked in the OOC thread but didn't get an answer, did we get any XP for our fight?

2014-12-12, 08:32 PM
Martin holds out his arm, still grinning slightly.
Hopefully this is the beginning of a long and productive partnership.

2014-12-12, 09:25 PM
John was in his own world. He could only barely hear what was going on. Politics made him feel...angry. His wife was assassinated for that. So was his brother. And his niece. Were they? He hadn't the foggiest. He continued to think, hearing only snippets of the conversation. Stick his arm out? He didn't see why not.

2014-12-14, 01:28 PM
Seeing he had little option to avoid branding and knowing that his continued survival might depend on any benefit could give Oaken presented his arm for branding as instructed, his true desire was freedom but for now he knew he must play the part of willingness especially if it didn't violate is ethos.

2014-12-16, 12:14 AM
The woman gazes between the four of you who accepted the offer, and then glances at Daeithin, who calmly shakes his head. The woman looks between the group for a moment, then draws a quill from a fold in her pants. "Very well; only four of you will be marked. This will only take a moment." She sketches a symbol on each of the four extended arms, three jagged lines running parallel to one another. Her quill burns as it touches your skin, and when it is removed it leaves no mark behind. "This is the Mark of your new patron. It is invisible to any eyes but those of our little social group, and will mark you as an ally. Nobody who bares the Mark will harass you or cause you harm, and guards who bear the Mark will be... more amicable to your requests. You will be contacted with further information prior to your first fight. Now, continue on as you were; don't speak of this conversation."

The mysterious woman taps the masonry of the wall, and the stone blocks fold back upon themselves to form a doorway. The passage closes as soon as the woman steps through, leaving the hallway. As you proceed further down the hall, the wall at the end opens in a similar fashion, leading you into the room that you entered from. Some of the observing gladiators provide obligatory applause, while others look on with boredom. One musclebound Orc appears to be sleeping in the corner. You notice that Speedy the kobold has the Mark of your mysterious patron inscribed on his forehead, and from the shadows he gives you a nod of approval. The one-eyed elf gives a slightly more enthusiastic clap, and ushers you down the hall towards the sleeping areas as a pair of Bugbears enter the arena behind you. Once suitably far down the hall as to not be heard, he speaks to you.

"I expected you lot to come out on top. I'd have bet on it if we were allowed to down here. So tell me; what did you think of the Arena? Not an extremely exciting fight, I know, but the process? Your fellows? Any questions? You seem like a group that will stick around long enough to use advice."

2014-12-16, 12:24 AM
Martin bows as the other gladiators applaud.
Thank you, you are all too kind. I'll be here all week.
He returns the kobold's nod. Never hurt to have one of those tricksy lizards on your side when it comes time for arena politics.

Following the elf down the side hall, Martin chuckles at his questions.
This is hardly my first arena. Are we ever given time to practice here outside of when we are actually fighting? How often are fights, usually? Can we expect to get better gear at some point?

2014-12-16, 09:16 AM
Not overly familiar with an Arena type concept other than what his parents had mentioned in passing Oaken, with Kritter close by his side, follows the Elf as he guides them obviously with a destination in mind. "I know little enough about such places and any knowledge you could share would surely be of use."

