View Full Version : Halloween-themed loot?

2014-10-14, 11:43 AM
As a DM, my players and I have discussed having a Halloween-themed mini-campaign, and at the end of the game, they each receive a custom (Or not, if there's anything that fits well in core D&D) piece of loot, themed to that occasion. They will be able to bring this loot on any future adventures (But only one piece of loot; they'll have to choose which one.)
So, I've come up with a few ideas; staves that summon Halloween-themed creatures to fight by your side, a dagger that's more useful the closer it gets to the full moon, general pumpkin-themed nonsense...
But I would like your opinions! What would be some really awesome (And interesting) loot that fits the theme?
2 notes:
1) I plan on having the loot scale with players' levels, so it will consistently be useful, but not game-breaking.
2) I may also do this for other holidays (Christmas, etc.), so any other themed loot would be appreciated!

2014-10-14, 12:18 PM
How about a Hat (Mask[Masque]) of Disguise? As the PC levels up, it can give bonuses to skills, immunity to effects, and its all about the 'trick or treat' and masquerade aspect of Halloween?

How about a Jack o' Lantern with magical powers centered around sight and protection like invisibility purge, protection from evil, magic circle against evil, consecrate, true seeing etc... You can gate it around level and maybe have a daily limit or something.

2014-10-14, 12:29 PM
A 1x to 3x a day item that's a pumpkin mask that summons a handful of skeletons with HD = to the wearer's character level or Bone Creatures with levels in Warrior = the wearer's character level. Or maybe casts Summon Undead at lower levels/charge uses if you want to have 3 charges and different effects depending upon number of charges used.

Obviously they get it from the Crypt of a Necrodancer. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxBO6KX9qTA)

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-14, 12:53 PM
If you have a spellbook-based caster, maybe give them an intelligent talking skull that teaches them any spell from the school of necromancy each time they level up? You could even make it an NPC in its own right if you're feeling up for that...

Also, a magical candy bowl. Three times per day, a handful of sweets can be removed from the bowl and tossed at a creature to prevent them from taking actions while they gobble the candy down. Creatures with Intelligence, 1, 2, or — get no save and are unable to act (but don't take AC penalties; treat as dazed) for 1d4+1 rounds. Creatures with Intelligence 3 or higher get a DC 16 Will save to resist; on a success, they only lose one round, because they stuff the candy into their pockets for later. Not a mind-affecting ability, but constructs are immune (cuz they don't eat; neither do undead, but it feels wrong to make them immune to this).

ETA: Orange Bag of Tricks: Summons a diminutive, tiny, small, or medium-sized pumpkin (yes, that's a pumpkin 5 feet across), with a 25% chance for each. Can be used as a thrown weapon, because the puffball turns into a pumpkin when it strikes an object, not when removed from the bag.

2014-10-14, 01:31 PM
If you have a spellbook-based caster, maybe give them an intelligent talking skull that teaches them any spell from the school of necromancy each time they level up? You could even make it an NPC in its own right if you're feeling up for that...

Also, a magical candy bowl. Three times per day, a handful of sweets can be removed from the bowl and tossed at a creature to prevent them from taking actions while they gobble the candy down. Creatures with Intelligence, 1, 2, or — get no save and are unable to act (but don't take AC penalties; treat as dazed) for 1d4+1 rounds. Creatures with Intelligence 3 or higher get a DC 16 Will save to resist; on a success, they only lose one round, because they stuff the candy into their pockets for later. Not a mind-affecting ability, but constructs are immune (cuz they don't eat; neither do undead, but it feels wrong to make them immune to this).

ETA: Orange Bag of Tricks: Summons a diminutive, tiny, small, or medium-sized pumpkin (yes, that's a pumpkin 5 feet across), with a 25% chance for each. Can be used as a thrown weapon, because the puffball turns into a pumpkin when it strikes an object, not when removed from the bag.

I really like those ideas!
I'd definitely make the skull a full-fledged NPC; might give it a bit more utility, though.
Maybe something like the heart in Dishonored?

Honest Tiefling
2014-10-14, 01:53 PM
They could find a shriveled Monkey's Paw...Nothing says all of the loot has to be easy to use, after all.

2014-10-14, 02:13 PM
In keeping with the theme: A Floating Lantern - Jack-o-lantern that acts as a bulls eye lantern. Stays within 5 feet of the player to activate it at all times. Can be picked up or dropped as a free action.

