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2014-10-15, 07:44 AM
(I'm going to steal Miashara's framing device, because I think it's a really interesting one. I won't use his characters, though).

The two guards stood in front of the door to the dungeons, listening to the rumble of thunder outside.

"Is it just me, or have we been having a lot more storms since Lord Oberon died?", one of them commented.

The other shrugged. "Seems like it. Maybe they should use the Jewel of Judgement to calm them down ... if they aren't using it to create them for some reason."

"I heard that the Jewel's gone missing. Taken by the same person who killed Lord Oberon."

"You don't really believe that someone killed Oberon, do you?"

"Well, the death was kinda sudden. And they were sure secretive about the body, limiting viewing and the like. Normally when someone that important dies you have a big funeral, massive viewings, but instead they barely waited for the other kids to get back before having a private ceremony."

"That's probably what Oberon wanted. He liked his fun, but I don't think he'd want everyone weeping over him. He'd want them to get on with running the realm."

"Well, Lady Amanda's brood certainly take after him, then. The body was barely cold before they were running everything."

"A big part of that is because they were here, though. A lot of the others were away at the time. Gave them time to get set-up."

"Rumour has it that some of the others aren't exactly happy about that, though."

"Doesn't matter. As long as the four of them are together, none of them have a chance, either together or combined."

Another rumble sounded.

"Wonder if Lady Marie's still praying?"

"Does she really do that?"

"Yep. She swept back into Amber after storming off in a huff and being away for decades ... and spends most of her time sitting in the Pattern Room, mumbling to herself."

"She was always a bit high-strung. Granddaddy's favourite, though. Who knows what she might have learned from that old guy?"

"Probably more than her brother learned or even got from Lord Oberon. You'd think that he would have given him more since he clearly wanted him to take the throne after him. But he didn't even legitimize him."

"He couldn't do it without also legitimizing her, and she's got the stronger claim. Besides, this is Oberon; he probably wanted to use it as a spur, as a reason for him to push for the throne."

They listened to the storm for a few minutes in silence again.

"Think one of them will try?"

"Who knows?"

"Maybe these dungeons will be full rather than empty before too long."

Outside, the storm raged on.

2014-10-22, 01:06 PM
It had been some time since they’d laid his father to rest in the grove of the Unicorn. Tristan still wasn’t positive it was his father, but the preponderance of evidence pointed in that direction. Ever since the funeral he’d been isolating himself more and more from his siblings, even Marie, he was irritable and unable to concentrate on what he was attempting, even when that was as simple as trying to sleep. The only thing he’d really accomplished was drinking far more than was really required to maintain a good solid drunk for days at a time, which meant a lot. Eventually he tired of even that pursuit and went wandering his way through the castle, the grounds, the slopes of Kolvir and pretty much all of the City of Amber. During his wandering he tried to come to grasp with what had happened, what was happening and whether he wanted to do anything about it or not. After all, he still had his quest to work on, which he’d had to interrupt to come home for the funeral. He knew Marie had spent an inordinate amount of time recently in the Pattern room, praying, communing playing tiddlywinks or whatever the hell it was she was doing with the Pattern. He was almost tempted to ask, but he’d made that mistake before and it had taken hours to extricate himself from her enthusiastic explanation.

So, as it was, Tristan was just sort of around, brooding.

2014-10-24, 12:06 AM
Irritation. Sorrow. Rage.

Merely a sample of the emotions running through the mind of Cedric at this moment. And that's not to even speak of the thoughts he is having: deep, dark, suspicious thoughts that are enough to drive him to pace.

Oberon, dead. Of "mysterious causes", no doubt; details had been sparse when he'd asked his siblings. The ones that had been in the palace at the time; naturally, it was Amanda's brood. If only he'd been in Amber at the time…but no. His death had occurred when most everyone who could claim the throne were out--except for those currently in power. That hadn't escaped his notice.

Whatever the cause, pacing won't solve any of this. So he sits down to look over the daily intelligence documents that his network had compiled for him. The basics of the goings-ons of the palace and the Golden Circle, nothing too out of the ordinary. The methodical decoding of the missives helps to calm his mind slightly.

Okay. Once he finishes with these, he'll visit his mother once more. Perhaps Esmeralda would be able to remember more now. And after that, he will double check with his informants in the palace as to their knowledge of the Jewel of Judgement's whereabouts. That a national treasure would be lost on the same day as the death of their father was truly shameful of them. Not that he can tell that to their faces, but he enjoys thinking about it very loudly.

2014-10-24, 04:58 AM
Markus spent his time angrily cutting training dummies to pieces with his greatsword. Oberon dead, the rumers claimed that he was murdered, and Markus strongly believed this to the case. His bad luck had taught him that if something had multiple possibilites the worst one was usually the right one. But cleaving wood with steel would not deliver any justice, he calmed down and put the sword back into the scabbard on his back. The case needed to be investigated. He left the training area with a determined expression on his face.

2014-10-24, 04:25 PM

As you sit in your room, working off a major drunk, you hear a knock on the door. You open it to find the Royal Tailor standing there. "Good afternoon ... or for you I should say 'Good morning', perhaps? At any rate, I am here to furnish you with this new suit, as the Lady Fianella requested, before your shared private dinner this evening."

You don't recall anything about a dinner with Fianella.

2014-10-24, 04:30 PM

As you browse the dispatches, you find two that are of interest. The first is pretty much what you expected: a confirmation that the Jewel has disappeared and that the cabal is searching for it. The second concerns an odd incident in the nearby realm of Romonia, where there were some strange incidents that led to some accusations of some kind of conspiracy. They started a bit before Oberon's death ... but when the cabal swept into power there was no more mention of them, and the matter was declared closed and a hoax. The investigation into the matter was suddenly halted ... without you being informed. The ruler of Romonia happens to be in Amber right now, dealing with some trade and political matters in the wake of Oberon's death.

2014-10-24, 04:41 PM

As you head back to your quarters, a messenger flags you down. Cassandra is waiting to speak to you. Even though you are both generals of your respective armies, Cassandra is the commander of all of Amber's forces, and so outranks you, so you have no choice but to obey the order.

As you stand before her, she coldly beckons you to sit, but offers you no refreshments. Instead, she simply starts talking.

"I have long believed that a good general should be lucky. Not win on luck, but be lucky. An exceptionally good general can learn to overcome their misfortunes, but they will always be beaten by an exceptionally good general who doesn't have those misfortunes.

"You, Markus, are not lucky.

"Given my full choice, you would no longer be a general in my army. But that is where Oberon placed you, and my siblings believe that it is best to leave you in your position at this time, to promote stability. And thus that is where you will stay ... so long as it promotes stability."

She watches you for your reaction, but doesn't give you a chance to speak before continuing:

"I have a little mission for you. The nearby realm of Cartan is having a problem with raiders. They claim that the raiders are being sponsored by Romonia, a realm that they have been fighting with for centuries now. The Romonians, of course, deny any involvement. I want you to take a small detachment and investigate and deal with these raiders, and determine who is behind it.

"Normally, this wouldn't require someone of your rank, but both of these realms are of great importance to Amber, and both are upset enough that it was decided that the presence of one of the blood would demonstrate just how seriously we take their issues. Thus, you were elected to deal with the issue.

"Any questions?"

2014-10-25, 05:55 AM
Markus tightens his fists under the table as he looks her in the eyes. Just a moment ago he had calmed down enough to think straight, but now he he needed all his self control to refrain himself from punching her in the face. "I guess that amber can be thankful that it isn't your full choice then." He cockily answered to mask his anger. "Couldn't you get somebody else to do it? Some high ranking officer?" He asked but continued before allowing her to reply. "Who would command my army while I'm gone?"

2014-10-25, 10:53 AM

Cassandra replied, "The diplomatic situation requires a Prince of Amber; that it involves military action implies that one with military expertise and troops under their command must command it. As for your army, it would be a poor general and an even poorer Prince who did not train subordinates who could take over temporarily as the situation demands. If you have no such subordinates, I have a few candidates that would fit the bill."

2014-10-25, 12:50 PM
"I do have subordinates." He snarkily replied. "I just wanted to make sure you had no plans to command my army yourself." He said with a very distrustful voice. He relaxed a little. "You said I could only bring a small detachment. How small are we talking?" He asked. "Also I am curious how you find me too unlucky to command an army, yet you entrust me with a mission of this importance."

2014-10-25, 02:20 PM

As you browse the dispatches, you find two that are of interest. The first is pretty much what you expected: a confirmation that the Jewel has disappeared and that the cabal is searching for it. The second concerns an odd incident in the nearby realm of Romonia, where there were some strange incidents that led to some accusations of some kind of conspiracy. They started a bit before Oberon's death ... but when the cabal swept into power there was no more mention of them, and the matter was declared closed and a hoax. The investigation into the matter was suddenly halted ... without you being informed. The ruler of Romonia happens to be in Amber right now, dealing with some trade and political matters in the wake of Oberon's death.

Cedric mentally files away the contents of the second dispatch, committing it to memory before burning them all in the small fireplace.

Yet more unfortunate evidence for his dear brothers and sisters in power. Not mentioning a halt in an investigation to their own Master of Spies betrayed a severe lack of trust in him, in addition to being a nonsensical thing to do. Perhaps they have something to hide?

