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2014-10-15, 01:11 PM
"Very well." Mithra says, after a few moments of consideration. "Everyone, back up the stairs." She calls to the group, Kulaas following her footsteps reluctantly, while Tobi rejoins Tulip's side. Minus the Violet glow.

2014-10-15, 01:18 PM
Tulip looks happy as she agrees. It probably wasn't comfortable for Violet to have people standing on it. As they head up the stairs, Tulip flies over to Tobi. She sounds worried.
"Tobi, are you ok?"

Once they reach the room, Tulip flies once more to the bench, and stands, looking up at everyone else.
"Ok! As I said, Violet is the entity that Immoren made out of the original settlers, or their descendants. Well, not directly maybe, but Violet was the end result. It said that you would find nothing in that room, and that the book contains all that you might need, and that if I need your aid to help save them, it can offer knowledge, after they are saved! But it wanted us to leave, probably because you were standing on it, and maybe because it's afraid that Immoren will come back, and do something to us too!"

2014-10-15, 01:26 PM
Tobi wobbles a bit as she flies out of the room alongside Tulip. "<Why does my head keep going fuzzyyyyyyyyy...>"

"I see." Mithra says, after absorbing Tulip's information. "I doubt I will personally be able to do anything regarding Violet's situation. Does it seem particularly powerful, or knowledgeable? I can perhaps petition Garmine proper, if this matter warrants further investigation..."

2014-10-15, 01:30 PM
Tulip feels really sad as Tobi wobbles along.
"I'm sorry! I think Violet was using you to talk to me, and that's what makes your head go fuzzy! Maybe I can carry you for a bit, until you recover?"

Speaking with Mithra and the others, Tulip looks disappointed.
"But you're really powerful, and you know lots of things! Maybe you know where we can find Immoren, so we can ask! But Violet did say that it was responsible for the visions we had, and those must have been really complicated! And I'm sure it knows lots of things!"

2014-10-15, 01:36 PM
"<Nah...I think I'll be fine, just a few moments of flying and stuff.>" Tobi replies, clearly not quite confident in her flying at the moment, but managing to keep pace.

"Oh, you flatter me, but I am far from the most powerful on this island. And...frankly, it would be an unnecessary risk for me to attempt to meddle with this magic. I did not last so long by delving into things I'm not at least a little prepared for, and if Violet didn't see fit to show me then...well, I doubt it will if I attempt to help right now." Mithra replies, a glint in her eyes as Tulip explains that Violet is responsible for their dreams. "Oh...my. That's very good indeed. Yes, I believe we should return to Garmine swiftly."

2014-10-15, 01:41 PM
Tulip flies near Tobi, ready to save her if she's going to hurt herself, or hit something.

Tulip looks really disappointed as Mithra says she can't help, but then she brightens as Mithra implies that she would get Garmine to help.
She flies up to hug Mithra again.
"You'll get them to help! Thank you!"

2014-10-15, 01:42 PM
Dilaa raises an eyebrow at the book, finding it odd that a person's story would be one of the things contained in the vaults of this place. Were the other tomes not all about magic and such things? Something so mundane seemed out of place. The warrior reaches down and picks it up, opening it to investigate the contents briefly. Slave to citizen...an odd journey indeed.

2014-10-15, 01:47 PM
Mithra once more reaches up to Tulip and dodges her attempt at face-hugging, instead cradling her in her arms once more.

"We will return to the surface and make our way to Garmine immediately. Are there any objections?"

2014-10-15, 01:54 PM
A bit disappointed at her failure to properly hug Mithra, Tulip nevertheless bravely returns her hug, before flying to the room's exit.
"Let's go! Maybe we can catch Noble too!"

2014-10-15, 04:18 PM
The group manages to move back up to the surface of Immoren without any issue, at which point Mithra tells the group to move towards the mounts and wait while she talks with Kulaas. When she rejoins them, the young woman is no longer with her, and she mounts the horse easily.

"Kulaas is moving ahead to Garmine, to inform the other officials of what happened and the dangers we face on our way back. If nothing else, it will provide them with a reason to actually investigate if the mean thing in Yildiz happens to break loose." The mage says, as she adjusts the reigns on her and Dilaa's horse. "And as I would like to return there quickly, we will be pushing our mounts a little harder than normal. I am certain that, with Tulip's healing hands and my own, we will be able to get there swiftly."

After almost a week of riding, during which Tulip is given a chance to free the platypus should she choose to do so, both groups arrive in Garmine, where Yildiz and her sphere are escorted into the town hall for information gathering, among numerous other things. Mithra is offering assistance to the officials handling the errant vampire, after offering the group their pick of the magical items they discovered.

Noble and Tobi are in the company of Dilaa and Tulip, it's late in the evening, and they have the opportunity to do whatever they wish within Garmine.


Yildiz sits in a featureless black room, about fifteen foot by fifteen foot wide, and seemingly made out of smoothly-hewn crystals. Over the past two days, she has been subject to numerous spells and invasive examinations by many of the officials of Garmine, with any attempts at escape being met with swift and brutal punishment. She is unaware of the full extent that they have cursed or investigated her, having had her senses numbed for the purposes of her imprisonment.

She is dressed in a simple white robe, the majority of her items having been confiscated, and is soon to expect her release. She hasn't seen Mithra or Kulaas since she was first imprisoned by the former, nor any of her 'friends'. Although time is hard to tell passing, she notices when a new person suddenly appears in the room.

Clad in brown boots, she wears a brown longcoat adorned with a few straps across her chest, as well as brown slacks that compliment her fairly pretty, but not stunning, appearance. She greets Yildiz with a polite smile.

"Good evening. You may call me Lady. How are you doing, Ser...?"

2014-10-15, 05:01 PM
At the Lovely Clearing
Once the group reaches the lovely clearing, intending on staying there again overnight, as it was a beautiful place, Tulip, thinking that this was a good spot, heads down to the shore, and sits down on a flat rock, carefully taking the frozen platypus out.
She places it on the rock, and uses her magic to gently remove the stasis gloop. Once she finishes, she speaks softly, and gently.
"Are you all right? We found you stuck in some stuff that freezes you!"

2014-10-15, 05:06 PM

The platypus cries deeply as it's awakened, moaning and groaning and sobbing its little eyes out. "Wh-h-h-h-h-yyyyyyy?!" It sobs, flailing around pathetically. "I keep having to doooo thiiiiiiis." It buries its head in the nearest grass.

2014-10-15, 05:09 PM
Quite alarmed by the platypus's reaction, Tulip hurries over to the poor fellow, and tries to comfort it.
"It's all right, you're safe now, nothing bad is going to happen. What's wrong? Can I help?"
She offers a hug, hoping the platypus would accept it, knowing that hugs always made her feel better.

2014-10-15, 05:20 PM

"Oh, the pain, oh the pain of it all!" The platypus weeps, accepting Tulip's hug, but not returning it. "The bugs, the bugs, they crawl and I rest! Deliver me from iiiiit!"

2014-10-15, 05:25 PM
Tulip hugs the distraught platypus, hoping to comfort it, but it doesn't seem to be working, so she tries gently stroking, hoping that would help it feel better.
"Bugs? What bugs?"

2014-10-15, 05:27 PM

"Deliver me from the moonlit butterfly!" The platypus declares, getting to their feet and waddling at a quick pace to the opposite stream on the island, the one with no glowing fish, screaming at the top of their lungs as they do so.

2014-10-15, 05:30 PM
Not understanding, Tulip follows the suddenly multiplied platypi.
"Do you like it here? Maybe we could try taking you to your home!"

2014-10-15, 05:32 PM

The platypus just screams louder as Tulip flies after it, diving into the stream and trying to swim away, still screaming as its head bobs up and down.

2014-10-15, 05:34 PM
Confused, Tulip flies up, and looks around, trying to figure out what the platypus was afraid of.

2014-10-15, 05:35 PM

There don't seem to be any immediate dangers.

2014-10-15, 05:37 PM
Tulip calls out to the poor scared platypus.
"What's wrong? There's nothing to be afraid of!"

2014-10-15, 05:40 PM

"Don't make me do iiiiiiiiit!" The platypus shrieks once more, voice burbling as its bill dips below the water, still swimming furiously. "My heart will go ooooooon!"

2014-10-15, 05:42 PM
Looking very sad and confused, and wondering if she was the reason the platypus was afraid, Tulip flies away, and then comes back to look, hiding from sight.

2014-10-15, 05:43 PM

Despite Tulip's stalking, and the platypus being unaware of her, it continues with its hollering and swimming swiftly down the river.

2014-10-15, 05:46 PM
Tulip thinks for a moment, and then she disguises herself as another platypus, before flying down the river, and landing ahead of the terrified platypus, and calling out to it.
"Are you ok? You look really scared!"

Using Disguise self, [roll0] disguise

2014-10-15, 05:52 PM

The platypus lays its eyes upon the other platypus, squeals louder, and starts swimming vigorously on the far side of the river. "My sin, my soul!"

2014-10-15, 05:55 PM
Not knowing what else to do, Tulip tries charming the poor platypus, hoping that would calm it down.(DC 23 charm monster)
"Your sin? You're nice! You couldn't have sinned! Please, tell me what's wrong! I can help!"

2014-10-15, 05:56 PM
The platypus calms down and the GM stops having fun because she's tired of roleplaying pointless goddamned animals and you've just removed the only fun she could gain from it.

2014-10-15, 06:09 PM
After making sure that the poor platypus had calmed down, and was ok, Tulip flies back to the others, and in the morning, continues on her merry way to Garmine, chatting merrily with Edgar and Tobi as they flew along, as well as flying down to talk with Charname, Mithra, Dilaa, and Noble.

2014-10-15, 06:16 PM
After reaching Garmine, and inquiring if Tobi wanted the lovely cloak, Tulip looks at the other brave adventurers.
"That was fun! We got to go exploring, save people, and found someone that needs to be saved! It was a wonderful expedition! But we should go and see Tirai! She's really nice, and she has a lovely garden, and I think she'll be glad to see that I'm ok!"

With that, the cheerful petal sets off, heading to Tirai's home, humming happily as she admires all of the strange sights of Garmine.

2014-10-16, 04:53 AM
Clad in brown boots, she wears a brown longcoat adorned with a few straps across her chest, as well as brown slacks that compliment her fairly pretty, but not stunning, appearance. She greets Yildiz with a polite smile.

"Good evening. You may call me Lady. How are you doing, Ser...?"[/QUOTE]

These nights have been terrible for Yildiz. She feels thirsty, hurt and worse, bored. She utterly hates Garmine and all of its officials, and plans to leave this place as soon as possible. Of course, she wants her revenge, but she has time. That is almost all she has now. She fells terrible, everything is wrong. They should be caring for her, be nice to her, feed her and die for her. But they don't. They simply refuse to accept their rightful place in this world, they are prey. Just prey.

Of course, she tried to break free. First the crystals, she cut her hands and feet on them, but they wouldn't break. Once, when someone came, she had hidden a torn piece of this robe and tried to strangle her, but she had been stopped. Just like all her other attempts. Now she sits in the middle of the room, the dress torn almost completely, and waiting.

She looks calm, at peace. Of course, it's just an act, but all of life and death is one big lie, deception is the only constant. She hardly even looks up at the woman: "You may address me as your most highness, or as the princess Yildiz. Despite these somewhat modest surroundings it wouldn't do to abandon our manners. I would however like to ask after your proper styles, to prevent any unnecassary ", she speaks formally, well at home in the etiquette of her early years. She often longs back to those nights, when she would just walk through the gardens, and she was safe behing her parents, and their men-at-arms.

2014-10-16, 07:49 AM

Lady chuckles. "Just Lady will do, Princess Yildiz. I have been assigned the duty of handling your progress in Garmine, hopefully on the way to becoming a full citizen. Your papers have been filed, and so on, so I'm here to tell you about your schedule, tell you how we'll progress, and answer any questions you'll have. Right now, you have a number of enchantments upon your person, to make sure you behave, which I can't tell you more about. Sorry." She gives an apologetic shrug.

"For the moment, you'll be staying with us, in this room. I'll try to make it more comfortable while you're away, and you'll be provided with food either way. You must return here at midnight, every day, and submit to examination. You are forbidden from changing form, feeding, and dominating, and are subject to the other laws of Garmine. You're free to apply to work in Garmine, and to spend time in the supervision of your friends. Or, the people you arrived with, at least. Those are Mithra, Kulaas, Noble, Tulip, and Dilaa. I think that's everything." She flashes a smile. "Any questions?"


Tulip & Dilaa

"<Nah...well, sorta. I dunno. It's pretty good for nesting, but it smells funny.>" Tobi replies to Tulip's inquiry about the possession of her cloak.

When Tulip knocks on the door to Tirai's home on the outskirts of Garmine, a few moments pass before Tirai opens the door; a distinct smile on her face, which soon turns wide-eyed as she lays her eyes upon both Dilaa and Noble. "Oh, my. Hello again, Tulip! And friends?" She asks, giving a nervous gesture to the pair of warriors.

