View Full Version : Nexus A touch of badness!

2014-10-15, 07:41 AM
Hidden amongst the dark forgotten under ground cellars, caves and bunkers of the nexus, lay dormant decrepit gothic monolithic archways. Thirsty wanting demons carved into their ancient cold blank stone.
For the price of blood these archways flair to life in brilliant flames creating a portal to the most sinister shady demonic bar.

But until one knows their purpose and how to use them, it must be found the old fashion way, by the Maps.

- - - the MAP - - -

The destination leads to an ancient unmarked massive cemetery, one the forest has tried to reclaim and hide from time.

Those that can read the map and navigate a locked gate, if they manage not to disturb the dead, will be led to a large elaborate open crypt. Inside a stairwell sits in the middle of the floor leading deep underground to a solid steal door.
Behind that door is the grand forbidden .....

The Excelsior.
Open for business and hiring!

The cemetery
The ancient towering trees around it cause an eerie ever-night shadow, hiding it from the suns ray of light. Vines and moss threaten to consume the many large old monolithic headstones. A strong, tall and still sturdy cast iron and grey stone fence protects the graves, running along the outside perimeter.
Gothic gargoyles sit atop the stone pillars that lie between the viscous spiked iron bars, watching any who would trespass.

An entrance gate can be seen next to a small abandoned wooden shack of a toll booth.

If directed by map, it indicates the prize is further within.
The bar
Aiming not to discriminate against anyone's tastes or alternate needs, they proudly boast the largest range of legal and illegal drinks imaginable. Ollie the expert barista is always inventing new drinks that will tantalise your senses and leave you breathless, wanting more. With his amazing and unimaginable creative mixes he is bound to find something to satiate your desires. The room behind the steel door is far from what would be expected, a warm dazzling light reflects of lavish fancy and quite expensive looking surfaces and objects of art and other luxurious decor.
The harmonic hum and melody of a sophisticated and skilled piece of music resonates around the room, originating from timely violin strings.
There are 'people' scattered everywhere throughout the large establishment, chatting away in groups or pairs, drinking a varying array of fancy colored concoctions from fine glassware.
It was some sort of high class pub. A bar could be seen along a far wall, the room had multiple doors and walkways leading to and fro.
All the patrons seem caught up in their own worlds.

The black black market.
http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/0/1200x670_621_The_black_market_2d_illustration_conc ept_art_crowd_black_market_environment_picture_ima ge_digital_art.jpg
We buy and sell.
If it's wrong you can get it here.
The black market is so much a specific market area as merchants are setup in every connecting hallway and corridor.

Slavers Den
More specific then the black market, but less uptight in social etiquette and appearance then the bar.
The slavers den is more like an opium den cross slave market.
Often frequented and comprised by the more ragged and rough-around-the-edges patrons of the excelsior.
'Be careful you don't end up on the wrong side of the chains'The thick smell of hobbit weed and opium hung in the dimly lit room, a haze of smoke filled the air. Thugs in ragged clothing sat in small circles on old cushions and small stools, they gambled, argued, told stories, traded and swapped while around them and restrained to the outer walls, slaves wearing barely the essentials were, if not serving, restrained and bound.
Amongst the unruly, viscous and loud tongues of the intoxicated low life's the whimpering of fear and despair hummed in hopeless plea's.

The room was wide enough for two carriages and the length even longer, disappearing into the darkness. The stone walls curved up to meet making a low arched roof. Strong sturdy wooden pillars ran down the centre of the room.
Anyone with a searching gaze in their eyes would soon be met by Azreil. A voluptuous fierce woman with unruly red hair and cold steely tantalising blue eyes. Armoured in leathers and a tattered breastplate, her lips curl into a teasingly playful smile as she greets newcomers. She is very sensual and always subtly flirting, every word and action filled with erotic hints as she joyfully toys with every being she meets.

Close behind her always stands a large bare chested bald man, his dark skin littered with scar tissue.
He wears baggy worn tan trousers and a wide unnerving gaped tooth grin.

The Battle Pit
The main attraction.
A place to sort disputes, gamble or pit your slaves against others. All in the attempt and pursuit of gaining wealth and fame.

2014-10-15, 08:21 AM

Sophia arrives, her gear now equipped.
Alright, I doubt this will end up without combat, so it'd be best to be prepared just in case. I can take point.
She informs.

2014-10-15, 01:00 PM

Sophia arrives, her gear now equipped.
Alright, I doubt this will end up without combat, so it'd be best to be prepared just in case. I can take point.
She informs.


"No." Naku disagrees, shaking her head. "This is what I do. This was my life. I'll take point."

In the time that Sophia had taken to get her gear, Naku had gotten her own gear. She's now dressed in a full set of very well crafted leather armor with some plates sewn on covering the more vital areas. The armor does have a bit of a scent to it, and to anyone with the smell to tell that it's there, it's definitely not cow-hide.
The armor, though well maintained, definitely has seen her through many scrapes, as it has more than a few off colored scars on it.
She has her katana belted on on one side, and what looks much like a PPSh (http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101107035403/battlefield/images/0/05/PPSh.png) on a sling over one shoulder, in a position easy and quick to reach.

Mrs McGinty
2014-10-15, 07:07 PM
Seeing the others equipped for combat, Mrs McGinty roots around in the large handbag nobody remembers her carrying before, and pulls out a small kitchen knife. Staring in turn at Naku, then Sophia, and then back at her own pitiful weapon, she creases her brow in bemusement and slowly shakes her head. Placing the blade back in the bag, her hand rummages another moment, and emerges holding an ancient shotgun with rusted barrels sawed off short. With a shrug and a nod, she takes the gun in both hands, and mutters "Alright, let's do this."

2014-10-16, 03:21 AM
Arlen didn't understand why everyone was armouring up, but he loved it! Watching intently as the weapons known as guns are being pulled out. Behind the excited eagerness it all brought him was a yearning to be able to join them and feel the thrill in such preparation.
He began to long to be whole again, his smile hadn't seemed as true since they left the temple of Inari.

With a small shrug and nod towards Sophia he silently signals to let Naku be point, she is after all already dead and while he cares for them both, the thought of Sophia injured brings a cringe to his face.

"Mrs McGinty, what's the plan" he asks the old lady that he had designated the map to, leaving it to her to relay the question of 'over the fence or through the gate'.

Mrs McGinty
2014-10-16, 11:22 AM
"I'm not much for the climbing, and that fence looks pretty high" replies Mrs McGinty. "My vote is to take the gate. Anyone have a better idea?"

2014-10-16, 11:57 AM
Sophia reluctantly moves to the center near Arlen.
Not that she dislikes him, just she wants to take point cuz she can act quite well as a meat shield due to her regen powers, and she is swift enough to dodge any lethal attacks.
I can get up there quickly and warn you guys if anything is directly up ahead, so you don't need to worry about ambush once you enter.
Sophia offers.

2014-10-16, 12:58 PM
Arlen would have loved to climb the fence himself, he looks up at it as he thinks about how he wouldn't want to fall from the top, it's high but one shouldn't die if they did, hopefully.

His eager eyes analyse the climb he wishes 'he' was about to partake, he concludes it requires a strong upper body as there is not a lot of grip for the feet against the surprisingly smooth vertical bars or even on the pillars of stone.

As one nears the top they will notice the bars become like the stem of a rose bush with sharp downward slanting spikes, made to deter would be climbers like Sophia, another indication that they didn't want people climbing in, or out.
With skill and a bit of luck one could avoid any serious cuts but keeping the clothing clear of snagging May prove difficult.

Arlen looks back to Sophia and gives her an assuring nod, looking around to see if anyone objects to her plan

2014-10-16, 11:56 PM
Sophia reluctantly moves to the center near Arlen.
Not that she dislikes him, just she wants to take point cuz she can act quite well as a meat shield due to her regen powers, and she is swift enough to dodge any lethal attacks.
I can get up there quickly and warn you guys if anything is directly up ahead, so you don't need to worry about ambush once you enter.
Sophia offers.

"Except," Naku says, frowning slightly. "that I'm on point. Less you guys need to be afraid of in front of you so much as to the sides and behind. And above. It would be much better for you to stick with everyone else.

Plus separating is a terrible idea."

"I'm not much for the climbing, and that fence looks pretty high" replies Mrs McGinty. "My vote is to take the gate. Anyone have a better idea?"

"You guys take the gate. Give me two minutes, until I get back, or the sounds of explosions.

Objections?" Naku asks in a voice that really didn't want to hear any objections.

Seeing the others equipped for combat, Mrs McGinty roots around in the large handbag nobody remembers her carrying before, and pulls out a small kitchen knife. Staring in turn at Naku, then Sophia, and then back at her own pitiful weapon, she creases her brow in bemusement and slowly shakes her head. Placing the blade back in the bag, her hand rummages another moment, and emerges holding an ancient shotgun with rusted barrels sawed off short. With a shrug and a nod, she takes the gun in both hands, and mutters "Alright, let's do this."

"Also, please tell me you're not planning on firing that at any point? Please?" Naku asks, her voice truly worried.

2014-10-17, 12:03 AM

fair point. I was just thinking I could use my gear to quickly survey from up top, but i'd be the most useful accompanying the others.
Sophia replies, nodding in agreement.
yeah... might not be the best in a group.
She comments.

2014-10-17, 01:59 AM
Arlen's head follows the conversation, a confused look on his face as he tries to keep up.
Strategy wasn't his forte, he always fell into things head first, ashamedly he wasn't even exactly sure what 'point' ment.
Also not being familiar with guns he didn't understand why the old lady couldn't fire hers.

None the less, Naku seemed to know what she was doing and Arlen feeling helpless was drawn into her confidence.
He gives her an affirmative nod.

Mrs McGinty
2014-10-17, 11:13 AM
"Also, please tell me you're not planning on firing that at any point? Please?" Naku asks, her voice truly worried.

Mrs McGinty chuckles at Naku's question. "Don't worry, dear. I won't use it 'less I have to. I know I'm not some kind of warrior goddess like the pair of you. I'm just a cook. Just a lowly, lowly cook."

2014-10-18, 01:08 AM

fair point. I was just thinking I could use my gear to quickly survey from up top, but i'd be the most useful accompanying the others.
Sophia replies, nodding in agreement.
yeah... might not be the best in a group.
She comments.

"I agree. Stick with everyone else."

Mrs McGinty chuckles at Naku's question. "Don't worry, dear. I won't use it 'less I have to. I know I'm not some kind of warrior goddess like the pair of you. I'm just a cook. Just a lowly, lowly cook."

"I'm no warrior goddess. Things would be much different if I were. Just . . . please don't fire that gun. You would very likely badly hurt yourself and everyone around you more than the person you're aiming at. Rust and guns do not go together.

Two minutes." Naku reminds them, before literally vanishing by wrapping herself in a shadow.

She teleports to (unless somehow stopped) up to the top of the wall (on one of the gargoyles, assuming they're along the top), takes a look around at anything she can see, and possibly (unless it seems like a terrible idea) drops down inside.

2014-10-18, 02:03 AM
((Unsure on her exact method of teleportation but as soon as Naku begins nearing or passing the gargoyles she will feel a great discomfort and disorientation in or at the end of her travel, she could conclude any teleporting or magical travel further within the perimeter would likely be more difficult and result in landing off target.))

From atop the gargoyle Naku can see the vastness of the forgotten cemetery, what once appeared as the trees of the other side are now just mother natures effort to assimilate the untouched parts back into herself. This place was massive.

Mausoleums and tombs of various sizes are littered amongst the grave stones, trees and shrubbery. There is atleast five sources of light protruding out from behind these various structures deep within the cemetery. But nothing near the entrance or the gate, all much further in .Occasionally the light flickers or shines bright to one side then another.

Naku, almost sure she could see movement in the shadows between the light sources wasn't given time to check as her footing suddenly slides out from under her with a creeky grinding sound.

((The gargoyle is awake))

2014-10-18, 03:49 PM
((Unsure on her exact method of teleportation but as soon as Naku begins nearing or passing the gargoyles she will feel a great discomfort and disorientation in or at the end of her travel, she could conclude any teleporting or magical travel further within the perimeter would likely be more difficult and result in landing off target.))

From atop the gargoyle Naku can see the vastness of the forgotten cemetery, what once appeared as the trees of the other side are now just mother natures effort to assimilate the untouched parts back into herself. This place was massive.

Mausoleums and tombs of various sizes are littered amongst the grave stones, trees and shrubbery. There is atleast five sources of light protruding out from behind these various structures deep within the cemetery. But nothing near the entrance or the gate, all much further in .Occasionally the light flickers or shines bright to one side then another.

Naku, almost sure she could see movement in the shadows between the light sources wasn't given time to check as her footing suddenly slides out from under her with a creeky grinding sound.

((The gargoyle is awake))

((Just a variation of Shadow-Stepping. Stepping into one shadow and out another. But man does she notice.))

"Well that hurt." Naku mutters to herself, surveying the scene.

So besides the trees and mausoleums, it's just open space with graves?

"Oh. Good evening." She says to the gargoyle, conversationally, as she shifts to keep her balance. "Beautiful night, isn't it?"
The gargoyle might not be hostile! Naku for sure would like company if she had been stuck up by herself on top of a wall for ages, maybe the gargoyle would like company too.

2014-10-19, 12:22 AM
The winged gargoyle replies to Naku with a sickly smile, bearing it's rows of needle like teeth as it lets out a dry screech and lunges at her, it's fierce sharp claws aiming to dig into Naku's skin and topple her off the fences small stone platform wich they share.

2014-10-19, 03:05 PM
The winged gargoyle replies to Naku with a sickly smile, bearing it's rows of needle like teeth as it lets out a dry screech and lunges at her, it's fierce sharp claws aiming to dig into Naku's skin and topple her off the fences small stone platform wich they share.

Naku hadn't wanted this. She had wanted to talk to the gargoyle, and maybe be cool and be pals.

Oh well. It wanted to die.

As soon as it started to move, Naku drew her katana with a speed that made it look like the katana just appeared in her hand. The katana itself was interesting. The metal itself was a matte, flat, unreflective black, but along the edge of the blade there was a dim, consistent, red glow.
She brings it down and around with enough force - and a magically enhanced edge - to chop through most anything on its path to severing the head from the gargoyle.

The gargoyle finds, whether or not Naku's hit connects, that her armor is actually really great at dealing with puncture-related attacks, as it gives a bit, but refuses to be punctured, and then they go flying off the fence together.

((Also, for the sake of everyone getting to do stuffs, I'd think if the outside group wants to take that noise as being loud enough to come in, feel free?))

2014-10-19, 08:58 PM
The horned head of the grotesque winged monster plummets to the ground. It's body freezes up in its attack position standing atop the small platform, claws out stretch against Naku's armour.

However it's death had awoken two more, from each side further down the fence line the gargoyles had come to life.
One spread it's stony wings and flew into the sky. With it, it took a large chunk of its crumbly platform from which it was perched and dropped it from above Naku.

The other silently dives off the edge opening his wings last minute using the force to go hurtling with great speed, swooping towards the old lady on the floor. Claws reaching out, a hungry evil on his stone hide face as he plans to dig in his claws and take Mrs McGinty into the air.

2014-10-19, 09:18 PM
The horned head of the grotesque winged monster plummets to the ground. It's body freezes up in its attack position standing atop the small platform, claws out stretch against Naku's armour.

However it's death had awoken two more, from each side further down the fence line the gargoyles had come to life.
One spread it's stony wings and flew into the sky. With it, it took a large chunk of its crumbly platform from which it was perched and dropped it from above Naku.

Naku takes a second to separate the hand holding her from the arm it's attached to, before sheathing her katana and jumping off the fence/platform, neatly avoiding the falling debris.
She lands lithely, rolls, and comes back in a kneeling position, SMG at her shoulder. She pauses for the barest of moments to make sure she can see the gargoyle that had dropped the rocks on her, and if she can, starts firing at it in bursts.

The bullets are also interesting. They can be visibly tracked through the air as bright red points, and explode on impact. It's not a huge explosion, but at an obscenely high rate of fire, they add up quickly.

2014-10-20, 05:45 AM
Mrs. McGinty

Sophia attacks the gargoyle from the left, drawing her blades and delivering a strong kick that fractures the rock if her hit is successful

2014-10-20, 06:19 AM
The sky flares to life with a sudden light show of explosions against the flying gargoyle who suddenly falls like a stone to the ground.

McGinty remains safe as Sophia makes a sudden violent change to the approaching gargoyles momentum sending it sideways scattering across the floor in pain to crash into it's fallen friend who slowly raises.

In a moment they will both rise back up and be ready to continue the attack.

Arlen hopelessly stands infront of the old lady, arms aside trying to defend her as he watches on cautiously.

Mrs McGinty
2014-10-20, 01:33 PM
Mrs McGinty stands quite still, watching calmly with a strange smile playing on her lips as the violent confrontation unfolds. She even smiles at the gargoyle which lurches towards her (and is swatted aside by Sophia), showing no apparent concern at the danger. Indeed, the only time she moves at all is to tilt her head slightly to the left just in time to avoid a flying shard of masonry which might otherwise have caught her in the eye. And all the while, cradled in her hands, there sits the crude shotgun her travelling companions have expressly forbidden her to fire, the cook's wizened index finger resting flat against its trigger guard.

((Edit: I won't be around until Sunday at the earliest; in the meantime, Mrs McGinty will neatly step out the way of any danger, but otherwise remain in her current passive state, following the rest of the group if they head into the cemetery.))

2014-10-22, 09:51 PM
The sky flares to life with a sudden light show of explosions against the flying gargoyle who suddenly falls like a stone to the ground.

McGinty remains safe as Sophia makes a sudden violent change to the approaching gargoyles momentum sending it sideways scattering across the floor in pain to crash into it's fallen friend who slowly raises.

In a moment they will both rise back up and be ready to continue the attack.

Arlen hopelessly stands infront of the old lady, arms aside trying to defend her as he watches on cautiously.

((My apologies for lateness. My computer died, and I've been trying to save data.))

Well! Naku's on the inside of the fence, and the gargoyles are on the outside, harassing the group.

She could maybe shoot through the fence, but neither she nor her gun are known for superb accuracy, and hitting others would be bad. In light of nothing else for it, and how she's supposed to be point anyway, and how they seem to have their business under control, Naku heads further into the graveyard, moving silently, and taking the time to slowly replace the magazine in her weapon.

2014-10-24, 10:00 AM
The gargoyles glare at Sophia and with a shrill cry of pure malice they leap towards her, outstretched talons slashing.

Meanwhile Naku makes her way silently further into the graveyard.
On her short travel there is nothing too unusual or of major note, just the odd signs of passages walked.

Naku then notices three hooded figures at a small clearing not to far ahead. Watching them from behind a large bush she can see them standing in a triangle as they softly utter an incantation, their voices a fiery hum of infernal words fighting over each other's.

Slowly a small fire begins to grow in the middle of the space between them.

2014-10-30, 12:55 AM
The gargoyles glare at Sophia and with a shrill cry of pure malice they leap towards her, outstretched talons slashing.

Meanwhile Naku makes her way silently further into the graveyard.
On her short travel there is nothing too unusual or of major note, just the odd signs of passages walked.

Naku then notices three hooded figures at a small clearing not to far ahead. Watching them from behind a large bush she can see them standing in a triangle as they softly utter an incantation, their voices a fiery hum of infernal words fighting over each other's.

Slowly a small fire begins to grow in the middle of the space between them.

((Well, as no one else has posted for a while, I'll just go ahead.))

Naku takes the briefest of moments to close her eyes, and let her focus extend. Checking with a combination of listening and blood magic to et a sense of if, you know, the casters are alive people or not. Beating hearts, flowing blood, breathing, the works.
Hopefully she can learn this before they finish the ritual. Shouldn't take more than a few seconds.

2014-10-30, 02:01 AM
((Well, as no one else has posted for a while, I'll just go ahead.))

Naku takes the briefest of moments to close her eyes, and let her focus extend. Checking with a combination of listening and blood magic to et a sense of if, you know, the casters are alive people or not. Beating hearts, flowing blood, breathing, the works.
Hopefully she can learn this before they finish the ritual. Shouldn't take more than a few seconds.

Very much living, human, the blood pulses through their veins fast as the hearts beat hard, due to a presence of fear and anticipation. However there are dark dead patches in their being, physical and spiritual. (Not undead, just dead)

Their focus, and the point of infusing infernal energy is a spiked silver dog collar laying in front of a freshly dead rabbit, surrounded by a copper powder pentagram.

2014-10-30, 02:20 AM
Very much living, human, the blood pulses through their veins fast as the hearts beat hard, due to a presence of fear and anticipation. However there are dark dead patches in their being, physical and spiritual. (Not undead, just dead)

Their focus, and the point of infusing infernal energy is a spiked silver dog collar laying in front of a freshly dead rabbit, surrounded by a copper powder pentagram.

Oh good. They're scared. As the thought crosses Naku's mind, a truly not-terribly-friendly smile crossed her face, and she raised one open hand.