2014-12-20, 02:13 AM
The one-eyed elf listens to the questions and promptly responds. "Yes, you get time to practice outside of the arena; you'll have scheduled practice times for your team, and you will have free time which you can spend in practice if you wish. Fights happen every day, but you won't be involved in most of them. You'll fight on average once a week, but you may go a month without seeing combat and then have four matches in a day. You'll get better gear as you advance in rank, which happens pretty much at the whims of the higher-ups; fight well and put on a good show and you'll be swinging enchanted blades pretty soon. Besides that one," the elf motions at Randal's empty hand "I mean. Nice trick, by the way. As for advice I can give, there's a long list but I'll give you the highlights. First, be careful who you piss off, in and out of the arena. The more experienced fighters have a surprising amount of pull with the bosses, and antagonizing them may just end up with you in the arena against Kitty. Oh, Kitty is the red dragon we keep under the arena for when the people just want some carnage. Second, show off. Make a name for yourself with the fans. Don't just sprint across the arena and impale your foes, give the crowd a show. Get well-known enough and you'll acquire some pull yourself, maybe enough to stay alive. Finally, every once in a while the bosses will mosey on down here and ask for volunteers for 'excursions'. They'll grab a half dozen fighters, put a little mark on you that prevents you from running off or disobeying orders, and send the lot into some situation or another that they consider too dangerous or unusual for the city guard. Maybe clearing out a fortified bandit camp, running off a would-be warlord, hunting a dragon- it could be anything. Those things are dangerous indeed, but there is no quicker way to win favor with the higher-ups. When I was still a young fighter myself, I would volunteer every time one came around. That was what eventually landed me this job- I knew I was getting a bit too old to be fighting every week, so I convinced the bosses to put me in charge of handling you newbies." A rumbling sound echoes down the hallway, the distinct tone of the wall opening to discharge another group of winning Arena fighters. "That's my cue. You lot take care now. The name's Elt'ihir. You'll see me around." Elt'ihir scrambled off to welcome the second group of victors. You find that while speaking, he has walked to the large room at the end of the hallway, in which he has mentioned that you would be staying. The double doors of the easily 500'x500' room lay open, and before you lies a roomful of gladiators. They are variably standing, sitting, or on the ground asleep in various parts of the room. Some are engaged in conversation, others in games or such distraction, and still others in combat practice of various sorts. The room is dimly lit by lanterns hung from the ceiling, and there are piles of bedrolls in the left-hand far corner, next to a pair of swaggering orcs engaged in deep conversation.

2014-12-20, 02:21 AM
Martin laughs when Elt'ihir mentions putting on a show.
I normally am quite a showman. These fellows just ended the match before I had much of a chance to show off.
He looks back at his comrades as the elf walks away.
When we get a chance, I'll show you a few of the tricks I've picked up. The big thing is to give the opponent time to bleed. It's called bloodsport for a reason, after all.

2014-12-20, 03:40 AM
"Yeah, if I have to, I can show off quite a lot. Flips, wall runs, slides, rolls...I'm fast enough that I can take a long and fancy route to impress people and still contribute to the fight."

Randal kept his voice down, the presence of so many gladiators around intimidating him. He flexed his sword hand, wondering if having access to a weapon would give him an advantage if somebody got mad and started a fight down here. There was probably some security for that kind of situation, but he didn't know that for sure.

2014-12-23, 08:36 AM
"Odd that nature mimcs such events in some ways, though rarely done for sport in challenges often a degree of blood and maiming is quite common. I'll do what I can to improve upon my performance or at least entertain the crowd but i find the idea of unnecessary cruelty distasteful. If you have ideas or suggestions I would gladly listen so as to benefit us all." Oaken looks about their assigned bunkroom with a sigh.

"I had hoped for more natural sunlight as it feels so out of touch here."

2014-12-24, 01:30 AM
A trio of kobolds runs by, chasing a chuckling goblin carrying what appears to be three bowls of a gruel-like substance. The fleeing goblin runs flat-on into the leg of a napping ogre, who awakens with a start and flails his extremities, throwing both the goblin and pursuing kobolds to the ground. The kobolds, their gruel scattered on the floor, shrug and return to the far corner of the room, a roughly 40' circle around which is occupied mostly with kobolds in various stages of wakefulness. The goblin scrambles away among his larger cousins, and the ogre stands up and stretches his limbs. He lumbers over to you after a moment, and murmurs in a bumbling voice, "You lot 'ill want a place to sleep afore the rest o' the newbies stumble 'long and take all the space. I'd grab a bedroll if'n I was you." The ogre wanders out into the hallway, presumably to watch the goings-on. As you glance around, you notice only a couple areas of free space on the ground: one near the wall, adjacent to the kobold-dominated quarter of the room, a few scattered spots across the opposite wall that appear to be surrounded mostly by goblins, a decent length of space between two different giants, each easily 10' tall, and a large, empty area towards the middle of the room, bordered by the sleeping spaces of assorted creatures.

2014-12-24, 06:35 AM
John stepped forward, his mind on a twisted false train of thought, a stream of insane conciousness. He lumbered around, looking at the areas to sleep, before plopping down in between the giants.

2014-12-24, 07:00 AM
Randal's eyes fell first on the spot surrounded by Kobolds, but he couldn't bring himself to sleep near them when he had just killed a lizardfolk. They were different creatures, yes, but they were both scaly and reptilian - after a fresh kill, he didn't want to see anything that at all resembled his victim. Instead, he went and put himself down with the goblins, a species he had also killed a good number of, though not as recently.

