View Full Version : A story about hate and despair. And chocolate.

2014-10-21, 06:33 AM
Hey guys,

I just came back from what was prolly the worst Pathfinder experience I ever had, and wanted to share it with you. (In part so I can spit it out, on the other part so you can tell me how responsible for what happened am I)

Before the story begins, let me just say that english is not my mother tongue, and that might be pretty clear at some point !

Here I am, old gamer, looking at all his gaming-buddy stoping the game for life reasons, most of them implying kids and wife (Hopefully for me, my wife and kids are gamer, yeah). So when a friend tell me about this friend of a friend, looking for a last player for his pathfinder game, I jumped on the occasion. My friend was expected to be the last player, but couldn't join them for the forementioned (Does that word even exist ? I'll give it a try) reasons, and wanted me to replace him. He didn't know about the DM, but was told that "While a bit railroading, he was overall okay".

I get in touch with the DM (Let's call him Ryan) on the phone, and he seems your usual nice guy. He don't give me any indication about the settings, telling me it's "Classic Golarion Stuff", and tell me to get a lvl 7, normal WBL char, core only. When I ask what would be most needed, he tell me the team is a bit low on the magic side at the moment.

So, I build a lvl 7 god wizard, thinking that you can never go wrong with those, and it's pretty easy not to outshine anyone if the party turn out to be pretty low-op. Let me introduce to you Leo Kendrell, wizard extraordinaire, poet and famous lover of women. And cats. Because cats. This wierd fellow is never seen without his cat familiar around his neck, his stylishly decorated wizard books in the hands, that he also use as a tools to write poetry.

Yeah. Could have done something a little more heavy on the RP side, but for a one-shot with no specifics indication on the settings, I didn't want to be a burden for the group with a character too RP-Loaded.

Entering Ryan flat, my red light start to pulse a bit. Ryan is a big bearded fellows, who likely didn't get a shower for quite a time and assert himself heavely on the smelling side. Heavely.
But well, I've been to convention (If you know what I mean), and despite being 40+, I've got an adolescent at home. I can deal with some bad smells. And, let's admit it : I really want to play.

The other guy are all late, so while waiting for them, Ryan explains me how much of a great history he wrote for this one-shot, and that he hope we will be strong enough not to dissapoint him. (Second red light). He doesn't seems interrested in any way by me, neither by my character, and when I tell him that I'll have to take a 3 min pause mid session to make sure my daughter came back home, he looks at me puzzled, asking if I'm kidding. I'm not. We spend the last 5 min waiting in some akward silence for the other player to come.

Enter player A, We'll call him Bob. Bob rush into the living room, get his character sheet out of his bags, start lining PERFECTLY every dice he has (And he have a LOT of them. A freaking lot.)
At this point, he neither said hi, nor looked directly in the eye of any of us. I'm puzzled, but well...I've been to convention. When asked by Ryan about his character, Bob explain that he got a gnome Paladin riding a blinking dog, and dealing 3x his damage on a charge, except that his character doesn't charge, but deal them trough the dog blinking, allowing him to rain insta death on anyone on sight.

I'm about to say that this is definitely NOT something even remotely doable within the rules (Let's not even talk about the core), but seeing the DM agree to everything he says, and seing Bob face overjoyed by his own explanation, I decide not to care, and, well, let the poor folk have his fun. After all, i've been to conve...Well, you got the point.

Enter shortly after player B, that I'll call "TittyPoop" for that guy had the sense of humor of a 3 years old. In the body of a 35 years old dude. One of our first interraction was, after the DM told him that (I still can't see why this was such a big topic) I'll have to abandon them for 3 minutes to give a call home for my daughter, to crack up a "Lone-geek" joke about my daughter. Now I am a quite a composed and reasonable person, but I still cracked up a bit on this, telling him he was clearly being offensive here, and that i'd rather get to playing without jokes about my daughter. And to be honest, I'm pretty sure I should have just run away at this moment, for everyone here looked at me as if I was the lamest guy ever, for getting angry at this.

Just so you know, TittyPoop had a Ninja/Ranger/Warpriest (Core only, OF COURSE), lvl 8 "Because you know, If i'm level 7, the build just doesn't work". I bravely decide to keep looking at my sheet, in order not to burst of laughter. Or tears. Or despair. But well, i've been to convention.

Shortly after TittyPoop, player C come, I'll call him "Cake", for he bring one, a whole sexy chocolate cake, and decided not to share any piece of it for the whole session, speaking 50% of the time with a mouth full of chocolate. The father in me had to do some serious work on himself not to pull out forcefully the cake out of his mouth when he was talking.

Cake had a Barbarian Elf, who had obviously HUGE TITS, as he said, and who attempted to have sex with literally everyone we came by for the next 4 hours. Just so you know, I'm not prude by any means, and I don't disregard a bit of sexuality in my game, but as a life rules : If you want to keep coherent, don't start masturbating on your axe mid-sessions.
Other than that, it has to be said that despite being absolutely awful to play with, Cake had the only remotely legit character.

Now, for you have to be asking yourselves, yes, this IS a true story. And it didn't even begins, in fact.

With all of us being here, Ryan makes us a sit in a circle, shut the light, start some creepy music, and begins to tell us of the story of Vilainous ArchVilain, Psion (Yeah, Core pathfinder game, whatever), and bend on destroying the world, for...Well, for destroying the world reasons, obviously.

