View Full Version : Epic Greek 3.5 IC

2014-10-18, 03:49 PM
The City of Troy


The square is filled with hundreds of soldiers all standing in the shadow of the massive horse of iron, adamantine and ironwood that stands 50ft tall and now is garlanded with flowers celebrating the great peace between the Greek and Trojan armies. Only the bravest of the heroes were guaranteed places, the thousands of regular troops scattered around the city watching the ceremony in massive public baths now turned to simple scrying pools...

As some of the mightiest heroes you stand on the steps of the Temple of Aphrodite, the steps strewn with rose petals and some of the mightiest Trojan heroes standing side by side with you, brave Pylaeus, Lord of the Pelgasian and Lesbian armies with his trident of pale blue fire and brave Caletor - the soldier who had burned the Protesilaus , Ajax's flagship. Both now stand by side with you toasting you with wine as you watch the Kings - wise and elderly Priam and fat and vigorous Agamemnon...

Please make your introductions to each other, including at least one "heroic" deed you did during the 10 year siege of Troy

2014-10-19, 08:33 AM
Penthesileia and Harmothoë stand side by side to each other. Both are sad, the war is over before they had been able to win more honor and glory. So soon after their arrival, and now the fighting had stopped. Penthesileia looks at Menelaos, the king of Sparta. After his duel with Paris and the feuding between the armies after it she had thrown her spear at him, wounding him severely in the abdomen. She still intends to finish that fight. She had come too late to win the greatest honor, to fight and defeat the fleet-footed Achilles. Harmothoë had won no great distinctions yet, except for the price for the astest chariot at the funerary rites of Hector, just after their arrival.

Rendel Nep
2014-10-19, 09:23 AM
Nikomachos briefly stares at the statuesque horse in the background and his tail starts flicking in annoyance. *sigh* "What's that Odysseus? Yeah I can pose around for you. For a horse you say? sure" and now my rear is now immortalized as the most decisive siege weapon of the war. the hefty warrior complains.
Well, at least I can take pride in one thing. I am Nikomachos and I accidentally forged a union between the Myrmidons and the Amazons. I understand Queen Penthesilea and Achilles are due to wed soon. Glad I was able to beat some sense in both of them. I just hope one of them will forgive me for besting both them in front of their troops.

2014-10-19, 05:11 PM
A man with a gilded six-sided star chain hanging from his neck stands before the crowds. His name is Chaim Damien Mordechai, and he hails from the Benjaminites of Israel. War-paint still coats his face, the likeness of a wolf. He is being honored for defeating the Priests and the Mages of Troy, destroying any chance that the Trojan Horse ploy would be discovered and severely damaging Troy's ability to withstand the fierce war of attrition that preceded it.

2014-10-19, 06:11 PM

"A victory worthy of a ballad of no more less ten thousand words." Shakti says as he raises his goblet in the many toasts. "Many tales of valor and glory would stand silent while our deeds were recited..." He says and smiles as he adjust his bandoleer. "...such as when I danced upon the wroth form of the great beast Kraken, slicing terrible wounds upon it and burning it's head from the inside out."

"Take your ease while we can, comrades, and enjoy our mortal peace. A grander war awaits us."

2014-10-19, 06:57 PM
Akaterine has no grand boasts of personal combat to make, but those in power know how her wise council turned the tide of many battles in the war.

2014-10-19, 07:46 PM

The plain dressed main tried to keep out of these bragging competitions as much as he could. He tries to keep his cards close to his chest. He could tell a great many things. How many relics he has found--how many of them he was able to steal, how he predicted the movement of the first ships to Troy, and how he is beginning to see the strands the Fates weave themselves when he looks into the past or the future. He is a man at the height of his craft and knowledge is his currency, he should not share it lightly.

"I am but a humble seer," Alexandros states, "Your deeds are all very impressive. The kraken itself was a mighty sight to behold..." He hints at how he forsaw it or saw it in detail afterwards though he was clearly not there. Feasts and parties were not his specialty, but he would abide them.

Rendel Nep
2014-10-19, 08:54 PM
C'mon surely you've done something. I mayn't understand fully, but I wager that there were far more than deeds done on the battlefield that led us to this table. This war was won with wit not wrath. I for one would like to hear not often spoken tales. Nikomachos urges on those who have yet to contribute after a hearty swig of what is probably wine.

Talk slow though, you are suffering a fool He clarifies with a toothy smile.

2014-10-20, 03:37 PM
The massed soldiers and heroes all stare up at the steps of the palace as Priam slowly kneels before the arrogant and victorious Menaleus. The old man's nobility in sharp contrast to the fat Grecian King of Kings. The public bending of knee a requirement to spare the lives of the city from the now victorious greek army before the massed troops, priests and nobles began to wonder about the sudden lack of communication from the gods...

there is a great hushed sigh as Priam finally kneels, tears streaming down his face, beard ragged and unkempt from his recent grief at noble Hector. He holds up his sceptre of rulership to the fat king who grabs it turning his back on Priam. His voice bellowing out over the city, a cantrip to aid his voice so the entire city can hear. HEAR ME TROY. HEAR ME GREEKS, HEAR ME PEOPLE OF THE SEA. I MENALEUS OF GREECE AM KINGS OF KINGS. ALL WHO STAND BEFORE ME SHALL FALL BEFORE MY ARMIES. I AM AS A GOD!

