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2014-10-22, 12:50 PM
I actually made this account specifically to do what I'm about to do here. It was on this website that I read the most intense amazing tabletop RPG story I've ever seen. There are some good ones out there, but this one was the best, I don't know exactly where it is now, but it's one that I'll hold with me forever. That said, since I read that game log I started my own game...well, several, but this is the one that went somewhere. It's still in progress and if I don't get around to updating it or the game gets canceled before it concludes I'll try to make sure I remove this thread if I can to not waste your time. I wanted to share what we've done in any case. Yes, I label my campaign sections as chapters, try not to hold that against me, when I started this I didn't expect it to go that far so I wanted some clear break points to discuss player issues. If there's something I can do to make this thread better let me know and I'll edit it.

Also a bit of a warning, the section right here was when we started this game running a module called Falcon Hollow's Last Hope. Things aren't exactly the same as that module, but spoilers just in case.

The extremely generic campaign of boring genericness began in a mercenary camp nestled at the base of the Kobold Mountains. This camp is home to our unlikely heroes, three mercenaries in the lowest ranking squads there are, Omega Squads. They're the guys at the bottom who handle all the work any thug can handle, mostly caravan escorts or guard duty to scare off petty thieves.

First was Puck, their marksman and guide to the woods was a quick witted jokester. Puck was raised in a colony in the kobold mountains. As a child puck was pushed by his father who demanded absolute perfection. His father routinely verbally abused him as he pushed the child to be the best hunter in their colony, teaching him to shoot when he was young and pulling him out on hunts entirely too early. Puck grew resentful of constantly being told what was right and how he should be, so he ran away from his colony and join the Blacksword Mercenary Company.

Second was Timur, their fearless armored swordsman who pushed himself to the front lines to strike down his foes. Timur was born into a powerful group known a The Commune to parents who were the personal honour guard of one of their highest leaders. His memories of his childhood were hazy, but he remembered that his parents had done something terrible and he had become treated like a fiend. His face was branded with a permanent mark and tired with his treatment he fled, leaving the commune behind and joining the Blackswords.

Finally the leader of her Omega squad was Fae, their leader and knife throwing guide to the city. Fae never knew her parents, and like many children living on the streets of the enormous city, she turned to crime. Initially she was caught and put down, a lack of skill or strength leading to her certain death in a back alley. Fortunately though a stronger, older, orcish orphan took her in. Bella'kor trained her in burglary and cons, teaching her the harsh lessons of the streets that toughened her for her brutal existence. As she grew she picked up the skills quickly, becoming arrogant and overconfident as she excelled past her peers. Eventually though, scraping along to get by wasn't enough, she was good enough to be something more, someone people wanted to steal from, someone with power. So she said her goodbyes to Bella'kor, stole the life savings of a local gang leader out of his safe and put a crossbow bolt in him, then took off for the Blackswords, where she vowed to get to the top.

As the game started, Fae's squad was given an opportunity to prove themselves. Instead of the usual simple caravan escort, they were assigned to head to Falcon's Hollow, a small logging town, to investigate why Lord Tiberius's lumber shipments had stopped. They met with Lord Tiberius of the commune, who requested a priestess in training named Delphie go with them. Soon after they arrived at their destination their investigations uncovered that the town had come down with some sort of terrible illness. In order to talk to the town alchemist, Puck was told he would have to wait in a line. This was, apparently, unacceptable. These people needed to be saved right now, so he threatened to kill everyone in the town, that way he could talk to the alchemist about a cure. This was clearly insane, but luckily the other members of his group talked him down and they waited instead.

The alchemist unfortunately didn't have an actual cure, but was selling medicine to try and relieve the symptoms. Eventually Fae got her to admit that she had a book with a "possible" cure, but couldn't try it because she was missing several ingredients. Puck was well aware of where such ingredients could be found in the forest, so the group struck out, finding the largest tree in the forest. Fae and Puck climbed into the tree to gather the leaves. In the tree Puck noticed some bodies and decided to loot them as fast as possible, but when Puck approached a beast struck from above. In an instant it leaped across the branches and slashed Fae's stomach open, wounding her severely. Fae, backed into a corner, jumped off the tree. Down below Timur caught the girl and set her down with his shield, promising he'd be back to help her. He then climbed into the tree, where he helped Puck drive off the beast. Timur fought expertly, and the only wound he received was when Puck shot him in the back accidentally. With a bagful of leaves the two got out of the tree and helped Fae to her feet, assisting her in staggering back to the town. Once inside they got her to Delphie, who looked after her for the night, using her fledgling priest magic to heal up Fae's wounds. Touched by Delphie's gentleness and kindness Fae developed a liking for the young priestess. She would spend the remainder of nights here and the eventual ride back getting to know the girl.

