View Full Version : [IC] Young Avengers, ASSEMBLE!

2014-10-18, 03:17 PM
A few months ago, the World's Mightiest Heroes were defeated. They were not beaten by an alien invasion, a villainous foe or even a god. No, the Avengers were laid low by one of their own - the Scarlet Witch. In the aftermath of the epic battle, the heroes, who once selflessly protected the Earth, decided to disassemble their fraternity of saviors and instead focus their efforts on individuals endeavors. The world is still a dangerous place, filled with vile enemies that seek to spread chaos and bring good people under their tyrannical rule. The world has need of the Avengers, even if the original members choose not to act...

It is late November in New York City, Thanksgiving is just a few short days away. It is unusually cold for this time of year, with the thermometer hovering just above freezing. The city is abuzz with holiday shoppers and tourists prepping for the big parade. Everyone is bundled up in warm clothing, knowing full well this temperature is likely heralding the start of very cold winter.

In secret, the six of you have independently crafted your own super uniforms and performed a few heroic acts. Perhaps some of you have even been mentioned on a blog or two. Regardless, without the Avengers, you have taken it upon yourselves to rise to the challenge and become the next generation of superheroes.

Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson, has sponsored a special charity football game between the Empire State University's team and New York City's finest - the NYPD. Proceeds from the game will benefit several local orphanages. The game is being played at Empire Stadium and is free to the public.

The six of you happen to find yourselves at this very game, scattered about the Stadium, some in nosebleed seats, others in the front row. The score stands at 41 to 24 in favor of the NYPD. The game has been quite enjoyable but some whisper that the college students are "going easy on the old men". It is now half-time and Jameson has taken the opportunity to drum up donations for the orphanages. A tall, beautiful woman carrying a silver briefcase walks out onto the field, takes the mic from the Editor and says, "My name is Lisa Wilkerson and I am new to this city. Many of you have probably read my blog - News.Now... She trials off for a second when JJJ looks to be ready to throw a fit. Recovering quickly Lisa continues, "As I said, I am new to the Big Apple but that does not mean I do not know a good cause when I see it. That is why I am over joyed to donate..." She sets the briefcase down in Jameson's hands, then pops the top revealing a mountain of cash, "Ten million dollars!"

Just as she finishes her sentence the lights turn off. A few seconds later, the lights flicker back on. Out on the field, Ms. Wilkerson and Jonah have been joined by a masked figure wearing a green outfit, with a long, robotic tail. Everyone recognizes this man as the dreaded Scorpion. As you look around to the stadium, which is filled to capacity with nearly ten thousand people, you spy several men and women clad in similarly colored outfits, except they bear large rifles rather than tails. Almost instinctively, the crowd begins to back away and head for the exists. The Scorpion grabs the mic out of Lisa's hand, then shoves her to the ground. "Nice little party you're throwing here! I like orphans just as much as the next guy but... I like money more. I'm taking this ten million and that's final! Don't bother to call the cops, I rigged the locker-rooms to blow if any of those dirty coppers dare leave!" He drones on for a bit more, giving each of you ample time to duck away and change into your heroic clothing. A bright red helicopter appears overhead, bearing the logo of the Daily Bugle. Its blades thunder over the near panicked crowd's murmurs. "That's right, I paid the pilot of ole' JJJ's copter off. Consider it payback for all those VILE and DISRESPECTFUL things you've printed about me over the years Jameson!" A rope ladders cascades off the side, landing twenty feet away from the Scorpion.

http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/19587/SpiderMan%20Reboot%20Fan%20Cast%20Character%20Scor pion.jpg

The stadium is a bog standard for a mid-size college. It is open to the air. You can begin anywhere except on the field. The Scorpion is about to get away with a cool ten million dollars. Obviously that is unacceptable. You, as new heroes, must rise up and prevent this villain from winning!

Here is the link to the Tracker (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak0YmvfUeoIIdHctLXJPQzFmcEVLSnY4M3pxQTFDb 3c&usp=sharing#gid=0). Please list your name (if it is not already there).

For turn order, you may either select "the Next Player to Post" or call out a specific enemy. This speeds up combat dramatically in the play by post environment.

We'll get the ball started with "the Next Player to Post"! :D

2014-10-18, 04:00 PM
Smoke wasn't a big fan of American football. Despite having grown up in the US, he'd been raised to believe that "football" involved a black and white sphere, two teams with shin guards, two goals, and only kicking.


Regardless, the X-Men loved their field days, and his squadmates at the school had told him repeatedly that he'd make a great "wide receiver". Googling this term wasn't an option, since there were at least two technopaths in the school who'd know. Asking someone was right out. His core group of friends weren't exactly sports fiends, but he DID want to do his squad proud . . .

So there he was, sitting in the crappiest seats ever, when Scorpion attacked.

He'd changed in a few seconds (yay, super speed!) but he's been held up by technology's failings. As Scorpion had monologued, he'd tried to signal the X-Men only to realize that his phone was dead. The next several seconds had seen him running frantically throughout the stadium in search of a charger, only to be foiled by the fact that his phone was too old to have a charger at one of the charger stations.

Eventually, he had to admit to himself that he might have to cover this himself. It wasn't like he hadn't already been trying his hand at some extracurricular vigilante work, but this was a semi-well known villain and a hostage situation numbering in the thousands!


Okay, I'm good. I'm cool. I'm coooool I'M NOT COOL I'm cooooooooool. Calmate calmate calmate.

Vamos. Primero, sus p***-madre guardias.

Smoke starts running through the stadium at super-speed, trying to clothesline the Scorpion's minions and diffuse the hostage crisis aspect of this whole situation. Besides, Jameson was supposedly a total horse's a**, so Smoke didn't unduly mind leaving him to sweat for a bit.

So, I'm gonna try to do an Area attack with Smoke darting through the crowd at super speed to smash into the guards. This means my roll would be:

Solo: [roll0]
Live Fast, Die Young, Leave the Experts Baffled: [roll1]
Super Speed: [roll2]
Combat Expert: [roll3]

Plus a 1d6 roll per each guard I hit. How many guards are there?

2014-10-18, 07:54 PM
As much as Smoke might not have been a fan...well, Babochka wasn't, either, but this was for the cops. Having snuck her way into the nosebleeds, so nobody would notice her bulging coat(which hurt her wings ow **** ow), the big reveal shocked her, but didn't stop her for long. There should be a hero out there. Ducking behind what she can, she pulls off her coat, and pulls off her sweater, leaving the matter of putting on her mask and headband on. Man, she loves that headband.

Now, not being an expert, she could only assume letting the criminal escape would be a bad thing. And...oh, there's a guy down there taking out the guards, so that shouldn't be an issue. Running, she takes a flying leap off the balcony, stretching her wings and pulling the heated air of the stadium up to her to get some extra lift. This is her chance to shine, to fly, when *******s like this green guy could come up and threaten to blow up some cops. That's just not cool, yo.