His voice echoes before there is an answering crash from the heavens above! In the centre of the square smoke and fire erupt from the ground as dozens die. The skies above swirl with fire and lightning that rains down across the city. Fire and death lit by jagged strokes of lightning as a voice booms down from above.

Arrogance. A mistake, the pride of stupidity. You shall be stricken from the earth and your families destroyed to the fifth generation. Then you shall know the punishment for your failure!

Even as the voice of the god booms across the square the massive horse begins to shift and move. Smoke and steam rising from it, eyes blazing red where there had been only logs seconds before. The Trojan horse now a beast of legend, a terrifying beast of war!...

Know (Arcana) may help
You are in a square packed with soldiers and a people and a colossal animated stone/wood/metal horse
You can let me know which spells you'd active on a day of peace
players may have the initiative
Assume you are ~300ft or so from the horse at the start

2014-10-20, 06:30 PM
Knowledge(arcana): [roll0]

"By Adonai...what is that thing?"

I rush to action, sprinting at top speeds exceeding 70 kilometers an hour, towards the horse, sizing it up and preparing to strike it, analyzing its construction and facets, its potential strengths and weaknesses.

2014-10-21, 09:10 AM
Alexandros was never the most physically fit, he was not the first one to spring into action, but he knew things. He had seen these constructs before when he had looked into the past. Strange that one was appearing now or maybe not so strange after all. He knew he could do almost nothing against it, but he could warn his allies.

"It's not flesh and blood, it's wood and iron. Magic weakens around it. Be aware, but destroy it!" the diviner yells after his allies.

With a word, he summons his Pegasus to enable him to watch and possibly help from above.

Summon phantom steed & mount it.

2014-10-21, 09:22 AM
As soon as the horse comes to life Penthesileia and Harmothoë turn around, as they expected Bronte and Sterope come with their chariot. The twins leap onto it, ready to go into the fray. This is a proper chance to win glory to their names, and to strike down the enemies of the peoples. "Harmo! To arms once again! The gods have betrayed us for our peaceful ways and now we must act!"

Rendel Nep
2014-10-21, 10:58 AM
Nikomachos draws his lance and turns to the sages. No magic against it, huh? Would any of you be able to grant me some boon of battle before i leap off into action? I tend ignore to any useful suggestions in my furor once the battle has started. he calls out.

2014-10-21, 07:49 PM
Akaterine moves a little closer to the great horse and casts Haste on herself and her allies.

2014-10-21, 09:16 PM

"No..." Shakti says as the giant statue animates into divine life. He grabs his blades by reflex but glances down at the phasing blade of his dagger and shakes his head. "I do not know if I can defeat it myself, let alone wound such a thing. Pray it has no mind of strategy...perhaps we can force it into the water."

He then holds his blades above his head and they catch the sun's light. He twists them and fire shoots down around his body, engulfing him in cold blue flames that do not burn.

Draw weapons, casting Fire Shield (Chill Shield).

A construct (not subject to Skirmish, can't attack it with his second weapon) who is also immune to magic (Fire spells won't do anything). Yep, he's pretty much useless this fight. :smalleek:

Rendel Nep
2014-10-21, 09:48 PM
Good enough I guess. Now to do something stupid and foolhardy. The Centaur barbarbian comments
Get ready to run. I'm going to try and draw it to me. He calls out to those listening as he loads his sling.

HEY UGLY, OVER HERE!! He calls out to the Divine incarnation of his deriere. He then fires at the construct trying to get its attention.
Very creative, Niko. He mutters under his breath.

[roll0] for 6 range increments
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage (no save) if it hits
Other creatures in 10ft of the target creature take [roll3] (Reflex DC22 negate) assuming it hits.

2014-10-24, 04:13 PM
The heroes and dozens of soldiers leap into action as they run into the beast. Arrows, spears and swords hammering and striking against its sides. The colossal behemoth leaps up and down, massive feet the size of small buildings crushing men to bloody pulp and broken bones. It rears up, head and forelegs taller than entire buildings and the palace before bringing its feet down with a great crash. Even as that happens the sling stone slams into it but the magical enchantments fail and there is no explosion, merely a dull thud as the bullet bounces off leaving a small chip.

A great wave of rippling stone and broken earth erupts away from the monster...