The lantern can also give PC's bonus to skills passively (or not, your call), and has a once a week use to be thrown as a bead from a necklace of fireballs. The type of bead increases with their level.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-14, 02:17 PM
I really like those ideas!
I'd definitely make the skull a full-fledged NPC; might give it a bit more utility, though.
Maybe something like the heart in Dishonored?

If it's also a floating skull, it manages to be even cooler than it would otherwise be. Maybe give it glowing eyes?

Potential roleplaying seed: it claims to have once been a wizard of great power, when its actual past is as a hired secretary for said wizard (hence his knowledge of necromancy spells). The skull could occasionally toss out references to magical locations/dungeons the wizard talked about, but the skull wouldn't actually know very much about magic beyond the theory aspects.

2014-10-14, 02:31 PM
I really like those ideas!
I'd definitely make the skull a full-fledged NPC; might give it a bit more utility, though.
Maybe something like the heart in Dishonored?

It's Bob the Skull from Dresden Files, basically.

If you make it floating it sorta becomes the love-child of Bob the Skull and that one guy from Planescape Torment.

Tohsaka Rin
2014-10-14, 06:42 PM
that one guy from Planescape Torment.

Morte. I need to actually play more than 2 hours of that game, some year.

Pail o' hurt. A hollowed-out pumpkin with a bucket handle stuck through the top.

Acts as a light mace. Once per day, you can smack it on the ground, and 'candy' bursts out. Acts as an Empowered Goodberry, but is candy.

....But maybe not candy corn. :smalltongue:

2014-10-15, 01:22 PM
I'm also considering a staff that allows them to summon a xenomorph, too, just for fun.

Honest Tiefling
2014-10-15, 03:07 PM
Then slip them a normal piece of loot. Sadly, it was stolen by a devil and as far as they are concerned, anyone with their stolen loot is guilty, guilty, guilty. Make it a Kyton if you are into Hellraiser.

2014-10-15, 03:11 PM
a small door that casts a random buff or debuff once per day when you give the command "trick or treat". The effects are higher level spells the higher level you are.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-15, 03:14 PM
a small door that casts a random buff or debuff once per day when you give the command "trick or treat". The effects are higher level spells the higher level you are.

That could get deadly fast at high levels, with random debuffs:

Player: "I open the door and say, "Trick or Treat!""
GM: "Okay..." *rolls dice* "...Make a Will save."
Player: *rolls badly* "Oops..."
GM: "You are subject to an imprisonment spell."

Honest Tiefling
2014-10-15, 03:15 PM
Start off with silly, harmless loot, with them getting more and more of it...Then use the door to give them something extremely bad or extremely cursed and end with them running away in terror from something. Happy Halloween!

2014-10-15, 03:33 PM
That could get deadly fast at high levels, with random debuffs:

Player: "I open the door and say, "Trick or Treat!""
GM: "Okay..." *rolls dice* "...Make a Will save."
Player: *rolls badly* "Oops..."
GM: "You are subject to an imprisonment spell."

I was assuming these ideas would go through a "make sure this is fun to use" filter. Aka: I was assuming the DM would be wise with what spells were options with the random.

2014-10-15, 05:13 PM
A jack'o'lantern that vomits pumpkin guts and seeds for the equivalent of a Grease spell. It could also be used to make Entangle work in a place where it otherwise wouldn't.

A bell that summons imps when you ring it. (bell=doorbell; children = imps)

A mask that compels anyone who sees it to open doors (v. Will save).

A pillowcase that produces rocks when you say the right phrase.

2014-10-15, 06:34 PM
Jack o' lanterns as necklace of fireballs.

Candy corn. Every time they eat one (only one may be eaten at a time. OR, use mixing potion rules) they gain the effects of a random potion. Want to spice it up? 25% chance they're actually inflicted with a poison instead.

Summon nightmare item, charge based, per day, or whenever use as you like.

A nasty scythe, just do it.

I really want to homebrew you some stuff.....

2014-10-15, 07:36 PM
The Head of Vecna.

Tohsaka Rin
2014-10-15, 08:44 PM
The False Nose of Vecna.

Make a disguise check every time you encounter someone new.

If the d20 roll results in a 13 (without modifiers) that person automatically assumes you are Vecna in a very poor disguise, and cannot be convinced otherwise, short of a wish spell.

Minor Artifact.

2014-10-16, 03:47 PM
I really want to homebrew you some stuff.....
I wouldn't complain!
Also, I did end up homebrewing a scythe, called the Reaper's Scythe.
It does Con damage, and anything you kill for it sticks around as a ghost for a while (Only one ghost at a time).

