View Full Version : Altab - IC Thread

2014-10-14, 10:27 AM

Late into the afternoon, a wagon rolled slowly down the pathway guided by the Guardsmen in front. Unlike a normal travel wagon, this one was a special jail cell transport. The bars had been enchanted against Arcana and reinforced against any direct attack upon it. These precautions were quite necessary as the prisoner inside posed a high danger to all (or so the guards were made to believe).

Bound in chains, stripped naked and gagged with dagger and rope, the Dragonborn could only imagine the fate that awaited him while the dagger in his mouth slowly cut into his mouth with every bump in the road.

Up high in the far distance, the bare outline of once a magnificent castle could be made out if one squinted hard enough or happened to have Elven blood. The latter being harder to come by these days.

Following in tow of the wagon strode two talkative Guardsmen as they escorted one of the camp entertainers for the night, a non-descript Bard.

"They got another one eh?"

"Yep, caught this one East of the Camp. Was blabbing something about being a Paladin or whatnot. Took out 3 of our guys without a hitch before we could even react. Burned them to a crips he did."

"Whoa, the reward on him must be huge."

"So I've heard. Too bad no one is getting it though."

"How's that?"

"See that hulking brute over there?" indicated the guard tilting his head towards the golemn like being ambling alongside the wagon.

"Yea, what about it?"

"It's one of them Phyrexian things, it was the one that knocked out the freak there. If you ask me, they are just as bad as the freaks still running around here. At least the freaks talk and think. Those things are mute and you never know what one of them is thinking."

As the wagon rolled on and the ceasless banter between the guards carried on, a Rogue was awoken by all the noise from the brief slumber he had attempted to take after his last near escape.

2014-10-14, 01:29 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

Bodies, bodies everywhere. The nightmare was back, probably instigated by his recent run in with the Phyrexian. Before the visions became too horrid he was awoken by noises nearby.

The voices sounded close, much closer than he liked, he must have been exhausted to have slept through their approach. He quickly realized they had not spotted him yet and cautiously removed the leafy debris that had constituted both his bed and cover during his short rest.

Working his way into a crouched position behind a sizable oak tree that separated him from the clearing he peered towards the commotion.

Try to remain hidden and look at the travelers. Trying to see who/what is in the wagon if possible.
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2014-10-14, 04:57 PM
Though easily missed by any other casual observer, Kensai's keen observation detected a set of marching sound distinct from that of the human guards, the horses or any other living creature. Weighted steps that resonated upon landing with deadly precision and consistency despite the uneven terrain.

With due hesitancy, the Rogue glanced out from among the nearby shrubbery and confirmed what he dreaded: a construct from Phyrexia. Kensai was all too familiar with the common Phyrexian Drones and Sentinels but this one was neither.

Unlike the Sentinel, it was much smaller and less cumbersome in its movement. At the same time, the distinct thickness of its composition and the reinforced riveting of its joints spoke of its likely combat abilities in contrast to a normal Drone. Kensai wondered that despite the differences if the current Phyrexia construct he saw harbored a similar disabling mechanism as the Sentinels he had faced in the past.

The construct aside, the guardsmen seemed to be nothing more than just the usual sell swords that he had ran into numerous times in the past. Problem with sell swords was you could never tell exactly how well trained one might be. Nevertheless, judging by their shoddy weaponry and armor, these guards were unlikely to have been very successful so far in their endeavors.

Shifting his attention, the occupant of the wagon and the driver were much more intriguing. The prisoner was obviously one of the Dragonborn that had been captured. Odd to see a Dragonborn these days let alone one locked up in chains. Yet, it was the wagon driver that caught the Rogue's continued attention.

Wrapped up in weathered cloak, the driver appeared unassuming if not for the distinct butt of a blade that protruded slightly from underneath. Hanging around the neck of the driver was a necklace of exquisite craftsmanship, surely a religious or royal token of some kind. Sitting next to the driver was a pile of fine clothing, armor and weaponry. With each glint of sunlight that flashed through the trees, the fine metal of the armor and weapons threw enchanting prisms into the eye of the viewer before the wagon driver took notice and covered them up with a spare cloak.

2014-10-14, 05:02 PM
My eyes narrow slightly at the sight of the monster, the metal automaton indistinguishable from the ones from that night a few months ago. I can't help but panic slightly as I do a mental pat-down of myself, checking to make sure that I am not visible as a spellcaster. The armor helps, but wizards have been known to wear leather. The sword doesn't hurt. No scrolls, except my scroll of pedigree, no potions or other magic items it might sense. I haven't carried a spell component pouch openly since I was last inside my family home. I try to remember if there is anything else I know about Phrexians being able to sense magic...
Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Well, no matter, I can't seem suspicious. I force a smile, and happily follow the guards as they lead me where I need to be.

2014-10-14, 05:47 PM
The Bard strains to recall what he knew or heard in the past about the Phyrexian constructs. Despite his attempt, he could only vaguely remember that the Phyrexian constructs were immune to most forms of magic. What made them immune or what type of Arcana did affect the constructs eluded Niall for the time being.

Bards are well known for their memories of the past and Niall was no exception. Various memories from his past adventures helped him to recollect the birth of the Phyrexian constructs.

After Sorrin left Altab and founded what is now Phyrexia, he entered into a temporary alliance with a few notable pack and clan leaders of the Wildlands to secure access to the Leylines of the Wildlands. Upon access to the Leylines, Sorrin waged the first war against Altab that culminated in the epic battle at the Craigs of Malice. With the aid of the Toleras Arch Magi Council, Sorrin and his Wildland supporters were defeated and exiled into the Badlands.

Yet Sorrin did not drown his defeat. Rather, his loss during the first war strengthened his resolve and after convincing the exiled Gnome King Uzdrid to join him the first Phyrexian construct was created. Despite their efforts they were unable to power the constructs for more than a day until the genesis of the Crepitis.

Fueled by Crepitis splinters, a Phyrexian construct could function for a fortnight or more depending on its activities before having to recharge its Crepitis splinter. Recharging the Crepitis was no simple matter and only a few had the knowledge to do so. Due to the lack of those with the ability to recharge a Crepitis splinter, the price of such splinters fetched an extraordinary value.

In addition to providing increased energy for the constructs, the Crepitis splinters also provided the Phyrexian constructs with increased autonomy. A construct without the Crepitis splinter could only follow basic commands and unable to execute any sophisticated orders.

With the Crepitis in hand and a legion of the constructs, Sorrin ignited the second war with Altab. If not for the arrival of the Five Paragons, Altab and Toleras would have been completely annihilated. Even with the power of the Paragons, only a stale mate and uneasy peace was achieved.

Irish Musician
2014-10-14, 08:01 PM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr, naked and bound, sat uncomfortably in this rolling cage. He knew not why he was attacked or why this construct was instructed to knock him out, but from the talk of the others they didn't like it either. Getting sick of this dagger starting to cut into his mouth, Dinarr called upon the fire from his chest and burned the rope away, trying to be discreet, dropped the knife to the floor of the cart. He did not make a move immediately, wanting to see if he had been seen, but did cover the fallen dagger with his leg.

2014-10-14, 10:32 PM
"So, guardsman, why the tight security? I'm not normally escorted by two trained soldiers to walk from one end of camp to another. Am I in any danger here?

I haven't seen a Phrexian in quite a while... who is in that cage, and are they really such a danger to us that we need one of them to keep us safe?"

I hope to myself that whoever may be in that cage might be a powerful ally, someone I could approach as a friend with a common foe, but judging by the fact they have been captured already, I have little hope. Still, an ally is an ally, and it bears looking into later.

2014-10-14, 11:16 PM
As Dinarr moved to cover the dagger and mute the scraping of the weapon as much as he could, a knock was heard coming from the front of the wagon.

"Keep it down back there you mutant freak!" shouted the driver loud enough for all to hear. Then in a more hushed tone audible only to Dinarr: "made your move a bit earlier than I was hoping for friend."

Behind the wagon, the guardsmen chuckled upon hearing the Bard's question.

"Weren't ya listening? That thing in there toasted three of us with one breath! We ain't here to guard a common Bard. You just happened to be nearby and the Boss had asked us for some entertainment for the night if we managed to catch that thing" answered the first guard motioning towards Dinarr.

