View Full Version : Pathfinder PF Druid Thousand Faces Dilemma

2014-10-15, 10:08 AM
My situation is a weird one, at least I think so. I am a 13th lvl druid who happens to be the Party Face in the current region we are in because of Thousand Faces and the party Oracle decided to piss on the Govoner's cheerios, quite literally to try and poison him, she is that race from ARG with poison blood.

For the past in game 2 weeks I had obtained the honorary title of Nature's Observer from Golarions version of Pelor. Mainly due to me saving the high priest from a pack of dire wolves and not asking for a reward. I'm sure that me being true neutral has something to do with it... with no loyalties except nature.

My problem is that I've spent the last week being tossed around various goblin tribes because I altered self into a goblin to learn their culture/habits to help better inform the town on raid 'schedules.' As such I've participated in a few raids in order to learn their methods. Enough so I've switched to Nuetral Evil and she has come to enjoy the culture and comradery of said goblin tribes

Now my party doesn't know this because alignment shifts happen and the DM texts you 'secret' messages...alignment shifts being one such. My question is how would you yall handle the situation?

I am leaning toward continuing to adventure with the party with the new purpose to any other region and to organize the local goblins into a well oiles warbands under the 'Goblin Hero Xhekrag' (my name that I was given as a slave to one tribe.)

Any thoughts?

2014-10-15, 11:26 AM
It sounds like you have some loyalties besides nature, specifically to your friends as well as to these goblin tribes. There is a real possibility that these loyalties will collide, and you should determine how your character would react (even if the character himself/herself does not put much forethought into it.)

For example, suppose you succeed in organizing these goblins into a war machine as you plan. They start chopping down a lot of trees to make siege engines and weapons, and overhunting/fishing an area for supplies, in order to prepare for a drawn-out war with a neighboring human nation. What would your character do? Especially keeping in mind that, if they go too far at your direction, you might even fall and lose your powers - one of which is the very Thousand Faces that lets you integrate among them.

Also, the Golarion equivalent of Pelor would be Sarenrae (unless you're dealing with homebrew deities) and, Burning Hate jokes aside, neither of them would be too thrilled with a NE Druid even if your powers don't come from them directly. So a reprisal on that front may be worth anticipating as well since he/she has apparently taken notice of you in some capacity.

Finally, from a metagame standpoint - I'm assuming evil alignments are okay in your group since the DM messages alignment shifts to people privately, but don't forget the cardinal rule of valuing the real people at the table more highly than your fictional character on the sheet. A common trap druid players fall into is not wanting to go along with the group if the party's immediate goal has little to do with nature; just remember that it's okay to do something that doesn't immediately have a tie to "nature" for the primary purpose of helping your friends, or simply obtaining strength/wealth/power to better do your job of protecting the forest later.

2014-10-15, 12:09 PM
Well I know it's a game and I know the DMs have the upper hand in most of situations but fortunately for you this is not one of them.

Your allignment shift came along from 2 scenarios:

1) You really played a wonderful RP with those tribes and your actions did make you actually evil.

2) Your DM wanted to make you evil under the excuse of "you being with goblins and raiding stuff".

Thing is though, that those 2 scenarios have loopholes you can take advantage of:

1) The fact that you played a wonderful RP doesn't mean you can't continue on doing it. So when the 2 forces collide, you prove that you REALLY are a "Thousand Face" master and that the whole "come to enjoy goblin culture and companionship" was just a very good act from your part, having in mind your only loyalty which is nature. Considering the greater good of nature, you are able to withstand the emotional pain from seeing forests getting burned and seas getting emptied (which can also give you a good chance for "nature" RP if you chose to go behind their backs and help the nature in the form of planting something or idk). When the collision happens however, you can be free at last and turn against the goblins with all the hatred you have gathered from all the pain nature suffered.

2) In general, a good DM shouldn't force an allignment shift considering he knows the underlying reasons behind your actions, so in the case he is a "bad" DM you can just riot against him :P

2014-10-15, 12:58 PM
I'm not entirely sure about the DM being bad because he deemed that my willing actions to raid innocent wouldn't cause a shift in the evil side. My DM also happens to be a psychologist in RL. This leading, to him, following Darwin's Survival of the Fittest theory is perfectly fine because I am aiding a faction to 'become the fittest,' which may be odd, but it's a different way to view a Druids obligations.

I am just having trouble what to do with the party. They are gearing up for my report on the situation. They do not know that the new rumored goblin war chief is actually me.

To give some context to our current quest. We have been tasked with the investigation and replacement of the local government from a guild we belong to. It's more or less the country's 'clean up' section, but we don't know this as we think it's just a regular adventurers guild.

My character is completing the assignment in the quickest way she thinks possible... By replacing the potentially corrupt 'unfit' seat of power, with a new one entirely. :p I'm just currently trying to puzzle out wether or not I initiate a massive raid party, or just assassinate the governor... Lol

2014-10-15, 01:17 PM
Well in any case if those are your only 2 options I say either embrace your evil side or go rogue on the evil side and then the massive raid begins, give orders to your goblins that will result to get slaughtered as a whole, becoming once again the hero of your party without any problems. Since you are the new warlord I guess that's doable. On the other hand, if YOU are actually enjoying yourself with your new role and you like killing innocents (including the nature I should note here) then go forth and slay everything in your way with your massive goblin army.

The silver line there (if you like being evil and all) is to assassinate the other leader. This way, you keep your new role, and you disrupt nature's course as less as possible since you don't have to gear up a whole army for an invasion.

2014-10-15, 10:27 PM
The thing to remember is that the E on your sheet is a reflection of your character's actions, not a guide to them. Just because your DM says you're evil is no reason to alter your roleplay in ANY way. Keep playing true to the character, and if that turns out to not be evil, eventually that E will go away.

In other words, the DM telling you that you're evil is irrelevant. So, given that, what does the character want to do? That's really the only question you need to answer, and it's not one any of us can answer for you.