She crushes it into a fist, and a few things should happen:
First and foremost is that all the blood current residing in the casters' hearts and brains should explode due to scary vampiric blood magic, quickly and, presumably, painlessly killing the casters.
The second, and much less spectacular, should be that the rabit gets tugged out of the circle by its own blood.

Fear makes everything so much more delightful.

2014-10-30, 02:53 AM
Oh good. They're scared. As the thought crosses Naku's mind, a truly not-terribly-friendly smile crossed her face, and she raised one open hand.

She crushes it into a fist, and a few things should happen:
First and foremost is that all the blood current residing in the casters' hearts and brains should explode due to scary vampiric blood magic, quickly and, presumably, painlessly killing the casters.
The second, and much less spectacular, should be that the rabit gets tugged out of the circle by its own blood.

Fear makes everything so much more delightful.

Three summoner's instantly drop dead. As the rabbit is flung from the circle, the residual demonic magic forms into a wispy translucent image of a large fiery demonic hound that lunges after the dead animal only to fade out of existence outside of the surrounds of the incomplete spell.

Elsewhere in the distance loud 'whooshes' of fire accompany a sudden bright flash off light, going off like set fire crackers throughout the cemetery. There was 4 to 6 of them, probably noticeable to the rest if the group too.

Mrs McGinty
2014-10-30, 01:56 PM
Whilst waiting for Sophia to react to the gargoyles flying in her direction, Mrs McGinty quietly removes the buckshot cartridges from her weapon, and replaces them with some anti-masonry rounds that she just happens to be carrying...

((Apologies for the long absence. Life has been intense, to say the least. I think it's calmed down now, though, and should stay that way for a bit.))

2014-10-31, 11:18 AM
The gargoyles glare at Sophia and with a shrill cry of pure malice they leap towards her, outstretched talons slashing.

Meanwhile Naku makes her way silently further into the graveyard.
On her short travel there is nothing too unusual or of major note, just the odd signs of passages walked.

Naku then notices three hooded figures at a small clearing not to far ahead. Watching them from behind a large bush she can see them standing in a triangle as they softly utter an incantation, their voices a fiery hum of infernal words fighting over each other's.

Slowly a small fire begins to grow in the middle of the space between them.

Sophia darts at the one closes to harming someone and fires a grappling hook at it, likely ripping through the stone. She propels herself upwards and attempts to send the gargoyle wheeling into a hard surface and shattering it at lesst somewhat with a very strong kick and unhook.

2014-10-31, 11:30 AM
Sophia darts at the one closes to harming someone and fires a grappling hook at it, likely ripping through the stone. She propels herself upwards and attempts to send the gargoyle wheeling into a hard surface and shattering it at lesst somewhat with a very strong kick and unhook.

As Sophia smashes up one if the gargoyles the other changes it's trajectory and dives at the old lady, claws out, teeth hungry.

2014-11-01, 01:34 AM
Three summoner's instantly drop dead. As the rabbit is flung from the circle, the residual demonic magic forms into a wispy translucent image of a large fiery demonic hound that lunges after the dead animal only to fade out of existence outside of the surrounds of the incomplete spell.

Elsewhere in the distance loud 'whooshes' of fire accompany a sudden bright flash off light, going off like set fire crackers throughout the cemetery. There was 4 to 6 of them, probably noticeable to the rest if the group too.

Naku closes her eyes for a moment. Killing humans was . . . difficult for her. In the moment she could pretend that they hadn't been killing people. But now that she could think beyond 'don't let the summoning happen', she couldn't avoid it.

She could keep going, though, and think about it later. So she starts walking. Routine motions, deep enough ingrained that she didn't need to think. Left foot, followed by the right. Sheath the katana, left foot. Release the catch from the magazine of her SMG, remove said magazine, right foot.

She quickly finishes putting away the spent magazine, and replaces it with the other one she has. She keeps walking, looking for something - anything - that would help Arlen get his body back.

2014-11-04, 11:12 AM
Naku closes her eyes for a moment. Killing humans was . . . difficult for her. In the moment she could pretend that they hadn't been killing people. But now that she could think beyond 'don't let the summoning happen', she couldn't avoid it.

She could keep going, though, and think about it later. So she starts walking. Routine motions, deep enough ingrained that she didn't need to think. Left foot, followed by the right. Sheath the katana, left foot. Release the catch from the magazine of her SMG, remove said magazine, right foot.

She quickly finishes putting away the spent magazine, and replaces it with the other one she has. She keeps walking, looking for something - anything - that would help Arlen get his body back.

Naku finds a clear 'highly walked' path that leads deeper into the graveyard, it twists and turns around the trees, shrubs and large gravestones. As Naku follows the eerie path it runs alongside a small decrepit crypt, on the other side of the small house sized stone burial chamber the clear sound of a beast sniffing in the cold still air can be heard...

2014-11-04, 09:47 PM
Naku finds a clear 'highly walked' path that leads deeper into the graveyard, it twists and turns around the trees, shrubs and large gravestones. As Naku follows the eerie path it runs alongside a small decrepit crypt, on the other side of the small house sized stone burial chamber the clear sound of a beast sniffing in the cold still air can be heard...

Well, Naku followed the path a ways to the side, because walking along a path in the middle of trees and shrubs is a great way to get killed in an ambush. Though she comes across the house and stops. She tilts her head and closes her eyes to listen to the beast, trying to get any sort of rough feel for size or shape of it.

2014-11-05, 01:35 AM
Well, Naku followed the path a ways to the side, because walking along a path in the middle of trees and shrubs is a great way to get killed in an ambush. Though she comes across the house and stops. She tilts her head and closes her eyes to listen to the beast, trying to get any sort of rough feel for size or shape of it.

There is no time to study the sound or creature closely as a sudden, living human, startled gasp accompanies a howling roar of a sizable beast that has just sniffed out its prey.
The heavy rustling and hurngy breathing sound fast approaches the final stone wall corner.
While Naku is hidden from sight off the path, the creature is following it's keen sense of smell.

2014-11-05, 01:10 PM
There is no time to study the sound or creature closely as a sudden, living human, startled gasp accompanies a howling roar of a sizable beast that has just sniffed out its prey.
The heavy rustling and hurngy breathing sound fast approaches the final stone wall corner.
While Naku is hidden from sight off the path, the creature is following it's keen sense of smell.

"All right then. So be it." Naku says, standing, and hauling herself into one of the many trees. As soon as the creature comes into view, another stream of red explosive bullets get fired at it.

2014-11-05, 11:25 PM
"All right then. So be it." Naku says, standing, and hauling herself into one of the many trees. As soon as the creature comes into view, another stream of red explosive bullets get fired at it.

Hurtling around the corner comes a large fierce muscular hound, it's body made of burning embers, peircing bright eyes and flames lapping out its powerful deadly jaw.

Before it spots Naku it is greeted by a bombard of small powerful explosive bullets, most explode against its skin with a few slipping through it's demonic hide.
A moment later as a summoner steps around the corner, a wave of his hand sees the billets cut off short exploding agains an invisible shield of force that protects them both.

His hands begin waving as he starts casting a new spell from behind the safety of his shield and now very angry hell hound.

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-06, 01:03 PM
((Oops, I am an idiot. I didn't notice this thread had gone to a second page, and was waiting for a response to Arkhosia's post. Sorry, once again.))

As Sophia smashes up one if the gargoyles the other changes it's trajectory and dives at the old lady, claws out, teeth hungry.

Realising she has no choice but to defend herself, Mrs McGinty carefully aims the shotgun, and pulls one of the two triggers. Given the time-worn appearance of both the weapon and its owner, the shot is surprisingly accurate, and the anti-masonry shell flies straight towards the chest of the oncoming gargoyle.

2014-11-06, 10:47 PM
Realising she has no choice but to defend herself, Mrs McGinty carefully aims the shotgun, and pulls one of the two triggers. Given the time-worn appearance of both the weapon and its owner, the shot is surprisingly accurate, and the anti-masonry shell flies straight towards the chest of the oncoming gargoyle.

It's a direct hit, the gargoyle stops dead in its path as it's limbs fly forward and it's chest hurtles back. It falls to the floor with a heavy thud, sprawling out across the ground, badly injured it lets out a dry raspy cry of terror as it claws helplessly at the dirt around it.

2014-11-06, 11:24 PM
Hurtling around the corner comes a large fierce muscular hound, it's body made of burning embers, peircing bright eyes and flames lapping out its powerful deadly jaw.

Before it spots Naku it is greeted by a bombard of small powerful explosive bullets, most explode against its skin with a few slipping through it's demonic hide.
A moment later as a summoner steps around the corner, a wave of his hand sees the billets cut off short exploding agains an invisible shield of force that protects them both.

His hands begin waving as he starts casting a new spell from behind the safety of his shield and now very angry hell hound.

Well. Fire is bad. Fire can hurt. And since the bullets are not hurting the dog, Naku stops firing at it. She fires a few rounds at the caster, because the shield might not cover him too. Presumably they get stopped too, so she stops firing entirely.

And then quietness. She is, if either of the things can tell, moving through the trees, going directly away from the caster and his hound.

2014-11-06, 11:58 PM
Well. Fire is bad. Fire can hurt. And since the bullets are not hurting the dog, Naku stops firing at it. She fires a few rounds at the caster, because the shield might not cover him too. Presumably they get stopped too, so she stops firing entirely.

And then quietness. She is, if either of the things can tell, moving through the trees, going directly away from the caster and his hound.

Neither of the two seem to be following her movements but as the spell from the summoner ended a strong hard boney tendril wraps itself around Naku's foot.
The trees had come alive! Branches now looking like large claws lean in towards her, reaching for her. Sharp branches wanting to entwine, scratch and impale her body.

2014-11-07, 11:01 PM
Neither of the two seem to be following her movements but as the spell from the summoner ended a strong hard boney tendril wraps itself around Naku's foot.
The trees had come alive! Branches now looking like large claws lean in towards her, reaching for her. Sharp branches wanting to entwine, scratch and impale her body.

Well, Naku had been hoping the hound at least would chase her. When she notices that it isn't, though, she instantly teleports away. It might mess up. She doesn't have many options. She aims for a bit behind the spellcaster and his hound, and upon landing, is casting a quick spell of her own. She brings her hands together, and the darkness around the caster twists into physical entities, quickly reaching for his throat, trying to go about grabbing it and slamming him down, or clotheslinining him and crushing his windpipe if that fails. The final force, which Naku intends to kill him with, is a bit over that that it would take to decapitate a normal human.

Of course, then she might be dealing with the repercussions of the teleporting.

2014-11-07, 11:15 PM
Well, Naku had been hoping the hound at least would chase her. When she notices that it isn't, though, she instantly teleports away. It might mess up. She doesn't have many options. She aims for a bit behind the spellcaster and his hound, and upon landing, is casting a quick spell of her own. She brings her hands together, and the darkness around the caster twists into physical entities, quickly reaching for his throat, trying to go about grabbing it and slamming him down, or clotheslinining him and crushing his windpipe if that fails. The final force, which Naku intends to kill him with, is a bit over that that it would take to decapitate a normal human.

Of course, then she might be dealing with the repercussions of the teleporting.

As Naku reappears, a strong wave of nausea a dissiness overwhelm her, her footing is not even as expected, her vision momentarily blurry, there's a ringing in her ears but she does see a summoner not too far away, her quick spell goes off and his head plops to the ground with a bloody squelch as the body follows a short second after. Blood pools out from the open neck and just then as Naku regains her senses, realizing nothing here is familiar and she is nowhere near the intended location, a thunderous explosion bellows behind her as the scattering shrapnel of a shotgun blast plummets towards her back.

2014-11-07, 11:58 PM
As Naku reappears, a strong wave of nausea a dissiness overwhelm her, her footing is not even as expected, her vision momentarily blurry, there's a ringing in her ears but she does see a summoner not too far away, her quick spell goes off and his head plops to the ground with a bloody squelch as the body follows a short second after. Blood pools out from the open neck and just then as Naku regains her senses, realizing nothing here is familiar and she is nowhere near the intended location, a thunderous explosion bellows behind her as the scattering shrapnel of a shotgun blast plummets towards her back.

Well, at least she's away from the dog. The bad news is she is still disoriented, and gets hit in the middle of the back by the shotgun blast. She manages to take the momentum, roll forward, and twist in such a way that she comes back up braced, down on one knee, and smg up and aimed at the direction the blast came from. Assuming it didn't come from her own party, Naku opens fire at the advisory.

Or even if it did come from the party. She's not thinking coherently right now at all.

2014-11-08, 01:18 AM
Her bullets make a bloody mess of another summoner, the little explosions digging holes and throwing out blood and flesh everywhere. Next to the mess of what once was a man is another who begins waiving his hand to motion the same projectile shield as before, a bullet catches his hand and his fingers fly in all directions, before he can scream in pain a piece of his head pops open and the reminants of the distorted torn up bodies fall to the floor.

The two summoner's were standing position either side of a solid doorway of a large crypt. Naku stands in an open clearing, a large patch of earth unclaimed back by nature. The walls of the crypt have masterful architecture, appearing designed by an eccentric or an artist. Weaves of gold adorn spiraling patterns, masonry sculptures of forest demons and nymphs are formed by the masonry running around the lower protruding surrounds of the base. All the designs tend leaning, going to, or drawn by the doorway. The large, handless, solid, flat, black, obsidian door.

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-08, 05:28 AM
It's a direct hit, the gargoyle stops dead in its path as it's limbs fly forward and it's chest hurtles back. It falls to the floor with a heavy thud, sprawling out across the ground, badly injured it lets out a dry raspy cry of terror as it claws helplessly at the dirt around it.

Moving as calmly as if she were preparing a light evening meal, rather than dispatching an unholy abomination, McGinty steps forward, aims the shotgun down at the creature's head, and pulls the second trigger.

2014-11-08, 05:34 AM
Moving as calmly as if she were preparing a light evening meal, rather than dispatching an unholy abomination, McGinty steps forward, aims the shotgun down at the creature's head, and pulls the second trigger.

Fear stricken stoney eyes watch her from above a dangling open worried jaw. The gargoyles head shatters as the gun goes off and the rest of the body falls limp, a still silence returns to her and her little group.

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-08, 06:16 AM
Fear stricken stoney eyes watch her from above a dangling open worried jaw. The gargoyles head shatters as the gun goes off and the rest of the body falls limp, a still silence returns to her and her little group.

"So..." says the cook, turning to Arlen and Sophia, "...shall we try and catch up to Naku?"

2014-11-08, 06:35 AM
"So..." says the cook, turning to Arlen and Sophia, "...shall we try and catch up to Naku?"

Arlen looks to the old lady, his eyes brinming with an odd mix of excitement and disappointment.

"I think I saw explosions"

He says to MrsMGginty, that being one of the circumstances Naku mentioned before disappearing.

"I think, I can feel my body in there somewhere" he adds turning away from the carnage to face the cemetery.

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-08, 06:48 AM
Arlen looks to the old lady, his eyes brinming with an odd mix of excitement and disappointment.

"I think I saw explosions"

He says to MrsMGginty, that being one of the circumstances Naku mentioned before disappearing.

"I think, I can feel my body in there somewhere" he adds turning away from the carnage to face the cemetery.

"Alright then," McGinty replies, quietly slipping the shotgun back into her handbag, "let's go and see if we can find it for you."

With this, the old woman sets off towards the cemetery gates and the trail of carnage that, by the sounds of things, Naku has left in her wake.

2014-11-08, 07:24 AM
More gargoyles are posted along the fence line but as long as no one tries to climb it they will remain atop their perches, their beady eyes seemingly following the group as they make their way to the entrance.

The large solid gates sit slightly ajar, a thick heavy padlocked chain stops them from separating any further. It would be a tight and difficult squeeze but everyone here should be able to make it through.

Candle light flickers, illuminating out from beneath a closed door of a nearby wooden shack on the opposite side of the fence.
A howl of an angry beast echo's across the still silence from the distance.

2014-11-08, 09:05 AM
More gargoyles are posted along the fence line but as long as no one tries to climb it they will remain atop their perches, their beady eyes seemingly following the group as they make their way to the entrance.

The large solid gates sit slightly ajar, a thick heavy padlocked chain stops them from separating any further. It would be a tight and difficult squeeze but everyone here should be able to make it through.

Candle light flickers, illuminating out from beneath a closed door of a nearby wooden shack on the opposite side of the fence.
A howl of an angry beast echo's across the still silence from the distance.

I think that's where we'll find her. Follow me.
and with that, Sophia sprints off in the howl's direction at a speed the others can keep!

2014-11-08, 01:17 PM
Her bullets make a bloody mess of another summoner, the little explosions digging holes and throwing out blood and flesh everywhere. Next to the mess of what once was a man is another who begins waiving his hand to motion the same projectile shield as before, a bullet catches his hand and his fingers fly in all directions, before he can scream in pain a piece of his head pops open and the reminants of the distorted torn up bodies fall to the floor.

The two summoner's were standing position either side of a solid doorway of a large crypt. Naku stands in an open clearing, a large patch of earth unclaimed back by nature. The walls of the crypt have masterful architecture, appearing designed by an eccentric or an artist. Weaves of gold adorn spiraling patterns, masonry sculptures of forest demons and nymphs are formed by the masonry running around the lower protruding surrounds of the base. All the designs tend leaning, going to, or drawn by the doorway. The large, handless, solid, flat, black, obsidian door.

Naku pauses for the briefest moment after the two casters fall, her eyes shut. She cursed the poor casters for being who and where they were. She cursed herself for killing them. She cursed a handful of other things as well.
But they were definitely bad, right? And she was here to save someone. And that was good.

With that thought in her head, she stands back up, her back screaming at her. Her armor had taken a little, and her reflexes has stopped the pellets from going to deep, but man if that is not going to bruise.

Naku walks towards the obsidian door, reloading (curiously, by putting the first emptied clip back into the gun), and wiping at some of the smeared gore from the last two summoners. She liked her gun, but it was somewhat messy.
Unless she was stopped, she even tried pushing on the door to open it up!

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-09, 02:07 PM
I think that's where we'll find her. Follow me.
and with that, Sophia sprints off in the howl's direction at a speed the others can keep!

Turning first to smile and wink at Arlen, Mrs McGinty sets off at a trot behind Sophia, whistling a jaunty tune (http://sundaydriver.bandcamp.com/track/holelu) entirely out of keeping with their grim surroundings.

2014-11-11, 02:10 AM
As Naku presses the door a faint glow is released from beneath her hand but the cold pale stone doesn't budge.
Naku might notice her hands clean if any drops of blood that were on them from before.

As Sophia and MrsMcGinty charge off into the depths of the dark haunting cemetery, before they even notice Arlen hasn't been following, they find themselves surrounded by 3 snarling ferocious hell hounds.
Flames leaping from their snapping jaws. A soft light illuminating from their magma, hell fire bodies. A hungry desire burning in their eyes.

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-11, 12:52 PM
McGinty reaches into her handbag, pulls out a handful of Sulphurous Doggie Treats, and tosses them towards the onrushing monstrosities.

2014-11-12, 12:38 AM
As Naku presses the door a faint glow is released from beneath her hand but the cold pale stone doesn't budge.
Naku might notice her hands clean if any drops of blood that were on them from before.

Naku frowns slightly at the door. This was definitely the way to go, but it didn't want to open. And it had cleaned her hand. She can't be having that.

So she takes several steps back, and starts firing her red glowing grenade-like-bullet firing smg at it.

2014-11-12, 11:43 AM
A large gout of flames engulfs the treats and carries on towards the old lady, the flames lashing out of the nearest hounds flame-thrower like mouth.

Naku's bullets blast against the door in a bright fiery display, howerver hen the onslaught stops the door remains unscathed, the same cannot be said for the surrounding architecture and vines.

((The artsy designs now just sheared cracked stone, loss of detail and slithers of gold trimmings melted or blasted off, Also just to be clear the door sucked all the fresh blood off your hand.))

2014-11-12, 05:05 PM
Naku's bullets blast against the door in a bright fiery display, howerver hen the onslaught stops the door remains unscathed, the same cannot be said for the surrounding architecture and vines.

((The artsy designs now just sheared cracked stone, loss of detail and slithers of gold trimmings melted or blasted off, Also just to be clear the door sucked all the fresh blood off your hand.))

Well that doesn't appear to be working. Naku comes up with another idea as she reloads.

She has two options, as she sees it. Gun through the surrounding walls, or see if the blood had something to do with the door. She goes for the latter for the moment, and holds her other hand up to the door, seeing if it'd take the smattering of blood off of it as well.

2014-11-13, 04:57 AM
Well that doesn't appear to be working. Naku comes up with another idea as she reloads.

She has two options, as she sees it. Gun through the surrounding walls, or see if the blood had something to do with the door. She goes for the latter for the moment, and holds her other hand up to the door, seeing if it'd take the smattering of blood off of it as well.

Again the door almost hungrily absorbs the summoner's blood pressed against it. A faint glow of magic shines between her fingers.

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-13, 12:36 PM
A large gout of flames engulfs the treats and carries on towards the old lady, the flames lashing out of the nearest hounds flame-thrower like mouth.

McGinty ducks quickly to avoid the flames, but not quickly enough to prevent her hairdo from getting badly singed. Looking up as she gently pats the scorched area to examine the damage, her expression changes from mild surprise to vengeful anger.