"Hehehe, I think the Boss was'a thinkin' more of flesh type entertainment and not that produced by a Bard."

"Well you never know what the Boss be thinkin' these days or be a wantin'. He's asked for young gents for entertainment before."

"Aye ye be speakin' the truth on that."

Irish Musician
2014-10-15, 10:01 AM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr tilted his head in a confused look when the driver whispers to him. "What do you mean? Who are you? Where are my things?" Dinarr ten takes a look around and takes note as to where the guards are, and where his items might be laying. Dinarr then slowly starts to put pressure on this shackles and trying his best to break free.....as quietly as he can.....testing how stout these shackles really are.

Perception [roll0]
Athletics to break the chains [roll1] CRIT!!

2014-10-15, 01:41 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

His mind was racing, he wished he had heard the group sooner to have more time to think but alas they were moving by even as his thoughts came together.

A dragonborn captive, he had to rescue this prisoner as some measure of atonement for his past sins. But what was the best course of action.. He was vastly outnumbered though based on the conversation of the rear guard the Bard was not tied to the group. If he was lucky the man would run for cover if any fighting broke out.
That still left 3 guards, the Phyrexian, and the driver. The driver was different somehow though, he racked his memory for anything about the amulet or sparkling armor.
Trying to remember anything about amulet or sparkling armor
History: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]

The biggest threat was of course the Phyrexian. He thought back to the years he spent fighting alongside similar creations and tried to remember where the disabling mechanism would be and used some logical thinking to try to reason out where it would be on this altered version.

Remember where it usually is
reason out location on this model

2014-10-15, 10:06 PM
"Me? I be no one of note my good lord. Just a simple man that knows his place in this life trying to get by. But I know you be a protector of the just and worthy so I beseech once again for you to have patience good Sir" whispered the driver.

As the driver whispered to Dinarr, the Paladin glanced over and noticed his supplies sitting next to the driver albeit mostly covered over by a cloak.

The design and emblem of the necklace resembled those worn by Clergyman or Warriors who have sworn to protect the land from evil and corruption.

Upon shifting of his gaze back to the Phyrexian construct, flashes of previous battle washed over Kensai...

A flash of light signaled the start of the attack. Kensai waited patiently for the Phyrexian Sentinels to take their positions at the other end of field. The hulking brutes made no attempts at stealth and lumbered lazily into sight of the band of fugitives. Enemy archers launched a volley of arrows into the constructs. Some sang true and struck into the thick armor of the Sentinels but most were deflected.

As the Sentinels loomed closer to the group, the Fighters launched into the fray. Try as they might, only one of the Sentinels was disabled temporarily by the onslaught while the remaining strikes of sword and axe only resulted in minor dents. At last the Wizards unleashed their Arcane fury.

Spells of fire, lightening, water and other untold forces crashed against the Sentinel line. Only a couple melted under the intense flame while others were knocked back slightly. However, one of the Wizards launched a storm of ice and blizzard and soon a handful of the Sentinels were frozen to a halt.

"Now!" signaled the Kensai's platoon leader.

With backs turned to them, the Wizards had little time to react before they were cut down by Kensai and his fellow soldiers. Yet even when the last Wizard was slain, the Sentinels kept on marching towards where the Wizards used to be.

"Goddamn idiotic constructs! Someone signal to the Artificer to change the targets of the Sentinels to the reamining Fighters and Archers instead!" shouted the platoon leader.

"The rest of you, back away from the Sentinels as fast as you can since they'll run through or kill anything that's standing between them and their targets!" warned the platoon leader to Kensai and the others.

While the Sentinels kept on beating away at the unconsious and dying Wizards, the remaining band of Fighters and Archers were able to use their ingenuity to disable and destroy a few more before the the Sentinels were given their new commands. Where as they enemy band were able to attack the Sentinels without worry of reprisal, they now ran for their lives as metal fits crushed skulls and human bones were shattered with one punch from a Sentinel.

Glancing back, Kensai managed to catch the sight of a fallen Fighter thrusting upwards with his sword as a Sentinel towered over him. The fighter's sword thrust appeared to pierce through the pelvic floor of the Sentinel. A moment later, the Sentinel stood still. Try as he might however, the Fighter had used up his last life blood and was unable to sound off the secret he had just learned to his colleagues.

In minutes the fight was over. As the bodies were searched and stripped, the platoon leader gathered all the machinations of the fallen Wizards and handed them to a Sentinel while the other Sentinels ripped out their hearts, livers, and spleens.

Kensai took in the aftermath and counted 7 dead wizards, 15 Fighters and half dozen archers on the enemy side. Despite the platoon leader's warning 3 soliders had also died at the hands of the Sentinels for failing to clear away from the Wizards in time.

Irish Musician
2014-10-16, 11:13 AM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr raises an eyebrow to the driver, "I tend not to be a patient being, friend. These shackles are now broken....it will not be long before I am bending these bars and coming for my sword and shield. The might of Bahamut is not easily shackled." Dinarr looks around at the guards to see if they are still distracted by their gossip.

2014-10-16, 12:00 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

The time for thinking was over, the closest guard was nearly past him. Perhaps he could lure the Phyrexian into the forest and take it out there but first he would even the odds. Despite the difficult footing in the forest Kensai was swift. In one fluid motion he moves to the edge of the forest and thrusts both short swords towards the guards back. With equal swiftness he retreats back into the cover of the forest to see how the caravan reacts.

Move to L9
Action: attack guard [roll0]
bonus action: offhand attack guard [roll3]
if either attack hits sneak attack damage [roll6]
move to L12 (mobile feat lets me move away without provoking an attack from the guard if he is still standing)

2014-10-16, 10:06 PM
"That's an amusing declaration. I have yet to see any that have been able to break through a cell of my design. Well I guess you force my hand then friend" whispered the driver as he weaved his hands through the air.

Some individuals get to find a pot of gold in a cave and others...well others get stabbed in the back while taking a stroll through the forest on a seemingly easy escort gig. Whether by luck or design, no one knows and it appears that the guard closest to the foliage on the side of the trail happened to be one of those souls who did not get to find a pot of gold that day.

Bleeding heavily from his lacerations, the guard stumbled to the ground and cried out: "we are under attack! Secure the prisoner!"

"Out of the way Bard!"

"Make sure the prisoner is secured!"

"Driver get ready to bolt straight to the camp!"

2014-10-17, 10:59 AM
I quickly assess the situation. There are four guards here on the side of the phrexian, one wounded, but I'm still heavily outnumbered. I know I couldn't take on the golem by myself, let alone with 4 men aiding it. I don't know how big the attacking force from the trees is, but just in case I shouldn't count on them being enough to justify my attacking. The guards don't seem like bad people, anyways, and I don't see a reason to hurt them, but they won't help me against the Phrexian. Maybe the people in the trees will. As the wagon mobilizes, my escort rushing ahead to protect it, I sprint towards the trees where I saw a flicker of movement disappear (towards H9 and then cutting through the trees towards L9), without drawing my weapon so I don't look like a threat.

I wish I could have learned who these men were working for, or why they had a phrexian, but I'm sure I'll find out eventually.

Irish Musician
2014-10-17, 11:06 AM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr didn't know much about magics and casters....but he did know when one was trying to cast. Dinarr lunges forward and starts banging on the cage walls, trying to get out and also trying to disrupt the caster.

Athletics to try and break out of the cage [roll0]

2014-10-18, 06:57 PM
Dinarr starts to feel the effects of a spell overtake him. His entire body started to feel unreal as his mind started to become hazy. Had he not acted a moment sooner, he might have lost complete control of his body. However, his quick thinking jogged the Driver from his concentration.

"Ugh...you are quite being difficult. I am starting to question myself if what your clan had done for my little brother justifies all this headache..." mumbles the Driver as reaches into his pocket.

Try as he might, Dinarr was unable to affect the cage bars in the slightest manner, much to his aggravation.

Due to the distraction of the attack, none of the guards notice as Niall disappeared into the forest.

*Party's turn.

2014-10-18, 07:18 PM
Still without drawing a weapon, I hold up my hands and loudly whisper, "Is anybody here? I'm no friend of the Phyrexians, I want to help you!" as I look around to see if I can spot anybody near me.