At any rate, it is time for him to get moving. He gets to his feet, stretching slightly, before gathering his effects. Satchel with writing utensils, check. Trump deck, check. Boot knife and wrist knife, check.

With a final sweep of his cloak around his shoulders, Cedric leaves the room and makes his way towards his mother's room. He knocks, smile waiting her appearance. While he had always been ambivalent about Oberon, he is very fond of his mother.

2014-10-26, 05:32 AM

Cassandra hands over a folder of information. "Here is all the information you'll need to decide how large a detachment to take along, which should be well within your capabilities. Try not to bring your ENTIRE army, as that might be a little embarrassing, given that this is such a small problem. Dismissed."

You note that she rather pointedly didn't answer your last question.

In the folder is a general description of the problem. The raiders aren't large in number, but seem remarkably well-armed and seem to have inside information about the Cartan troop deployments, which is allowing them to get in and raid and away before troops can respond. One of the reasons for deploying troops from Amber is to hopefully work around any intelligence leak. Even still, Cartan's army could easily handle them, if they were willing to devote the troops to do it. But since they think that Romonia is behind it, they're not only unwilling to weaken their defenses, they are even planning for the possibility of offensive action. The diplomatic angle is to try to calm that down, and to be in some sense in-between them should they try anything. Neither side is willing to risk angering Amber, even to strike at the other.

2014-10-26, 01:14 PM

Your mother welcomes you warmly; she's always happy to see her favourite son. But she's a little surprised to see you. She offers you tea and refreshments, and ushers you into the little solar in her apartment so that the two of you can chat.

2014-10-26, 02:23 PM
Cedric accepts the refreshments gratefully, talking about this and that for a minute or so. Then, his face becomes a bit more serious. Mother, now that the funeral ceremony--what little there was--I'd like to ask you about what I missed while I was away before father's death. Did anything out of the ordinary happen? Anything at all, even the smallest out-of-place occurrence? I do know how you have your ear against the ground of court gossip.

Sure, his network probably has told him all that there is to know of what occurred in the days before Oberon's death. But perhaps Esmeralda can enlighten him further.

2014-10-26, 03:05 PM
Markus grabs the folder. He noted how Cassandra choose not to answer his last question. He was discussing with himself wether to point this out, but settled on keeping quiet. If she was up to something he would prefer if she didn't suspect him to know, and he feared her answer would be worthless.
He flips through the files. "A diplomatic mission, you really do want me to fail don't you?" He joked. As he did he kept an eye on her, to see if her reaction gave anything away. "Do you think the Cartans would allow me to station troops within their city?"

2014-10-26, 04:23 PM

Cassandra replies coldly, but giving away almost no reaction other than slight annoyance. "All the details you need are in the folder. You'll have to work out the disposition of the troops with their ruler, but my guess is that the answer is 'No'"

She then repeats, a bit more strongly this time, "Dismissed, General."

2014-10-26, 04:26 PM

Esmeralda thinks for a moment. "There wasn't much that seemed strange at the time; Amanda's brood were chumming around and plotting around with each other, but that's nothing new. They were talking to some of the nobles and rulers of nearby Shadows, but that itself wasn't strange, and nothing to worry about with Oberon around. Other than that, we had the normal intrigues and plots that makes life in the palace so invigorating."

2014-10-26, 04:56 PM
Markus gets up and leaves with the folder in his hands. He walks back to his quarters and calls his second in command to him. "Greetings Tergon. I will be going on a mission and I will leave my forces in your hands. I do not trust Cassandra, I fear she might be up to something, monitor her every move. Also get (X) men ready, we leave tomorrow morning."

(X being twice the estimated amount of raiders)

2014-10-27, 12:05 AM

Esmeralda thinks for a moment. "There wasn't much that seemed strange at the time; Amanda's brood were chumming around and plotting around with each other, but that's nothing new. They were talking to some of the nobles and rulers of nearby Shadows, but that itself wasn't strange, and nothing to worry about with Oberon around. Other than that, we had the normal intrigues and plots that makes life in the palace so invigorating."

Cedric taps lightly on the rim of his teacup. What nobles did they speak with, specifically? And what did the courts have to say about the incidents in Romonia?

2014-10-27, 10:48 AM

"Well, most of the big and important ones. The Bayles, for example. And both Romonia and Cartan, at various times, but with the trouble between them that only made sense.

"As for the incidents inside Romonia itself ... that was rather strange. There were some rumours about incidents, but they were quickly hushed up. I haven't seen that done that effectively except for when Oberon really wanted people to not talk about something."

2014-10-27, 10:53 AM

Your trip to Cartan is uneventful. You bivouac the troops where the folder indicates you should, and then proceed to the main palace with perhaps a few trusted, high ranking officers. You are ushered into the throne room where the leader, Tomalok, greets you effusively and publicly, praising your prowess and ability and promising that you will surely get to the bottom of all of these issues with Romonia and the raiders, and that you'll certainly prove that they are the culprits and will punish them severely. He then invites you to a private dinner to discuss the matter, and has you escorted to a room to prepare, insisting that you will also spend the night.

As you arrive at his quarters, he ushers you in, again enthusiastically. After some minor small talk, he then comments, "This is a terrible situation, that those in Amber have let get completely out of control. Oberon certainly would have punished Romonia for their presumption by now."

2014-10-27, 02:56 PM
"You are making a grave mistake by assuming everything appears as clearly as you perceive it, Tomalok. I did not come here to acknowledge your story, but to uncover the truth." Markus calmly replies. "Now, what proof do you have of the cooperation"?

2014-10-27, 04:26 PM
His reply is a bit dismissive of the need of proof, and passionate. "Romonia has always relied on the idea of plausible deniability for their schemes. But the facts are obvious. The raiders are not normal raiders, being far too well-equipped. This suggests funding from some great power. But the independent powers, like the enemy of Amber known as Dalt, have been ruled out. So these must be acting on the orders and funding from some state. And there is no other state that has the funding, the will and the motivation to promote these assaults on us. No, the assaults will not stop unless it is made clear to Romonia that their schemes will not go unnoticed and unopposed!"

2014-10-27, 04:58 PM
"I am curious, you say it can't be the independent powers, what are you basing this on?" Markus Replies. "I will need to talk to the Romonian regent, hear their side of the story."

2014-10-28, 10:17 AM
"Say whatever you'd like, time really doesn't matter to us." Tristan said, waving the tailor into the room. But, of course, now it really did seem to matter. Still, he wasn't ready to brood on that quite so close to sleeping off the effects of last night. "A new suit you say? Did my dear sister give you specific instructions on how it was to look or did she actually leave it up to you? Or, gasp, even let it up to me?" he moved back to the center of the room, spread his arms and waited, "Well? get on with it, even if I did tell you the measurements were the same as last time you wouldn't believe me."

2014-10-28, 11:23 AM
The tailor's amiable countenance doesn't even slip a instant at your words. He unwraps the package he brought with him and comments, "Well, as you have availed yourself of my services from time to time as you visit this great city, I have a decent idea of what style you currently favour, and so was able to use my own humble skills to create you what may not be a masterpiece, but is certainly at least in fashion at the time. All you need do is try it on to get a final fitting and let me make a few minor adjustments, and you'll be stylishly ready to meet with your dear sister, as you put it."

He takes out a suit in your colours, that is indeed pretty much in fashion at the time, reasonably well-done. As he said, it's not a masterpiece, but it's reasonably competently done.

He continues, "And may I take this opportunity to express my deepest condolences on the death of your father, Lord Oberon?"

2014-10-28, 01:19 PM
Tristan looked at the garment, "I should have known..." Then reached out and took it from the tailor, examining it further and up close. "Splendid work..."

Then he registered the last comment, and sort of peeked around the side of the garment before lowering it to be held at his side in one hand. "Thanks... this place won't be the same without him. So, what does Fianella want, anyway?"

2014-10-28, 02:27 PM

The tailor nods amiably at the compliment, and replies to your question, "I'm afraid that a simple tailor such as myself is not privy to the inner workings of the royalty. Didn't she say what she wanted when she invited you? Oh, and please, try it on; we must ensure that it is a proper fit."

2014-10-28, 02:59 PM
"Give me a moment." Tristan retreated further into his suite to run water over his face, hands and hair before returning and beginning to try on the garments the tailor had provided. While he dressed, he responded to the tailors remarks, "You issued the invitation, by your being here and by your bringing new clothes. I haven't spoken to Fianella since the funeral. Do you know what she's been up to since then? I mean, I've been a little self absorbed." He finished donning the outfit his sister had sent him, and raised his arms a bit from his sides, "There, all done."

2014-10-28, 04:38 PM

The tailor's amiability doesn't slip at all, but a bit of puzzlement slips in. "I delivered the invitation? I assure you, all I did was deliver the suit, before the dinner hour, as requested. I had assumed that the invitation had been delivered separately. It seems that that was an incorrect assumption. I wonder why?"

As you come back out in the suit, he continues, "Well, that DOES look stylish, doesn't it? Just a few small adjustments ..."

As he does so, he continues his near-constant chatter, "You know who I'd really love to dress? Your sister, Marie. I could make her a dress that would make her look like a goddess. Of course, she always dresses so drably. And then again, where would she wear it? She spends all of her time staring at the Pattern ... or, at least, that's what I've heard, anyway."

