View Full Version : Pathfinder City of Progress - Campaign Journal: Chapter 11 (End of Arc 2)

2014-10-21, 04:06 PM
For those of you just tuning in – get acquainted with the game here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?330770-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal).
For those of you who missed the last session – click here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?374737-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-10-(Down-Down-Down-to-the-Deep-Deep-Dark).
Joining us at the table were the usuals:
Beable Bamford - Halfling siege mage and Golem Lord for Rab's Progress, and his trusty Golem "Mouse 2.0" which is a cannon golem in the general shape of a giant Foo Dog. One of the cannons is decked out with plenty of enchantments and the other is just normal.
Galarend - Human Shining Knight Paladin of Iomedae and General of Rab's Progress' standing army. He is never far away from his trusty steed "Bolba" (A huge flying Triceratops decked out in spiked full-plate armor. (yes, it flies. I approved a permanency of a Fly spell in his case due to particular circumstances.))
Lady Wisteria - Human verdant Sorcerer who is the Rab's Progress' herbalist and "tea-master." (In the front yard of her home stands the only tree in the entire city - a huge oak tree)
We also gained a new player who unfortunately couldn’t make it this game, but plans to be there for the next.

Setting ‘em up…

The players ended last game setting up a meeting with the Red Rope leader, Mumford. Mumford and Lacey both show up, eager to hear what happened (and find out what loot they found). When Galarend describes what they encountered, and that it may be showing up in the town soon, the Red Rope saw an opportunity. Galarend asked for assistance in defeating the gashadokuro, to which mumford agreed – for the sum of 75% (rather than the original 50%) of all the loot they found and will find once the underground city is cleared.

Galarend agrees, clearly not happy, but accepting. The others balk a little more, but keep their mouths shut, and let Galarend do the talking. He says that if the gashadokuro comes up from the ground, then everyone in the city is in danger of starving to death from a magical starvation.

Mumford immediately goes into action, prompting Lacey to start rounding up members of the Red Rope to make citizens evacuate the town. Lacey says it’ll take a long time, but Mumford tells him he doesn’t care how it’s done, but to just do it. Lacey runs off to accomplish this.

Mumford also says that he can supply 3 of his officers to help with the situation. Galarend asked if they were any good with a bow, and he responds yes.

The players begin to plan how they were going to handle the situation. Several ideas came and went, but among my favorites were the “mud to stone” in a 15 foot wide tunnel downward, teen feet above the surface to the room where they encountered the gashadokuro. Then stone to mud the last 10 feet to make a cylinder of stone 150 feet long to drop into the bottom of the chamber. I had to remind them that they didn’t know how deep the chamber was and that it might not work the way they intended it. Their solution – make sure that the stone was seperated every 10 feet so when it falls, it falls in chunks and not straight down.

As this plan was being made, Beable, was busy constructing a barrel of gunpowder to explode. After coming up with some rough estimates we decided that for each hour he spent constructing the bomb, it would add 3d6 damage and add +5 feet to the already 20 foot radius. He put a few hours into it, and wound up with a 9d6 bomb – not bad for three hours of work (Based these stats off an Iron Pellet Grenade (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Pellet%20grenad e%20(iron)).)

The plan included luring the gashadokuro out using Galarend suspended on a rope and having Bolba pull him out as the gashadokuro chased. As they were discussing this, Beable felt tremors come from the ground – and all plans were abandoned as the PCs started to ready themselves near the area where they suspected the gashadokuro to pop out. The began to place their addition soldiers around on the buildings and get ready.

By the time Lady Wisteria began to feel the tremors, they realized that the place the giant skeleton was going to pop out was not the point they realized. Just when Poor Galarend began to feel the tremors, Mumford ran up to the group to tell them that all the Bog Mummies they encountered last game are pouring out of the house they destroyed and are taking to the streets, paralyzing people and killing them.

Galarend responds by telling them to take the soldiers and go, assist the people. Mumford leaves the fighters behind, however, to help with the combat effort there. The players had to make a snap decision, do they go off and get the Mummies or do they fight the gashadokuro. They opted to stay and fight it while Mumford attempted to save citizens. As soon as Mumford cleared the map, the gashadokuro popped out the ground followed by two bog mummies.

…and knocking ‘em down.