"My hair..." she whispers under her breath, glaring direct into the eyes of the offending hellhound. As she speaks, her fingers slide instinctively back into the handbag, to emerge a moment later holding a very large and very, very sharp meat cleaver.

"Looks like it's hot dogs for dinner tonight..." she quips, humourlessly, before charging her infernal foe, and aiming a remarkably powerful swing at its head.

2014-11-13, 12:58 PM
McGinty ducks quickly to avoid the flames, but not quickly enough to prevent her hairdo from getting badly singed. Looking up as she gently pats the scorched area to examine the damage, her expression changes from mild surprise to vengeful anger.

"My hair..." she whispers under her breath, glaring direct into the eyes of the offending hellhound. As she speaks, her fingers slide instinctively back into the handbag, to emerge a moment later holding a very large and very, very sharp meat cleaver.

"Looks like it's hot dogs for dinner tonight..." she quips, humourlessly, before charging her infernal foe, and aiming a remarkably powerful swing at its head.

This fiery demon was a hunter, a fierce predator.
Accustomed to chasing down its prey and mauling the chared remains of its victims. It was not however, expecting to miss at the last second or was it prepared for the small aged fragile old prey to come charging back at it.
As McGinty aproaches it held its deep growl and footing but it's posture said it was confused and while the creature moved with lightning speed and agility across the ground it's reflexes left much to be desired.

The cleaver hits true, cracking a deep line into the centre of the beasts head, popping through the skull and splitting open it's brain.

A soft dying yelp as the hounds head opens in half see's the monster fall to a burning heap on the ground, now resembling more of a large burnt out campfire then a dog from hell.

The two remaing dogs howl in a fierce rage, after witnessing that they won't make the same mistake.
They release an onslaught of deep fierce barks, with each one a ball of flame explodes from their mouths towards the the two ladies.

2014-11-13, 09:21 PM
Sophia moves in defense of her ally, recovering from healing a burned wound, and slides under the flame breath. She attempts to skewer one of the hellhounds swiftly, cutting and rolling to the side as she attempts to slice through the side before aiming to climb up upon the other and impale it through the brain.

2014-11-14, 09:04 AM
Sophia moves in defense of her ally, recovering from healing a burned wound, and slides under the flame breath. She attempts to skewer one of the hellhounds swiftly, cutting and rolling to the side as she attempts to slice through the side before aiming to climb up upon the other and impale it through the brain.

As Sophia approaches the hound it's fierce jaw begins snapping at any part of her it can grab, even when she slides to skewer it and rolls out to the side dragging her blade with her, the monster fights with determination right up till the last moments of life pour from its body like fiery lava.

The second hound, seemingly enraged by the loss of its kin, greets Sophia head on, radiating a heat hotter then the others, the air around it distorts as the cracks in its molten flesh glow.
It lets out a thundering deep succession of growling barks.

If Sophia is quick and skilled she will be able to get on top of the angry growling hell hound and while she can heal the instant pain-filled damage coming into contact with the creature will cause, her appareal might not fair as well. ((Unless everything is hugely fireproof))

2014-11-15, 03:37 PM
Again the door almost hungrily absorbs the summoner's blood pressed against it. A faint glow of magic shines between her fingers.

Well. The door was bloodthirsty. Naku can respect that. She also just so happens to have a few bodies nearby conveniently just for it.
In a move that would probably make every sith ever jealous, she reaches back to the two summoners she had just killed, grabs ahold of the fairly large amount of blood that had leaked out from the various holes she had put in them, and basically force-pulls all of it towards her, aimed at the door.

2014-11-16, 01:18 PM
Well. The door was bloodthirsty. Naku can respect that. She also just so happens to have a few bodies nearby conveniently just for it.
In a move that would probably make every sith ever jealous, she reaches back to the two summoners she had just killed, grabs ahold of the fairly large amount of blood that had leaked out from the various holes she had put in them, and basically force-pulls all of it towards her, aimed at the door.

As horrifying as that would be to an observer, no one was watching. But from this vantage point Naku had a new view of what was happening with the door.

As before the first bit of blood caused the solid black stone to come to life with a glow, this time a much larger area shone. Beneath the dazzling light the stone surface no longer seemed solid and rippled as the rest of the blood flowed through it, little bits of flesh caught in the blood included.

However, the door seemed to seperate the two summoner's bloods, allowing only one persons blood at a time, the second lot of blood would splash against and settle on the stone until one lot had completely been consumed or drawn through.

((Incase I haven't explained it well enough, it requires an offering of ones own blood, usually a cut across ones hand, only after presenting to the door will it allow the owner of that blood to pass. So you can't offer someone else's blood to get in, or can't get in if you don't have blood, obviously there is some allowance for items held by the owner. Naku may be able to manipulate it to some degree with her magic tho))

Mrs McGinty
2014-11-16, 03:30 PM
Mrs McGinty's cardigan is slightly on fire at the moment. The elderly cook is attempting to suffocate the flames with a towel she just happens to be carrying, but is succeeding only in making them spread to other parts of her attire...

2014-11-16, 04:19 PM
As horrifying as that would be to an observer, no one was watching. But from this vantage point Naku had a new view of what was happening with the door.

As before the first bit of blood caused the solid black stone to come to life with a glow, this time a much larger area shone. Beneath the dazzling light the stone surface no longer seemed solid and rippled as the rest of the blood flowed through it, little bits of flesh caught in the blood included.

However, the door seemed to seperate the two summoner's bloods, allowing only one persons blood at a time, the second lot of blood would splash against and settle on the stone until one lot had completely been consumed or drawn through.

((Incase I haven't explained it well enough, it requires an offering of ones own blood, usually a cut across ones hand, only after presenting to the door will it allow the owner of that blood to pass. So you can't offer someone else's blood to get in, or can't get in if you don't have blood, obviously there is some allowance for items held by the owner. Naku may be able to manipulate it to some degree with her magic tho))

Naku understands that it probably wants her blood. She just . . . really, really doesn't want to give it her own blood. So she tries to feel for the blood she just sent through: was it destroyed, or just moved somewhere else?

2014-11-16, 10:49 PM
Naku understands that it probably wants her blood. She just . . . really, really doesn't want to give it her own blood. So she tries to feel for the blood she just sent through: was it destroyed, or just moved somewhere else?

A small portion of it is gone to the door but the rest is splattered about in the room on the otherside

2014-11-16, 11:00 PM
A small portion of it is gone to the door but the rest is splattered about in the room on the otherside

Naku snarls in frustration at the door. The door, more than likely, is not impressed into opening. So she sighs, reaches behind her, and pokes a finger at one of the shotgun-shell wounds on her back. Her finger comes back a bit bloody, and she offers a single drop to the door.

And then pays attention to it, so if the door DOES open, she can, hopefully, just pull it right back after she moves past the door.

2014-11-16, 11:31 PM
Naku snarls in frustration at the door. The door, more than likely, is not impressed into opening. So she sighs, reaches behind her, and pokes a finger at one of the shotgun-shell wounds on her back. Her finger comes back a bit bloody, and she offers a single drop to the door.

And then pays attention to it, so if the door DOES open, she can, hopefully, just pull it right back after she moves past the door.

Welcoming Naku's blood the door once again glows and the solid surface ripples pulling on Naku's hand, it's a slimy suffocating feeling as it surrounds her arm, the texture much like that of the blood she shared. While it pulls on her arm it won't allow anything else through, not for the small price she paid, and Naku can see the glow start to fade and feel the door slowly begin to solidify with her arm still in it.

2014-11-17, 12:12 AM
Welcoming Naku's blood the door once again glows and the solid surface ripples pulling on Naku's hand, it's a slimy suffocating feeling as it surrounds her arm, the texture much like that of the blood she shared. While it pulls on her arm it won't allow anything else through, not for the small price she paid, and Naku can see the glow start to fade and feel the door slowly begin to solidify with her arm still in it.

Well. Keeping her blood to herself is well and good and all, but losing an arm isn't. So Naku quickly reaches back with her other arm, gets a handfull of blood, and offers that to the door as well.

2014-11-17, 03:29 AM
Well. Keeping her blood to herself is well and good and all, but losing an arm isn't. So Naku quickly reaches back with her other arm, gets a handfull of blood, and offers that to the door as well.

In sudden a dizzying haze Naku is yanked face first towards the solid stone door only to have it ripple at the last moment and mold around her as she is flung out on the otherside.

((Mrs McGinty and Sophia may have just stepped around a corner and witnessed Naku's disappearance))

Inside the tomb
It's a small dusty decrepit room. The walls are carved into and hung with worthless memorial heirlooms. A large white slate coffin sits built into the ground. Two men in simple brown robes kneel either side with a deck of cards between them, playing on the large solid coffin lid under the soft glow of a small nearby lantern. Close by, crammed up against either side wall two men lie asleep on roll out blankets, wearing the similar robes.

Your sudden entrance startles the two playing cards as they twist to see who is there.

2014-11-18, 01:15 AM
In sudden a dizzying haze Naku is yanked face first towards the solid stone door only to have it ripple at the last moment and mold around her as she is flung out on the otherside.

((Mrs McGinty and Sophia may have just stepped around a corner and witnessed Naku's disappearance))

Inside the tomb
It's a small dusty decrepit room. The walls are carved into and hung with worthless memorial heirlooms. A large white slate coffin sits built into the ground. Two men in simple brown robes kneel either side with a deck of cards between them, playing on the large solid coffin lid under the soft glow of a small nearby lantern. Close by, crammed up against either side wall two men lie asleep on roll out blankets, wearing the similar robes.

Your sudden entrance startles the two playing cards as they twist to see who is there.

"ON THE GROUND!" Naku cries at the two that were starting to get up, SMG out, ready, and pointed at them. "ON THE GROUND NOW!" Her expression is one of bloodlust and rage.

Might not be wise to say no.

2014-11-18, 04:51 AM
"ON THE GROUND!" Naku cries at the two that were starting to get up, SMG out, ready, and pointed at them. "ON THE GROUND NOW!" Her expression is one of bloodlust and rage.

Might not be wise to say no.

The two sleeping men quickly awaken, after a startled look around they quickly comply alongside with the others.
All four lay on their stomach, eyes either wide or tightly closed in fear, whimpering and mumbling.

2014-11-23, 09:22 PM
The two sleeping men quickly awaken, after a startled look around they quickly comply alongside with the others.
All four lay on their stomach, eyes either wide or tightly closed in fear, whimpering and mumbling.

"What's in the box?!" Naku demands, gun never wavering.

2014-11-23, 11:21 PM
"What's in the box?!" Naku demands, gun never wavering.

"It, ie, it's just a coffin" one of them builds up the courage to stammer in reply
"Please don't hurt us" another quickly rushes the words out on one quick breath as he obediently presses his hands and forehead to the cold stone floor.

2014-11-23, 11:24 PM
"It, ie, it's just a coffin" one of them builds up the courage to stammer in reply
"Please don't hurt us" another quickly rushes the words out on one quick breath as he obediently presses his hands and forehead to the cold stone floor.

"All of you, up, and go sit in that corner, back to the wall." Naku says, indicating the corner of the room near the entrance.

2014-11-24, 11:55 AM
"All of you, up, and go sit in that corner, back to the wall." Naku says, indicating the corner of the room near the entrance.

Slowly and cautiously they obey, one by one they stagger to the corner, flinching and jumping at any sudden whisper of even slightest sound.

One of them, after watching the others, finally moves forward and pulls back the hood of their robe to cast out upon Naku the pleading eyes, and a desperate gaze, filled with the frailties and weakness of an old crying worried woman beggin for her life.
"Please child, let us go.... We have nothing worth stealing"

2014-11-24, 09:50 PM
Slowly and cautiously they obey, one by one they stagger to the corner, flinching and jumping at any sudden whisper of even slightest sound.

One of them, after watching the others, finally moves forward and pulls back the hood of their robe to cast out upon Hitomi the pleading eyes, and a desperate gaze, filled with the frailties and weakness of an old crying worried woman beggin for her life.
"Please child, let us go.... We have nothing worth stealing"

"I'm interested neither in stealing anything from you, nor hurting you. The last several people here have tried to kill me, and I have no reason to trust any of you. So sit. Down.

I'm looking for the body of a young boy. Tell me where it is, and we can all be happy." Naku says this with zero emotion registering on her face.

2014-11-24, 11:02 PM
"Please, please let us go, this is my husbands grave. Let him rest, let me go home to my grandchildren".....

The lady begins to crawl across the floor towards and looking up at Naku, begging.

2014-11-24, 11:07 PM
"Please, please let us go, this is my husbands grave. Let him rest, let me go home to my grandchildren".....

The lady begins to crawl across the floor towards and looking up at Naku, begging.

Naku snaps her fingers, and points at the corner. The lady might find that the shadows coalesced around her ankles and are dragging her back to the corner. The others should find their hands being bound by the same stuff.
"You will stay back. If you continue to get close, I will treat it as the hostile action it probably is." Naku was being nice, not straight killing the lot of them, she thinks. "Where is the body I'm after?"

2014-11-24, 11:55 PM
Naku snaps her fingers, and points at the corner. The lady might find that the shadows coalesced around her ankles and are dragging her back to the corner. The others should find their hands being bound by the same stuff.
"You will stay back. If you continue to get close, I will treat it as the hostile action it probably is." Naku was being nice, not straight killing the lot of them, she thinks. "Where is the body I'm after?"

Naku might have noticed now that the old lady's heartbeat was far to high and strong even for someone if her age, even if filled with adrenaline. Also as she crawled across the floor, her movements showed no indication of frail joints or softer bones that one of her apparent age should have.

Just as these things click, a bright gout of flame bursts from her hand, dispersing the shadows from her foot. Instantly she then lunges at Naku with a scream, one hand still on fire, a small dagger magically appearing in the other, while the illusion on her face begins wavering.

2014-11-25, 12:05 AM
Naku might have noticed now that the old lady's heartbeat was far to high and strong even for someone if her age, even if filled with adrenaline. Also as she crawled across the floor, her movements showed no indication of frail joints or softer bones that one of her apparent age should have.

Just as these things click, a bright gout of flame bursts from her hand, dispersing the shadows from her foot. Instantly she then lunges at Naku with a scream, one hand still on fire, a small dagger magically appearing in the other, while the illusion on her face begins wavering.

Unfortunately for her attacker, Naku still had her gun out and aimed at the people on the floor. So while the 'older lady' jumped at her, Naku got some shots off, before being tackled to the ground.

Unfortunately for the lady, within tooth-range is a terrible place to be with a starving, bloodcrazed vampire. With her inhumanly quick reflexes, she bats the dagger enough off to the side that it shouldn't hit any truly vital areas, but could steal easily connect somewhere, and lunges for the other woman's throat. If that connects, she pulls, and the serrations on the back of her teeth would rip across and open the entire front of her throat. Blood everywhere.

2014-11-25, 04:48 AM
Unfortunately for her attacker, Naku still had her gun out and aimed at the people on the floor. So while the 'older lady' jumped at her, Naku got some shots off, before being tackled to the ground.

Unfortunately for the lady, within tooth-range is a terrible place to be with a starving, bloodcrazed vampire. With her inhumanly quick reflexes, she bats the dagger enough off to the side that it shouldn't hit any truly vital areas, but could steal easily connect somewhere, and lunges for the other woman's throat. If that connects, she pulls, and the serrations on the back of her teeth would rip across and open the entire front of her throat. Blood everywhere.

The lady, who no longer appears old, falls to the floor drenched in her own flowing blood. Having only got out a few small slices of her knife across Naku's back and shoulder.
In the corner, the other three are all now dead.
Naku's gun had made things messy but was not the complete cause, two of the men have their heads tilted back, their throat slit wide open and blood oozes out. A small bloody dagger lies on the floor nearby.
A self sacrifice. But to who... And for what...

2014-11-25, 09:29 PM
The lady, who no longer appears old, falls to the floor drenched in her own flowing blood. Having only got out a few small slices of her knife across Naku's back and shoulder.
In the corner, the other three are all now dead.
Naku's gun had made things messy but was not the complete cause, two of the men have their heads tilted back, their throat slit wide open and blood oozes out. A small bloody dagger lies on the floor nearby.
A self sacrifice. But to who... And for what...

That was odd. Naku really wasn't used to people getting out of her shadow binds. But she doesn't notice, as she's busy eating. She'll be a few minutes.

Once she finished, she stands, legs shaking slightly. She couldn't even feel the cuts. She just felt . . . Alive. For the first time in ever. Not bothering to clean her face, or entire chest area. Or legs. It had been very. Very bloody. She walks over to the coffin, and gives it a gentle push. The push should send it flying across the room with enough force to shatter it on the other wall, assuming it was breakable.

2014-11-25, 10:40 PM
That was odd. Naku really wasn't used to people getting out of her shadow binds. But she doesn't notice, as she's busy eating. She'll be a few minutes.

Once she finished, she stands, legs shaking slightly. She couldn't even feel the cuts. She just felt . . . Alive. For the first time in ever. Not bothering to clean her face, or entire chest area. Or legs. It had been very. Very bloody. She walks over to the coffin, and gives it a gentle push. The push should send it flying across the room with enough force to shatter it on the other wall, assuming it was breakable.

Left behind where the coffin was a dark stairway descends below ground. There is no light and the stairs continue on stretching out of sight.

Naku might start to get the feeling she is being watched.

2014-11-25, 10:45 PM
Left behind where the coffin was a dark stairway descends below ground. There is no light and the stairs continue on stretching out of sight.

Naku might start to get the feeling she is being watched.

Naku isn't home right now. Just a bloodcrazed monster. Please leave a message at the beep, she'll get back to you when she can.
She jumps into the coffin, and rushes down the stairs, heedless of the lack of light. If anything, she preferred it dark; it gave her another advantage over the vastly inferior meat-sacks that had been thrown against her thus far.

2014-11-26, 01:26 AM
Naku isn't home right now. Just a bloodcrazed monster. Please leave a message at the beep, she'll get back to you when she can.
She jumps into the coffin, and rushes down the stairs, heedless of the lack of light. If anything, she preferred it dark; it gave her another advantage over the vastly inferior meat-sacks that had been thrown against her thus far.

The cold dark stairway spirals as it descends deeper underground. A "thwang" sound echo's behind her as a trap springs into action but Naku in her crazed haste is already far from its danger when it goes off.

Eventually Naku hits into a large steel door imbedded into stone at the end of the stairwell.

"Vampire.." a dark sinister voice whispers tauntingly from somewhere behind Naku, it is shortly followed by the soft tapping of padded feet stepping down the stairs.

2014-11-26, 01:33 AM
The cold dark stairway spirals as it descends deeper underground. A "thwang" sound echo's behind her as a trap springs into action but Naku in her crazed haste is already far from its danger when it goes off.

Eventually Naku hits into a large steel door imbedded into stone at the end of the stairwell.

"Vampire.." a dark sinister voice whispers tauntingly from somewhere behind Naku, it is shortly followed by the soft tapping of padded feet stepping down the stairs.

Naku ignored the voice. It wasn't a direct threat. It was still on the stairs.

Instead, she begins punching the door. If it is just basic steel, the door would give well before her fist does.

2014-11-26, 02:18 AM
Naku ignored the voice. It wasn't a direct threat. It was still on the stairs.

Instead, she begins punching the door. If it is just basic steel, the door would give well before her fist does.

As expected the door gives way, stuck a few feet behind it is the solid stone wall. The door led nowhere, the stairs led nowhere...
If Naku is susceptible to it, she will feel the ever flowing unnatural presence of demonic energies floating about.

"Tsk tsk tsk, where are you trying to go my dear?"
The footsteps continue, slowly drawing closer.

2014-11-27, 01:30 AM
As expected the door gives way, stuck a few feet behind it is the solid stone wall. The door led nowhere, the stairs led nowhere...
If Naku is susceptible to it, she will feel the ever flowing unnatural presence of demonic energies floating about.

"Tsk tsk tsk, where are you trying to go my dear?"
The footsteps continue, slowly drawing closer.

She can tell that it's there, but that's just about it.

"Last person to call me dear died screaming, good sir. I would request you not do it again unless you wish to join him." Naku, if it even was her any more, informed him. Oddly enough, she almost sounds . . . British?
She took a few steps forward, and started checking out the stone wall. It could have some sort of secret . . .

2014-11-27, 03:27 AM
She can tell that it's there, but that's just about it.

"Last person to call me dear died screaming, good sir. I would request you not do it again unless you wish to join him." Naku, if it even was her any more, informed him. Oddly enough, she almost sounds . . . British?
She took a few steps forward, and started checking out the stone wall. It could have some sort of secret . . .

"Oh dear, dear my dear" the taunting voice echoes off the surrounding solid stone walls. The footsteps pace increase dramatically before changing and becoming a fast approaching stedy scraping sound.
Hurtling around the last corner and litterally flying at Naku, the bloody throat torn corpse of Naku's last victim launches towards her, limbs dangle lifelessly, head hangs back from the sheer momentum that the projectile is traveling at her.