2014-10-28, 04:46 PM

In response to your first question, Tomalok replies, "As those powers are pretty much all mercenaries, we keep tabs on their movements. All of them are committed to operations that would make funding this sort of operation impossible."

In response to your comment about talking to the ruler of Romonia, Tomalok replies, "Well, obviously you aren't going to meet him here. But I'm surprised, because if you wanted to speak to him, why wouldn't you have spoken to him before coming here? After all, he's in Amber right now. You could have gotten his side then."

Then his voice gets more heated. "Or have you already done that, and taken his side? I should have known that you would side with the others, and favour Romonia, just as they have ever since Oberon's death!"

2014-10-28, 04:56 PM

"Well, most of the big and important ones. The Bayles, for example. And both Romonia and Cartan, at various times, but with the trouble between them that only made sense.

"As for the incidents inside Romonia itself ... that was rather strange. There were some rumours about incidents, but they were quickly hushed up. I haven't seen that done that effectively except for when Oberon really wanted people to not talk about something."

Cedric nods, sipping his tea before placing the cup down onto the table. Father did have a way with the courts, he says with a wry little grin. And how are you doing, mother? Do you have one of your famous parties planned yet?

2014-10-28, 05:03 PM
Your mother laughs. "I would, but now's not really the time. Amanda's brood might think that I was trying to drum up support for your bid ... and they're all such wet blankets anyway."

She then turns to you and says, quietly, but with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "Do you HAVE a plan for your bid?"

2014-10-28, 05:22 PM
Your mother laughs. "I would, but now's not really the time. Amanda's brood might think that I was trying to drum up support for your bid ... and they're all such wet blankets anyway."

She then turns to you and says, quietly, but with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "Do you HAVE a plan for your bid?"

Cedric chuckles himself. I can't imagine Fianella would like a ban on parties. Perhaps you could speak with her about getting a party together. Officially, of course; the Quartet are jumpy, I imagine, what with father's death and the recent troubles in Romonia.

He reclines back in his chair at her question. In his eyes is a glint that almost matches his mother's. His voice is remarkably serious, though, as he quietly says, Why, mother, the kingdom is going through perhaps the roughest time in recent history. Father is dead; the kingdom needs peace now, if we are to remain strong.

Of course, he continues, shrugging. Father's death was certainly unexpected, the circumstances mysterious. And Amanda's brood did certainly take control in a robust manner, at a time when no other of Oberon's children were in Amber. And to add insult to injury, the Jewel of Judgement has been lost.

So I merely want to get to the bottom of all of this. And you know how good I am at sussing out information. He ends with the tiniest of winks, barely more than a twitch, and a curve of his mouth.

2014-10-28, 05:29 PM

Your mother smiles back. "Well, I hope that your search for information proves ... fruitful."

2014-10-29, 12:19 AM

Your mother smiles back. "Well, I hope that your search for information proves ... fruitful."

I have high hopes. Now, I must be off. It was lovely to see you, as always. Let me know if you manage to convince Fianella to throw a ball; the palace could use the levity.

He embraces her and then leaves the room, idly fiddling with his Trump deck with one hand. He makes his way to the area of the palace where the regent of Romonia is staying. He addresses a servant, I would like to speak with Lord insert name of Romonian regent here. He awaits the regent's arrival, going over what he knows of the man internally.

As the Master of Spies, I imagine that Cedric would know at least a little bit about the Romonian king--at least, I don't' think you've mentioned his name in the thread yet. Could you possibly give a little blurb about him in your next post? That's what that last sentence is asking for, basically.

2014-10-29, 01:18 AM

In response to your first question, Tomalok replies, "As those powers are pretty much all mercenaries, we keep tabs on their movements. All of them are committed to operations that would make funding this sort of operation impossible."

In response to your comment about talking to the ruler of Romonia, Tomalok replies, "Well, obviously you aren't going to meet him here. But I'm surprised, because if you wanted to speak to him, why wouldn't you have spoken to him before coming here? After all, he's in Amber right now. You could have gotten his side then."

Then his voice gets more heated. "Or have you already done that, and taken his side? I should have known that you would side with the others, and favour Romonia, just as they have ever since Oberon's death!"

"Alright, I believe you." Markus replies to the first question. "I was not aware he was in Amber, but it makes little difference, I will just ask his second in command. I haven't done so already, but with your aggressive attitude I wish I had." He calmly replies.

2014-10-29, 06:44 AM

The tailor's amiability doesn't slip at all, but a bit of puzzlement slips in. "I delivered the invitation? I assure you, all I did was deliver the suit, before the dinner hour, as requested. I had assumed that the invitation had been delivered separately. It seems that that was an incorrect assumption. I wonder why?"

As you come back out in the suit, he continues, "Well, that DOES look stylish, doesn't it? Just a few small adjustments ..."

As he does so, he continues his near-constant chatter, "You know who I'd really love to dress? Your sister, Marie. I could make her a dress that would make her look like a goddess. Of course, she always dresses so drably. And then again, where would she wear it? She spends all of her time staring at the Pattern ... or, at least, that's what I've heard, anyway."

"I'd pay you good money for you to dress Marie, I'd pay you even better money if you could guilt her into wearing it. Alas, her fashion choices border on... monastic." tristan paused there just to consider the right word to use, but after he had it he continued on. "I wonder how this will look with my sword belt? I don't suppose you brought boots?" He really hadn't expected an answer, since he didn't see any boots among the tailor's equipment, and it really didn't matter how the clothes looked with his sword belted over them, he was wearing it anyway. "What are the rest of my siblings up to, do you know? I feel like I've kept myself too removed from home in my time away."

2014-10-29, 08:19 AM

"I'm afraid for boots, you'll have to visit the cobbler ... but this should match your normal style. And of COURSE this suit will match the most common fashion accessory in Amber ... well, except perhaps for the dagger but you don't normally see that until it enters into your back.

"As for your siblings, well, other than that they are in Amber and essentially running the show -- or, at least, those born from Amanda are -- there's not much more that I can say. Although ... I heard an interesting rumour that your sibling Markus is to be off on a mission to Cartan tomorrow, to deal with some raiders or such. It's interesting that he'd be trusted with a mission that allows for ... certain independent notions to be furthered, wouldn't you say?"

2014-10-29, 08:29 AM

On hearing that you are here to see him, Londo ushers you into the sitting room. "Come in, come in! What an honour it is to have you visit me! Would you like a drink? I have a wonderful red here, the finest vintage of Romonia!"

He goes to fix himself a drink, regardless of your answer, and continues, "Let me start by expressing my deepest sympathies on the loss of your father. Lord Oberon could be a bit grumpy at times, but he was likely the finest ruler that Amber shall ever see."

After your response, he finishes, "Now, what can one of Amber's most loyal subjects do for one of its most illustrious Princes, eh?"

2014-10-29, 11:03 AM
Tristan chuckled appreciatively at the tailor's jest about daggers, "Markus, you say? Perhaps I'll have to catch up with him later, see if I can offer my assistance." He then retrieved his sword belt from where it hung and buckled it over the new clothes. "Once again, marvelous job... I suppose I should be off to this dinner of Fianella's." he produced a handful of golden coins and pressed them into the tailor's hand, "my thanks."

2014-10-29, 02:39 PM

The tailor smiles, and starts to leave, adding "I hope you enjoy your evening. And if you do manage to convince your sister to avail herself of my services, I would consider it an honour and a privilege to provide her with a stunning outfit."

After that, you head down to Fianella's chambers. She has everything prepared, and you make light small talk for most of the meal, with her talking about basic, uninteresting gossip and commenting that she regrets that Esmeralda hasn't thrown a party for a while because, as she puts it, "They're always epic!". As dessert arrives, her comments seem a bit more serious than you've come to expect from her.

"So, have you spoken much to your sister since you've both been back in Amber?"

2014-10-29, 02:45 PM

Tomalok is still passionate, but seems more frustrated. "Wouldn't you be 'aggressive' too if one of your greatest enemies, that has always had a goal of destroying your realm and grinding it underfoot, was involved in some sort of new plan to destroy you and the ruling powers seemed not only to ignore it, but seemed to actively support them? I had to virtually declare war on Romonia before they'd even consider granting aid, and even then it was just to 'investigate', even though they've certainly been discussing things with Romonia behind closed doors often enough ... and even more so after I had to return here to deal with the matter. They've certainly already heard Romonia's side, and yet the first thing you do when you arrive is to ask to get their side! When their side is the one that has the ear of those in power! I had hoped that them sending you might allow me to get someone less attached to them ... but perhaps that was just a dream. A dream that perhaps some other faction might provide us with fair and wise leadership, as opposed to what's taken over now."

2014-10-29, 04:45 PM
"Choose your words wisely Tomalok." Markus snapped. "I have been sent to investigate the matters, I do not represent Amber, I represent justice." He took a sip from his glass. "The sooner you realize that the sooner we can fix this mess."

2014-10-30, 12:24 AM

On hearing that you are here to see him, Londo ushers you into the sitting room. "Come in, come in! What an honour it is to have you visit me! Would you like a drink? I have a wonderful red here, the finest vintage of Romonia!"

