View Full Version : Pathfinder Time Domain, and characterizing the clerics of one of my own campaign's deities

2014-10-14, 10:57 PM
So, for the most part, I'm using the Grayhawk Pantheon and the Pathfinder Cosmology, with a few additions to the usual cast..
I've added a deity of my own design to the pantheon, Rionis. Rionis is the god of history and fate- his domains are knowledge, magic, and time. He's True Neutral, like Boccob, and primarily concerned with recording history. He demands of his priests mainly that they keep low key lives, in the thick of cities but isolated from those cities. His Clerics are instructed to intervene as little as possible in the affairs of others, and his temples are tolerated most places. Their temples are libraries, but access to those libraries tends to be restricted(these would be some of the hardest to get into).

An example of difficulty that players might run into with these guys is trying to get one of them to resurrect a friend. They may ask whether the person to be resurrected is historically significant, and if so, whether or not they are historically valuable while alive. By default, the priests won't resurrect just anyone, because in their eyes most deaths are meant to be.

Beyond this, I'm at a loss for how to characterize clerics of Rionis, and Rionis himself.

Also, hoping to get suggestions for the Time Domain in pathfinder; Suggested spells, and domain powers.

2014-10-14, 11:28 PM
Have you read Dragonlance? this guy sounds a lot like Gilean, the neutral history/fate-focused god from that setting, or perhaps his magic-focused equally-neutral daughter Lunitari.

2014-10-14, 11:32 PM
For domain power, how about slowing personal time. Activated when a spell duration is being cast on the cleric to double that duration.

Or speed personal time which would do the opposite and could be used for any negative effect currently in effect.

2014-10-19, 04:25 PM
I'm thinking that the level 1 power might be to add cleric level to initiative rolls, level 5 might be an extra move or standard action 3+wis mod times per day. Still not sure what the spell list should be.