View Full Version : Pathfinder Ideas for some Vamp Lords

2014-10-17, 11:44 PM
Hey playground, looking for some ideas for some enemies for a custom campaign I'm brewing up. I'm not looking for any full builds or anything, just some interesting Vamp themed gestalt characters to throw at my pc's.

For a little background, the campaign takes place in a huge castle built into the mountains. BBEG has a well of souls he's been working on for a few hundred years to sacrifice in one huge burst to give himself enough power to ramp him straight to godhood. His 12 children have sections of the castle that they control. More than one can hang out in the same area.

Here are the prereq's I'm working with.
Books: Core, Ult. Combat, Magic, Campaign, and Equipment, Advanced Class, Players Guide, and Race Guide, Inner Sea Magic, Ultimate Psionics, Heroes of the Jade Oath, Pact Magic Unbound 1&2, and New Paths Compendium. Should be plenty to pick from.

Im just looking for some cool, flavorful gestalt Vamps to throw at the party. Can be any level pretty much. Like I said, not so much looking for a complete breakdown, but feel free to throw together whatever you think.

Quick Example:
Rando the Devourer
Slayer 12/Barbarian 12
Rando uses his claws and teeth exclusively. Stalks his prey through the castle's lower catacombs and strikes from the shadows before fading back into the darkness.

Thanks in advance for any attention you guys show towards this!

2014-10-17, 11:47 PM
For a little background, the campaign takes place in a huge castle built into the mountains. BBEG has a well of souls he's been working on for a few hundred years to sacrifice in one huge burst to give himself enough power to ramp him straight to godhood. His 12 children have sections of the castle that they control. More than one can hang out in the same area.

Here are the prereq's I'm working with.
Books: Core, Ult. Combat, Magic, Campaign, and Equipment, Advanced Class, Players Guide, and Race Guide, Inner Sea Magic, Ultimate Psionics, Heroes of the Jade Oath, Pact Magic Unbound 1&2, and New Paths Compendium. Should be plenty to pick from.

Im just looking for some cool, flavorful gestalt Vamps to throw at the party. Can be any level pretty much. Like I said, not so much looking for a complete breakdown, but feel free to throw together whatever you think.

Do you have any requirements other than "cool, flavorful"? Any particular themes? And were you expecting us to come up with the BBEG or just his kids?

2014-10-18, 12:23 AM
Vulpe the Tracker (Druid//Ranger)
Vulpe has transformed the castle's inner gardens into both his hunting grounds and a maze like death trap. Contraptions of hidden razor wires and poisoned spike pits harry trespassers while Vulpe stalks them from the cover of the underbrush in the form of a terrible beast. Vulpe and his garden are the vampire version of Tucker's Kobolds. He uses attrition tactics and carefully trapped terrain to pick off the PCs one by one.

Elise the Binder (Sorcerer//Occultist)
Centuries ago, Elise was immured in the castle's western wing after some unforgivable act of betrayal. Now, centuries later, driven to madness by hunger, her wails still echo through the bricked doors and windows. More disquieting, not all the screams and howls are her own. The Western wing is full of illusions, nothing is as it seems, corridors loop back on themselves or lead nowhere, and bound outsiders stalk the grounds. In the eye of madness, Elise waits.

Shelley the Crafter (Alchemist//Wizard)
Shelley's curiosity towards the secrets of life and unlife is boundless. The halls of the northern wing are her laboratory, and within them are held countless undead, constructs and thralls on which she can ply her experiments. Shelley is the least openly hostile child, the least likely to outright attack the PCs, absorbed by her projects as she is. In fact, she is likely to engage the PCs in idle chatter as she tinkers with her blades and starts gutting open a commoner. If the PCs do disturb or harm her work, however... well, most of her test subject make for quite formidable warriors.

2014-10-18, 12:33 AM
Just a quick thought I had:

(I don't know if they exist in Pathfinder, but) At least one (probably the Master) should be a Thrallherd (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/thrallherd.htm). Unlimited movable feast? Infinite cohorts thralls to convert into vampiric "generals"*? Yes please!