He goes to fix himself a drink, regardless of your answer, and continues, "Let me start by expressing my deepest sympathies on the loss of your father. Lord Oberon could be a bit grumpy at times, but he was likely the finest ruler that Amber shall ever see."

After your response, he finishes, "Now, what can one of Amber's most loyal subjects do for one of its most illustrious Princes, eh?"

Cedric accepts a glass, sipping from it as the man speaks. Thank you for your kind words. Indeed, anyone who would like to follow my father would have quite the boots to fill.

Another sip of the wine, and he sets it down. As for why I'm here, I merely have some inquiries for you. Just following up on current happenings, you know how it is. Those incidents that were occurring in Romonia--what were they? Are they still going on?

2014-10-30, 07:09 AM

The tailor smiles, and starts to leave, adding "I hope you enjoy your evening. And if you do manage to convince your sister to avail herself of my services, I would consider it an honour and a privilege to provide her with a stunning outfit."

After that, you head down to Fianella's chambers. She has everything prepared, and you make light small talk for most of the meal, with her talking about basic, uninteresting gossip and commenting that she regrets that Esmeralda hasn't thrown a party for a while because, as she puts it, "They're always epic!". As dessert arrives, her comments seem a bit more serious than you've come to expect from her.

"So, have you spoken much to your sister since you've both been back in Amber?"

The evening was pleasant, which nearly put Tristan's hackles up all on it's own, if it had been anyone other than Fianella he would have bolted already knowing there was a dagger with his name on it somewhere in the room. Finally she came to the point about this whole evening was really about. Marie. How to play this? "I am speaking with one of them now, but I assume you mean Marie?" He continued on without really allowing her to answer, "I've spoken with her occasionally. As I am sure you're aware, she spends more time praying than speaking to the living."

2014-10-30, 11:02 AM

Fianella replies, "Yes, that's always been a strange obsession of hers, with the Pattern and all. We might have had things in common, but she's such a stick in the mud. Still, she might have learned some things from Dworkin; she hung around with him enough. Did she ever share what she learned with you?"

2014-10-30, 11:05 AM

Londo is dismissive, but you catch a flash of reaction before he replies, "Pfah! Nothing but rumours and innuendo. You know how it can be; someone sees a butterfly and at the end of it all everyone's convinced that we're being attacked by dragons. In this case, some decisions went against some people who didn't expect it and suddenly there are conspiracies and enemies of Amber and good order and common sense and good food at good prices. Nonsense, that's all it was."

2014-10-30, 11:06 AM

Tomalok seems deflated. "If you'll forgive me the sentiment, I tried relying on the 'justice' of the spawn of Oberon once already, and found that there was little there. I'm not inclined to rely on it again."

2014-10-30, 11:24 AM

Fianella replies, "Yes, that's always been a strange obsession of hers, with the Pattern and all. We might have had things in common, but she's such a stick in the mud. Still, she might have learned some things from Dworkin; she hung around with him enough. Did she ever share what she learned with you?"

Tristan smiled, "Yes, that's my sister. The interminable, inevitable, stick in the mud. Marie is as secretive about her dealings as everyone else in our family. She shares what she thinks I might need to know and nothing about what she thinks I don't need to know. Since she thinks I'm wasting my talents there is a lot she doesn't tell me. I do recall her telling me about one thing Dworkin said, once... let me see if I can remember..."

2014-10-30, 01:30 PM

Tomalok seems deflated. "If you'll forgive me the sentiment, I tried relying on the 'justice' of the spawn of Oberon once already, and found that there was little there. I'm not inclined to rely on it again."

"That was all I needed to know." Markus replies and got up from his seat. "As for your hospitality I will have to refuse the offer. I would rather spend the night in my cold tent than within your walls." Markus politely nods before turning around and leaving the room.

2014-10-31, 12:47 AM

Londo is dismissive, but you catch a flash of reaction before he replies, "Pfah! Nothing but rumours and innuendo. You know how it can be; someone sees a butterfly and at the end of it all everyone's convinced that we're being attacked by dragons. In this case, some decisions went against some people who didn't expect it and suddenly there are conspiracies and enemies of Amber and good order and common sense and good food at good prices. Nonsense, that's all it was."

I can certainly understand how misunderstandings can escalate. I would, however, like to know the decisions that were made that caused those misunderstandings. What were they, exactly? His voice has acquired a firm edge, though he is far from his most stern voice.

2014-10-31, 07:19 AM

You return to the camp and sleep through the night. No one stops you or impedes you in any way, and the night is uneventful. In the morning, you feel the stirrings of a Trump contact, which you accept.

OOC - Note, you can resist contacts and if you want to you can, but you don't have any reason to reject this one and so I'm going to move it along instead of waiting. I'll do that in most cases unless I think there's a reason, but if you do want to roll one of those back let me know after and we'll do it.

The image of Cassandra swirls before your mind's eye. "Well, I didn't expect much from you on this mission, and yet you still manage to surprise me." she says coldly.

2014-10-31, 07:23 AM

Londo replies, "Well, you understand that I can't give all the details, even to someone as yourself, due to concerns about state security, but for the most part it was just reactions to people being shuffled and a few arrests of people who were acting against the interests of Romonia. Generally, the typical sort of political games, but someone squinted and saw a pattern, and, well, we were off the races, as it were.

"I'm curious as to why you're asking, though. This was all already discussed with your siblings, and the renowned intelligence service of Amber investigated and found nothing of concern, from what I've been told. Which you, I believe, are the head of. So it's surprising that you don't already know all of this."

2014-10-31, 12:15 PM

You return to the camp and sleep through the night. No one stops you or impedes you in any way, and the night is uneventful. In the morning, you feel the stirrings of a Trump contact, which you accept.

The image of Cassandra swirls before your mind's eye. "Well, I didn't expect much from you on this mission, and yet you still manage to surprise me." she says coldly.

"I knew I should have rejected the contact." Markus replied with the voice of regret. "What do you want?" He asked harshly.

2014-11-03, 01:02 AM

Londo replies, "Well, you understand that I can't give all the details, even to someone as yourself, due to concerns about state security, but for the most part it was just reactions to people being shuffled and a few arrests of people who were acting against the interests of Romonia. Generally, the typical sort of political games, but someone squinted and saw a pattern, and, well, we were off the races, as it were.

"I'm curious as to why you're asking, though. This was all already discussed with your siblings, and the renowned intelligence service of Amber investigated and found nothing of concern, from what I've been told. Which you, I believe, are the head of. So it's surprising that you don't already know all of this."

Without missing a beat, Cedric reclines easily back in his chair. Oh, Londo, it would be a mistake to assume what I do and don't know, he says with an air of amusement. A man of your standing surely must know that what you hear with your own two ears far surpasses what others tell you. Confirmation can be the difference between success and failure. More wine?

After they pour themselves more wine, he extends his glass. At any rate, a toast. To Amber; may she always prosper. And to Romonia; may she remain affluent.

After the toast, he spends a little less than a half hour more speaking with Londo, about the recent happenings of Romonia and his plans for the future. Afterwards, he bids the emperor farewell and returns to his room in order to collect his thoughts on what, if anything, he managed to learn.

Since Cedric has more experience with court intrigue and getting information out of people than me, and since he's second in Psyche (of the three of us, anyway), I'm hoping I can give a general description of what he does and let you fill in the blanks. After that, he plans to Trump contact Tristan, and then Markus, in that order. If you want to skip to that after summing up whether he learns anything useful.

2014-11-03, 04:38 AM
Cassandra replies, "To inform you of the results of your first day on this diplomatic mission. Tomalok has declined our help with the raiders and declared war on Romonia. Ergo, the precise thing we sent you to prevent. Therefore, your mission is over, and you are to return to Amber immediately."

2014-11-03, 05:39 AM
"Really?" Markus asks relieved. "That's great, this diplomacy was driving me crazy." He then settles on a more serious tone. "Tomalok had no interest peace, that much I can tell. Sure we could have wasted a lot of resources and postponed the war a month or two, but to what use. You know me, I always find the simplest solution. And when you wanted me to examine the options for peace, it only took me one day to conclude that there wasn't one. Case closed. You should thank me."

2014-11-03, 07:34 AM
Tristan continued after a moment, "I'm sorry, but I can only remember tidbits of information, I really should practice honing my mind more, but it is so tedious. However, Dworkin, according to Marie, so take that for what its worth, said that the Pattern holds its own opinion in high regard, or some such nonsense. I mean, how can a drawing on the floor have an opinion?"

2014-11-03, 08:40 AM

You would have expected Fianella to simply laugh at that ... but for an instant, she doesn't. She masks it quickly, though, and then does laugh, "I'm sure that Dworkin just meant that as something figurative and Marie, as usual, took it as something that has some deep meaning.

"Did you speak with her much while she was away?"

2014-11-03, 08:44 AM

Cassandra looks coldly at you. "As Romonia and Cartan have been in conflict for centuries, neither of them really wants peace with the other. Both of them want the other eliminated. However, neither of them want to cross Amber, so as long as they think that Amber will handle these sorts of things, they'll limit their hatred to words. Clearly, Tomalok was no longer confident that that would be the case.

"WE managed to keep Londo calm, but somehow a Prince of Amber could not manage that over one diplomatic dinner."