2014-11-27, 04:32 PM
"Oh dear, dear my dear" the taunting voice echoes off the surrounding solid stone walls. The footsteps pace increase dramatically before changing and becoming a fast approaching stedy scraping sound.
Hurtling around the last corner and litterally flying at Naku, the bloody throat torn corpse of Naku's last victim launches towards her, limbs dangle lifelessly, head hangs back from the sheer momentum that the projectile is traveling at her.

As soon as the footsteps started speeding up, Naku spun, and drew her katana. Interestingly enough, though the only other person there wouldn't know anything about it, the blade wasn't glowing red thist ime.

It was glowing black.

As the corpse came flying at her, Naku swung an overhand swing, aiming to use the corpse's own momentum against it, and cleave it in half.

2014-11-27, 11:07 PM
As soon as the footsteps started speeding up, Naku spun, and drew her katana. Interestingly enough, though the only other person there wouldn't know anything about it, the blade wasn't glowing red thist ime.

It was glowing black.

As the corpse came flying at her, Naku swung an overhand swing, aiming to use the corpse's own momentum against it, and cleave it in half.

Sure enough, the body falls to the floor in two pieces, landing with a heavy squelching thud. The small space was growing increasingly cramped.
"Vampire" the voice calls out, stretching the word in a melodic tone.

The sniffing nose and four padded feet of a hound can be herd accompanied by the heavy scraping steps and gentle clanking of an armoured man just moments away from stepping around the last corner.

The corpse pieces around Naku's feet, void of any life or unlife, manipulated by an external force, start grabbing at her legs.

2014-11-28, 04:46 PM
Sure enough, the body falls to the floor in two pieces, landing with a heavy squelching thud. The small space was growing increasingly cramped.
"Vampire" the voice calls out, stretching the word in a melodic tone.

The sniffing nose and four padded feet of a hound can be herd accompanied by the heavy scraping steps and gentle clanking of an armoured man just moments away from stepping around the last corner.

The corpse pieces around Naku's feet, void of any life or unlife, manipulated by an external force, start grabbing at her legs.

Naku is quite tired of that body. As it reaches for her legs, a shockwave of darkness blasts against it, aiming to throw it back against the wall. If that works, then more darkness congeals into knives, and attempts to impale it on the wall with dozens of knives.

Then she readies her SMG, aiming it at the corner, waiting for the man to turn it.

2014-11-29, 01:07 AM
Naku is quite tired of that body. As it reaches for her legs, a shockwave of darkness blasts against it, aiming to throw it back against the wall. If that works, then more darkness congeals into knives, and attempts to impale it on the wall with dozens of knives.

Then she readies her SMG, aiming it at the corner, waiting for the man to turn it.

The fingers on the corpse twitch but the halves of the body are rendered useless by the shadow knives holding it to the wall.

The first creature to descend the stairwell was a large hell hound, like the infernal creature Naku had seen before but this one appeared a bit larger and older. It stood casually before her, a large solid chain ran from a spiked steel collar to the man following behind.

Wrapped in shadows cast from the softly glowing demon infront of him. A man of muscular build with broad shoulders, stands tall with authority and purpose at just above 6ft, enters. He is garbed in tight dark brown leathers and heavy travelling boots. Over that, blackened steel greaves protect his shins, a well polished ornate breastplate covers his chest and braces of the same darkened sturdy extravagant material extend to his solid gauntlets. He holds tight under his arm a visored helmet to complete the military ensemble.

His face, the only bare skin exposed, bares a man weathered by many a hardships and obstacles, aged by the sun and littered with long healed reminants of scars he would be estimated in his early thirties. Soft stubble litters his masculine jawline, the thick dirty blonde hair atop his head only adds to his rugged charm.

The one feature that truly makes the man unique is his deep dark mesmerising brown eyes with a soft copperish glow like that of burning charcoal.

A scent of brimstone flows on the air following him. He pauses, eyeing Naku, watching her with an intent and mischievous grin.

"Hello dear"

2014-11-30, 07:51 PM
The fingers on the corpse twitch but the halves of the body are rendered useless by the shadow knives holding it to the wall.

The first creature to descend the stairwell was a large hell hound, like the infernal creature Naku had seen before but this one appeared a bit larger and older. It stood casually before her, a large solid chain ran from a spiked steel collar to the man following behind.

Wrapped in shadows cast from the softly glowing demon infront of him. A man of muscular build with broad shoulders, stands tall with authority and purpose at just above 6ft, enters. He is garbed in tight dark brown leathers and heavy travelling boots. Over that, blackened steel greaves protect his shins, a well polished ornate breastplate covers his chest and braces of the same darkened sturdy extravagant material extend to his solid gauntlets. He holds tight under his arm a visored helmet to complete the military ensemble.

His face, the only bare skin exposed, bares a man weathered by many a hardships and obstacles, aged by the sun and littered with long healed reminants of scars he would be estimated in his early thirties. Soft stubble litters his masculine jawline, the thick dirty blonde hair atop his head only adds to his rugged charm.

The one feature that truly makes the man unique is his deep dark mesmerising brown eyes with a soft copperish glow like that of burning charcoal.

A scent of brimstone flows on the air following him. He pauses, eyeing Naku, watching her with an intent and mischievous grin.

"Hello dear"

"Well." Naku says, her voice still all British-y. "Since your pup hasn't tried for lunch, I assume you want to talk?" She asks, gun never wavering. She wasn't sure why she didn't just blast him as he came around the corner. Maybe she wants to find someone to talk to. Who knows.

2014-12-01, 05:56 AM
"Well." Naku says, her voice still all British-y. "Since your pup hasn't tried for lunch, I assume you want to talk?" She asks, gun never wavering. She wasn't sure why she didn't just blast him as he came around the corner. Maybe she wants to find someone to talk to. Who knows.

"Want to," His voice perks up as his eyebrow questionably raises, as he looks from the hound to Naku "oh heavens no, but will I, suppose so, if you have something interesting to say"

His free hand rises, fingers out stretched.
"Never look away from your enemy" he whispers softly and cruely as a loud grinding sound of stone on stone rumbles behind Naku

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-01, 01:24 PM
Mrs McGinty has finally succeeded in putting out her cardigan fire. Despite her outer garments being reduced to ash, the aging cook has retained her modesty thanks to her predilection for extreme layering. From the look of things, she could be ablaze for several days and still face no risk of exposing her underwear. The only physical damage of note is to her hair, which has gone frizzy and black on one side, in striking contrast to the grey curls on the other.

2014-12-04, 03:42 PM
Mrs McGinty has finally succeeded in putting out her cardigan fire. Despite her outer garments being reduced to ash, the aging cook has retained her modesty thanks to her predilection for extreme layering. From the look of things, she could be ablaze for several days and still face no risk of exposing her underwear. The only physical damage of note is to her hair, which has gone frizzy and black on one side, in striking contrast to the grey curls on the other.

Mrs McGinty will slowly become aware of the familiar inaudible laugh from of Arlen as he manages to manifest himself, a whispy image standing before her. His image much more ghostly and vague then before. Still, smiling freely and with wide eyes fixed on her smoldering hair he mouths 'what happened, where's everyone?'

2014-12-05, 12:12 AM
"Want to," His voice perks up as his eyebrow questionably raises, as he looks from the hound to Naku "oh heavens no, but will I, suppose so, if you have something interesting to say"

His free hand rises, fingers out stretched.
"Never look away from your enemy" he whispers softly and cruely as a loud grinding sound of stone on stone rumbles behind Naku

Welp! She tried! No one can say that Naku's momma didn't raise a polite girl.

As soon as the man said no, she opened fire again. This time, though, the bullets were glowing just as black as the edge of her katana had been, and they're much more explosive than they were earlier.

2014-12-05, 03:11 AM
Welp! She tried! No one can say that Naku's momma didn't raise a polite girl.

As soon as the man said no, she opened fire again. This time, though, the bullets were glowing just as black as the edge of her katana had been, and they're much more explosive than they were earlier.

The first few bullets wash right through the man dispersing his apparent form like a cloud of mist, exploding on the stairwell behind him.
The large fierce fiery hound a lot more solid and physical, howls in rage as it staggers forward fighting against the onslaught of explosions and letting out a mighty roar of flame that fills the corridor with fire as it collapses to the floor, all bloody and defeated.

Naku might notice the grinding sound she herd behind her was the stone wall opening way to a very normal, simple steel door.

2014-12-06, 12:03 AM
The first few bullets wash right through the man dispersing his apparent form like a cloud of mist, exploding on the stairwell behind him.
The large fierce fiery hound a lot more solid and physical, howls in rage as it staggers forward fighting against the onslaught of explosions and letting out a mighty roar of flame that fills the corridor with fire as it collapses to the floor, all bloody and defeated.

Naku might notice the grinding sound she herd behind her was the stone wall opening way to a very normal, simple steel door.

Well, Naku hadn't been expecting that.
The fire hits her and sends her flying back against the wall, and she crashes fairly heavily against the newly showing steel door. She picks herself up off of the floor, shaking her head, and groaning quietly. After looking and making sure the dog was down (with more bullets if it was still breathing), she tries the door.

2014-12-06, 06:35 AM
The hounds head explodes in a sizzling mess as a bullet manages to penetrate the thick hide and hard skull of the injured beast, laying it to rest for good.

As Naku reaches for the handle the heavy door swiftly swings open, seemingly by its own volition.
The room behind it is far from what would be expected, a warm dazzling light reflects of lavish fancy and quite expensive looking surfaces and objects of art and other luxurious decor.
The harmonic hum and melody of a sophisticated and skilled piece of music resonates around the room, originating from timely violin strings.
There are 'people' scattered everywhere throughout the large establishment, chatting away in groups or pairs, drinking a varying array of fancy colored concoctions from fine glassware.
It was some sort of high class pub. A bar could be seen along a far wall, the room had multiple doors and walkways leading to and fro.
None of the patrons seem to pay Naku even the slightest of their attention. All caught up in their own worlds.

Suddenly a face pops around the open door "hello and welcome" the man says greetingly. He seems an average mid aged male except for the fact his flesh appears to be rotting and he exudes an odor and eerie presence of undeath.

In fact upon second glance all the patrons seem to posses some diabolical characteristic trait. From scaled skin to glowing eyes, large horns or claw like fingers. Smiles bare rows of fanged and dangerous teeth, one patron has four arms, another six beady eyes. All sorts of vile monstrosities are dwelling here in a sophisticated and pleasuable unison.

2014-12-06, 05:43 PM
The hounds head explodes in a sizzling mess as a bullet manages to penetrate the thick hide and hard skull of the injured beast, laying it to rest for good.

As Naku reaches for the handle the heavy door swiftly swings open, seemingly by its own volition.
The room behind it is far from what would be expected, a warm dazzling light reflects of lavish fancy and quite expensive looking surfaces and objects of art and other luxurious decor.
The harmonic hum and melody of a sophisticated and skilled piece of music resonates around the room, originating from timely violin strings.
There are 'people' scattered everywhere throughout the large establishment, chatting away in groups or pairs, drinking a varying array of fancy colored concoctions from fine glassware.
It was some sort of high class pub. A bar could be seen along a far wall, the room had multiple doors and walkways leading to and fro.
None of the patrons seem to pay Naku even the slightest of their attention. All caught up in their own worlds.

Suddenly a face pops around the open door "hello and welcome" the man says greetingly. He seems an average mid aged male except for the fact his flesh appears to be rotting and he exudes an odor and eerie presence of undeath.

In fact upon second glance all the patrons seem to posses some diabolical characteristic trait. From scaled skin to glowing eyes, large horns or claw like fingers. Smiles bare rows of fanged and dangerous teeth, one patron has four arms, another six beady eyes. All sorts of vile monstrosities are dwelling here in a sophisticated and pleasuable unison.

"I . . ." Naku stars to say, incredibly taken aback. This was definitely not what the battered and bloody vampire had expected. "Evening." She says to the man, placing the SMG away across her back. "What is here?"

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-07, 11:11 AM
Mrs McGinty will slowly become aware of the familiar inaudible laugh from of Arlen as he manages to manifest himself, a whispy image standing before her. His image much more ghostly and vague then before. Still, smiling freely and with wide eyes fixed on her smoldering hair he mouths 'what happened, where's everyone?'

A puzzled look crosses Mrs McGinty's face. "I'm not entirely sure. Sophia was here just now, dealing with the creatures that messed up my coiffure, but I don't where she is now..."

After a momentary pause for thought, the old woman gestures towards the tomb: "I think Naku has gone in there. Should we do likewise? I can't say I'm all that keen on the idea, but standing around out here doesn't seem a great option either. This cold air is playing merry hell with my rheumatism."

2014-12-07, 11:09 PM
Arlen nods, a serious focus had crept over his face.
"I know my body is in there somewhere" he replies as he darts off to door disappearing through it.

Before replying to Naku the ghouls eyes fall to the smoldering beast behind her and then falls to the still twitching seperate halves of the chard corpse pinned down by shadows.
Finally his eyes rest upon her again.

"This is the grand 'Excelsior' or better known as 'hells tavern'. He allows a second for a brief pause before continuing while pointing out different exits.

"As you can see we have the finest bar of multiple realms, through that way is our market where you will find items you couldn't possibly find anywhere else, out that way is our small arena, in case your interested in watching or being involved in a fight, oh and the rest you will find out on a need to know basis."

2014-12-09, 12:14 AM
Before replying to Naku the ghouls eyes fall to the smoldering beast behind her and then falls to the still twitching seperate halves of the chard corpse pinned down by shadows.
Finally his eyes rest upon her again.

"This is the grand 'Excelsior' or better known as 'hells tavern'. He allows a second for a brief pause before continuing while pointing out different exits.

"As you can see we have the finest bar of multiple realms, through that way is our market where you will find items you couldn't possibly find anywhere else, out that way is our small arena, in case your interested in watching or being involved in a fight, oh and the rest you will find out on a need to know basis."

"I know some people that would argue with 'best in the realms', but it looks nice.

Is there, perhaps, the body of a young boy around here somewhere? Or would I be better off asking around?"

2014-12-09, 05:09 AM
"I know some people that would argue with 'best in the realms', but it looks nice.

Is there, perhaps, the body of a young boy around here somewhere? Or would I be better off asking around?"

He silently gasps in reply, overplaying the facial expression.
As he relaxes into his conversation with Naku she will notice he is quite flamboyant for a rotting human.

He raises a finger to his lips hushing her.
"Well best those people don't do the arguing here!"

From his lips his finger finds his chin, and a large crumbling flake of dead skin falls as he rubs it, his eyes wonder in contaplative thought.
"There may be one left over from the other day, it all depends what you want it for? Slavers are that way, if you're interested in putting it in the arena see the slavers for that too."
He looks Naku up and down trying to decide what type of person she was. "There's fresh blood at the bar but if your interested in, well...." He decides not to continue,
"Darling why do you want a young boys body anyway? Yours is just fine" he gives her a large supringly pearly white grin.

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-09, 12:05 PM
After watching Arlen disappear, Mrs McGinty spends a moment looking around to make sure nobody is watching. Having satisfying herself that she's not being observed, the cook closes her eyes and slows her breathing for a moment, before striding towards the door, hands raised as if to push it open. Just as she's about to make contact with the stone, blood oozes out through the skin of her fingertips, and runs down to cover her palms in thick, sticky redness.

2014-12-09, 01:03 PM
He silently gasps in reply, overplaying the facial expression.
As he relaxes into his conversation with Naku she will notice he is quite flamboyant for a rotting human.

He raises a finger to his lips hushing her.
"Well best those people don't do the arguing here!"

From his lips his finger finds his chin, and a large crumbling flake of dead skin falls as he rubs it, his eyes wonder in contaplative thought.
"There may be one left over from the other day, it all depends what you want it for? Slavers are that way, if you're interested in putting it in the arena see the slavers for that too."
He looks Naku up and down trying to decide what type of person she was. "There's fresh blood at the bar but if your interested in, well...." He decides not to continue,
"Darling why do you want a young boys body anyway? Yours is just fine" he gives her a large supringly pearly white grin.

Naku grins her threateningly toothy grin at the ghost. She rather likes him.
"Not to worry at all. I'm not one to be arguing.

Really, I'm just here looking for the body of a friend, so he can be brought back." She gives the ghost a quick description of Arlen. Then she smiles at him. "Thank you, I agree. But I don't want him for those reasons at all. Just trying to help bring back a friend."

2014-12-09, 01:34 PM
The door warmly welcomed the old lady hastily drawing her through and promptly spitting her out on the otherside. Into a small dark messy room with two corpses and a stairwell in the center. She just catches the blue glow of Arlen as he races down the stairs.

Meanwhile the ghouls face grows increasingly shocked and concerned as Naku explains the details, slipping in soft repetitive mumbles of "oh no".
"Sorry miss" he finally replies reaching out a delicate decaying hand to brush against Naku's shoulder. "You shouldn't be here"
Then with a sudden gasp he sharply retracts his hand to cover his mouth as with wide eyes he stares intently, over Naku's shoulder at something.

"F, fff forgive me," he softly stamers before begining to nervously chew his fingernails.

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-09, 02:28 PM
As she descends after the spectral child, Mrs McGinty slides a wrinkled hand into her bag once more and, as the bottom of the staircase approaches, pulls out what looks like a thin wallet of black leather. With an odd smile on her face, and a rather cold, calculating look in her eyes, she then steps into the room behind Arlen...

2014-12-09, 11:20 PM
The door warmly welcomed the old lady hastily drawing her through and promptly spitting her out on the otherside. Into a small dark messy room with two corpses and a stairwell in the center. She just catches the blue glow of Arlen as he races down the stairs.

Meanwhile the ghouls face grows increasingly shocked and concerned as Naku explains the details, slipping in soft repetitive mumbles of "oh no".
"Sorry miss" he finally replies reaching out a delicate decaying hand to brush against Naku's shoulder. "You shouldn't be here"
Then with a sudden gasp he sharply retracts his hand to cover his mouth as with wide eyes he stares intently, over Naku's shoulder at something.

"F, fff forgive me," he softly stamers before begining to nervously chew his fingernails.

"Dear Mr. Behind Me: I don't even want to be here. I want to go home. I would appreciate getting the body I'm after so I can go." Naku says with the sigh of a long-suffering person to whom this has happened to countless times. "Fine. I'll leave. But where is the boy?"

2014-12-10, 03:13 AM
A blue glow washes about Naku as Arlen passes through her and he stands staring back at her with a large excited grin.
The soft tapping footsteps of MrsMcGinty reach the bottom of the stairs as she too enters the small corridor.

Through the ghostly hue of Arlen, the rotting door man appears sad as he stares at the spirit infront of him.

2014-12-10, 12:47 PM
A blue glow washes about Naku as Arlen passes through her and he stands staring back at her with a large excited grin.
The soft tapping footsteps of MrsMcGinty reach the bottom of the stairs as she too enters the small corridor.

Through the ghostly hue of Arlen, the rotting door man appears sad as he stares at the spirit infront of him.

Well, Arlen notices a few things! First and foremost, that he does not actually pass through Naku. He bounces off, repelled by some sort of force just a bit under the surface of her skin.

Second, that she's not doing quite so well. The lower half of her face, her entire throat, and a good portion of her chest are covered in still fairly wet blood and bits of flesh, she was shot in the back, stabbed and sliced at, and had just recently been thrown painfully into a wall by a fairly large fireball.
Her irises and pupils are also solid, blood red.

"Body's gone, then?" Naku asks the doorman, frowning. She's still got that British-y accent going on.

2014-12-11, 09:54 PM
Well, Arlen notices a few things! First and foremost, that he does not actually pass through Naku. He bounces off, repelled by some sort of force just a bit under the surface of her skin.

Second, that she's not doing quite so well. The lower half of her face, her entire throat, and a good portion of her chest are covered in still fairly wet blood and bits of flesh, she was shot in the back, stabbed and sliced at, and had just recently been thrown painfully into a wall by a fairly large fireball.
Her irises and pupils are also solid, blood red.

"Body's gone, then?" Naku asks the doorman, frowning. She's still got that British-y accent going on.

After bouncing off Naku, a surprised silent Arlen slips around her to face her. His gleaming eyes and wide smile quickly fade as he mouths her name with uncertainty, searching her new eyes for recognition.

The ghoul speaks through him to Naku.
"His body might still be here" he replies calmly and seriously as he gazes out away elsewhere not wanting to look at Naku or the ghost child.
He motions with his head that they enter then snaps back to his senses, "oh sorry!" He says flinging a hand out to motion them to stop. "Wait here a moment" he asks suddenly full of excitement, eyebrows darting up and down as he speaks.
He gives a little "eep" before disappearing off to the side behind the door somewhere.

2014-12-11, 10:36 PM
After bouncing off Naku, a surprised silent Arlen slips around her to face her. His gleaming eyes and wide smile quickly fade as he mouths her name with uncertainty, searching her new eyes for recognition.

The ghoul speaks through him to Naku.
"His body might still be here" he replies calmly and seriously as he gazes out away elsewhere not wanting to look at Naku or the ghost child.
He motions with his head that they enter then snaps back to his senses, "oh sorry!" He says flinging a hand out to motion them to stop. "Wait here a moment" he asks suddenly full of excitement, eyebrows darting up and down as he speaks.
He gives a little "eep" before disappearing off to the side behind the door somewhere.

