View Full Version : The best way to chase down your friends and kill them.

2014-10-15, 08:09 PM
So I built a Half-Giant barbarian, mildly optimized (compared to the rest of the party). Unfortunately, I failed a will save, one that was attached to Lesser Geas and am now on a quest to kill the rest of my group. Barring comments of how PvP is a bad idea, as a group we welcome the challenge of it all. OOC, I don't want to kill them,RP-wise, I MUST CRUSH THEM!

The game ended with me facing them, and the group escaping while i waited for the flames to die out. Where we pick back up is undecided, but I can't imagine they are too far away.

help me out!

My character is a Barbarian 2, Fighter 1, Feat Rogue 2, Fist of the Forest 1
I am a Half-Giant with a 20/15/18/12/10/10 on scores
I have Endurance, Knockdown,Steadfast Determination,Mad Foam Rager,Imp. B-rush, Cleave and Great Cleave, Nimble Charge and Twisted charge skill tricks, and most of all, Quick Draw

the party is a conjurer that makes poor choices, a halfling bard that always takes advantage of his run feat, and a druid who has a lot of strong forms and stronger spells, thats the tuffy.

I have more constitution and am faster, so an outright chase will end with me catching them.

with the quick trait and fast movement (fist of the forest) I have a base movement of 50ft, where the next fastest member of the group is 30 (not including wildshaping druid cheese). According to basic math theres no way any of them save a cheetah druid can escape me.

My constitution is a +4, +6 when raged, for constitution checks I get a +10 to those checks from Endurance, meaning when it comes time to roll for constitution after 7 rounds i have to roll a 1, which gets harder each turn. At that point I'm pretty positive the rest of the group will have to roll 15s and up.

I'm set on the chase aspect of this encounter, but what kind of other things should I watch out for? Obviously I should go after the mage first, he's a dwarf and will be easy to catch up to. Mad foam rage lets me get a quick run-in and a charge, allowing me to run off and lick my wounds to focus on the other two.

If I can catch the druid unawares (yeah i know) he's definitely the main target, being lvl 8 compared to my 6. I'm confident I can get him in a melee bout and chase the halfling down afterwards.

This would mean the end of the game, because I would then be forced to go meet up with the sorceress who gave me this quest and be forever her minion. I kinda want to lose so I can be cured or resurrected...but I dont want to go down easy.

Other than an epic chase, what kind of dirty tactics can I use to exploit my position of being the main damage dealer in the group. I'm looking for clever uses of skills, or other thoughts? The druid and I are about balanced when it comes to melee prowess, otherwise the spells hurt me. The other two?

Slicey Dicey.

2014-10-15, 11:00 PM
Ive always wanted to RP a PC hunter, seems so fun. My only advice would be not to just charge in but maybe stalk them, make the feel like you gave up then while asleep or in a predicament (another encounter) pop out and *stabby stab*. Plus this could give them time to turn you back ;). Either way would love to hear the out come.

2014-10-16, 12:19 AM
I was thinking of setting the forest on fire to stave off some of the druis spells for woodlands. Maybe use that as an ambush

Sam K
2014-10-16, 12:20 AM

Hound them for a bit. Use your superior movement speed to make sure you can be where they don't expect you to be. If they're facing other enemies, just watch them (highly visibly) from a distance, making them realize you COULD be attacking.

Geas is a compulsion, but it's not a domination. You might be able to delay attacking them for a while because you're "Waiting for a good moment to strike, letting them expend their resources before you attack" or something. After all, a 3v1 fight would be quite likely to get you killed, and a lesser geas cannot force you to do outright suicidal things.

2014-10-16, 12:44 AM
the party is a conjurer that makes poor choices

If the party's mage has access to 4th level spells (and your initial post indicates that the casters have access to them), then all your character's speed will be for naught if he can get a solid fog centered on you, allowing them a chance to fight off whatever's nearby and threatening while you struggle through the fog.

Of course, this takes into consideration that the druid or bard are able to spot/hear you coming and the wizard can ready to blanket an area with a solid fog.

The idea is really good- a lone sadistic hunter prowling through the woods, picking them off one by one, but with two PCs that should have their perception skills maxed, getting the jump on them could be a problem.