2014-12-24, 11:33 AM
Martin considers his options.
The kobolds might have been friends with the ones they just fought. Bad idea.
The goblins seemed the mischievous type, stealing food from the kobolds. Don't want to get caught in a turf war. Bad plan.
The giants seemed harmless, beyond being giants. Potential.
Sleeping in the middle, already surrounded by the unknown? Not a chance.

He follows John and plops down near the sleeping giants.
So, what brought you here, my friend?

2014-12-24, 11:44 AM
Much like his companions had already surmised the options available left what he considered the safest choice and that was the rather large area near the giants, though he wondered whether their large size would make for additional noise, still he had little trust for either kobolds or goblins. Following John and Martin's lead he moves with Kritter by his side to join them in the space by the giants figuring he could always change spots at a later date if it didn't work out.

A little oblivious still to his new position in life and what was to come he answered Martin's question not entirely realizing it was not directed at him. "I was taken by slavers in a back alley while trying to rescue a girl being similarly taken, I don't know how they subdued Kritter but he might have stayed willingly by my side."

2014-12-24, 12:56 PM
John looked up, turning his head towards the person next to him. His name was...Martin? He thought it was Martin. He once knew a Martin. Was that Martin his brother? No wait, he was his son. But that isn't possible. He heard him ask a question. What brought him here?

"I..." Should he tell the truth? He beat that man to death. He liked that memory. He didn't like it. He was confused. He had so much to say, so much things he wanted to say, but he couldn't. Everything was so murky for him. Except death. He couldn't even recall his own name.

"I killed a man." he said, with some difficulty.

2014-12-24, 02:14 PM
Martin nods to John.
Ain't it queer? You kill a man, and the punishment is that you have to kill lots of men to earn your freedom.
His head snaps over to Oaken. Could it have been...
Wait, where was this? When was this? What did she look like?

2015-01-02, 09:37 AM
"The details are a bit foggy as i don't know how long I was out for or if they gave me anything to keep me out longer but it was no longer than a week ago, she had dark hair and for but a moment she did appear to have similar eyes to your own but I couldn't say for sure as I was club from behind almost immediately after." Oaken absently massaged the back of his neck as if mentioning the injury reawakened some tenderness in the area that didn't truly exist any more.

2015-01-05, 05:24 PM
The rest of the survivors from the arena stream into the room. A couple of orcs are elatedly chatting with each other and the dragon is hissing at everyone that passes by, but everyone else mostly looks shell-shocked. The groups of gladiators grab their bedrolls and settle in. The empty area is filled by a trio of middle-aged humans that appear to be triplets, with matching tattoos covering half their face; a hellhound (who plopped down and began snoring as soon as he entered the room); and two four-armed insectile humanoids. The goblinoids and kobolds coming in from the arena settle with their own kind, and everyone else fills in where they can. Those sleeping near the giants are joined by the obsidian-scaled dragon, who curls up at the feet of the giants and begins snoring, streams of smoke issuing from his snout. An hour or so of scattered conversation later, the doors swing open and a guard announces, "Lights out. Time to sleep." The light of the lanterns dims, and conversation ceases as the residents of the hall drift off to sleep.


Everyone gains 300 XP.


You are rudely awoken the next morning by the ringing of a loud bell, held by a yelling guard. "Mornin! Get out o' yer bedrolls, ya lazy lot o' lackluster... err... lunatics!" Some of the newcomers sit up with a start, while the more experienced gladiators roll over resignedly. The guard continues yelling; "Breakfast 'll be down the hall in five minutes!"

2015-01-05, 05:36 PM
Martin blinks rapidly, then turns away before a single tear can form. For all his efforts, he might already be too late.

He quickly lies down on his bedroll, refusing further conversation.


Martin rises slowly, trying to put on a brave face despite the revelation from last night. He smiles at Oaken as he stands.
About time we got some food.

2015-01-05, 07:48 PM
Sitting up and moving himself out of his bedroll, Randal looked over to his companions, hearing one of them offering to go and eat. The scout pondered for a moment before turning away, standing on his own and stretching out. He would fight alongside those people, and he would train with them, but he wouldn't eat with them like they were family if that's what they were expecting. They way some of them killed others with such ease or even with pleasure...he couldn't stand it. He didn't want to be like them. He stepped away from the bedroll, planning on going to breakfast alone.