Sadly for him, while I'm all for dramatic ambiance, his story looks rather stupid, with us four heroes having been united by an ancient prophecy, to save the world for this unspeakable evil, and having all been teleported by a very powerful sorcerer - And, he says, with tremor in his voice, probably an undercover dragon - in front of EvilPsion lair. (Wich is obviously an ancient evil god temple, is it even neccesary to say ?). Sadly also, that already quite stupid story is interrupted every sentence by an "And DOES THE PSION HAVE BIG TITIES ?" or some other "Chomp CHomp Chomp Munch Munch CHOCOLATEISGOOD).

Well, quicky after we'r set in front of this ancient temple, I got asked by the DM why I choose to play a Wizard instead of a sorceror. Truth is, after 30 years of D&D, I don't really care for this debate anyway, but I makes the HUGE MISTAKE of saying "Well, I think the wizard is more effective". For 10 minutes Ryan explain me how hugely mistaken I am, with me not saying a single world, for I really, really, couldn't care less about it. And I've been to convention, I know that silence is the worst enemy of the angry argumentative nerd.

After his looooong speech, he conclude by saying to everyone that he'll make a point to prove how wrong I am. This is obviously the second moment where I should have fled, but at this time, we were AT LEAST gonna be able to play, and I just wanted to start playing.

I won't go into much detail on the dungeon, you just have to know that it's full of badly written riddles (In french, sadly, so I won't be able to enlighten you with how writing riddles can go very very wrong and should almost never be atempted by a DM), with an "Incredibly intelligent and evil" Psion waiting at the end for us to come kill him, and a linear progression, with literally only Room/Door/Room/Door/Room/Door, without any possibility to turn at any moment, or even to go back. Yeah, door closing after us, and obviously immune to dimensionnal door or Blink Dog Chargin'. (The question "Can I smite Evil the door ?" has been asked.)

We start killing pretty easily everything we encounter, wich is not hard at all knowing that every time we enter a room we are met with one single monster of our CR or our CR+1, in an always perfectly square room, with no place to fly, nothing to restrain movement or anything. All the fight basicaly end up being an absolute stomping for an hasted party of cheesed character. After two fight tho, the DM accuse me of cheesing the fight because of Haste, and tell me "No more haste now, starting to realize why you should have been a sorcerer, heh ?".

It's worth being said that for the 2 first room, after the fight, the elf attempted to roleplay a tentative of seduction on my cat. Yeah. For real. I didn't say anything at beginning, but when the dude started describing how he would use the tails, I simply said that It was getting kinda repetitive (REPE-TITITS ? Said PoopTits, mimicking me, in a french equivalent). Again, Puzzled look at me, making me feel pretty old and boring.

Next room, no enemy. Until we are all inside the room, and an invisble ninja go full backstab on...My cat. Yeah. Who obviously get one-shoted, as do the poor ninja right after, eating a 180+ damage from a criting teleporting paladin. (That dude almost had an orgasm, at this right moment, and spend 5 minutes calculating and recalculating every damage, telling us that in fact his pally was telleporting from 2meter above the ground, so he had bonus damage).

End of the fight, I start arguing - Calmy, It shall be said - about how unlogical it was for that ninja to go after...The cat. Dm start telling about how HE decide what's right and wrong, go on saying that maybe the cat could have been a strong metamorphed SORCERER and look at me with evident pleasure telling me "But wait, now that your arcane bond is dead, you can't cast anymore, right ?". We spend the 10 next minutes with me forcing him to write the rules of arcane bonds, telling him that my cats is not an ITEM, and him telling me that's i'm a Raw Zealot, and that the RAI OBVIOUSLY intended for the wizard not to be able to cast with a dead familliar. After 10 minutes or arguing, I say that I don't see the point of playing with them, and that i'm leaving.
Instantly, he calms down, tell me that I don't need to sulk, and (I didn't even asked for this), ressurect my cat out of nowhere.

This is getting absolutely stupid, and I spare you PoopTits asking if one can **** a ninja corpse.

Some more room (Yes, I was serious when I told you about 100% linear and stupid Door / Monster / Door Monster), we encounter what i'm pretty sure was in his mind his views on tucker kobold. Except what we are facing his something like 50 kobold, in an 40x40 square room, all of them having bow and shooting at us from the back of the room.

Obviously, as soon as I enter the room, those kobold all starts to fire at me. I take something like 120 damage on the first round, and the DM goes to take my sheet, when I say that I have protection on arrow cast and extended on me every morning (Wich is no surprise by the way, one of the first things I said after we started playing was a list of all the buff I expend every morning), and that I "Only" took 40 damage. He ask for my sheets to double check if I used a protection from arrow, argue that I'm using a pen that can be erased and that I might have cheated, because noone cast all those buff every morning (Oh, sweet, sweet irony).

When it get obvious that I didn't cheated, he then spend 5 min looking at protection from arrow, and then goes on saying proudly that this doesn't work, because ALL of those kobold have magic bows. Yeah, all the 50 of them. Obviously.
Thos, this doesn't last for long, since Bob goes to calculate the worth of 50x2375, and say with a big smile how rich we'r gonna be ! ("We" probably not including his insta-gibbed dead wizard mate, but whatever), and Ryan - For reasons I don't understand since it's a One Shot - get afraid and end up saying that it was only magical arrows, in fact, and not bows. Wich still leave me dead, but at least it doesn't get us rich.

