View Full Version : DM Help Levelling up a psionic themed weapon

2014-10-16, 08:46 AM
So, they Psywar in my game has really been getting the shaft when it comes to treasure. Not entirely any one persons fault really. When magic gear is found, the party splits it up as would normally be, but with 5 players, if only 4 pieces are found, he usually decides he doesn't need anything. Truthfully, he doesn't need a lot of powerful gear for his build. (TWF with quickdraw, a bandolier of daggers, each with Dissolving Weapon cast on them, prestiging into Elocator) Truthfully, its a bit much to give him a bunch of +1 daggers, though he's gotten quite a few masterwork ones. He uses inertial armor and force screen for his armor, so I can't just give him a good set of armor.

One unique weapon he does have however, is an adamantine greatsword which at one point was a holy avenger for a dead god. A deep crystal was inserted into it to give it some extra psionic power, and I feel that levelling up this weapon is going to be the most useful thing for him. He hasn't used it since the crystal was embedded into the hilt, so I was trying to think of some enchantments to put onto it. (I know this isn't how deep crystal weapons work, but this works for me). Was thinking of getting it up to a +3 weapon (+1 with +2 enchantments). Part of the reason he's keeping this sword around is he's trying to help an amethyst dragon attain godhood, by spreading the gift of psionics, which will be done by manifesting powers around creatures who have the potential, and then spreading the good word about psionics. He's basically the first psion in over 1000 years and people have completely forgotten about it, and even before it was only a magical theory, very few psions.

So the question becomes, how to level this up? Every few sessions/levels I know I'll throw a new enchantment onto the thing (so long as he's converted creatures to psionics), but I'm not sure what. I was thinking some sort of sonic powers, but for some reason I keep thinking gem dragons have weaknesses to sonic attacks, even though I can't find that in the MM2. For right now, its a +1 (somethign, something) adamantine deep crystal greatsword. Help with the something, somethings would be nice too.

Psionics is one of my weak points in 3.5. I haven't read a lot about them except for how they function, so I have no clue whats a good enchantment or not.

Feint's End
2014-10-16, 09:56 AM
Hmm is he more thrower or melee? It's not entirely clear from the post. Because I'd first try to figure out the combat style he prefers and then customise something.

2014-10-16, 10:17 AM
Melee. He's got an 18 str, and I think a 20 dex, he was going to go (or did pickup) weapon finesse, but with his stats its really not worth the feat.

I've often pointed out that he hasn't even picked up a bow. At this point he just refuses to have a ranged option.

2014-10-16, 12:32 PM
I'd add power storing as a function of the weapon. Perhaps throwing and returning, as well, though you could give him some gloves of Taarnahm the vigilant (PGtF, treat any weapon as throwing and returning) instead. I'd also turn it into the psionic equivalent of a runestaff, so it effectively gives him additional powers known.

2014-10-16, 01:10 PM
Those gloves are actually a great idea, low cost too, especially with what they give his build.

I know he's going to throw the greatsword at some point...I just know it.

2014-10-16, 01:15 PM
Those gloves are actually a great idea, low cost too, especially with what they give his build.

I know he's going to throw the greatsword at some point...I just know it.Turn them into gauntlets, combine with +Dex and +Str gloves, and add on a wand chamber on each (for dorjes), and you should be good.

2014-10-16, 01:29 PM
Considering how far behind he is on WBL, a +3 weapon, the gloves and even then adding +2 dex and str to them, will still have him behind.

No one up to this point made any dorges. There's only been a handful of psions up to this point, and most of them never made it this far. They were all wizards trying to tap into a previously unheard of form of magic. It's really hard to justify in my setting the existence of any psionic item. There may be 1 or 2 things floating around. And he's prb gonna find them anyway.

2014-10-16, 01:41 PM
Turn the weapon into the psionic equivalent of a runestaff, then. Knowing more powers always comes in handy, it scales well (just add more powers as he levels), and having more powers available helps him find more useful powers to manifest in order to unlock others' abilities. It'll be especially helpful if it acts as an auto-refilling cognizance crystal, as well.

2014-10-16, 01:52 PM
that could work... Now I have to ask the somewhat embarrassing question, what is a runestaff and where do I find it? I've heard of them, but I've never known the specifics.

2014-10-16, 02:20 PM
that could work... Now I have to ask the somewhat embarrassing question, what is a runestaff and where do I find it? I've heard of them, but I've never known the specifics.There are rules for runestaffs on pg 223 of the MIC. They basically give you additional spells known that you use your own spell slots to cast. The psionic equivalent is basically the same thing, but using powers and power points instead.

2014-10-16, 02:28 PM
Thanks. I get it now. Use your own power points to manifest a power thats not on your list of powers known. Makes sense. Now to just find some useful powers on the psywar spell list he didn't take and aren't currently part of the phrenic template.

2014-10-16, 02:29 PM
Thanks. I get it now. Use your own power points to manifest a power thats not on your list of powers known. Makes sense. Now to just find some useful powers on the psywar spell list he didn't take and aren't currently part of the phrenic template.You could always kludge it a bit and add some non-psywar powers that he can use. Just make sure they're thematically appropriate to his character.

Perhaps, instead of Weapon Finesse, you could convince him to take the Ancestral Relic feat or Item Familiar and apply it to the sword or another item, which he can then turn into a psionic item of his choice (such as a psychoactive skin).

2014-10-16, 02:42 PM
Yeah, I'll have to have him send me his character sheet. He may never have taken weapon finesse. I think he was planning on it. Lessee... 5 levels of psywar, 1 level of elocator and human. So thats 6 feats... TWF, Psionic Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Quickdraw. I have no clue what his other feat is.

2014-10-16, 02:44 PM
You should check out both Hyperconscious and Untapped Potential (as well as Pathfinder psionics) to find psywar powers he doesn't have but would find useful.

2014-10-16, 03:31 PM
Are those books or powers? Pathfinder or 3.5? I can't seem to find them on either srd or dndtools.

2014-10-16, 06:19 PM
Are those books or powers? Pathfinder or 3.5? I can't seem to find them on either srd or dndtools.Hyperconscious is 3.5 and Untapped Potential is as well, though I believe the latter has been adapted to Pathfinder. Both are 3rd party, though Hyperconscious was written by the author of the XPH, Bruce Cordell, and Untapped Potential is from Dreamscarred Press, which now makes the bulk of Pathfinder's psionics stuff.

How about a +1 adamantine/deep crystal greatsword with some of the following properties: power storing (SRD), morphing (MIC 39), and loyal minion (A&EG 111)?

And don't forget a weapon crystal with several qualities stacked on it, such as all the lesser energy assaults, lesser truedeath, and lesser demolition.

2014-10-17, 06:43 AM
Right now, I'm thinking

+1 Adamantine Deep Crystal Greatsword
Once he converts his first set of creatures, the sword opens up some powers to him

I like the runestaff idea. Assuming he didn't take these powers, these become available to him
My Light
Animal Affinity
Concealing Amorpha (does truevision affect this like it does with other magical concealments?)
Is this too many power for a dragon who's just starting to ascend to godhood? I'm not great with all the divine rank stuff, but I figure by this point, the other dragons who ascended gave this dragon divine rank 0 to let it attempt to ascend.

And maybe it imbues properties of the lesser fiendslaying crystal into it. They're going to go up against a lot of evil outsiders soon, and while the rest of the party may be getting outfitted with the requisite cold iron weapons, if he wants to keep using this thing, I want him to be able to. It was at one point a holy avenger, so this fits divine power returning to it.

This is in addition to getting those gauntlets we talked about earlier.