Rears up and lands with Earthquake! in 200ft radius

When you cast earthquake, an intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time creatures on the ground can’t move or attack. A spellcaster on the ground must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose any spell he or she tries to cast. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area. The specific effect of an earthquake spell depends on the nature of the terrain where it is cast.
Open Ground
Each creature standing in the area must make a DC 15 Reflex save or fall down. Fissures open in the earth, and every creature on the ground has a 25% chance to fall into one (Reflex DC 20 to avoid a fissure). At the end of the spell, all fissures grind shut, killing any creatures still trapped within.
Any structure standing on open ground takes 100 points of damage, enough to collapse a typical wooden or masonry building, but not a structure built of stone or reinforced masonry. Hardness does not reduce this damage, nor is it halved as damage dealt to objects normally is. Any creature caught inside a collapsing structure takes 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 15 half) and is pinned beneath the rubble (see below).

Even as the ground shakes and buildings rattle and shake and fall the belly of the beast opens as massive muscular and and rage filled minotaus drop to the ground. Massive horns and claws tearing and slashing at the nearest men..


2014-10-26, 03:02 PM
Already carried into the air Penthesileia sees the minotaur emerge from the earth. "Harmothoë! That monster from the earth!", "Yes sister, a fine gift from our salt-bearded father!"

The chariot soars towards the minotaur, and Penthesileia casts her lances, seeking to put an end to the bull. That should bring her the glory she craves.

The chariot goes to a distance of 30 feet, some fifteen in the air. She makes a full attack with her four returning throwing lances.
[roll0], damage: [roll1]
[roll2], damage: [roll3]
[roll4], damage: [roll5]
[roll6], damage: [roll7]

Harmothoë remains out of range and will just focus on keeping the pair safe.

2014-10-26, 05:37 PM
"Monsters from everywhere and all around these days! Damn it all!" Alexandros exclaimed. He had not foreseen this happening though it is never wise to mock the gods openly. His Pegasus soared towards the Minotaur that had exploded up from the ground, and he tosses out a curse at the beast.

Steed moves 240 feet towards the beast in the air but out of the way of the construct.

Cast split ray of dizziness

[roll0] vs touch
[roll1] vs touch

Can only use a standard or move action, not both in a round.

[roll2] vs SR
[roll3] vs SR

2014-10-26, 05:47 PM
I attack with unrivaled speed, hitting the horse fast and hard, smashing the beast with my feet and fists before finishing with a snap kick.

Full Attack W/Haste buff that Akaterine bestowed and Flurry of Blows and Snap Kick.
To Hit, ignoring Armor (including Natural Armor) or Shield bonuses to the monster's AC:
To Hit 1: [roll0]
To Hit 2: [roll1]
To Hit 3: [roll2]
To Hit 4: [roll3]
To Hit 5: [roll4]
To Hit 6: [roll5]
Snap Kick To Hit: [roll6]
Damage 1: [roll7]
Damage 2: [roll8]
Damage 3: [roll9]
Damage 4: [roll10]
Damage 5: [roll11]
Damage 6: [roll12]
Snap Kick Damage: [roll13]

2014-10-26, 06:39 PM

"We'll see if this beast is sheathed in wards as well." He says and then flicks his swords so that the reflected sunlight shines bright on the minotaur. The air heats up and flames burst all around the beast for a moment before dying out.

Moving 60ft towards the Minotaur and then using Fiery Burst.

Fiery Burst
[roll0] Fire Damage, Reflex DC 23 for half.

Shakti (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1024958)
HP 223/223
AC 48 (+4 from Improved Skirmish, +2 from Expeditious Dodge)

Active Effects: Fire Shield (Chill).

Rendel Nep
2014-10-26, 07:11 PM
I think Damming us all was the idea. Nikomachos calls out as he gallops down the steps to the fray.

Double move of 160ft to close in on the fight.

2014-10-29, 12:37 AM
Akaterine points a finger at a monotaur and a ray of light springs forth, burning the minotaurs flesh away into nothingness.

Cast disintergrate [roll0] to hit [roll1] damage [roll2] to overcome SR, DC 27 for save for partial damage of [roll3]

2014-10-29, 05:09 PM
Even as soldiers are swept aside and crushed heroes fall into the square from all sides as swords, spears and bows bouncing off the now divinely animate massive edifice and the minotaurs that have poured from its belly. Nikomachos gallops down towards the battle swirling in the courtyard. Penthesileia and Alexanndros take to the sky as the pegasi leap skwards, one with the mage astride, the other towing the ornate chariot.

Both come near the minotaur and the massive horse, a flurry of javelins studding the legendary bull's massive thick hide before the bull stumbles and twists, the paired rays striking it, one absorbed by its innate vitality, the other leaving it confused and reeling. Shakti channels the sun towards it as well, but then again the beast's magical hide suppresses the flames. Even as the flames are extinguished a flickering green beam slams into it, and in a great plume of steam, smoke and sizzling flesh a massive chunk of the beast is evaporated. The beast roars and shudders before stumbling forward towards Shakti but with the vertigo dominating it its unable to land a blow...

It takes a pounding! The javelins sting, the disintegrate zaps a lot of the creature.
Spell resistance blocks one ray and the flames.