2015-01-06, 01:07 PM
Not having slept that well in the confined space with the multitude of others Oaken was restless and ready to rise when the time came to do so, standing he feels the stiffness in his joints and takes a couple moments to stretch hoping to get relief from the tightness, Kritter also yawned and stretched as only dogs can do before he sat upright on his haunches waiting for Oaken to direct him. Looking at Martin he shrugged at the thought of food not entirely sure what would pass for such in a place such as this and outright saying so. "I will not get my hopes up till I see what they consider as breakfast in this place, and judging by some who are here you don't want to be last to get your food I would imagine."

2015-01-06, 05:38 PM
Food. He didn't eat food. No, he did. No he didn't. It confused him. Did he need food? He wasn't sure. Maybe he did. He got up and watched the rest of the gladiators go get food. He might as well.

2015-01-08, 03:06 AM
You enter the mess hall among the bustle and clamor of all the other new gladiators trying to find their way. The mess consists of a small serving room where the goblin chefs do their work, and a large room with cheap wooden tables where the gladiators sit to dine. The room soon forms up into a loose line, passing by the trays and up to the small platform from which half a dozen goblins are hurriedly scooping food out from barrels. The day's breakfast consists of a large scoop of gruel, bowl of a watery stew with something floating in it that might be meat or vegetables, and a fresh-ish apple. As you pass by, you note that one of the goblins' arms is marked with the three glowing lines signifying your mysterious benefactor, and you notice as you receive your food that each of you with marked arms gets apples significantly less damaged than the others; whether this is a perk of the job or out of sheer camaraderie, you can't tell.

As you pass through into the dining hall, a trio of orcs approaches and surrounds you aggressively. The two to the sides stand menacingly and emit a low growl, while the one who is obviously the leader steps forward with a smile. "My friends! So kind of you to bring me these nice, fresh apples. I'm so glad that we can be friendly; some people have tried to fight me over some silly little apples. I'm sure you won't be so unwise..."
The two orcs to the sides are smaller, just over six feet tall, and towered over by the nearly eight-foot tall orc in the middle. His grey skin is covered in tattoos resembling the scales of a dragon, and he has a number of facial piercings. He carries himself in an unusually balanced stance for such a savage creature.

2015-01-08, 04:11 AM
Looking around him as the Orcs surrounded them, Randal sighed. Through pure coincidence, he had ended up standing with his group anyway. The one he assumed to be the leader of the Orcs was saying something about apples, but he was still groggy and didn't bother to listen. In fact, he didn't even stop walking, shifting his path slightly so that he would go around the Orc and keep walking if nothing stopped him.

"Get out of my way," he said, fatigue in his voice as he tried to swerve past.

2015-01-08, 09:20 AM
Martin, meanwhile, did stop. Holding his plate in one hand, he plucked the apple from it.
You know, you're right. This apple looks very good. Much better than you.
And he takes a bite of the apple.

2015-01-08, 09:50 AM
John wordlessly looked at them, his look carrying the weight of a dead star, the sheer hatred and rage he held pouring out in his hellish eyes.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2015-01-08, 10:42 AM
Kritter laid his ears back and growled at the orc as Oaken tensed at what could be a possible confrontation though expected that this was likely a test of sorts, not uncommon when dominant males in a herd or pack sought to establish a pecking order within their group. While Oaken was not prepared to spill blood over an apple, he had little fondness for those that would bully others taking what did not belong to them just for the sake of being a bastard, staring at the orcs he made no move to back down or pass over his apple.

2015-01-08, 01:12 PM
John's steely glare causes the two smaller orcs to back down, but the one that appears to be the leader simply smiles. "Clearly you need an introductory course in life here." His arm shoots out and hooks Randal as he passes by.

Touch Attack: [roll0]
Grapple Check: [roll1]

The orc effortlessly grabs Randal and hoists him bodily over his head, muscles bulging with rage. "AND I'LL BE THE ONE TO GIVE IT!"

Gladiators near to the fight pick up their meals and walk away. The guards at either end of the room conspicuously glance away, deep in falsified conversation.

2015-01-08, 01:46 PM
"Maybe....you die."
John felt a red film cover his eyes, as he physically grew, his muscles bulking up as tendons snapped and rewound in a grotesque event.

All-Out Rampage Release, giving me powerful build, so I think my 7'4 will be taller than 8 feet.