2014-11-03, 08:57 AM
"Oh, I'm sure. Marie has always acted as if the Pattern spoke to her, personally. At least in my opinion." Tristan then decided he'd had enough of Fianella asking all the questions, he knew she was pumping him for information but wasn't exactly sure why but obviously they thought Marie was a threat of some kind. "Why haven't you asked her these questions yourself? I mean, she's been in the Castle for quite sometime now and I am sure she'd be happy to tell you all about the mysterious and wonderful Pattern." He also made a mental note to speak to his sister as immediately following this dinner as he could.

2014-11-03, 09:09 AM
Fianella smiled. "I wanted to get a more neutral and yet still informed opinion. And she has been very reluctant to talk about where she was when she left ... and how she knew when to come back."

2014-11-03, 09:26 AM
Tristan really didn't have an answer for that question, since Marie had been the one to tell him he needed to come back. However, he really didn't want to tell Fianella that, so he did the only thing he could in this situation, lied through his teeth. "She knew to come back because I told her. As for where she'd been while she was gone, every time I talked to her there were bookshelves in the background. I'd assume she was somewhere studying about the Pattern, it is kinda her thing."

2014-11-03, 09:29 AM

Fianella laughs, but there's a little suspicion behind it. 'Yes, yes, that's always been her thing. And given her mind, it's something that could keep her occupied for a long, long time."

2014-11-03, 09:36 AM
Tristan enjoyed the moment of putting Fianella a little off her questions and decided to try and keep things that way. "So, what are the plans for the succession? I mean, someone has to be King, or Queen, in Amber. Its the only way the place works. Our allies and trading partners will expect someone to assume the throne." After a breif pause meant to seem like he'd had a revelation, Tristan continued. ""You know, I bet Marie would give up praying for a month if whichever of you has the Jewel of Judgement let her study it for an hour or two."

2014-11-03, 02:28 PM

Cassandra looks coldly at you. "As Romonia and Cartan have been in conflict for centuries, neither of them really wants peace with the other. Both of them want the other eliminated. However, neither of them want to cross Amber, so as long as they think that Amber will handle these sorts of things, they'll limit their hatred to words. Clearly, Tomalok was no longer confident that that would be the case.

"WE managed to keep Londo calm, but somehow a Prince of Amber could not manage that over one diplomatic dinner."

"He would have anyways, I just saved us a lot of time." Markus replies a bit more serious than one would expect that reply to be. "You know why a hot chicken is better than a cold one? Because the hot one will soon be done." He smirks. "Same goes for war. Anyways I have to go, I have important stuff to do."

2014-11-03, 04:48 PM

Cassandra glares at you. "I expect you and your troops back here in Amber by tomorrow." Then she breaks the contact.

2014-11-03, 04:49 PM

Fianella barely blinks at mention of the Jewel, but laughs and says, "We're grooming Finndo for the job."

2014-11-04, 01:17 AM
Markus leaves the tent. "Clean up the camp, we are leaving in two hours." He commands.

2014-11-04, 10:55 AM
Tristan laughed, out loud, then sobered himself, but allowing a smile to remain on his face. he was affecting a disbelieving air, "seriously, who's going to rule in Amber?"

2014-11-04, 11:26 AM
Fianella replies, "Finndo. Why WOULDN'T we advocate for him? He's dedicated, trustworthy, dogged and the people like him. They find his history tragic and it makes them sympathize with him, and his achieving the throne would seem like justice. And for my side, it leaves me more time to party instead of having to deal with all those boring matters of state."

2014-11-04, 11:32 AM
Tristan waved her description of Finndo aside, "If that's who you think will be best for Amber, then by all means advocate for him. But I'll assume Cassandra is the one who suggested him for the throne. She's always had a good leash on him. she'll certainly enjoy being able to get whatever she wants from him. And she's afraid of you, of course." He gave a shake of his head, said "Finndo," again with some amusement.

2014-11-04, 03:12 PM
Fianella smiles. "Better someone on Cassandra's leash than someone not on Cassandra's leash ... like you, perhaps?"

2014-11-04, 03:18 PM
That really made Tristan laugh, "Me? You're crazier than the old man if you think I want that job." Tristan shook his head bemusedly, "and supposing I had wanted it, Father would have simply named me heir and been done with it. Oh no, I'll be taking my leave soon enough and let the ruling of Amber to some other schmuck who has absolutely nothing to do. I'll leave the missives, delegations, embassies and the like to the baby brother, and whichever one of you is wiping his backside that day. No party could make up for all that tedium."

2014-11-04, 03:23 PM

You can tell that Fianella doesn't believe you, but she merely smiles and makes no comment.

OOC: Anything else?

2014-11-04, 03:40 PM
After bidding Londo farewell, Cedric returns to his room. He considers what he knows, and it is not much different from what he could have guessed. Londo knows more than he said, but was smart enough to admit nothing, deny everything. His next option is to speak with his siblings--the cabal, eventually, but he thinks that he should gather his other siblings up. Well, Marie would probably refuse the Trump contact, as focused as she is on the Pattern.

So it is Markus and Tristan, then. But first, he feels the beginning of a Trump contact. Reginald, he says to the air as the image of his underling comes to his mind. Bring me through.

He reaches out his hand and steps forward into the command room of his headquarters on Galvanos, his own personal Shadow. The whole feel is rather more technologically advanced than Amber, and as Reginald informs Cedric of any happenings he thinks the Prince should know they go to the central computer.

Cedric puts the information of the day into the computer: Romonia, Londo, and his own opinions of them. He then programs the computer to run probabilities on what the source of the unrest could be, and who could be behind it, while he returns to the main control room.

Finally, he pulls out the Trumps of Tristan and Markus. He takes the latter, and focuses on the image of Markus it holds.

2014-11-04, 04:42 PM
Markus accepts the trump. "Greeting brother, feels good to talk to someone I actually want to talk to."

2014-11-04, 05:13 PM
Greetings to you as well, Markus. Been having a bad day, then? What's the news?

2014-11-04, 05:35 PM
"I just spoke to Cassandra." He replies. "Do I need any more reason to be depressed?" He jokes.

2014-11-04, 05:54 PM
Ah, my condolences. How is our dear sister doing?

2014-11-05, 02:07 AM
"She's more annoying than ever. Who would have thought that possible? Anyways what did you want to tell me?"

2014-11-05, 11:54 AM
I simply wanted to speak with you, and Tristan, about the current situation in Amber and her future. Would you like to join me? He reaches out his hand for Markus to take, or not.

2014-11-05, 05:59 PM
"I was going home anyways." He replies and takes Cedric's hand.

2014-11-05, 06:05 PM
Cedric pulls Markus through with a smile. Well, if you're looking for home then we're a fair distance away. We're in Galvanos, my Shadow. As Markus looks around, he can see that the interior of the room is noticeably different in design from Amber's--more sleek and technological. I believed that we should have a little privacy for this meeting. Although if you'd prefer we do this in Kolvir, then Tristan can Trump us there. Let's contact him now.

He picks up Tristan's Trump from the table and focuses his mind on Tristan's image.

2014-11-05, 06:18 PM
"No need, this is fine." He replied and sat down.

2014-11-06, 08:03 AM
Tristan was just leaving Fianella's room when he felt the tingle of an attempted Trump Contact begin to form. He was half expecting a call from Marie and so he answered as soon as he was out of sight of Fianella's door. The halls of castle Amber we're visible the background, and it was obvious he was walking as well. "Hello," he had about to say Marie out of expectation, but halted and after a brief pause to actually note who was on the other side of the connection he continued, "Cedric."

2014-11-06, 08:19 AM
Cedric gives a nod of acknowledgment. In his background, Tristan can see shiny metal sheets with blinking buttons on them, a place he is unfamiliar with, and Markus off to the side. Greetings, Tristan. You look even better dressed than usual. What's the occasion?

2014-11-06, 08:29 AM
"Fianella." Was his simple response. "What's up?"

2014-11-06, 09:07 AM
I was just wondering if you'd like to join Markus and myself for a little chat. It's been too long since we've all three spoken with each other, after all.

2014-11-06, 09:18 AM
"Join you where? I'd rather not leave Marie here alone with Amanda's brood for long."

2014-11-06, 09:32 AM
In my own Shadow, Galvanos. It won't be for too long, by Amber's time. He focuses, and can almost feel the time in Galvanos speed up. We can take our time as we catch up. And when we want to get back, you can Trump Marie and have her bring us back to Amber.

OOC: Using Cedric's Control of Time Flow for Galvanos, I made the time differential 1 hour on Galvanons equal to one minute on Amber.

2014-11-06, 09:43 AM
Tristan arches an eyebrow at Cedric, pondering for just a moment. "Very well, bring me through. But don't count on Marie to answer me when I trump, she's quite often 'busy'."

2014-11-06, 10:13 AM
If worst comes to worst, I can Trump Esmeralda to bring us through. Cedric reaches out his hand for Tristan to take and pulls him through to his side. Have a seat, please. Would either of you like refreshments?

He directs Reginald to get whatever refreshments Tristan and Markus desire. Afterward, he asks, How have you both been doing these past few days?