Stealing from orphans at a charity football game, no less! What's the world gotten to? I mean, JJJ isn't the best role-model, but he's a good, red-blooded American.

So I shouldn't expect thanks for this.

Soaring, and zipping up in speed, the Flame Monarch goes right for the helicopter, to stop it at the source. "Heads up, buddy!" She's never punched through glass to grab a pilot by the neck before, but how hard could it be?

Solo: [roll0]
My Mother's Keeper: [roll1]
Perfect Form: Multipower Focused Flight and Enhanced Strength
Crime Expert: [roll4]

+1 XP for Child of Two Worlds. She was hiding before so eh.

Turn Order: Next Player to Post.

2014-10-18, 09:50 PM
Smoke dashes about attacking the mooks with his super speed!

Team [roll0]
In it for the money [roll1]
The Body Armor [roll2]

You get an additional [roll3]

Meanwhile, a blaze of fire streaks through the sky and strikes the glass windshield of the helicopter!

Doom Dice [roll4]

2014-10-18, 10:50 PM

I shouldn't be doing this.

He really shouldn't have started, and he didn't know why he continued. The Avengers were gone, but it wasn't his responsibility to try to make up for it.

He had just been so shocked. Surprised. The very situation had been ridiculous: himself, standing with his arms raised and duffel bag on his feet, a figure clad from head to toe in fencing whites, as the bearded man waved the gun at him. How else could he have reacted but with laughter?

There was a part of Adam that hoped the man's trigger finger had slipped; that he hadn't meant to shoot.

Why did he still feel guilty about putting his would be assailant in the hospital?

This is really, really public.

Adam reaches into his pouch, retrieves a small rubber ball, the sort that came from quarter vending machines. A breath, as he gazes between the Scorpion's henchmen, calculating angles.

No. The other two seem to have that covered. I hope.

The nearest one will do. A flick and a thought, and the ball bounces off an exposed I-beam, a blur towards the tailed thug's temple.

Adam laughs, then, giddy with nerves; the sound echoes from the bleachers and benches.

No going back now.

"Villain!" he shouts then. In for a penny.. "Come and face me, the Indomitable Impel."

I'm dead. Dead. Bye Mom. Bye Dad.

Attacking the Scorpion, and activating the opportunity (-1 PP).

I'm going to use the negative version of Okay, this is Pretty Fun for a d4 (+1PP), Solo d8, Kinetic Control d8, Opportunity d10, Perfect Timing and A Perfect Moment for another 2d8, as well as Combat Expert d8. A Perfect Moment has me drop the lowest die, and add three for my total.


I'll have the Scorpion go next.

I'm going to go with a...16(7,7,2) with a d8 effect die.

2014-10-18, 11:08 PM
Scorpion sees the attack coming and yells, "You dare attack THE SCORPION, KID!? I'll show you what's what!" As he yells this, the masked villain lunges out of the way of the barrage!

Team [roll0]
Leaping [roll1]
Enhanced Reflexes [roll2]
Combat expert [roll3]

Low rolls all around! So... 6 total...? Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to use an extra d6 to my total... Adding in a 2. Therefore your roll only steps up the effect die by one (rather than two). :)

2014-10-19, 12:56 AM
The pilot is thoroughly frightened by the mad woman who had flown up, punched through the windshield, grabbed his neck and not-so-politely requested he land the craft. The Helicopter slowly descends to the ground.

2014-10-19, 04:00 PM
"Ouch! You're in over your head, kid! I'll teach you to respect your elders!" The Scorpion runs forward as fast as he can and lunges up into the stands. The Crowd panics as they see this rage-fueled behemoth lumber into them. Scorpion leaps across the stadium seats like an angry bull. He finds Impel, and flings his tail around the heroic teenager!

Team [roll0]
Irrational Anger [roll1]
Leaping [roll2]
Super Human Strength [roll3]
Combat Expert [roll4]

Going for a "Suspenseful Tail" Complication (i.e. you are grappled by the Scorpion's tail).

9+5=14. I will spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to add an extra 5 to the total. I will use a d8 Effect die.

9+5+5=19. d8 Effect die.

Who is next? Looks like we have two players and the Goons. I'll go for the next player to post (so either Aristos or Hex).

2014-10-19, 08:34 PM

As the villain advances, the young hero's thoughts race.

Focus. Think about...dishes.

He hated doing dishes, always had, especially before gaining his powers. The slick off-brand soap would run through his fingers, slickly coating them in slime. He'd reach for a plate only to have it slide and slither away, clattering into the sink below...

Just as the Scorpion wraps his tail around his torso, then, Impel remembers all those moments where he watched as dinnerware fell through his fingertips, hoping that it wouldn't chip or crack or shatter. A thought, and the squeezing force of the tail is transferred upwards; Impel slips out from his grasp as if shot from an airgun.

Assimilated Mutant for a d8, Solo d8, Kinetic Control 2d8 (due to Conservation of Momentum SFX), Perfect Timing with a Perfect Moment 2d8 (drop the highest rolling die, use three die for your total).


2014-10-19, 09:56 PM
It had been such a dull, dull game.

Aristos hadn't been there to watch, of course. When you move and think three times the speed of a normal human, mortal sports are dull and predictable. But the Family had obligations to look after orphanages, and so Aristos had been calmly waiting for a good opportunity to present the L'aubon family's donations - which, regrettably, were being swamped by the sum that the Scorpion had just stolen.

Also fortunately, the situation wasn't nearly urgent enough so that Aristos couldn't change clothes in peace. Off with the formal clothes, the stifling uniform of modern society, and on with Aristos's blue and silver.

- - -

"Leave the kid alone," said Aristos, looking down at the Scorpion from two rows of seats up, his cape fluttering in the breeze. "What he did to you is nothing that hasn't been done to you a thousand times before."

He moves in a blur, landing next to the Scorpion with his fist in the small of the villains' back, before stepping away, moving carefully to avoid spilled popcorn.

"Really, I'm not sure why I'm even bothering with you. It isn't as if there aren't a thousand real supervillains with powers that didn't come out of a can I could be fighting."

Aristos is attacking with intent to cause physical stress. As far as he's concerned, no-one else in the stadium matters; there's just the Scorpion, a basically civilian hostage, and him. So he's fighting Solo d10. The Distinction he's using is the Packed Stadium at d4 so he can get his plot point; he's trying to avoid getting his clothes dirty, which means he's trying to prevent his cape from coming into contact with any spilled popcorn, discarded hot dogs, sweat, etc, etc.

He only has one power set. The power he's using from it is Superhuman Strength d10, and I'm paying a pp so he can also add Enhanced Reflexes d8. "I'm In Perfect Control of the Situation" automatically doubles them, because one die in the doom pool is fewer than three dice in the doom pool.

