View Full Version : DM Help Demon that destroys all sources of sorrow

2014-10-21, 08:29 AM
Hey guys, first time poster here. I'm throwing something WEIRD at my players and I'd appreciate some ideas on what powers should this thing posess. It is a DEMON with a single agenda: To destroy all sorrow.

Basically: A dog runs away from the girl, she cries, demon blasts the dog. Bank makes people sad due to debts, demon destroys bank. Then erases memories of these events from all included.

Now I'll gauge CR as appropriate, but fluffwise and "demon" (may be another race/class/template. Its just class) what powers should this thing have?

Bonus internets are given out for ideas on what shape it should take.

Bonus internets and virtual cupcakes for Alignment suggestions.


2014-10-21, 08:43 AM
Well...it is kind of a weird idea indeed, it look's like the Demon is trying to do good. OR, he is like a...harry potter's Dementor feeding sorrow from others and then erasing their memories? Mind Rape at will hahahahha but only to alter those memories involving "the sorrow" leaving victims with a traumatic effect. A desintegrating attack/ray would fit your "blast" description. Also I don't know why Im picturing the demon with the capability of turning invisible/ethereal. You should call him: "The Harvester of Sorrows" :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-21, 09:00 AM
"Blast" sort of got in. "Destroy somehow" would be more appropriate.

2014-10-21, 09:13 AM
Bonus internets are given out for ideas on what shape it should take.

Bonus internets and virtual cupcakes for Alignment suggestions.


Uhm for shape what about a obscure type of angel-like creature? Like when the things which causes "sorrow" happens, this "angel" appears. People may think something good will happen but then they realise there's no angel here xD


Alignment? If it is a Demon, Chaotic Evil e.e but it seems Lawful Evil, or maybe Lawful Neutral could fit.

EDIT: Give him Disintegrate for destroying creatures and Shatter for objects e.e

2014-10-21, 10:33 AM
Could people also list situations this creature would intervene in? So I can use them :P

thank you

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-10-21, 11:00 AM
Refluff Joystealer and I add Shatter/Disintegration.

Fax Celestis
2014-10-21, 11:25 AM
Refluff Joystealer and I add Shatter/Disintegration.

Beat me to it. I'd just take the base joystealer, change its MO, and then add warlock levels with Baleful Utterance and Vitriolic Blast.

2014-10-21, 11:36 AM
Could people also list situations this creature would intervene in? So I can use them :P

thank you

A chocolate store is unfortunately closed for renovations.
Someone's holding a funeral.
A person's cat is dying.
A child lost their teddy bear.
Pandas have become extinct.
A war claims the lives of thousands of innocent civilians.

And so forth.

2014-10-21, 11:37 AM
The demon should look like a dirty sad 7 year old orphan child. Why does it want others to avoid sorrow: because it itself hates feeling it? to spite other demons (yay chaotic)? to make paladins look bad? To grant the wishes that the divine ignore, therefor feeling like a true savior? orrr...to prove that people, when all obstacles for pain removed, are still capable of being unhappy: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill

Once you choose the psychological motivator, you can choose the appearance. The orphan is a great body to house those behaviors if they hate feeling sorrow themselves, or to feel like a savior. The hedonic treadmill sorrow killer is more of a mastermind; so crib a bunch off of half fiends/tieflings, and give them made diplomacy and knowledge (history) skills to demonstrate that they understand how mortals work and are using their very nature to demonstrate their capacity for evil. The demon who wants to make paladins look bad or to spite other fiends can just be any old demon with a fluffed up backstory. The demon that wants to present as the true savior should be locked into a bet with another fiend about how "good" they can actually be.

Orrr... just spitballing here. Maybe a weak slaad with psionic powers to shape change. Perhaps he/she/it simply enjoys granting people's whims without thinking about it too hard. The slaad views itself as benevolent chaos, and as a performance art piece, demonstrates that people's desires are illogical/transgressive against order. That way he won't ping evil if your PC has a paladin.

* Husband is regularly cheating on wife with prostitutes
* Thief guild leader has a (good) teen daughter who just found out his occupation
* The asylum is about to be bought by merchant for development and there is no other housing for the insane/mentally handicapped
* The second in command guard wants a promotion
* The barkeep is in love with the baker, who doesn't share his/her affections
* There is a chaotic evil wizard using charm person and sleep to get lots of the town pregnant with his babies
* A crow really wants that shiny ring of fire breath
* A blacksmith wants to know the elven secret of chain mail metallurgy
* LN Wererats in the sewer are trying to start a truly democratic system of government
* A farmer's entire crop was just eaten by a swarm of insects that didn't touch any other farm
* A lone person, in the throws of a terrible depression, walks up to the top of a building with the intent to end their own life
* A one legged beggar pines for the days when his body was whole.

2014-10-21, 12:13 PM
Splendid guys :D I have really gotten EVERYTHING.

Virtual cupcakes all around :D