2014-10-18, 07:20 PM
*ahem.* As I look to see if I can spot anybody near me.

2014-10-18, 07:48 PM
Looking around the bush, Niall instantly spots the Rogue hiding behind him. As Niall looks closer, he notices that what may appear as loose branches and vines hanging from the trees in the area are actually pulsating rhythmically and moving ever so slightly.

2014-10-18, 10:11 PM
I slide to the ground next to the man behind the bushes as soon as I spot him.
This is fantastic! A fellow caster! How many of you are there? Do you plan to take out the Phyrexian, and free the prisoner? What exactly are you doing with the vines? You must be some sort of druid, or ranger, correct?

2014-10-19, 08:52 AM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

Kensai was a bit startled when the bard came through the trees directly towards him but he was unarmed and lying on the ground as he approached so was not considered a threat.

"Caster what are you....vines?" Kensai stammers in reply as he looks around to see what the Bard is talking about.

Perception: [roll0]
Nature to recognize whats happening: [roll1]

2014-10-19, 12:26 PM
Looking around, Kensai notices that what may appear as loose branches and vines hanging from the trees in the area are actually pulsating rhythmically and moving ever so slightly. This can't be good. Kensai searched deep in his memories to recall when did he last witness such oddities...

"Kensai, come on! We are going to get left behind again. This way, I know a short cut" called back the little girl towards her long time friend.

"Marion, wait. There's a big tree ahead of you. You are going to run into it."

"No I'm not silly" giggled Marion as she skipped around the tree. "Gosh you are so slow and you want to be a soldier psh" teased the girl as she merrily danced around the tree waiting for Kensai.

Kensai could not be sure if it was due to the light or the fact that he was so tired but it appeared to him that the vines around the trees seemed to be waving more so than could be accounted for by the slight breeze. As he had almost caught up to his friend, he brushed the thought aside and prepared to make one last dash.

Without warning three of the vines shot towards Marion.

"Eeek....HELLLLLP!" screamed the little girl as the vines bound her and picked her up in mid hop.

"I'm coming Marion!" cried out Kensai as he used what little energy he had to rush to Marion. However, try as he might he was unable to break her loose from the grasp of the vines. The motions and sounds caused by his struggle alerted more vines to being encircling around him and Marion.

"Run Kensai, go get help!" cried out Marion as she was lifted towards the massive trunk of the tree.

Kensai jumped over the new vines and rushed to find his parents. Five steps out, he suddenly found his legs frozen to the ground. Looking down, he saw to his horror that branches and bramble had sprouted from around the tree and had immobilized his legs.

Glancing back, Kensai witnessed the appearance of a horrific maw in the trunk of the tree. The vines that held Marion pulled her towards the maw as new vines continued creeping slowly towards Kensai.

Despite the adrenaline pumping through his bloodstreams, Kensai did not have the energy to break free of the branches that held him. Before he blacked out, he saw a handful of adults rushing towards them.

"Send Olaf to let the rest of them know we found them! They got caught by a Tangletree. Hurry up and get a fire started before it's too late! Tagart, you go and..."

The rest of the words were lost to Kensai as darkness closed over him and he slumped to the ground in exhaustion.

Tangletrees, of course. He should have recognized them earlier. Though visually blind, Tangletrees were able to sense rapid motion and loud sound vibrations. As painful as the memory may have been for Kensai, he know understood the danger and possible opportunity he had come across. The trees were indiscriminate in who or what they captured however, they will only consume living creatures. If a prey is somehow able to escape the vines, the tree is able to temporarily trap the prey with branches and brambles around its trunk. Though resistant to most physical damage, the Tangletrees were vulnerable to fire and the vines were also vulnerable to any slashing weapons.

2014-10-20, 08:01 AM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

"Im no caster... these are tangletrees. We need to get out of here. Follow me but move slowly." Kensai whispers to the Bard as he starts inching his way to the east hopefully out of the reach of the tangletree.

move cautiously at half speed to N10

Irish Musician
2014-10-20, 02:42 PM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr's mind starts to cloud and his thoughts start to get hazy. He lunges forward, recognizing magic for what it is, and his head starts to clear. "Tell me the truth of what is happening and I may be easier to handle. Otherwise, let me out of here, or I shall continue to attempt escape until the cart has turned over." Dinarr looks at the driver with a resolve that shows he is in no mood for games.

2014-10-20, 03:56 PM
I do as the rogue says, moving with him away from the "tangletree."

2014-10-20, 07:47 PM
"Well if that is all it takes then the answer is simple my friend. The new ruler for this particular region has deemed that it would be of great benefit to hold a showing of strength via a competition consisting of the strongest in his lands against monstrosities such as yourself. He believes that by distracting the commoners with such a game and the associated festivities, they will forget the atrocities he has committed before.

As such, he has commissioned the capture of any non-humans to be used for the competition. Unfortunately for you, you happen to match the qualifications exceptionally as the tougher the competitor, the higher the reward for the commissioned trapper.

I am but a simple driver. Once I deliver you to the final destination, my obligation is fulfilled. Trust me, this is not a course I would have preferred but circumstances dictate that I must do so for the time being."

As Kensai moved to settle down in his new location, the vines around him stirred ever so slightly as if about to awaken from a slumber. Had the Rogue moved just a bit more hastily, the nearby Tangletrees would surely have noticed his presence.

Irish Musician
2014-10-21, 08:25 AM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
At the sound of the driver's words, Dinarr's demenor changes from fairly annoyed, to downright enraged. His people had been slaves before, and he would not be one again. In an oddly quiet and even force, Dinarr speaks up, "My people have been slaves since the day they were born. Used as playthings for our master. We fought hard to get out of a thrall of the great dragon that held us down. I will not be a slave again..." And with that Dinarr starts slamming the cage over and over, doing his best to try and break out of the bonds that hold him.

Athletics Check [roll0] or Strength? check [roll1]

2014-10-22, 12:32 PM
Dinarr's brute force started to force the bars apart. Wary of the eventual consequence from the sustained force by the prisoner, the Driver called out:

"Guards it seems the prisoner has managed to break free from his bonds. It might be a prudent to silence it for the time being."

"When the hell did that happen?"

"Weren't ya watching it?"

"No he was."

"No way. I was watching the forest."

"Well you did a terrible job so far!"

"Both of ya shut yer mouth and knock that freak out already!"

"Ya heard them."

Once the a plan has been formed the remaining guards quickly moved towards the prisoner. Drawing their rapiers, the guards struck out at the Dragonborn with the flat of their blades:

Guard 1 Attack: [roll0]
Guard 1 Dmg: [roll1]

Guard 3 Attack: [roll2]
Guard 3 Dmg: [roll3]

Guard 4 Attack: [roll4]
Guard 4 Dmg: [roll5]

While the other guards were preoccupied with the prisoner, Kensai's target was bleeding heavily and attempting to rise. Suddenly, vines from the nearby trees sprung out and wrapped themselves around the struggling guard.

"Hellllppp!" screamed out the dying guard as his rapier was ripped from him and he was lifted towards the trunk of the nearby tree.

Alerted by the screams of the guard, vines from all the nearby trees started to wave around wildly as if searching for any intruders or prey within their range.

2014-10-22, 05:29 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

"I am going for the carriage" Kensai whispers as quietly as possible to the man next to him, hoping the screams of the guards are more interesting to the trees than his whisper.
Then putting all his scouting skills to the test he tries to deftly maneuver out of the trees and towards the horse. All at once he sheaths one sword while ducking under vines and carefully placing his feet where roots will not be able to trap him.
Once he is free of the forest, without even a glance back at the entangled guard, he uses his free hand to mount the horse so that he faces backwards towards the driver. Digging his feet into the horse to spur it forward he hopes for the best.

Move to O9 then P8 then onto horse.
Stealth past tree [roll0] advantage[roll1]
Acrobatics to not step between roots [roll2]
Athletics? to get onto horse[roll3]
handle animal to spur horse and stay on [roll4]

Not sure if I can pull all this off with one turn but just stop me where you need and i can edit. Also feel free to roll anything for me you need in terms of disadvantage or different kinds of checks. here goes.