Naku nods slightly, indicating that they can wait. The evening had been full of not-waiting and death. A bit of a pause might be nice.

"Evening." Naku says to Arlem, her once-smiling and happy expression currently overwritten by a weary, stubborn, and minorly pained one.
She definitely recognized him, at least. "Glad you guys made it.

. . . Sophia die on the way in?"

2014-12-11, 11:04 PM
Upon that inquiry, a note materializes in Naku's hand!

Sorry, dad instituted a curfew a while back, and I think he accidentally turned on the auto teleportation thing he used.

2014-12-11, 11:33 PM
Arlen, unable to read the note gives an 'I dunno' shrug as he continues to watch Naku with a sense of concern.
Meanwhile the moment passes and the flamboyant ghoul returns with even more kick in his step then before.
"Tadaa!" He announces in a high pitch tone excitedly.
Folded across his outstretched arms was an elegant strapless cocktail dress made from the finest deep red material.

"It's so your colour" he says with a grin and a wink holding it infront of Naku's blood soaked clothing. Passing right through Arlen like he wasn't even there.
"It might be a 'lil' tight but it's going to look Gorgeous! just don't ask what it's doing laying around. ok."

When and if Naku takes it he will clap his hands together excitedly.

2014-12-11, 11:41 PM
Arlen, unable to read the note gives an 'I dunno' shrug as he continues to watch Naku with a sense of concern.
Meanwhile the moment passes and the flamboyant ghoul returns with even more kick in his step then before.
"Tadaa!" He announces in a high pitch tone excitedly.
Folded across his outstretched arms was an elegant strapless cocktail dress made from the finest deep red material.

"It's so your colour" he says with a grin and a wink holding it infront of Naku's blood soaked clothing. Passing right through Arlen like he wasn't even there.
"It might be a 'lil' tight but it's going to look Gorgeous! just don't ask what it's doing laying around. ok."

When and if Naku takes it he will clap his hands together excitedly.

Naku looks at the note. She blinks once. Then twice. Then slowly holds it up, and rips it into little pieces, the rage obvious on her face.

Then the ghoul returns! And Naku just staaaares at the dress. "That . . . I . . . is that for . . . me?" she asks quietly, eyes wide, and in a voice that really betrays just how young she actually is.

2014-12-12, 12:03 AM
Naku looks at the note. She blinks once. Then twice. Then slowly holds it up, and rips it into little pieces, the rage obvious on her face.

Then the ghoul returns! And Naku just staaaares at the dress. "That . . . I . . . is that for . . . me?" she asks quietly, eyes wide, and in a voice that really betrays just how young she actually is.

"O'course doll, it ain't well gonna fit that lil ol lady now, 'n' I can't have you running around looking like that" he says sternly yet friendly, nodding to her current clothes as he pushes the fine expensive dress out to her.
"Ghost boy, now nick off while the lady gets changed and cleaned up" he snaps while suddenly flicking his wrist through Arlen's face.

This clearly disorientated the boy who soon complied, giving Mrs McGinty a confused look as he passes to the stairwell.

"Hmm" he moans crossing his arms and tapping his chin while looking at the old lady at the back.

2014-12-12, 12:30 AM
"O'course doll, it ain't well gonna fit that lil ol lady now, 'n' I can't have you running around looking like that" he says sternly yet friendly, nodding to her current clothes as he pushes the fine expensive dress out to her.
"Ghost boy, now nick off while the lady gets changed and cleaned up" he snaps while suddenly flicking his wrist through Arlen's face.

This clearly disorientated the boy who soon complied, giving Mrs McGinty a confused look as he passes to the stairwell.

"Hmm" he moans crossing his arms and tapping his chin while looking at the old lady at the back.

Naku nods, looking down at her armor. It was rather looking beaten up, and this dress was pretty nice looking.

"Is there a . . . uh. Place I could go to change? With running water, preferably?"

2014-12-12, 02:19 AM
Naku nods, looking down at her armor. It was rather looking beaten up, and this dress was pretty nice looking.

"Is there a . . . uh. Place I could go to change? With running water, preferably?"

Still sizing up the old lady he replies with a bemused scoff, a sort of little giggle, then speaking with his hands as much his words he explains.
"Darlin, this is the grand Excelsior! Course we got places to change, doll we got places you can do jusssst about anything."
His perky vocal tone danceing all over the place, all whilst he gives an eager, excited pearly white smile.


"You can't get there looking like that"
He quickly dissappear again shortly returning, His frail frame struggling under the weight of a washing bucket full of water and a soaked scrubbing towel, wrapped in his arms.
"There" he says as he awkwardly places the bucket down with a sloshing splash. Regain his composure and dusting himself down he continues.
"Sorry, that's gonna hav ta do gorgeous."

2014-12-12, 02:55 AM
Still sizing up the old lady he replies with a bemused scoff, a sort of little giggle, then speaking with his hands as much his words he explains.
"Darlin, this is the grand Excelsior! Course we got places to change, doll we got places you can do jusssst about anything."
His perky vocal tone danceing all over the place, all whilst he gives an eager, excited pearly white smile.


"You can't get there looking like that"
He quickly dissappear again shortly returning, His frail frame struggling under the weight of a washing bucket full of water and a soaked scrubbing towel, wrapped in his arms.
"There" he says as he awkwardly places the bucket down with a sloshing splash. Regain his composure and dusting himself down he continues.
"Sorry, that's gonna hav ta do gorgeous."

This was a terrible idea. The last everything she had found had tried to kill her. Naku shook her head, slightly. Not at anything the man had said, but to clear her own thoughts. This was not a smart thing to do.

But she had never worn a dress. She had always really wanted to. And this one looked really nice.

Whatever. She'll be fine. "Fine. Is there at least some sort of corner to step around?" She asks, already starting to dab at her face.

2014-12-12, 03:16 AM
This was a terrible idea. The last everything she had found had tried to kill her. Naku shook her head, slightly. Not at anything the man had said, but to clear her own thoughts. This was not a smart thing to do.

But she had never worn a dress. She had always really wanted to. And this one looked really nice.

Whatever. She'll be fine. "Fine. Is there at least some sort of corner to step around?" She asks, already starting to dab at her face.

"Hun, the boys gone (up the stairs) and no offence, I'm sure it's a sight but it ain't nothing I'm interested in or haven't seen before."

Regardless of his words he slips behind the door and gently closes it calling back with enthusiasm.

"Just holler when your ready, ooh I can't wait!"

Now Naku is alone in the small corridor between the door to a fancy bar and underground hidden stairwell. Left in the dark with two corpses, a bucket and a pretty dress. (I'm sure MsMcginty will climb up the spiral stairs if Naku wants complete privacy)

2014-12-12, 01:20 PM
"Hun, the boys gone (up the stairs) and no offence, I'm sure it's a sight but it ain't nothing I'm interested in or haven't seen before."

Regardless of his words he slips behind the door and gently closes it calling back with enthusiasm.

"Just holler when your ready, ooh I can't wait!"

Now Naku is alone in the small corridor between the door to a fancy bar and underground hidden stairwell. Left in the dark with two corpses, a bucket and a pretty dress. (I'm sure MsMcginty will climb up the spiral stairs if Naku wants complete privacy)

"Dumb. Dumbdumbdumb." Naku keeps telling herself after the man left, as she undid the layers of ties keeping her armor on.
She's quite glad that everyone had left (unless McGinty hadn't. In which case Naku's distracted and doesn't notice her), so she doesn't get questioned about the amount of scars she's collected. Not as many as Arrow has, but still more than her fair share. Though they had been fading a bit more quickly recently, so maybe they'll all vanish before too terribly long. That might be nice. Though the strapless nature of the dress means that the new cuts along her shoulders and some of the holes left over from the shotfgun blast were still visible. As is a large bite looking scar where a large werewolf had tried to bite and sever her arm off at the shoulder. And the leftover set of 3 scars on the back of her leg where something had tried to rip out her hamstring and she had mostly-dodged.

Naku quickly manages to wiggle her way into the dress. It was, as the man had feared, somewhat tight. The overall size was close to all right, though, so that was a plus! Turns out that she cleans up really well, and looks absolutely stunning. Only thing off now is that her eyes are still red . . .

2014-12-12, 02:29 PM
"Oh my lord" the ghoul can be herd gasping from behind the now slightly opened door.
It creeks open and he is standing there wide eyed, admiring on in amazement.
"I just knew it was for you" he says strutting in and examining Naku.
"Oh my aren't you just a sight for sore eyes, girl you are just absolutely stunning!"
"Mmm hmm"
His eyes run over every fine detail of the delicate dress, he has an equal air of pride in himself for his choice of dress as he does admiration for Naku's appearance. In his hands he holds a sheet of fabric with an elegant patern embroided upon it.

"Now that you are absolutely fabulous it's time to do something with this ol' lady from the shoe"

With a dainty flick of the wrists he throws the sheet out and lets it fall over Mrs McGinty to cover her in the way a child dresses like a ghost. "Tadaa, There done." Caught up in his own humor he laughs for a moment before getting serious, and after a bit of tuckin twisting folding and tying off, soon the soft silky material now resembles a sophisticated and fashionable outfit.

"Ladies, good luck in there, the boy must stay, they will recognise him, I can't help you when things start going south, sure you don't wanna forget him and have some drinks with me?" He asks hopefully as he finally leads them into the tavern.

"I'll be at the bar, the boy is in the arena"
He then blows them both kisses and rushes off to waiter on an impatient looking snake lady.

2014-12-12, 11:39 PM
"Oh my lord" the ghoul can be herd gasping from behind the now slightly opened door.
It creeks open and he is standing there wide eyed, admiring on in amazement.
"I just knew it was for you" he says strutting in and examining Naku.
"Oh my aren't you just a sight for sore eyes, girl you are just absolutely stunning!"
"Mmm hmm"
His eyes run over every fine detail of the delicate dress, he has an equal air of pride in himself for his choice of dress as he does admiration for Naku's appearance. In his hands he holds a sheet of fabric with an elegant patern embroided upon it.

"Now that you are absolutely fabulous it's time to do something with this ol' lady from the shoe"

With a dainty flick of the wrists he throws the sheet out and lets it fall over Mrs McGinty to cover her in the way a child dresses like a ghost. "Tadaa, There done." Caught up in his own humor he laughs for a moment before getting serious, and after a bit of tuckin twisting folding and tying off, soon the soft silky material now resembles a sophisticated and fashionable outfit.

"Ladies, good luck in there, the boy must stay, they will recognise him, I can't help you when things start going south, sure you don't wanna forget him and have some drinks with me?" He asks hopefully as he finally leads them into the tavern.

"I'll be at the bar, the boy is in the arena"
He then blows them both kisses and rushes off to waiter on an impatient looking snake lady.
Naku blushes slightly at the compliments, before saying a quiet "Thank you."

"B-before you go," Naku asks the man, before he's able to leave, "is it possible for you to get this delivered somewhere? I don't want to just leave it here?" She asks, holding up her suit of still fairly bloody armor.

2014-12-13, 01:40 AM
Naku blushes slightly at the compliments, before saying a quiet "Thank you."

"B-before you go," Naku asks the man, before he's able to leave, "is it possible for you to get this delivered somewhere? I don't want to just leave it here?" She asks, holding up her suit of still fairly bloody armor.

He happily obliges, "if you leave here I'll see to it that it finds you" and gives a farewell nod and smile, handling the bloody outfit carefully.

2014-12-13, 01:48 AM
He happily obliges, "if you leave here I'll see to it that it finds you" and gives a farewell nod and smile, handling the bloody outfit carefully.

Aww. Naku was kind of hoping that the armor would be sent back with no explanation to the DFI. That could have been kind of amusing, in a twisted sort of way.

"Thank you very much.

Are you ready to go look for Arlen's body?" Naku asks, looking back at Mrs McGinty.

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-13, 09:00 AM
Mrs McGinty looks uncomfortable in her silky new outfit; 'fashionable' and 'sophisticated' are two words that have never been used to describe anything about her, least of all her clothes; 'dull' and 'frumpy' would be the more usual adjectives.

Still clutching the black wallet in her hand, the overdressed cook with the half-burned hair checks Naku up and down with a nod and says "Well, at least one of us looks the part. That dress really suits you. I feel like a prize idiot in this get-up."

"Anyhows, I don't know about you, but I'm parched after all that action. I wonder if they do mojitos here..."

2014-12-13, 11:47 AM
About to rescue Arlen's body

Unless there's a teleport ward, a rather bloody Titan shifter will pop into existence by the group, skidding a bit.
Sorry for the prolonged absence. My fayher's teleporter malfunctioned and then immediately broke, and it's surprisingly difficult to find others.
She apologizes with irritation, mainly due to previous events

2014-12-13, 02:10 PM
There is no teleportation ward, Sophia skids right into the tavern and the room falls deadly silent, all listening in on her explanation with interest.
Eyes of all shapes and colours fall onto her, watching with a mix of distrust, anxiety and hunger.
Except the ghoul... His face is clearly one of fear and surprise with a hint of disappointment that Naku's quest is over so soon.

Sophia in her bloody outfit stands out like a sore thumb. In a room of sophistication and grace the scent of raw blood alone brings a hunger and alarm to over half the creatures present.

The three are suddenly at the attention of everyone. Their fate now hanging on their very next actions or words.

2014-12-13, 07:31 PM
Mrs McGinty looks uncomfortable in her silky new outfit; 'fashionable' and 'sophisticated' are two words that have never been used to describe anything about her, least of all her clothes; 'dull' and 'frumpy' would be the more usual adjectives.

Still clutching the black wallet in her hand, the overdressed cook with the half-burned hair checks Naku up and down with a nod and says "Well, at least one of us looks the part. That dress really suits you. I feel like a prize idiot in this get-up."

"Anyhows, I don't know about you, but I'm parched after all that action. I wonder if they do mojitos here..."

"Thank you very much. But you look fine-" Naku was cut off, though, by . . .

About to rescue Arlen's body

Unless there's a teleport ward, a rather bloody Titan shifter will pop into existence by the group, skidding a bit.
Sorry for the prolonged absence. My fayher's teleporter malfunctioned and then immediately broke, and it's surprisingly difficult to find others.
She apologizes with irritation, mainly due to previous events

Oh dear.

There is no teleportation ward, Sophia skids right into the tavern and the room falls deadly silent, all listening in on her explanation with interest.
Eyes of all shapes and colours fall onto her, watching with a mix of distrust, anxiety and hunger.
Except the ghoul... His face is clearly one of fear and surprise with a hint of disappointment that Naku's quest is over so soon.

Sophia in her bloody outfit stands out like a sore thumb. In a room of sophistication and grace the scent of raw blood alone brings a hunger and alarm to over half the creatures present.

The three are suddenly at the attention of everyone. Their fate now hanging on their very next actions or words.

Oooooooh dear. "Sophia," Naku hisses, "please step outside, around the corner, where they can't see you."

Then Naku steps forwards several steps. "Good evening, everyone. I apologize for my . . . compatriot's appearance. She's heading back out, so as to not offend your tastes."

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-14, 07:24 AM
As Naku attempts to diffuse the situation with some calming words, Mrs McGinty moves swiftly towards the bar, opening her wallet as she approaches, taking out a jet black credit card embossed with blood red writing, and holding it up for all to see*. Speaking loud enough that all the occupants of the tavern can hear, she announces with a flourish "The drinks are on me tonight, everyone. Come on, let's party!"

*Anybody who's been to hell will be aware that it contains an awful lot of bankers, with the result that credit is very easy to come by in the underworld. The card currently being waved about by Mrs McGinty is of a type issued by the Diabolical Banking Corporation to their most valued business customers, and advances the holder enough credit to buy a fully-stocked dungeon and hire an army of elite goblin warriors to defend it. Needless to say, the resulting debts can be a devil to service.

2014-12-14, 11:38 AM
Then Naku steps forwards several steps. "Good evening, everyone. I apologize for my . . . compatriot's appearance. She's heading back out, so as to not offend your tastes."

After Naku's words the tension hangs so heavy in the air it could almost be cut. The soft grinding of chairs and heavy breathing could be heard in the depths of the cold silence as patrons began standing to their feet.

The door that they all had once entered in through is no longer there. A plain solid wall is all that exists behind them. Their exit has vanished, leaving no escaping now.
And as the patrons shuffle and slide about surrounding the small new group It feels as if they are being hungrily studied by peircing eyes that are slowly closing in.

At this point it's not completely clear what they will do or when, but that moment of finding out draws nearer and nearer.

As Naku attempts to diffuse the situation with some calming words, Mrs McGinty moves swiftly towards the bar, opening her wallet as she approaches, taking out a jet black credit card embossed with blood red writing, and holding it up for all to see*. Speaking loud enough that all the occupants of the tavern can hear, she announces with a flourish "The drinks are on me tonight, everyone. Come on, let's party!"

... Nothing, the old lady barly got a bat of an eyelid let alone a twist of the head. Money was clearly of no concern here.
Suddenly the sound of shattering glass breaks the eerie silence and the loud clang of a serving plate hitting the floor rings through out the room.

A small circle forms around the goul who slaps his hands together to demand attention.
"Alright all, you herd the lady, drinks are covered, that is enough to compensate for their slaves error."

"Lady in red, take it out back, old lady bring me that sweet plastic." The ghoul barks the orders, his tone as flamboyant as ever only louder, his hands directing them as he speaks.
The room returns to its normal chattering humm. The drinks bar grows increasingly crowded but malicious eyes still fall heavily on the three.

2014-12-14, 01:05 PM
After Naku's words the tension hangs so heavy in the air it could almost be cut. The soft grinding of chairs and heavy breathing could be heard in the depths of the cold silence as patrons began standing to their feet.

The door that they all had once entered in through is no longer there. A plain solid wall is all that exists behind them. Their exit has vanished, leaving no escaping now.
And as the patrons shuffle and slide about surrounding the small new group It feels as if they are being hungrily studied by peircing eyes that are slowly closing in.

At this point it's not completely clear what they will do or when, but that moment of finding out draws nearer and nearer.

... Nothing, the old lady barly got a bat of an eyelid let alone a twist of the head. Money was clearly of no concern here.
Suddenly the sound of shattering glass breaks the eerie silence and the loud clang of a serving plate hitting the floor rings through out the room.

A small circle forms around the goul who slaps his hands together to demand attention.
"Alright all, you herd the lady, drinks are covered, that is enough to compensate for their slaves error."

"Lady in red, take it out back, old lady bring me that sweet plastic." The ghoul barks the orders, his tone as flamboyant as ever only louder, his hands directing them as he speaks.
The room returns to its normal chattering humm. The bar grows increasingly crowded but malicious eyes still fall heavily on the three.

Sophia follows Naku's instructions, slowly sheathing her blades and warily moving out of view. She seems to be clutching an amulet in her left hand, covering it from sight, but that may be a bit hard to spot for the patrons

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-14, 06:51 PM
"Lady in red, take it out back, old lady bring me that sweet plastic." The ghoul barks the orders, his tone as flamboyant as ever only louder, his hands directing them as he speaks.
The room returns to its normal chattering humm. The drinks bar grows increasingly crowded but malicious eyes still fall heavily on the three.

Mrs McGinty hands over the card with a smile. "Here you go, dear. Just keep it behind the bar for now. Mine's a mojito, by the way. Double rum. Not too much ice. Spearmint if you've got it."

2014-12-15, 02:14 PM
Mrs McGinty hands over the card with a smile. "Here you go, dear. Just keep it behind the bar for now. Mine's a mojito, by the way. Double rum. Not too much ice. Spearmint if you've got it."

The ghoul suddenly gasps in shock and stops everything he's doing, he stares at the old lady, wide eyed and mouthed, then breaking the tense stillness he clasps both hands over his chest.
"Doll' you're a woman of my own heart" he says playfully with a big smile, and starts conjuring up a large amount of the desired drink, after digging out some top shelf rum and two larger than nescesary cocktail glasses.

"Falun" the ghoul calls loudly, "I need some help here"
Sure enough two young males quickly accompanied him behind the bar. However they bore marks of servants. Their clothing just lush enough to fit in, was boring. A large identical brand marked their necks and everything they did was in silence with their head down.

Meanwhile a very soft, warm, gentlemanly voice whispers over Naku's shoulder "I'm sorry, but you must take your friend to the slave quarters" and with that a pair of light chain manacles clinks as it is placed into her hand.

The man behind the voice vanishes before Naku or Sophia can notice him, leaving the bindings and a familiar scent. (Familiar to them both.)

2014-12-19, 09:53 PM
Meanwhile a very soft, warm, gentlemanly voice whispers over Naku's shoulder "I'm sorry, but you must take your friend to the slave quarters" and with that a pair of light chain manacles clinks as it is placed into her hand.

The man behind the voice vanishes before Naku or Sophia can notice him, leaving the bindings and a familiar scent. (Familiar to them both.)

Sophia follows Naku's instructions, slowly sheathing her blades and warily moving out of view. She seems to be clutching an amulet in her left hand, covering it from sight, but that may be a bit hard to spot for the patrons

Now that finals are over, and I can post again, Naku snarls a "Gladly." before taking the chains.