Edit: Man, I just know the false nose of vecna would lead to some very interesting things at my table...

2014-10-16, 04:32 PM
I wouldn't complain!

The rather untalented artist Krilo Gilderson simply could not cut it as a painter, at least not without a bit of help. Somehow, by bought of fortune and family connection, he landed a luxurious contract to paint the likeness of the Duchess of Hornflat, a task he knew he wasn't up to. Making a deal with a devil rarely works out in your favor, but some people just can't leave well enough alone, and when in desperation Krilo did just that. After making a deal with the Pit Fiend Xenderthalus who offered him a unique picture frame, said to allow the artist to perform masterfully and the painting would always reflect someone's future. Thinking it would result in a masterpiece, Krilo took the deal. Thing is, we all only have one future and that's six feet under. After completing the duchess' painting he took a step back and in front of his eyes the initial masterpiece twisted as the duchess rotted away in the picture as he watched. Sure enough, the next day the duchess took ill and a week later passed away of unknown causes.

Effect: User must paint an image of a person on the canvas. DC: 20, canvas provides a +10 equipment bonus. Once the check is passed the person is affected by a draining curse that causes 1 point of constitution drain a day unless they pass a fort save of 16 (or 18, have at it). Once the person pictured passes away, the canvas erases itself and is ready for the next image. The curse can be removed by a break enchantment, wish, miracle or a remove curse cast by someone caster level 10 or higher.

When Lucky Ted got caught for his second murder he was sentenced to death by hanging. Sure enough, they tied the noose tight and stood him up on the gallows to dance in the air. And then Lucky Ted proved his nickname was worth something, and when they pulled the lever and the trap door opened he slipped free of the noose and fell. Unfortunately for Lucky Ted the gallows were suspended over a mighty high cliff and it was a long, long, way down.

Occupies neck slot
Effect: This noose (and one foot of rope that trails off of it) will allow it's wearer to cast Freedom of Movement as an immediate action once per day. Caster Level 7.

What, you wanted another story? Gelath, or Gelath the Conqueror as he was known was a ripe bastard, known for riding into battle upon a massive steed said to be just as bit Evil as he was. Many were the towns sacked and burned under Gelath's banner as he terrorized nations. No one's luck lasts forever though and sure enough, Gelath army was eventually routed by a united force far larger and fled to the city of Cintine, a city he recently had taken through guile rather than forward assault, leaving most of it's defenses intact. Rather than throwing their united forces against the walls, the besieging army lobbed fire over the walls intent on burning the town down around the remainder of Gelath's forces. Well it worked, mostly. In a desperate bid to escape Gelath led the last of his forces out the gate in a spirited charge hoping to break through the enemies ranks. Unfortunately as they were getting ready to open the gates and ride forth a stoke of bad luck landed in the shape of a flaming pot of oil all over Gelath and his steed. The steed, screaming in pain, tore off under it's own head, smashing the remains of the gate. Panic stricken and in pain it made an easy target for the crossbow men who took advantage to put it, and it's rider down. As the bodies collapsed the fire continued to do it's job, burning hot enough that little other than ashes were left, ashes and for whatever reason, the steeds horseshoes.

Effect: Any horse who is shod with the Horseshoes of Gelath turns into a Nightmare during the night (how apt) as the spirit of the steed returns from the abyss to possess it.

Okay, that last one was kinda week but my trains almost to the station so time to run. Hope they're interesting, might try and put together a few more this evening if I have time.

2014-10-16, 07:19 PM
I would be tempted to have a cloak/cape as follows:
Dracula's cape - Not just stylish, this cape is also very practical!
Grants +3 to hide and move silently at 1st level
At level 6 grants some form of flight 1/day for a short duration
at lvl 12 the flight improves and is now 2/day
at level 18 casts a form of poly-morph that allows the wearer to become a bat for 5*concentration minutes per day (does not need to be used all at once. Effect is terminated at user's desire.

2014-10-16, 08:15 PM
Every country has it's murderers, it's hideous torturers of the innocent, it's ne'er do wells and sometimes. Those creatures so full of hate, anger and cruelty there's no choice but to put them down. And once you do, you can't bury them in a graveyard with decent folk, that's just an insulting. Nah, they need to to be cloistered off to the side, especially somewhere consecrated so they ain't coming back. Course, all that evil and hate in their hearts, it's gotta go somewhere right? It don't all go down to the lower planes after all, it lingers, it seeps into the surroundings. And sometimes, just sometimes, it comes back up through the plants.