2014-11-06, 01:34 PM
Tristan took a seat, adjusting to make himself comfortable and waved away the servant. "I'm fine, a dinner with Fianella is never a modest affair, I'm stuffed." he looked from brother to brother, "I don't know what you two have been doing, but I've been trying to single-handedly drink the realm out of booze, regretting it for an hour the next morning, and then repeating."

2014-11-06, 01:54 PM
Cedric chuckles between idle munches at a biscuit. Well, the temptation crossed my mind for a second, but some of us have responsibilities to the realm to attend to. He shoots a friendly wink of camaraderie to Markus. Intel reports and fact-checking have taken up most of my time. I've heard some rather unsettling things.

What did Fianella want with you, anyway?

Just let me know if you want us to slow down, Ninjaman or Daimbert. I don't want to lock Markus out of the conversation, but I also don't want it to stall.

2014-11-06, 03:42 PM
Markus takes a sip from his tea. "Sounds like a productive night brother." He replied to Tristan's comment. "I wish a dinner with Tomalok was as exciting, but sadly I can't say it was." He added before grabbing a biscuit.

2014-11-06, 03:51 PM
Tristan waved away the responsibility comment, "If you want to suckle at Finndo's teat have at it. I've no interest." He looked around for that servant, Wishing he'd asked for a beverage now. "Fianella wanted information, I would assume it was Cassandra's idea. She asked about the Pattern, Marie and Dworkin. In essentially that order... and she completely ducked my comment about the Jewel of Judgement."

2014-11-06, 06:50 PM
Tomalok? When did you meet with the ruler of Cartan, and why?

He then turns to Trisan. The realm of Amber is far, far different from whoever happens to be sitting on the throne at the moment, brother. The former is a fixed point; the latter, far more transient. he says. And Finndo, eh? Is that who Amanda's brood is pushing to put in the hot seat? He is certainly dedicated to them, almost fanatically so.

He motions to Reginald to bring Tristan tea before continuing, That quartet have certainly taken firm control of the reigns in the wake of father's death. A cynical man might comment on how convenient it was for them that they were the only children of Oberon present in Amber at the time of his unfortunate passing. He sips his tea, giving his brothers a chance to comment, or not.

2014-11-07, 01:42 PM
"You aren't suggesting that our siblings committed or arranged patricide? I sure hope so... because that bunch would do a lot to be in control, particularly since they dad set aside their mother for mine. Of course, that means I should have killed him too, for setting aside my mother for yours."

2014-11-07, 04:19 PM
Tomalok? When did you meet with the ruler of Cartan, and why?

"Yesterday. Cassandra wanted me to see if the war could be avoided. It couldn't." He replied before eating the last of his biscuit.

2014-11-10, 01:16 AM
"You aren't suggesting that our siblings committed or arranged patricide? I sure hope so... because that bunch would do a lot to be in control, particularly since they dad set aside their mother for mine. Of course, that means I should have killed him too, for setting aside my mother for yours."
I'm suggesting the circumstances aligned quite well for them, to say the very least.

And let's be honest, father was practically grooming you for the position. Killing him got you absolutely nothing, when it was only a matter of time until he threw legitimacy to the winds and named you next in line.

"Yesterday. Cassandra wanted me to see if the war could be avoided. It couldn't." He replied before eating the last of his biscuit.

So, Cassandra, arguably the greatest strategic mind of our time, in order to negotiate a situation between two countries with a history of violence, sent…you. Forgive me, brother, but I think we can all agree that she wanted you to fail from the beginning. So that begs the question: what do Amanda's brood gain by Cartan and Romonia going to war?

2014-11-10, 02:55 AM
So, Cassandra, arguably the greatest strategic mind of our time, in order to negotiate a situation between two countries with a history of violence, sent…you. Forgive me, brother, but I think we can all agree that she wanted you to fail from the beginning. So that begs the question: what do Amanda's brood gain by Cartan and Romonia going to war?

"I was very quick to question this decision, and she was very quick to change the subject." Markus replied and took another sip from his cup. "I know she is up to something." He took a bite of his biscuit. "Before she gave me the assignment she said, and I quote, "Given my full choice, you would no longer be a general in my army. But that is where Oberon placed you, and my siblings believe that it is best to leave you in your position at the moment to promote stability. And thus you will stay there ... for as long as it promotes stability." Though if she is the strategic genius you claim she is one could question why she would make her hostility towards my so obvious."

2014-11-10, 07:43 AM
Tristan responded with a shrug to Cedric assertion, it was the way he had read things as well. But he had something to add, "Or, she was setting you up to fail so she had cause to remove your position in the army." He paused briefly before continuing, "Funny how she called it her army and not Finndo's, if he's to be king. We'll need to exploit that, somehow."

2014-11-10, 04:49 PM
Tristan responded with a shrug to Cedric assertion, it was the way he had read things as well. But he had something to add, "Or, she was setting you up to fail so she had cause to remove your position in the army." He paused briefly before continuing, "Funny how she called it her army and not Finndo's, if he's to be king. We'll need to exploit that, somehow."

"Yes, I made sure to pay attention to her specific choice of words. I have the feeling it tells us more that she wanted us to hear."

2014-11-11, 12:45 AM
Possibly she dismisses you as a credible threat--thus, she feels she doesn't need to conceal her true feelings about you. We could use that.

But before we go further, I believe we've come to the crux of the matter; the reason I wanted to call us together. Let me put a question to you both: are you content with our most esteemed brothers and sisters being in the seat of power that they hold? Content to allow them to seat Finndo, of all people, on the throne?

2014-11-12, 09:23 AM
"No, we'd never safely see the inside of Amber again with Finndo on the throne. He is too biddable by his siblings and too fanatically loyal to them. And he's an insufferable ass."

2014-11-13, 01:15 AM
"Amen to that." Markus replies and empties his cup.

2014-11-15, 12:10 AM
I can't help but agree. Then, I suppose the question becomes: what shall we do about it?

2014-11-17, 07:49 AM
"The same thing we do every night? Try and take over the world?" Tristan replied with the line from a cartoon he'd watched while on a shadow of earth some time ago. "Seriously, there's only one option if the current situation is unacceptable, and that is to change it. The specifics are where we get fuzzy."

2014-11-18, 12:24 AM
Our first objective would be to separate the cabal, physically or emotionally, Cedric says after a passing smile at the joke. They're too tightly-knit, too able to cover each others' weaknesses. We could probably lure Lance out, and then outnumber and overpower him. He never did have a head for tactics or ambushes.

2014-11-20, 02:01 PM
"Lance should be easy," He looked to Markus, "Just call him a wuss and wait for the tantrum. He'll chase, we'll wait..."

2014-11-20, 02:56 PM
Markus snickered. If only it was that easy. He replied. "Lance might be a fool, but at least give him a little credit."

2014-11-24, 11:01 AM
"Credit? Lance? Sure, he's a pain in the ass to fight, he is not possessed of an over-abundance of brains, however." Tristan said with smirk, "Fine, let's actually plan how to get Lance alone and dispose of him. What does he hold dear we can use against him, besides his siblings, obviously. I doubt we can get Finndo to be nearly so co-operative ion being kidnapped as we'd like."

2014-11-27, 12:43 PM
I couldn't say exactly what would be best to lure Lance out; it has been so long since I saw him last. One of us could ask him for a spar where we can try to probe for more information.

I do agree with Markus--even if Lance is the least given to tactics among his siblings, he is still of Amber. Everything is relative, after all; if only ours weren't who they are. He grins a wry grin and continues, I've spoken with my mother and encouraged her to drum up another of her parties with Fianella: both to occupy our sister and to perhaps glean some little bit of intel.

2014-12-03, 12:41 PM
"Perhaps the party is the way to also lure Lance out? If we can turn it into a big enough to-do then the best brightest are sure to come. Particularly if we can convince Finndo to attend."

2014-12-06, 12:30 AM
That sounds like a good idea. I will get back in touch with Esmeralda when we get back to Amber to encourage her again.

Now, we have the party, where we'll aim to separate Lance from the others. At the very least, I believe we should sow some seeds of discontent, or at least attempt to. There must be something Lance has a quarrel with in this situation we find ourselves in.

What of the troubles between Cartan and Romonia? I believe we should get to the bottom of this; the consequences are looking to be rather ill for Amber, and it would be best to nip civil wars in the bud.

2015-01-08, 07:58 AM
"Perhaps we will be able to kill two birds with one stone. If this party can be a big enough draw, it should bring both sides together for an evening and allow us some dining room diplomacy. In addition to isolating Lance and removing him from the board, for Amber, at least. It would be fabulous if we could get him lost in shadow for a while."

2015-01-08, 09:56 AM
"Interesting stategy." Markus replied coldly. "I's worth a shot." He added with a tone of uncertainty.

2015-01-08, 11:17 PM
Cedric smiles and nods. My thoughts exactly. I will Trump my mother, to see if she has been able to speak with Fianella about a party.

He takes out Esmeralda's Trump and focuses on it, feeling the coldness on his fingers.

2015-01-09, 05:28 PM
She accepts the contact, and then says playfully, "My, haven't WE been the dutiful son lately? To what do I owe the honour of another conversation with my favourite son ... by Oberon, at least?"