Has a move action to approach Shakti, then no standard

The massive horse rears up and down in the square. Its massive adamantine hooves slick with blood and gore from the trampled bodies that now lie beneath its vast bulk. Chaim races forward sheathed in magic before as he stands by the feet of the massive beast his enchantments fade and gutter, cloak of fire going out and fists reducing down to just naked flesh with no magical power. Despite that several attacks land, but the worst of the force of the blows is blunted by the innate sturdy nature of the monster. THe beast rears up trampling several more men into mud, one of the hooves coming smashing down upon Chaim.

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]
-- Remember you're magic items are non-functional this close to the beast

Rendel Nep
2014-10-31, 11:36 AM
Nikomachos, now close enough to to leap into the fray, embraces his anger and passion. He switches to his lance (it's more of just a long spear at this point of time) and makes a charging leap at the Minotaur for what he hopes would be a nearly fatal blow.

Rolling the dice separately from any modifiers because I'm uncertain as to what magic equipment applies.

Actions: Mighty Rage then make a charge with leap attack against the minotaur. Nikomachos is using power attack (-5 penalty) and if the attack hits then a knock back results meaning a free bull rush attempt. This Bullrush chains to an Advancing blow maneuver from the Combat Brute feat and a Directed Bull rush and possibly a Domino rush from the Shock trooper. This might also set Nikomachos up for a Momentum Swing also from the Combat Brute feat.

Jump Check [roll]1d20[roll] 18 on the die +18 (skill) + 10 (base ability modifer) 38 from normal abilities +3 (from strength enhancement) + 18 (from Speed) +20 (from Boots of Swiftness) 41 from magic Sources
= (79)
Attack [roll0] + 30 (base strength and BAB) + 4 (Mighty rage Additional strength) +2 for charging - 5 for power attack 37 from normal sources + 3 (Strength Enhancement) + 5 (weapon enhancement) 8 from magic sources =(45)

Damage:( 2d6 (large weapon) + 1d6 (extra dice for being a huge weapon*) + 15 from power attack +5 (Weapon Enhancement bonus) +19.5 (from base strength) + 4.5 (from strength enhancement) )X2 + 1d6 electricity (shock property) + 2d6 (charging proprety***) =

[roll1] (large weapon) + [roll2] (extra dice for being a huge weapon*) + 30 from power attack +10 Enhancement bonus +39 from base strength +9 (from strength enhancement) [B]) + [roll3] electricity (shock property) + [roll4] (charging proprety***)

Bullrush attempt [roll5] +10 from strength + 4 from size + 2 from charging +10 (from power attack***) +3 from strength bonus

* Relates to sizing property and strong arm bracers
** 3d6 surge property** Command action weapon while raging? I needed to read that rule closer :smallredface:
*** Not sure if this property applies either. Someone better confirm...at this rate i might have to ask swap out these proerties
**** See knockback

2014-10-31, 04:41 PM
Akaterine frowns at the minotaur, that usually has a lot more impact she thinks to herself. She tries another tactic and casts Slow on as many foes as she can see in range. DC 24 Will save.

2014-11-01, 11:44 PM
Alexandros casts invisibility and moves in closer towards the Minotaur. He still had no idea how he would even begin to damage the construct....

2014-11-02, 10:45 AM
One by one the weapons return to Penthesileia who immediately throws them again. From the corner of her eye she sees the horse crushing more soldiers, and ending a man's magic. It would wreak havoc with her chariot and spears, which would be quite dangerous. Harmothoë considers letting her whip lash out to bring the monster down, but it seems too strong for that, it would just tear it from her hands. Instead, she maintains a protective posture, to prevent her sister and her pegasi from being harmed.

And another full attack from Penthesileia:
To hit: [roll0], damage: [roll1](Power attack for 10.
To hit: [roll2], damage: [roll3](Power attack for 10.
To hit: [roll4], damage: [roll5](Power attack for 10.
To hit: [roll6], damage: [roll7](Power attack for 10.

2014-11-06, 02:18 AM
On great thundering hooves Nikomachos gallops down leaping across a pair of fallen marble columns lance outstretched. It slams into the wounded Minotaur and the creature is impaled for 2 feet of the lance before being cast aside.

Even as the beast dies Alexandros vanishes from view and Akaterine's magic washes ineffectually over the colossal construct. The horse lumbers around as a volley of javelins slam into it. Even without their enchantment they do great damage hurled with such force...

It rears up and trots around the square, stamping on the men that try and stop it, Adamantine shod hooves shattering armour and swords and spears!

Trample Chaim, Nikomachos, Shakti
Damage [roll0] Reflex DC 35 for half, or take an AoO at -4 (as in you can choose to dodge the foot or stab the foot)

Rendel Nep
2014-11-06, 09:30 AM
Before Nikomasho can bellow in triumph he is confronted by the giant version of his shiny metal ass. As soon as it rears up he thrusts again. A rational man would be dreading the possibly that their lance may break against the adamantine but in his wrathful fuge state, the Centaur counter attacks and considers his next move.

