View Full Version : Magitek setting?

2014-10-22, 10:45 AM
Does anyone know of a setting which combines modern/near future technology (i.e. guns, cars, etc.) with some light magic aspects, but is NOT shadowrun?

I've been playing a lot of destiny and thought setting up a world similar to that would be a lot of fun. I don't really want cyberpunk though, and it feels like stripping that out of SR would ruin it. Plus the magic system in SR is a bit goofy to me.

2014-10-22, 02:43 PM
Does anyone know of a setting which combines modern/near future technology (i.e. guns, cars, etc.) with some light magic aspects, but is NOT shadowrun?

I've been playing a lot of destiny and thought setting up a world similar to that would be a lot of fun. I don't really want cyberpunk though, and it feels like stripping that out of SR would ruin it. Plus the magic system in SR is a bit goofy to me.

Some of the technomancers in oWoD: Mage (Sons of Ether; Virtual Adepts; Technocracy, especially Void Engineers and Iteration X) comes to mind. I don't think it's really what you'd like, since if you focus on technomancers you either leave out the more mystical mages or you don't have a real difference between technomancy and magic... but I mention it in case it helps.

2014-10-22, 04:45 PM
GURPS Technomancer diverges from Earth with the atomic bomb test and Oppenheimer's invocation leading to a magical rift between worlds. I played in a setting that had us all be 2nd generation dragons in the Marine Corps in Vietnam (Zippo Squad; Semper Fire!).

2014-10-23, 12:03 AM
There's always d20 modern, and, well, Mutants and Masterminds, if that is what suits.

2014-11-09, 03:16 AM
Yeah, D20 Modern, specifically the urban arcana supplement. Magic and fantasy races in modern setting. You could even mix in some d20 future if you want a bit more Sci fi tech.