"This will never be spoken of again." Naku tells Sophia, clinking the chains on (unless Sophia objects), and hauling her off to the slave quarters, wherever that might be.

2014-12-20, 12:02 PM
Now that finals are over, and I can post again, Naku snarls a "Gladly." before taking the chains.

"This will never be spoken of again." Naku tells Sophia, clinking the chains on (unless Sophia objects), and hauling her off to the slave quarters, wherever that might be.

Sophia concurs.
She replies, her expression darkened due to the voice.
We should be wary. Knowing who the owner of that voice is, this is likely a trap.

Mrs McGinty
2014-12-20, 01:16 PM
As she waits for her cocktail, Mrs McGinty slows her breathing and relaxes her mind, allowing her finely-honed sense of smell to examine the bar and its occupants in closer detail.

2014-12-21, 07:04 PM
Sophia concurs.
She replies, her expression darkened due to the voice.
We should be wary. Knowing who the owner of that voice is, this is likely a trap.

"Yes. I realize that. But we're damned whatever we do, and one person mad at us is much better than everyone here mad at us.

Now, will you be quite all right on your own for a bit?" Naku asks in a still very, very angry tone.

Presumably they reach the slave area soonish.

2014-12-30, 06:04 AM
As Sophia is shackled the crowd slowly parts creating a clear and expected path towards what must be the slavers den.

The response of the diabolical patrons as the two walk down the created path are a mix of disproving grins, looking down snobby raised noses and deep hungry malicious stares as the girls create all manner of unholy thoughts in the more animalistic inclined.

The door was simple and nice enough to accommodate the lavish room but what existed behind was vastly different by contrast.
If the bar was upper class, this was surely their lower class.

The thick smell of hobbit weed and opium hung in the dimly lit room, a haze of smoke filled the air. Thugs in ragged clothing sat in small circles on old cushions and small stools, they gambled, argued, told stories, traded and swapped while around them and restrained to the outer walls, slaves wearing barely the essentials were, if not serving, restrained and bound.
Amongst the unruly, viscous and loud tongues of the intoxicated low life's the whimpering of fear and despair hummed in hopeless plea's.

The room was wide enough for two carriages and the length even longer, disappearing into the darkness. The stone walls curved up to meet making a low arched roof. Strong sturdy wooden pillars ran down the centre of the room.

Suddenly the two are confronted by a large bare chested bald man, his dark skin littered with scar tissue.
He wears baggy worn tan trousers.
He grins a wide excited gap-toothed grin, alongside him a fierce woman with unruly red hair and cold steely blue eyes steps up. Armoured in leathers and a tattered breastplate she holds out her dirty steel gauntlet awaiting the chains of Sophia.

Meanwhile the waiter is having a fabulous time with Mrs McGinty, chatting away a million miles an hour, offering her new and unusual drinks, in fact his new interest in her had created some amongst the other patrons. They offer her curios glances and pleasant smiles.

2015-01-01, 03:35 PM
As Sophia is shackled the crowd slowly parts creating a clear and expected path towards what must be the slavers den.

The response of the diabolical patrons as the two walk down the created path are a mix of disproving grins, looking down snobby raised noses and deep hungry malicious stares as the girls create all manner of unholy thoughts in the more animalistic inclined.

The door was simple and nice enough to accommodate the lavish room but what existed behind was vastly different by contrast.
If the bar was upper class, this was surely their lower class.

The thick smell of hobbit weed and opium hung in the dimly lit room, a haze of smoke filled the air. Thugs in ragged clothing sat in small circles on old cushions and small stools, they gambled, argued, told stories, traded and swapped while around them and restrained to the outer walls, slaves wearing barely the essentials were, if not serving, restrained and bound.
Amongst the unruly, viscous and loud tongues of the intoxicated low life's the whimpering of fear and despair hummed in hopeless plea's.

The room was wide enough for two carriages and the length even longer, disappearing into the darkness. The stone walls curved up to meet making a low arched roof. Strong sturdy wooden pillars ran down the centre of the room.

Suddenly the two are confronted by a large bare chested bald man, his dark skin littered with scar tissue.
He wears baggy worn tan trousers.
He grins a wide excited gap-toothed grin, alongside him a fierce woman with unruly red hair and cold steely blue eyes steps up. Armoured in leathers and a tattered breastplate she holds out her dirty steel gauntlet awaiting the chains of Sophia.

Meanwhile the waiter is having a fabulous time with Mrs McGinty, chatting away a million miles an hour, offering her new and unusual drinks, in fact his new interest in her had created some amongst the other patrons. They offer her curios glances and pleasant smiles.

"I'll be back for this one. I would appreciate it if she were able to be gotten to when I'm ready." Naku informs the two, handing over the chains.

Then, unless stopped, she spins on her heel, and heads off to the way-long-ago mentioned Arena, to try to find someone to talk to about getting Arlen's body. She hopes Sophia will be okay, but if she showed that she cared, that would sabotage the entire reason for putting Sophia down there.

2015-01-01, 07:46 PM
Sophia's mind races as she views the occupants suspiciously, surveying the area for ways to use the surroundings to defend herself or escape if need be.
Ways like removing a hand to free herself of her chains or how to defeat the slavers in any ways she must.

2015-01-02, 04:08 AM
Slavers Den,
The woman gives an unnerving smile as the weight of the chains falls into her hands, with a gentle yet testing tug she pulls on the chains calling Sophia forth. She offers Naku a vaguely reassuring nod as she continues to gaze at her with her slightly intimidating steely blue eyes until Naku leaves.

Once Naku is gone and the door closed the woman nods her head again, -Sophia will be able to pinpoint the exact location where an incantation is being suddenly mumbled but see no one in the space to be casting it. And as suddenly as it started it is complete.
It's source still unsettling but it's effects clear, they are in a sphere of silence, Sophia's chains don't rattle, her footsteps are silent and no sound escapes her lips.
This is the same for the other two who pay no attention as they begin leading Sophia deeper down into the den. The sphere of silence does nothing to dull external noises, they can hear everything fine, unless of course they close in too close to a noise source, but the woman steers them clear of any inconvenience that may cause to the other den dwellers.

The Bar
As Naku makes her way through the crowd towards the arena entrance she is suddenly cut off.
Four or five men in total block her path, not budging, hindering her passage, worse yet if she tries to navigate around the devilish group a new patron conveniently emerges to block her way.
They have her trapped, and act so nonchalant and smug about it...

"May I?" A warm familiar voice raises over the sudden change of music, a now slower softer, more delicate tune.
If Naku turns she will notice a tall handsome well dressed man holding out a hand awaiting hers, he leans over positioned in a elegant sophisticated bow, in such a fashion that indicates he's inviting her to dance. As he raises his head to grant her the most charming of devilish grins Naku will recognise him as the man from the entrance that she unloaded a clip at.

2015-01-02, 05:16 PM
The Bar
As Naku makes her way through the crowd towards the arena entrance she is suddenly cut off.
Four or five men in total block her path, not budging, hindering her passage, worse yet if she tries to navigate around the devilish group a new patron conveniently emerges to block her way.
They have her trapped, and act so nonchalant and smug about it...

"May I?" A warm familiar voice raises over the sudden change of music, a now slower softer, more delicate tune.
If Naku turns she will notice a tall handsome well dressed man holding out a hand awaiting hers, he leans over positioned in a elegant sophisticated bow, in such a fashion that indicates he's inviting her to dance. As he raises his head to grant her the most charming of devilish grins Naku will recognise him as the man from the entrance that she unloaded a clip at.

Even before the group was able to surround her completely, Naku's stance shifted subtly. Weight balanced, foot position shifted ever so slightly slightly, and her knees bent a touch. If these guys wanted to play, she was ready. And all without changing from her pleasant half-smile!

"I'm not sure if you truly want to," Naku informs him politely, "I have been known to bite." She says it in as non-threatening a way as possible. Just statement of fact. Though she does take his hand lightly.

2015-01-05, 11:29 PM
Sophia stands her ground at the tug with a look of warning at the woman, before willingly following. She frowns at the silence spell, knowing her paladins powers have been rendered useless for now. She watches the happenings warily.

2015-01-06, 01:59 PM
Ignoring her comment the man eyes her up and down admiring her body in full before pulling her in close, his strength supersedes his appearance as does the gentleness of his touch, his free hand attempts to find a gentlemanly position on her lower back as he will attempt to lead her into a simple slow circling waltz.

"So by what grace of fate brings you to honor my simple establishment with your fine presence this evening?" He asks warmly as he watches closely upon every detail of Naku's facial expressions.

The lady's eyes roll when Sophia plays difficult but her displeasure ends there as she follows freely.
The muscular man, although unheard, follows close behind Sophia at the ready.
Soon they lead her to what appears a wide crack in the wall, it's pitch black within and wide enough to walk down, and that's exactly what they intend to do.

Shackled to the wall beside the crack, drawing upon herself all of Sophia's attention, you see a young frail woman with long brown hair, clothed in dirty old rags she makes a scene pulling frantically and wildly on her shackles and chains. Tears stream heavily down her gaunt face from eyes red from all the crying and wide from the suspecting fear. The restraints hold solid to the wall not budging in the slightest. Her mouth is wide in protest but not a single sound can be heard as she exhausts her lungs to silent screams.

The one thing that stands out more than her fighting spirit is the rippling shape shifting magic running across her skin, a trail of dark heavy fur rushes down her arms as they temporarily bulge with new muscular strength but a wave washes close behind, following the change and reversing or dispelling it.

This carries on to no avail, she grows fangs, long ears, scales, horns, lumps that began to resemble wings, but before anything could manifest to assist her it vanishes again just as fast against her will. Her rage and will never faulter even as she watches Sophia with a sad pleading desperation...

2015-01-06, 05:44 PM
Ignoring her comment the man eyes her up and down admiring her body in full before pulling her in close, his strength supersedes his appearance as does the gentleness of his touch, his free hand attempts to find a gentlemanly position on her lower back as he will attempt to lead her into a simple slow circling waltz.

"So by what grace of fate brings you to honor my simple establishment with your fine presence this evening?" He asks warmly as he watches closely upon every detail of Naku's facial expressions.

"I," Naku replies after being pulled in close, "am actually here looking for the body of a friend of mine so we could revive him." Her expression betrays nothing, as she has a polite smile fastened onto it.

2015-01-06, 11:38 PM
"I," Naku replies after being pulled in close, "am actually here looking for the body of a friend of mine so we could revive him." Her expression betrays nothing, as she has a polite smile fastened onto it.

"Naku" he replies, letting her name linger on his lips as he leads her into a slow twirl and draws her back in.
"Let me ask you, what do you consider more undeserving, more unworthy and detrimental to a society, a civilized beast masquerading as a creature it is not or a proper man, completely unsuspecting and trusted, through fault of the system is falling to the darkness and desires hidden within all?

2015-01-07, 01:10 AM
"Naku" he replies, letting her name linger on his lips as he leads her into a slow twirl and draws her back in.
"Let me ask you, what do you consider more undeserving, more unworthy and detrimental to a society, a civilized beast masquerading as a creature it is not or a proper man, completely unsuspecting and trusted, through fault of the system is falling to the darkness and desires hidden within all?

"Wow." Naku says, stepping gracefully through the steps of the dance. "Implying doubly that I'm undeserving, unworthy, and a detriment to society. You're really good at this chatting people up thing." She grins at him. She was at least kind of half-joking.

2015-01-07, 05:36 AM
"Wow." Naku says, stepping gracefully through the steps of the dance. "Implying doubly that I'm undeserving, unworthy, and a detriment to society. You're really good at this chatting people up thing." She grins at him. She was at least kind of half-joking.

He smiles as he studies her, the rest of the bar spinning around behind her. Finally he continues.
"No no my dear, you jump too far ahead...
It's not you that is beneath functioning amongst the simple mided plebs of our most basic of organised and so called civilizations. No, it is their very structure that is beneath you."

The song comes to an end and he ceases leading her around, releasing her hand with a soft grateful bow.

"So are you a beast fighting to be civilised or are you civilised fighting off your inner beast?"

2015-01-07, 10:21 AM
Ignoring her comment the man eyes her up and down admiring her body in full before pulling her in close, his strength supersedes his appearance as does the gentleness of his touch, his free hand attempts to find a gentlemanly position on her lower back as he will attempt to lead her into a simple slow circling waltz.

"So by what grace of fate brings you to honor my simple establishment with your fine presence this evening?" He asks warmly as he watches closely upon every detail of Naku's facial expressions.

The lady's eyes roll when Sophia plays difficult but her displeasure ends there as she follows freely.
The muscular man, although unheard, follows close behind Sophia at the ready.
Soon they lead her to what appears a wide crack in the wall, it's pitch black within and wide enough to walk down, and that's exactly what they intend to do.

Shackled to the wall beside the crack, drawing upon herself all of Sophia's attention, you see a young frail woman with long brown hair, clothed in dirty old rags she makes a scene pulling frantically and wildly on her shackles and chains. Tears stream heavily down her gaunt face from eyes red from all the crying and wide from the suspecting fear. The restraints hold solid to the wall not budging in the slightest. Her mouth is wide in protest but not a single sound can be heard as she exhausts her lungs to silent screams.

The one thing that stands out more than her fighting spirit is the rippling shape shifting magic running across her skin, a trail of dark heavy fur rushes down her arms as they temporarily bulge with new muscular strength but a wave washes close behind, following the change and reversing or dispelling it.

This carries on to no avail, she grows fangs, long ears, scales, horns, lumps that began to resemble wings, but before anything could manifest to assist her it vanishes again just as fast against her will. Her rage and will never faulter even as she watches Sophia with a sad pleading desperation...

Sophia decides to plot. She knows that rash action won't help anyone.
Sophia gives a wink of conspiring to the shapeshifter, attptinh to signal a promise of return and escape

2015-01-07, 10:56 AM
Sophia decides to plot. She knows that rash action won't help anyone.
Sophia gives a wink of conspiring to the shapeshifter, attptinh to signal a promise of return and escape

As Sophia is led further into the darkness she may soon realise it is darker beyond the natural lack of light, next thing to slowly vanish is any sense of smell. The only physical awareness of her surroundings is the gentle tug of her bindings leading her further into the still, dark, cold, silent, endless abyss.

2015-01-07, 04:49 PM
He smiles as he studies her, the rest of the bar spinning around behind her. Finally he continues.
"No no my dear, you jump too far ahead...
It's not you that is beneath functioning amongst the simple mided plebs of our most basic of organised and so called civilizations. No, it is their very structure that is beneath you."

The song comes to an end and he ceases leading her around, releasing her hand with a soft grateful bow.

"So are you a beast fighting to be civilised or are you civilised fighting off your inner beast?"

"That depends," Naku says, giving him her own half-bow. "on how I'm feeling."

2015-01-07, 10:55 PM
As Sophia is led further into the darkness she may soon realise it is darker beyond the natural lack of light, next thing to slowly vanish is any sense of smell. The only physical awareness of her surroundings is the gentle tug of her bindings leading her further into the still, dark, cold, silent, endless abyss.

Sophia, before entry, attempts to draw a small blade from her sleeve/hammerspace. She does this while she yanks violently on the chain to attempt to reel the woman in front to her and move to try to cause her to collide with her captor.

2015-01-07, 11:35 PM
As she yanks on the chains it's as tho she awoke her captor from a day dream or deep thought, the two collide and the woman's face begins to go as red as her hair as she screams at Sophia is silence.

Seemingly disappointed by her answer, the man brushes aside some hair from his forehead.

"So I believe you were heading to the arena, will you be fighting? The woman I layed eyes upon at the entrance seemed the fighting sort."

He gives her a deep gaze and sickly smile remembering the image of the blood soaked wild Naku.

"Perhaps you would like a drink before we continue?"
He asks politely.

2015-01-07, 11:48 PM
Seemingly disappointed by her answer, the man brushes aside some hair from his forehead.

"So I believe you were heading to the arena, will you be fighting? The woman I layed eyes upon at the entrance seemed the fighting sort."

He gives her a deep gaze and sickly smile remembering the image of the blood soaked wild Naku.

"Perhaps you would like a drink before we continue?"
He asks politely.

"And if I've eaten recently." Naku mutters, reaching up to pull a few loose bangs back into place. "I would like to avoid fighting, but I will if I need to. A drink would be most appreciated, though."

2015-01-08, 03:48 AM
"And if I've eaten recently." Naku mutters, reaching up to pull a few loose bangs back into place. "I would like to avoid fighting, but I will if I need to. A drink would be most appreciated, though."

With a glance of surprise he asks,

"If you need too? Why would you need too? My dear please relax, this is not a hostile place." His words are gentle and reassuring.

As soon as he finishes speaking a waiter approaches with a shiny serving plate occupied by a small array of diffent types of blood based beverages.
It varied from its sources, human, child, male female, magical creature to the more precise details involving hinted additives either expertly added prior or after the withdrawal.

Neither of them had so much as hinted to a waiter, yet here before them almost instantly was an untouched plate. The man before her was clearly accustomed to this behavior, people secretly hanging on his every word waiting to serve. He just watches Naku as if inspecting the choice she is to make.

2015-01-09, 05:12 AM
With a glance of surprise he asks,

"If you need too? Why would you need too? My dear please relax, this is not a hostile place." His words are gentle and reassuring.

As soon as he finishes speaking a waiter approaches with a shiny serving plate occupied by a small array of diffent types of blood based beverages.
It varied from its sources, human, child, male female, magical creature to the more precise details involving hinted additives either expertly added prior or after the withdrawal.

Neither of them had so much as hinted to a waiter, yet here before them almost instantly was an untouched plate. The man before her was clearly accustomed to this behavior, people secretly hanging on his every word waiting to serve. He just watches Naku as if inspecting the choice she is to make.

"Well, everyone keeps telling me to head to the arena. Only a few things happen there. And as I'm not the gambling sort, I can only expect the other.

If this isn't hostile," Naku asks, grinning slightly at him, "then why did multitudes of people try to kill me on my way in?" She sounds . . . amused. Not like she was trying to lord over that she thinks he lied, she's just honestly curious.

She also pointedly ignored the waiter. Nothing against the waiter, she just didn't want anything.

2015-01-09, 08:37 AM

"Why do the hornets stir when you near their nest, why do guard dogs bark when you break and enter....
I would certainly expect a blood soaked crazed vampire Mage to startle a few of my good hard working family men, who were simply doing their job."

His warm friendly tone had taken a sudden cold turn as this engagement seemingly had not been going his way.

"Fine" he abruptly snaps, "to the arena we shall go"
The crowd parts and he leads her forward.

2015-01-09, 10:56 AM
As she yanks on the chains it's as tho she awoke her captor from a day dream or deep thought, the two collide and the woman's face begins to go as red as her hair as she screams at Sophia is silence.

Seemingly disappointed by her answer, the man brushes aside some hair from his forehead.

"So I believe you were heading to the arena, will you be fighting? The woman I layed eyes upon at the entrance seemed the fighting sort."

He gives her a deep gaze and sickly smile remembering the image of the blood soaked wild Naku.

"Perhaps you would like a drink before we continue?"
He asks politely.

Sophia signs to them "Tell me where the hell you're leading me"
She inquires, taking a stance intending to show herself as a threat.

2015-01-09, 11:06 AM
Sophia signs to them "Tell me where the hell you're leading me"
She inquires, taking a stance intending to show herself as a threat.

The red haired woman sighs as she deflates, after a quick nervous glance she slips into entrance of the crack where she is just still visable. She gives Sophia a warm smile and gentle nod into the direction of the passage, while holding out Sophia's chains for her to take if she chooses to follow. She stares at her with a friendly glint of hope in her eyes.

2015-01-09, 09:47 PM

"Why do the hornets stir when you near their nest, why do guard dogs bark when you break and enter....
I would certainly expect a blood soaked crazed vampire Mage to startle a few of my good hard working family men, who were simply doing their job."

His warm friendly tone had taken a sudden cold turn as this engagement seemingly had not been going his way.

"Fine" he abruptly snaps, "to the arena we shall go"
The crowd parts and he leads her forward.

Naku grinned. She's glad he was finally dropping the friendly facade. "Hard working family men." She parroted, eyebrow raising slightly. "They shot on sight, even before the blood soaking happened." And then she follows.

2015-01-10, 11:15 PM
The red haired woman sighs as she deflates, after a quick nervous glance she slips into entrance of the crack where she is just still visable. She gives Sophia a warm smile and gentle nod into the direction of the passage, while holding out Sophia's chains for her to take if she chooses to follow. She stares at her with a friendly glint of hope in her eyes.

Sophia gives a "really? come on" look as the woman gestures like an owner coaxing a dog to act, and snatches the chains, following with caution

2015-01-11, 12:44 AM
Naku is led through a bustling market corridor, where makeshift stalls line the walls and all manner of gypsy like people try lure you to a sale.