Attack [roll0] + 30 (base strength and BAB) + 4 (Mighty rage Additional strength)- 5 for power attack= -4= 44 from normal sources + 3 (Strength Enhancement) + 5 (weapon enhancement) 8 from magic sources =(52)

Damage:( 2d6 (large weapon) + 1d6 (extra dice for being a huge weapon*) + 5 from power attack +5 (Weapon Enhancement bonus) +19.5 (from base strength) + 4.5 (from strength enhancement) )X2 + 1d6 electricity (shock property) + 2d6 (charging proprety***) =
Result: [roll1] + (large weapon) + [roll2] (extra dice for being a huge weapon*) (16) + 10 from power attack +(19.5 from base strength ) (49) + 5 Enhancement bonus +4.5 (from strength enhancement) + 1d6 electricity (shock property) [/COLOR] = 65

* Relates to sizing property and strong arm bracers

2014-11-06, 01:52 PM

Ugh...I won't be able to keep this up forever. Better play it safe now, then pull Robilar's Gambit to put the pressure on him.

I roll out of the creature's way with practiced ease, assuming the Stance of Twofold Retribution, combining two well-known styles of combat, Robilar's Gambit and the Karmic Strike. My defenses are weakened severely, but I'll hit it for everything I have.

I strike at it again, fists and feet blurring in practiced speed and grace before finishing off once more with a snap kick.

Something about the creature seems to unnerve me, however, and the majority of my strikes do not strike as true as they should. I give a grunt of disgust at myself and try to find my center once more.

Reflex save for none, if failed, half (Improved Evasion):
My opponents get a +4 to hit and damage against me, and I get a -4 to AC. However, I get Attacks of Opportunity every time an opponent attacks me or hits me.
Snap Kick [roll1]
2 [roll2]
3 [roll3]
4 [roll4]
5 [roll5]
6 [roll6]
Snap Kick [roll]2d10+
2 [roll7]
3 [roll8]
4 [roll9]
5 [roll10]
6 [roll11]

2014-11-06, 04:10 PM
Akaterine casts shapechange to turn herself into a manticore she then lifts off with a flap of great leathery wings and begins to circle the great metal horse at around 150ft

2014-11-08, 08:25 AM

"Get out of the way! Mov-" Shakti shouts as he pushes aside a soldier at the last minute, sparing the soldiers life while the hoof grazes his back and knocks him aside. He rolls with the blow and comes up on his feet, blood oozing out of the open wound on his back. He grimaces in pain and looks down to the soldier. "Get away, use your bow!"

Wincing at the pain he steps forward and then sprints towards the minotaur, his blades flashing bright in the sun as he attacks the beast.

Failed reflex save, 71 damage from the Trample.

Move to Minotaur, Bounding Assault attack, then Move away remaining speed (total speed 60ft).

Khopesh (Wounding (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#wounding))
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] +[roll2] Fire +[roll3] Skirmish

Khopesh (Wounding (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#wounding))
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5] +[roll6] Fire +[roll7] Skirmish

Dagger (Brilliant Energy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#brilliantEnergy))
Attack [roll8]
Damage [roll9] +[roll10] Fire +[roll11] Skirmish

Dagger (Brilliant Energy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#brilliantEnergy))
Attack [roll12]
Damage +[roll13] Fire +[roll14] Skirmish

Shakti (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1024958)
HP 152/223
AC 48 (+4 from Improved Skirmish, +2 from Expeditious Dodge)

Active Effects: Fire Shield (Chill).

2014-11-08, 11:05 AM
Alexanderos circles the gigantic monstrosity. Unsure what to do which would actually affect the construct, he waits it out.

Rendel Nep
2014-11-08, 11:35 PM
d. After registering the sensation of his magic items failing him, Nikomachos starts thrusting at the equine construct with his lance with a little less abandon than before. The sudden 'pop' ma when the lance to half of it's apparent size. Following the aggravation of a suddenly shrinking weapon, he came upon a realisation. The cogs in in the centaurs head had slowly been turning and he suddenly knew whom to blame.

This is your fault, Menaleus! Your Hubris has cost you the lives of your people! Their blood is on your hands. When I'm done here you're next! The Centaur bellows over the din of the city as he continusly thrusts his lance against the metal hide of the siege horse made in his image.

No magic sources, no Power attack. but Full attack.

Attack 1 [roll0] ) Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Attack 4 [roll6] Damage [roll7]

Current AC 25 (No magic)

2014-11-12, 05:41 AM
Penthesileia looks at her bare hands, her javelins sticking out of the horse. She draws a simple sword from her side, an unenchanted weapon even. The chariot cannot approach the monster, it would fall from the sky if it did. Harmothoë, I must go and fight. Stay at a distance to retrieve me, our steeds must not be injured.

She leaps off the flying chariot and takes her shield in her hand, the sword in the other. She wonders if she will be able to hurt it at all, but running away now would be a disgrace. And she wants her spears back.