2014-10-16, 07:59 AM
"<It looks lovely, and it's nice and warm, but it can turn you into a snake. But it's lovely!>"
Tulip chirps away cheerfully, talking with Tobi.

At Tirai's Home
Seeing Tirai, Tulip smiles broadly, very happy to see her again.
"Hi Tirai! They are friends! Dilaa saved me from the mean man who put me in a cage, and then she saved Noble! They're nice, and then we went exploring! It was lots of fun! But I thought you might like to know that I was ok, and having fun! Is your garden doing well? I tried helping as much as I could! Maybe I could help again? And then maybe you could help me? Thank you for breakfast, it was delicious!"
When Tulip finishes her cheerful introductions, she holds out the silk bag that Tirai had given her breakfast in, so long ago. It was clean, and well cared for.

2014-10-16, 08:05 AM
"Yes, I do have some questions. The first of these is that I would like to speak to someone about the nature of these enchantments, and when they will be removed. I also find myself wondering when I can leave this city, I have little intention to stay in a place where I was brought by kidnapping. And of course I wish to request the full return of my possessions and reparations for being held here against my will.", Yildiz asks, she wants to leave, desperately, but she also wants to know more, and get rid of any limitations imposed on her.

2014-10-16, 08:14 AM
"They are doing well, and your help was much appreciated!" Tirai responds, voice a little less uncertain now that she's talking with Tulip. "Of course you can help again. And you were more than welcome." She replies, folding up the silk bag and instinctively folding it up. "You may all come in, but I'd like to ask that you leave your weapons at the door."


Lady levels her gaze at Yildiz, then shakes her head. "I'm afraid you won't get any of that, Princess Yildiz. You are a prisoner of Garmine, under the charges of lying to an official, stealing from an official expedition, sedition, resisting arrest, illegal immigration, refusing to submit to questioning...among others. These charges will be lifted once you've proven yourself able to live peacefully in civilization; it wouldn't be right to let you go off and do these things back where you came from. Please, don't make this any more difficult than it already is."

2014-10-16, 08:19 AM
If possible, Tulip's smile seems to grow even happier as Tirai explains that her flowers are doing well, glad to hear it, as Mithra had said that they had failed several times already.
"Yay! Thank you, Tirai!"
She turns to Noble and Dilaa and Tobi.
"Tirai's really nice!"
She flies inside, looking quite happy, and hugs Tirai, hoping to show her happiness.

2014-10-16, 08:33 AM
"Nevertheless I still want a full and proper explanation of what has been done to me. I have been brought here by force, not by my will. I have been kept unaware of my location and the laws of this land, and the only breaking of laws that occured was in ignorance. All these accusations are based on nothing but air, I have harmed no one before being forced into this place. There were no problems of any kind at home, and no one ever said such unpleasant things about me. I would truly prefer to return home. If you restore me to my previous state and let me go in peace I promise that I will not retaliate for what was done to me. But if that isn't possible, at least return my possessions to me, there are certain things that I need, and it wouldn't do for me to dress in these rough rags."

2014-10-16, 08:53 AM
Noble nods her head and starts the long process of stripping off all of the weapons that are attached to her, while Tirai returns the hug. "What have you been up to? Let's fetch some tea, while your friends disarm." The woman chirps, as she moves towards her kitchen.


Lady sighs. "Princess Yildiz. Your lies will not avail you here. I am trying my hardest to make this transition easy for you, and you're just making it difficult. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, for one, and those robes are only rags because you tore them up. If you think you can play games with Garmine, you are sorely mistaken, and my superiors are more than happy to provide you with a swift death, if you don't submit to this probation. Or we can lock you away and force you to behave like a good citizen. Which, believe it or not, work more than well enough on a vampire."

2014-10-16, 09:13 AM
In her mind Yildiz adds Lady to her list of people to take revenge on, but she can't do that yet. "I was not lying, you know that as well as I do, unless you have been lied to by others. My present position makes lying an unfavorable road to take, as you will be well aware. But for now I want to leave this place. It is a boring room, and I want to enjoy myself. And to that end I want to be fully informed of any and all conditions imposed on me."

She looks Lady into the eyes, not exerting her will. She will have protection against it anyways. No, this is the moment to do other things, she can always find a mage who is willing to help her, even if there is a price to pay. Nothing can be worse than being restricted like this, except, maybe, the marchioness of Diron. That was the worst, but she is dead, and that can't happen again. But there are bound to be those who can and will help her, for a price.

2014-10-16, 09:13 AM
After the hug ends, the smiling petal, following Tirai, begins her tale.
"We went exploring! Noble needed help, so we went to talk to Mithra, and she took us with her on an adventure! It was really fun!"
She starts by describing the things they encountered along the way, all of the things that she'd spotted, and investigated during the long trip to the ruins. She quite clearly had a fine time. She talks about her conversations with Edgar, and Charname, as well as the stories she wheedled out of everyone. Her story seems to be quite exciting from her point of view.
Finally she reaches the entrance to the ruins.
"And then we were there! Mithra knew it was the right spot, because she found a tree with a rune in it, Charm, which was her name! So I went looking for the entrance, because the ruins weren't there, but Dilaa found the entrance, so we went inside! And inside we found Yildiz, who was in a gigantic tube thing that was filled with this blue stuff that stopped time! So Dilaa saved her, and she came with us too! She's really nice, but she got possessed by a mean monster, but Mithra's trying to help her! But then we went around a corner, and there were these houses, they were really big, and really close togeather..."
Tulip describes the houses, focusing more on the colors. Oddly enough, the phrase spooky never appears.
"And then, when I looked in the window, there was a young giant, and she was really nice! We talked about lots of things, but she was Mithra! But then we had to leave which was sad, because I wanted to say hi again! But we didn't see her again. And then, along the way, we heard screaming, so I looked, and Mithra was being hurt by a mean witch, but Mithra said we couldn't help her, so we left."
Tulip, even now, doesn't seem to approve of leaving the tortured Mithra.
"And then we found the next tube thing, which was broken, and that's where Mithra said she entered the ruins the first time! But we moved on, and went through this giant chamber, which had lots and lots of dust, and I found my stick of floor finding!"
When she reaches this part of her story, she pulls out the mentioned stick, and drops it(Activating it too).
"See! It finds the floor, and then it points to the ceiling, so you know where it is when you are really dizzy! And Yildiz found a head, but it tried to bite us! So next we went down these stairs, and we were in a thorn hedge! There was something really big chasing us, but there were hummingbirds which delivered messages! I saved one who was trapped in one of the thorn bushes, and then we met Brassmoon! She was really nice, and she helped us! She gave Dilaa her lovely new armor, and then there were the mean fruit, and I met Tobi! I managed to wake her up, and I gave her some food to eat! But then the dragon came, and it was Sivath, but he was being controlled by the thorns, but Dilaa saved him, so he's ok! Then Brassmoon gave me a new dress too! It's lovely!"
At that, Tulip spins, so Tirai can see the garden scene fully completed on the strips hanging down.
"And it has flowers! But she said we had to leave, so we did, and we found the third tube thing, and wy found Kulaas, who loves Mithra! There was also a poor dragonborn, but he didn't wake up when we took him out, and there was the poor Platypus, who we took with us too, so we could save it! So we rested because Mithra said we had to, and then we continued on, and found the mushrooms, which were really yummy, and then we were in this desert arena thing! It was nice and warm, and there was sand everywhere, but no flowers! And they arrested Mithra, but Dilaa tricked the gods, so they let her go! Then we found the next room, which had lots of interesting things, and Tobi, but the mean thing took over Yildiz, so Mithra put her in a bubble, and sent her back, so she could get better! But in the last room... There was Violet! It was all that was left of the inhabitants, after Immoren was done with them, but it explained what had happened, and asked me to take care of its egg, and I was hoping you could help! I'm not good at taking care of eggs! Can you please help?"

2014-10-16, 09:25 AM
Tirai listens to the story patiently, as she prepares tea for the group, giving a little round of applause as Tulip does her spin, and smiling wider once it's finished. "That was certainly an interesting story, Tulip! May I see the egg? I'm quite flattered that you thought of me...and I'd be honored to at least see what it is, first."


Lady shakes her head at Yildiz, as she latter continues her attempts to sway the woman in brown. "You lie again. You have hurt people. You intend to again. You think I can't see the malice in your eyes? I will need to discuss things with my superiors. I suspect that you will soon be visited by one of my colleagues." She holds her hand up, a golden aura surrounding it, and clearly about to leave.

2014-10-16, 09:29 AM
Tulip nods happily.
"It was a fun exploration!"
She pulls out the cloak wrapped egg in a tube, and carefully puts it on the bench, before removing the cloak, being very careful not to hurt the egg.
"Here! Isn't it beautiful? It's in that stasis stuff, but Violet said that it was an elf-thri-keen hybrid! It's all that Violet had left!"
She looks at Tirai, smiling cheerfully, knowing that Tirai would help.

2014-10-16, 09:40 AM
Tirai places a cup of tea on the side, with a long, thin straw for Tulip to suckle from, before she kneels down beside the egg, looking over it curiously. "It's very pretty! I'm not sure what the stasis stuff is, but I believe it's safe, for now, and I can't see any damage on the egg itself. I'll need to consult my books to get an idea of how far in its gestation it might be, and what the possible magics going into its creation were...once I'm sure, I may attempt to hatch it..." She gives herself a slight shake of her head. "But I'll be careful, no matter what."

2014-10-16, 09:44 AM
While Tirai investigates the egg, Tulip tries the delicious tea, and, predictably enough, finds it delicious. As soon as the stars of delight stop spinning in her head, Tulip smiles up at Tirai.
"The tea's amazing! Thank you, Tirai! I asked Violet about the egg, and I learned lots of things!"
Tulip relays all the information that Violet had told her about the egg to Tirai.
"Does that help? The birds always said I was terrible at taking care of eggs, so I made sure to ask!"

2014-10-16, 09:46 AM
Dilaa follows Tulip through Garmine, both glad to be back somewhere she knew at least a bit about and feeling odd because that place was still next to unknown to her. Of course, she was just happy to be off the damn horse - how these people managed to just sit on an animal for hours, day after day, letting it move forwards for them, was beyond her.

"Good evening," Dilaa greets Tirai as she's introduced, setting down her large weapon with a trained ease, but waiting for Noble before progressing further inside. Once the other warrior is finished, she leads the way further in, checking to make sure the door was closed (something it had taken days for her to get used to; Dilaa is aware that Noble may have a similar lack of experience with them so makes sure it isn't left open) before going to join the tiny woman and the one introduced to her as Tirai just as Tulip mentions the egg. Curious as to how the matter will develop, she looks to see Tirai's reaction, not saying anything yet.

2014-10-16, 09:49 AM
Tirai passes some cups of tea to both Dilaa and Noble as they enter, directing them to some chairs they'd find comfortable. She smiles as Tulip finishes her information dump, nodding her head. "It helps a lot! Thank you, Tulip. I will wait for my children to hatch before proceeding with the egg. I hate to keep you in suspense, but I don't want to get overwhelmed!"

2014-10-16, 09:53 AM
Tulip looks quite happy.
"Of course! Getting overwhelmed would be bad! But I know you'll do really well, because you're Tirai, and you're nice, and you have really delicious tea!"
Tulip takes another sip of the blissful tea, clearly enjoying it.

2014-10-16, 09:55 AM
Tiria giggles at the further compliments, as she finds herself a seat with her own cup of tea. "What do you and your friends plan to do now that you're back? I hope you'll relax before setting off again!"

2014-10-16, 09:59 AM
Tulip, carefully carrying her precious tea, flies to a good spot, before she settles there, so she could easily talk to everyone(And not risk getting tea spilled on her).
"We were going to explore the city! I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time, and find lots of fun things! Do you have any advice?"
Tulip takes another sip of the blissful tea, looking quite distracted until she recovers from its effects.

2014-10-16, 10:09 AM
Yildiz maintains her calm demeanor, she won't give her captors such satisfaction. "Then please be as kind as to ask them to give me full disclosure about what has been done to me and what their plans are. I am certain that it will be possible to come to a mutually satisfying agreement."

And because rolling things came up, diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-10-16, 10:57 AM
"Friend I'd like to visit," Dilaa replies to Tirai's question, taking a sip of the exotic drink before her. "Crewmember from the Rum Runner. You...wouldn't happen to know where sailors stay in Garmine?" She asks, suddenly realizing that she isn't sure where to look for Victoria, apart from the Circled Circle.

2014-10-16, 11:06 AM
"Oh, I don't keep up too well with the goings-on..." Tirai admits with a twinkle in her eyes. "But rumor has it that a large group of people showed up recently, looking for Mithra. A warforged has shown up in the older parts of Garmine, helping people out with building their homes for more protection from the weather, which is wonderful! Oh, and an extremely beautiful woman has apparently shown up in town, dressed very modestly, and is seeking something holy that she believes is nearby - I believe somebody mentioned the alchemist in the mountains. I visited her once...curious taste in lovers." She giggles once more. "Oh, I'm terrible. You're making me gossip like a child."