The next day they traveled out to an abandoned monastery Puck had learned of where they might be able to find some special mushrooms. They crept through the building until they accidentally stumbled into a room filled with tiny flesh eating bats. Fae and Puck swiftly evaded the creatures, but Timur, his armour and shield useless, was swarmed with the little bastards. They bolted across the courtyard half dragging the cut apart bleeding man and barred themselves inside a sealed room. They quickly stripped him of his armor and started pulling tiny bats off of him and making bandages to staunch the bleeding. Eventually, battered and broken, Timur's condition stabilized. They rested here for the rest of the night, waiting until they were certain the bats had all gone. Unfortunately, Timur had contracted the plague earlier, and now confined with the rest of the party, infected everyone. The next day they returned to camp, Fae took Timur to Delphie for healing while Puck decided to steal the boots off of the pile of bodies that had died from the plague. This angered some of the villagers and confused the GM.

With their strength failing further every day from their disease they hurried back to the monastery, avoiding the bats and instead finding two wolves, who they slew. They then found a wolf as big as a horse, and soon discovered that it was intelligent creature named Greypelt and considered this place it's home. The wolves they killed were hunters who helped him and guarded his things while he was away, including his mushrooms. The group struck a bargain with the wolf and hunted down and brought back alive two more wolves to replace the ones they killed and were given some mushrooms as payment.

With one ingredient left to go and the plague taking them by the day they left the next day for a small witch's cottage. When they arrived the door was barred and no one would answer. Eventually they went to plan F and smashed in the door, finding a thin robed man, barricaded in the corner with a crossbow pointed at them. This was Daedrick, a man who had lived alone in these woods with his mother for most of his life, helping with her garden and negotiating with Greypelt who was a landlord of sorts. Since his mother's death Greypelt had told him he was to leave his woods, but he knew of nowhere else and resolved to make his last stand here. Fae talked him down, explaining that they were not Greypelt's assassins, but people looking to cure a plague. Daedrick's mother kept all her witching stuff underground behind a locked door and Daedrick didn't have a key. Fae's lockpicks made quick work of the door and Daedrick was given his inheritance minus the ingredients they needed. When they touched the ingredients however, a cauldron came to life in the center of the room and began assaulting the group. Their weapons had little effect on the floating dome of metal, so eventually they resorted to locking it back it the room and running. The cauldron followed them all the way out the door and across a field, but once they reached the forest it went back. Daedrick, with nowhere to go and nothing to return to, joined up with the party, who agreed to take him to the Blackswords.

They got the ingredients back and the potions worked, healing everyone still alive of their sickness. On the ride back to their camp Fae propositioned Delphie for a possible long term relationship. Delphie was on her way to becoming a full priestess now that she had some field experience so she would have to stay at Lord Tiberius's camp, but she wasn't opposed to the idea. The group collected the reward money from Lord Tiberius, said their goodbyes, and returned to their camp. Captain Algrim, impressed with their work, promoted Fae to a squadmate in gamma squad, promoted Timur to leader of the omega squad, and gave Timur's team Daedrick as a replacement. With new positions, money, and new relationships aplenty, the group sat back contented at their accomplishments this week.

2014-10-23, 03:22 PM
Okay. That first chapter was a module. Upon the module's completion I set the game down, thanked everyone for their participation and agreed that it was fun to play. After all my, last several campaigns crashed and burned badly. The story was over, we got our happy ending, it was time to do something else. The players though, they enjoyed it and wanted it to continue, not seeing a reason we had to stop...so without a module I agreed to extend the story a touch farther. Based on my previous issues however, I resolved that I could and WOULD run a simple, pleasant campaign.

Our sessions picked up with our heroes one week after the events of Falcon's Hollow. Daedrick had settled in as a regular, training under Timur's watchful eye. Aside from their new ranks everything had gone pretty much back to normal.

Fae met up with her new team. A stern bald man named stone was her leader, and her squadmate was a young long haired doofus named Volour. People had warned Fae to watch out for Volour, he was freshly promoted to gamma squad too. They said he was unreliable, a heroin addict, and was somehow the only one to come back from the last mission alive. While wary, other than his near constant smoking habit he seemed virtually harmless.

Soon Fae was aroused from her rest by Stone, who told her they had a job. A mission posted by the Merchant Prince's organization. The Merchant Prince was a very important client to the Blackswords, as nearly every trade caravan running through these parts was owned by him. If he chose to switch mercenary companies, the camp stood to lose a lot. Recently those caravans were being harassed more and more by factions of kobolds. It had gotten to the point that someone had decided to look into this. Apparently the kobold were being rallied behind some religious figure calling himself "The Prophet". Their mission was simple, find The Prophet, and kill him.