2014-10-22, 09:45 PM
Almost instantly after every tree in the vicinity starts to flail wildly, ignoring what the man next to me tries to whisper, probably something about being careful, I mutter "Nope." and take off in a dead sprint for the treeline, drawing my rapier and whacking fruitlessly against any vines that thrash too close.

I begin by taking the Disengage action, and then use my movement to travel to N9, O8, O7, and then try and step up onto the carriage next to the driver. I draw my weapon as part of my action. I don't think any of that requires a check, maybe athletics to climb onto the moving carriage? [roll0]

Assuming I make it next to the driver, I turn and yell directly into his face, "WHAT IS HAPPENING"

2014-10-23, 08:50 AM
"Ugh...all this shouting and ruckus. I was really hoping that this would be a much easier process but I guess there's no helping it now" muttered the Driver as Niall suddenly appeared near him and shouted at the old man.

Startled by the intrusion of a stranger on its back, the horse pauses for a second to rear up. Fortunately for Kensai, his years of training prepared him well to remain solidly seated on the frightened beast.

"Git!" shouted out the Driver towards the horse as he directed it into the forest.

"Well, I can't say it has been a pleasure as it clearly has not been. I do wish you all luck in your future endeavors though. Let's hope we do not meet again any time soon" voiced the Driver to those who bothered to listen to him in the mayhem before he grabbed the items sitting next to him and jumped off the wagon.

The now driver-less wagon crashed through the forest, tearing past vines and tossing up branches and debris. In its haste, the horse failed to dodge a tangle vine and stumbled in its mad dash.

As the horse buckled and fell, the sudden stop in momentum caused the hitched wagon to fly up and flip in the air. Looking up, Kensai witnessed the falling carriage crashing down upon him as Niall desperately tried to hang on while also trying to avoid getting crushed.

With their innate reflexes, both Kensai and Niall managed to avoid being crushed underneath the wagon. The hectic motions of the wagon in its path of destruction managed to wake Dinarr. However, after the crash of the wagon, the Paladin was once again knocked unconscious.

Extracting themselves from the wreckage of foliage, wood and metal, Kensai and Niall surveyed the scene.

Once energetic and full of life, the horse was now trapped underneath the wagon and desperately trying to scramble free while fear filled its eyes. If one followed the gaze of the horse, it could be understood why the creature was so aghast. Having created such a loud raucous, the rampage of the wagon had stirred the surrounding frees to full activity. Vines from all around the crash site were now starting to move towards what remained of the wagon and the braying of the horse.

2014-10-24, 08:13 AM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

"Free the horse as a distraction" Kensai shouts to his companion, hoping he can hear him over the ruckus of the struggling animal.
"Once its on the move stay still and quiet" he adds before trying to pull debris off while calming the animal enough to not get kicked in the process.

Animal handling [roll0]

If he ends up helping here are my advantage rolls
Animal handling [roll2]

2014-10-24, 04:05 PM
There's still someone in the wagon! We need to get them out!
I go to the top of the wagon, where the roof is starting to crack, and look through the cracks to the unconscious Dragonborn within. With a brief incantation and a wave of my hands, I cast Healing Word on the prone figure,
Dinarr gains HP as my bonus action
and then I try to pull apart some of the fragmenting roof.

2014-10-24, 04:07 PM
Athletics Check take 2, [roll0]

2014-10-25, 01:15 AM
Now freed, the horse stands up getting ready to run away as fast as it could from the wreckage though it hesitates as the surrounding vines start to close upon it.

At the other side of the wagon, Niall managed to rip apart a fragment of the damaged wood with ease.


The sound of splintering wood rang outward, providing the surrounding vines with a clear point of focus.

2014-10-25, 07:49 AM

2014-10-26, 04:21 PM
Sensing the imminent danger he had placed himself in, Niall deftly dodges the attempt by the first vine at grabbing him. However, as he moved away from the initial vine, he found himself being tripped over by another vine. Yet, even in his prone position, the Bard avoids being attacked by the successive 4 vines.

Unfortuantely, through luck or fate, Niall suddenly found himself being lifted high up into the air. The vine twisted him around and soon Niall found himself facing the wooden maw that had sprouted from the trunk of the tree that had gripped him. Green and yellow fluid dripped from the knotted tubular formations at the top of the wooden mouth and a fetid stench wafted out from deep within the trunk towards the Bard.

Try as it might, the horse was unable to avoid the encroaching vines. In its haste to flee, it too was grappled and pulled upwards into the air. Having the foresight to hide himself, Kensai avoided being detected by the vines that now surrounded him. Nevertheless, he noticed that a cloud of noxious looking gas had been released from the wooden jaws of the two trees that had gripped the horse. As the gas reached the horse, its struggles slowly diminished until finally its entire musculature became completely relaxed.

Once again brought back to consiousness, Dinarr looked around and suddenly found himself trapped in the same aggravating cell that he had been trapped in. However, as he glanced to the side, a ray of hope shone through the hole that Niall had made.

Suddenly all the vines halted in their moment and an eerie quiet came over the impromptu clearing. Two figures appeared in the distance.

2014-10-26, 07:19 PM

"Fool" thought Kensai as the man climbed onto the wagon and tore off a piece with a loud crack.

As the vines lunged at them Kensai slinked away and managed to avoid detection. The foolish man was not so lucky and was dangling above the scene held up by the vines. Before Kensai could decide if it was worth risking his own hide to cut the man down everything froze and he saw the silhouette of two figures in the distance.

2014-10-26, 08:31 PM
An eerie quiet, however, interrupted by a constant slew of obscenities spewing from the Bard's mouth as he writhed and twisted, fumbling for a dagger.
He doesn't know why the vines suddenly stopped moving, twisted as he is to see only the maw of the tangletree, with no view of the figures in the distance. For all he knows, the gods themselves have taken pity upon him. No matter the cause, he takes advantage of the sudden lull in the motion and reaches up to saw away the vine suspending him with his dagger -- the threat of a fall is nothing compared to the wooden visage in front of him.

2014-10-27, 05:56 PM
A gloved hand stretched forward as the figure of a young woman came into view and the vines drooped around her as if someone had hit an 'off' switch. The frantic flailing of the tangletrees slowed as she gestured at them, and a cool, even voice pierced the fog.

"Stop right there. Don't move. Don't speak. Don't even breathe. Just what do you fools think you're doing, making a ruckus like that? Not many people come near my forest these days, and I swear, its been quite some time since..."


Hordes of tangletree vines lashed about my wrists and ankles, pulling me away from my friend as I shrieked out for help. Their grip was unrelenting, and as I writhed and strained against their power, they became ever tighter. The world started to fade to black as the vines began to cut off my oxygen and I felt the acid seeping deep into my skin. This is how it ends, I guess, I managed to think feebly, and then I went under.

When I awoke, everything was different. I could still feel the stinging of the acid deep in my bones but the vines were gone. I had been displaced to a small yurt in what looked like a nearby village, but I felt...wrong. There were all sorts of strange people milling about, and I couldn't remember much of anything. My stomach turned at the sight of the scars the vines had left all over me. They said I was blessed. They said I was special. But looking down at my mangled skin, I was anything but.

"If you can't beat them, join them," is what I'd often heard, growing up. To be honest, it'd never made much sense until now. But here I was, with no other choices left open to me, and I had done just that. The spirit of the trees flowed in my veins now, and my old life was forgotten.


"Since..." Marion stopped, her focus wavering as the trees began to quiver ever so slightly once again. Something was off here, like being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A few missteps and you're the fly instead of the windshield that day. A gnawing feeling ached in her stomach, and something told her these people were worth saving -- or worth getting information out of, at the very least.

"Let nature take its course," is what she'd heard so often in her new life, but this time...just this time...she felt she had to do something. Her heart wrenched with the memories of times long past, and she set her face in grim resolve, gritting her teeth and speaking her silent mantra: "Never Again."

2014-10-27, 06:46 PM
I let out a brief shout of terror as I fall before crashing into the ground with a thud, releasing a long groan as I feel the bruises and aches all over my body, from fall and vine alike. "Second worst day ever..."