2015-01-08, 09:25 PM
As soon as he was grabbed the scout realised his mistake, dropping his tray onto the floor as he was forcibly grabbed into the air.

"Hey, get off me!" He yelled, struggling within the huge beast's grasp.

[roll0] Escape Artist to get out of the grapple. If I removed my armour after yesterday's battle off-screen, the result is two points higher.

Edit: Uh, nevermind...I don't think those two points are going to make a difference.

Also, if this counts as the first round of combat, readying the Better Quick than Dead manoeuvre.

2015-01-12, 01:02 PM
This is indeed the first round of combat.

The angry orc lets lose an incoherent scream of rage and hurls Randal bodily at John Doe.

Attack Roll vs AC 22: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

John stays sturdy and shrugs off the impact, but Randal is hit with the full force of the blow and falls at John's feet.

John takes no damage from the impact. Randal's damage is considered falling damage and taken automatically. Randal is prone in John's square.

2015-01-17, 03:01 AM
Randal Rowan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38985)
Male Neutral Good Human Swiftblade // Vanguard, Level 2, Init +4, HP 9/15, Speed 50
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 10, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 2
Unarmed +6 (1d3 + 6, 20/x2)
Unarmored (+4 Dex, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Conditions None
Randal bounced off of John's heavy form, rolling along the ground and ending on his knees. Climbing to his feet, he looked to the Orc who had thrown him and clenched his fists. He had been caught off-guard, hurt and humiliated with ease. His melancholy faded for a moment, and he felt an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time. Randal felt hot, viewing the Orc with disgust as he imagined the most brutal way he could harm it. It was anger that coursed through him, and anger compelled Randal to attack. With a scream he dashed forward, his regretful nature suddenly abandoned as he recklessly sprinted the ten feet between him and his foe. He didn't think to summon his weapon or to keep his guard up, he merely lashed out, jumping upwards and pulling back a fist charged with arcane energy. He forced his arm towards the one who had enraged him so much, praying that his strike would knock their head right off.

Move Action: Recover from Prone
Swift Action: Cast Blade of Blood
Free Action: 5-Foot Step towards Orc
Free Action: Mobility Bonus 5-Foot Step towards Orc
Standard Action: Unarmed Strike against Orc, likely provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If I still have 5 or more hit points after this is resolved, I will sacrifice 5 hit points to deal 2d6 extra damage, in addition to the standard 1d6 from Blade of Blood, and the 1d6 from Swift Surge.
Attack [roll0]
Base Damage [roll1]
Blade of Blood and Swift Surge Damage [roll2]
Possible Extra Damage For Sacrificing Health [roll3]

Critical Confirm [roll4]
Critical Damage:
Base Damage [roll5]
Blade of Blood and Swift Surge Damage [roll6]
Possible Extra Damage For Sacrificing Health [roll7]

2015-01-17, 08:10 AM
Martin waits for Randal to begin his movement before rolling forward, setting his tray on the ground as he does. His aim is to end up on the other side of their opponent, strike him hard, and return to his food. Hopefully lacking a weapon won't mess this up...

Since I beat Randal on initiative, the orc still has his AoO during my turn, so the area is still threatened. Acrobatic Gambit (Swift), Tumble to the other side of him (Move, around not through, DC 15 [roll0]) initiate Red Zephyr's Strike (hit and move 10ft, no AoO) to move back where I started.

Attack: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4] if Acrobatic Gambit is successful
Crit Damage: [roll5]
All damage is nonlethal. I do provoke an AoO if he is able to take them unarmed.

2015-01-21, 08:41 AM
Kritter already sensing Oaken's dislike of the orc low growl has upgraded to a full out snarl and when Oaken steps forward to push the Orc away from his now fallen companion Kritter makes his own attempt at keeping the orc at bay.



2015-01-21, 05:58 PM
A surge of turquoise power rushes through John, before his hand rears back and strikes forward at the orc. He never liked bullies. And this, green man, was part of his group. Even if he felt like squishing his head.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2015-01-22, 02:58 PM
The large orc, with astonishing speed and precision, bats away attacks from Randal, Martin, Oaken, and Kritter, (striking an off-balance Martin with a knee to the gut) before being struck with John Doe's fist. He staggers at the blow, but recovers and roars in John Doe's face. He suddenly ducks and jabs at John's ribs.

