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2007-03-17, 01:41 PM
Well I asked these questions and sort of got weird answers and half confident posters when they were answering (probably not their fault could even be mine)

Here are the questions again:

Q 110

When a frenzied berserker inspires a frenzy in allies do they gain the normal frenzy (+6 to strength) or improved frenzy (if she has it) I also assume they do not gain any other benefit from the frenzy.

This one I have to say seams to gain only +6 str as it says that those that are inspired gain frenzy nothing else but I would still like to make sure.

Q 111
If you have shock trooper and you Domino Rush can you hit more then 1 person (say you get 10 extra feet can you trip 3 people if they were in a nice line the pushed and 2 behind)

I may have just said this wrong. If you bull rush into 1 person with 2 other people standing behind would you be able to continue the bull rush all the way to the 3rd person if you succeed on your trip attempts and had the extra 10 feet of movement.

Q 112
Can you enchant 1 weapon with the same ability more then one time and do these abilities stack if they did not provide damage (or does damage even stack)

The particular enchantment I am looking at is the earthbound Khyber weapon shard from the Eberron campaign setting (pg.265). Its ability is that if you and your opponent are touching the ground you gain an additional +2 to attack and damage rolls for a +1 enchantment cost. So I am wondering if I were to add this ability 5 times would I gain a +10 to attack and damage rolls ore would they not stack.

Thank you for any help you can give.

2007-03-17, 02:41 PM
Question 111 doesn't make sense.

Question 112 is a no.

2007-03-17, 05:54 PM
110: Regular frenzy, I believe it says that in the entry.
111: Not by the RaW I believe.
112: No. Same bonuses don't stack. 3x flaming might work, but that's damage dice.

2007-03-18, 12:25 AM
112: No. Same bonuses don't stack. 3x flaming might work, but that's damage dice.Bonuses from the same source don't stack, either. So three copies of flaming won't stack bonus damage.