*Yes, after converting, they will cease to be thralls. However, you will get a new one within 24 hours, and vamps that you convert are under your complete control! Yes, I am planning this for one of my own characters!

If that's not available...I don't have much...
Vampire Lord (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/vampirelord.shtml)...Dread Vampire (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/dread-vampire-cr-3)...???

2014-10-18, 02:03 AM
Eh, I'll just throw out some random ideas then.
Tindl the Severing (Witch//Magus)- Tindl is above all a haughty and arrogant opponent. She has little interest in fair fights. Tindl will rely on potent illusions and enchantments to separate the party and then battle them one-on-one. Never one to rush her pleasure, she instead takes her time layering debilitating effects through the combination of Witch Hexes and Spellstrike. Should her prey escape, it bothers her not at all, but being forced to flee is a guaranteed way to make a foe for (un)life.

Daughn the Certain (Gunslinger//Psychic Warrior-Archer Path)- Daughn is the least ambitious of the children. He takes quiet pride in his marksmanship and is slow to anger. Should it come to battle, he looks to dispose of his foes in an orderly and efficient manner. With his access to a superior attack roll (high BAB, Dex, Trance) he may choose to tease the more outspoken and arrogant party members by disarming them with a shot or tripping them. Should any foes look to close the distance, he will make liberal use of his racial movement speeds combined with the psychic warriors powers (Hustle, Sidestep...)

Kassan the Mirthful (Ninja//Master Summoner)- Kassan is a master of striking from the shadows. Rarely will the party see him in action directly, rather he will send his disposable minions after them and use the resulting confusion to strike at them unwary or steal vital supplies. Kassan will never engage the enemy directly unless absolutely necessary and will flee the moment the option becomes available. A sadist to the extreme. Kassan's eidolon is a medium-sixed humanoid shape, dressed in the same clothes as Kassan. He will sometimes allow himself to be seen and use his Transposition ability to swap places, leading the party on a fruitless chase or into a trap.

Ren the Inquisitive (Hungry Ghost Monk//Sadist Vitalist)- Ren is curious as to the limits of the mortal body. She likes to force opponents into her Collective with the Unwilling Participant feat and then benefit from their pain and death. Between her vampiric powers, life funnel and vitalist powers, she is a difficult foe to kill.

Queirol the Exuberant (Antipaladin//Swashbuckler)- Generally regarded as a fop to most who meet him, Queirol is in truth a deadly fighter. He loves nothing more than to fool others into believing he is a harmless court butterfly only to viciously eviscerate his detractors later. Queirol prefers to get up close and personal in a fight to maximize the effects of his auras combined with Dazzling Display (and other feats in the tree).
Yeah, I started getting lazy at the end.

2014-10-18, 02:29 PM
Wow, some of these are really great!

Love all three of these. Particularly enjoy the Mary Shelley reference. That's a definite keeper. I can also see Vulpe the Tracker laying waste to my poor PCs. It's like they refuse to check for traps. Maybe this guy'll teach them a lesson finally. Thanks for the input!

You hit the nail right on the head. Thrallherd is most definitely in Ult. Psionics, and me wanting him to mind-dominating psionic character is the whole reason I grabbed the book in the first place. From the beginning the idea for him was Wizard//Psion/Thrallherd. It's kind of bland, but his schtick isn't so much "woah, interesting!" as it is pure, unadulterated power.

Also, Dread Vampire is perfect. I'm considering giving it to the more powerful vamp lords as well, and just cutting down on the other obstacles/enemies during their encounters.

Definitely digging these ones as well. Fun ideas like this is exactly why I figured I would ask the playground what they thought. Despite the least amount of flavor text, I'm particularly interested in Ren the Inquisitive. I didn't even know you could force people into the collective that way. Queirol the Exuberant also sticks out to me. Might be able to squeeze some good comedic moments in with him. If I end up using him, I think I would pair his encounter up with Daughn the Certain. I can see them kind of playing off eachother. One real serious and kinda deadpan, the other making quips and comments to the PCs.

