View Full Version : DM Help Stats for Cohorts

2014-10-21, 07:00 AM
I am preparing to DM my second campaign and I have run into a question I have not been able to research an answer to. The PCs in this campaign will be 8th level and one of them, a cleric of Heironeous, has taken the leadership feat. He is planning on the use of a cohort and has asked me how to stat him. I located the rules for cohorts concerning class, level etc. but I cannot find any information regarding stats. The campaign is 28 point buy. Do I use that or have him roll for the cohort?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

2014-10-21, 08:00 AM
I am preparing to DM my second campaign and I have run into a question I have not been able to research an answer to. The PCs in this campaign will be 8th level and one of them, a cleric of Heironeous, has taken the leadership feat. He is planning on the use of a cohort and has asked me how to stat him. I located the rules for cohorts concerning class, level etc. but I cannot find any information regarding stats. The campaign is 28 point buy. Do I use that or have him roll for the cohort?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Cohorts are NPCs, so you don't use point buy or rolling, rather, you use the Elite Array.