View Full Version : 3rd Ed Being born as a god

2014-10-17, 01:59 AM
If you are a child of two gods, how long does it take to be able to grant spells? When can you assume a portfolio?
In general, what do you think about deities becoming deities by the virtue of parentage?

2014-10-17, 02:07 AM
I would try to come up with stuff that could be a small part of a parent god's portfolio, ideally both.

God of storms with Goddess of crops and agriculture, wee little rain god.
Goddess of fire, god of Earth... Little Volcano god.

Maybe they'd have to present their kid to their followers or the like.

2014-10-17, 02:21 AM
If you are a child of two gods, how long does it take to be able to grant spells? When can you assume a portfolio?
In general, what do you think about deities becoming deities by the virtue of parentage?

Oi, that's a doozy of a question that can really only be answered by whatever you think works for theogeny in your setting, Maybe a god-child springs forth fully formed and ready to do the job. Maybe it is sort of like a powerful outsider for a long time while its powers grow. Maybe it's just a powerful being without divine ranks.
As for what I think of it, it all depends on the setting. There are settings where this is pretty much the only way to become a god. There are settings where this doesn't come up. It doesn't really matter to me.

2014-10-17, 02:25 AM
The way we did it once in our setting was the child had dormant divine power, and didn't become fully realized until they had the ability to make the decisions of what they were all about. This could easily explain Heironeous and Hextor. They're not complete opposites, but they're incredibly different even though coming from the same parentage.

That being said, there are no actual rules for this at all. Divine rank 0 is a quasi-deity that has one mortal and one immortal parent, so would definitely not be that, and it doesn't specify divine rank 1, so I'd probably drop them right there.

2014-10-18, 09:26 AM
Ok, what about this?

Two gods have a child. They have different alignment and portfolios, so they ask another deity (more powerful than either of the parents) to become a - quite literal! - godfather for their child and thus its sponsor. The godfather will be named to be the superior deity of the child while the parents can just be parents and nothing more. All three gods (mom, dad and godfather) channel divine power to the worshippers and the superior deity handles the day-to-day business of being a god in place of the child. Later on, when the child is mature enough, he/she can assume his or her own place in the pantheon with an established church (or churches) and thousands of woshippers.