Combat Expert d8 is applicable because he's fighting someone.

Getting 1 xp for making a prejudiced or dismissing remark towards a mere mortal. Gained a pp, spent a pp, keeps Aristos at 1 pp.

He's therefore rolling 3d10+3d8+d4.

Counting the 10 rolled in the OOC thread, the total is 20, with a d10 effect die and two potential opportunities.

2014-10-19, 10:12 PM
The Scorpion practically fumes with anger when he sees yet another teen hero race up to attack him, "YOU DAMN KIDS! YOU DAMN KIDS! YOU DAMN KIDS! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" The villain flings his tail around - with Impel still entwined - and tries to interrupt Aristos' assault.

Team [roll0]
Packed Stadium [roll1]
Tail [roll2]
Superhuman Strength [roll3]

Too Angry To Stop: Transfer Physical Stress to Emotional Stress and then Exploit it without stepping it up!

Emotional Stress [roll4]
Combat Expert: [roll5]

Total: 9+8=17. d10 Effect die. Aristos' attack gets through dealing d10 physical stress.

2014-10-20, 01:00 PM
The Goons, having been thoroughly walloped by Smoke, decide he is their number one target! Each of them hold up their rifles, take aim and fire! However with the stadium packed like it is, it is very difficult for the Scorpion's goons to get a bead on the Smokey Speedster.

Team [roll0]
Packed Stadium [roll1]
Guns [roll2]
Combat Expert [roll3]

7+5=12 with a d4 Effect Die v. Smoke!

Hex will go next. If he doesn't post by 2 PM Pacific, we will go on to the next turn with the Scorpion leading the charge!

2014-10-20, 02:31 PM
6 hours ago
Two people are sitting on a couch, talking. There's a tv on the background, with a 'Pirce is Right' rerun on in the background. One of the people, a black haired girl (Roughly college age) is holding a ticket to a football game. The other, a red headed man, is holding a leather bound book and drawing a pentagram on the floor.

The dark haired girl looks at the ticket for a few seconds before glancing up at the red headed man. "Daimon, Why do I have to go to this game again? "

"Simple Nicky; You've got to get out in the world and do more normal, all-american stuff"

"Except we both agree that American Football is one of the most horrendous things to ever exist on planet earth. And you have been to Hell so many times they've given you an express pass. And I used to live in a country ruled by someone who speaks in the third person"

"Hey, Technically, Hell isn't part of earth. You know that." There's a brief pause before the Son of Satan continues. "But yeah, it is pretty bad. Not as bad as tennis, but still. I'd much rather hear Doom Monologue for an hour."

"Eh, it's close but I think I'd rather watch the game. Those Monolgues can be so dull and repetitive. They all boil down to 'DOOM IS THE BEST! OBEY DOOM! LOVE DOOM SINCE DOOM"S MOTHER NEVER DID!' So, What's the real reason you want me out of your house?"

"I've got a lady friend coming over tonight, and it's hard to explain why there's a teen girl sleeping on my couch without sounding like a creep. Plus somebody gave me the ticket."

"But you are a creep"

"Ah yes, but she doesn't know that yet. Now Vamoose. I've got to see if I can summon something to help me clean up this hell-hole"

So... That's a super-villain.
I should probably do something about that

With a brief muttering of a few magical words, the girl's clothing is suddenly transformed into a outlandish costume common among superheroes.

As she catches a glimpse of herself in a mirror that someone had dropped in the panic of the attack, Hex can't help but fell grumble at her costume Really? Green and Purple? What was I thinking? And the corset? Really? It's not like I'm She-Hulk or anything; I don't have alot in that area. So why did I put it on display?

But She cuts her brief moment of vanity short when she remembers that this is big deal. A villain is about to steal millions of dollars. He might be a C-lister, but a villain is still a villain. This would be her first tussle with someone who wasn't wearing a ski-make when they committed a crime.

A hundred thoughts on how she should proceed rush through her mind before one simple thought strikes her fancy; Sometimes fighting fire with Fire is the best course of action. So, maybe acting villainous would be the best way to stop a villian. And few were better for borrowing villainous monologues than Victor Von Doom.

"Spiritus Draconis!" A great rush of hot air flies from her hand, howling like a vengeful wind, transforming into a golden-red fire as it lances up into the night sky. Her voice bellows out as she glares at the goons and Scorpion, eyes suddenly glowing bright red as a small bit of smoke flows from her nostrils.

"Foolish Mortals! Step down Now, and end this course of action, or I will be required to end it for you!" As she speaks, Nichole can't help but feel a small amount of happiness . There's something empowering about using the words of her former tyrant to try and stop an evil act.

Alrighty, So I am rolling to inflict complications on Scorpion and his Goons. SOmething like 'Scared out of their mind'

Solo d10 [roll0]
Former pupil of the Great Doom d8 [roll1]
Sorcery d10 [roll2]
(sfx: Unleashed) d10 [roll3]
(sfx: Area Attack) 2d6 [roll4]
Menace Expert d8 [roll5]

results can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18286808&postcount=41)
Boils down to a 17, with a d10 complication at Scorpion, another d10 at Goon 1, and a d8 at Goon 2.

EDIT: You know what, I'll burn a pp to add the valueof one of those d6 to my total
So that brings my action up to 23, d10 @ Scorpion, d10 @Goon 1, D8@Goon 2

So, 1xp for talking about how Doom's Monologues are worse than watching a game of american football
and 3xp for Intimidating villains using a Doom-esque line.

4xp, 0pp.

2014-10-20, 04:01 PM
The Scorpion shrugs, "Kid, I've wrestled with Carnage, beat up Spider-Man and murdered more kids than you have twitter followers... You ain't that scary... BUT I AM!!!" He rips a bleacher seat off its hinges and flings it at Hex! Meanwhile the goons revert to their training - kill it with fire!!!!

Team [roll0]
Traded Sanity for Power [roll1]
Weapon [roll2]
Super Human Strength [roll3]

7+6=14. You beat him by 5 but not 10, so he is now at a d12 complication! Just a bit more and he's out!

Team [roll4] [roll5] (Ignore the second roll if Smoke's reaction passes)
Bargain Bin Mook [roll6]
Gun [roll7]

4+2 = 6... He is complicated out.

2014-10-20, 04:39 PM
After a few shots are fired, the goons run off in fear! The Scorpion remains but he looks close to either exploding with rage or passing out!

2014-10-20, 05:01 PM
Alejandro gleefully runs out into the field, drawing the merc's gunfire away from the civilians even as he uses his Darkforce-supercharged reflexes to tumble about and make a big show of snatching their shots out of the air.

