View Full Version : The Human (Or better race) Wrecking Ball.

2014-10-19, 04:44 AM
So I had an idea for a build I thought would be very interesting.
The Human Wrecking Ball (Race pending).
The idea is, that this character is an absolute master of taking down buildings, and not in the "I have lots of knowledge ranks" way. I'm talking someone who walks up to a wall, hits it, and the wall falls down/breaks.

Thing is, I only ever play arcane casters and I have no idea on how to melee, nor how to build one, since all of my melee characters have been short lived, or abandoned.

So, Giantitp, how would I go about creating this living siege engine.
Low LA/Minimal RHD is preferred so that I can pick it up in a level 1 campaign if need be.

2014-10-19, 04:47 AM
I think the King of Pong (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?107248-3-5-quot-King-of-Pong-quot-Hulking-Hurler-Dungeon-Crasher-War-Mind-Mashup) might be a good place to start.

2014-10-19, 04:50 AM
Adamantine Weapon would let you ignore hardness when swinging your weapons at walls. Dungeoncrasher Fighter 2 gives a +5 (untyped) bonus on Strength checks to break through walls. The two methods don't synergize too well, but they both have their advantages - and in both cases you're gonna want to pump your strength through the roof. Consider a Wild (dr #306) Water Orc. +6 strength at LA +0.

2014-10-19, 05:07 AM
Stack Rage-like bonuses. ie, Barbarian Rage, Berserk PrC Battle Fury, Frenzied Berserker's Frenzy, mix in some sohei and you're golden with tons of combined strength bonuses getting that all to fit together would be nice.

activate all your rages at once goku and go super saiya-jin on that brick wall

also look into warforged, there is a PrC for them called warforged juggernaut which i believe gives bonuses to that sorta thing

2014-10-19, 05:48 AM
In a web article I am too lazy to hunt down, they give fighter's a dead level perk that you can use to gain a self stacking +1 to strength checks to break items.

Musclebound trait gives +1 to strength checks and ability checks for only -2 to dex skills/checks.

Would be kind of fun to get a build going to get a Juggernaut feel to it. "Once he builds momentum there is no stopping him!"

Now I am off to find a handy source of items/abilities that boost Str checks.*

2014-10-19, 06:28 AM
The Doomlord from the Planar Handbook would be good for this.

2014-10-19, 08:31 AM
Hm... "Destructive Rage" is a prerequisite for Frenzied Berserker anyway (+8 Str Check to break thing in rage.)

A Goliath , Barbarian 1 / Dungeoncrasher Fighter 6 / Frenzied Berserker 3 (Lvl 10 with 1LA bought off)

Starting Strenght of 16 (+4), a Belt of Giant's Strenght +4 and wielding a portable ram while frenzieng and raging (What the hell are we doing here?) Has a "Breakthrough Check" of +38

So on a roll of 12 he can break through a Hewn Stone Wall of 3 feet thickness and goes through metal doors and standard walls without check.

The Viscount
2014-10-19, 12:41 PM
The Bind Vestige feat for Aym gives you double damage against objects, and allows all attacks to function as adamantine from level 10 on.

2014-10-19, 12:57 PM
Maul of the Titans (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#mauloftheTitans) deals triple damage to inanimate objects.

Red Fel
2014-10-19, 02:04 PM
For kicks, get a CE Tibbit and grab two levels of Soulborn. CE Soulborn becomes immune to all penalties to Str, including the -8 penalty a Tibbit takes for turning into a cat. Then you just pump Str to an unhealthy degree. (Cancer Mage cheese, perhaps?)

You are now an ittybittykitty with the Str of a full-grown person. You can smash walls by rubbing against them adorably. You can put a paw on the BBEG's nose and crush his face.

As an aside, this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?361628-Collateral-Damage-Man) (started by a truly awesome forumite) had a lot of clever ways to cause things to be quite obliterated. Granted, most of them were non-melee (the d2 Crusader was thrown out fairly quickly), but you might find some lovely nuggets in there.