AOO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Confirm: [roll2]

Feint: [roll3]
Swift Action Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Rage Dice: [roll6]
Confirm: [roll7]

Martin is wounded by the precise knee strike, and doubles over in pain from the blow. John as well is struck by an unexpected attack, and the rage of the savage orc seems to match even his.

One of the guards towards the wall yells over, "Hey! Knock it off!" He doesn't seem too invested in enforcing his demand.

2015-01-25, 10:52 PM
Martin grunts, stepping back and looking around for something he could use as a weapon.

Withdraw to 15ft away. Is there anything that could be useful as a weapon in the area? Maybe knives for someone's food?

2015-01-26, 12:29 AM
Randal hops away from his foe and then engages in a series of back handsprings, getting as much difference between himself and the Orc as possible.

Coming out of his flourish and landing in a fencing stance, he waved his hand about. The arcane rapier returned to him in another puff of purple smoke, and the scout was armed for combat.

Free Action: Mobility Bonus 5-Foot Step away from Orc
Move Action: Tumble 25 Feet away, in case anyone else in the room decides they want to smack me as they go past. You never know. [roll0]
Standard Action: Substitute for Move Action to summon Arcane Rapier
Swift Action: Activate Dodge feat against the Orc, changing my AC to 16 against him and 14 against everyone else.

2015-01-26, 08:47 AM
Oaken seeing his companions opening up some space takes a 5' step backwards or away from the orc and takes up a total defense action in hopes the guards comment might actually carry any weight as senseless fighting benefits nobody, Kritter who instinctively follows Oakens leave does a similar action backing away at his masters side still growling albeit much quieter than before.

Male Neutral Good Human Druid // Ranger, Level 2, Init +2, HP 17/17, Speed 40
AC 24, Touch 24, Flat-footed 14, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7, BAB +2(+4 intuitive attack)
Unarmed +6 (1d3 + 1, 20/x2)
Unarmored (+4 Exalted, +2 Dex, +4 Wis, +4 Dodge (Total Defense))
Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 13
Conditions None

Male True Neutral Riding Dog, 2 HD, Init +2, HP 16/16, Speed 40
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 14, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, BAB +1
Bite +3 (1d6 + 3, 20/x2), on successful bite free trip attempt +1
Unarmored (+4 Natural, +2 Dex, +4 Dodge (Total Defense))
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Conditions None

2015-01-29, 10:00 AM
Martin: The utensils look like they would fold under any good amount of pressure, so probably aren't good weapons, but the trays are hefty enough that one could make a good swing.

2015-01-31, 05:33 PM
The creature in front of you lets loose a roar, grabs a bench, and hurls it at the retreating Randal.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Confirm: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

Remember, damage is nonlethal.

The bench slams into Randal, striking him in the gut. He remains standing, but only just.

The guard who called out repeats himself, and when obviously ignored starts walking over to the fight.

2015-01-31, 07:11 PM
Staggering back after the bench flew into him, Randal only got angrier. He was aware now that what he was feeling was wrong, against his nature, but it was too late. It would feel so good to end this fiend. With a scream he charged forward, waving his sword about with such speed that it suddenly lit on arcane fire, as it had the day before. He reached incredible speed, crossing the distance between him and his foe in no time at all before he leapt up, switching the grip on his rapier so that he held the hilt in a fist, with the blade extending downward towards the ground.

He ruthlessly jammed this flaming weapon towards his foe, aiming to drive it straight through his heart.

Free Action: Ready Burning Blade, having moved 30 Feet in the previous round.
Swift Action: Initiate Burning Blade
Full-Round Action: Charge 30 Feet towards the Orc and make an attack, activating Swift Surge.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Critical Confirm [roll2]
Critical Damage [roll3]

AC is back to 15 (and then reduced to 13 due to the Charge action) this turn, since Randal didn't have a spare Swift Action to use Dodge.

2015-02-02, 04:52 PM
Oaken seeing the guard approaching hopes this will end the confrontation for while he could use magic to defend himself and engage the aggressor doing so would have consequences that would have repercussions later and he was not entirely sure what the rules were in a place like this so continued to be total defensive.