Seeing this, I decide that this is probably for the best, put my sheet back into my bag, and stand up to leave... But is made uneccesary when, seeing me leave, Ryan goes on to say that in fact the very powerful (And likely a dragon) wizard that get us used a charm on us to bring us back to life once if we die. "But without the buff obviously...And I guess that since you'r a wizard, you can't rebuff them...")

Shortly after we killed the kobold, Cake decide to test his new death immunity by masturbating on an axe. Good news for him, Ryan thinks is so funny that he award the player with an ..."Adamantine Vagina". Hopefully for me, I stoped caring long ago, and I'm simply now enjoying a trip in stupidity, knowing full well by now that I could leave any time without regrets.

Some more room, and Ryan has a great idea, we encounter a sorcerer (Obviously), who decide to use grease on my spellbook. I - With some luck i got to admit, i rolled a 20 - pass the save, and thus my book doesn't fall (Wich, by the way, seems to me quite unlikely anyway, but whatever). That's when suddently Ryan tells me that i'm being AGAIN a Raw Nazi for saying that my books use my save, and that a book OBVIOUSLY has low reflex save and should fall, by RAI.

My point that i'm pretty sure that I'm the one holding the book and not the contrary is only met by a "Chomp Chomp" from cake, and there goes my wyzard books. (He hesitated to roll damage on the books for the fall, but Bob told us that it only felt for 1 meter, "so the books DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO ROLL ACROBATICS".)

Anymway, I didn't really need my books since the poor sorc get dispatched from another crazy gnome crit, and we can proceed until...

Remenber I said the door were closing after we enter a room ? Well, as we enter the next room and i go for a stinking cloud on the 4 poor troll we are facing, Ryan tells me we an happy grin "Well, sadly your books is still on the floor of the other room, remember ? You didn't tell me you were taking it back from the floor...".

And with this, I took my bag, went for the door, came back, took what was left of the chocolate cake and put it into the trash and then left.
Quickly after that I received an SMS telling me that I should be careful for Cake could call the police, and how I had been the worst player they ever played with.

So...here is my Pathfinder horror stories. A lot of detail are left out of it by the way, since some of them are just too crude, or are simply to stupid to be told.
I hope my english wasn't too much of an hassle for the reader, and, as would Cake says "CHOMP CHOMP".

2014-10-21, 07:10 AM
Yes, you are a terrible, terrible person.

Hey wait, so am I. So are all of my friends. I guess terrible people aren't so bad. Better than those non-terrible people you were playing with.

Xar Zarath
2014-10-21, 07:20 AM
Ooosh...maybe go to your local gaming store and find some other gamers. Those others seem like their more interested in one shot games with little meaning to them which usually isn't too bad in and of itself. Sometimes you have to just play the simple one shots.

If you prefer long games and adventures, find other people in stores or online. I'm sure some are really intent on creating a long legacy with their characters. Those you played on the other hand aren't all that serious about gaming properly so leave them with that.

Moreover I don't see why dumping a chocolate cake can get you arrested. In fact it seems more like they would be the ones taken into custody for wasting the police's time.

2014-10-21, 07:29 AM
You were right to leave, and you should probably have done so earlier. Hopefully you can look back and laugh at them and at the absurdity of it all.

I will say though, it was wrong and petty to throw out the guys cake.

2014-10-21, 07:38 AM
You were right to leave, and you should probably have done so earlier. Hopefully you can look back and laugh at them and at the absurdity of it all.

I will say though, it was wrong and petty to throw out the guys cake.

You are right. But being petty can be so wonderful, sometimes. And eating with an open mouth is something I can't imagine encountering in an adult : o

2014-10-21, 07:42 AM

I'm not really sure how to respond to this. The dude eating an ENTIRE CAKE makes me think this is a sitcom or something.

2014-10-21, 07:44 AM
About the cake, sometime I go to a game without having eat before, in that case I bring found for me to eat, and I do not plan to share it ahead.

However, sometime people, who brought nothing, ask me for a share, and at the end, I don't have enough left to eat properly. It also happens with drinks. As a DM, for a session of 4 to 5 hours, I drink 1.5 liter of water/coke/other soda (0.4 gallons for imperial people). But as soon as I open my bottle, everyone take a glass of it and so it is gone. Then I am thirsty for the next 3.5 hours or so.

As you don't say anything about bringing something, I assume you don't and then I don't find shocking you don't get a share of that cake.

2014-10-21, 07:58 AM
About the cake, sometime I go to a game without having eat before, in that case I bring found for me to eat, and I do not plan to share it ahead.

However, sometime people, who brought nothing, ask me for a share, and at the end, I don't have enough left to eat properly. It also happens with drinks. As a DM, for a session of 4 to 5 hours, I drink 1.5 liter of water/coke/other soda (0.4 gallons for imperial people). But as soon as I open my bottle, everyone take a glass of it and so it is gone. Then I am thirsty for the next 3.5 hours or so.

As you don't say anything about bringing something, I assume you don't and then I don't find shocking you don't get a share of that cake.