Not being able to fly, the enemies were at a serious disadvantage from the well placed archer-bandits and within several fly-by-attacks from Bolba and Galarend, and several blasts from beable, everything was dead. The archers were a little bit of help too. Beable’s bomb went unexploded, and no player was hit or affected by anything.

After this, they reoriented themselves toward the destroyed house, and they were all flying toward it in seconds, attempting to help Mumford and the others. When they get there, they uncover a nightmare of a scene 13 bog mummies spread out on the streets around the destroyed house, with two soul eaters flying about, fly-by-attacking the citizens on the ground. Mumford is directing several citizens through the streets and evading mummies, but he wasn’t fast enough. As the battle starts every single citizen and escort including Mumford is paralyzed by the bog mummies.

The first round starts and players win the initiative. Galarend and Bolba charge one of the soul eaters and make quick work of it. Galarend and Mouse 2.0, accompanied by Lady Wisteria (riding shotgun) assault the other Soul Eater with a barrage of spells and cannons.

The Soul Eaters die quickly, but the bog mummies make quick work of about a third of the townspeople. They also begin to severely threaten the lives of the Mumford and the other Red Rope members who were assisting.

At this point, the PC’s begin to focus on the overwhelming force of bog mummies on the ground. Beable casts Reverse Gravity on a patch of mummies and they all “fall” fifty feet into the air. Lady Wistera is able to stop a few citizens from being approached by casting Ice storm in an area in front of them. Galarend and Bolba charge into the one assaulting Mumford and kill it.

More mummies attempt to attack people and because of the quick thinking of Lady Wisteria and Beable/Mouse 2.0 saving the ones in the most danger, they only manage to lose about 50% of the townsfolk. More mummies pound at Bolba and don’t do much to him.

Galarend dismounts Bolba and begins to lay the beatdown on a the mummies, defending the paralyzed Mumford and allies. Bolba bullrushes, slinging a mummy into the reversed gravity field. Beable, Mouse 2.0 and Lady Wisteria take shots at the stragglers.

Mummies take their time approaching and surrounding Galarend, attempting to hit him back and failing.

Beable ends the reversed gravity and Mummies fall to the ground and some to their death. Bolba begins getting survivors (including Mumford) onto the roofs of the houses. While Galarend channels positive energy while Lady Wisteria, Beable and Mouse 2.0 collapse on the bog mummies, finishing them off in a few more rounds with no real difficulty.

Aftermath’s aftermath

So in the fallout Mumford begins rallying the city and getting his Red Rope followers to help – issuing warnings and orders to rebuild and collect the dead. The PC’s begin wondering where Lacey is, and on their own accord begin to suspect that he may be involved with the events of the attack.

Lady Wisteria sends an Arcane Eye go spelunking and search the remainder of the areas they haven’t seen yet, and sure enough they find loot. So the rest of the PCs hit the underwater and begin to search for items – they get a boat load.

When they return to the surface they find Mumford to give him his share. He pretends that he doesn’t know what they’re talking about, and gives them a wink.

Shortly thereafter they are approached by Lacey who begins to talk plain with them, his face serious – a drastic difference from the first time they spoke to him. He says that he doesn’t know what Mumford is planning, but talk among the ranks is that he’s going to go straight and actually become mayor of the town. Lacey knows that Mumford was going to let the loot go to the PC’s, but he has some information. Lacey says that if the Red Rope don’t get their share, then it could cause problems for Mumford down the road. He reaffirms his loyalty to Mumford, regardless of what direction he goes, he will follow, and that being said it means protecting him from possible harm in the future. Lacey says that 25% will make the bandits happy. At least, for now.

The players comply. And while drinks are on the house at the Sodden Stoat, Galarend and Mumford drink to their fill. After time has gone by, Galarend sobers Mumford up via a Neutralize Poison from Beable. They have a serious talk about assassins – as they believe that his own group will try. He agrees and decides to come with them to Rab’s Progress to speak to the Duke about becoming the mayor of this new town.

They next day the go back to Rab’s Progress, and speak with the Duke and he rewards them for a job well done. The game ended there because it was already 1 AM and everyone needed to work that day. So we’ll pick up there when we come back! See you guys then!

Follow the next session, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?383217-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-12-(Updates-upgrades-and-grave-robbery)).