Then, she turns to Dilaa and tells her about the inns in Garmine.


"You are a prisoner, Princess Yildiz. Not a diplomat. None of us are at liberty to divulge what effects you're under, and I've told you what we expect of you." Lady replies, then disappears in a flash of gold.

2014-10-16, 11:12 AM
Tulip listens to Tirai intently, smiling happily as Tirai reveals fun thing after fun thing.
"People were looking for Mithra? But she was gone, with us! Maybe we could help them find her now that she's back! Maybe they need her help too! And we could say hi to the nice warforged! I've only seen one warforged, and he didn't say much! And we could help the woman, and visit an alchemist! I've never met an alchemist! I've heard that they can do lots of things, and make things called fireworks, which make flowers in the sky! Wouldn't that be wonderful!"
Tulip trails off, as she blissfully imagines a sky full of flowers.
"But first, your delicious tea, and helping your lovely garden, so your children grow well!"
She takes another sip of the blissful tea, starting to feel unfortunately full.

2014-10-16, 11:28 AM
A woman on a pilgrimage? Searching for a holy thing sounded like something a pilgrim might be doing in this odd land. Of course, the group searching for Mithra was interesting as well - given that she was apparently disliked within Garmine, it might be something less than pleasant that the mage would be confronted with. Perhaps they should go and mention it to her? But at the same time, Dilaa is quite aware of the woman's magical powers. Did she really have to tell her about this issue, or would it be resolved without her? Her own curiosity notwithstanding, it didn't seem like something she needed to get involved with.

"We can tell Mithra about those looking for her in the morning. The warforged will be easy to find, we can speak with him and find the questing woman after," Dilaa considers aloud, nodding to herself. She could speak to Victoria, then rejoin the others for the next morning. That way they could deal with everything that interested them both. After all, they were in a new land - it would be nice to see all of the interesting things happening in Garmine before speaking to the one who likely had plans to travel beyond it, to the mountains Tirai had mentioned.

2014-10-16, 11:31 AM
Yildiz remains seated, staring into the distance.

2014-10-16, 11:31 AM
"Very well." Tirai smiles, sipping her particular tea. "I do love to have guests, but will you be staying much longer? I am so sorry, but I would love to start examining the egg in more detail, and tend to my children."

2014-10-16, 11:35 AM
Dilaa nods. "Children need much care. If you are needed, we can go," she says, looking over to Noble in case the other warrior has something to say. Tulip would be helping Tirai, so she didn't need to leave. Of course, that meant that she would need to make a rough plan for the petal so they didn't wander around Garmine looking for each other the next morning.

"We can meet at Mithra's tomorrow morning," Dilaa says, after she turns to the tiny woman.

2014-10-16, 11:35 AM
Tulip sips the delicious tea once more, and she knows that she's full, and can't drink any more of the yummy stuff.
"I'm sorry, Tirai!"
She looks at Dilaa and Noble.
"Maybe we can meet again at the fun fountain, and then start looking around! That way, I can help Tirai, and you can talk to people! Maybe I'll find you, so I can say hi to Bandaid again too!"

2014-10-16, 11:37 AM
As she and Dilaa speak at the same time, Tulip listens, and then nods.
"We can meet at Mithra's then!

2014-10-16, 11:46 AM
Dilaa nods. Then, with some reluctance, she quickly finishes her tea, sad that she didn't have enough time to truly savor the unusual drink. Standing, she gives both Tirai and Tulip a simple goodbye, heading to the door to pick up her weapon and waiting for Noble to recover her own armament. Once on the street, she turns to the other warrior, realizing that she would likely have no plans of her own on her second night in Garmine.

"Is there anything you'd like to do? I have someone to speak with, but it may be best if I go alone. Maybe you could get another room at an inn, and I'll join you later?" Dilaa asks.

2014-10-16, 11:48 AM
After waving goodbye to Dilaa and Noble, Tulip smiles at Tirai.
"Let's go and help your children!"

2014-10-16, 11:48 AM
Tirai smiles at Tulip as the others leave. "Would you like to feed the children?"


Before Noble can answer Dilaa, there is a sharp, but small, roar from above her that calls her attention. She manages to spot a familiar silver-scaled dragon flying overhead, which releases from its talons a letter that floats down to the warrior's hands before swiftly flying away. The letter is folded up neatly, with a red wax stamp closing it.

Upon opening the letter, Dilaa reads...


Headmistress: Folka Hurtu
(Order of Mordenkainen, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)


Dear Ser Dilaa,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Wiser Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Mithra "Charm" Hurtu

Deputy Headmistress



First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), by Eloise Durzo

A History of Magic, by Catherine Redwreath

Magical Theory, by Lilitu Clarasis

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, by Sethiria Bluerune

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, by Ola Pessoa-Homem

Magical Drafts and Potions, by Reno Ebonheart

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Lady Molestingrope

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, by Lacey d'Phiarlan

1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a petal.


Yours sincerely,


Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

After a few moments, the paper shimmers, and the text changes.

Apologies if the text confused you. It's a spell to prevent anyone who might intercept it...and, frankly, I found it amusing. This is simply a letter to thank you for your aid on the expedition, and inform both you and Tulip that officials are investigating the place further, in the hopes of aiding the "Violet" that Tulip mentioned. Reports are that Yildiz is being difficult, so a cure may take some time, depending on her behavior.

I'm afraid that I'm rather busy at the moment, organizing a few people interested in my works, so please don't be offended if I'm unavailable in the near future. If necessary, feel free to send a letter my way.

Yours sincerely, Mithra.

2014-10-16, 11:52 AM
Tulip nods happily, and flies over to Tirai, intending on following her to the garden.
"Of course! Thank you for letting me help!"

2014-10-16, 12:43 PM
Dilaa reads the letter twice, nodding as she goes through the second set of words on it, which make far more sense to her than the first. It seemed like she had already come in contact with those looking to speak to her, and that there was indeed nothing to worry about. If they were interested in the mage's work, then Dilaa didn't really have a place joining their meetings - even if Mithra wouldn't mind, magery was beyond her. Once she finishes the letter, she folds it up and slips it into one of her sleeve-esque arm coverings after a moment of frowning. As well as it protected her from the elements and attacks, her current armor did have some more practical issues...Perhaps she would buy something to wear over it the next morning.

That matter dealt with, Dilaa turns back to Noble, nodding to her.

2014-10-16, 09:49 PM
Yildiz is left waiting for some time before another enters the room. The figure is clad in sharp black robes, edged sleeves hanging along their arms, while their neck is covered by the splayed-out collar, and their head by a hood that points backwards from their head. Their stature is quite wiry indeed, even moreso than a child's, and they stand at about three and a half feet tall. When they turn to face Yildiz, she gets a good look at their face; skin very pale, almost sickly were it not for the tint of green. With large, almond-shaped eyes, colored crimson, she stares at Yildiz for a moment, then brushes aside a green bang with fingers clad in white gauntlets, revealing the freckles beneath, as she stares for uncomfortably long.

Then, she smiles.


Upon visiting the flowers, Tulip can see that they're progressing quite well. Still encased in their buds, the fairy-like creatures have only grown more vibrant in hue, and larger than they were before. Tirai tells her about how they've been progressing, and how happy she is that they're doing so well, as well as assuring the Petal that she'll notify her as quickly as possible when it seems like they're going to hatch. She even allows Tulip to feed them all by herself.

Investigating the egg is, unfortunately, a fairly boring affair, and involves the woman delving into a bunch of dusty tomes that she has stored in her modest library. Going over them, gathering details, scribbling them down, as well as consulting her index of books for possible purchase in the near-future, in the hope that they might help to enlighten her. After a little while examining, and after two breaks, she informs the Petal that she isn't going to be very exciting company this night, but makes sure to prepare Tulip another small bag of goodies, This time, it includes a petal-sized flask of tea.

As the Petal leaves Tirai's home to go exploring, it doesn't take her too long to find something that catches her eyes. Indeed, on the far side of Garmine, near the docks, she can spot what seems to be a particularly large snake tail slithering along the side of the Rum Runner, which is apparently abandoned for the moment, and just out of sight.


Noble blinks at Dilaa nods at her, letting silence hang between them before she speaks. "Problem?"

2014-10-17, 02:38 AM
"Ah, my mistake. No, there's no issue - Mithra was just thanking us for the help, and said that she'd be busy and potentially unavailable for the next few days," Dilaa replies. "Does my earlier plan sound good to you?"

2014-10-17, 05:19 AM
Yildiz simply stares back, wondering who they sent now to annoy her. At least she isn't big, like all the others. She doesn't like having to look up to everyone, even though she has done it for more than a century now. If only she could be big like other people. Then she could have so much more fun. But there is a smile, and there can only be one response to a smile, Yildiz smiles back. "Hello, I'm Yildiz, who are you?"

2014-10-17, 05:58 AM
As she works in the garden, Tulip happily talks about how well the faerie-like creatures are doing, as well as their beauty, and she's quite happy that Tirai was going to notify her of imminent hatching.
She enjoys the egg research much less than she thought she would, but she'd said she would help, so she did her best to stay focused on the boringness. Luckily, Tirai notices the petal's boredom, and comes to her rescue, offering her a delicious meal, including tea! Tulip thanks her effusively, before hugging her, wishing her luck, and leaving, to go exploring. Thinking that maybe she could convince Dilaa to go exploring too, she heads in the general direction of the Rum Runner, but once she arrives(With no sign of Dilaa), she sees a large snake tail.
The sight filled her with excitement(As many things did.). She hadn't seen such a giant snake before, and she was, of course, eager to meet it, so she flies down to where she saw it, and looks around for it, smiling happily a the thought of the impending meeting.

2014-10-17, 10:20 AM
"Yeah." Noble shrugs her toned shoulders and walks off to find an inn, leaving Dilaa on the street.


"Elis." The short woman answers Yildiz, her voice soft and somehow floaty. "Where would you like to go?"


Tulip's flitting across the calm water leads her to one of the cannon hatches that sit a few feet below the deck. It seems to have been slipped open, and she manages to catch a last flick of the tail as it slips inside, followed by the hatch closing.

2014-10-17, 10:22 AM
Aw... I was really hoping to meet the snake, but the hatch closed... maybe I can open it? Or else I'm sure I can find another way in!

With that comforting thought, Tulip tries to open the hatch. If she does, she heads inside, looking for the snake. If she can't, she looks for another open hatch.

2014-10-17, 10:24 AM
With Noble gone, Dilaa turns her mind to the task of going through the list of inns Tirai had given her, heading to the nearest one and beginning her search; ideally she would find Victoria in a common room or similar, but the warrior asks if there is a Sailor named Victoria staying at each inn she goes to.

2014-10-17, 10:32 AM
Immediately Yildiz recalls her old home, the keep held by her parents. She speaks softly, deep in memory of a place that no longer exists, torn down by knights and priests. "I want to go home, where it's nice. And where I can sleep. It's really nice there. I even have a throne there, next to Mama's one, and a bit below it. Just like Papa's one. There are no windows anymore, they were closed throughout the keep. And outside we have the gardens, which are really beautiful in the moonlight. And Papa's special garden, where he plants people who aren't nice. And Kedi is there, she is really sweet, she likes to play with birds and mice, which is funny. She is my cat, and has a really soft fur. She likes to go to the dungeons, which are nice, the prisoners can be really funny. And I have my own rooms, with all my toys. I'm never bored, I can always play. Or I can go to the library, we have more than a thousand books there, and some of them are nice as well. And we have lots of paintings, some even are of me. I like them, I like seeing myself. And I even have a secret room, where I sleep. I want to sleep. Can I go home? I'm so tired."

2014-10-17, 10:43 AM
After some jimmying around, Tulip can find that she can just about slip the hatch open and pull her teeny little body through it. The room is unfortunately in almost complete darkness, but she can hear the sound of scales scraping along the wood, as well as the sound of an iron lock, like Bandaid showed her, being fiddled with just around the corner.


Dilaa's search of the city doesn't last for long, as she finds the inn that Victoria happens to be in. Walking in, it seems like quite the calm establishment, with elegantly decorated walls and well-carved stools for the patrons, who talk amongst themselves in whispers. The redhead is sitting in the corner, hair frazzled and her face a little more forlorn than normal; she seems more than a little tipsy.


Elis listens to Yildiz' explanation without complaint, nodding once it's finished and her face the picture of serenity. "I can take you home. It's far from here, but the streets will tell no tales." She says, and holds out an armored hand to the vampire.

2014-10-17, 10:46 AM
Yildiz doesn't know what this means, but she sees it as her only chance and stands up, taking the hand in her own small, cold hand. She smiles, but it's not one of her wicked smiles, instead, it is a truly meant one, there is no malice in her face or her eyes, only a hint of hope.