2014-10-19, 02:56 PM
I had a build that could probably work well with this. Original version has a level adjustment, but it's not -super- huge. I just like warshaper being always on. So much good stuff there. And LA+1 for dr10/silver means low levels are far, far less likely to kill you, even missing that HD.

Quasilycanthrope Shifter Dungeoncrasher Fighter 2/stoneblessed (goliath) 3/Goliath barbarian 1/Weretouched Master 5/Warshaper 4/fighter 4/whateveryou'refeelingatthetime 1

At that point, shifter is giving you a +2 to strength, plus 2 more from weretouched master, bringing you to a +4. Fighter's giving you +10 on str checks to break down doors, walls, and the like. You're getting big off of the goliath racial sub for barbarian, which helps even more (plus, +6 to str). Warshaper's giving you all sorts of goodies in general, not the least of which is an extra +4 to str. Weretouched master (assuming pre-errata version, because seriously, screw that garbage) makes you take on the werebear hybrid form (because we're going big on the smashing), netting you another +16 strength. Toss in destructive rage for an extra +8 on str checks to break stuff, start yourself out with an 18 str, and you're sitting at a solid 48 str, and a +37 on str checks to break things. There may be other feats or thinggies that help that further, as well, not to mention adding in items atop this. Plus, you've got that tasty dungeoncrasher damage when you want to hurt people instead of buildings, improved grab if you're not up against a ton of stuff with freedom of movement, just some good solid smashing in there. And you do it all unarmed, at that!

The Insaniac
2014-10-19, 03:40 PM
Go with Half-Giant and use the second build.


2014-10-19, 05:45 PM
Warblade can do some of this, while having techniques to use in Combat.

Mountain Hammer for destroying Buildings and a few Maneuvers from the Iron Heart School should help when you're fighting Creatures instead of Objects. The wall breaking part comes online at 3rd level.

It should be easy enough to pick up and play, considering your experience of Vancian Casting. There's the simplest way to transition over to melee for you. Others' suggestions are most likely, more effective though.

2014-10-19, 06:49 PM
I seem to recall some fun stuff if you can manage to get ahold of Hulking Hurler and War Hulk. Without going too far into cheese: +20 STR from Warhulk, +4 from Rage, +6 from Frenzied Berserker's Frenzy has you sitting on probably 50 STR with minimal effort (and likely much more), before magic items and buffs and even racials. Combine with Overburdened Heave (second level of Hurler) and you can throw 17 ton rocks (remember, Large size), which looking at complete warrior is 173d6+20 damage to whatever made you mad enough to throw Big Ben, +40 if in your third level you took Meteor Strike.

If you do things like play a quadruped and/or use magic items and spells to boost STR, this gets much, much higher. Heck, Natural Heavyweight doubles that again to 34 tons.

2014-10-19, 07:15 PM
Whilst the idea of smashing through a 3ft wall with a check of 12 is tempting, I'm trying to stay away from anything that has uses per day, such as a rage or maneuvers, I know, I know, "How many 3ft stone walls are you going to need to smash through in a day" I hear you asking, however, I'd prefer being able to consistently smash through a lot of 2ft walls every day.

Also, whilst I know getting a will save to +20 isn't a hard thing to do I'm also tempted to stay away from barbarians and the like, due to I may have nearly given one of my DM's PTSD after the runescarred barbarian I made when I was still new to optimizing.

However, Belt of Giant Strength, on a Wild, Feral Water Orc (I think I was water Orc), 6 levels of Dungeoncrasher for +10 when breaking things.
Assuming starting strength of 16, I'll have 30 str normally, and 40 when attempting to break objects, which means a +15 on any strength check for LA +1.

I can probably quite easily go for LA +2, since well, Drow are LA +2 I could easily get that past my DM.
Then I might go with Maul of the Titans as suggested earlier
Also +16 to hit any other enemy at 6HD isn't too bad.

That being said, some Adamantine Spiked Gauntlets, could allow me to go full hulk mode, and punch through walls, you know, because that's fun as hell.