2014-10-16, 12:58 AM
I would love to see this spun on the dm,take them down vitious (but non lethal) and bring them to your mistress only to find out your geas was already broken and whole party spings up and ganks her.

That said I would second the stalking tactics maby dig up some info on Black Dragons (totaly their stick) and that would give the party more time to try to save you

2014-10-16, 02:11 AM
You have the endurance, so use it: force them to do forced marches, harass them when they try to rest, lure wandering monsters toward them, and so on. As a FotF you have an advantage in the wild that only the druid can match.

2014-10-16, 03:31 AM
As a fist of the forest, you probably shouldn't set the forest on fire..

I don't think that they will split up, so prepare for a 1vs3 fight. But that's okay, you want to lose.
To ensure loss, stalk and harass them until they turn on you, if they choose the fight they have the chance to prepare.

You could use your speed to lay an ambush for them, and your strength to make giant traps with falling trees.
The objective should be to make an epic scene. Fight them on a bridge, or in a ring of (controlled) fire, and most important, make a heroic speech!

2014-10-16, 03:42 AM

Hound them for a bit. Use your superior movement speed to make sure you can be where they don't expect you to be. If they're facing other enemies, just watch them (highly visibly) from a distance, making them realize you COULD be attacking.

Geas is a compulsion, but it's not a domination. You might be able to delay attacking them for a while because you're "Waiting for a good moment to strike, letting them expend their resources before you attack" or something. After all, a 3v1 fight would be quite likely to get you killed, and a lesser geas cannot force you to do outright suicidal things.

Yeah. Human hunters Rose to primacy by attacking to frighten and wound an animal, and then just walking after it – not running, walking – for days until it died of exhaustion.

Get some way to heal hella fast in case the party wises up and tries to fight you, and just Harry them. Shoot arrows every hour or two. Find wild boars and enrage them then direct them at the enemy. Get rock throwing and the ballista throw maneuver, or something, and wait for them to camp then launch stones into camp for AoE damage.


Because after eight hours, they need to sart making endurance checks. You will likely pass them with ease. Wear them down to natural fatigue. Charge in, get a few spells launched at you, and deny everyone any rest. Make it cruel, too. Give them six or seven hours rest then attack. Days go by, spells cannot be replenished, HP doesn't return at the rate expected, strength and dex reduced by 6, unable to run. Kill their mounts. Wear their spirits to dust.

Then casually walk into their camp on the last day. Try to get the "improvised weaponry proficiency" feat whatever it's called. Knock out the flimsiest player (conjurer) or grapple him... And because of your size and strength, world the conjurer as an improvised club. Slam him by the legs into the Druid. Bard comes back with some sort of spell? Use the conjurer as an improvised tower shield/huge heavy shield (weapon equivalency rules) to soak the damage.

2014-10-16, 04:05 AM
What is the exact wording of the geas?

2014-10-16, 07:21 AM
If the party's mage has access to 4th level spells (and your initial post indicates that the casters have access to them), then all your character's speed will be for naught if he can get a solid fog centered on you, allowing them a chance to fight off whatever's nearby and threatening while you struggle through the fog.

luckily the mage and bard are both level 6 so no 4th level spells from them, and i'm pretty sure only the druid maxed spot and listen, but i could be wrong. Also the druid has a history of leaving the party to die while he makes it out alive, part of the reason he's level 8 and we're all 6's, so if it gets down to it I wont rule out the possibility of him flying away. The bard is severely handicapped in this party, his grease spell has been the most effective as of late, and with my +18 jump I can basically leap over that in one short hop.

the nastiest spell i've seen is murderous mist, reflex save or be blinded and take continual damage. Basically the druid casts this on the enemy and forces the save against blindness, so I'd be toast if he hit me with that.

As a fist of the forest, you probably shouldn't set the forest on fire..

....you're right. Damn! haha, although I am not acting on my own volition am I?

Then casually walk into their camp on the last day. Try to get the "improvised weaponry proficiency" feat whatever it's called. Knock out the flimsiest player (conjurer) or grapple him... And because of your size and strength, world the conjurer as an improvised club. Slam him by the legs into the Druid. Bard comes back with some sort of spell? Use the conjurer as an improvised tower shield/huge heavy shield (weapon equivalency rules) to soak the damage.

does a -2 (instead of -4) to improvised weapons count? Gotta love that City Brawler acf

What is the exact wording of the geas?

