View Full Version : 'The Battle for Gobwin Knob, Page #'

2007-03-17, 11:29 AM
For some reason, to me the fact that the pages are labeled 'The Battle for Gobwin Knob, Page #' instead of just 'Page #' or something implies that there will later be something more than just the Gobwin Knob series.

Any thoughts?

2007-03-17, 12:49 PM
As it can be left open for sequels. If they want to have one. This information does not mean there's certainly going to be a sequel, as they could be adding that into the titles 'in case' they do.

2007-03-17, 12:51 PM
As it can be left open for sequels. If they want to have one.

Which is what I'm assuming. It sort of implies a sequel.

2007-03-17, 12:54 PM
I view it as chapters. It's page 33 and everyone's already lined up at Helm's Deep (funny how OotS is having a climactic battle right now too). The battle itself will probably be over within 17 pages (including various gloatings by Stanley at various points, extrapolation of previous pacing thus far and in OotS). If it were to end with the conclusion of the battle, there'd have been barely even half a year of longevity to the comic.

2007-03-17, 12:57 PM
Well the Giant was initially seeking a 60-100 page comic for the site, with sequels if popular. So..
Info from http://www.buzzcomix.net/community/viewtopic.php?t=7023

2007-03-17, 01:00 PM
I view it as chapters. It's page 33 and everyone's already lined up at Helm's Deep (funny how OotS is having a climactic battle right now too). The battle itself will probably be over within 17 pages (including various gloatings by Stanley at various points, extrapolation of previous pacing thus far and in OotS). If it were to end with the conclusion of the battle, there'd have been barely even half a year of longevity to the comic.

If it's taken them 33 comics to get here, then it would probably take more than that to get us to the end.

And I think the 'chapters' thing is the right idea.
Speculation on what the next chapters might be?