"'Scuse me, Ma'am? I know you told me not to move or talk or breath and all that, but falling was only kind of my fault and then you asked me a question, so... Would you believe that I don't actually want to be in your forest, and I actually left as soon as I walked in, but then I was dragged back by a crazy horse after I accidentally hijacked a prison wagon containing a dragon-man what claims to be a holy warrior, which occurred directly after this man here that I've never met before in my life jumped out of bloody nowhere and straight up shanked a random man, just murdered the hell out of him, *gasp* and made me think he was a druid because of all the angry trees that were ignoring him and why are we all ignoring the real threat of the giant man of metal that exists only to destroy magic?!"

2014-10-27, 08:26 PM

Kensai shook his head, he didn't know who this woman or her silent companion were but at least the trees had stopped. Meanwhile the bard was rattling off faster than he cared to listen, instead he sidled over to the wagon and peered in.
"You ok in there? You're safer than you were but we got a strange situation out here. Ill get you out of here soon as I can but stay calm, we don't want to rile up these trees again." he says quietly to the Dragonborn.

2014-10-28, 09:52 PM
Dragon-men? Metal magic destroyers? Could be fun, she thought with a small smirk.

"My, my...you are a talkative one," Marion mused, a wispy tendril of vine tickling the Bard's chin dangerously before drooping back to the ground. "What is all this I hear about metal men and prison wagons and dragon-men and druids? You're speaking crazy talk, boy." She looked around inquisitively. "How many of you are there? And gods be good, they better not all be as annoying as you."

Irish Musician
2014-10-28, 10:05 PM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr wakes up as the healing powers rush into his body. He sits up alert and surprised, and looks around, still stuck in the damned cage he started in, however it is now on its side and from what he could tell there seemed to be a start of an escape. With all his strength, he tried to pry open the bars and escape his horrible prison.

Athletics to break open the thing [roll0]
Dinarr looks around and sees the others, "Please help me out of here, I seem to still be weak from the blow to my head. I must retrieve my pendant and bring justice to those that might enslave more poor people for their own enjoyment."

2014-10-28, 10:07 PM
All around the glade, the Tangletrees stood silent, waiting for their next instruction. Their leaves waved irritably and understandably so as they were just about to consume one of their more fulfilling meals to date. The problem with being bonded to a Druid was the loss of a succulent meal every now and then, especially the ones of humanoid and animal persuasion.

Once free, the horse fled towards the direction of the new voice.

In the distance, the sound of a hunting horn was heard by Kensai. Sniffing the air, Kensai and Niall detected the faint whiff of smoke.

Most likely still weak from the recent damage he had suffered, Dinarr's attempts at further dismantling his cell only concluded in a slightly larger fissure in the wood. While Dinarr was now able to stick his head through the opening, his torso was still unable to quite squeeze through.

2014-10-29, 05:36 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

Addressing the woman "Not to rush this but if I am not mistaken the previously mentioned 'giant metal man' and his lackeys are coming to finish the job. Can you help me get this one out of the cage before they get here?"

Kensai then scrambles around the cage looking for some kind of locking mechanism. Hopefully it wasn't too damaged or at least damaged to his benefit.

perception to find opening mechanism [roll0]
If I find something.
Thieves tools to open the cage [roll1]

2014-10-29, 08:22 PM
I go back to the hole I widened, now that the threat is gone, and attempt to pry off another board.


2014-10-31, 09:19 AM
As Kensai searched the outside of the cell, he noticed a oddly shaped protrusion on one of the bars. It lacked orifice for a key but based on his past, Kensai knew a lock even if it was one of magical origin. However, his current tool set could not help him open this lock.

Utilizing the catecholamines that were produced when he was lifted by the vines, Niall ripped through another sizable portion of the cell roof. Fragments of wood and metal showered the Paladin and he soon found that he was almost able to fit through the enlarged break in the wagon cell. The sound produced from the renting of the wagon cell caused slow shivers of anticipation through the surrounding Tangletrees.


The quiet was suddenly broken by the felling of a nearby tree.

2014-10-31, 09:58 AM

The nearby tree made such a thunderous sound, there could be no doubt as to their location anymore. The mysterious aggressors would be on their way, and soon. The tangletrees were getting worked up into a frenzy, and it was taking all of Marion's focus to keep them at bay. "Not yet, my loves," she whispered, stroking the vibrating tendrils nearby. "You'll have a good meal soon, I'll make sure of it." Her eyes narrowed at the rustling at the entrance to the forest. I'm tired of all these people tramping about like its nothing. I may have gone soft once, but I need to keep on my guard. With a shiver, the vines quieted themselves for the time being, but she could feel their hunger. It wouldn't take much to set them off now, and she didn't know if she could hold them off if they went into a frenzy again. She sighed, the energy gone from her like a deflated balloon. Controlling one tree was hard enough most days. Trying to soothe an entire grove was bordering on her limits. Something had to be done, and soon.

Marion sniffed the air curiously. Something wasn't right. The scent of smoke and burning withered in the air, and for the first time in years, Marion was afraid. "You bloody fools, they're burning it down!"

Marion's eyes moved from the rogue to the battered prison cart, then heard the sounds of rustling and clamor from beyond the trees. She gulped. Powerful though her trees were, they were no match for the blazing indifference of flames. She couldn't send vines that way to entangle her assailants, they would only be burned away. She felt helpless. Multiple threads of action flicked through her head at lightning speed. You can just run back now... she told herself. This doesn't concern you. Flee. Save yourself. Let these idiots duke it out themselves, they are the ones that brought this danger here.

But my trees! Her heart tugged at the thought. Even though they had been her downfall so many years ago, even though they'd caused such pain and bitterness in her heart, they were her source of power, of strength in the world. And she feared if they were eradicated, maybe she would be too. She had nowhere to run.

But still...Marion wrinkled her face to try to figure out why she felt so odd about this group. This rogue in particular. What in the world...

Shaking her head angrily, she dug her feet into the ground and put a hand on the prison cart. Whoever this...prisoner was, might be her only chance to save them. To save herself. "Stand back!" She barked, and with a wide, sweeping motion, vines from all directions flew towards the battered wood planks, wrapping themselves through the crevices and crannies torn by the multiple attacks on the structure.

Her arms shook with the exertion as sweat poured down her forehead. The structure was sound, and although it had suffered many escape attempts, it miraculously still held strong. She grit her teeth, hoping that who or whatever was inside this thing would be their last hope. She wasn't going down like this. She couldn't. They were getting closer. "No!" She yelled, making tearing motions with her arms, using all of her strength. The wood resisted against her muscles, against her magic. One last time, she called out her battle cry, throwing her arms wide and her face to the sky. "Never Again!"

The cart shattered. Shrapnel flew in all directions as the tired wood creaked and crashed. The cacophony was such that she felt the trees becoming riled again, and with the last of her strength she tried to soothe them. They were hungry, though. Too hungry, and she couldn't hold on much longer. "Calm down, sweet ones, calm down," she whispered, her wild eyes struggling to focus. "We must...escape..." Breathing was suddenly very difficult. She went to her knees, and looked one last longing time at the rogue that had spoken to her. "Get us out of here," she rasped, and collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

A small boy and a small girl ran through the forest, laughing and playing...the small girl teased the boy as she skipped away...the girl got caught in the vines and was never seen again...

It was all clear now. She'd found her Kensai.

2014-10-31, 04:21 PM
I go back to the shattered wagon after ducking for cover from the shrapnel, pushing aside the last few pieces of wreckage and extending a hand the crimson form within. Grasping his arm tightly, I pull him to his feet, and as he steadies his footing I press my rapier into his hand, hilt first.
"I swear to you upon the honor of my family that I am not your enemy. I healed some of the wounds you received at the hands of the guards and at the crash of this wagon, and I give to you this weapon as a token of my goodwill, and if I had anything else to offer, I would. No more imprisonment. We're getting out of here. What is your name, friend?"