Definitely looking into being able to throw 35 tonnes worth of stuff for my remaining 14 levels though

2014-10-19, 07:27 PM
So fun thought: What if dungeoncrasher caused its damage to the wall your enemy got crashed into, in addition to dealing damage to the enemy?

Take the Aym Vestige and Maul of the Titans that have been mentioned here already. Maul of the Titans costs 25k gp, so this will come online around level 10. So say you're a straight Goliath Fighter with 20 strength.

You attack an enemy and slam them into a wall. When they hit the wall it deals 8d6+15 damage. Average 43 damage. Now you deal that 43 damage to the person you just slammed, and 250 damage to the wall (post hardness). Or if you go with normal stacking rules you only get a x4 multiplier, still dealing 172 damage. This is accounting for the hardness of 8.

Anything short of hewn stone, the target gets crashed through completely in one hit. Hewn stone gets broken through in short order. Any doors or similar objects will go down almost by accident. Boosting strength makes a big difference here.

Edit: Updated to remove rage

2014-10-19, 07:32 PM
A fair point on the rages (though I still say 40+ STR is a good place to be), but maneuvers are refeshed constantly. They're per battle at the worst.

2014-10-19, 07:47 PM
Well, If I can get 40+ strength to buildings without needing to rage as I figured how to do earlier, thanks to you guys. (Seriously, the best I would have been able to do other wise is 20 strength)

My issue here, is becoming large sized and still getting the +4 strength from being Water Orc without going any more than +2 LA, and with Feral template, I'm at +1.

Though, I supposed at 8HD if I put my ability points into Str, and went with War Hulk I could play as another race and go with +14 Str modifier when breaking buildings.

I'm gonna go check some templates and races.

2014-10-19, 07:56 PM
For what it's worth:

Assuming starting strength of 16, I'll have 30 str normally, and 40 when attempting to break objects, which means a +15 on any strength check for LA +1.

The +10 to strength checks from Dungeoncrasher is a straight bonus to the check, not to your effective strength. So when you go to break an object you get +10(str)+10(dungeoncrasher), for a +20 to the check total.

The real problem is a Hewn Stone Wall has a break DC of 50, which is going to be a lot harder to reach without that +8 destructive rage bonus. But at a +20 you can pull off a Masonry Wall (DC35) with some trouble, and any sort of door with ease.

2014-10-19, 07:58 PM
for size and Str bonus, I think Half-Ogre may suit your needs

2014-10-19, 08:06 PM
For what it's worth:

The +10 to strength checks from Dungeoncrasher is a straight bonus to the check, not to your effective strength. So when you go to break an object you get +10(str)+10(dungeoncrasher), for a +20 to the check total.

The real problem is a Hewn Stone Wall has a break DC of 50, which is going to be a lot harder to reach without that +8 destructive rage bonus. But at a +20 you can pull off a Masonry Wall (DC35) with some trouble, and any sort of door with ease.

I getcha, that does raise some issues then.

However, I could go with Centaur, trade out Darkvision, AC, a racial feat and some skill points for +2 LA and 2RHD, chuck on the wild template.
Meanining: RHD 2, Dungeoncrasher 6, War Hulk 10, Hulking Hurler 2.
For a total strength, (Assuming 16 base roll again) of 36, add the Giant's Belt again and we're back on 40.
So when breaking an object at level 20, I'd have +22 to hit, and +15 for damage, right?

I can squeeze more out of this, I know it.

Edit: Half-Ogre is perfect, thank you! I can chuck Feral template back onto it now.

2014-10-19, 09:35 PM
Mauling Gauntlets + a source of essentia can get you +2 to +10 for Str Checks constantly.

2014-10-20, 03:28 AM
Still, Mountain Hammer is rather sweet in it's ignoring hardness. A few levels of Warblade or Crusader would do you good.

2014-10-20, 04:34 AM
Still, Mountain Hammer is rather sweet in it's ignoring hardness. A few levels of Warblade or Crusader would do you good.