2014-10-17, 10:47 AM
Yipee! I made it, and now I get to talk to a giant snake! It'll be wonderful!

Tulip, smiling cheerfully, flies around the corner, her sensitive eyes making the most of the light available, but, wanting to see the snake in all of it's glory, she focuses, and works a trick she learned from the fireflies, creating four floating orbs of sunlight. Once she can see the snake, she waves at it, looking forward to talking with the snake.

2014-10-17, 10:53 AM
Elis gently squeezes Yildiz' hand, and they disappear with a tug at Yildiz' belly. All of a sudden, she's standing outside in the unfamiliar city of Garmine, right before the entrance to the town hall that she'd been imprisoned in. The guard at the door hands a somewhat bulging pack of goods to Elis, who takes it with a smile and passes it to Yildiz, then starts to walk along the street; lined by buildings drawn from many different cultures to form a patchwork city.

"I hope your things are okay. Sometimes, things return sticky."


As Tulip rounds the corner, she spots the tail of the giant snake coiled up, as a humanoid upper body seems to top it. The figure is clad in a mottled grey cloak, hood drawn up over their eyes. And as soon as their eyes glint beneath their hood, lit up by the four orbs of light, they hiss and dash into the room, slamming the door behind them.

2014-10-17, 11:02 AM
As soon as the lights appear, Tulip is amazed. She'd been expecting a giant snake, but not a snake-person! It was wonderful!
Alas, before she can really get started talking, the snake dashes into the room. Tulip, of course, follows, asking the door nicely to open for her(Open/Close).

2014-10-17, 11:03 AM
The lock locks just as Tulip attempts to use her spell on the door, simply clicking for a moment instead of opening.

2014-10-17, 11:07 AM
Tulip looks really sad.
"Aw... I just wanted to talk too..."
Still wanting to talk, Tulip asks the door to open again, this time, asking the lock as well.(Using knock and open/close)

2014-10-17, 11:08 AM
Tulip's pleading with the lock makes it take pity on her, both it and the door swinging open to reveal the dark room beyond; lined with dolls, it's clearly Bandaid's. But the snake-person is nowhere to be seen.

2014-10-17, 11:13 AM
As she realizes that the room is Bandaid's, she tries to close the door behind her, not wanting to let meanies in too. Once she finishes, she looks around more closely, trying to find the snake person.

[roll0] spot

2014-10-17, 11:21 AM
Tulip gladly takes her things and follows Elis, she has more pressing concerns now than changing her clothes, which is something she doesn't like doing in the middle of the street anyways. It makes people look strange. She however does take a look at her things, specifically her swords and most importantly, her secret bag with the coffin. She feels if the earth is still there, she has a special connection to it, and she needs it.

2014-10-17, 11:25 AM
Tulip glances to and fro in the now-lightened room, finding nothing until she looks upwards. Clutching to the ceiling, the snake-person is hanging from it, eyes locked on her. As soon as the light envelops them, they leap down upon their springing tail and surround her with their fall. Their tail, nimble and strong, wraps tightly around Tulip's torso, so the tip is keeping her tightly wrapped up as they practically bounce back from the floor, pulling themselves upright.

The they is quite clearly a she, as Tulip is brought upwards, coiled in her tail, so the snake-person can get a better look at the Petal. Her face is clearly quite wisened, with wrinkles showing a few signs of her age, and her eyes lacking the brightness of youth. She narrows her black eyes at Tulip, hissing with elongated teeth on her humanoid lips, and giving her tiny body a squeeze that's just enough to put pressure on her.

"Turn out the light." She hisses, hood barely giving her eyes any protection from the dancing lights.


Yildiz finds that all of her things are still in her bag, including her coffin and the earth. Elis seems quite content to walk in silence, as she admires the paper lanterns that adorn some of the streets and bathe them in blue light. She seems to be leading the vampire towards the docks.

2014-10-17, 11:27 AM
"Everything's there. How are you taking me home? Are we going to fly? Or do you have a spell, or a boat, or a coach?", Yildiz asks, still smiling.

2014-10-17, 11:35 AM
"Home is by the sea." Elis answers, turning to look at Yildiz with her slightly vacant eyes. "I hope you don't mind the water while you sleep. We can get some food tomorrow, hopefully fresh."

2014-10-17, 11:40 AM
When Tulip spots the snake-lady, she smiles, and starts to wave, just in time for the woman to give her a hug. Tulip, of course, returns the hug, not having been hugged by a snake before.
"Aw... it's nice to meet you too! I'm Tulip!"
After the snake-lady moves Tulip up to get a better look, Tulip slips out of her coils, having a moment of difficulty until she tickles them, and hugs the snake-lady's face, trying to show how she hugs people.
"Thank you for the hug! I've never been hugged like that before! This is how I normally hug people! I'm sorry about the lights, but I can't see your beauty without them! But I can make them dimmer, I think."
She focuses on her lights, dimming them down until she has just enough light to see clearly.
"Don't you like the light? I thought everyone loved the sun! It makes everything much happier!"

2014-10-17, 11:42 AM
The snake-lady raises an eyebrow at the Petal slipping free from her grip, followed by a slight grunt as her face is suddenly hugged. "I don't...I don't...what?" She asks, sounding utterly baffled by what's going on. She stares at Tulip for a little longer, opens her lips to speak, but all that comes out is: "What?"

2014-10-17, 11:46 AM
As the snake-lady is confused, Tulip leans back so she can see the snake-lady's face better. Her smile almost seeming to glow with happiness, she tries to dispel the snake-lady's confusion with a cheerful explanation.
"You were hugging me, so I hugged you, so we know how each other hug! It's much more fun that way, and hugs are lots of fun! But maybe you could tell me your name? That way, I'll know who my new friend is!"

2014-10-17, 11:53 AM
The snake-lady reaches up and gently tries to nudge Tulip away from her face, looking at the dolls that surround the pair of them and biting her dark-green lips. "Uhm. Paladin...Goodheart. Look, what are you doing here? Nobody's meant to be here." She slithers over to Bandaid's desk, pulling a pair of slim lockpicks out of her cloak as she leans down to it.

2014-10-17, 11:57 AM
Realizing that the snake-lady wanted to get a better look at her, Tulip lets go, and flies back a bit.
"Hi Paladin! It's nice to meet you! I saw you going in, and I'd never spoken with a giant snake before, so I followed, but you're a snake-lady, not a giant snake so it's even better!"
Tulip flies over to the desk as well, incidentally sitting on it so she blocks the lock.
"But isn't this Bandaid's room? Did she move?"
She doesn't seem concerned about the possibility that Paladin Goodheart is a thief, since, if she was mean, she couldn't have gotten in, because locks kept out mean people.

2014-10-17, 12:02 PM
"What? I don't know. Nobody's on it now, though." Goodheart says, frowning as Tulip's legs block her view. "Can you either spread 'em or move out of the way? I'm kind of in the middle of something."

2014-10-17, 12:05 PM
Tulip looks confused, furrowing her brow as she thinks, but the she brightens, smiling up at Paladin.
"But... Oh! Are you planning on playing a trick on Bandaid? Maybe I can help! Do you have something to trick her with? Or are we just going to hide things?"

2014-10-17, 12:11 PM
"Nooo?" Goodheart replies, trying to push Tulip's legs out of the way with a lightly scaled finger. "I'm planning to take things. Then sell them. And have food. Yumyum."

2014-10-17, 12:13 PM
Tulip's eyes go wide with amazement as the nice Paladin says that she was going to take things.
"But that's really mean! What if Bandaid needs her things! It's mean to steal! Maybe we could go to the galley instead? There's probably food there! Or I could find you some! That way, you're not hungry, and you don't need to be mean!"
Tulip giggles as Goodheart's finger tickles her.

2014-10-17, 12:16 PM
"You call it mean, I call it getting to eat a decent meal." Goodheart responds, keeping Tulip's legs out of the way as she starts to pick the lock on Bandaid's drawer. "Besides, nobody's here. Who cares?"

2014-10-17, 12:19 PM
Tulip stands up, and looks at the soon to be mean snake-lady.
"I care, and so would Bandaid! There are much nicer ways to get food! Why don't we go and look in the galley? That food is meant for guests and crew! That way, you don't need to be mean! Please?"
Tulip looks at Paladin, hoping desperately that she would agree, so she didn't need to be mean.

[roll0] diplo

2014-10-17, 12:23 PM
Goodheart stares back at Tulip for a few moments, pick still jammed in the lock, before she sighs and pulls it out. "Fine. But only if you can cook."

2014-10-17, 12:26 PM
Tulip smiles happily as Goodheart agrees.
"Yay! Let's go and look at the galley then!"
She flies over to the exit, and waits for Goodheart to follow, and open the door for her. After they leave, Tulip makes sure that the door is closed and locked behind them, to keep out meanies, before she leads the way to the galley.

2014-10-17, 12:33 PM
The pair manage to find the galley soon enough, to find that most of its perishables have already been eaten, or perished.

2014-10-17, 12:36 PM
"I don't want it to get over me, it makes everything all wet, but when I'm dressed up I can stand it", Yildiz answers, "Are we going by boat? Do you have one? Is it a big one?"

2014-10-17, 12:48 PM
When she sees the state of the galley, Tulip feels a crushing disappointment.
"Aw... it's all ruined! But we can look for food elsewhere! There are lots of berries and things, and we can ask for help too! That way, you don't need to be mean! Maybe you could catch some fish! Maybe you like them!"

2014-10-17, 12:52 PM
"Yes, yes, and it's ever so cozy." Elis answers the inquisitive child. "I'm not used to guests. I hope you won't mind the decoration."


"You expect me to go hunting?" Goodheart drawls, folding her arms over her chest.

2014-10-17, 12:59 PM
Tulip smiles at her.
"We can go looking together! We can tell each other stories, and I'm sure we'll find lots of things! And if we do, you won't need to be mean! Or if you don't want to go hunting, maybe we can find someone who's willing to give you food, someone that you could help in return!"

2014-10-17, 01:03 PM
Goodheart's unimpressed look at Tulip turns into pure horror as the Petal finishes her sentence. "Wha...are you insinuating that I'm some kind of whore?"

2014-10-17, 01:06 PM
Tulip looks confused.
"What's a whore? I was thinking that you must have some skill that can help people, and I'm sure they'll give you food for your help!"

2014-10-17, 01:40 PM
Dilaa's search of the city doesn't last for long, as she finds the inn that Victoria happens to be in. Walking in, it seems like quite the calm establishment, with elegantly decorated walls and well-carved stools for the patrons, who talk amongst themselves in whispers. The redhead is sitting in the corner, hair frazzled and her face a little more forlorn than normal; she seems more than a little tipsy.

Entering the inn, Dilaa casts a look around the room, smiling as she spots Victoria. Her expression fades somewhat as, walking over to her, she notices that she doesn't seem to be in the best of spirits, despite looking like she was full of them. Quickly checking to make sure that she doesn't need to set down her weapon somewhere or give it to anyone, Dilaa heads across the room to the woman, frowning as she wonders what had brought her to her current state of mind.

"Hello, Victoria," Dilaa says as she approaches the redhead, giving her a small wave and a smile.

2014-10-17, 01:43 PM
"Are...are you real?" Goodheart asks, blinking at Tulip's complete ignorance. "Well, whatever. That wouldn't work, because I don't have skills. Not useful ones, except for sneaking around. I'd have a job if I could get one."


"Hey..." Victoria responds without looking up at Dilaa.

2014-10-17, 01:47 PM
Tulip looks confused, but then she smiles happily at Paladin.
"I'm real, silly! But sneaking around is a skill! I'm sure Mithra knows someone who could use some help with tricks! She could give you a job! Or find someone who can!"

2014-10-17, 01:49 PM
"...who?" Goodheart asks.

2014-10-17, 01:50 PM
Sitting down next to Victoria, Dilaa slips off her weapon, leaning it against the table after a brief glance confirms that there isn't anyone right next to them.

"You're not feeling well?" Dilaa asks, looking over at the woman next to her, trying to read her troubles out of her expression.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Trying to get details on her mood, what may be bothering her, etc.

2014-10-17, 01:50 PM
"Mithra! She's really nice, and she took us on an expedition! I'm sure she'll help! We just need to find her! But I know where we can start looking!"

2014-10-17, 01:55 PM
Dilaa is pretty certain that Victoria's sister was eaten by a slutty velociraptor.

"Dilaa, listen...I'm not gonna be the best gal to talk to right now."


"But...that doesn't tell me anything! What does she do? What does she need done? Details, fairy! Details!"

2014-10-17, 01:58 PM
Tulip smiles, looking forward to introducing her new friend to Mithra.
"She works in this really nice building!"
She describes Mithra's building.
"And she knows lots of people! I'm sure she'll know someone who could use your help!"