Solo: [roll0]
Live Fast, Die Young, Leave the Experts Baffled: [roll1]
Godlike Reflexes: [Roll]1d12[/roll[ here in OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18287670&postcount=53)
Acrobatics Expert: [roll2]

So, I think I dodge handily.

Running towards Scorpion, he sees the other heroes that have taken the field. He charges in headlong because

1. After the Scarlet Witch debacle, Alejandro knows that there NEEDS to be a major mutant presence in stopping supervillains and public menaces, now more than ever. One of the most prominent mutants with positive public perception had brutally murdered some of the most beloved heroes on Earth. Anyone thinking this wouldn't come back up on the mutant population like some bad shellfish was kidding themselves.
And 2 . . .

"We making fun of Scorpion? Cuz I'm ALWAYS down for that!" he beams to nobody in particular.

Pausing somewhat close-ish to Scorpion, Smoke calls up some of the Darkforce that supercharges his biology. He surrounds himself with it, crafting it to be a ridiculous caricature of the Scorpion's silhouette.

"HERP DERP DERP I'M THE SCORPION" he bellows, doing a reasonable facsimile of his foe's voice thanks to a newly burgeoning amateur theater background, "I THREW MY BUTT AT SPIDER MAN LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES. TAKE ME SERIOUSLYYYY!"

"News flash, dawg," he continues, walking out of the Darkforce and returning to his normal voice, "You're not scary. You're not menacing. You're a dude with a semi-dangerous butt and a mad-on for getting beat by a guy in tights and a mask. So, using official BDSM terminology AND popular slang, I can say with total accuracy that YOU . . ."

And here, he adds a ball gag to his caricature of the Scorpion and another image of Spider Man whipping him. Smoke may not be able to toss around Darkforce like some other mutants, but he's gotten very good at using it for aesthetic purposes.

". . . are a little b****."


Team: [roll3]
My Art, My Manifesto [roll4]
Darkforce Influence [roll5]
Psychology Expert [roll6]
Scorpion's Emotional Stress [roll7]

Plus, +1 xp for encountering a famous villain and potentially +3 xp for inflicting emotional damage. Gonna use 1 pp to add the 5 to two of the 6s. So, that'll be 17 effect with a d10 effect die and 1 opportunity.

2014-10-20, 05:09 PM
The Scorpion bursts out in anger, "YOU RAT! YOU DEVIL! YOU NO GOOD PIECE OF FILTH! I WILL GUT YOU LIKE A PIG THEN KILL YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR DOG TOO!" The villain rears his leg back, then flings Impel right at Smoke!

Team [roll0]
Irrational Anger [roll1]
Weapon [roll2]
Superhuman Strength [roll3]
Combat Expert [roll4]
Spending a d6 from the Doom Pool [roll5]

6+7=13... Can't beat a 17!

2014-10-20, 05:13 PM
The Scorpion starts picking up seats and fling them around until, as if something snaps in his head, he passes out from exhaustion.

Lisa Wilkerson runs up to Smoke and Impel, microphone in hand, "Excuse me! Excuse me! That was... Stunning! Who are you, for the record?"

2014-10-20, 05:33 PM
Smoke giggles a little as Scorpion goes nuts, nimbly moving out of Impel's trajectory.

"Hooboy! You okay, man?" he asks, moving towards his apparent ally.

Lisa Wilkerson's question catches him off guard. He smiles perfunctorily, trills, "Excuse me, sorry, I'll leave my associate here to, yeah . . ." and then turns towards the other heroes, leaving Impel at the mercy of the mic. He kicks himself a little for not having a ready-made speech for something like this.

It had never occurred to him that people might actually react WELL to a superhero with an X-Men school uniform!

"Uh, so, Scorpion mentioned a bomb in the locker room. Anybody have any ideas about what to do with that?" he asks in a semi-sotto voice to his new . . . teammates?

2014-10-20, 06:36 PM
Fluttering down to join the others, now that the helicopter's been landed and handed off to the police on the field, FM looks around to them, thinking. "If you guys can find the bomb, I can absorb the explosion...or contain it. It's likely to be on a motion trigger or a tripwire, from what the big guy said - because it would have to trigger when someone leaves. That means..." Hmm. She knows Smoke looks familiar, but can't place it... "...uh...means you need to be as fast as you can - it should confuse the sensor, if it's as cheap as I think it'll be. If something does go wrong, let's have it be out of the way, so...just throw it as hard as you can to me. We are in a football stadium." She looks to Hex. `l"You blasted fire and heat up there, right? I'll need as much as you can spare - every bit helps."

2014-10-20, 08:36 PM

Really, getting thrown was the best thing that could have happened to him.

Hurling through the air at speed was one of those things that stops being terrifying after the first time you miss a jump. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he had screamed through seven stories, only for his power to instinctively ground all the energy from the fall...well, actually he was, but he wasn't ashamed to admit it to himself.

What would have been an unfortunate head-on collision into a metal railing becomes a clumsy backflip as the young hero lands on his feet.

"I'm fine," he says panting, slightly breathless, looking at the downed body of the Scorpion. Exhilarated from survival (victory was currently running late and would shortly kicked in), he nudges the villain with the toe of his boot, and makes a quiet quip.

"And you would have gotten away for it, too."

Belatedly, he realizes the microphone is in fact, right in front of his face. But as the realization of what he did - no, what they did, him and the other heroes - reaches his brain, his face breaks into a smile.

"If not for Impel and" ohcraphedidntknowanyoneoftheirnamesthinkofateamnam equickly "the Young Avengers!"

Oh yeah, great move there. You are just on a foot-in-mouth roll, aren't you?

Whatever, he internalizes. This was his first time in front of the public in costume. Captain America must have had stage freight his first time out, too.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," he says gallantly. "I must rejoin my teammates."

And either learn their names or change mine and don't go out in a costume until I graduate.

2014-10-20, 10:43 PM
Lisa looks shocked, "Oh... OH! The bombs, yes... WAIT... I WANT AN EXCLUSIVE WITH YOU YONG AVENGERS (?) AFTER YOU DEFUSE THE BOMB...!" As the team runs away from the blogger, you can hear JJJ yell, "LIKE HELL YOU GET AN EXCLUSIVE!"

The squad rushes into the pits beneath the stadium, which house the locker rooms. The power has been cut, not even the emergency lights are working. The ground is wet, as if a pipe had burst and flooded the corridors with an inch deep layer of liquid... The sound of rats splashing around gives the tunnels an eerie feel. As you meander about in the dark, you suddenly become cognoscente of the fact that you are being followed... Their footfalls are quiet at first but then become much, much louder. When you look behind yourselves, you see that there is a man standing there... Then suddenly he lights on fire! The water beneath your feet rushes forward in a great torrent, then slams against the wall, creating a two dozen men made out of water. The fire-man behind you calls out, "You have stepped into the danger zone! I am Ignis and they, well, they are Aquam. Together, we are FireWater! The Scorpion hired us to make sure no would-be heroes interrupted his plans!" He laughs, "I have to admit, I was expecting Spider-Man, not a bunch of kids in sweatpants and ski masks! Still, a job is a job!"