Very much so. And remember, martial maneuvers are not spells. You can recover them after an encounter, or during it depending on the class.

2014-10-20, 05:18 AM
Whilst the idea of smashing through a 3ft wall with a check of 12 is tempting, I'm trying to stay away from anything that has uses per day, such as a rage or maneuvers,

Maneuvers are per encounter, and there's a reset mechanic for encounters that last long enough.

Three levels of Warblade should do, or some other way to get 2nd level Stone Dragon Maneuvers that more experienced players than me will know.

for size and Str bonus, I think Half-Ogre may suit your needs

Template or Race?

2014-10-20, 05:19 AM
Wild Water Orc Dungeoncrasher Fighter6/Incarnate4/XXX10

16Str+4 from Orc+2 from Wild+5lvl ups+5Tome+6 enhancement=48=+19 bonus

19+10(dungeoncrasher)+2(fighter dead levels web article)+14(Mauling Gauntlets)=+35

Hell finish it off with Warhulk10 and the +20STR will put you at +45 to strength checks to bust through.

Getting Mauling Gautlets to function at +14 is gotten by 3 feats. Shape Soulmeld (mauling gauntlets), Expanded Soulmeld Capacity, and Bonus Essentia. This gives exactly 6 essentia and a max capacity for this particular soulmeld of 6.

Now to go dive in the MIC because I could have sworn I saw a set of actual gauntlets that gave a bonus to STR checks there.

2014-10-20, 05:27 AM
The Half-Minotaur template is +1 LA... but it's a whopping +12 strength for it. Wild Half-Minotaur Water Orc is /+18 strength/.

2014-10-20, 05:38 AM
Armbands of Might in the MIC +2 to Strength Checks +skills, and a few power attack things. 4.1k gold so pretty cheap by mid levels.

2014-10-20, 06:54 AM
I'm thinking feral/half ogre/wild for max strength then slap my build on

After my build I (dungeon crashed 6, war hulk 10, and the rest was up for discussion, I was thinking at least 2 RHD from feral for fast healing 2)
Half ogre gives me size and just enough strength

Edit: feral, not half Minotaur
Though if half Minotaur gets me more for +2 than wild/feral/half ogre str I'll go with it

2014-10-20, 08:24 AM
Race: ORC
Class: Barbie, Breaker Archetype
Rage Power: Smasher
Weapon: Maul of the titans
Strengh Score: Over 9000

2014-10-20, 11:20 AM
Which alignment you plan to be?

Fouredged Sword
2014-10-20, 12:30 PM
Ok, let me think on a build I once made. It was the warforged wrecking ball. I remember I did two versions.

The first was a warforged monk 2 / sorcerer 18. He used greater mighty wallop on his adimantium battle fist, plus focused attack and beast strike to deal something like 2x(32d8+str+power attack) damage that ignored hardness.

The other was a fighter 6 / Warforged Juggernaut 5 / barbarian X using destructive rage to get something like +45 to strength checks to break objects. Add in a 30+ strength (he stacked strength highly) and you get the ability to take 10 and break an un-worked stone wall (a 10x10x>5ft block of solid stone)

2014-10-20, 12:53 PM
Also, VERY important: Which version? 3,5? Pathfinder? which books? What is the general ruleset that you are interested in?

2014-10-20, 01:02 PM
Depending on the limits your DM places on frenzy, it may or may not work. If you are trying to break down a wall with friends around, it might not turn out so well.

2014-10-20, 07:36 PM
Which alignment you plan to be?

Undecided yet
I've been banned from CE because my DM wants something new from me, so currently playing LN Sorcerer

As for edition? 3.5, but we're allowed all 3.0 and all 3.5 material provided it's legitimately sourced, and 3.75 is allowed with DM approval

2014-10-21, 11:08 AM
Template or Race?

Race I believe. Away from books so cannot confirm :(

2014-10-21, 11:30 AM
Race I believe. Away from books so cannot confirm :(

I asked that, because I know there's a Dragon Magazine Template, not sure if it's 3.0 or 3.5 though.