Naku may look around but the man leading her clearly discourages the idea. Soon you reach a large archway leading to the next section, armoured men stand perfectly still either side, watching the traffic flow through their visored helmets. Finally you reach the arena, its a large round room with high ceiling and a deep circle cut out in the middle.
You are on the top level with the more elegantly dressed and sophisticated creatures, glancing to the other side of the pit you can notice below your level and slightly protruding further out is another observery level filled with the likes of people noticed in the slavers den, the rough n tough careless and ruthless type.
As you further near the small stone footing topped with a waist high elegant lush iron barrier, you can peer into the vast sandy fighting pit to see Sophia, slowly and carefully making her way across the sand, holding her own restraints. She seems non responsive to the noises around her.

Behind her the red haired woman and tall black man are dragging in another woman, a young frail girl with long messy brown hair, clothed in dirty old rags she fights wildly with all her might struggling against her captors as they drag her in by the ends of pikes and chains.
With a sharp sudden blow to the back of the head, the large man drops the woman, the blow staggering and dazing her, allowing the two to quickly loosen her restraints and make for an unseen exit somewhere below where Naku stands.

Then with a loud booming trumpet roar, the crowd cheers and Sophia is free from the magical darkness and sensory deprivation magic. The wild woman across the sands shakes free from her loose shackles and while still sitting, slowly looks up, her face expressionless as her cold eyes lock onto Sophia and bore deep into her.

2015-01-11, 03:48 PM
Naku is led through a bustling market corridor, where makeshift stalls line the walls and all manner of gypsy like people try lure you to a sale.

Naku may look around but the man leading her clearly discourages the idea. Soon you reach a large archway leading to the next section, armoured men stand perfectly still either side, watching the traffic flow through their visored helmets. Finally you reach the arena, its a large round room with high ceiling and a deep circle cut out in the middle.
You are on the top level with the more elegantly dressed and sophisticated creatures, glancing to the other side of the pit you can notice below your level and slightly protruding further out is another observery level filled with the likes of people noticed in the slavers den, the rough n tough careless and ruthless type.
As you further near the small stone footing topped with a waist high elegant lush iron barrier, you can peer into the vast sandy fighting pit to see Sophia, slowly and carefully making her way across the sand, holding her own restraints. She seems non responsive to the noises around her.

Behind her the red haired woman and tall black man are dragging in another woman, a young frail girl with long messy brown hair, clothed in dirty old rags she fights wildly with all her might struggling against her captors as they drag her in by the ends of pikes and chains.
With a sharp sudden blow to the back of the head, the large man drops the woman, the blow staggering and dazing her, allowing the two to quickly loosen her restraints and make for an unseen exit somewhere below where Naku stands.

Then with a loud booming trumpet roar, the crowd cheers and Sophia is free from the magical darkness and sensory deprivation magic. The wild woman across the sands shakes free from her loose shackles and while still sitting, slowly looks up, her face expressionless as her cold eyes lock onto Sophia and bore deep into her.

Sophia glares at the woman across after a momentary stunnedness recedes, more angry at the trickery by her enemy than the woman. She swiftly draws her blades, as she appears to have kept her maneuver gear (no point was it confiscated, after all), and prepares to defend from her forced-to-be enemy's attack. Sophia's mind searches for a way to get her and the opponent out alive. She doubts there is, but she is a Paladin of Freedom and Compassion, freedom by spirit and compassion by deity, so it's her duty to try.

2015-01-13, 11:50 PM
When Sophia looks around at the crowd around her, cheering and jeering from their stalls at the upcoming spectacle, everything she sees is slightly blurry and concealed of detail.
The vision of anything outside the sands is like looking upon a past hazy dream. It would be safe to assume this magical barrier provides more then just aninimity for the crowd.

The young woman across the sands stands and slowly starts approaching, as she does, scales grow over the skin of her right arm as it widens and webbing fills between her fingers as they are topped of with slowly growing viscous looking claws.

2015-01-16, 12:10 AM
Naku is led through a bustling market corridor, where makeshift stalls line the walls and all manner of gypsy like people try lure you to a sale.

Naku may look around but the man leading her clearly discourages the idea. Soon you reach a large archway leading to the next section, armoured men stand perfectly still either side, watching the traffic flow through their visored helmets. Finally you reach the arena, its a large round room with high ceiling and a deep circle cut out in the middle.
You are on the top level with the more elegantly dressed and sophisticated creatures, glancing to the other side of the pit you can notice below your level and slightly protruding further out is another observery level filled with the likes of people noticed in the slavers den, the rough n tough careless and ruthless type.
As you further near the small stone footing topped with a waist high elegant lush iron barrier, you can peer into the vast sandy fighting pit to see Sophia, slowly and carefully making her way across the sand, holding her own restraints. She seems non responsive to the noises around her.

Behind her the red haired woman and tall black man are dragging in another woman, a young frail girl with long messy brown hair, clothed in dirty old rags she fights wildly with all her might struggling against her captors as they drag her in by the ends of pikes and chains.
With a sharp sudden blow to the back of the head, the large man drops the woman, the blow staggering and dazing her, allowing the two to quickly loosen her restraints and make for an unseen exit somewhere below where Naku stands.

Naku blinked once at the spectacle before her. Well. Hmmm.

Nothing she can do about that without getting the hate of everyone here aimed at her. Might as well go about the job. "So," she asked, looking at the man with her, "where might I be able to find the body I'm after?"

2015-01-16, 02:15 AM
Naku blinked once at the spectacle before her. Well. Hmmm.

Nothing she can do about that without getting the hate of everyone here aimed at her. Might as well go about the job. "So," she asked, looking at the man with her, "where might I be able to find the body I'm after?"

"Impatient aren't you" he teases, watching on in excitement.
"You must relax and enjoy yourself a bit, besides if your slave wins I may allow you to exchange your prize for an audience with the child."

His mouth twists into a suspicious grin,
"None the less, it can't happen until enough blood has been spilt upon those sands" he says while pointing to the arena.

Naku may be able to sense the slight pull of blood magic emanating from the pit.

2015-01-17, 03:41 PM
"Impatient aren't you" he teases, watching on in excitement.
"You must relax and enjoy yourself a bit, besides if your slave wins I may allow you to exchange your prize for an audience with the child."

His mouth twists into a suspicious grin,
"None the less, it can't happen until enough blood has been spilt upon those sands" he says while pointing to the arena.

Naku may be able to sense the slight pull of blood magic emanating from the pit.

"Fairly. I would like to get home." Naku admits, crossing her arms. "And you're giving me such great hopes. I 'might' get to see him 'if' my slave wins. Oh yeah. I'm confident now." Then Naku sighs and stops talking. There was no point in it.

2015-01-17, 04:45 PM
"Fairly. I would like to get home." Naku admits, crossing her arms. "And you're giving me such great hopes. I 'might' get to see him 'if' my slave wins. Oh yeah. I'm confident now." Then Naku sighs and stops talking. There was no point in it.

"what's this boy to you anyway?" he asks genuinely intrigued.
"you are getting involved in things way beyond your current comprehension" he says as if almost warning her, before Naku has a chance to reply he continues.
"you know, I've seen your magic and you are some what familiar with the rules, I'm sure you could open the portal with neither of them having to die..."

That was a strange and sudden notion from the man previously so intent on watching unnecessary violence.

2015-01-19, 07:18 PM
"what's this boy to you anyway?" he asks genuinely intrigued.
"you are getting involved in things way beyond your current comprehension" he says as if almost warning her, before Naku has a chance to reply he continues.
"you know, I've seen your magic and you are some what familiar with the rules, I'm sure you could open the portal with neither of them having to die..."

That was a strange and sudden notion from the man previously so intent on watching unnecessary violence.

"He's a little boy that needs help." Naku says with a shrug, letting that explain everything.
"Doubtful. I don't do portals."

2015-01-19, 08:46 PM
When Sophia looks around at the crowd around her, cheering and jeering from their stalls at the upcoming spectacle, everything she sees is slightly blurry and concealed of detail.
The vision of anything outside the sands is like looking upon a past hazy dream. It would be safe to assume this magical barrier provides more then just aninimity for the crowd.

The young woman across the sands stands and slowly starts approaching, as she does, scales grow over the skin of her right arm as it widens and webbing fills between her fingers as they are topped of with slowly growing viscous looking claws.

Sophia readies herself, and utters a prayer as she holds the holy symbol which hangs from her neck. Her form begins to slightly glow hot pink, shielding her, and she speeds towards, aiming to go to the side and swiftly deliver a cleaving slash as she moves.

Mrs McGinty
2015-01-20, 02:55 PM
Despite having consumed enough alcohol to kill a touring rugby team, Mrs McGinty seems entirely unaffected as she makes her way to the arena to watch the fight. Reaching into her handbag, she pulls out a huge sack of popcorn, which she sets down on the floor (allowing delivery to her mouth with a rapid, one-handed shovelling motion), as well as a triangular flag bearing the name 'Sophia', which she proceeds to wave irritatingly above her head.

2015-01-20, 08:27 PM
Sophia readies herself, and utters a prayer as she holds the holy symbol which hangs from her neck. Her form begins to slightly glow hot pink, shielding her, and she speeds towards, aiming to go to the side and swiftly deliver a cleaving slash as she moves.

Sophia's attack hits true and that's when she notices the toughened rocklike hide covering her attackers torso.
1, it was going to be tough to penetrate
2, this shifter could shift different parts of her body to different creatures.

Obviously slowed down by her own protective weight she retaliates with a clumsy yet powerful backhand from her reptilian arm.

"He's a little boy that needs help." Naku says with a shrug, letting that explain everything.
"Doubtful. I don't do portals."

"So noble.... Forgive my selection of words but a door too is a portal, and is pretty simple to opperate once you find the handle." Then he lets out an anticipated gasp as Sophia struck the woman followed by a disappointed sigh when it was followed by no blood.

"Make them bleed Naku" he hisses emphasizing her name.
"On every cut make it pour, end it quick" he says with a stern mix of seriousness and excitement as he turns his gaze to raise a suspicious eyebrow to Mrs McGinty.

Despite having consumed enough alcohol to kill a touring rugby team, Mrs McGinty seems entirely unaffected as she makes her way to the arena to watch the fight. Reaching into her handbag, she pulls out a huge sack of popcorn, which she sets down on the floor (allowing delivery to her mouth with a rapid, one-handed shovelling motion), as well as a triangular flag bearing the name 'Sophia', which she proceeds to wave irritatingly above her head.

Mrs McGinty, the smell of her popcorn gaining attention of others, is soon joined by a small 3ft four armed horned human-looking demon, not a small person but an undeveloped one, bound in nappy rags the baby creature innocently aproaches her popcorn box, one unsteady step at a time.

Mrs McGinty
2015-01-21, 12:46 PM
Mrs McGinty, the smell of her popcorn gaining attention of others, is soon joined by a small 3ft four armed horned human-looking demon, not a small person but an undeveloped one, bound in nappy rags the baby creature innocently aproaches her popcorn box, one unsteady step at a time.

Without looking away from the action in the arena, McGinty tilts her sack, allowing the demon to reach the popcorn within, and indicating her willingness to share said treats.

2015-01-21, 09:39 PM
"So noble.... Forgive my selection of words but a door too is a portal, and is pretty simple to opperate once you find the handle." Then he lets out an anticipated gasp as Sophia struck the woman followed by a disappointed sigh when it was followed by no blood.

"Make them bleed Naku" he hisses emphasizing her name.
"On every cut make it pour, end it quick" he says with a stern mix of seriousness and excitement as he turns his gaze to raise a suspicious eyebrow to Mrs McGinty.

"They'll do it themselves. I see no reason to interfere." That, and all her other killings had been self-defense. She didn't want to assist in the murder of someone. That would lead her down a path she didn't want to go any further down.

So instead, she crosses her arms across her chest, and leans against the nearest wall, nodding at McGinty.

Mrs McGinty
2015-01-22, 11:34 AM
So instead, she crosses her arms across her chest, and leans against the nearest wall, nodding at McGinty.

McGinty isn't sure whether Naku's nod is intended to mean 'good to see you're still alive and well' or 'get ready to lay the smackdown on these infernal chumps'. Assuming the former, she nods and smiles sweetly in return; just in case it's the latter, she reaches into her handbag and places her finger gently against the safety catch of a unidentified weapon concealed within.

2015-01-24, 07:46 PM
"They'll do it themselves. I see no reason to interfere." That, and all her other killings had been self-defense. She didn't want to assist in the murder of someone. That would lead her down a path she didn't want to go any further down.

So instead, she crosses her arms across her chest, and leans against the nearest wall, nodding at McGinty.

Sophia, realizing she won't be able to save her opponent, sighs, and decides to end this quickly for her. She back pedals and sheaths her right sword, lifting her hand and swiping her left sword across.

A flash of lightning surrounds her as a cloud of steam explodes about her, and a roar of terror-inducing influence sounds as a giant, skinless, lean woman, her wiry and bony form standing 15 meters tall (though she's probably crouching a bit due to size), maroon-brown locks shrouding her face, and fearsome maw jagged and grinning. The titan swings a left hook to crush the woman with terrifying force.

2015-01-26, 01:23 AM
Mrs McGinty notices the child is much less inclined to sharing then herself as it attempts to pick up her bucket of popcorn and take it away.

Naku can see the excitement growing on the strangers face as Sophia changes, there is a sick smugness like he is proud of the way things are falling into place. He begins to speak to her,
"Naku, have you ever heard of the theory of chaos creation? Of the grand cauldron of chaos?"
His eyes never leave the battle ground.

Sophia chases the attacker back with he swipe giving ample room and time for her change, as her Titan hand plummets down to crush her opponent she notices she was changing too, but doesn't see what into as she disappears under Sophia's attack.

Mrs McGinty
2015-01-26, 01:59 PM
Mrs McGinty notices the child is much less inclined to sharing then herself as it attempts to pick up her bucket of popcorn and take it away.

The aging cook makes no attempt to prevent the theft of her popcorn. Indeed, there is no sign that she has noticed at all, other than her lifting another, identical sack* out of her handbag, and placing it on the floor where the previous one stood.

*Not a bucket. Nor a box. A bloody great sack. Such as one might use for delivering Christmas presents to every child on the planet. Or for drowning a score of cats in the local canal.

2015-01-30, 11:40 AM
"Now" the man shouts spotting a puddle of blood ooze out from beneath the titans hand. In an instant, those willing, are embraced by a fiery warmth and and teleported through the air in a flash of flames and into the sands.

It feels much like the passage through the crypt door and each person drops a fair way to find themself in a mighty and large rectangular room, greater and finer than most dinning halls. There was a powerful and dark radiance emitting from its self-serving unnecessary elaborate decor.

A two man wide black polished marble walkway ran alongside the wall, the rest of the floor was sunken in. 6 alcoves extending the entire hight of the wall lay concealed by a thin semi transparent fine red silk with gold trimmings. 8 ornate powerful columns reached to the ceiling. Between each one and directly infront of each alcove and the front entrance lay 9 smooth steps of shining marble connecting the walkway to the deep maroon velvet covered sunken floor.
A thin heavy smog hovered around the entire sunken floor atleast a foot deep. Semi rotten bones and bits of old corpses pierced the mists veil as an uncountable number of bones and body's lay scattered around, dormant on the floor.

From the centre of the fog and the dead, rose a platform double the height of the outer walkway with a base twice as thick Shaped like a topless square pyramid it appeared to be made entirely of solid gold.

Just above the large solid base A vertical slot ran clean through the side and out the other. It held the base of an enormous shining metallic halo. Standing taller than a building This open circular structure stood like a massive round doorway. Bright lights of various colours jumped, sparked and zapped along its perimeter.

The same show of lights could be seen in an equally large circle, another halo laying flat beneath the fog centred around the platform. Sparks of light protruding between corpses, glowing in the thick mist.

As your gaze follows the columns up one would see the roof is a splitting image of symmetry of the floor. So much so the first site instills a nausea of dizziness. The centre is sunken in upwards to the outer black marble. Mist and bones defy gravity half concealing the sparks of vibrant light of another halo in this central raised velvet ceiling and a gold pyramid hangs pointing down, the top holding point of the giant standing halo as it is caught in between and connects the two pyramids.

In the dead centre of the room, hovering between the two topless gold pyramids and in the center of the shining sparkling metallic circle, was the physical form of the boy Arlen. His thin frail tortured body screamed in silent pain as his body was suspended in thin air by an unseen magical force.

2015-02-03, 12:20 PM
[Slaver's Den]

Somehow, someway, for some reason a man made his way to the Excelsior.
Without rhyme or reason he made it here by just placing one foot in front of the other while ending a few lives, and un-lives along the way.

He took in the sight with his prismatic eyes. They darted around in various directions irrespective of one another. The danced around like the runes on his irises danced around his pupils. His face cracked into a wide toothy smile.

"Slaves huh? Eh, why not? A couple of demons and some wenches will do." A face contorted into what seems to be eternal pleasure takes a gander at the various products around him.

Orphedysseus: The Hedonist, licks his lips. Another day, another pleasure!

2015-02-03, 01:21 PM
Slavers Den

"Oh darling, you here buying, selling or just... hiring?"
A lush womanly voice trails over his shoulder, she speaks slowly in a soft sultry exotic accent.

Should he turn to see from where the voice came he will see a voluptuous fierce woman with unruly red hair and cold steely tantalising blue eyes. Armoured in leathers and a tattered breastplate she holds out her hand for him to take as her lips curl into a playful smile.

Close behind her stands a large bare chested bald man, his dark skin littered with scar tissue.
He wears baggy worn tan trousers and a wide unnerving gaped tooth grin.

The thick smell of hobbit weed and opium hung in the dimly lit room, a haze of smoke filled the air. Thugs in ragged clothing sat in small circles on old cushions and small stools, they gambled, argued, told stories, traded and swapped while around them and restrained to the outer walls, slaves wearing barely the essentials were, if not serving, restrained and bound.
Amongst the unruly, viscous and loud tongues of the intoxicated low life's the whimpering of fear and despair hummed in hopeless plea's.

The room was wide enough for two carriages and the length even longer, disappearing into the darkness. The stone walls curved up to meet making a low arched roof. Strong sturdy wooden pillars ran down the centre of the room.

2015-02-03, 11:11 PM
sophia emerges from her now discarded form,looking solemn. she kneels upon it's neck like a knight would before their lord, and utters two prayers: one for the woman slain,one for forgiveness.
she looks to the crowd to hope to see that she had cut their entertainment short, and is willingly transported with her allies.

2015-02-04, 08:38 PM
Naku can see the excitement growing on the strangers face as Sophia changes, there is a sick smugness like he is proud of the way things are falling into place. He begins to speak to her,
"Naku, have you ever heard of the theory of chaos creation? Of the grand cauldron of chaos?"
His eyes never leave the battle ground.

"Can't say I have."

"Now" the man shouts spotting a puddle of blood ooze out from beneath the titans hand. In an instant, those willing, are embraced by a fiery warmth and and teleported through the air in a flash of flames and into the sands.

It feels much like the passage through the crypt door and each person drops a fair way to find themself in a mighty and large rectangular room, greater and finer than most dinning halls. There was a powerful and dark radiance emitting from its self-serving unnecessary elaborate decor.

A two man wide black polished marble walkway ran alongside the wall, the rest of the floor was sunken in. 6 alcoves extending the entire hight of the wall lay concealed by a thin semi transparent fine red silk with gold trimmings. 8 ornate powerful columns reached to the ceiling. Between each one and directly infront of each alcove and the front entrance lay 9 smooth steps of shining marble connecting the walkway to the deep maroon velvet covered sunken floor.
A thin heavy smog hovered around the entire sunken floor atleast a foot deep. Semi rotten bones and bits of old corpses pierced the mists veil as an uncountable number of bones and body's lay scattered around, dormant on the floor.

From the centre of the fog and the dead, rose a platform double the height of the outer walkway with a base twice as thick Shaped like a topless square pyramid it appeared to be made entirely of solid gold.

Just above the large solid base A vertical slot ran clean through the side and out the other. It held the base of an enormous shining metallic halo. Standing taller than a building This open circular structure stood like a massive round doorway. Bright lights of various colours jumped, sparked and zapped along its perimeter.

The same show of lights could be seen in an equally large circle, another halo laying flat beneath the fog centred around the platform. Sparks of light protruding between corpses, glowing in the thick mist.

As your gaze follows the columns up one would see the roof is a splitting image of symmetry of the floor. So much so the first site instills a nausea of dizziness. The centre is sunken in upwards to the outer black marble. Mist and bones defy gravity half concealing the sparks of vibrant light of another halo in this central raised velvet ceiling and a gold pyramid hangs pointing down, the top holding point of the giant standing halo as it is caught in between and connects the two pyramids.

In the dead centre of the room, hovering between the two topless gold pyramids and in the center of the shining sparkling metallic circle, was the physical form of the boy Arlen. His thin frail tortured body screamed in silent pain as his body was suspended in thin air by an unseen magical force.

"Aaaand there we go." Naku says, after being teleported along, and after she notices Arlen's body. She starts walking towards it, seemingly immune to the nausea and dizziness.

2015-02-05, 10:33 AM
[Slaver's Den]

"Such wonderful red hair! Accompanied by quite the body."Orphedysseus said after he turned towards the voice. He then locked his eyes unto hers. His prismatic runed eyes on her cold blue eyes. "A pity, had your eyes been green I would have taken you no matter what." He said, words somewhat playful.