2014-11-13, 04:47 PM
The massive construct rocks and shudders as the minotaurs that it dropped are killed by the heroes scurrying around the feet of the Trojan horse and the packed archers and soldiers in the square. Spears, lances, punches and kicks rain down upon the iron horse that begins to show cracks and fractures in its massive frame. It rears up, the hooves smashing down and lashing out at the centaur and the monk that are kicking and beating upon it.

Vs Chaim [roll0] dam [roll1]
Vs Nikomachos [roll2] dam [roll3]

-- Remember, no magic to your AC's

2014-11-13, 05:32 PM
The polymorphed Akaterine flicks her tail at the great horse and looses a volley of spikes

[roll0][roll1] [roll2] crit damage[roll3]
[roll4][roll5] [roll6] crit damage[roll7]
[roll8][roll9] [roll10] crit damage[roll11]
[roll12][roll13] [roll14] crit damage[roll15]
[roll16][roll17] [roll18] crit damage[roll19]
[roll20][roll21] [roll22] crit damage[roll23]

Rendel Nep
2014-11-13, 07:46 PM
Nuikomachos roars with pain in reaction to the crushing blows dealt to him by the Horse.Then with a quick flourish, the Centaur discards his lance over his shoulder in favour of his greataxe. he then makes an almighty swing before positioning himself so he counter any attacks at the cost of his defenses. As far as he can tell, getting hit again is almost inevitable.

Move action to draw the axe, Standard attack employing Robilar's gambit for the next round. (-5 from power attack) Great axe is made of Adamantine.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
AC 21

2014-11-18, 06:51 PM

"If that came out, then we can get in!" Shakti says as he runs straight at the colossus. He sheathes his dagger as he leaps into the air and sticks his khopesh into it's side for purchase. Scrambling to find a hand hold, he tries to keep his balance as he climbs up the hellish machine.

Speed is 40ft in the antimagic.

Full Speed Tumble DC 25 [roll0]
Jump [roll1]
Climb [roll2]
Balance [roll3]

Shakti (Sheet. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1024958))
HP 152/223

2014-11-18, 09:09 PM
Unsure of what to do, Alexandros readies himself to cause the earth to shudder beneath the beast if it advances forward.

So he will ready an action to cast disintegrate if the thing shows a clear path that it is moving towards.

2014-11-19, 08:42 PM
Chaim Damien Mordechai
I take full advantage of my stance, striking it once when it moves to hit me and again when it follows through with its trample after I get hit. When it hits, blood seeps from my mouth and the shock of each of my strikes causes a flash of pain throughout my entire body; I'm only two or three more hits like that away from death. But I must battle onwards; the beast is almost dead. I've had worse injuries than this; besides, worst comes to worst, I retreat and heal my wounds before charging in again. I continue to hold the Stance of Twofold Retribution; the creature is so great it would likely hit me anyways, so I must focus on dishing out as much as I'm getting.

I find my center, channelling my inner peace whilst at the same time I bring about a maelstrom of kicks and punches to the great wooden construct.

Two Attacks of Opportunity due to Robilar's Gambit and Karmic Strike attack: [roll0], [roll1]
Two Attacks of Opportunity Damage: [roll2], [roll3]
Snap Kick Flurry of Blows attack 1: [roll4]
2: [roll5], 41 to confirm the crit
3: [roll6]
4: [roll7]
5: [roll8]
Snap Kick Attack: [roll9]
Snap Kick Flurry of Blows Damage 1: [roll10]
2:[roll13], bonus 26 damage if confirmed.
3: [roll12]
4: [roll11]
5: [roll14]
Snap Kick Damage: [roll15]

My inner resolve has become steely and I strike fast and true.

2014-11-19, 09:23 PM
A volley of spines come shooting down from the sky striking the horse numerous times. Then the rest if the heroes once more strike true! The great Adamantine axe of Nuikomachos striking true cracking the beast to its core, a dull red glow emanating from the cracks before Chaim strikes again and again and again. The repeating blows on the same spot finally shattering the monsters outer shell that shatters and falls apart. Bits of metal and wood clattering yo the ground revealing the angry looking avatar of a god that had been inhabiting the creature. The godling within standing 20ft tall as he appears some 30 ft from the warriors who had been battling thr beast...

The heat emanating from the creature and his magmic hammer searing flesh and causing the stones to crack. The godling looks around at the party as a series if whirling blades begin to circle the god rising to become a roaring wall surrounding him.

Avatar of Hephaestus at the core of the horse
Searing heat aura 50ft [roll0] ignore resistance, half dam immunity
Casts empowered blade barrier surrounding him in a cylinder of blades

2014-11-19, 10:26 PM
Chaim Damien Mordechai
I give a grunt of satisfaction as my fists crush the great beast into splinters. As the so-called godling appears, I give another grunt, one of distaste.
"It will take more than a copy of a false idol to best a follower of Adonai." And with that, I fly over the wall of blades, utilizing the reigniting flamed cloak to fly into the air before rolling to a stop above him. I continue to hold my Stance of Retribution, unsure of how the newcomer will act. My hand strikes for his chest and I perform the deadly technique of the Quivering Palm upon him.