2014-10-21, 01:00 PM
I asked that, because I know there's a Dragon Magazine Template, not sure if it's 3.0 or 3.5 though.

Most likely race then. LA +1 or 2 depending on source book I think...

2014-10-21, 09:54 PM
Okay, so currently, what we've brainstromed for the base creature/character is.
Feral Wild Half Minotaur Half Ogre Water Orc. (4 Templates for +2 LA)
Apparently allows for upwards of 46 Strength with Giant's Belt. (I didn't do the calculations)
Depending on the DM, I either get a heap of fast healing from feral, or I take 2 RHD from feral, and get fast healing 2, which isn't essential to the build, but hey, fast healing!

However, if the DM doesn't approve that I'm going.
Feral Wild Half Ogre (2 templates for +2 LA. The race, 3.0 edition, or trading off natural armour and giant blood for 1LA if the DM wants me to use the 3.5 version)

Then for the build, I'm probably going to go:
Dungeoncrasher 6, Monk 1, War Hulk 10, Hulking Hurler 3.

IF I have to take RHD for Fast healing though:
RHD 2, Dungeoncrasher 6, War Hulk 10, Hulking Hurler 2.

That being said, I'm slowly moving off the idea of Dungeoncrasher and want to replace it with something else.

2014-10-22, 07:08 AM
Undecided yet
I've been banned from CE because my DM wants something new from me How about the "non-Chaotic, but still Evil", or "Chaotic, just not Evil"? Both open a lot of options!

As for edition? 3.5, but we're allowed all 3.0 and all 3.5 material provided it's legitimately sourced, and 3.75 is allowed with DM approval What's about the old 3.0 templates? Say, Half-Machine give you +4 Str and Con. Corrupted Creature too. Since it's 3.0 templates, no LA (not a "LA: -", just no LA string, i. e. RAW LA +0)

Proto-Creature template (Bestiary of Krynn) also give you +4 Str and Con, and really LA +0, but shift alignment to chaos (i. e. Lawful→Neutral or Neutral→Chaotic), and on death your corpse will disintegrate

Ask your DM about the Tauric template. It's usually ECL 6 (3 or more HD, LA +3), and already update to 3.5, but you may make it really really strong via stacking LA-free templates on it. (It's may get silly, such as stack on a Half-Dragon twenty times in raw)

By the way, why the Monk 1 dip? Is it just for the bonus feats, or you take some ACF, such as Holy Monk, Hunting Monk, or Phoenix Discpile?

War Hulk undoubtedly grant the best Str boost, but some other PrCs may grant +2 Str on 2nd and 4th levels, i. e. average +1 Str/level. Those PrCs are Dragon Disciple, Dark Dwarf Savant (evil, dwarf), and Waker of the Beast (evil). (Thrall of Kostchtchie gets +2 on 1st and 4th levels, but it's CE class.) Also, Green Star Adept gets +1 Str at 1st level (and Diamond Dragon too, and Nomad Shaman may too)

If you dip in Sanctified One (Kord), and raise your Affiliation Score up to 11, you gain +2 bonus on all Str checks, and all Str-based skill checks

If your Cha is not a dump stat, dip in Marshal let you use Minor Aura (Motivate Strength): Cha bonus to all Str checks, and all Str-based skill checks

If your Wis is high enough, maybe take Eagle Claw Attack?

Shards of Granite feat (Tome of Battle): option "Battering Smash" allow for -5 attack penalty completely ignore hardness (if you use greataxe, greatsword, heavy mace, or unarmed strike). Option "Unstoppable Onslaught" allow (if you successfully hit with -5 penalty) to ignore DR for the whole round. Feat required another feat (Stone Power), two Stone Dragon maneuvers, and BAB 6+

Iaijutsu Focus works on objects, i. e. walls :smallwink:

The Clockwork Armor (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070212a): +4 Str, and it stacks with almost everything, because it's a circumstance bonus. 27250 gp

Jhuild - this drug give you alchemical +2 bonus to Str for d3 hours; and it's for the tiny tiny price of 6 gp per portion! Side effects: 1 Wis damage; shaken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#shaken); easier to Intimidate (Jhuild also called "Thrallwine")

2014-10-22, 08:43 AM
Well, maybe we want to have the highest strength-check, not the highest strength. (I still say breaking through a barrier is better than damaging it.)