Well, I didn't say anything about it since it's pretty straightforward to me, doing the same thing for 30 years now, but I have a policy of "Take a lil' more than what you can eat / drink, and share with everyone, with everyone doing likely the same".

And I have absolutely no problem with people getting their own food and having their own dinner (I'm pretty sure we all did this at least once : o), but the picture of this HUGE cake, getting eated for 4 hour straight, was something of a comic relief

2014-10-21, 08:02 AM
That's a shame, sorry the game didn't work out.

2014-10-21, 08:03 AM
That's pretty bad, but I suppose whatever floats their boat. It's hard when game expectations clash so badly, isn't it?

forementioned (Does that word even exist ? I'll give it a try)

Close. It's "aforementioned" . Don't worry about your English. It's good.

2014-10-21, 08:41 AM
Wow. That was a pretty incredible story. I hope you find some better players to game with !

2014-10-21, 11:09 AM
That's pretty bad, but I suppose whatever floats their boat. It's hard when game expectations clash so badly, isn't it?

Close. It's "aforementioned" . Don't worry about your English. It's good.

Thanks ! o///

2014-10-21, 06:03 PM
I'm puzzled, but well...I've been to convention.

Are people really like this at conventions?

I think the biggest warning signs about other players would be the inability or unwillingness to follow guidelines for character creation (ex: lvl 7, core only) and the attempts to make characters that seem deliberately offensive.

Sir Chuckles
2014-10-21, 06:18 PM
Are people really like this at conventions?

I think the biggest warning signs about other players would be the inability or unwillingness to follow guidelines for character creation (ex: lvl 7, core only) and the attempts to make characters that seem deliberately offensive.

The general setting for most tabletop horror stories are either conventions or "that guy we found on craigslist's house".
Cons are scary places.

2014-10-21, 06:39 PM
Well, they didn't throw a brick through your window and stalk you until they were arrested, so it doesn't qualify as the worst game ever ...

But yeah, that's pretty bad. Some impressively awful pettiness on the DMs part.

2014-10-21, 09:30 PM
Not that you shouldn't have left asap, but is there a pathfinder ruling that a wizard needs spellbook contact to cast?Since it was an oneshot the wizard could easily keep trucking with the prepared and then retire with his cat, away from barbarians with adamantite naughty bits

Bad Wolf
2014-10-21, 10:04 PM
Is it bad that I clicked on this only because you mentioned chocolate?

But yeah, that DM is a pretty biased towards sorcerers. And I friggn' love sorcerers (mainly fluff and spontaneous casting easy to track), but I'm perfectly aware of the fact that wizards are generally better.

2014-10-21, 10:11 PM
Okay, I have to admit, while reading this, only one thing came into my mind:
Is English really THAT easy to learn?
I mean, I've been taking your language and I can't even write a single sentence.

2014-10-21, 10:29 PM
I will say though, it was wrong and petty to throw out the guys cake.

I'm of the opposite opinion, the moment someone brought a chocolate cake for themselves only would have been the moment I gave up hope of anything good coming from my being there.:smalltongue:

2014-10-21, 10:43 PM
Not that you shouldn't have left asap, but is there a pathfinder ruling that a wizard needs spellbook contact to cast?Since it was an oneshot the wizard could easily keep trucking with the prepared and then retire with his cat, away from barbarians with adamantite naughty bits

Not that I'm aware of, but considering the DM's misunderstanding/hamfisted homerule about how Familiars work in Pathfinder and that the poster had the temerity to play a Wizard instead of a Master Class Secret Dragon Sorcerer it probably wasn't worth the time it would take to fight him into admitting it.

2014-10-21, 10:46 PM
It is perfectly predictable that one encounters unpleasant gaming groups when he tries to find a random one. I know that almost everyone among my group has similar experiences, and sometimes we do share the same unpleasant experience when an unpleasant gamer comes by.

But I've got to say...This is legendary.

Well, I'd say you can just forgive them for the daughter joke. If we are going to trust your observation, then none of them is married.

2014-10-21, 10:50 PM
Well, I'd say you can just forgive them for the daughter joke. If we are going to trust your observation, then none of them is married.And should not be allowed to breed.


In fact, someone fetch the brain bleach; it's time to scrub out the gene pool.

2014-10-21, 11:19 PM
And should not be allowed to breed.


In fact, someone fetch the brain bleach; it's time to scrub out the gene pool.

I will not say such a thing but...their hope to get married is dim and they are apparently aware of it. Maybe that is why there was the puzzled stares.
Personally I understand such a look. It effectively says "...why is it an alien comes here this time?" (the word "alien" here tends to refers someone you possibly never have chance to speak with in life. Like, one that earns ten times your annual income each month.)

No one knows exactly why, but some people live more pathetic lives than others. It is often a shock for both sides that one could live so much better/worse than you. Similar shocks may occur when you find someone could be so well-behaved/uncouth (I'm not sure whether "uncouth" is proper here).
If we are going to trust your narration, then the DM is possibly envying you, mostly likely unconsciously. And when he picked at you, it is possible that it was not purely due to the unspoken uneasiness he felt about you; I would not be surprised if you were outperforming the whole party by casting a well-timed Haste, given their power level. It is somewhat reasonable for him to try to disable the overpowered wizard, say, by stealing his spellbook (though it failed to function properly due to his vast misunderstanding in the rules. Stealing the spellbook, on the other hand, is not a recommended tactics, but that is other story).