Is the godling still giving off an antimagic aura? I'm going to assume not because of the blade barrier he cast; if this isn't the case, I'll just use my ridiculous reflex save to reflex my way through the barrier.
Move action to fly 60 feet, more than enough to reach him flying in an arc clearing the barrier. Standard to hit him with Quivering Palm.
Adamantine, Lawful, Magic, Good, Ghost Touch, Brilliant Energy, Wounding, Holy Quivering Palm To Hit (ignoring Armor and Shield bonuses to AC): [roll0]
Quivering Palm Damage: [roll1]
If attack hits, I will him to die for a free action. He must make a DC 32 Fortitude save to avoid dying instantly.

Rendel Nep
2014-11-22, 04:31 PM
Nikomachos picks up his lance and calls to the disrespectful Semite. False? He's standing right there! And he's Angry! You want to make him even madder? GO AHEAD! he shouts unable to believe the bloody mindness of the jewish monk.

Move action to pick up lance. That is all.

2014-11-23, 11:44 AM
The invisible Alexandros creeps nearer on his Pegasus. While the oracle has much to say about the gods who would destroy humanity, he would remain quiet to give him an edge on the attack. A curse erupts from his hand attempting to bleed the god of his powers.

Cast assay spell resist, and avasculate.
[roll0] touch & flat footed to hit
[roll1] vs SR (24+10 assay)
Fort save DC29 vs stunned, if the spell hits, he is reduced 1/2 HP

2014-11-24, 09:10 AM
As the horse shatter Penthesileia's lances return to her hand. She looks at the avatar and is filled with pure hate, and a desire for glory. She stays in her current place and throws them, hoping to make it suffer wounds.

To hit: [roll0][48], damage: [roll1][46] Power attack for 10
To hit: [roll2][41], damage: [roll3][47] Power attack for 10
To hit: [roll4][36], damage: [roll5][45] Power attack for 10
To hit: [roll6][24], damage: [roll7][49] Power attack for 10

2014-11-25, 05:57 PM

As the colossuls falls apart underneath him Shakti leaps to the side. He draws his breath in at the gods appearance but takes hold of his dagger again as well. "If war is what you seek, you have found it." He says and points his khopesh at the divine being. A beam of intense sunlight bursts from the blade and streaks right for the godling's face.

Draw khopesh as he moves 60ft away, cast Sunbeam.

Spell Resistance [roll0]
Target is Blind and takes [roll1] damage.
Reflex DC 22 negates blindness and halves the damage.

Shakti (sheet)
HP 152/223

2014-11-25, 06:32 PM
As she circles the new foe Akaterine in her beastly form flicks another barrage of bolts, this time at the avatar:
to confirm [roll2] crit damage [roll3]
to confirm [roll6] crit damage [roll7]
to confirm [roll10] crit damage [roll11]
to confirm [roll14] crit damage [roll15]
to confirm [roll18] crit damage [roll19]
to confirm [roll22] crit damage [roll23]

2014-12-05, 09:29 PM
The godling grunts as blood explodes outwards from him from Alexandros. The curse brutal in its efficiency. The spiked of the manticore, gleaming beam of light and hurled lances are less effective, most bouncing the creatures hide or the spinning wall of blades.
Chasm leaps through the blades spinningbto avoid being ripped asunder and lands a cruel blow.

Looking straight at the invisible Alexandros he closes a fist, as fire blossoms around him leaping from person to person in a great wave of flames. Seconds later silvery orbs erupt from floating around him like beads of mercury.

On all but the manticore
Swift: deadly sunstroke [roll0] fire and fatigued. Fort DC 33 for half and negate fatigue
Standard: effluent reputation

2014-12-07, 08:53 AM

Shielding his eyes at the last moment Shakti cries out as the fire washes over him. He takes a moment to pat out the flames and then leaps through the spinning barrier of mystical blades, his own blades slashing at the divine intruder.

Spring Attack through the blade barrier. After his attack he'll move away from the Avatar but stay within the blade barrier, if possible. If not he'll pass through again.

Blade Barrier (No DC or Damage listed) [roll0] (Evasion)

Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Flaming Damage [roll3]
Wounding: 1 Con damage
Improved Skirmish damage [roll4]

Attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Flaming Damage [roll7]
Wounding: 1 Con damage
Improved Skirmish damage [roll8]

Attack (Brilliant Energy) [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
Flaming Damage [roll11]
Improved Skirmish damage [roll12]

Attack (Brilliant Energy) [roll13]
Damage [roll14]
Flaming Damage [roll15]
Improved Skirmish damage [roll16]

Shakti (sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1024958))
HP 131/223
AC 46 (+4 from Improved Skirmish)

Rendel Nep
2014-12-08, 09:12 AM
Nikomachos, now wielding his lance once again, makes a bounding leap towards the Godling. It seems that charging things with a pointy stick is favourite past-time of his. Especially with the vast swarm of blades threatening to dice him.