Hm, a Factotum Lvl3 adds his intelligence bonus to strength-checks...

Eh, perhaps not really possible to use. But maybe a lot of those things can help somewhat. There are other possibilities (I am away from the books)

2014-10-22, 10:51 AM
Ask your DM about the Tauric template. It's usually ECL 6 (3 or more HD, LA +3), and already update to 3.5, but you may make it really really strong via stacking LA-free templates on it. (It's may get silly, such as stack on a Half-Dragon twenty times in raw)

By the way, why the Monk 1 dip? Is it just for the bonus feats, or you take some ACF, such as Holy Monk, Hunting Monk, or Phoenix Discpile?

Monk is more for flavour than anything else, I'm not really sure what to do with that level, also reconsidering Dungeoncrasher. I'm not sure what I'd replace it with though, as I don't want rages and I'm unfamiliar with maneuvers.

The highest LA I'm going for is +2, partially to avoid too much template stacking, partially because I want the power of the character to come through the build so it's more of a power curve than a flat power black which I'm not a fan of and partially so that it actually get's allowed by the DM. I recently decided that should my Sorcerer die (ECL 4, 4 HD) I'll go for this character to replace him.

As for alignment, I was thinking CG and have my big brute of a character constantly complaining about "The establishment" and how "The man's stepping on us poor people, and these buildings symbolize the separation of the wage gaps and classes!"

@Summerstorm the markup here confuses me a lot so I'm not quoting, but I don't think Factotum 3 would help, partially due to that'd be hard to cram in, and partially the templates are giving me a pretty heavy intelligence hit.

You are right about breaking the wall here though, smashing objects and buildings is the main priority, and I need to stick to that.

2014-10-22, 11:02 AM
For your stated goal of knocking down walls, and the desire to avoid any limited resources, you're going to have a really hard time finding something better or more fitting than Dungeoncrasher fighter. You'd need to squeeze in +20 strength within those 6 levels just to break even on the breaking stuff checks, nevermind the benefits inherent in being a strong dude bullrushing enemies around into walls.

2014-10-22, 11:24 AM
For your stated goal of knocking down walls, and the desire to avoid any limited resources, you're going to have a really hard time finding something better or more fitting than Dungeoncrasher fighter. You'd need to squeeze in +20 strength within those 6 levels just to break even on the breaking stuff checks, nevermind the benefits inherent in being a strong dude bullrushing enemies around into walls.

I just wasn't too sure about it is all.

Though, from what I figured I can get a Strength score of 71 at 20 HD, assuming a starting strength of 16, which is very feasible, considering we;re rolling 4d6, drop lowest, reroll 1s and 2s.

Basically, it is as goes:
Which comes from:
Base Roll + 16
Water Orc + 4
Half Minotaur + 4
Half Ogre + 4
Feral + 4
Giant's Belt + 4
Ability Points from HD + 4
Wild + 2
Size Larger + 8
War Hulk + 20

Now, the Dungeoncrasher at 6HD would make those DC 50 checks possible, assuming a portable ram is used.
For a total of a +30 modifier to my roll, I could probably get a +2 Str item relatively easily though, to pass checks from other DMs?

Also, provided I've done the calculations right, if I can't break the castle walls, I should be able to just pick them up and throw them at level 20.
Overburdened Heave = 612 x 2 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
(Provided the weight calculation isn't just 612 x 2 x20, which I don't think it is?)
However, if I am correct, I should be able to throw up to 284.26 tonnes.
I'm probably not right though, hahahaha.