2015-01-10, 02:18 PM
Can a good son not simply wish to speak with his mother? Cedric grins, then says, Have you had a chance to speak with Fianella about coordinating a party together yet?

2015-01-11, 10:59 AM
"There MIGHT be something in the works. Why do you ask?", she replies.

2015-01-15, 09:13 PM
Simply because Tristan, Markus, and I are most interested in this party. Particularly whether or not our dear brother Lance will be in attendance.

2015-01-16, 05:32 AM
"Darling, when I throw a party, EVERYONE comes, "she replies.

She thinks for a moment, and says, "Well, if you're THAT anxious, I guess I can move it along ... but good parties do take time. I'd say I could have one ready to my usual standards in ... about a week?"

2015-01-16, 08:20 PM
A week? That would be more than enough, mother. These things take time, we all know; though if anyone asks why you seem to be rushing it, we would appreciate your typical discretion. We would also appreciate it if you could keep us up to date on the location and specifics of the party.

2015-01-17, 01:20 PM
Your mother winks at you, "Say no, more. I'll be in touch."

2015-01-17, 02:54 PM
Be well, mother. I'll talk to you later.

Giving his mother one last smile, Cedric places his hand over the Trump and cuts off the contact. He turns to his brothers and says, The party will be ready in a week of Amber's time. Lance will definitely be in attendance. I believe we should attempt to look into the situation between Romonia and Cartan in the meantime.

2015-01-19, 10:15 AM
"A week, that should be sufficient. I think." Tristan said, thinking out loud as much as speaking. "Romonia and Cartan? Your mother thinks its important? To us?"

2015-01-22, 11:57 AM
My mother? My mother tends to stick to the politics immediately attending to the court and Amber itself. No, I say we should investigate Romonia and Cartan because a war between them could have serious repercussions for Amber. And think about it: if this war is being engineered by Cassandra, she must have a reason. And to be quite honest, I'd rather she not get what she wants, wouldn't you?

2015-01-25, 09:17 PM
Well, the two of you can dither on the subject as you wish. I will look into the matter, by myself if need be. Enjoy the refreshments, I need to check up on my calculations for a moment.

Cedric gets to his feet with a cordial smile for his brothers. He goes back to the computer to see if it's been able to run the probabilities on the source of the unrest. Hopefully it will have given up something.

((See post #77 for the computer thing. It's not much, but it's something to do to declare Cedric's intentions.))

2015-01-26, 03:23 PM
"Let me know what the machine says, other than that I can't do much of anything from here. Perhaps when we get back to Amber I can see about helping avert this suddenly important war."

2015-01-27, 09:45 AM

The computer delivers the summary of its results. Not surprisingly, Londo and Tomalok top the list themselves, with the cabal beaten out only by you and your brothers. Marie is below both sets, and at the bottom, the lowest in priority, below the usual rabble and troublemakers, is some sort of powerful external force.

2015-01-30, 12:43 AM
Cedric sighs as he reads over the results. Not at all different from what he had suspected, but it never hurt to try. He files the report into a folder and hands it to Reginald to put away.

He returns to his brothers and gives them the news. Now that we have no further business here, I think we should be off to Amber. Should I Trump my mother again, or do you think dear Marie could tear herself away long enough to Trump us through?

2015-01-30, 11:40 AM
"Let us see..." Tristan reached into his jacket pocket and withdrew just one card from it, he kept Marie's card on the top of his deck for convenience and emergencies. He held it before him and concentrated on the image of his sister, waiting for a response.

2015-02-01, 03:57 PM
There is a momentary pause, and then Marie's face appears before your mind's eye. Before it fully resolves, Marie says, "Yes, Tristan? What is it?".

OOC - Sorry about the delay. I meant to post a response right away, and then completely forgot.

2015-02-02, 07:44 AM
"I am away from the castle and need a reliable and quick way home, can you give me a hand." Tristan explained to his sister.

2015-02-02, 12:00 PM
She looks at you a little skeptically. "Just you? No ... friends? By which I mean drinking buddies?"

2015-02-02, 12:04 PM
"Markus and Cedric are here," Tristan replied, "But I can bring them back on my own once I'm there. And I'm not drunk, I only had one."

2015-02-02, 01:39 PM
Marie sighs and extends her hand. "All right, come ahead."

As you take her hand, the room around you fades away to be replaced with the Pattern Room in Amber, where you find yourself standing in front of your sister, dressed in her normal plain attire, a grey dress with a brown shawl over her shoulders.

She sniffs at you. "Well, you don't smell strongly of alcohol, so I guess you were telling the truth. Will wonders never cease!"

Her tone is a mix of criticism and teasing, which is pretty standard for her when she talks about, well, pretty much everything you do.

2015-02-02, 03:08 PM
Tristan reached out his hand and took his sisters, while turning his head back to speak to his borthers, "Trump me in about 10 minutes, give me time to make sure I'm somewhere secure." and then let his sister pull him through the Trump contact.

Tristan takes a moment to look around and then shakes his head at Marie, "I do have days where I hardly drink at all. You just miss them all, you're alwasy down here in this cave looking at the drawing on the floor." He said, with the same mix of criticism and mirth. "Seriously Marie, you could at least look like a princess of Amber. Grey and brown together and not a puff or slash or even a bit of jewelry?"

2015-02-02, 04:09 PM
She waves off your comments. "The Pattern knows me as a Princess of Amber, and neither it nor I care about frills. Beyond that, who do I need to impress with my status or my appearance?"

2015-02-04, 03:13 PM
"Now? Perhaps your siblings. You know that Amanda's bunch are in control of Amber, and with it the Pattern?"

2015-02-04, 05:31 PM
"Oh, they're not likely to forget that I'm a Princess of Amber any time soon, regardless of my appearance. And I've studied the Pattern from Shadow before; I can do it again if they get too ... unfriendly," she replies breezily.

"Are you going to do something that might make them unfriendly, Tristan?" she adds suspiciously.

2015-02-05, 08:10 AM
Tristan clicks his jaw shut when she asks the question, "Why would you ask that?"

2015-02-05, 08:44 AM
Marie's eyes narrowed. "Because I know you, brother, and I know your ambitions, and I know how little you care for them ... and I couldn't see any other reason why you'd warn me about Amanda's brood and their relation to the Pattern other than to let me know that some kind of trouble was likely to occur."

2015-02-05, 09:07 AM
"Dad wanted me to succeed him, they've ignored his wishes. Yes, I'm going to do something about it, even if it means you end up Queen." Tristan said with an edge to his voice, before pausing and taking a deep breath. "I'm telling you so you know, and hopefully gain your support. You know more about the Pattern and how it works than anyone alive."

2015-02-05, 10:28 AM
Marie replies, "I have no interest in ruling Amber, and I don't care for Amanda's brood any more than you do. But I don't care for politics either. So any support you'll get from me is what you usually get: I won't side against you if you make a play, but I won't actively and openly support you either."

2015-02-05, 02:40 PM
"Better you than them, dear sister." Tristan said, "And I expected no less, I'll take non-interference. But be warned that it may engulf you nonetheless, family squabbles can be entangling."

2015-02-05, 02:51 PM
She nods, "If it does, I'll deal with it then, in my own way."

2015-02-05, 02:58 PM
Tristan nodded and gave her a brotherly smile, "Now I'm off so I don't disturb you bringing our brothers through." Unless she stopped him Tristan headed out the door to the Pattern room and up into the main part of the castle.

2015-02-05, 06:46 PM
Marie bids Tristan farewell and returns to contemplating the Pattern.

2015-02-05, 07:15 PM
Cedric finishes putting the room in order while he waits a sufficient amount of time for Tristan to get to a secluded location. Placing one last file into place, he takes out Tristan's Trump and focuses on the image of his brother emblazoned on the face.

2015-02-09, 10:15 AM
Tristan ducks into a empty room, having not made it entirely up to the floor containing his personal quarters. He then answers the incoming trump call. "Amber central."

2015-02-13, 12:42 PM
Cedric takes a look at the surroundings behind Tristan, and weighs the merits of Trumping into an empty room as opposed to Tristan's private quarters. Shrugging, he links hands with Markus, and then allows Tristan to pull them through to Amber.

I think I'll pay a little visit to Cassandra, he says. As Spymaster, I have a right to know what they're planning with this situation. Trump me if anything comes up.

With a nod and faux-salute to his brothers, he leaves the room. He checks by his office for any new missives or reports from his spies before attempting to locate Cassandra.

2015-02-23, 02:46 PM
OOC - I'm going to try to write up all of the actions in one post to see how that works. That being said, for conversations I'll probably still write them all up separately, so let me know what you think of all of that.

You browse through the missives, but other than some slightly odd troop movements on the Cartan side there's nothing of interest. Seeing that, you head down to Cassandra's office here in the palace. Her aide tries to insist that she's too busy to see you at first, but you ARE a Prince of Amber and so such protests tend to be rather short. Resigned, he asks Cassandra if she is willing to see you and you are just a little surprised to note that she seems to without much thought. He ushers you in and offers you refreshments, and as he leaves Cassandra says coldly, "So, what is it you wanted to speak to me about?". You'd think that she wasn't happy to see you, but her normal demeanor is cold, so it just seems like business as usual.

As you return to your room, a messenger arrives with an invitation to meet with Londo on "matters of common annoyance".