Fortitude save Vs deadly sunstroke
Fortitude save Vs. massive damage [roll1]

Charging the avatar of Hephaestus (Power attack(6)) :
Jump Check [roll]1d20+#
Attack Roll[roll2] Damage [roll3] + [roll4] (Charging*)+ [roll5] electricity damage X 2 due to charging with a lance.
Initiate a Knock-back bull-rush [roll6]+39 (4 from feat, 17 from enhanced strength, 12 from power attack bonus X 2, +4 for being large, +2 for charging) possibly triggering Advancing blows and momentum swing next round
Reflex save vs Blade Barrier [roll7] (Evasion from Boots of Swiftness)

*under the assumption that centaurs count as mounted such when they use lances.

2014-12-09, 11:05 AM
Penthesileia suddenly feels tired as the flames cover her. Her skin starts to split and her hair burns, but she is not stopped. She retrieves her spears and throws them again. Harmothoë meanwhile moves up, lining up the chariot to engage.

To hit: [roll0], damage: [roll1] Power attack for 10
To hit: [roll2], damage: [roll3] Power attack for 10
To hit: [roll4], damage: [roll5] Power attack for 10
To hit: [roll6], damage: [roll7] Power attack for 10

2014-12-13, 02:44 AM
The city around the square is equally wracked with destruction as monsters and Godlings battle the veterans of the decade long war. Now Greek and Trojan fighting side by side as they battle minotaurs, chimerae or even aspects of the Gods! Like wise Odysseus and mighty Achilles do on the palace balcony as they duel a towering 20ft tall Ares, his shield deflecting the gleaming arrows from Paris's bow.

In the square around where you battle Hephaestus the stones glow red, bodies charring in the heat and weapons and shields glowing with dull heat. The gods finely wrought armour clangs as it turns aside Nikomachos's lance. The spinning blades deflect mistvof the javelins and even the blades of the whirring Shakti are turned aside until the gleaming energy blade lashes down leaving glowing deific blood pooling on the stones!

The godling bellows mightily as he chanells deific power to hasten his spellcasting powers. He trembles before expanding massively, form growing until he stands some 40ft tall, a great titan dealing destruction to all beneath him. He lashes out with his forge chains whipping all the nearby heroes, the blows shattering a dozen soldiers nearby as well..

Swift: quickened giant size
Full: whirl wind attack (attacks magic, adamantine, lawful, epic)
Nikomachos Attack [roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] fire
Chaim Attack [roll3] dam [roll4] + [roll5] fire
Shakti Attack [roll6] dam [roll7] + [roll8] fire
Pentheseilia Attack [roll9] dam [roll10] + [roll11] fire
Harmothoe Attack [roll12] dam [roll13] + [roll14] fire

Edit: forum fail! Should have been +44 to attack. Please add 40 to all attack rolls.
Does anyone have any miss chances?

2014-12-13, 11:40 AM
Flying a bit further out of range, the avatar obviously could see him, so the element of surprise was lost. Alexandros brings up protective magic against other spells that might fly his way.

Cast Effulgent Epuration on himself. Use greater rod of quicken to quicken arcane sight on himself.

Also, it's my understanding that efflugent epuration which the god cast does not effect ranged touch attacks because they are touch and not target--if you disagree, let me know and I'll change his action.

Alexandros, understanding the great resistance to spells the avatar must have, he mutters an incantation to avoid the spell resistance of the godling, and then attacks, more powerful rays shooting from his hands in an attempt to harm and confuse the now gigantic creature.

Swift: Assay spell resist

Standard: Twinned disintegrate
[roll0] vs touch to hit [roll1] vs SR [roll2] damage DC28 fort for only [roll3] damage
[roll4] vs touch to hit [roll5] vs SR [roll6] damage DC28 fort for only [roll7] damage

Free (Rod of quicken 2/3 for the day): Twinned ray of dizziness
[roll8] vs touch to hit [roll9] vs SR DC 24 vs dizzy
[roll10] vs touch to hit [roll11] vs SR DC 24 vs dizzy

Rendel Nep
2014-12-18, 07:49 AM
Nikomachos bellows in pain as his skin and hide sears and but has no recourse other than to strike back. He prepares to counter any attack in kind and hopes one of his allies has the necessary power to bring down this fearsome godling.

I'm going to assume Nikomachos is in melee range for expediency.
Employing Robilar's Gambit. Swapping between lance and great axe as a move action, Attack as standard action. Applying 5 attack to power attack and declaring a Robilar's gambit if he survives.

Attack[roll0], Damage [roll1]+ 40+[roll2] electricity damage +[roll3] from beserking weapon.

and.. dead with 3 more attacks at this rate.