I turn to the Rogue.
"My name is Niall Carney. Listen, there are four of us, counting the silent man there, but the Dragonborn is weak and unarmored, and may not be of much use in a fight. By my count, there are three guards, that driver, and the Phyrexian, which for some reason hasn't smashed the driver for casting a spell right next to it. Maybe we're lucky and it's malfunctioning, but our best bet is to try and take out the others before they have a chance to react. If you do what you did before when you ran out of the woods, I think I have enough juice left in me to maybe blast a few into the trees, and we can work from there. Speaking of trees, make sure your friend there doesn't go unconscious, she seems to be the only one stopping us from becoming fertilizer."

And to the second figure:
"And who are you? Will you help us?"

Irish Musician
2014-11-01, 07:24 AM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr is at his wit's end with this blasted cage when all of a sudden that odd lady from the forest was in front of him, telling him to stand back. The wild look in her eyes told him it was a good idea to comply with this request, so he did. She placed her hands on the cart and vines from all around lashed themselves to it as well. She and they pulled with all their might and eventually the cart gave way and burst into a thousand pieces around him. Dinarr looked on in awe and was quite surprised to witness what had just befallen the cart.

A hand is put in front of him and kind words given, as well as the weapon, "Thank you for your help. Who is that woman? She controls the forest like I have never seen before." Dinarr walks up to the woman and places a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you, and Bahamut's blessings upon you. That prison would have been the death of me....how can I help you now?" After helping the woman, Dinarr looks around to see if maybe his stuff fell off the driver's seat as he sped away.

Perception to see if my stuff is around [roll0]

2014-11-01, 10:20 AM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

Once the woman was beside him Kensai had a strange feeling of familiarity though he couldn't place why. Surely he would have remembered meeting a woman who could control tangletrees...
There was no time to consider it now. She was weak and without her the trees would show no mercy. Not to mention the approaching phyrexian and the guards.

"We need to get out of here! If this woman passes out while we are still in these trees there will be no escape. We are in no position to fight the phyrexian head on. We rescued the dragonborn, I thank you for your help with that, but I will not let him or this woman get captured in a foolish attempt to fight." Kensai states authoritatively in response to the Bards suggestion.

He then moves to the woman and helps her to stand if she is able.
"Ill get us out, can you ride the horse?" he says in a much calmer voice then he used with the bard.
"What is the best way out of this forest, or at least out of the tangletree grove?" he continues.

2014-11-01, 11:21 AM
As Kensai reached towards Marion, the Warrior beside her instantly reached for his blade.

"It's okay Tarlo."

"Yes Mistress."

Hearing himself being addressed Tarlo glared at the Bard with suspicion in his eyes before answering: "if that is what my Mistress commands of me."


An arrow shaft flew by Kensai towards Tarlo and Marion. Though shot with deadly intent, the marksman was clearly a novice as the arrow missed its mark by a wide margin.

"We found'em yes we did! Get the word back to the Boss and..."

The archer's words were cut short as Tarlo's blade tore into his chest and then moved up to slice through his jugular.

Seeing his companion fall, a second guard made ready for an expedious retreat.

"Mistress, if you trust these people please depart with all due haste. I will cover your escape and follow up with you shortly."


In the near distance, a small sapling was ripped from its roots and tossed aside with a steel fist as the now setting sun cast its diminishing rays on the gray outline of the Phyrexian construct. Proceeding with eerie precision, the construct marched towards its instructed targets in ghastly silence.

While Dinarr did not notice any of his possesion amongst the remains of the wagon, he did notice that there is now a fallen guard that seems to be no longer amongst the living.

2014-11-02, 05:14 PM
"K-Kensai..." Marion's eyes fluttered as she looked up at the hazy image of the rogue standing over her. Was it really him? She wondered, her mind flooding with old memories. The emotion alone was exhausting, not to mention the power required to keep the restless vines at bay long enough for their escape. She was tired, so tired. Her muscles seemed to not want to respond to her demands anymore, and she could feel the hunger of the trees around her sapping at her energy.

The rogue was trying to tell her something, but it was hard to focus on the words. A din of oncoming assailants filled the air, and she looked on with horror at how close the guards had become. Luckily, her faithful servant Tarlo had dispatched one with ease, but an uneasy feeling in her stomach warned her they might not be so lucky in the future.

Marion looked around her, trying to get reoriented with her surroundings. She drew on the mental map she had of the area, and if her estimates were right, they were right on the edge of the tangletree grove, although the lands beyond were known to be dangerous, especially to outsiders. They couldn't very well go forward back towards the road, though. The guards were gaining on them, she still smelled the smoke in the air from the approaching flames, and the tramping of this alleged metal man grew closer and closer. She shivered. She didn't think she wanted to be around to figure out what he would do.

Her heart cried out in remorse for the trees in danger, but it couldn't be helped. Marion wanted to save her own skin as much as she did the strangers', and the only way to do that right now was to trust the people that had stumbled upon her grove. Although their arrival brought destruction and danger, she couldn't say she wasn't a little excited by all of it. Things had been so monotonous, so repetitive for so long. Now was her chance for an adventure. Shuddering, she remembered the "adventure" that had brought her here, and gulped, resolving that this time, the adventure would be on her terms. She was done being helpless.

"This way, and hurry!" she tugged on Kensai's sleeve, stumbling as she attempted to keep her balance. With much effort, she was able to situate herself atop the horse. Happy for the support and something to carry her, she wove her fingers through the beast's warm mane. She pointed to the east, where they could see a small clearing up ahead, unblemished by the hanging vines of the tangletrees. "I'll let the vines loose as soon as we're out of range, but hurry, please, I'm very weak..."

Marion looked back at the waving vines with a long wistful look before turning to head with Kensai. A tear formed at the corner of her eye. "I'm sorry," she whispered, and the heartwrenching sadness she felt at leaving them behind to be destroyed like this almost brought her to her knees again. She'd spent so long so deeply connected with these trees and the surrounding flora, it was like leaving a part of herself behind.

But finding another... Marion reminded herself with a glance at Kensai. Who knew what had transpired with him in the years they had been separated. Who knew if he even still recognized her. But knowing that he was alive, and that he was here...brought a measure of hope to her weary heart.

"To the east, and keep on your guard...you never know what could be lurking in the shadows..."

2014-11-02, 06:45 PM
To Dinarr, as I rush to the fallen guard and snatch his fallen short sword:
"We cannot stay here, friend. I would tell you to take this man's armor, but I fear we may be out of time far before the job is finished. You look strong -- if you feel up to it, you could try to carry his whole corpse, but I advise leaving it. We have to follow that horse, before the Druidess either gets out of range or faints."
It takes a full minute to take leather armor off of someone, and another to put it back on, and I'm assuming we don't have that much time before the Phyrexian walks 15 feet.

To Tarlo:
"Your resolve to protect your mistress is admirable, and I have nothing but respect for it. But do you not feel that you would better serve her by living to fight another day? Even should the guards not kill you, the trees are sure to do so as soon as she is free of the grove. Run with us, comrade, after the woman you serve, or this shall be your last day among the living."

Having said so, I run over to Marion and the Rogue whose name I do not yet know, following them as the horse begins to trot off. To flee is slightly less than honorable, but it is not of terror. In this case, discretion is the better part of valor.

2014-11-03, 05:44 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

"Did she just say my name?" Kensai was sure he hadn't introduced himself yet. Maybe it was his imagination though the sense of familiarity had not gone away. Still there was no time. When she pointed to the east he quickly helped her on the horse and began to lead it that way.

When the Bard spoke up Kensai was relieved he had decided to follow them in their retreat, while he felt no obligation to the man he did not wish ill will on him and would rather not leave him behind.

"I agree with the Bard there is no time to loot the guard, we will see what we can do about your belongings once we are free of this mess but they will do you no good in the belly of a tree." he says to the Dragonborn urging him to follow.

"Tarlo, once we reach the edge of the grove I will help you cover our retreat but the Bard is right, unless you have a similar control over the trees it seems unwise to remain in the grove. Let the trees do some of the work once we are clear and we can clean up whoever makes it out." Kensai suggests but is already moving out of the grove with the strangely familiar woman not waiting for a reply.

Irish Musician
2014-11-04, 10:14 AM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr nods at the Bard, "Agreed. We have much to do and in little time. If I can help with anything, I will. Having my items will greatly improve my chances of helping, but I am a child of Bahamut...I am not afraid." Dinarr grabs the short sword from the Bard and takes a few seconds getting used to its weight, "It isn't my axe, but it shall do for the moment. We should get a move on, that automaton is nearing and we need to get out of here before it arrives." Dinarr follows the mysterious woman, trusting in his god that she isn't leading him into a trap.