As your return to your room, you run into the tailor. "Ah, Prince Tristan! This is most fortuitous, as I was sent to look for you. Someone left this note and asked the guard to deliver it to you. But of course the guards are FAR too busy to actually DELIVER it, so they asked me to do it. And, well, I needed a break from hemming trousers and thought I'd swing by. And here you are! The Pattern is certainly with me today", he says jovially.

2015-02-24, 01:25 AM
OOC - I'm going to try to write up all of the actions in one post to see how that works. That being said, for conversations I'll probably still write them all up separately, so let me know what you think of all of that.

You browse through the missives, but other than some slightly odd troop movements on the Cartan side there's nothing of interest. Seeing that, you head down to Cassandra's office here in the palace. Her aide tries to insist that she's too busy to see you at first, but you ARE a Prince of Amber and so such protests tend to be rather short. Resigned, he asks Cassandra if she is willing to see you and you are just a little surprised to note that she seems to without much thought. He ushers you in and offers you refreshments, and as he leaves Cassandra says coldly, "So, what is it you wanted to speak to me about?". You'd think that she wasn't happy to see you, but her normal demeanor is cold, so it just seems like business as usual.

Hmm, nothing of note. But then again, he hadn't expected much--only a day isn't much time for Amber-shattering deeds to happen, or at least to happen and then get back to him. His spy network isn't that good, and if Cassandra and her siblings are limiting what information reaches him, then his chances of getting anything useful dip lower still.

At any rate, off to see Cassandra. The aide is mildly annoying, but Cedric merely stands there and lets the man's protests sputter to silence. He gives the aide a smile as he goes to tell Cassandra.

That the man comes back so quickly is a vague surprise, but Cedric ignores it as he sits down. He sips his tea and nibbles at a scone, giving Cassandra a nod. Good to see you too, sister.

I came to confer with you about the situation between Cartan and Romonia. I noticed that you sent Markus to speak with Tomalok prior to the official declaration of war. What caused you to make that decision? You of all people should be aware of Markus' degree of tact.

2015-03-02, 03:55 PM
Cassandra replies, "Yes, I am aware of his level of tact. That's why he was sent to deal with the military matter of the raiders, and not negotiate a peace agreement. No one expected that a Prince of Amber could not even get through one diplomatic dinner without so greatly angering his host that it would start a war."

2015-03-05, 10:05 AM
"Very well." Markus replies the messanger. "Then take me to Londo."

2015-03-06, 01:13 AM
Cedric gives a noncommittal "hmm". Still, to not have foreseen that our brother's disastrous tact could escalate things this quickly...could you be slipping, sister? His tone is nonjudgmental, as if he is asking if it will rain within the day.

At any rate, I'd like to know your stance on the situation. Knowing you, you have crafted at least a half dozen viable avenues to take, and as many "in case" plans. Where do we go from here? His tone is one of concern for the kingdom. And although his face shows concentration and minute concern for the kingdom, he is watching every move of her face and body for what it can tell him of her thoughts and reactions.

2015-03-09, 07:34 AM

Londo ushers you in and offers refreshments. After some typical small talk, he says "So, I hear that you had an encounter with the rather annoying Tomalok, eh? One that didn't go particularly well, which is I suppose a candidate for understatement of the year, yes?"

2015-03-09, 07:37 AM

Cassandra's reaction hardly fluctuates at all. "With the stability of the realm so uncertain, there is little we can do to interfere here without destablizing the crown, and leaving the realm open to turmoil. So it seems that they might just have to fight it out, once and for all ... at least until cooler heads can prevail."

2015-03-09, 10:31 AM
"Nah, seems about right." Markus replied calmly. "A negotiation is between two sides, and if one side isn't interested, coming to an agreement can be very difficult. I exposed his unwillingness to cooperate, and I will call that a success."

2015-03-09, 12:00 PM

Londo replies jovially, "Well, Tomalok has never been one for co-operation, while I, on the other hand, have been completely willing to put aside my reasonable grievances against him for the sake of stability in these ... unsettled times."

You catch a slight emphasis on "unsettled times".

2015-03-18, 07:58 PM
So there is nothing you can think to do to alleviate the situation? Come now, sister--you always think twenty moves ahead, every time. You could never be touched in military simulations. There must be something, even if it will only soften the blow.

2015-03-19, 02:14 AM
"Tell me about it." Markus replies with a smirk on his face. He quickly gets sirous and asks Lando, "Why did you send for me?"

2015-03-19, 12:38 PM

Cassandra shrugs. "The main plan was to eliminate the raiders and remove the burr from under their saddle. That could have gone better, obviously. The next plan is to let them fight it out and generate a whole new set of grievances against each other as they fight to an almost certain stalemate. I'd rather not have to deal with this at this time, but as long as it doesn't spread it is disruptive, but not overly concerning. And we have plans in place to ensure that it doesn't spread."

2015-03-19, 12:43 PM

Londo chuckles. "Right to the point, as always! That's one of the the things I've always liked about you, you know, how you are so direct in a world where everyone is always trying to make certain that they do not say too much and give away too much. I wish that I could share that directness, sometimes, but ... fah, habits of a lifetime and all that, yes?

"Anyway, war is a terrible thing, and the instability they cause is often almost as bad. But instability can also bring opportunities to someone who is willing to seize them. But such opportunities do not arise strictly by one's own devices, but instead through the help of allies and friends in mutually beneficial relationships. Since you aren't likely to find such a mutually beneficial relationship with that brute Tomalok, I would like to ask you to consider if you could find one with me, and my humble realm."

2015-03-19, 05:13 PM
"I'll consider it." Markus replied. "Tomalok was a.. Brute as you so elegantly put it." He said sarcasticly. "You're not, but that doesn't automatically make you trustworthy. For now I'll trust you, but only as much as I have to."

2015-04-01, 11:02 PM

Cassandra shrugs. "The main plan was to eliminate the raiders and remove the burr from under their saddle. That could have gone better, obviously. The next plan is to let them fight it out and generate a whole new set of grievances against each other as they fight to an almost certain stalemate. I'd rather not have to deal with this at this time, but as long as it doesn't spread it is disruptive, but not overly concerning. And we have plans in place to ensure that it doesn't spread."

And what plans are those? I'm Amber's Spymaster, Cassandra. I'm sworn to defend her, and I can't do that effectively if I'm kept in the dark.

2015-04-03, 03:10 PM

Londo replies jovially, "Of course, of course, I wouldn't have it any other way! While I know, of course, that I am totally trustworthy, you can't read minds -- although there have been stories -- and so don't know that yourself. So some suspicion is, well, normal. But hopefully we can work together for outcomes that are mutually beneficial.

"Of course, in order to do that, I do need to know a bit about what's beneficial to you, no? So, then, to put it bluntly: what do you want?"

2015-04-03, 03:16 PM

Cassandra replied, "As Amber's Spymaster, you are told what you need to know, and no more. If you can't use your spying or political abilities to discern it for yourself, you'll just have to live with your curiosity until you do, indeed, have a need to know as Amber's Spymaster."

2015-04-06, 09:15 AM
"I care for the good of the kingdom. And the termination of anyone who stand against it." He replied, and to sound a bit less benevolent he added "And yes, that means the termination of anyone who stands against me as well."

2015-04-11, 05:26 PM

Londo replied jovially, "But of COURSE we all have the good of the realm as our top priority! But as long as the realm is safe, we all have other more personal ambitions, yes? I can't do anything more for the realm than I'm already doing ... but I hope to be able to do more for YOU than I am doing now, and hope for the same consderations from you, if you are amenable, of course."

2015-04-11, 08:48 PM
"Now that you ask." He replied. "I have never trusted cassandra, but lately I have trusted her even less. Just keep your eyes and ears open and tell me if you get anything on her."

2015-04-11, 11:35 PM

Cassandra replied, "As Amber's Spymaster, you are told what you need to know, and no more. If you can't use your spying or political abilities to discern it for yourself, you'll just have to live with your curiosity until you do, indeed, have a need to know as Amber's Spymaster."

Cedric shrugs, and takes another sip of his tea. So how is Finndo doing? I assume he is the one you all will be pushing for the throne, after all.

2015-04-13, 07:27 AM

Londo replied, "Of course, of course! She keeps her cards close to her chest, as they say, but that is such a little thing that I hardly even call it a favour!"

Then he paused, and continued, "Given your position, as I said I may ask you for some considerations in the future. One can never be too careful, or have too many friends, yes? So I hope that we can work together in a friendly manner to both our benefit!"

Unless Markus has anything else to say or ask about, they have a pleasant conversation and then part. Londo can be very entertaining.

2015-04-13, 07:28 AM

Cassandra replied, "He's doing quite well in his role. There seems little reason to not make it a more ... permanent arrangement."

2015-04-14, 12:21 AM
"That's not the favor." Markus replied. "The favor is helping me take her out if you find anything." He explained.

After the conversation Markus parted with Lando, and walked back towards training arena.

2015-04-24, 04:21 PM
You see Londo's face twist in an expression of shock for a split second, but he quickly hides it. "Well, I'll just have to make sure that the favour I ask of you is equally ... impressive, yes?"

2015-04-24, 05:40 PM
Markus simply nodded as he left for the training area.