View Full Version : Dungon Masters Guide

Ranting Fool
2014-10-14, 11:18 AM
So I Know it's still a few weeks off but do we (Well the more spoiler hungry members of the internet) know what's coming? More Races/Class options? Alternative rule models? Or will I just have to wait till November ?:smallbiggrin:

2014-10-14, 11:52 AM
Well I have no clue what's going to be in the DMG, but I do know that it has been pushed back to December 9.

2014-10-14, 11:56 AM
Wizards released a free PDF download with a subset of the rules from the upcoming DMG back in August:


2014-10-14, 12:04 PM
So I Know it's still a few weeks off but do we (Well the more spoiler hungry members of the internet) know what's coming? More Races/Class options? Alternative rule models? Or will I just have to wait till November ?:smallbiggrin:

Warforged and kender are confirmed

oathbreaker paladin and death cleric are confermed.

everything else I woudnt trust.

Some people have noted that in a leaked dmg list of content there was no kender or warforged section, however wotc have said that they are in the dmg. My guess is that kender will be in the modifying races section and warforged will be in the new races section. Or the list of content was fake.

2014-10-14, 12:17 PM
Warforged and kender are confirmed


Better start adding to my 'banned races' list now.

2014-10-14, 01:18 PM
I'm also ravenously curious for previews of the DMG, but so far there's only been a leaked table of contents. No idea how accurate it is.

Freelance GM
2014-10-14, 05:45 PM

This just dropped.

Firearms, explosives and alien tech. Oh my.

2014-10-14, 05:50 PM

This just dropped.

Firearms, explosives and alien tech. Oh my.


I need them to get to 45k! Yet I have no cash on me right now, GRAAAAA

Ranting Fool
2014-10-18, 02:22 PM
OH NOES! The Deck of Many Things! :smallbiggrin: Also know as I'm bored with this campaign lets go crazy :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-19, 12:53 AM

Better start adding to my 'banned races' list now.

I just love seeing this reaction before the material is even in print. It just warms my heart.

2014-10-20, 12:22 AM
From what i've heard about the Kender, i'm assuming he is just talking about how people tend to roleplay those characters. Because the Warforged are awesome. That said, I'm really hoping they release the firearms one with prices.

2014-10-20, 12:35 AM
I just love seeing this reaction before the material is even in print. It just warms my heart.

He has a point, there is no good reason to ever allow Kender.

2014-10-20, 08:47 AM
He has a point, there is no good reason to ever allow Kender.

If the party is mature enough to handle it and you don't mind a lighthearted game, it can be fun. In one campaign, the kender convinced several high ranking enemies that our allies had trained a giant chicken for combat. Unfortunately the campaign ended before we had a chance to see the preparations they were making to counter the giant chicken of Solomnia.

I realize a lot of people gravitate towards kender just to be disruptive, but the pranks kender have pulled in my party have been either harmless or directed against the enemy. Also, we were not going for a super serious mood.

2014-10-21, 10:10 AM
I present to you, Figurines of Wonderous Power! (http://m.imgur.com/a/w52l0)



2014-10-21, 10:12 AM
If the party is mature enough to handle itOr immature enough to go full-steam-ahead with it!

2014-10-21, 07:37 PM
Or immature enough to go full-steam-ahead with it!

I am pretty sure that is what I said.