He takes her hand into his and lays his lips upon it. His hand and lips will feel smoother than the smoothest of silk, as if untouched by and hardship or difficulty that the world throws at its inhabitants. After a second or so of enjoying the act, he lets go of her hand.

"I am Orphedysseus, Madame. I am here to purchase demons and women. Would you kindly show me your wares?" He speaks to the woman, completely ignoring the scarred man. Why waste time looking at a scarred rag when you can spend it pleasuring the eyes by looking at only the beautiful.

2015-02-05, 10:56 AM
[Slaver's Den]

"Well lucky for you then," she says teasingly, as she takes the hand he kissed and runs her fingers across his jaw. After a gentle touch she applies a bit if pressure to turn his head as she walks past, swaying her hips with every slow seductive step.

"Coz there's no way you could ever have me"

With a smile she leads him down the hall to a section of wall lined with women of various age and race, clearly the more delicate on the eye of the crop, they were bound, hands above their head and clad in the bare minimum.

"You seem like a man who can.. Well, break in a new slave."

The woman seems to make everything sound sensual.

"Feast your eyes, we will be back. That is if you think you can handle your women fresh and a little, wild." She says with a glare in her eyes.

Then she will lead through the rabble of slavers and slaves trading and selling, past groups of rough men arguing and drinking, under a wave of intoxicating smoke, past similar walls of whimpering creatures bound and being tortured and finally down a dark alley where cage upon cage has demons and devils of all sorts imaginable cramped and bound.

"The uh, incubus and succubi are a lot of fun" she says grinning the most devilish grin.

"Lucky for you our master specialises in these sorts, for a ... Price... He can bind them to do and act in nearly any way desired.

- - - Updated - - -

secret room - plot

"Really?" He asks on reply to Naku, a sense of agitation in his voice.
"the creation magic, chaos magic?" He says sternly as if she had misheard him.
"That beneath this facade of life and laws lies a true un relentless limitless power? The cauldron of chaos."


"It dwells beneath the fabric of our existence, refined by our presence, by our perception... By the material plane itself, it's refined and becomes all that we know, it's refined because we cannot hope to control or even survive the pure chaos that it is, that is, most of us. "
the man proudly continues on speaking to Naku as she walks towards Arlen and gets a better view of him.

Sophia will instantly recognise the talking man as her friend 'bad touch'. He seems so caught up in his explanation to Naku that he hasn't noticed her. (Or Mrs McGinty and the demonic child who looks ready to cry as he looks to the empty space before him where's his popcorn once was)

As Naku steps down the steps amongst the bones and the icy cold mist she sees the horrid condition of the young boy more clearly.

The figure in size, barely large enough to be a young man. His bone structure apparent through his wilting skin, his thin feeble frame and dry deep gaunt features tell of struggle with starvation.

Up closer nearly all his bare skin shares space with bruises or scars, worse still, horridly his face is a repulsive saddening sight.

His eyes wide open, a thin roughcut stretch of skin sits at the base of where eyelids belong and his sunken eyes surrounded by the darkness of his skull are a glazed milky white, covering a lost pupil and iris. Dry blood stains his lips under his crooked nose, his sharp protruding cheek bones bare no symmetry as one is crumbled.

His mouth sternly shut tight was smeared in blood but not from his nose. What appear as cracks run vertical across both lips to meet a pinpoint scar, while dry blood filled cracked crevasses within his skin, below his own blood lies a sharp thin wire.

The air that squeezes past to escape his lungs makes a horrible noise. A sickening gurgle that twists into a raspy whisper then as unconsciously his body pleads for oxygen it goes in reverse, the dry raspy whisper turning into a sickly bubbling gurgle.

Mrs McGinty
2015-02-07, 05:59 AM
secret room - plot

Mrs McGinty's first action is to remove yet another huge sack of popcorn from her handbag, and place it on the floor near to the demonic child. Whether this is intended as an act of kindness or a tactical deployment is not immediately clear.

Next, she focuses her attentions on the two golden pyramids, looking them up and down and moving around to see them from different angles. After a moment, she pulls out an oversized calculator and starts tapping its keys, all the while keeping her gaze fixed on the pyramids. When her calculations are complete, the elderly cook looks down at the screen, at which point her otherwise impassive expression is broken by a slight raising of her left eyebrow.

2015-02-07, 11:50 PM
[Slaver's Den]

As the woman plays her game of seduction, alarm bells go of in Orphedysseus' head. "14g314uj134v1vijfo!!!" Needless to say, he's having fun.

He follows the woman and sees the line of women of all shapes, sizes, looks, races, and origin. The sight of scantily clad Quarians (http://www.tekyu.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/tali__zorah_vas_neema_by_thelivingmachine02-d2zpi85.jpg), Vulcans (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/114/b/a/Vulcan_Girl__Jini_by_SChan.jpg), Asari (http://hdwallpapersfactory.com/wallpaper/mass_effect_asari_samara_desktop_1920x1080_hd-wallpaper-888490.jpg), Qunari (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/098/9/c/dragon_age___qunari_woman_by_sasorizanoko-d60vcld.jpg), Caitians (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v413/Redfern/MRess-HR086-J-2.jpg), Blood Elves (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070104174801/wowwiki/images/3/38/Blood_elf_maiden.jpg), Night Elves (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/b/b2/Sentineld.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130329181050), Drow Elves (http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae241/Nolan_1337/Fantasy%20Stuff/DarkElf038.jpg), High Elves (http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120328001513/t__/tera/images/thumb/6/6b/Tera-high-elf.jpg/500px-Tera-high-elf.jpg), Draenei (http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/307/0/b/draenei___hunter_by_tamplierpainter-d4exjv7.jpg), Humes (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NxQKUWK_7DM/Ubcm9TUylvI/AAAAAAAAXLI/gf6jl2_OHrA/s1600/mass_effect_shepard_female_graphics_gun_16028_1920 x1080.jpg), Mi'qotes (http://ffxivrealm.com/attachments/81-jpg.2693/), Padjal (http://www.ff-omeganebula.com/galeries/ff14/bio/14b-kan_e_senna.jpg), and Roegadyns (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxiv-new/images/b/ba/Roegadyn_007.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130814195117) made his eyes go in overdrive. They spun so fast that they became invisible. His body was visibly vibrating.

This lasted until his eyes fell to the Lalafells, Dwarves, Gnomes, Vulcans, etc. With that he regained his composure. Looking at the various products before him, he made sure to avoid those that have been drugged, mentally or physically changed by magic or hypnosis, non-virgins, and those without a fire in their eyes.

Due to his liking of Red hair, green eyes, and Elves it was no surprise when he chose a Blood Elf first. "This one."
The one he chose first was extremely young yet her figure suggested that of an adult. Her face was lightly freckled as well. Upon his closer examination, he saw that her eyesight was naturally bad. Another plus.

He then came across a High elf that looked identical to a certain someone (http://magic.wizards.com/sites/mtg/files/styles/rotator/public/images/featured/EN_GAMEINFO_STORY_PW_Carousel_D_NissaRevane_140317 .jpg) that a friend was infatuated with. He looked her in the eyes, "You'll definitely be a good gift! This one."

Lastly he chose a Draenei that looked perfectly beautiful yet strong enough to withstand the roughest of play. She even had a number of piercings already. "You were definitely built to find pleasure in pain. You've already had a head start I see. This One."

He was about to go look at the demons when a thought crossed his mind. He then returned to the various selections to peruse some more. He then finds a Hume with hair as black as night and skin as pale as moonlight. Her mind, from what he could see, was completely broken by drugs, magic, and hypnosis. Her body was used to expiration, that she could no longer react or control her fluids. The very example of living death. This is good. I wonder if I have the skill to unbreak her? Then break her again. How many times can I repeat that cycle? hmn.. "This one."

When the woman offers her master's ability to bind them, he politely declines. "I'll have to decline that offer. I have my own method of binding."

As for choosing the demons, he will chose the ones with more utility rather than beauty. Fun was over and it was time to get real. Besides, he could physically modify them later if their visage was too insulting to his eyes. "Would you kindly lead me to a demon with the most physical strength, another with the most magical strength, and lastly one that its only purpose is to survive the most brutal of attacks and magic."

2015-02-09, 12:27 PM
[Slaver's Den]

As the woman plays her game of seduction, alarm bells go of in Orphedysseus' head. "14g314uj134v1vijfo!!!" Needless to say, he's having fun.

He follows the woman and sees the line of women of all shapes, sizes, looks, races, and origin. The sight of scantily clad Quarians (http://www.tekyu.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/tali__zorah_vas_neema_by_thelivingmachine02-d2zpi85.jpg), Vulcans (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/114/b/a/Vulcan_Girl__Jini_by_SChan.jpg), Asari (http://hdwallpapersfactory.com/wallpaper/mass_effect_asari_samara_desktop_1920x1080_hd-wallpaper-888490.jpg), Qunari (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/098/9/c/dragon_age___qunari_woman_by_sasorizanoko-d60vcld.jpg), Caitians (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v413/Redfern/MRess-HR086-J-2.jpg), Blood Elves (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070104174801/wowwiki/images/3/38/Blood_elf_maiden.jpg), Night Elves (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/b/b2/Sentineld.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130329181050), Drow Elves (http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae241/Nolan_1337/Fantasy%20Stuff/DarkElf038.jpg), High Elves (http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120328001513/t__/tera/images/thumb/6/6b/Tera-high-elf.jpg/500px-Tera-high-elf.jpg), Draenei (http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/307/0/b/draenei___hunter_by_tamplierpainter-d4exjv7.jpg), Humes (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NxQKUWK_7DM/Ubcm9TUylvI/AAAAAAAAXLI/gf6jl2_OHrA/s1600/mass_effect_shepard_female_graphics_gun_16028_1920 x1080.jpg), Mi'qotes (http://ffxivrealm.com/attachments/81-jpg.2693/), Padjal (http://www.ff-omeganebula.com/galeries/ff14/bio/14b-kan_e_senna.jpg), and Roegadyns (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxiv-new/images/b/ba/Roegadyn_007.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130814195117) made his eyes go in overdrive. They spun so fast that they became invisible. His body was visibly vibrating.

This lasted until his eyes fell to the Lalafells, Dwarves, Gnomes, Vulcans, etc. With that he regained his composure. Looking at the various products before him, he made sure to avoid those that have been drugged, mentally or physically changed by magic or hypnosis, non-virgins, and those without a fire in their eyes.

Due to his liking of Red hair, green eyes, and Elves it was no surprise when he chose a Blood Elf first. "This one."
The one he chose first was extremely young yet her figure suggested that of an adult. Her face was lightly freckled as well. Upon his closer examination, he saw that her eyesight was naturally bad. Another plus.

He then came across a High elf that looked identical to a certain someone (http://magic.wizards.com/sites/mtg/files/styles/rotator/public/images/featured/EN_GAMEINFO_STORY_PW_Carousel_D_NissaRevane_140317 .jpg) that a friend was infatuated with. He looked her in the eyes, "You'll definitely be a good gift! This one."

Lastly he chose a Draenei that looked perfectly beautiful yet strong enough to withstand the roughest of play. She even had a number of piercings already. "You were definitely built to find pleasure in pain. You've already had a head start I see. This One."

He was about to go look at the demons when a thought crossed his mind. He then returned to the various selections to peruse some more. He then finds a Hume with hair as black as night and skin as pale as moonlight. Her mind, from what he could see, was completely broken by drugs, magic, and hypnosis. Her body was used to expiration, that she could no longer react or control her fluids. The very example of living death. This is good. I wonder if I have the skill to unbreak her? Then break her again. How many times can I repeat that cycle? hmn.. "This one."

When the woman offers her master's ability to bind them, he politely declines. "I'll have to decline that offer. I have my own method of binding."

As for choosing the demons, he will chose the ones with more utility rather than beauty. Fun was over and it was time to get real. Besides, he could physically modify them later if their visage was too insulting to his eyes. "Would you kindly lead me to a demon with the most physical strength, another with the most magical strength, and lastly one that its only purpose is to survive the most brutal of attacks and magic."

"You do realise they are not like the other dogs?"
The woman asks with a raised eyebrow, referring to the devils and demons.

"They will not be intimidated by fear, they welcome death as an escape from our world, if not bound by magic a very carefully worded pact must be made where by it nearly always falls in their favour. The latter option is safer, those who try to bind them for so long find it only a matter of time before it becomes there undoing."

"Also I hope you have the coin and life force for such a transaction, see here it costs more then just goods as you are not purchasing from another being but from this place itself, you must give your blood to the sands and it will deem the worth of your essence against the cost, don't worry you will only notice a slight drain in magic which is sure to return in a couple of days..., if you survive that long."

Her lips and tongue speak one conversation but her eyes and body speak of another, she draws so much attention to the finest of sensual subtle movements that one may not even notice the words that leave her mouth, they are but the warm breath she teases upon ones skin as she lures and directs their vision by means of her single finger, twirling it in her hair, running across her full lips, trailing it down her body.

"Shall we continue" she asks...

2015-02-10, 02:17 PM
[Slaver's Den]

Her words resonate with him... Pleasure, no matter how much, can't ever truly fully distract the mind. The shadows of the past are always lingering. His ecstatic form become somber at the words , "...They welcome death as an escape..."

"I know the feeling, though I'd love to keep on forgetting."She then speaks of coin.

"Coin is of no essence to me, I did not think that you or the master that you served would either." He pulls out a tiny coin pouch from his shirt. He looses the pouch strings and lets coins of gold, silver, copper drop endlessly to the ground. Hammerspace wallet, taken from a science fair. The coin is simply a byproduct of endless wandering. He has many more, from more endless wandering.

"As for life, take as much as necessary." He smirks. Who knows? Maybe my lifespan will even be reduced from ten eternities to nine eternities then some years.

Bile rose from his throat, he needed a distraction. Fast. He lets himself fall to her lure. he smiles and follows. Orphedysseus' eyes jitters here and there, forgetting the past or any thought really.

2015-02-10, 02:33 PM
Slavers Den

"Good" she says with a smile ignoring the coins spreading out across the floor, the same can't be said for some of the other patrons.

"I think this will lead to long and prosperous business relations"

The man who had been following close behind her had already started rallying up his chosen slaves, they formed a line, shackled neck by neck.

"Unfortunately with the specifics you desire with the demons you will not be able to see them until after purchase, they will be bound to an artifact, destroying it will release them.
Please make sure you are prepared and ready when you do so,
I would so hate not to see you again..."

"Spend some time looking over your wares and make sure it is all still pleasing you your tastes... I would hate for you to be dissatisfied. I'll have someone escort you to the payment room when you are ready."

The woman grants him one last playful smile a bashful seductive gaze before spinning on her heels and hips swinging, strides away.

After a few moments a young boy dressed in rags, void of any distinguishable features besides his short hair and thin frame, approaches. Once noticed he stands in silence looking at the floor.

2015-02-14, 03:36 PM
[Slaver's Den]

He checks the women that he planned to purchase one more time. The Blood Elf, High Elf, Draenei, and Hume. Everything seemed to be in order. It was a shame that he could not see his demons until after purchase, but so long as he wasn't being shortchanged or scammed, he had no problem. Once he is done silently checking his purchases, the boy comes into view.

He supposes that the boy was the one that was going to escort him to the payment area. Before that, he wanted to do something. Not for any reasonable reason, but just by a whim. His eyes look at the boy, runes moving in a pattern. His eyes were casting, not a spell of the arcane or divine that is easily detected, but instead a curse. If successful, it will grant the boy a number of things.

The boy will see things, ants under the skin, ghouls and ghosts, pain and suffering. None of which are real. He will gain the strength and speed of a beast when seeing the visions. He will also be under the urge to draw blood from women like the one that guided Orphedysseus. This blood will be drawn by the bones that will become spiked blades when seeing the visions.

He does not know what this curse will accomplish, but he always follows his whims. Without looking at the boy he speaks, "Alright boy, do your job" Of course the curse, if it does work, will only begin once Orphedysseus' business is concluded.

2015-02-14, 03:44 PM
secret room - plot

"Really?" He asks on reply to Naku, a sense of agitation in his voice.
"the creation magic, chaos magic?" He says sternly as if she had misheard him.
"That beneath this facade of life and laws lies a true un relentless limitless power? The cauldron of chaos."


"It dwells beneath the fabric of our existence, refined by our presence, by our perception... By the material plane itself, it's refined and becomes all that we know, it's refined because we cannot hope to control or even survive the pure chaos that it is, that is, most of us. "
the man proudly continues on speaking to Naku as she walks towards Arlen and gets a better view of him.

Sophia will instantly recognise the talking man as her friend 'bad touch'. He seems so caught up in his explanation to Naku that he hasn't noticed her. (Or Mrs McGinty and the demonic child who looks ready to cry as he looks to the empty space before him where's his popcorn once was)

As Naku steps down the steps amongst the bones and the icy cold mist she sees the horrid condition of the young boy more clearly.

The figure in size, barely large enough to be a young man. His bone structure apparent through his wilting skin, his thin feeble frame and dry deep gaunt features tell of struggle with starvation.

Up closer nearly all his bare skin shares space with bruises or scars, worse still, horridly his face is a repulsive saddening sight.

His eyes wide open, a thin roughcut stretch of skin sits at the base of where eyelids belong and his sunken eyes surrounded by the darkness of his skull are a glazed milky white, covering a lost pupil and iris. Dry blood stains his lips under his crooked nose, his sharp protruding cheek bones bare no symmetry as one is crumbled.

His mouth sternly shut tight was smeared in blood but not from his nose. What appear as cracks run vertical across both lips to meet a pinpoint scar, while dry blood filled cracked crevasses within his skin, below his own blood lies a sharp thin wire.

The air that squeezes past to escape his lungs makes a horrible noise. A sickening gurgle that twists into a raspy whisper then as unconsciously his body pleads for oxygen it goes in reverse, the dry raspy whisper turning into a sickly bubbling gurgle.

Naku ignores the talking of the man entirely, too furious at the condition of the body. Instead of replying, she begins trying to get him out. If that doesn't work, she begins smashing things.

((With that, though, and a whole gob of personal reasons right now, I need to step back from this plot.))

So Naku puufs away, mid-attempt.

2015-03-03, 05:34 AM
[Slaver's Den]

He checks the women that he planned to purchase one more time. The Blood Elf, High Elf, Draenei, and Hume. Everything seemed to be in order. It was a shame that he could not see his demons until after purchase, but so long as he wasn't being shortchanged or scammed, he had no problem. Once he is done silently checking his purchases, the boy comes into view.

He supposes that the boy was the one that was going to escort him to the payment area. Before that, he wanted to do something. Not for any reasonable reason, but just by a whim. His eyes look at the boy, runes moving in a pattern. His eyes were casting, not a spell of the arcane or divine that is easily detected, but instead a curse. If successful, it will grant the boy a number of things.

The boy will see things, ants under the skin, ghouls and ghosts, pain and suffering. None of which are real. He will gain the strength and speed of a beast when seeing the visions. He will also be under the urge to draw blood from women like the one that guided Orphedysseus. This blood will be drawn by the bones that will become spiked blades when seeing the visions.

He does not know what this curse will accomplish, but he always follows his whims. Without looking at the boy he speaks, "Alright boy, do your job" Of course the curse, if it does work, will only begin once Orphedysseus' business is concluded.

((Sorry I missed this, + sorry in advance, running low on creativity 'n' inspiration.))

After ducking and weaving through the halls, passing people, no creatures, indulging in all maners of vile vices, eventually you are led to a solid guarded door.
Two masked soldiers stand either side as still as statues as the twin doors opens inwards.
It is a round room, walls and floor all made of a strange sand stone, standing in the center of the room is what appears like a well, only wider. The well like structure is made from the floor itself and instead of water a fire burns from within poorly illuminating the room.
Mystically hovering above the fire is a solid black pot. Darker than the blackest black, it's presence some how seems an unnatural violation.
In the pot is more sand, it shifts and moves, bubbling like a hungry liquid, only it's not.
On the otherside of this obscurity sits a humanoid figure completely covered in a tattered old hooded robe.

"Enter" a raspy old voice struggles on laboured breaths.

"Are you ready to pay?"

2015-03-05, 10:40 AM
[Slaver's Den]

He intented to make the purchase quick, he had lost interest in this part of the Slaver's Den. He enters and nonchalanty says, "Of course."

2015-03-08, 12:42 PM
"Blood to the sand and material wealth to the flame, when both have settled your debt is paid"

The raspy voice reached up from under the hood yet the old figure remains as still as stone.

2015-03-09, 12:01 PM
[Slaver's Den]

...Nothing happened. Orphedysseus stands there dumbfounded for a moment. He guessed he had to do it himself. What no servants to cut his flesh or something? He then first goes to the sandy area, which is probably the entire room. He then holds out a hand. The hand opens. Blood pours out. The blood isn't red though. His blood was prismatic, like his eyes. it will look like a rainbow was pouring down from the palm of his hand.

"... Am I doing this right or just being idiotic wasting my blood?" he says flatly.