Seeds of discord are a semi natural phenomena which spring up in graveyards that contain a large number of corpses which previously belonged to the evilest of evil. Normally non-fruit bearing trees will bring forth foul dark and twisted fruit containing a black ooze like substance, the seeds of these fruits have a unique property. One such graveyard, regardless of it's size, will bring forth 1d3 fruit per year, each of these bear 1d6+5 seeds. The seeds, each about an inch in diameter, can be used as a throwing weapon that deal 1d3 damage each. In addition, any victim struck by a seed must make a will save or be affected as per the Morality Undone (http://dndtools.eu/spells/fiendish-codex-i-hordes-of-the-abyss--66/morality-undone--1152/). The DC of the will save is 18. The affect is as exactly as the spell except it's duration is ten days.

Wolves, right? The very image of them brings ta mind primal fears o' the dark, of relentless hunters. They strike a deep cord right? Ya hear em in the dark, circling, calling out to der' fellows. But yer not here to hear about the wolves is ye? We're here ta talk about Mark right? Private feller that lived just north a here bouts a year ago right?

The old man who sat down on the other side of the table from me was surrounded by a haze of alcohol thick enough to put any solid fog slinging chanter to shame. Still, the townsfolk had told me he knew about the killings and I was here to record them so I was stuck listening.

Mark see, he was a ol' lumber guy right? Big ol' axe, lived alone in the woods mostly. Had a bunch o' dogs, or things we think may have had some semblance to dogs, maybe. Wasn't much in the area by him but once in a while someone would be up around there and just disappear. At first, we figured it was something in the woods but nah, we caught on, eventually one of 'em made it back to us. Turns out she'd gotten stuck up there near dark and stumbled cross Mark. he was cheerful she said, offered her a place to stay the night and she took him up on it. Course, somewhere in the middle o' the night he dragged her out of the house. Told her to run he did, said he'd give her a five minute head start and took out a whistle. So she ran as he sat there twirling that there whistle. Few minutes later she heard that there whistle, and then the howling started. Soon enough, giant shadows, something like wolves started following her, howling, slavering, stalking. Only reason she survived is she stumbled across the campsite o' some nutty adventuring party. They brought her back to town and we rounded up some men and went up to find out what was going on. We poked around the house a bit and sure enough found a number of bones nearby, human bones, chewed, cracked. Went to ask Mark about it we did. He reached into his pocket and we thought he was going for a weapon, so we let fly with some arrows and brought him down. Turns out he was just reaching for a whistle. Fact, I got it right here

The old man raised it to his lips and blew. In the distance I could hear the howls of wolves in response.

Danged if I knew what he wanted it for

Mark of the Pack is a whistle that can be used once a day to summon 1d4 Shadow Dire Wolves. These wolves remain for four hours and serves the wielder. Sorry, don't have my books with me or I'd stat them for you. Toss the shadow template on a dire wolf and you're good to go (or use either the half fiendish or fiendish template, whatever works for you)

Anyway, hope these are of some interest for you.

2014-10-17, 06:29 AM
They definitely work; thank you!
And Dracula's Cape will make a fine addition to my end-game loot stash :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-17, 07:01 AM
Everlasting treats? Goodies that may cure fatigue, and various other conditions (roll a dice to see which one)

Bag of tricks? Almost like a regular bag of tricks, only with this one you throw out debuffs: glue-balls, alchemists fire, thunderstones, smoke bombs. Only you don't know which (roll a dice)

2014-10-17, 12:01 PM
Grubby Pillow Case - This pillow case is stained and torn and yellowed with age.
Functions as a bag of holding but only for consumable items (potions, rations, booze, etc.)

Body Snatcher's Shovel - This surprisingly light shovel has seen better days; the blade is dented and rusty, and the handle has been worn smooth and polished with sweat.
Acts like a masterwork shovel but can do the following:
1/day "gold seeker" - Spell like effect that lasts for approximately 20 minutes. While this effect is active and the shovel is passed over a grave, it will glow in the presence of gold. The more gold that is in the grave, the brighter the shovel glows.
1/day "hurry up" - Spell like effect that lasts for 1 hour. Creates a 15 foot sphere of silence aroung the wielder. The spere adds +20 circumstance bonus to the DC of a listen check made by anyone outside the sphere attempting to hear sounds from within the sphere.