It's not your fault. Such a case is highly unpredictable and ridiculous: a wizard could be overpowered and threaten the DM's designs by casting a 3rd level spell properly.
Maybe you should have agreed with him about the superiority of a sorcerer, and use a blaster sorcerer instead. But it was nothing wrong of you for not having done it; you don't have to cater to them if you are not enjoying the game.

Plus, it is already a disaster for people who differ so vastly to game together. It would be for everyone's sake that you don't game with them anymore; but I'd say it's not anyone's fault that this ended up unpleasant.

2014-10-22, 03:35 AM
Okay, I have to admit, while reading this, only one thing came into my mind:
Is English really THAT easy to learn?
I mean, I've been taking your language and I can't even write a single sentence.

Haha x). English isn't especially hard (like, nouns have no gender in English, which is THE pain in the ass - along with irregular verbs - for every English-speaker who wants to learn French, and don't get me started on German). But the main factor here is that we're probably much more exposed to English than you are to French : you and me (and OP) both have taken classes, but on top of that we watch American series, hang out here on gitp where everything is in English, a lot of us have to speak at least a little English for work, and so forth... (still we're not as good as some other nationalities. Actually, French, Italian and Spanish people on average are notoriously bad at English - Swedish or Finnish people, on the other hand, are incredibly good on average ; I believe their TV is mostly in English, etc.)

2014-10-22, 04:13 AM
Normally take a perverse pleasure at this sort of story; but this one left me feeling unsullied, unusual, and very glad I got to the end of it.

2014-10-22, 10:16 AM
unsulliedI don't think that word means what you think it means.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-10-22, 10:31 AM
When I read this, I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Because, I too have been to conventions. While gamers aren't all messy, poorly hygienic nerds who live in their mother's basement and will never have a girlfriend; the stereotype does exist for a reason. I have both met, and sad to say, played with some of those reasons. What happened to you is that you had the misfortune of being the only grownup in a whole group of them. That said, you should have kept the high-ground and simply left early rather than mess with his cake. After all, YOU were the grownup.

My condolences on your misfortune, and better luck next time.

2014-10-22, 10:37 AM
Haha x). English isn't especially hard (like, nouns have no gender in English, which is THE pain in the ass - along with irregular verbs - for every English-speaker who wants to learn French, and don't get me started on German). But the main factor here is that we're probably much more exposed to English than you are to French : you and me (and OP) both have taken classes, but on top of that we watch American series, hang out here on gitp where everything is in English, a lot of us have to speak at least a little English for work, and so forth... (still we're not as good as some other nationalities. Actually, French, Italian and Spanish people on average are notoriously bad at English - Swedish or Finnish people, on the other hand, are incredibly good on average ; I believe their TV is mostly in English, etc.)

Nah, I'm american. I've been taking FRENCH, and I can't spell ****.

2014-10-22, 10:45 AM
Nah, I'm american. I've been taking FRENCH, and I can't spell ****.Of course you can't spell ****. It's not even a word. :smallbiggrin:

Fumble Jack
2014-10-22, 11:05 AM
I don't think that word means what you think it means.


@ OP: Glad you were able to save your sanity by getting out of there at last.

I'm also in agreement with Bad Wolf, I too was intrigued by Chocolate.

2014-10-22, 11:54 AM
Enter shortly after player B, that I'll call "TittyPoop" for that guy had the sense of humor of a 3 years old. In the body of a 35 years old dude.

Shortly after TittyPoop, player C come, I'll call him "Cake", for he bring one, a whole sexy chocolate cake, and decided not to share any piece of it for the whole session, speaking 50% of the time with a mouth full of chocolate.

It's amazing, I get the feeling I actually know those guys. It's almost like I met them. Oh, wait, I did :smallfrown:

2014-10-22, 01:32 PM
Haha x). English isn't especially hard

I agree with the rest of what you said, but English is often described as one of the hardest languages to have perfect grammar in, because many words have to be learned by rote due to not following the rules other words follow. So, while learning enough vocabulary and grammar to communicate is relatively easy, but getting everything down is a feat even native speakers struggle with.

2014-10-22, 01:54 PM
After reading that story for like the third time, I'm honestly curious as to what else happened that would be too crude to tell. I'll regret my curiosity, after all it is the invisible ninja that killed the cat.

I also feel sorry for the cake. I really don't know why.

2014-10-22, 02:10 PM
After reading that story for like the third time, I'm honestly curious as to what else happened that would be too crude to tell. I'll regret my curiosity, after all it is the invisible ninja that killed the cat.

I also feel sorry for the cake. I really don't know why.

The cake was a casualty in the war of good manners. We shall always remember its sacrifice.

2014-10-22, 02:18 PM
Maybe I'm thinking of it too much from the cake's perspective. What's a cake's dream? To be eaten by many people sharing in a very happy occasion. I don't think I've ever seen a cake at a funeral, but birthday parties? weddings? I believe that's what they strive for. They obviously want to be shared. Not horded by one person while the cake looks on and sees everyone else around a table, not enjoying it. The cake must have wronged these people somehow, and its being punished by being eaten by a single man. Oh, someones standing up. Maybe here's going to get a piece of me. Oh wow, he's picked me up, must be going to get a tool to cut off a piece. Yay sharing. Wait, wait, there's no knives by this trashcan. OOOF... And now I'm in the trashcan.. now no one will get to enjoy me...