2014-11-05, 11:00 PM
"The trees orient towards sound, especially the clash of steel. I do not know how many there may be. If I do not distract them, they might spread out, find us and ambush us. It is better I draw the trees and their attention to myself and each other. Go with haste now and protect my Mistress. If she falls, I will seek your lives from beyond the grave" warns Tarlo in response to Kensai and Niall.

Glancing back at Marion, Tarlo gives a reassuring smile. "Do not worry Mistress, I have survived worse as you know having saved my life before. No matter the distance or time, we shall meet again."

With those words, the warrior leaps towards the Phyrexian with a war cry.

"We got them. Shoot them now before they get away!"

A barrage of arrows flew towards Tarlo and those around him. Thanks to the cover from the trees and the Phyrexian, most managed to fly past him without harm. However, as Kensai and Niall depart, they noticed small streams of blood flow down from the warriors shoulders.

As the bedraggled party trudged through the forest, they noticed that the surrounding had changed. Instead of the vines, the trees now looked to be quite normal. However, every now and then Kensai noticed the ruffling of nearby bushes as if something was moving through them along side the party.

At the same time, Dinarr could not shake the feeling that they were being watched, followed, hunted...

2014-11-06, 10:23 AM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

Once they were free of the tangletrees Kensai let the strangely familiar woman lead the way on the horse while he followed close behind. It seemed that they were not being pursued but then when looking forward to check on the woman he saw something move in the trees adjacent to them. Surely they have not caught up already and they would have attacked by now...

It was definitely moving with them.


2014-11-07, 02:41 PM
Paws, whisks of a tail here and there, glint of razor tooth and claw. Perhaps a bear, a lion or something more sinister?

Kensai could not tell exactly the form or intention of the creatures now surrounding and pacing them but one thing was certain: they were not human and they were not simply following along for curiosity sake alone. There was hunger in the glimpses of the eyes that glanced back at Kensai every so often from amongst the foliage and also intense stares that gave the former soldier a chill down the back of his spine.

Cords of muscles tensed and claws laced with perhaps poison were now extended. A low growl that was almost inaudible rippled through the leaves.

The rest of the party was uncertain of the nature of the surrounding but now everyone felt as if they were being tracked and perhaps hunted.

Irish Musician
2014-11-07, 03:12 PM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
As the Paladin followed the others through the forest, something felt wrong to him. Were he to have hairs on the back of his neck they would surely be standing up at the moment. Speaking so just the party could hear him, "I feel as though there is something that stalks us. Something in the trees.....are we in danger here from something in the forest?" Dinarr keeps his eyes open so that he can get a glimpse of whatever it is that is making him uncomfortable.

Perception [roll0]

2014-11-07, 03:44 PM
Also on edge, I gather up what remains of my magical energy, ready to release it as a burst of ethereal fire to illuminate whatever beast is stalking us as soon as it makes itself visible.

2014-11-07, 03:51 PM
Paws, whisks of a tail here and there, glint of razor tooth and claw. Perhaps a bear, a lion or something more sinister? No definitely not just creatures of the norm. They seem to be altered and their motions seem more determined and even strategic.

Dinarr could not tell exactly the form or intention of the creatures now surrounding and pacing them but one thing was certain: they were not human and they were not simply following along for curiosity sake alone. There was hunger in the glimpses of the eyes that glanced back at the Paladin every so often from amongst the foliage and also intense stares that gave the Dragonborne a chill down the back of his spine.

Cords of muscles tensed and claws laced with perhaps poison were now extended. A low growl that was almost inaudible rippled through the leaves while auras of violence radiated through the air.

Dinarr couldn't help but wonder if the creatures were of evil or good origin.

Irish Musician
2014-11-07, 06:56 PM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Not knowing what is coming, Dinarr tries something before things get out of hand, "I do not know what or who you are out there in the trees, but we mean you no harm. We have been attacked and captured by evil men, and are trying to get away from them now, and even stop them. I know not if you are good or evil, but if you are good, please, help us. And I will do all I can to repay that debt, I swear in the name of Bahamut." Dinarr then pauses for a moment, "If you be evil, however....then you might as well come out and fight me now. But I warn you, it will not be an easy one. I leave it to you to make the decision." Dinarr holds his newly found sword to his side. Not showing aggression, but not backing down either.

Persuasion [roll0]

2014-11-08, 01:55 AM
Dinarr's words ring on deaf ears as the creatures are unwise to the words of human tongue. However, the movement within the bushes seemed to have abated for the time being as Dinarr sensed unseen eyes orient on him.

"Grrr, rrrr, chirp, melp." A cacophany of sounds eminated through the the forest and as the voices of the unknown creatures swirled around the party, Marion seems to be entranced in their inhuman melodies.

"Who are these intruders upon our home?"

"They appear to be friends of the Caretaker."

"Caretaker psh. I don't care for the presence of the Tainted One. She's weak, now is the time to strike!"

"Nay, she has been a friend and ally!"

"Maybe to you but as far as I am concerned, she is a tyrant."

"Hm...never seen a dragon like that before."

"It's not a true dragon. Just another impure one. He can't even any of our languages. Kill them all and let's have a feast!"

2014-11-08, 09:40 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

Having heard Dinaar addressing the slaking creatures and nothing but gibberish animal noises as a reply Kensai tightens his grip on both his blades. They were too far away to assault through the thick brush and there was still a chance they were not enemies.
He was not going to give them an easy target however.

Moving next to the woman on the horse he whispers to her.
"Miss, I hate to ask more of you but does your relationship with the trees extend to the creatures stalking us?"

Move to I4
Ready action to attack any stalking creature that comes within range in an aggressive manner.

2014-11-08, 09:57 PM
Marion's ears pricked up and hair stood on end as she heard the noises from the forest. Now? "Aw, hell," she muttered under her breath.

Leaning into Kensai, she whispered with considerable effort, "They're....neighbors, shall we say. I used to be stronger, but things have been...changing. I can't tell you more, but I don't think they mean us well."

The smell of smoke continued to waft through the trees, even though they were moving away from the road. Was the fire getting closer? Something about it felt wrong, like a part of her was being ripped away. She hadn't felt this kind of pain since the incident, and it took most of her focus to stay atop the horse. This is all my fault... she feared. She'd lost her forest and possibly even her powers, and she wasn't even strong enough to protect the party right now. And if nothing else, she wanted to protect Kensai...after all this time, she wanted to make it up to him, for that terrible day so many years ago.

"Pick up the pace, and hurry..." Her eyes were frantic as she scanned the treeline. Not everyone had been so...welcoming when she rose to power. There were certain factions that disagreed with her being a part of the tribe, and thought that she was tainted and didn't belong. She'd never studied or passed through the traditional rituals that many druids had. Some looked down at her as a cheater, as nothing more than a mutant. Looking down at her scarred and eroded skin, she swallowed a lump in her throat.

I used to be beautiful...but they took everything from me!

Anger bubbled in her chest and up through her throat, causing her to choke back bile as adrenaline rushed through her system. If they thought they were going to take her down, they had another thing coming, and this time, she had help. No more being singled out, no more being hunted.

"They're coming." She whispered. "This ends now."

With a screech and a flourish, arms sprouted into tiny folded wings, eyes flashed into slits, and mangled skin melted away to show shiny brass plates. What was once a woman...was now a fledgling brass dragon.

2014-11-09, 09:59 AM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

It seemed a confrontation was inevitable. They had barely begun to pick up their pace to flee when the woman transformed into a small dragon. At first Kensai was caught completely off guard by the sudden transformation but his years of military training kicked in and he was moving for cover.

Move to cover of trees between nearest enemy and the dragon.
Ready action to attack any creature that comes withing melee range.