2014-10-17, 02:02 PM
"Would you prefer I go? Don't need to talk, if you don't want to," Dilaa replies, concern showing. While she couldn't tell what - her only theory was something that would require beasts not normally seen in the north to have appeared and struck down one of her immediate family - it was obvious that Victoria was suffering from more than a simple bad mood at the end of a long day.

2014-10-17, 02:06 PM
"...I'm not going to work for the authorities." Goodheart replies as soon as Tulip's finished explaining. "I'm not going to go against them, but I'm sure not going to work for them."


"I don't know... It's just..." Victoria sighs, runs her hand through her hair, and drinks another gulp of her alcohol. "The Captain and the lot that went into the mountains? Dead. Apparently the creature, too - the boss lady of these parts brought it back for autopsy or something..."

2014-10-17, 02:09 PM
Tulip looks confused.
"She's an authority? But she's nice, and in all the stories, all the authorities are really stiff and boring! But maybe if you don't want to do a job for her, we could look, to see if we can find someone else? I'm good at finding things!"
The prospect of finding things seems to cheer her up once more.

2014-10-17, 02:19 PM
Hearing of the deaths of several members of the crew, Dilaa feels a cold feeling spread in her chest. She hadn't known them too well, but to hear of their deaths so suddenly? Especially in this manner, it sent a chill through her that the mage-worked armor could not protect against. Shifting to sit closer to Victoria, Dilaa puts an arm around her shoulders, trying to provide some comfort. Questions shoot through her head, but for the time being Dilaa's focus not on easing her curiosity but on helping her friend.

"Anything I can help with?" Dilaa asks, not sure how to offer her assistance. After all, whether Victoria wanted to investigate their deaths, or if she wanted to just stay in Garmine until the crew was ready to leave again made a great difference in what her help would entail. "I...I'm here. For you, if you...need me," she continues, Tulip's gift of mastery of the language letting her find the words more easily once she finds the message she wants to speak.

2014-10-17, 02:23 PM
Victoria lets Dilaa put her arm around her, but doesn't react much in response to it. "I doubt it. I just...spent a lot of my time with them. Y'know? And now the ship has no Captain, the important crewmembers are dead, and urgh... It's just dead in the water."


"It's the middle of the night, and I'm hungry!" Goodheart protests, slithering towards the upper deck.

2014-10-17, 02:25 PM
Tulip follows, still smiling cheerfully.
"Then let's go and find some food for you, and see if we can find you a job!"

2014-10-17, 02:37 PM
"I know the feeling," Dilaa says quietly, her own memories of loss returning to her. Of course, her experiences had been different. From a young age, the sorrow she felt had been cut down, pressed away or acted against through isolation. But Victoria hadn't cut herself off from the crew, knowing they would die. She was like Dilaa had been in the first months of carnage, making friends and tying herself to others. In the world outside the sand arenas, doing so was normal, rather than the insanity it had been within them.

"I can give advice, if you'd want it," Dilaa continues a few moments later, looking over to Victoria.

2014-10-17, 02:41 PM
Goodheart slithers up to the edge of the deck and looks over it, then back to Tulip, then her eyes widen and she points at the far side of the ship. "Look! A distraction!"


"Nah..." Victoria says, gulping down the last of her drink and swirling the last few drops out. "I'm just gonna head to bed..." She says, unsteadily getting to her feet.

2014-10-17, 02:43 PM
Tulip, flying near Paladin, lands on her shoulder before looking, her eyes searching eagerly for the lovely thing.
"Really? Where!"

2014-10-17, 02:45 PM
Goodheart, regardless of Tulip on her shoulder, slips over the railing of the deck and dives into the water, where her powerful tail immediately starts pumping, swimming her deeper and deeper into the water.

2014-10-17, 02:47 PM
Dilaa nods, stepping aside to let Victoria stand. Seeing her unsteadiness, she half-steps towards her, offering herself as something for her to use to keep herself on her feet.

"Can you make it on your own?" Dilaa asks, eyeing her movements.

2014-10-17, 02:49 PM
"What is the decoration like? I like lots of things, and when I'm sleeping I won't look anyways. But ehm, won't the governing agencies of this city oppose me leaving?", Yildiz asks.

2014-10-17, 02:49 PM
"Not the first time I've been hammered..." Victoria mumbled, using a hand on the wall to guide herself towards the stairs.

2014-10-17, 02:51 PM
"Drawings of the things I care about. Souvenirs from places I've been, people I've met, and experiences I've had. It's a montage of my life so far...and when I finally depart, I hope it will last, to inspire others..." Elis answers, smiling and shaking her head at the question that follows. "You're just going home."

2014-10-17, 02:54 PM
Tulip takes off when she sees Goodheart diving, but she calls out to her, before Goodheart hits the water.
"Paladin, if you want help, just ask! I'll help!"

2014-10-17, 02:55 PM
Goodheart just keeps swimming deeper into the water, apparently ignoring Tulip's cries.

2014-10-17, 02:56 PM
Tulip, not really having anything more fun to do, decides to try to follow her, staying on the surface, hoping that she could keep track of the wayward snake-lady.

2014-10-17, 03:00 PM
After some time of unsuccessful trying to flee, Goodheart returns to the surface with a scowl. "Will you stop trying to help me?! You are terrible at it! No places that would offer me a job, if there even was one, are open! No places with food will serve me without money! I don't want to go hunting! I don't want to eat berries off of a tree like some savage! Why won't you leave me alone?!" She barely seems able to restrain herself from yelling, and is almost on the border of crying.

2014-10-17, 03:02 PM
Dilaa nods, giving Victoria final goodbye before collecting her weapon and leaving. She's troubled, not only by the state of her friend but also by the news she had given her. Something that had slaughtered much of the crew of the Rum Runner, and the strange beast they had with them...In the same area as the alchemist, connected to the woman's search, as well. It definitely needed to be looked into, lest whatever danger was there spread towards Garmine, or simply claim more lives. There's a strain of revenge in Dilaa's thoughts as well, despite her efforts to ignore it.

Dilaa heads back to the inn Noble went to, deciding that speaking to the questing woman would be her first goal for the next morning.

2014-10-17, 03:04 PM
Noble seems to have went to the inn that she first slept in, having already ordered and went to her room.


2014-10-17, 03:06 PM
Tulip looks really sad as Paladin explains just how poor of a job she was doing at helping her.
"But we can find someone who will offer to give you some food! I know we can! And while we're doing that, we can find where someone who will give you a job is! Don't give up until we've at least tried, please!"

2014-10-17, 03:07 PM
Goodheart hisses in frustration and throws her hands into the air. "IT! IS! MIDNIGHT! Most people are asleep!"

2014-10-17, 03:08 PM
Tulip points at the various taverns, with their doors open, their lights going, and the sounds of conversation flowing from them.
"Those look open! And I think they have food too! We could go to one!"

2014-10-17, 03:10 PM
"In exchange for money! Which I do not have!" Goodheart continues, slender fingers clenching into fists.

2014-10-17, 03:18 PM
Tulip shakes her head, and flies a bit towards the shore, looking at Paladin.
"I know! I can sing, and then I'm sure they'll give you some food! Trust me!"

2014-10-17, 03:20 PM
Dilaa heads up to the room Noble ordered, approaching the door and knocking on it gently, to avoid waking those already asleep. It was late, after all, despite how well she could now see in the dark and how easy it was to keep moving about after hours stuck on a horse.

2014-10-17, 03:21 PM
Yildiz doesn't trust Elis at all, but she is her only way out of tge city. She will have to go with her, for now. And she has power, Yildis prefers power on her side to power against her. "Your decorations sound really interesting. I'm sure that they will be nice. We also have a room filled with souvenirs, Mama has a whole cabinet with reminders of people she knew."

2014-10-17, 03:22 PM
"I think you've been watching too many plays." Goodheart replies, folding her arms over her chest.


Dilaa is allowed up the stairs to knock on the door to Noble's room. After a short rap, there is no response. The door is locked, but she can't hear anybody moving in the room beyond.

2014-10-17, 03:25 PM
Tulip smiles.
"I've never seen a play, but I really want to! But please, let me try? People always like my music!"

2014-10-17, 03:29 PM
Dilaa frowns. Had Noble already gone to sleep? But the warrior knew that she'd been planning on returning, so why would she leave the door locked and not do something to make sure she could get in? Or had something happened? Immediately, Dilaa is on edge. Perhaps it was Victoria's news of the deaths in the mountains, or it was the returning thoughts of Noble's magical protections being interrupted.

Dilaa knocks on the door again, somewhat louder this time, concern rising.

2014-10-17, 03:30 PM
"That sound so lovely... I can only hope they weren't grisly reminders. I have an ear, but it was given willingly...I needed a special case to keep it fresh." Elis informs Yildiz with another serene smile, as they tread along the docks. She finally comes to a stop on the far end. The boat seems to sit very low in the water, with its deck a rounded triangle shape that has just enough room to walk on, beside the series of angular sails that adorn its top. It seems to be about the size of a small home, with a trapdoor at the very front for people to climb in through. Just like the short woman's attire, it is colored black and green.


Goodheart lets out a sigh. "Fine. Go ahead." She doesn't seem to have any intention of moving yet.


Dilaa knocks more loudly on the door, but there still doesn't seem to be any response.

2014-10-17, 03:32 PM
Smiling cheerfully, Tulip starts heading to the closest Tavern, but she looks back after a couple of seconds, to see if Paladin was following.

2014-10-17, 03:33 PM
Dilaa returns downstairs, asking if anyone else had gone up to Noble's room, briefly explaining her plan with the other warrior and the current dilemma if need be.

2014-10-17, 03:35 PM
Goodheart still doesn't seem to be following Tulip, instead floating steadfastly in the water.


The woman at the desk tells Dilaa that Noble went up to the room.

2014-10-17, 03:38 PM
Tulip looks back at her, imploringly.
"Come on, please! It'll work, I promise!"

2014-10-17, 03:38 PM
Yildiz looks at the boat, fear rising in her silent heart. The flowing water, an end almost as certain as the sun, without her special charm that is. "She kept her drawings of them. She can do that really well. She likes drawing people. But, ehm, could you help me onto the boat? I can't really cross the water I fear."

2014-10-17, 03:40 PM
"I said I'd let you. I didn't say I was going with you." Goodheat replies, arms still folded.


"I'm happy to." Elis says, holding out her hand to Yildiz like one would a dance partner.

2014-10-17, 03:44 PM
Dilaa heads outside after a brief thanks to the one who'd spoken to her, spotting the window of the room she and Noble had used before. Considering it for a few moments, she begins to climb up the side, intending to look into the window, using her (relatively) newly-improved vision to look through the darkness of the room even if Noble was asleep or if it was unlit for other reasons.

Taking 10 to Climb, so 14.

2014-10-17, 03:45 PM
Yildiz takes the hand, giving a courtly bow. "Thank you, Elis."

2014-10-17, 03:47 PM
Dilaa climbs up the side of the building and manages to peek in through the half-drawn curtains. The room's orb of light is on a light setting, and the pillows have been disturbed, but she can see nobody inside.


Elis pulls Yildiz a little closer to her, despite the vampire being a good half a foot taller, and then does an elegant twirl that takes them across the dock and onto the ship without incident. She makes sure that Yildiz is steady before leaning down and opening the trapdoor, revealing a cozy little room inside that contains a few chairs, shelves with tied-down souvenirs, as well as books, pillows, and a few small glass cases that contain candies.

2014-10-17, 04:00 PM
Yildiz hops down, where she curiously looks around. "May I change my dress?", she asks. "My usual clothes fit much better than these, and they make me look better too."

2014-10-17, 04:04 PM
Elis hops in after Yildiz, closing the trapdoor behind her and gesturing to a small archway that's in one of the nearby walls. "You may. The guest bedroom is the last one down the hall. Make yourself comfortable." She tells the child, as she opens the second door on the right to reveal a tidy little kitchen.

2014-10-17, 04:10 PM
Yildiz heads to where her bedroom would be. There she throws off the white torn robes and returns to her black dress. Every part of her attire returns to it's usual place, but she doesn't yet take out the coffin. She will only do that when she goes to sleep in the morning. She doesn't really need it, but she likes it, it helps her to calm down. After dressing up she returns to Elis. "Is there anyone else on board, besides you and me?"

2014-10-17, 04:15 PM
"Of course." Elis replies, as she pours herself a small flask of tea in her kitchen. "There's always something watching you, but most of them are harmless. I don't think anything that's going to hurt us is around." She smiles as she turns to Yildiz. "I like your dress. Black is a lovely color."

2014-10-17, 04:25 PM
"Thank you, I like it because it looks good with my eyes, and my skin of course. But your clothes are very nice as well, they look good on you. I like nice clothes.", she won't feed on Elis, she helped her, and more importantly, still helps her. Soon she will leave Garmine behind, and she will never come back. Except maybe for revenge. "Where are you from? I've never met someone like you, and you are really nice."