2014-10-22, 02:18 PM
It's amazing, I get the feeling I actually know those guys. It's almost like I met them. Oh, wait, I did :smallfrown:

Wait, really? You played with this same group? H-how was that? :smalleek:

2014-10-22, 03:00 PM
Maybe I'm thinking of it too much from the cake's perspective. What's a cake's dream? To be eaten by many people sharing in a very happy occasion. I don't think I've ever seen a cake at a funeral, but birthday parties? weddings? I believe that's what they strive for. They obviously want to be shared. Not horded by one person while the cake looks on and sees everyone else around a table, not enjoying it. The cake must have wronged these people somehow, and its being punished by being eaten by a single man. Oh, someones standing up. Maybe here's going to get a piece of me. Oh wow, he's picked me up, must be going to get a tool to cut off a piece. Yay sharing. Wait, wait, there's no knives by this trashcan. OOOF... And now I'm in the trashcan.. now no one will get to enjoy me...Sorry, man. You've been duped.


2014-10-22, 03:27 PM
Is English really THAT easy to learn? Back when I taught English most of the international teachers I'd discuss things with tended to agree it was one of the harder languages for a variety of reasons, mostly because it steals so much, it's not entirely consistent in its grammar, pronunciation, and adds somewhere around 2,000 words a year or so. Plus we're missing a few things relatively common in other languages, such as there's no one word for "you all" though we do have "ya'll". There's definitely room for debate on the matter.

2014-10-22, 03:30 PM
Wait, really? You played with this same group? H-how was that? :smalleek:
I mean I got the opportunity to acquaint myself with that type of players very well. I doubt that they were actually the same persons. Although they might as well have been.

2014-10-22, 03:57 PM
Sorry, man. You've been duped.


You guys had me laughing so hard.

For the bonus crude detail, well...

- A 10 minutes talk after the barbarian got his Vaginadamantium (This is not from me), about the fact that maybe he should roll a dice each time he get hit, for there is a chance he could be hit down here, and DR should aply. Here, in a flash of brilliance TityPoops asked how plausible was it that Cake could attempt a disarm with...His now adamant vagina. Obviously.

- Bob, wich has to be one of the most akward people I met for a long time, flabbergasted (I won't take part in all the debate about how english is hard or not, but you got some words I definitely love) when I said that no, I didn't keep track items by items of how much they weight, and that I could loot an item WITHOUT ASKING FOR HIS WEIGHT.

- Ryan telling us (I barely dare speaking about this one, seeing how cliché it is) about that novella he's been writing for the last 5 years, and how sad it is that his style is way too "Modern" for todays standard, being thus refused by any editor. (Tho, to be fair with him, he only did bring up the subject when I told him I was an editor myself).

- That sad moment when Cake, morbidly obese, had a big piece of chocolate cake fall from his mouth to his belly, and sat here, proudly, for 5 minutes, until it fall on the floor with a big "Sploortch", and the akward moment when everyone realize that the poor guy is just to fat to get back his piece of chocolate from the floor, but yet none of the people sitting close to him does anything to give the poor guy a hand. (I do realize that by telling you guys this, you'll probably think of me as an heartless ******* for throwing away that poor guy cake, but I was absolutely unbearable, sitting in front of him, to watch him eating a cake for 4 hours HIS MOUTH OPEN)

- Soo many bad sexual jokes, who whould all be pretty hard to translate, but who mainly had to deal with checking for each dead monster if male or female, and spending 2 min wondering how to use this information. And no, seriously, I am NOT gonna give more detail on that one.

2014-10-22, 04:05 PM
I don't know why, but I'm seriously latching onto this cake. How big was the thing? Was it circular or rectangular? How many layers?

And now I want to play a sentient chocolate cake psion who only wants to be shared by his adventuring party. It's got party in the name, how could that not be the dream of a cake? Also the cake is racist against cupcakes. Cupcakes don't want to be shared.

2014-10-22, 04:07 PM
I don't know why, but I'm seriously latching onto this cake. How big was the thing? Was it circular or rectangular? How many layers?

And now I want to play a sentient chocolate cake psion who only wants to be shared by his adventuring party. It's got party in the name, how could that not be the dream of a cake? Also the cake is racist against cupcakes. Cupcakes don't want to be shared.

where do cake pops fall on his racist caste hierarchy?

2014-10-22, 04:08 PM
I don't know why, but I'm seriously latching onto this cake. How big was the thing? Was it circular or rectangular? How many layers?

And now I want to play a sentient chocolate cake psion who only wants to be shared by his adventuring party. It's got party in the name, how could that not be the dream of a cake? Also the cake is racist against cupcakes. Cupcakes don't want to be shared.

Dude, you've got the kind of crazy I love.

I'm afraid my english will definitely fail in the department of cake describing, but I'll try to find a matching picture.

