View Full Version : Pathfinder Post and grab interesting game ideas!

2014-10-17, 08:33 PM
Figured I'd make a thread for people to post or find creative ideas for campaigns!


The Infinite Tavern Crawl
All the PCs are dwarves. Without explanation, they wake up in a tavern that stretches as far forward as the eye can see. The bartender here only has water and light elven wine, but there is talk of weak beer not far away, and beyond that, ale. There are a lot of people in the way, though…

Tucker's Kobolds Redux
Each player gets five level one kobolds, one level three kobold, and a set amount of prep-time before the "heroes" arrive.

Less Goofy:

Kobold Politics
This one could fall into the goofy category, but it'd be really cool to see it played straight. Kobolds tend towards Lawful Evil, making for a great political game, and there's always plenty of outside threat to keep in mind. Destabilize things too much, and the colony will suffer (putting you, the most important part of it, at risk). Don't shake things up at all, and you'll be stuck as front line militia with a short life expectancy. A few things that might help are the Kobold Pantheon (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qom0?The-Pantheon-Game) and an idea I stole that Kobolds consider clean, shiny money to be polite, while dirty coins are an insult. (Naturally, your wages are filthy, and need to be scrubbed and polished before they can be given to anybody more important than you.)

The Wandering Troupe
Everybody plays as some sort of performer in a circus troupe. Alchemist fire-eater, Hunter animal tamer, Bard clown or thespian, Sorcerer magician, Barbarian strongman, Oracle or Witch fortune-teller, etc. The game begins as they are traveling between towns. Things begin to start looking stranger… It's up to you where they end up, but the Shadow Plane seems like a good choice. It doesn't get much use apart from as a shortcut. Or make it somewhere surreal- trees have hands at the end of their branches, there's a smiling cat, and flocks of small fish fly overhead.

For the Pungeon Master:

First rule of Smite Club: you don't talk about Smite Club.
All-Paladin group.

So this one time at Bard camp…
All-Bard group, possibly all in training.

2014-10-17, 08:50 PM
Freaky Friday (Goofy)

An epic transmutation trap in the dungeon's first hallway turns each one of our heroes into another member of the party, complete with all equipment and abilities. After the gates lock behind them, only making it through the dungeon's hazards and master will see them transform back to their original self!

2014-10-17, 09:18 PM
The Metalocalypse:
Today, creatures such as elves and dwarves - even goblins - are a rare sight. Many hundreds of thousands of years ago ago, this was not the case. It is said by those who still remember the old ways, who still remember the history of the world which is now passed down only through story and song, that their disappearance came about as the result of a great war. It began, it is said, by a great friendship shared between an elvish songweaver, a dwarven engineer, an orcish berserker, a human bard, and a goblin drummer. From this union came many great artifacts and tools of magic, but only their greatest creation, the catalyst for the most destructive war to be waged upon this world, continues to live on in legend: The Ripper, an axe which doubles as a six-string guitar. Magically enchanted so as to amplify its sound ("Up to eleven," or so the legend goes) and even distort that sound in a variety of ways, The Ripper was capable of inducing any and all who listened to enter a frenzied bloodlust. It was first seen at a skirmish against an advancing horde of undead, the opening salvo of the war, known to history as "The Great Moshing."
While details are lost to history, it is said that the band eventually fell in their final battle against some terrible lich and The Ripper was both corrupted and lost to time. Today it has returned, in the hands of the lich. It is said his undead lieutenants carry other craftwork of the ancient band - a set of drumsticks capable of felling even the mightiest castle walls, a device meant to amplify one's voice and spellcasting abilities, a lesser (four-stringed) version of the Ripper's own design, and a portable piano with a melody said to be as haunting as it is beautiful. Time and again the armies of man have fallen, or been subsumed, by the undead horde and its dark and musical magic. The last hope of the living lies in the hands of a band of adventurers who have also come across ancient artifacts of the lost five. Are they metal enough to win this war?

All player characters and major BBEGs are bard/anything-else gish. The bard levels can also be used for bard prestige classes such as that one Deathsinger thing.

2014-10-17, 11:18 PM
Setting Ideas

The lines of the world are not drawn between good and evil, but between law and chaos. For mortals, that dividing line is primarily between the societies of farmers and city-folk who prefer safety and stability, and hunter/gatherers or nomads that prefer freedom. Kobolds and dwarves frequently ally against elves and orcs, and so forth.

Campaign Ideas

There was a great war. The Good Guys, including the PCs, won. Vast armies of veteran soldiers are now being disbanded since there is no enemy left to fight. No land grants, no pensions, and generally unappreciated, the PCs now have to find a place in a world with too many adventuring types, and not enough loot and baddies to go around.

Armies need heroes - it gives them hope. It had a group of such heroes - a classic party of beatstick, arcane, divine, and skillmonkey - but they died, horribly. Instead of breaking the bad news, high command decides to keep the legend going. The PCs play trusted soldiers tasked with keeping up the ruse, by masquerading as said heroes and going on suicidal missions. If and when they die, new soldiers get assigned to take their place. The half-orc barbarian may be replaced by the nobleborn fighter, but they always go by the same (fake) name. And so on. Continuity comes from the legend and fictional personas rather than the individual characters.

2014-10-17, 11:45 PM
The Sword in the Tarrasque

A +6 Evergrinding (fleshgrinding with no duration limitation) longsword with enough damage to keep down a Big T (hidden under dirt and looking like a hill). If a player takes it out, they unwitting allow it to regenerate. The blade is intelligent, but felt squandered sitting in the Big T. It won't let players imbed it into enemies without making a stiff will save. In the mean time, the Big T destroys the country side.

The Oni
2014-10-18, 01:16 AM
Sleeping Giants

Near an untamed jungle somewhere, two titans battle and at least one is killed. His blood spills into a nearby river, and the animals who drink from the river are awakened, as the druid spell, becoming the player characters.

At some point, the PCs discover that the world is carried on the back of a giant turtle...