2014-10-17, 02:46 PM
1/day "hurry up" - Spell like effect that lasts for 1 hour. Creates a 15 foot sphere of silence aroung the wielder. The spere adds +20 circumstance bonus to the DC of a listen check made by anyone outside the sphere attempting to hear sounds from within the sphere.

I'm not sure of the utility of this effect...

2014-10-17, 03:08 PM
I'm not sure of the utility of this effect...

Are you good on suggestions? Had a few more thoughts kicking around.

2014-10-17, 03:47 PM
I'd love to see more, even if he has enough. Enjoying the thread.

2014-10-17, 03:53 PM
Yeah, if anyone has any good ideas, I'd love to hear them all!
More options to choose from, and if I have another next year I'm already set!

2014-10-17, 04:12 PM
False vampire teeth: For a slight penalty on anything speech based, you get vampire bite powers.

Disguise Kit of Power: As normal disguise kit but grants you an aura of fear when used (sort of like what dragons have)

Bag of Theft: People must make a will save or put some small item, coins, candies, etc. in the bag.

Mask of Transmutation: a mask which transmutes the wearer into whatever the mask looks like.

2014-10-17, 04:40 PM
I'm not sure of the utility of this effect...

you could also add an obscuring mist effect or something like that to it. I just thought it could be handy to be essentially silent in certain situations.

2014-10-17, 05:10 PM
Notebook of Dr. Jekyll:
A detailed manuscript which allows a scaling alchemy check for any character with the skill to make a potion for Str and dex bonuses.
DC 15 +2str & dex, for 30 minutes. Character needs to make a will save DC 15 or be brash when encountering disappointment.
DC 20 +3 str, dex, and con for one hour. Make a will save DC 20 or have your alignment shift one step towards chaotic evil
DC 25 +4str, dex, con, for two hours DC 25 will check of alignment shifts one step towards chaotic evil.
DC 30
DC 35 etc.

Basil Howards Paint set
An eisle, set of brushes, paints. On a DC 25 (+25 per person) profession (painting) or similar check, the likeness of person of the portrait no longer is susceptible to the physical effects of aging. (they still get the cognitive bonuses) Good for up to one use.

clay monster
A 5lb lump of clay, approximately a cubic foot. This clay hardens without the application of moisture. Using blood as moisture causes it to grow in size. Each 5 hp added causes the clay to expand by a cubic foot. This clay can be molded into any shape an artist chooses. After 1 day of hardening, it becomes an animated statue with the supernatural, extraordinary, and spell like abilities of those creatures whose blood it absorbed. It has one HD per 5 hp absorbed. This animated creature breaks down in a number of days equal to its hit dice. Give the pcs the option of breaking off a feeder amount of clay so they can continually reuse it. You are going to need to partition out the rest of the rules (a construct?, what are its mental stats, does it have free will, does it behave like those whose blood it absorbed?)

Scarecrows crucifix
A T-shaped piece of nailed together wood with a little foot ledge and twine straps for the wrists. Can be folded to become an awkward 10 foot pole. when placed on the ground, it roots and steadies itself. A person can climb up on the rooted pole and place his/her wrists near the straps, which automatically hold the person in place. Flying creatures in a 400' radius are forced to the ground while the person is behaving like the scarecrow. The scarecrow cannot move, but may talk, even cast stilled spells without material components. They cannot take themselves down. at 12th level control weather 1/week.

Ring of false death
When the wearer of this ring is delt enough damage to reduce their hp below zero, they are instead plane shifted into the etherial plane while a potent illusion takes place and the damage is reduced by half. The Illusion on the original plane is of the ring bearer dying in agony, relevant to the way that they had born the damage. The player is ethereal for one hour before being jaunted back into their original plane. They may travel in the etherial to change the location of where they may return to their original plane.

2014-10-18, 07:13 AM
you could also add an obscuring mist effect or something like that to it. I just thought it could be handy to be essentially silent in certain situations.

Certainly, I'm just iffy on having a +20 listen check against you.
If I read that right, that is.

But, loving the suggestions everyone's making!

2014-10-18, 09:17 AM
Certainly, I'm just iffy on having a +20 listen check against you.
If I read that right, that is.

Oh! No! Sorry I may not have worded it right :( I meant that it is +20 to the DC of the listen check made against you

2014-10-18, 10:33 AM
Oh! No! Sorry I may not have worded it right :( I meant that it is +20 to the DC of the listen check made against you

My bad; yeah, that could really come in handy!