Players go first. Who ever posts first, goes first.

2014-10-20, 11:30 PM
Turning around, Babs cracks her knuckles. Time to get working. "Hello, Ignis. They call me the Flame Monarch. I'm not the person you wanted to meet today, because I can take all you've got, and more. These aren't the people you wanted to meet, because we're together now, and we can wreck you before you even blink." She dives in, palming at the man as fire swathes across her, energy transferred into the blow. "Shall we begin with putting you out, little flame?! I'm sure we brought some punch to the party as well!" As in: she'll weaken him, you guys beat the snot out of him. She's best-suited for putting out flames, after all.


-1 PP to use three dice.
Total: 21
Effect: D8
+1 XP: Trying to correct injustice.

2014-10-21, 12:32 AM
"Flame Monarch? Yeah, more like the Flame Princess! We'll let ole' Prince Charming here help you - no, the glass slipper don't fit your fat foot. Boom. You ain't even a Princess no more. Ha! Can I zing 'em, or can I zing 'em, eh?" He lifts himself off the ground and flies straight for the Flame Monarch, manipulating her power over fire and using it against her! However, the sheer intensity of the Flame Monarch's barrage sends Ignis reeling!

Team [roll0]
Total Tool [roll1]
Flame Mastery [roll2]
Supersonic Flight [roll3]*
Combat Expert [roll4]

*Spend a doom die to use an extra power.

7+6=13. I cannot add any more dice due to only d6's existing in the pool... However...

Immunity: Spend a doom die to step back any stress or trauma inflicted by fire, heat or cold.

2014-10-21, 01:30 AM
"Young AVENGERS?" Smoke hisses at Impel as they head off towards the lockers, "Dude . . ."

As they get near the lockers and head into the dark, Smoke finds himself unable to let go of their new label.

"I mean, I guess being the YOUNG Avengers is better than saying we're taking the Avengers label proper, but it's still a pretty ballsy move. That kind of legacy can either lift us up or crush us, and I know we work well together but still . . ."

He continues chattering away as they slosh through the water. As his nervousness mounts, so too does the flow of his speech.

". . . and FURTHERMORE, my classmates are never gonna let me live this down. Like, some kids in my class are calling themselves the NEW 'New Mutants' and people are STILL laughing at them for it. Me being on the "Young Avengers" while I'm studying at Xavier's? I'm gonna die a virgin! I've been hymenated! YOU, sir, have eternally hymenated me!"

And then they get attacked by . . . FireWater. Alejandro's eyes roll so far back into his head that it's a miracle his retinas don't detach.

"You're forgetting something critical, Ignis!" he grins, on sudden inspiration, "Where there's fire . . ."

He conjures up a series of Darkforce spikes, using them to pin Ignis against one of the nearby walls as the supervillain is off-balance from Flame Monarch's attack.

". . . there's Smoke!"

Trying to impose the complication Pinned Down on Ignis.

Team: [roll0]
Live Fast, Die Young, Leave the Experts Baffled: [roll1]
Darkforce Influence: [roll2]
Using SFX Harrier to add [roll3] and step up the effect die for this complication.
Combat Expert: [roll4]
Ignis' Physical Stress: [roll5]

So, gonna make that 14 with a d8 -> d10 effect die (thanks to Harrier)

2014-10-21, 02:35 AM
Ignis zips around the tight corridor, practically burning anyone he comes close to. "Pffft, Fire always beats smoke... 'Cause, like, duh! Fire hurts!" He lunges forward and shoots out a jet of fire that wraps around Smoke enveloping the lad in a cocoon of fire!!

Team [roll0]
Total Tool [roll1]
Flame Blast [roll2]
Supersonic Speed [roll3]
Combat Expert [roll4]

Total: 9+8=17
Effect: d8. I will spend a d6 to use the effect die from a successful reaction to inflict upon Smoke the "Fire Hurts, Bro!" Complication (i.e. Ignis lit Smoke on fire). Your d10 effect die steps back Ignis' effect die to a d6.

2014-10-21, 08:15 AM
All Hex can think as she hears smoke go on and on is I'd gladly de-hymanate him.
Of course she doesn't actually say that; instead she goes with the much more safe, but likely less fun.
"It's actually the Young that I've got a problem with. It's like you're saying 'Don't expect much from us.' I mean, why not just make up a name? Or lie your teeth off and say that we're actually replacing the avengers? Or just not say what the team name is, and instead say something stupid but inspirational sounding like 'You just witnessed the start of something new'?"

But the mockery of Impel's not-so-quick thinking is cut short when two (or 25, depending on your count) new villians spring forth.

There is a bomb close by. We really need to cut this short.
A brief moment of consideration, and a few scrapped plans later, and Hex has an actual idea. It's not fantastic, it could be dangerous, and it involves a spell she's never used in the field before.

But... If it works...

"Torques Fulmina!" As Hex calls forth the words of power, and silently prays that this goes better than she fears it will, a streak of blue electricity flies from her fingertips and arcs towards one of the 'Bodies' of water. Milliseconds after hitting that Body, the lightning arcs towards another enemy, and then another, and another, until every enemy has a bolt of lightning traveling towards them; including Ignus.

Alright, So I'm going to roll an attack against every single enemy whose 'on-screen' right now; meaning Ignus and the horde of aquam

team d8 [roll0]
practice made perfect d4 [roll1]
Mystic Blast d8 [roll2]
area attack 24d6 [roll3]
Combat d8 [roll4]

(See here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18290388&postcount=65) for correct area attack roll)
so, one oppurtunity on a d8.

for my total, I'll take 10, then spend a pp to add another 4.

so, total roll is
d8 effect die at Ingus
d6 effect at one aquam horde
d6 effect at one aquam horde
d6 effect at one aquam horde

2014-10-21, 10:01 AM
Ignis tries to flee away from the lightning, while Aquam tries to create holes in his body to allow the lightning to pass through thus avoiding getting hit directly.

Activate the opportunity to grow the Doom Pool by a d6. Take your PP

Team [roll0] (4d8)[4][2][7][3](16) (from the OOC)
Tight Corridors [Team [roll1]
Intangibility Team [roll2]
Combat Expert Team [roll3]

Total 7+4 = 11
Effect d8, d8, d8 to the effect dice, stepping your's back to d4's. d4+d4+d4+d4=d10. You eliminate one Affiliation Die!