2014-10-17, 04:34 PM
Elis nods at Yildiz' explanation, pulling her hood down so free her head from it as she moves towards the living room. "A sleepy little village, on the mainland, where my family weaved patterns and my heart longed for more. My manners were learned from the finest of people, but we never stuck together for long...too many mysteries, in the world, and too little time in the lives we had." She takes a seat on one of the comfier chairs, sipping her tea.

2014-10-17, 04:47 PM
Tulip looks at the poor, helpless snake-lady.
"Come on silly, this way, you'll have something to eat!"

2014-10-17, 04:50 PM
"Having little time is really sad. Have you found a way to get more?", Yildiz asks as though it is the most normal thing in the world. She wonders about this creature. Is she like her? Or is there something else? It just doesn't add up.

2014-10-17, 09:20 PM
"No. I'm wet." Goodheart answers, staring back at the Petal and giving the water a splash.


"Not yet." Elis answers, setting down her cup of tea. "But there's no point in rushing these things."

2014-10-18, 08:46 AM
Tulip shakes her head again.
"You're wet now, but you won't be wet by the time we reach the giant hut! You'll be dry! I can help you dry off! Come on!"

2014-10-18, 09:05 AM
Dilaa watches the room for a short while - not longer than a minute or two - as she considers the possibilities. Noble had been there, it seemed, but now she was gone. If she had simply left, then the woman downstairs would have mentioned it when Dilaa spoke to her. So there was most likely magic involved, meaning she could do little on her own and it was time to find someone who knew how to investigate such things.

Returning to the street, Dilaa heads off towards Mithra's residence, hoping that the mage was available. If Noble was suddenly gone, it could well be that her demonic mistress had managed to find her.

2014-10-18, 09:30 AM
Goodheart lets out a sigh and slithers onto the docks.


After some time spent getting into the grounds of the town hall, and negotiating with the guards, followed by them contacting Mithra, Dilaa is left waiting in the garden for a few moments before there's a flash of emerald light. Mithra stands before her, clad in her cloak with the hood down.

"I could have sworn that I told you to send me a letter..." Mithra tells the woman, in favor of a greeting.

2014-10-18, 09:35 AM
Tulip, of course, looks really happy, even as she dries off Paladin, her magic tickling her as it removes the water.
"Yay! You came! You'll see, I'll get you food, and then we can find you a job! Let's go!"

Tulip starts flying towards a likely looking tavern, one where there wasn't singing audible.

2014-10-18, 09:36 AM
"Noble is gone," Dilaa replies simply. "I went to meet a friend and she purchased a room for us. When I returned, she was gone. The ones at the inn didn't say she left, and there was light in the room even though no one was there," she explains, concern entering her voice. "I fear some magic was used to bring her away."

2014-10-18, 09:37 AM
A tavern is soon presented to Tulip.


"I see." Mithra folds her arms over her chest. "I know you're unfamiliar with magic, but what, precisely, do you expect me to do?"

2014-10-18, 09:40 AM
Tulip checks behind her, to make sure that Paladin Goodheart was following, but once she's certain of that, she flies inside, and pauses, looking around, taking in the chaos inside. After a few moments, she heads over to the bar, guessing that the fellow there was the person to speak to. Standing on the bar, she smiles up at him, knowing that she can explore later.
"Hi! Do you think that if I sing, and people like it, my friend and I can have some food?"

2014-10-18, 09:43 AM
Dilaa frowns. This wasn't what she'd been expecting from the mage. She had hoped Mithra would have a solution ready, or at least know of some magic that could be used in finding one.

"Erm. Magic can find other magic, yes? You can check to see...what kind it was, maybe?" She asks.

2014-10-18, 09:46 AM
"Magic only lingers for so long." Mithra tells Dilaa, unperturbed by her frown. "Have you considered asking neighbors?"



2014-10-18, 09:50 AM
Tulip looks really happy.
"Yay! See Paladin? I told you we'd get food!"
Smiling cheerfully at her doubting companion, Tulip flies up to one of the rafters, cleaning it off before she pulls out her harp. She starts singing a song she learned from the sailors on the Rum Runner, a fine song, loved by sailors everywhere, her tiny voice somehow able to easily fill the tavern.

Figuring that since this is a dockside tavern, it's probably going to be populated by sailors.
Taking 10 on her perform, so a 30 in both song and playing.

2014-10-18, 09:53 AM
"I did not," Dilaa says. "I think they would be asleep and would not have noticed...unless it was something loud," she considers with a shrug. "I could go and see if they did."

If Mithra doesn't seem to have other plans, Dilaa will do precisely as she said and go back to the inn, knocking on neighboring doors and asking if they had noticed anything unusual.

2014-10-18, 09:58 AM
Tulip's singing impresses all the people and she gets some noms.


The door next to Noble's room opens to reveal her sitting there in a new outfit, including a tunic that covers up her weaponry quite nicely. Numerous articles of clothing are draped across the furniture, and her bloodsoaked rags have been discarded. The woman who answered the door, with a translucent green body, seems quite friendly.

2014-10-18, 10:00 AM
After she finishes, she flies down to Paladin Goodheart, and asks for the food for her and her friend, smiling cheerfully at Paladin.
"See? I told you it would work! But once you've finished, why don't we see if we can find out who to ask about a job for you!"

2014-10-18, 11:30 AM
Dilaa is visibly relieved when she finds that Noble was not kidnapped by a demon but had simply gone to the next room over.

"Hello," she begins, smiling. "I am Dilaa Yahaan. I was worried that...well, that something had happened to Noble. But it was nothing," she says, any feelings of embarrassment swept away by the relief that things were far from what she had feared. Better to have woken Mithra for nothing than to be tracking down Noble after she'd been abducted by her demonic mistress.

2014-10-18, 11:45 AM
Goodheart silently, but eagerly, eats the food almost as soon at it's brought to her. She seems a little too busy eating to consider answering questions.


"Oozling." The lady introduces herself, closing the door behind Dilaa as the latter steps in. The room is decorated much like the room Dilaa had stayed in with noble, though with a lot more pillows scattered across the ground.

"Thought you'd take longer." Noble comments from her seat on the pillow-bed,

2014-10-18, 11:53 AM
Sensing that Paladin was quite hungry, Tulip munches on her nuts as well, waiting for Paladin to finish. Once she does, she smiles at her, and repeats her words.
"See? I told you it would work! Why don't we see if we can find out who to ask about a job for you!"

2014-10-18, 11:56 AM
Dilaa steps into the room, briefly wondering about the unusual name of the strange, friendly northern woman. As Noble speaks, she looks down to her, shaking her head as she takes her own seat after a brief look to make sure that Oozling has no problems with her doing so.

"She was...not in a mood to talk," Dilaa says. "But I see you found someone to speak with as well," she adds, turning slightly towards Oozling. "I didn't think there would be too many awake at this hour."

2014-10-18, 12:04 PM
Goodheart sighs once her meal is finished, giving a nod in response to Tulip's question. "Why don't you do that while I get some rest? It's been a tiring night..."


Oozling shrugs her shoulders. "I've been practicing not sleeping."

2014-10-18, 12:05 PM
Tulip looks sad.
"Aw... then we can sleep, and look in the morning! That way, you can meet people too!"

2014-10-18, 12:10 PM
Dilaa nods, the lack of crisis letting her own fatigue return to her consciousness.

"I wish you luck...but, I don't think I'll join your exercise. Noble, can I have the key for the room? I'll leave it open for you if you want to stay with Oozling," she says, smiling to the other warrior.

2014-10-18, 12:12 PM
Noble nods and passes Dilaa the key.

2014-10-18, 12:14 PM
Tulip continues, deciding to ask the next, fairly important question.
"Do you have somewhere to sleep?"

2014-10-18, 12:14 PM
Dilaa heads back to the room, leaving the door unlocked for Noble to get it, then strips and lays down on the pillows to go to sleep.

2014-10-18, 12:25 PM
"I'm sure that you will find a way that you like. There are so many of them. And will there be other people coming with us?", maybe she should give this woman her greatest gift, she seems to be very useful. But on the other hand, she is mostly useful with her boat, and boats are really annoying things. Or rather, the water is annoying stuff.

2014-10-19, 10:39 AM
Noble returns to the bedroom after Dilaa has drifted to sleep, her clothes folded neatly beside the cascade of pillows as she nestles in the undergarments she's procured. The exhaustion from day upon day of riding horses is soon washed away from the desert warrior beside her, while the teen curls up into a ball into a dreamscape of her memories. She doesn't shift or kick in the night, but when Dilaa wakes up first, she can spot the little twitches that skitter around her sleeping form.

By the time breakfast is acquired from the little scaled girl manning the front of the inn, Noble has risen from her rest and is soon getting dressed again. She seems to take her time with each part of the outfit, running the soft fabric of the tunic through her fingers, stroking the golden embroidery that covers its front, and adjusting the bracers that fit snugly on her wrists. The black cape comes last, the tips of her freshly-washed hair barely meeting the nape of it as she gazes at herself in the mirror.

As always, Noble doesn't have much to say about what's happening around her; content to wait while Dilaa finishes off her large breakfast and follow when it's time to start moving. By the time the pair of them leave, Tulip still hasn't rejoined them, but it's only a matter of time until the Petal will be able to find them in the sprawling patchwork city. A message is left with the little girl, regardless, and they soon set across the early-morning streets in search of the woman Tirai had told them of the night before.

In the early morning, quite a few of Garmine's citizens are moving to and fro. Setting up small stalls of goods, opening their storefronts, and baking the goods that will soon fill the watering mouths of its inhabitants. A little searching around the city, questioning a few of the older looking citizens, reveals that the woman has been spending her time in the portion of Garmine that's dominated by wooden walls and sliding screens that have held up remarkably well over the years. This portion is quiet, compared to the docks and storefronts, as most of it is populated by people's houses - all of them having gone to work or still sleeping.

The tavern itself, dubbed The Golden Grain, is a fairly simple white and brown structure with a single, vibrant banner hanging beside its door. A wiry young man, bearing bat-like features that are largely covered by his robe, asks Noble to hand in her bared axe, while allowing Dilaa to enter with a simple length of string tightening the wraps of her Fullblade.

Inside, the floor is smooth woodwork, while the far side of the dominant room has a gentle aura of steam. There are no open seats across the open room, just space for a lone bard playing a soothing tune, but multiple booths along the walls, some with their sliding doors closed, some left open. A set of stairs leads to an obscured upper level, but that seems to be guarded. Just walking into the tavern, the pair feel a light chill brush over them, but it's soon replaced by a simple warmth and an urge to relax.

It doesn't take long to discover what they seek. Buried in one of the far, open booths of The Golden Grain sits a strikingly beautiful woman. Her flawless ebony skin is complimented by the white robe that wraps loosely around her ample curves, hips that border the perfect line between sexy and absurd emphasized by the splash of green that her sash provides. What modesty would be betrayed by the robes are shielded by the sarashi wrapped around her torso. Even the relaxed pose she sits with emanates confidence and control, her eyes taking on a predatory and sensual glint even as she sips her tea with thick, luscious lips. She doesn't seem to have noticed the pair watching her, yet; her molten silver eyes instead browsing the map laid out on her low table.

Beside the scent of steam and tea that fills the air of the Golden Grain, Dilaa can pick up the scent of the woman; it's different from anything she's ever been around; exotic, but not unusual and far from unpleasant.


"Yeah." Goodheart answers Tulip with a look of disbelief, as she pushes the platter away from her and slithers to the side of her table with an easy movement; no seat is fitted for her tail, so she'd been sitting down with a coiled tail instead. "I live in a little place down in the slums, between the walls...not comfortable, but it's a way to live without having to pay anybody." She explains. For the first time since Tulip laid her eyes on the woman, she looks a little more refreshed. Although stress her clearly marked her eyes, her skin is that much more vibrant, and she seems a little more amicable towards the company of the Petal. Even her tail seems to slither with more ease.

"Not much protection from the cold, or the rain, either..." Goodheart shudders once she's free of the tavern's walls, instinctively tugging her cloak around herself a little more tightly. "Say what you'd like about my home, but at least it was never that cold. I don't know, maybe it was, and I'm just getting vulnerable in my old age...you'd think the gods would start being a little more merciful, wouldn't you? At least spread the energy of youth out a little more evenly."


"Would you like them to?" Elis asks Yildiz without looking at her. The question is direct, but doesn't possess any kind of accusatory tone. For the whole time that the vampire has been accompanying her, she hasn't changed her voice much; it remains the steady, ethereal voice it always has been. Even the woman's posture seems somehow at odds with the people Yildiz are used to, as she seems to look at everything in her souvenir case as though she's doing so for the first time.

2014-10-19, 10:49 AM
As Paladin moves towards her home, and starts telling her story, Tulip, a little blob of warmth, settles on her shoulder, and listens intently, her desire to help only growing stronger.
"What happened to your home? If we can find a job for you, maybe we can get it back for you! I lost my garden, but I know I'll find it again, and I'll have lots of stories to tell!"