Irish Musician
2014-11-09, 11:17 AM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
As Dinarr stood there waiting for something to happen. He heard Marion talking and assumed she was trying to figure out what to do. He then heard some strange sounds coming from behind him, and when he turned around to look, there was a brass dragon standing behind him. At first he was tense, but then noticed Marion was no where around....and though he wasn't the best at his studies he but two and two together. With a large smile, Dinarr turned around and readied his sword. "From the sounds of it, you mean us harm. I do not know why for we have done nothing, to our knowledge, to offend you. And if we have please let us know how we may rectify that. I am a warrior, but a wise man once told me that a true follower of good tries to stop the fight before it happens." Dinarr once again pauses, "But if you are dead set on attacking us, then so be it. I only wish to stop more bloodshed from happening than has already occurred today." He then whispers to himself, "Bahamut help me protect my new friends, and save them from whatever evil befalls us."

Dinarr readies a charge to any enemy within range that seems aggressive and wants to do them harm.

2014-11-11, 11:56 PM
Why is there a Phyrexian here, of all places?
Why is this forest so full of magical creatures, when magic is being wiped out?
Why is Marion a dragon?
Why why why why why
no time to think

I brandish my Rapier in one hand, gather my energy in the other, and prepare. If anything that isn't humanoid gets within 5 feet of me, I'm stabbing them. If two or more non-humanoids clump in a 15 foot cone emanating from me, they're getting a clap of thunderous energy.

2014-11-15, 12:51 PM

You've grown weak human. First your loss of control on the trees and now traveling with this motely band of commoners. What was the Ancient One thinking when it allowed the pact between you and I? With those whom you have tried to reason with now nipping at your heels as they sense the blood of your death is near, you have finally decided to risk letting my presence be known.

Foolish woman. If it were not that my life be bound to yours for the time being, I would be quite contempt to let you and the rest of your pathetic ilk be ripped apart by the primal druids of this land.

So be it then, let the fools of the forest feel the flames they have stoked. Let this forest and this land burn in the darkness of my wraith as all shall once again remember the nightmares of Karak of the Void!

The voice reverberated in the minds of all the party members. It had the dual nature of being both ancient yet naive, deadly but whimsical, and most of all, dripping with utter disdain.

At the same moment that the Dragon's voice boomed in the minds of the party, the creatures of the forest appeared. Two wolves of immense size rushed towards Dinarr and Niall while a brown bear loomed over the severely under dressed Paladin. To the South of Dinarr, Kensai noticed the stealthy descent of a Giant Spider from amongst the trees, its mutli-faceted eyes glancing with keen interest while its tusks gleaned with poison.

Lastly from the West forest a black bear, another large wolf, and a giant boar strolled into sight. Above them hovered a giant eagle keeping an ever vigilent eye upon the proceedings below.


2014-11-15, 05:56 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

It seemed he was not an appealing target to the oncoming creatures. Normally he would count this a blessing but with the unarmored Dragonborn he had just rescued now surrounded by them he was less than pleased.

"Come on you monsters! I taste much better than that scaly dragonborn!" he shouts trying to draw their attention.

Irish Musician
2014-11-15, 06:04 PM
Gradinend Dinarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=41241), Dragonborn of Bahamut
Dinarr narrows his eyes as the animals come out of the forest...."So be it...." and he slashes at the wolf next to him.

Action - [roll0], [roll1]

2014-11-16, 12:51 PM
As huge animals burst from the woods, I bark a short word of power as I thrust out my hand, creating a thunderclap and a roiling wave of energy shooting forwards, thanking the gods internally that Thunderwave does not require material components. "Finniv!"
All creatures hit make a Con save, DC 12. Those who fail take [roll0] damage and are pushed back 10 feet, those who pass take half that and are not pushed.

2014-11-16, 01:43 PM
Easily ducking under the slash by the Paladin, the first wolf licked its lips as it made ready to sink its teeth into the well toned yet tender flesh of the Dragonborne. It has been awhile since it had feasted on dragon flesh and while Dinarr was not a full dragon, the exotic taste was still sure to delight the primal Druid in his wild form.

While the wolves ears perked up and rotated towards the shouts of Kensai, the deafening roar of a thunder clap drowned out all other noise within 300 feet.

A shockwave of sonic damage radiated out from Niall and sent one of the wolves and the giant spider flying into the forest. While they were not as affected as their fellow creatures, the brown bear and second wolf do seem to be quite annoyed at the minor lacerations they received from the flying rocks and brambles thrown against them by the thunderwave.

Brown Bear Con Save: [roll0]
Giant Spider Con Save: [roll1]
Dire Wolf 01 Con Save: [roll2]
Dire Wolf 02 Con Save: [roll3]

It had been a peaceful week until just a few days ago. The usually quiet forest has been incredibly active and even chaotic in the past two days. The cacophoney of creature cries and calls was now rampant every second of the day and night. Alvis had barely slept last night and just when he thought he could catch a quick snack and a nap on his long journey back to visit his family, a loud thunder clap blasted his ear drums.

Odd, while the boom of thunder was clearly evident, the sky was clear without any signs of rain nor lightening.

2014-11-16, 03:21 PM
Alvis Stoneheart (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=53167), Cleric of Ulaa

Sitting down for a rest, the sleep deprived dwarf pulled out what little remained of his trail rations, chewing on a tough, leathery jerky that would hopefully make the rumbling in his stomach quiet down, at least for a little bit. The grass here was even a little bit softer than the last patch he had stopped in, so maybe he would be able to catch a little bit of sleep. Still chewing the bite of jerky, the dwarf was startled by the sound of the thunderclap, and puzzled considering the lack of foul weather in the air. While he wanted to ignore the thunderclap and lie down for a little while, he couldn't let the sound rest, his curiosity at the uncanny noise had gotten his attention. Grabbing his pack, warhammer, and shield, the dwarf grumbled and grunted while moving towards the thunderclap's origin, looking to investigate.

"Damnable forest...never going to get any peace or quiet around here..."

Alvis is moving towards the sound of Niall's thunderclap, so will be taking the most direct route, moving into space O11 on the map.

2014-11-16, 05:43 PM
The world swam before Marion's vision as her dragon form took over and transmuted her body. It was a sacrifice she'd had to make to stay alive, and now she was fighting for her life once again. The dragon inside her snarled at the party she had led out of the forest. What useless sacks of flesh... She could hear him thinking, assailing her mind with pointed words. But as she heard Karak's voice thunder across the land, she felt a little pang of fear -- something she'd never felt in dragon form before.

"Be quiet," she whispered sadly, weakly. "I've done everything you said, I'm sorry, things have been out of control, I..."

Suddenly Marion felt like a small helpless girl again, trapped in her own thoughts and beating at the edges of her subconscious to get out. When she was in dragon form she retained some of her personality, but her alter ego...her dragon...was much less cooperative. And he was wicked, too. She'd accepted her own personal demon in order to save herself from that grisly fate she should have met years ago. Marion had tried to put on a good front for people, to appear tough, in control.

She knew the other druids weren't the most...accepting of her position, but open assault? This was new. And what was more...she wasn't sure what Karak would do. Lately her control had been slipping in more ways than one, and she wondered how long she could keep up the charade. She heard the deep voice of Karak booming around in her head, and she struggled to maintain some semblance of sanity. This may be the only way they'd survive, with the power of her dragon, but even so...she shivered...Karak was getting a little strong for her liking, and seemed to have plans of his own...

Marion/Karak stretched their wings, planted taloned feet firmly in the ground, and waited for the inevitable.

2014-11-18, 11:39 PM
I curse at the double misfortune of accidentally hitting Dinarr with my wild spell, and having used the last of my energy to do so, making me unable to heal him.
I decide that the new dragon, which sounded surprisingly evil despite its metallic scales, can handle the wolf along with the rogue, and slash at the more immediate threat, the Grizzly.
I lunge forward with my rapier.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage if a hit: [roll1]

2014-11-19, 08:52 PM
Kensai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=40685)

Kensai's survival instincts kicked in when he saw them surrounded by vicious beasts. He would be no help to the now unconcious dragonborn if he dropped as well. Quickly striking the wolf next to him he retreats into the woods behind the dragon.

Attack Dire wolf01 [roll0] damage [roll1]
off hand attack dire wolf01 [roll2] damage [roll3]
if either hits sneak attack since niall is adjacent to enemy
sneak attack damage [roll4]

Move to J3, no opportunity attack thanks to mobile feat.