Team [roll4]
Fiery Temper [roll5]
Supersonic Flight [roll6]
Combat Expert [roll7]

Total 6+7. Spend a d8 to add 5. Total is now 18
Effect: d10

2014-10-21, 12:55 PM
Ignis yells, "Hey! I'm tired of playing games with you kids! It's time I end this... WITH FIRE!" The flame-based villain conjures a five big fireballs tosses them around in his hand like a juggler, then throws one ball at each of the heroes!

Team [roll0]
Total Tool [roll1]
Flame Blast [roll2]
Flame Blast [roll3]
Combat Expert [roll4]
Area Attack [roll5]

Total: 6+5. I'll spend a d6 to keep an extra d6, which brings my total to 17

Smoke d8
Flame Monarch d6
Aristos (I do not have any dice left over for you, so looks like you escape without a problem).
Impel d6
Hex d8

2014-10-21, 01:13 PM
Ignis yells, "Hey! I'm tired of playing games with you kids! It's time I end this... WITH FIRE!" The flame-based villain conjures a five big fireballs tosses them around in his hand like a juggler, then throws one ball at each of the heroes!

Team [roll0]
Total Tool [roll1]
Flame Blast [roll2]
Flame Blast [roll3]
Combat Expert [roll4]
Area Attack [roll5]

Total: 6+5. I'll spend a d6 to keep an extra d6, which brings my total to 17

Smoke d8
Flame Monarch d6
Aristos (I do not have any dice left over for you, so looks like you escape without a problem).
Impel d6
Hex d8

Hex sees the flaming orb rushing towards her, and, given the partial success of her last attack, decides to try something fancier than her combat instructor might have wanted of her.

A shimmering plane forms in her hands, the exact same size of the fireball rushing towards her. She raises the flat surface so that the Fireball will deflect harmlessly off it (And maybe even bounce back at Ignus), only to have the fire pause for a brief second and then continue on through the plate as though it had no resistance.

A look of shock flashes across her face before she feels the heat of the orb, followed very quickly by the kinetic energy of the object, crashing against her stomach. The Latverian Lass flies back a few feet and is knocked against one of the lockers, leaving a small indent as reminder that The Young Avengers were here.

Team d8
Mundane, and Magical, Librarian d8 [roll1]
Sorcery D10 [roll2]
Mystic Expert d8 [roll3]

hmm... Okay, I'll take the 6 and the 9. That gives me a 15, and ad8 effect die.
So I take a d8 of physical stress

2014-10-21, 01:26 PM
"Oh crap, guys!" Smoke shrieks half in hilarity and half in pain, trying to pat down his flames even as he dodges the renewed fireballs amidst the inundated ground, "There's Smoke on the water! THERE'S FIRE IN THE SKY!"

The whole situation is almost ridiculous to him, and he's between laughing and freaking out. He chooses the former, because the latter means he'll probably overclock. Dr. McCoy had warned him about overclocking, and he's not anxious to do it again.

Team: [roll0]
Live Fast, Die Young, Leave the Experts Baffled: [roll1]
Godlike Reflexes: [roll2]
Acrobatics Expert: [roll3]

So, 17 with a d10 Effect die. No dice! Minus the fact that Smoke's on fire . . .

2014-10-21, 01:42 PM
"But that's your problem!" She barely sees the attack coming, but she flips forward, catching the fireball and pounding it to her chest, absorbing it. She's burning bright, white-hot with streaks of blue mixed in. "You keep thinking fire will be your best friend, your tool, and always support you. I'm here to tell you, though..." She twirls her arms, before stretching them out. "...if you can't take the heat, then STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!! METEOR BARRAGE!!" She begins launching blast after blast of fire at him, each one hitting hard with pure force.

[roll1] +1pp
SFX: Overload(Shutting down Heat Control due to the overflux of fire, so she's pure Fire Control now) +1pp
SFX: Absorption(Stepping up Fire Control next round)

Total: 10+8+6=24 (-1pp)
Effect: d10 Counterattack (-1pp)
+3 XP for letting herself go(Child of Two Worlds)

2014-10-21, 02:14 PM
Flame Monarch's brutal counter attack sends Ignis flying backwards. As he does, his own powers dissipate, revealing his true form - that of a swarthy skinned teenager. Ignis is slammed into the wall, leaving an imprint, and gets the full brunt of Flame Monarch's fiery attack. The villain drops to the floor, covered in first and second degree burns.

2014-10-21, 09:00 PM

Keep calm, these guys are now your teammates thanks to your little panic.

"Sorry," he says as he lengthens his stride. "Hindsight is twenty-twenty. But...it isn't like the Avengers-Avengers aren't around to get angry at the label?"

New Mutants? Really? I'm working with one of the goddamn X-wannabes?

"And I did you a favor; nobody who isn't a mutant even likes the X-Men!"

Running was doing wonders for his thought processes - he always opened his warm-ups with a run. The heroing was new but this...this was familiar.

The fireball zooms directly at Impel's face just as something wet and slimy runs across his leg; thinking quickly, the unfortunate rodent is parboiled inches away from his helmet. Shreds of superfine rat shower upon him; while he isn't *hurt*, per se...he's now getting what has to be the most disgusting (and worse, strangely appetizing) stench.

Team d10
Scene Distinction: Rat-Infested Pits d8
Kinetic Control d8
Enhanced Reflexes 2d8, drop the highest die, add three for the total
Acrobatics Expert d8


...Yeah, I'm going to use Time Sense on that. -1PP

Time Sense helps, slightly, and I'm taking d4 physical stress.

2014-10-22, 03:30 PM
Aristos scans the arena for any more danger to the crowds before going after the bombs, arriving just as Ignis unleashes a series of flaming blasts against the crowd.

Only one of them is really in danger; the sorceress, Hex. He lands by her side as the flaming meteor passes through her shield, catching the meteor in his left hand an instant before it would hit her stomach.

"That," he says, gritting his teeth, "is not going to work on me, or on anyone I'm protecting."

His hand slightly on fire and his glove more than slightly on fire, Aristos grinds the meteor into dust. Meanwhile, the girl in the silly costume fries Ingis.

"Good work, Flame Monarch," he says in an only slightly choked voice as he contemptuously drops the shards of rock on the ground before quenching his fist in one of the Aquams.

Paying 1 pp to Take The Hit, getting 3 xp for it, then taking his action to start beating up the Aquams. His desire to protect squishy mortals - Noblesse Oblige - is slowing him down, so he's adding that to his attack pool at d4.

He’s fighting as part of a team. (d8). He’s got Superhuman Strength (d10) doubled because the Doom Pool is at three dice, and Combat Expert (d8) works.


Edit - Total of 10, keeping a d10 effect die.

Gaining one pp and 3 xp.

2014-10-22, 08:47 PM
"Y-you hurt Aquam's boyfriend. Me drown you! ME DROWN YOU!" The aquatic enemy opens up a hole in its chest to allow Aristos' attack to pass right through, then Aquam rushes forward with all of her liquid constructs and dog piles on top of Flame Monarch.