Here you go : http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-5ZaG_b4Vc1g%2FUeB9Jzh7eaI%2FAAAAAAAAKJg%2FOs0ixwv6 Ujk%2Fs1600%2FDSCN1527.JPG&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftheamericanhomemaker.blogsp ot.com%2F2013%2F07%2Fshadow-cake.html&h=1425&w=1600&tbnid=3aWuW9G1pbAG-M%3A&zoom=1&docid=1UBJGe_c2LOqNM&ei=hhxIVMb6OsPJPMHagbAM&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=248&page=1&start=0&ndsp=48&ved=0CIUBEK0DMB8

(Something like this, with maybe a litle less piece of chocolate on it, and looking a lil' bit more solid too)

2014-10-22, 04:11 PM
Dude, you've got the kind of crazy I love.

I'm afraid my english will definitely fail in the department of cake describing, but I'll try to find a matching picture.

Here you go : http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-5ZaG_b4Vc1g%2FUeB9Jzh7eaI%2FAAAAAAAAKJg%2FOs0ixwv6 Ujk%2Fs1600%2FDSCN1527.JPG&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftheamericanhomemaker.blogsp ot.com%2F2013%2F07%2Fshadow-cake.html&h=1425&w=1600&tbnid=3aWuW9G1pbAG-M%3A&zoom=1&docid=1UBJGe_c2LOqNM&ei=hhxIVMb6OsPJPMHagbAM&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=248&page=1&start=0&ndsp=48&ved=0CIUBEK0DMB8

(Something like this, with maybe a litle less piece of chocolate on it, and looking a lil' bit more solid too)
that looks like a "layer cake" which is what we call round cakes stacked on top of each other. rectangle cakes with no stacking are called "sheet cakes" in english.

I'm on board with this cake stuff, it's by far the most memorable part of the story and begs the most questions.

2014-10-22, 04:12 PM
I'm on board with this cake stuff, it's by far the most memorable part of the story and begs the most questions.

Sir, you sadden me deeply : (

2014-10-22, 04:14 PM
where do cake pops fall on his racist caste hierarchy?

Racist pity. Those poor little things. At least a cupcake may be able to satisfy a person. Maybe even invite the little cake pops along with him, thats the only way they'll achieve the full enlightenment and end up in the great confectionery with the baker almighty.

2014-10-22, 04:16 PM
Sir, you sadden me deeply : (

maybe you misunderstood? I didn't mean I didn't like your thread. your chronicle is super entertaining, but it's not exceptionally different from any good "that guy/that DM" greentext. not a criticism, because I personally love those.

2014-10-22, 04:21 PM
I also think part of it is that in your story, the cake is the only likeable character. Outside of yourself I mean. The cake may have been a prop to a character, but this wouldn't be the first time a prop took center stage, and a life of its own.

2014-10-22, 04:23 PM
I mean, you are saddening me for this cake, whose great destiny couldn't be fullfilled because of a petty little guy : Me : (

2014-10-22, 04:25 PM
Racist pity. Those poor little things. At least a cupcake may be able to satisfy a person. Maybe even invite the little cake pops along with him, thats the only way they'll achieve the full enlightenment and end up in the great confectionery with the baker almighty.

so cakepops would be like the half-elves/half-orcs, despised tacitly by both cakes and cupcakes, never belonging to either world.

now, of course as a true racist, he'd have discriminations between layer and sheet cake. which is he? (to say nothing of frostings)

now I'm thinking about dvati cakepops. (also psionic sandwiches)

I also think part of it is that in your story, the cake is the only likeable character. Outside of yourself I mean. The cake may have been a prop to a character, but this wouldn't be the first time a prop took center stage, and a life of its own.


2014-10-22, 04:28 PM
No, you saved the cake from a far worse destiny. As it says in the book of Frosting, chapter 12, vs 3 "For a cake to not be shared is surely an abomination, and will forever doom the cake to wander the halls of forgotten pastries"

2014-10-22, 04:29 PM
Nah, I'm american. I've been taking FRENCH, and I can't spell ****.

That's because France doesn't know how letters are supposed to work.

2014-10-22, 04:34 PM
That's because France doesn't know how letters are supposed to work.

We usually opt for the clearly subpar option of putting them one after another ; o

2014-10-22, 05:04 PM
Nah, I'm american. I've been taking FRENCH, and I can't spell ****.

Yep, I got that. The confusion probably stems from my use of "we". Anyway, my point was that hearing or coming in contact with the English language is much more common in France than hearing or reading French is in everyday life in the US, so it makes sense that we should have an advantage at learning.

2014-10-22, 05:23 PM
Well, they didn't throw a brick through your window and stalk you until they were arrested, so it doesn't qualify as the worst game ever ...

But yeah, that's pretty bad. Some impressively awful pettiness on the DMs part.

Anyone has the link to that story by the way? Can't remember the title.

2014-10-22, 05:28 PM
Anyone has the link to that story by the way? Can't remember the title.

I figure you're talking about that lanky bugger here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?23784-I-think-I-just-dealt-with-the-worst-gaming-session) is a link.

2014-10-22, 05:31 PM
I figure you're talking about that lanky bugger here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?23784-I-think-I-just-dealt-with-the-worst-gaming-session) is a link.