A lesser geas places a magical command on a creature to carry out some service or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by you. The creature must have 7 or fewer Hit Dice and be able to understand you. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity.

The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed, no matter how long it takes.

If the instructions involve some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through his own actions the spell remains in effect for a maximum of one day per caster level. A clever recipient can subvert some instructions:

If the subject is prevented from obeying the lesser geas for 24 hours, it takes a -2 penalty to each of its ability scores. Each day, another -2 penalty accumulates, up to a total of -8. No ability score can be reduced to less than 1 by this effect. The ability score penalties are removed 24 hours after the subject resumes obeying the lesser geas.

A lesser geas (and all ability score penalties) can be ended by break enchantment, limited wish, remove curse, miracle, or wish. Dispel magic does not affect a lesser geas.

the question there is the days/CL bit. It does say "no matter how long it takes" for a geas, but then goes on to say if it is open-ended it lasts day/level. "Kill your allies and come see me in the north" seems vague but not entirely open-ended.

All of this could be for naught, right before being geased I had defeated a huge skeletal viking, and received a platinum helm of bahamut, something about being a true believer and get frightening presence and then blindsense. Im more worried theres a nastier curse on it =(

2014-10-16, 07:57 AM
lthe question there is the days/CL bit. It does say "no matter how long it takes" for a geas, but then goes on to say if it is open-ended it lasts day/level. "Kill your allies and come see me in the north" seems vague but not entirely open-ended.It's about open ended tasks that cannot be completed by the recipient of the geas. So unless the allies are already dead or the caster is not in the north/is inaccessible in the north, that task can be completed by the recipient.

2014-10-16, 08:03 AM
It's about open ended tasks that cannot be completed by the recipient of the geas. So unless the allies are already dead or the caster is not in the north/is inaccessible in the north, that task can be completed by the recipient.

Ok so if I were captured, that's when the penalties listed for being unable to complete the quest would apply, but I'd still be forced to kill them if they ever let me go without first using remove curse.

2014-10-16, 08:09 AM

Unfortunately the wording of the spell is unclear about what you can do in addition to the instructions. Can you fulfill your basic needs( eat, drink, sleep) can you talk to people about your geas, can you...? You should clear that up with your DM. Depending on his answers you have a lot of options. At the very least you could kill your allies go to the north and observe the caster without him seeing you. That would fulfill the letter of his instruction. After that the geas is fulfilled and you are free to leave, resurrect your allies and plot revenge.

2014-10-16, 08:18 AM
yes, while getting TONS of xp!


2014-10-16, 09:03 AM
yes, while getting TONS of xp!

:smallyuk:Yup, that is 1800 per level 6 ally and 3600 for the level 8 ally. That is if you get them one on one.

2014-10-16, 09:33 AM
The bard is severely handicapped in this party, his grease spell has been the most effective as of late, and with my +18 jump I can basically leap over that in one short hop.
Then he'd just have to put the grease directly where you're standing instead of in front of you.

the nastiest spell i've seen is murderous mist, reflex save or be blinded and take continual damage. Basically the druid casts this on the enemy and forces the save against blindness, so I'd be toast if he hit me with that.

Ooh, these could be nasty in tandem. If you get stuck with a combo of the bard's grease and the druid's mist, you're basically toast.

2014-10-16, 10:14 AM
i have just come to the realization I am the only one with low light vision, and they don't know that. So if they think they're being crafty and don't use campfires....:smallyuk:

2014-10-16, 10:26 AM
Don't you also have scent? The druid can pass without trace, for sure, but the rest you will always be able to track down.

2014-10-16, 10:48 AM
Don't you also have scent? The druid can pass without trace, for sure, but the rest you will always be able to track down.

no, unfortunately I'd need two more levels of fist of the forest for that :smallfrown: but i'm going to ask the lady if i'm gonna be outfitted with a couple Wargs for use as bloodhounds to aid me.

I'm going to have to get an official ruling on the exact wording of my geas, so i can "a clever recipient can subvert some instructions" all over it. If she never says i can't bring them back to help me go see her after i killed them, can I do that?