Male Neutral Good Human Druid // Ranger, Level 2, Init +2, HP 17/17, Speed 40
AC 24, Touch 24, Flat-footed 14, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7, BAB +2(+4 intuitive attack)
Unarmed +6 (1d3 + 1, 20/x2)
Unarmored (+4 Exalted, +2 Dex, +4 Wis, +4 Dodge (Total Defense))
Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 13
Conditions None

Male True Neutral Riding Dog, 2 HD, Init +2, HP 16/16, Speed 40
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 14, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, BAB +1
Bite +3 (1d6 + 3, 20/x2), on successful bite free trip attempt +1
Unarmored (+4 Natural, +2 Dex, +4 Dodge (Total Defense))
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Conditions None

2015-02-02, 05:23 PM
John had no qualms of fighting as Oaken did, savagely attacking faster and harder than before in pure anger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

2015-02-02, 05:26 PM
Martin grunts, and rolls back into the fray, scooping up Randal's tray.

Move Action to tumble to the tray (or rather, an adjacent, unthreatened square), Move action to pick it up.

2015-02-09, 01:47 AM
The orc twists and avoids Randal's blade, but is struck by John's powerful blow. He staggers, bruised, but regains his posture and begins to swing at John. Halfway through the blow, the approaching guard draws a wand from his belt, points it at the orc, and speaks an incantation. Suddenly, the orc falls to the ground, paralyzed, as sparks crawl up and down his body from an unknown source. Three guards venture over and lift the orc, carrying him away. As they leave, the half-unconscious creature mumbles "Fools... You have made an enemy today... I'll see you in the arena..."

The residents of the dining hall look relieved that the short conflict is over, and they resume their meals, with many of them pointing and staring. A single, one-legged gnome, previously sitting alone, walks over to you and says, "You're a brave little group. That orc has been terrorizing newcomers for ages now, and few have the courage to stand up to him. Still, I would be cautious if I were you; he has an in with a couple guards, and the last guy to antagonize him ended up facing him in the arena, naked, with a crossbow bolt through the knee for good measure. I doubt they can do that for every one of you, but he'll probably try something- keep on your guard."

2015-02-09, 03:02 AM
Randal spat at the Orc as it was pulled away, but his rage faded as the gnome spoke to them.

"We, uh...we know what we're doing," he said, brushing them aside. What a great lie. He had lost control of himself, years of bottled frustration escaping from him in an instant, and yet another had almost died as a result. The desire to eat left him as he stood there, wondering just how far he would be driven before he escaped this awful arena.

2015-02-09, 12:09 PM
Martin nods, passing the tray back to Randal.
Thanks for the warning.
He walks over and picks up his own tray, then glances back at Randal.
Hey, you do what you have to do to survive

2015-02-11, 11:24 PM
Rejoining his companions Oaken looks a bit shaken, he is not sure why he feels such given the aggressiveness of this place, but he is still having trouble adjusting to the necessities of killing, "I'm sorry this life is all still so new to me, it caught me off guard and I wasn't sure what was expected of us."

2015-02-12, 09:48 PM
John calmed himself, turning to the rest of the group. He looked on, indfference plain and clear on his face. He wasn't disturbed by the fighting at all. Did that make him a monster? He didn't know.

2015-02-16, 03:41 AM
The gnome looks down at the ground meekly, and says in a small voice "And... thank you. You remind us that a person can stand up for themselves. Maybe if more people knew that, we wouldn't be stuck down here." He hobbles off back to the corner and begins eating his meal once more.

The rest of lunch passes uninterestingly. At the end of the meal, however, a pair of guards walk up to you as you attempt to leave. "You four. Come with us. The boss wants to chat with you." They quickly lead the way through a doorway, down a long hallway, and into a slightly-less-damp back room. The room is covered top to bottom in Arena memorabilia, each labeled with plaques describing the history of each weapon. In the center of the room, seated behind a desk, is a young elf male. He looks up from his paperwork, sees you enter, and lets out a chuckle. "So. I hear you caused a little ruckus at breakfast this morning. Seems you aren't quite accustomed to the way things are here. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

2015-02-18, 05:40 PM
"The one of orcish blood assaulted one of ours in an animalistic display to try and prove his dominance over us, luckily my companions are used to this sort of display and were able to put an end to it and its likely that if the orcish one tries again things will get more bloody or if he is smart he will find weaker willed slaves to pick on. Either way at some point he will face a violent end, but I suppose there is a good chance we all will." Oaken was stoic during his response but by the end had settled into a more grim expression and waited to see what the purpose of this meeting might be.