Man, yeah, this really spawned some cool ideas. For the sake of getting some more posts, I'll throw in some of my ideas.

Sheina the Caller (Master Summoner Summoner// Pack Lord Druid)
Sheina stalks the frozen forest that surrounds the outside of the castle. She loves nothing more than hunting the occasional poor fool who stumbles too deep into her territory. She often wildshapes into either a bat or wolf, and bringing all her favorite pets along for her hunts. Her summoned bats and wolves do their best to hinder her opponents with sheer numbers while she attacks from the treetops. One would be wise not to trust a single creature living in those cursed woods.

Mar-Veite the Watchful (Visionary Shaman//Nightmare Constructor Dread)
Mar-Veite is the child closest to their father. She also acts as his information gatherer when intruders enter his castle without permission. She thrives on learning everything she can about her foes before confronting them, then breaking their minds with their deepest fears. She finds this almost as satisfying as the feeling of feeding on one of her broken-minded victims.

Rolan the Tyrant (Abyssal Primalist Bloodrager//Soulknife)
When first meeting Rolan, one might take him for the most human of his siblings. That could not be farther from the truth. When Rolan was first concieved, his father had bargained with a powerful demon. In exchange for his sons soul, to be taken when he was born, he would be granted a certain item. When the demon came back for the child, the father bound him using powerful magic into his son's body, forever changing him. When Rolan is calm, his outside appearance is that of an average vampire. When he wades into battle, he grows immense and much of his skin turns black. His two handed blade, a manifestation of his darkness, is blacker than midnight and deals immense damage to his enemies. Rolan is his fathers champion and guards the castles inner depths with his life.

So yeah! Let's see if we can get any more cool ideas in here. So far, so good!

2014-10-18, 03:20 PM
You need a set of creepy twins.

2014-10-18, 07:05 PM
The bloodmage prestige class seems fitting for any vampiric spellcaster you may have. Maybe have a bloodmage/cleric gestalt with their deity being blood themed?

2014-10-18, 08:32 PM
You need a set of creepy twins.

I suppose I could whip something up real quick-like.

Soke (Arcane Duelist Bard//Honor Guard Cavalier) and Uhnna (Brawler//Inquisitor) of the Gate- These twins watch over the entryway into their father's castle. Soke acts as the herald for any who wish to call upon his father while Uhnna keeps a vigilant watch over all who seek entry. Amongst themselves, they view Soke as the sterner of the two while Uhnna is more lighthearted, though others perceive them both as being utterly humorless. To while away the time, they spent much of their vigil discussing philosophy and telling each other riddles. In combat Soke tries to demand the attention of his foes while his sister disrupts them from concealment with her potent grappling abilities.

2014-10-18, 10:11 PM
Victor the Tormentor (Alchemist / Slayer)
Victor is a masochist, a fact that's plainly obvious if you look at his body - while many vampires pride themselves on immaculate pale skin and physical beauty, he is nearly eight foot tall with six arms and countless wounds and scars all over him - some self-inflicted by one of the kukris he wields in each hand, many others inflicted to him by his vampire brethren, appearing as cuts, bruises, burns and strange discolourations and growths from his own alchemical concoctions and mutagens. Because of his nature, he holds Shelley especially dear to his heart, letting her conduct experiments on his body and helping her devise new alchemical methods to inflict more and more pain on himself and others, although to him those experiments are not as much curiosity as they are an art form, using torture as the ultimate form of expression.

As for discoveries, probably stuff that alters his body unnaturally - Vestigial Arms, Deadly Excretions, Chameleon, Spontaneous Healing, Nauseating Flesh - and maybe he uses altered bombs to catch people alive like a Tanglefoot Bomb? Dunno, just throwing stuff out there.