2014-10-19, 10:55 AM
"I left when I was but a young lass, actually. I didn't think much of the rituals, the blood magic, or any other part of it, really. I set out for adventure with a flame in my heart and scales on my tush. Action, romance, triumphs, betrayals...all that good and not-so-good stuff. But there's always a bigger fish somewhere, and, well, I inevitably found mine. So I was left with barely any of my wealth and almost none of my power. People forgot about me soon enough; I wasn't saving anyone, after all, so who cares about a useless old snake? I've managed to pick up a few of my old tricks, but it's like...trying to swim when you can't feel the water. Painting a picture when you can't see what you've painted so far. But, they've all I got, so..." Goodheart trails off.

2014-10-19, 11:01 AM
Listening intently, Tulip continues to feel sorry for Paladin, someone who had what were sure to be great stories should have a nice place to live, and people should come from all over to hear her tell her stories! When Paladin's voice trails off, Tulip impulsively hugs her again.
"Maybe you could tell stories? Everyone loves stories, and you must have some really good ones! But... what happened to you? What took the fun out of your life? Maybe we could get it back, and then you could be you again!"

2014-10-19, 11:12 AM
"Necromancers." Goodheart answers with a slight hiss to her voice, her slithering getting slightly faster as she starts to explain a little more. "You can't get it back. Just some of their magic, and everything you've worked for your entire life can be gone in a few moments. No way to get it back, not if they've got you in their clutches."

2014-10-19, 11:21 AM
Tulip looks really sad as Paladin explains what happened.
"But... I didn't think that took the joy out of things! I thought they only weakened you, and you could relearn what you lost! Maybe you can't do exactly the same things, in the same way, but you can still have fun! Maybe you could come with us? Maybe you'll find your joy again that way!"
She seems to cheer up as she comes up with a plan, one that could help Paladin recover.

2014-10-19, 11:23 AM
"Only if they're nice, I don't like people who aren't nice to me, or my friends. When will we leave?", Yildiz wants to leave soon, this continent has only brought her trouble, and she wants to return to a nicer place, one where she can play in her way.

2014-10-19, 11:37 AM
"I don't know who 'us' is, and I don't even have anything magical to help you out with, or a great deal of skills. I've got my cloak, which doesn't do much, and a small portion of the abilities I used to have. I doubt I'd be very useful to anyone..." Goodheart admits, as she starts so slither Tulip through some of Garmine's alleys.


"There's not much to do in the city at night. I think we could sleep for a long time before leaving, don't you?" Elis turns her crimson eyes to Yildiz. "But I won't object. There are so many things to discover in shadows and dreams."

2014-10-19, 11:41 AM
"We can only leave during the day? I like sleeping at daytime, nights are so beautiful. There is the moon, there are stars, and the clouds are lovely too. Do you like the night too? And I want to leave this city. They hurt me, and I don't like that. I like nice people, not stupid not-nice people."

2014-10-19, 11:45 AM
"The night is beautiful. So many secrets have been discovered in its embrace...from inspiration to love, there is too much to understand, and sometimes I enjoy not knowing..." Elis smiles a nostalgic smile. "I do hope you can enjoy it here."

2014-10-19, 11:49 AM
Tulip smiles cheerfully, looking around at all of the new sights.
"Come on, silly! You can do lots of things! But if you don't want to go with us, we can still find you a job! And maybe that way, you can find your joy again!"

2014-10-19, 11:53 AM
"I already agreed to let you do that." Goodheart points out, moving into the edges of the slums and up beside one of the fairly run-down houses that dominate the area. Her voice lowers to a whisper. "This is my stop. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

2014-10-19, 11:55 AM
Tulip shakes her head.
"Silly, I can just sleep here too! That way, we don't need to go looking for each other!"

2014-10-19, 11:55 AM
"I'm sure that I will, this is a very nice place! Almost all nice things happen at night. And there is no sun. I don't like the sun, it's mean to me. Sometimes it even tries to hurt me.", with these final words Yildiz shows some sadness on her face. "But what shall we do now? Do you want to play a game?"

2014-10-19, 12:00 PM
Dilaa's eyes light up as she sees the woman, both happy to have found her and instantly feeling a connection to her. She had heard stories, first told by traders who had journeyed through the great southern deserts, of lands filled with people whose skin was dark. It was something like how the northerners were mostly pale - the further south one went, Dilaa had theorized, the darker the skins of those living there became. If this woman was from those lands, then she and Dilaa had at least that in common. Even if she was from a place the warrior had never heard of, she would know the hot winds of the desert, know the searing heat of the sun, like the northerners never could.

Approaching the woman, Dilaa smiles warmly, carried by the feeling of having found a kindred spirit. "Good morning," she begins. "I am Dilaa Yahaan; this is Noble. I heard that you were on a quest in search of a holy thing?"

2014-10-19, 12:39 PM
Goodheart's face twists into an unpleasant grimace at the suggestion of Tulip sleeping with her, tail sliding up and its very tip wrapping around Tulip's mouth. "Whisper, you dolt. Otherwise the people who live here will hear. Understand?"


Elis gives a nod of her head at Yildiz' suggestion. "What is your game? Cards? They tend to slice fingers, sometimes a nose, but they can be fun nevertheless..." She takes another sip of her tea.


The woman's head flicks up towards Dilaa's voice, an odd and slightly jarring movement. She licks her plump lips as soon as she lays her eyes on the desert warrior, and a pretty little smile comes to her lips. "Good morning! Please, do take a seat, and let me buy you a beverage; their blend of garcinia and camellia is divine, and I shan't allow you to attend my table without at least a sip." She speaks with a soft voice, filled with warmth, and she hails one of the nearby waitresses with a pretty little whistled tune, and two cups are soon being poured upon the table. "There is a woman searching for something holy. She is called Mei, and she, is me." She gives the waitress a silent thanks, turning her eyes upon Dilaa once more.

Noble, however, seems quite reluctant to approach.

2014-10-19, 12:41 PM
Tulip's eyes dawn with realization, and she nods. After Paladin releases her, Tulip looks happy(Still)
"Oh! you're tricking them!"

2014-10-19, 01:24 PM
Tulip's eyes dawn with realization, and she nods. After Paladin releases her, Tulip looks happy(Still)
"Oh! you're tricking them!""Sure, why not." Goodheart replies, releasing Tulip and then slipping her fingers into the small ditch between the wall and the ground, silently pulling the large panel away and slithering inside.

2014-10-19, 01:27 PM
Tulip follows her, looking happy still.

2014-10-19, 01:38 PM
There's nothing but a blanket inside the very narrow wall, Goodheart soon curling up into a coil and closing the passage.

2014-10-19, 01:42 PM
Tulip joins her, and curls up happily to sleep until morning.

2014-10-19, 02:05 PM
"I lost my cards, and most of my other games. But I do have my marbles! They're a lot of fun. Or do you have any fun games here? Not everyone likes marbles.", cards hurting people? That's new. But it sounds like a lot of fun, Yildiz wants such cards.

2014-10-19, 02:27 PM
Dilaa's thoughts briefly go to Mai's reaction, considering what it meant for the woman's impression of her, but she ignores it as the pilgrim offers her a seat and beverage, instead smiling and sitting down. For a moment, she doesn't notice Noble's lack of movement, but as she does the warrior turns to her.

"Is something wrong?" She asks, halfway through a scooting movement to give Noble a spot to her side where she could sit down.

2014-10-19, 02:58 PM
Tulip manages to find a nook in the blanket where she can sleep somewhat comfortable, despite the confined space, and manages to get a somewhat peaceful night of rest. She's only awakened by the noise of the people who live in the house proper waking up and leaving to go to work, accompanied by the very windy morning that greets her with a chill. Luckily for the apparently light-hating Goodheart, it's an overcast day, with cloudy mottled grey skies and plenty of wind to disturb the Petal's flight. She wakes up with a muffled groan and wipes her eyes, tugging her cloak more tightly around her and staring at Tulip for a few moments.

"Oh...right, the job..." She grumbles.


"I have lots of books, but it's difficult to turn them into a game for more than one. Marbles will be delightful." Elis answers, moving a few of the ornaments on her little table out of the way to make space for Yildiz' marbles. "What are your rules?"


Noble seems to be staring at Mei without blinking, apparently not even jarred by Dilaa's comment. She doesn't take her eyes off of the woman, even as she slips into the seat beside Dilaa, with no emotion on her face.

Mei, for her part, politely takes a sip of her tea and continues smiling. "I do hope you're all right." She says to Noble, meeting her eyes. "I will do whatever is in my power to make you more comfortable - it's the least I can do for my guests." Noble, predictably, just keeps staring.

2014-10-19, 03:09 PM
Tulip, eager to wake up, is quite happy when Paladin wakes up, at last. While she had enjoyed listening to the people in the house, it wasn't as good as a good story.
"Of course! Let's go and look! I'm sure we'll find something you'll like!"
Tulip is, of course, smiling happily, and is eager to be about the search.

[roll0] Gather information, taking Paladin along so she can talk about what job she would like.

2014-10-19, 03:11 PM
Yildiz takes her little sack with the many-coloured glass spheres. She opens it and takes out several. "There are many diffeent games you can do with them. But one that I really like is putting one of them in the middle of the table, like this.", she puts a large blood-red marble in the center of the table. "And then we sit on opposite ends, and we take turns trying to hit the large marble. If you hit it from your side it will move closer to me, and if I hit it, it comes closer to you. And the one who wins is whoever gets the marble to all off the other end of the table. And sometimes we put something on the sides, so it can't fall off a side by accident. To hit it, you put a marble on your edge of the table, and hit it like this.", Yildiz demonstrates how to do it, and misses the large marble, the small one continues its path towards Elis.

2014-10-19, 03:30 PM
As Noble sits down, Dilaa turns back to Mei, sure that the other warrior's staring isn't due to anything being wrong. Perhaps she had never seen someone like Mei in her past? Or was she entranced by her beauty? Either way, it wasn't something that required a private conversation to sort out, so she could focus on what she had come to do. Taking a sip of her drink, and marveling at the exotic blend of tastes that fill her mouth, the warrior uses a moment to both savor the flavor and consider her words.

"My friends and I - there are between one and two more, depending on how a few things go," Dilaa begins, pausing to sip some more of the tea before her. "Would be interested in accompanying you on your quest. We are...in the habit of aiding others going on journeys. And I have recently heard things that have led me to believe that at least one part of your search will be potentially perilous."

2014-10-19, 03:40 PM
The great marble tournament of Elis' living room begins with some fairly close matches between Yildiz and the short woman, but soon leads to a series of sheer domination by Yildiz, so much so that Elis doesn't get a single win throughout every game of marbles they have. At one point, Elis even manages to break one of the marbles by accident and still manages to lose.

"I admit, I have never been the best at controlling spheres, or roundness in general." Elis says as the final game of the night comes, still smiling despite her losing streak. "And I think you deserve a reward and replacement both, for your sphere sovereignty." She gets to her feet and strolls over to her shelves of glass-boxed items, pulling out a small, clear crystal ball that she holds in the palm of her armored hand. "I've been told that if you place it on the ground, it will seek the most delicious vitae in the room; may it serve you well."


Tulip's search for a job doesn't go particularly well for the kind of things she's searching for, as the majority of investigations are handled by the brutally efficient Garmine authorities. Even exploration, things such as mapping, examining the wildlife, and designing extensions of the city are handled by expeditions that are controlled by the authorities. Since Goodheart doesn't want to do so, it seems she'll have to search for something else, or somewhere else.


"That sounds like an agreeable arrangement, but I wouldn't dare allow your aid without informing you of the potential dangers. I seek the alchemist in the mountains, as it is claimed that she has eyes over much of Immoren - and she has been noted to be in possession of golems, or otherwise. I am seeking, in particular, a golem that was believed to escape from one of Ilmater's churches. Of course, the clergy rarely spends funds on their own vanity, but it was a gift from the Church of Tyr. From what I've been told, it's suspected that some ne'er-do-wells intercepted the gift. What followed was...a bloodbath. And I've taken it upon myself to find and cleanse this golem, as a rite of passage."

2014-10-19, 03:46 PM
Tulip looks really disappointed at her failure. At the end of hours of work, She looks at Paladin.
"Maybe you have an idea? We didn't find anything!"

2014-10-19, 03:48 PM
Goodheart shrugs her shoulders in the cool wind and looks at Tulip. "If I had any ideas, you wouldn't have been searching for a job for me anyway..."

2014-10-19, 03:51 PM
"A golem...I have not heard much of them," Dilaa says, thinking over what she'd been told of them. It had been vague, and she'd forgotten most of it, but the fact that they were large and made with powerful magic remains in her mind. What would such a mage-beast look like? "But if it poses a threat in combat, we should be able to hold our own. Will cleansing it be...quickly done?" She asks, not quite sure what Mei's plan entails once they find the golem. She was a pilgrim, and chances were high that some sort of holy magic would be involved. Dilaa takes another sip of her tea, letting the blend of flavors slowly become more familiar.