Reaction to Aristos:

Team [roll0]
Villainous Vixen [roll1]
Intangibility [roll2]

Total: 7+5=12
Effect: d8


Attack Flame Monarch

Team [roll3]
Villainous Vixen [roll4]
Waterblast [roll5]
Drown: [roll6]

Drown Sfx: Add a d6, step back largest die in pool, step up physical stress or complications.

Going for the "System of the Drown" Complication (i.e. Flame Monarch is covered in watery bodies and, well, drowns).

Total: 8+7. Spend a d6 to keep three dice. 8+7+4=19
Effect: d8 Drown Sfx steps this up to a d10 :smallcool:

2014-10-22, 09:00 PM
Realizing what she's done just after she has, FM's hands start to shake. That was too much...too much, too fast.

"Y-you hurt Aquam's boyfriend. Me drown you. ME DROWN YOU!"

Oh no. She sees it coming, and she puts her arms out. "No, please, stop! I didn't mean it! Don't come any closer, or you'll make me do something I have to regr-" Urk. She's suddenly dogpiled, and she can feel it pressing in. No, no, not like this. She has to do it...no choice. She mouths the words in the water as she doubles over, and then straightens hard, unleashing everything she has left outward. I'm so sorry...Chrysaaaliiiis BREAK!!

[roll1] (+1pp)
Limit: Extinguished (+1pp)

Total: 12+7+2 (-1pp)
Counterattack: 1d8, 1d4, 1d4 (-1pp)
+1 XP - trying to correct her own injustice.(Child of Two Worlds)

2014-10-22, 09:16 PM

The other heroes seem to have the fight well in hand, so Impel decides to deal with the far more important issue of the bombs.

A thought, and he propels himself upwards, towards the ceiling; another, and what would have been a concussion as his forehead smacks into an exposed pipe becomes a steady arc forwards and downwards; another touch on a wall, and Impel continues his sprint towards the explosives.

The explosives seem to be hooked up to...an alarm clock? Really, low-quality timer, there, man...

No matter. The hero doesn't want to take any chances. He studies the mechanisms carefully, hearing the tick of the gears slowly counting backwards...

I'm looking to create the asset All the Time in the World on myself to better defuse the explosives.

Solo d8, Perfect Timing d8, Science Expert d8, and Okay, this is Pretty fun at d4. Rolling against the Doom Pool here.


10 with a d8 effect die.

2014-10-22, 09:27 PM
Steaming, partially-soaked, and with her costume scorched or burned through in places because of the fire's intensity, her body takes over for her, knowing she has to finish this for the girl's own good. The bombs are somewhere still, and it looks like Impel's on that already. "He needs a doctor, so stop fighting us and..." Moving while talking, her reflexes take over with what's left of what she's got in her. "...go soak your wounds!" FM suddenly ducks and goes for a leg-sweep as she works to make the decision much easier for the girl - if she only has one water clone, then that would mean she's much more likely to see this as a bad fight. Not to mention being partially boiled.

SFX: Boost (Shut down Focused Flight to ramp up Reflexes)
Limit: Exhausted (Shut down Enhanced Strength) +1pp

Total: 10+5+2=17 (-1pp)
Effect: d8

2014-10-22, 09:35 PM
Smoke almost rises at Impel's jibe at the X-Men. It feels a bit too close to home. But brief reflection forces him to admit that his erstwhile teammate has a point. "Hated and Feared" was part of the mission statement.

His musings are interrupted as the hydrokinetic tries to drown his other teammate, on account that she'd hurt . . .

"Your boyfriend?" he shrieks, all but doubling over in mock mirth as he quickly runs through containment strategies. Settling on a Danger Room scenario he'd worked out with Dust, he starts running as fast as he can around the villainess to create a vacuum and at least immobilize her.


Creating a complication Cyclone

Team: [roll0]
Live Fast, Die Young, Leave the Experts Baffled: [roll1]
Superhuman Speed: [roll2]
Combat Expert: [roll3]

So, one opportunity, 17 with a d10 effect die

2014-10-22, 09:53 PM
Impel finds that the bombs have a timer on them and that timer is sitting at 20 seconds!


"Me hurt you! ME HURT YOU LOTS! YOU NOT GET AWAY!" Aquam forms an ice fist and punches Flame Monarch in the face!

Team [roll1]
Vengeful [roll2]
Enhanced Strength [roll3]
Water Control [roll4]

Total 8+3... = 11. Your Effect Die steps up to a d10

Just as Aquam punches FM, Smoke creates a cyclone! Aquam's constructs are ripped apart but... Soon become very sharp shards of ice that cut and wound everyone nearby!

Activate Opportunity to add a d6 to the pool.

Team [roll5] (drop lowest if FM was successful)
Vengeful [roll6]
Enhanced Strength [roll7]
Water Control [roll8]
Area Attack [roll9]

Total 6+6=12... Steps your effect die up and KOs Aquam
- FM
- Smoke
- Aristos
- Hex

Never mind... :smallfrown:

2014-10-22, 10:08 PM
"Wooooop wooop woop woop woop!" Smoke yelps, handily evading the ice shards, "Guess I'll never know."

He brushes off his uniform, noting with pleasure that his costume was approximately intact. This was good. It wouldn't do to have his first outing as a "Young Avenger" marred by involuntary nudity.

Speaking of which . . .

"Hey, Impel of Impel-and-the-Young-Avengers" he calls out, "How's that bomb?"

2014-10-22, 10:48 PM
She anticipated correctly - the punch came too high as the punch flew over, the trip and cyclone sending both sprawling. Then the ice occurs, eliciting a small smirk from FM as she backs up. The air just cooled, releasing a lot of heat outward - she sucks it up, and feels some of her strength returning. With that, she starts running toward where Impel is. "Bombs...****...!"

1pp to recover Heat Control.

2014-10-22, 11:36 PM
"Wooooop wooop woop woop woop!" Smoke yelps, handily evading the ice shards, "Guess I'll never know."

He brushes off his uniform, noting with pleasure that his costume was approximately intact. This was good. It wouldn't do to have his first outing as a "Young Avenger" marred by involuntary nudity.

Speaking of which . . .

"Hey, Impel of Impel-and-the-Young-Avengers" he calls out, "How's that bomb?"



Maybe yelling wasn't the best answer, but there's only TWENTY GODDAMN SECONDS on the clock left...


This is a purely mechanical device, isn't it?

Thinking quickly but moving slowly (but not too slowly!), Impel places the tip of his index finger on the clock hand.

I'm going to use Kinetic Control to send the timer as far back as it can - which should be either 12 or 24 hours, depending.