2014-10-22, 12:41 PM
I don't want rages Do you aware rage may last whatever you wish?
Inner Inferno, 6th level CF of Firestorm Berserker, allow to sacrifice d4+1 Con to extend Rage at equal amount of turns
What's the trick? Dip into Binder, bind the Naberius, which grants Faster Ability Healing: 1 point of damage per turn
So your Rage will last until your PC fall asleep.
CG Half-Minotaur/Half-Ogre/Proto-Creature/Wild Goliath
1 Barbarian (Mountain Rage)|Reckless Rage
2 Barbarian
3 Barbarian|Destructive Rage
4 Barbarian
5 Barbarian
6 Barbarian|Chaos Rage
7 Fighter|Bonus feat: Martial Study (Stonefoot Stance)
8 Fighter (Dungeon Crasher)
9 Binder
10 Firestorm Berserker (Greater Mountain Rage)
11 Firestorm Berserker
12 Firestorm Berserker
13 Firestorm Berserker
14 Firestorm Berserker
15 Firestorm Berserker (Inner Inferno)
16 War Hulk
17 War Hulk
18 War Hulk

Strength =
16 (base)
+4 (Goliath)
+4 (Half-Minotaur)
+4 (Half-Ogre)
+4 (Proto-Creature)
+2 (Wild)
+8 (Size)
+6 (Mountain Rage)
+2 (Reckless Rage)
+2 (Stonefoot Stance)
+2 (Greater Mountain Rage)
+6 (War Hulk)
+4 (levels)
+4 (Giant's Belt)

Strength check: D20+44: 29(Strength)+5 (Dungeon Crasher)+8 (Destructive Rage)+2 (Portable Ram)

2014-10-22, 12:44 PM
Source on Firestorm berserker? Googling it brings me to an angelfire page, which doesn't give it a lot of credibility.

Edit: Okay apparently it's from Dragon #314. And looking it over should work as described.

That said, I don't see the point of going for 6 Barbarian levels. 4 of those levels could be Fighter instead for Improved Dungeon Crasher. You lose +2 str/con while raging, and in exchange get an extra +5 on break checks, coming out with a net +4.

2014-10-22, 01:31 PM
Source on Firestorm berserker? Googling it brings me to an angelfire page, which doesn't give it a lot of credibility.

Edit: Okay apparently it's from Dragon #314. And looking it over should work as described.

That said, I don't see the point of going for 6 Barbarian levels. 4 of those levels could be Fighter instead for Improved Dungeon Crasher. You lose +2 str/con while raging, and in exchange get an extra +5 on break checks, coming out with a net +4. You get those +5 at 2nd level
6th level give Bull Rash bonus

2014-10-22, 01:41 PM
You get those +5 at 2nd level
6th level give Bull Rash bonus

No, you get both the bull rush bonus and the bonus to strength checks at both 2nd and 6th. The bonuses double at 6th. 6th level Dungeoncrasher gets +10 to strength checks to break stuff.

2014-10-22, 01:58 PM
No, you get both the bull rush bonus and the bonus to strength checks at both 2nd and 6th. The bonuses double at 6th. 6th level Dungeoncrasher gets +10 to strength checks to break stuff.It's correct.
My bad!

2014-10-23, 06:40 AM
As I've said, Barbarian and variants are off the table, my DM has a rule where if you play one class in one campaign, you can't play that class again in that campaign, which I'm perfectly fine with.

I could probably get away with a one or 2 level dip. after say level 6 if I show the entire build to him, but anything more than that and I risk getting slapped around.
That being said, I am at some point going to use your build in another campaign it looks absolutely fantastic.

But currently I need to work within the restraints.

Possible work in to the final product for extra coolness:
Adamantium spiked gauntlets.
I ignore hardness, and get to punch through walls!
I'll probably have to carry around an actual weapon for combat though. The bullrush/trip idea was what I was planning on working around for that.

So, to smash down buildings, what feats would I need?
And to be supreme bullrush/trip king what would I need?