Yes, that one. Sorry, I thought that with the brick trowing, stalking and arresting in the quote it would be obvious :smalltongue:

2014-10-22, 05:35 PM
Yes, that one. Sorry, I thought that with the brick trowing, stalking and arresting in the quote it would be obvious :smalltongue:

well, yeah, but you said you couldn't remember the title, so I figured you wanted someone to put a link to the thread. if you meant a different, similar story, then I wanted to make sure since then we might have to do some deep googling.

2014-10-22, 07:11 PM
well, yeah, but you said you couldn't remember the title, so I figured you wanted someone to put a link to the thread. if you meant a different, similar story, then I wanted to make sure since then we might have to do some deep googling.

I do remember about a story, maybe from that exact same guy, with him ending up stabbed by his then-girlfriend... Do someone have a link maybe ? Google failed me.

2014-10-22, 07:33 PM
I do remember about a story, maybe from that exact same guy, with him ending up stabbed by his then-girlfriend... Do someone have a link maybe ? Google failed me.

ask and you shall receive (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?95189-New-Worst-Session-How-Lanky-got-hisself-stabbed!)

Honest Tiefling
2014-10-22, 08:06 PM
I think the only reason people latch onto the cake is that the rest is just...So, so, so bad it is hard to wrap one's mind around it. And it is so sad the cake had to perish as a casualty of this event. NEVER FORGET.

The Glyphstone
2014-10-22, 08:09 PM
I do remember about a story, maybe from that exact same guy, with him ending up stabbed by his then-girlfriend... Do someone have a link maybe ? Google failed me.

ask and you shall receive (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?95189-New-Worst-Session-How-Lanky-got-hisself-stabbed!)

Though the third story is considered of dubious canonicity - there were questions asked and never solidly answered whether Return of Lanky was the same person or an imposter riding Lanky's coat-tails (which makes Lanky's second story extra amusing).

Ursus the Grim
2014-10-22, 08:34 PM
*shudders with disgust*

Guys, gals, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd.

There is something wrong with being a crude, gluttonous nerd with no sense of decency or respect in the presence of a stranger. Sure, if crude, sexual humor is mutually enjoyed by the entire table, then whatever, knock yourselves out. But please, this is why there is such a stigma. Know your audience before you slip into adolescent potty jokes.

For the love of Semuanya, take care of your health and your hygiene. I'm sure we'd all like more . . . 'normal' people in our groups, but realize that you're going to turn people away and perpetuate a negative stereotype if you look and act like a pile of filth.

This is such a pet peeve of mine.

I've played with both extremes, and I can't help but feel like there is a strong correlation between 'bothering to shower before game night' and 'actually caring enough about the comfort and enjoyment of others' among some of the randoms I've played with. Call me superficial, but I definitely enjoy myself if I'm not gasping through body odor and enduring sexist/racist 'humor'.

I'd have not thrown out their cake, but I'd probably have stormed out much earlier than you had.

2014-10-22, 08:56 PM
I'd have not thrown out their cake

I figured out why he did.

OP's story takes the cake.

2014-10-22, 10:06 PM

Would you mind if I translate your story into Chinese? I believe my friends would enjoy this one...I mean, this one is LEGENDARY.

2014-10-23, 04:56 AM
Would you mind if I translate your story into Chinese? I believe my friends would enjoy this one...I mean, this one is LEGENDARY.

Feel absolutely free to do so, sir !

2014-10-23, 09:43 AM
I figured out why he did.

OP's story takes the cake.

**rimshot** (http://instantrimshot.com/)

2014-10-23, 01:22 PM
Wow, have you asked your friend about them? That would seriously bring his friendship into question for me.

2014-10-23, 08:43 PM
Wow, have you asked your friend about them? That would seriously bring his friendship into question for me.

Well, he didn't knew them personally, and was told that the guy was "Overall okay".

I guess "Overall okay" should have be enough of a warning, tho ; o

2014-10-24, 09:45 AM
*possible brain aneurism from sheer stupidity*

The elf sadly reminds me of my first group (which i killed in PvP several times, and yes they had it coming)

Also, while i greatly dislike Wizards (mainly because i hate prepared casting and im sick of hearing how FLIPPING-AWESOME-SAUCE they are) you didnt even instigate that tirade. You like Wizards, he doesnt. Lets move on.

Also, targeting your spellbook. Dude, not cool. There is only a short list of times where that is acceptable, and im talking short.

I think the only reason people latch onto the cake is that the rest is just...So, so, so bad it is hard to wrap one's mind around it. And it is so sad the cake had to perish as a casualty of this event. NEVER FORGET.


2014-10-25, 09:20 PM
The elf sadly reminds me of my first group (which i killed in PvP several times, and yes they had it coming)

Also, while i greatly dislike Wizards (mainly because i hate prepared casting and im sick of hearing how FLIPPING-AWESOME-SAUCE they are) you didnt even instigate that tirade. You like Wizards, he doesnt. Lets move on.

Also, targeting your spellbook. Dude, not cool. There is only a short list of times where that is acceptable, and im talking short.


Preferring wizard over sorcerer is like, trading off the pain to give up 80% you favourite spells permanently for the pain to give up 80% your favourite known spells every morning.
Well, considering you don't have the chance to choose the "right" spells when you are a sorcerer, choosing wizard is like to retain the potential for extra effectiveness along with a lingering pain.

It is, at most times, just a matter of habit, though.