Solo d8, Kinetic Control d8, Perfect Timing 2d8, Asset d8, Okay, This is Pretty Fun d4.


Paying the 1PP for Time Sense. Ultimately, a 16 with a d8 effect die.

2014-10-22, 11:57 PM
Impel tries to disarm the bomb but it is a maze of wires...


Solo [roll0]
Tick Tock [roll1]
Durability [roll2]

Total 7+8=15
Effect d8

2014-10-25, 11:46 PM
Oh *no*.

For a fleeting moment, Aristos considered eating the bomb, either literally - which was probably doomed to failure - or figuratively; soaking up all the blast himself. He'd probably survive, but he doubted he could contain the shockwave.

Instead he reached for the hidden pockets in the lining of his cloak; drew markers in several colors, began tracing elaborate geometric diagrams around the bomb.

"I think I can slow it down," he said, his mind and body moving quickly. A seven-point Eiliean circle with trans-dimensional substitution glyphs would at least delay the explosion... at least long enough for those team members with technical skills to actually disarm it. Whatever the cost, Aristos could not let fifty lives perish because of his lack of skill.

An attack against the bomb, I think?

Team d8 + Noblesse Oblige d8 + Enhanced Reflexes 2d8 + Mystic Expert d8


14, d8 effect.

2014-10-27, 02:35 PM
Solo [roll0]
Tick Tock [roll1]
Durability [roll2]

Total 8 + 8 = 16
Effect d8

2014-10-27, 05:51 PM
Hex looks visibly shocked when she sees Aristos pull out a marker and begin to make the markings of a Eiliean circle. That's a pretty rare glyph. This guy must be pretty knowledgable if he knows that.

Her shock turns to horror however when she sees Aristos drawing something that resembles a drunken recollection of a Eiliean Circle.

"Who taught you how to make spell glyphs? A drunken chimpanzee?"

If she truly had to sit down an examine the gylph, Nicky would likely admit that it wasn't terrible. D+/C- at the very worst. But magic is her favorite hobby, her greatest assest, and the closest thing she had to an occupational skill. SO those few tiny mistakes feel like giant glaring errors.

As she takes one of the markers from Aristos' hand and draws over the previous lines, she can't help but mutter under her breath
"Honestly, I've seen malnourished peasent draw make less mistakes."

okay, Team 1d8 [roll0]
magical, and Mundane, Librarian 1d8 [roll1]
Sorcery 1d10 [roll2]
(Unleashed) +1d10 [roll3]
Mystic expert 1d8 [roll4]

okay, So I'll take 16 with a d10 effect die.
one opportunity on a d10.

+1pp, so 2 total

2014-10-27, 06:05 PM
Hex uses his magic to pop one of the four bricks of plastique to pop off and fall to the ground! Behind the brick lays a unique looking... Almost alien looking plaque. Perhaps there is more to this bomb that meets the eye.

Solo [roll0]
Tick Tock [roll1]
Durability [roll2]

8+6=14, less than 16. Can't beat a d10 effect die. Boom. You have culled one of its Solo Affiliation dice :smallbiggrin:

I'll buy the Opportunity.

2014-10-27, 06:32 PM
"Okay, I need complete silence for a second here"

As her mind slowly enters into a trance, and the rest of her team fades away into the background, she lets out a single breath that actually glows a florescent blue as it leaves her.

The pulse of magical energy flows away from her body and starts to probe the inner workings of the bomb, slowly working it''s way into every nook and cranny of the mechanical menace.

Maybe, Just Maybe, I've seen something like this before She thinks to her as the pulses begin to slowly return to her and a mental diagram of the bomb starts to form.

She tries to run through her every memory in hopes of figuring out some way in which this bomb was atall familiar to her. She'll be happy if she's able to even figure if it was from this planet or not.

The times spent in her combat classes when they'd had to be able to disassemble and reassemble a bomb using their magic.
The few times she'd seen a Doombot with a bomb built into its chest.
The one time Von Doom had fought off a small scale alien invasion, and its machinery had been brought to academy a a sort of trophy.

Rolling to create an assest against the bomb. Something Like 'I know where the ventilation shaft is' or 'Magically Manufactured Mechanical Map'
Solo 1d10
Former pupil of the Great Doom 1d8 [roll1]
Mystic Senses 1d8 [roll]1d8] (This is actually a 6. ) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18321655&postcount=153)
(Construct) + 1d6 [roll2]
Combat d8 [roll3]

okay, I'll spend a pp so I have a total of 15. I'll take the d10 effect die, which steps up to a d12 thanks to constructs

As the map begins to form in Hex's mind, a faint blue bulb comes from out of nowhere and begins to mirror the constructed map that she's made in her own mind; Showing her teammates exactly what the inside of the bomb looks like, exactly how the energy flows through it, how it would detonate should it go off, and so on.

2014-10-27, 06:44 PM


Asset created!

2014-10-27, 11:26 PM
"Woah," Smoke nods appreciatively, "Nice work, Harriet Potter!"

Though the bomb's workings were too complex for Smoke to try and disarm himself, looking at the schematic gave him sudden insight into how to ask out that cute girl in his Bio class.

Brilliant! But this is no time for your malarkey, libido! There's work to be done!

"Be right back! Evac, just in case!"

Twenty seconds isn't enough time to give the notice for evacuation. Smoke compromises by zooming out into the stadium and trying to run as many people clear of the area as he can, attempting to whisper calming and distracting platitudes as he carries the unsuspecting civilians. He prioritizes children and the elderly, so his patter runs something like this:














Unfortunately, none of his charm can entirely take the edge off the fact that these individuals are suddenly finding themselves in the arms of a strange mutant without consent. A few swats from handbags and screams of "MOMMY" ensue.

Solo [roll0]
Live Fast Die Young Leave the Experts Baffled [roll1] +1 pp (at a disadvantage due to Smoke's leap-before-looking attitude)
Superhuman Speed [roll2]
Psychology Expert [roll3]

So . . . 9 with a d8 effect die!

Wooooooo . . .

2014-10-28, 04:06 AM
Babs takes her turn next, after a quick scan of the map. She has an idea. "Alright, so...electricity is just another form of energy. It's not heat, but I might be able to pull out some of the flow if I'm lucky - I know lightning sets stuff on fire, so the two are pretty close. Besides, a bomb won't work on anything if it doesn't have the energy to start a reaction." She rests a hand near the uncovered entrance, her hair starting to float slightly as she concentrates hard...using the map to help her feel for where she needs to go, before she pulls at the energy with all she's got. She's nervous, and sweating, and...ah, that's a slight nosebleed...the air around starting to get colder as she grunts in exertion. C'mon!!

[roll1] +1pp
[roll3] -1pp
Overload: Shutting down Temperature Manipulation after this for 1pp.

Total: 10+8+6=24 (-1pp)
Effect: d12