2014-10-19, 03:57 PM
"I certainly hope so!" Mei gives a polite, melodic laugh. "I don't plan on destroying it, at least. But before we discuss the details, might I ask after what payment you'll require for this service? My purse isn't particularly deep, and I understand your time is valuable. If I'm unable to pay you, I'll feel ever so guilty for wasting your time!"

2014-10-19, 04:06 PM
Dilaa is stunned when Mei mentions payment. Payment? Her, receiving money for doing something like this? It sounded absurd. It felt absurd. She didn't get paid.

"Eh...payment? I...I don't...I didn't think of that. Should we...be paid?" Dilaa asks, giving a glance at Noble. Of course, even under normal circumstances she wouldn't be much help for answering this sort of question. Now, as she's staring at Mei, she's likely to be even less. "We...haven't been paid so far. Not just for going and helping. We don't really need money."

2014-10-19, 04:08 PM
Tulip claps, as an idea occurs to her.
"I know! You could get a job on the Rum Runner! Let's go find Bandaid!"

2014-10-19, 04:11 PM
"Oh, this is rather awkward." Mei responds, taking a sip of her tea as she thinks. "Is there anything at all you'd like instead of money? I'm sure I could figure out something to repay you with; it would just be rude to let you risk your lives for me without recompense, even if voluntary!"


Goodheart stares at Tulip for a few moments. "You...you do remember that's what and who I tried to steal from last night...right?"

2014-10-19, 04:12 PM
"Thank you, Elis. I will always keep it, also as a souvenir of meeting you. I don't have anything as beautiful and nice as it, but would you like to have some marbles, so you can practice or play with yourself. ", Yildiz holds out a handful (9) of the spheres, smiling at Elis.

2014-10-19, 04:15 PM
Tulip smiles.
"Right, but she doesn't know! She'll be happy to have you along, I'm sure!"

2014-10-19, 04:16 PM
"Could you tell me of religion? Of the north and south - I was never taught much," Dilaa asks after a few moments of contemplation, sipping her tea again as she thinks. "I have been wondering more about these things since I came north, and you seem to be a good person to learn from," she continues with another smile.

2014-10-19, 04:22 PM
Elis' smile grows just a little wider as she accepts the marbles. "Thank you." She says, packing the marbles away before turning back to Yildiz. "Perhaps you should go to sleep, now that daylight has almost certainly arrived. I will sleep, as well, and we can get something for you to eat when we wake. Then, we can find something to do, or friends to meet so that we may do something for the evening."


"I can certainly try, but I am an inexperienced teacher; I hope you'll forgive my lack of knowledge in some parts." Mei flashes her pearly white teeth. "But what of your friends? Surely, they deserve to be paid, as well!"


Goodheart frowns slightly at Tulip's comment. "But the ship doesn't even have much of a crew. Why do you think I tried to steal from it?"

2014-10-19, 04:26 PM
Tulip smiles even more.
"I know! They'll be sure to want you, and you can swim really well! It's perfect!"

2014-10-19, 11:40 PM
"Noble..." Dilaa turns to the warrior, notices that she's still just staring at pilgrim and prods her gently. "Think of what you might want," she whispers to her, before turning back to Mei. "As for the others, one would probably enjoy receiving stories, and the other...I'm not sure. She may actually want gold," Dilaa says, thinking of Tulip and then Yildiz, who might be rejoining them later on.

2014-10-20, 06:40 AM
Yildiz says good night to Elis and heads to the room that she was given. Once she is there she carefully investigates her surroundings for any hint of danger. This is followed by her taking her coffin from her bag and opening it. She drags out her coffin, and opens it. She looks forwards to lying down again, but she has to be careful. She still doesn't trust Elis, and won't make herself vulnerable. She leaves the top off as she lies down in the red silk, beneath which the stuffing has been replaced with eart. But that doesn't matter, it is sized perfectly for her. She crosses her arms over her chest, and looks up at the ceiling, thinking about all the things that she is going to do to her enemies, and all the fun games that she will be playing.

2014-10-20, 10:41 AM
"It's ludicrous." Goodheart retorts, rolling her eyes. "But fine. Take me to Bandaid, if you're set on it."


Noble still doesn't respond, just stares.

"Then I shall endeavor to discover payments suitable for each of their tastes." Mei smiles a charming little smile, then sips her tea. "I am currently in the process of mapping the route I plan to take," She gestures to the map laid across the table. "If you have any suggestions or advice, please feel free to share."


Yildiz has a peaceful day of rest, with nary a whisper from Elis save for when she heads to her bedroom shortly after. When the early evening comes, the short woman is up and about in clean robes, the same armor, and waiting for Yildiz in the living room. "Food?" She asks, pointing to the trapdoor of the boat.

2014-10-20, 10:49 AM
Tulip smiles as she agrees, still holding on to Paladin, so she didn't get blown away in the breeze.
"Yay! Now we just need to find Bandaid! Maybe one of those houses with lots of people knows where she is! Let's go an ask!"

Tulip is proposing to ask at taverns until she finds out where Bandaid is.

2014-10-20, 10:58 AM
Tulip manages to find Bandaid in her natural form, lingering around the docks. She sits on a pile of crates, somewhere near The Rum Runner, while reading a letter that she has to hold tightly with both hands, to stop it from being torn away by the wind.

2014-10-20, 11:01 AM
"I heard that a group going to the alchemist in the mountains was slain. It may have been the golem - we may want to look around there," Dilaa says after a few moments of consideration.

2014-10-20, 11:02 AM
Tulip, not knowing that anything was wrong, points her out for Paladin.
"Look! There she is! Let's go and talk to her!"
Before she can continue, she nearly gets blown off of Paladin's shoulder, but luckily, she manages to catch herself as she drops her pointing arm.

After Paladin approaches Bandaid for her, Tulip smiles at Bandaid.
"Hi Bandaid! We've been looking for you! Do you know if there are any openings in the Rum Runner's crew? In the stories, lots of sailors leave after the ship reaches the docks, so I was thinking that there might be!"

2014-10-20, 11:03 AM
"Have you slept well today? I had the best day in a long time.But I do feel a bit thirsty.", Yildiz opens the trapdoor, hoping to see prey.

2014-10-20, 11:11 AM
"I shall make a note of it." Mei smiles, doing exactly that. "I hope the group's families have been informed of their deaths. It would be terrible not knowing what's happened, don't you think?"


Bandaid tilts her head slightly as Tulip approaches on the cloaked shoulders of a snake-person, but doesn't comment on it beyond that. "Well, yes and no. There's no Captain and a large part of the crew are gone. The Navigator isn't attached to the ship any more, can't blame him, which makes me the next highest-ranked. The Reigning Host want to compensate us," She waves the letter slightly. "But I'm not sure about it. I can't stand people most of the time, nevermind actually giving them orders."


Elis smiles as Yildiz tries to open the exit trapdoor. "Allow me. I must keep it locked so my everything stays as it is." She says, climbing up the ladder and opening the trapdoor. "Food is prepared in a small house. I'm sorry you won't be able to drain it dry."

2014-10-20, 11:16 AM
Yildiz follows Elis, she remains careful, she doesn't know what drives Elis, and more importantly, what might be out there, waiting for her. She has many enemies, more than most people could count. But she is good at counting, and knows the names of many of them. Unfortunately she also has many enemies she doesn't yet know about, and they might appear at any moment.

"I won't drain it dry, the thirst isn't that big. Just a nice little sip."

2014-10-20, 11:16 AM
Tulip looks surprised as Bandaid explains that the captain was gone, but then she smiles, happily.
"The Captain retired? He must be loving that! Maybe you can get the crew back? Have they all left on other ships? I thought that crews just went into bars after they got off of their ship! And maybe you could act as the ship's owner, but get a different captain? That way, you could help people, and the captain could run the ship! And then the new captain could navigate, or you could convince the navigator to come back!"

2014-10-20, 11:22 AM
Dilaa shakes her head. "I doubt it. They were part of the crew of a ship that came here, not locals. It was the ship a friend of mine and I used to come here, to Garmine," she says. "It may be quite some time before they are told."

2014-10-20, 11:28 AM
Elis just smiles at Yildiz' comment and starts to lead her through the streets of Garmine, traveling only a short distance in the early evening and leading her to a small home that's practically storage. After opening it, she reveals a single bed that has been placed in the center of the only room inside; random pieces of junk are scattered elsewhere in the room. Sleeping on the bed is an elven woman, clearly in a deep sleep, with her neck exposed.

"She won't wake. She's dreaming of the heavens."


"Nah. Their new ships are very protective." Bandaid replies to Tulip with a shrug of her shoulders, longcoat rustling in the wind. "And the navigator is handling his personal business. Family stuff, you know?"


"That is a terrible shame." Mei comments with a sympathetic shake of her head. "So I suppose it is all the more necessary that we find this golem, if it is indeed the cause of their deaths. If you are ready and willing, perhaps you could meet me here at some point later in the evening? To give you time to prepare for our journey, and gather your friends." She smiles once more.

2014-10-20, 11:30 AM
Tulip looks disappointed. If most of the sailors already left, she won't be able to visit her friends again.
"Aw... but then maybe you could hire new sailors? But then you need a captain and a navigator, unless you decide to be captain, and you can navigate too!"
She has a thought, and looks to Paladin.
"Do you know how to navigate? Maybe you could do that!"

2014-10-20, 11:42 AM
"Um, I'm not much of a navigator. Didn't really have call for it; usually pawned that off on the mage." Goodheart answers, apparently not sure where to look when conversing with somebody who's standing on her shoulder. "More of a scout-y, recon-y, information-y kind of gal."

2014-10-20, 11:42 AM
"That sounds like a fine plan," Dilaa says, nodding. "I will go and find them. We may return somewhat early, if there are things we would need to discuss with you before finishing our preparations," she adds, smiling as she finishes her tea and tries to rouse Noble from her trance enough for the other warrior to make a bit of room for her to slide past. "I believe Noble would prefer to stay with you," Dilaa comments, unless Noble's staring has suddenly ended, before giving the two a wave. "I will return with the others."

Once up from the table, Dilaa heads out to go and find Tulip, first checking by Mithra's dwelling then asking around for her.

2014-10-20, 11:44 AM
Tulip lights up at this, sensing an opportunity to make everyone happy.
"I know then! You could help Bandaid find a captain and a navigator, and a crew, and then maybe you could help manage the crew? Or you could stay in that tower thing, and look for interesting things!"

2014-10-20, 11:54 AM
"Farewell, Dilaa. I look forward to our next meeting." Mei says, smiling and waving at Dilaa's departure, which is swiftly followed by Noble getting to her feet and following after the warrior woman, not taking her eyes off of the robed host until line of sight is broken. Mei also waves and wishes her farewell, but she doesn't respond, instead waiting until both are outside. At which point, she turns to Dilaa.

"She's bad."


"I'll need to get to know her before agreeing. To anything." Bandaid tells Tulip. "You're pretty old. Sure you can work on a ship?" She asks, turning her silver eyes to Goodheart.

"Um, yeah? I'm about fifty percent pure muscle." Goodheart gives a demonstrative flick of her tail.

"Hm. Alright. We can look together." Bandsaid says, tucking her letter away.

2014-10-20, 11:54 AM
Yildiz kneels next to the elf, baring her teeth. She looks very tasty, Yildiz likes it that way, and elfs have a good taste. She bites, she always does it very carefully. She has no taste for the brutal ripping and tearing that many enjoy. She doesn't want to leave too many traces. Once the vein is open she sucks gently, in a healthy person the blood should flow oit by its own force.

2014-10-20, 11:57 AM
Tulip looks happy as the two get along.
"Yay! You'll be friends, and everything'll be ok! Don't you love a happy ending?"
Tulip smiles happily at Bandaid, looking over at Paladin to smile at her too.

2014-10-20, 12:02 PM
"If you say so." Bandaid answers, getting to her feet and smiling weakly at Tulip. "We'll walk and talk for a bit. I'll let you know how it goes."

2014-10-20, 12:03 PM
Dilaa raises an eyebrow, surprised as Noble follows her, but says nothing. Then, as the warrior suddenly turns to her, she is completely surprised.

"S-she's bad? Why didn't you mention this earlier?" Dilaa asks. "But nevermind that. What is it that's bad about her? How can you tell?"

2014-10-20, 12:05 PM
"Succubus." Noble answers, then points to her own head. "Demon. I don't know a lot. But I know when I see one of that kind."

2014-10-20, 12:07 PM
Tulip nods happily.
"Thank you! I'm sure you'll like each other, since you're both nice! I'll be here for a bit, but then I'll go and look for Dilaa!"
Tulip, taking advantage of a break in the wind, flies over to the boxes Bandaid was sitting on, and sits on a box that's protected from the wind.
Once there, she looks around, taking in all of the sights that she couldn't appreciate the last time she was here. As Bandaid and Paladin move away, she pulls out Tirai's delicious meal, and uses her magic to heat the tea, before she starts to enjoy it.