View Full Version : Code Geass: Lyndis of the Snow

2014-10-20, 02:04 PM
10:39 AM, April 14th, 2019 ATB
Duchy of Loreto, Area 6

Sir Leonhardt Steiner whoops in victory as his Bradford strafes through a line of poorly-painted gold and white Glasgows, the colors of the Sons of Jaegar. The rebels’ defenses were well-devised against a traditional assault, but the combined efforts of the Morrigan, Zetland, and Bradford, under the skilled hands of their pilots, made short work of their older frames. Already, more reinforcements from the mobile headquarters of the Glinda Knights, the HMS Flying Granberry, were beginning to touch down, capturing what few rebels had survived the attack and gunning down the others trying to retreat. The Granberry loomed overhead, casting a wide shadow across the bare concrete strip.

The airbase the Sons of Jaegar had captured was an older outpost from the Liberation Wars, attempts by local communist and socialist groups to overthrow the aristocracy and forge a new worker’s paradise in the dense jungles of the southern continent. The Britannian engineering corps undertook the massive effort of clearing large swathes of jungle to create roads that the military could pass through and airstrips in the more mountainous regions that planes launching from carriers couldn’t reach. Once the revolutionaries had been annihilated, most of the old installations were mothballed and their upkeep left to the local nobility, a landed local family by the name of Cardozo… Who had apparently decided to cast a blind eye towards the aggressive moves of the rebellious Sons of Jaegar.

Shuddering explosions rippled through the air as Rockheart took lazy potshots at the hangar, the structure lighting on fire and slowly crumbling to pieces as he slowly tore it to pieces through the application of superior firepower. The Bramford transformed in midair, landing beside the Morrigan with a heavy thud, making Lyndis shake in her seat.

“Hey, watch it!” Sokia growled half-heartedly. Steiner chuckled, rising beside them and glancing around with his factspheres.

“Was that it?” He says with mixed disgust and mild disappointment. “We didn’t even need reinforcements.”

The echoing roar of Tink’s bombardment slowly died on the wind as he moved to join them, the crumbling ruin of the hangar collapsing into a blazing inferno, which took an eerie dark-orange tinge under the shadow of the Granberry.

“Hmm…” The older pilot mumbled. “Something seems off.”

“Strike Team One.” Toto’s voice crackled over the radios. “Come in, repeat, this is Granberry control, come in.”

“We’re here.” Sokia replied in a chipper tone. “What’s up, Toto?”

“Our scans are detecting seismic anomalies.” Lyndis’ handmaiden replied grimly. “There’s something below the surface.”

Tink cycled another round into the Zetland’s main cannon, swiveling slowly to check their surroundings. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”

Lyndis laughed without much mirth. “Tink, don’t say that, you’ll jinx us.” She replies, knocking a few times on the inside of her cockpit.

GRMM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOL56UA2Hik)

And as if in answer… Smoldering rubble begins to shift in the center of the hangar, the heavy screech of metal and pistons cutting through the air as the ground rises and parts, a massive knightmare frame rising from below the earth. It had a peculiar color, painted black and purple with a large gun mounted on the back… It was also a curious design, appearing to be based on some sort of dinosaur. It was over thirty-two feet tall, twice the height of the Morrigan.

“Holy ****.” Sokia whispered as their two comrades readied their weapons. The newcomer stomped slowly out of the hangar… Bipedal, but pitched forward, it had a long, swaying tail, two short arms… And rows of vicious teeth inside a steel jaw.

It was metal monstrosity, the Tyrant King of Knightmares. (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/178/d/e/Geno_Saurer_First_Render_by_ITman496.jpg)

“Servants of the false successor Charles zi Britannia will be met with no quarter and no mercy.” A gruff voice broadcasted over intercom. “Defect and join the legitimate side, turn away, or be destroyed by my Gnasher.”