Meanwhile, Timur's team was assigned their first mission. Lord Tiberius was pleased with their work at Falcon's Hollow, so he specifically requested their team again. The three arrived at Lord Tiberius's camp and Timur met Lord Tiberius for the first time. Lord Tiberius was tall and strong, and was a human-snow leopard hybrid wearing expensive platemail. See in this world the suffix Lord doesn't refer to a noble, but Lord in the divine sense. The members of The Commune believe that the gods they worship sometimes infuse part of themselves inside mortal beings, transforming them into demigods with heads of either lions or snow leopards, depending on which god they were.

Once Timur met with Lord Tiberius he was informed that he was being extremely rude with his insistence on wearing his helmet in Lord Tiberius's presence, essentially on holy ground. When Timur removed his helmet though Lord Tiberius flew into a rage, casting Timur out of the tent for being so brazen as to actually stand in Tiberius's presence. The marking on Timur's face denoted him as an unholy man, not fit to enter holy ground and especially not to talk with their god directly. Instead, Puck stepped up to handle negotiations.

Lord Tiberius's camp was a camp he was forging in the wilderness, inside of a zone with a heavy restriction on the number of soldiers. As such, he left his son behind where he could be more assured protection. With the lumber finally coming in the camp was quickly gaining fortified wooden walls and the wildlife was kept at bay. Lord Tiberius had finally sent for his son, Belan. The child was coming up on the last leg of the trip, and while Lord Tiberius had some of his own men to send, he felt it would be good to have some added protection.

The group set off for the town, only to be assaulted by a kobold ambush along the way. Puck was on lookout and actually saw the attack coming, but decided he'd prefer to get a shot off during the surprise round than forgo the surprise round to warn his friends.

The attack was swift and brutal. The kobold started out strong, firing from trenches they dug on the side of the road and raining down molatovs on the caravan. Everything caught fire and people took a few hits. Soon most of the team hung back, focusing their fire on the kobolds that lit molatovs. Timur got into the trenches and started tearing through the enemy, forcing them into a retreat.

Once the fight was over they tried to save the carriage,but it was too late and soon it was reduced to ashes. Puck helped the guards track down the horses while Timur had a talk with Daedrick. During the battle Daedrick had used magic to dispatch some of the enemies, this was a problem, a big one. As Timur explained magic only comes from two sources, the gods of The Commune: Luna and Solaris, and from demons. His magic clearly didn't come from Luna or Solaris, so Timur surmised that it could only be demonic magic. Demons are insanely dangerous creatures and the more you use their magic the closer they come to this world. In fact, fifty years ago the gnoll had summoned a demon and it reduced an empire down to a single massive city called the Golden City, the one where Fae grew up. Timur forbid Daedrick from using those powers again near commune members. While he personally understood the unfair persecution the commune was capable of he didn't want them getting upset or trying to execute Daedrick for witchcraft. Grudgingly Daedrick agreed, though insisting neither he nor his mother did anything deserving of this treatment.

When they arrived at the town they found that it had also been attacked, several buildings were burned down and many children and elderly had been captured, naturally Belan was among them. After asking around for a bit they found out what happened. The kobold normally traveled in small groups and fought simple cowardly fights using traps and sneak attacks, this time was different. Five hundred or so kobold with crude weapons gathered in a clearing off to one side of the town outside of archer range. They started yelling and moving closer, then backing up. The townsfolk, afraid of the sudden strangely aggressive behavior rallied everyone who could fight, keeping the young, old, and sick back while they prepared behind their walls. Once their guard was focused on their enemy a second group of kobold moved in on the other side. They used grappling hooks to get over the walls and used crossbow volleys to pick off anyone who opposed them. They moved into the town quietly and stole everything they could, weapons, food, flammable liquor. They even had a team pick the locks on the town hall and steal the town's treasury. Then they forced all the women and children into the carriages at bowpoint, set fire to everything and rode out the front door. Their strike carried military precision, they were in and out in ten minutes, and no one even knew it was happening until it was over. As soon as the carriages left the hundreds of kobold who had threatened the town simply turned tail and left.

The people still left in the town were in shock that this could even happen. A kobold military strike is like a feline pool party, technically the words make sense, but it doesn't seem like a thing. The group decides they need to mount a rescue mission to bring back Belan but no one wants to help. This town is on it's last legs and it needs everyone it can get to deal with the food shortage while someone requisitions supplies from another town. Going after kobold to mount a rescue mission seems pointless, they don't take prisoners.

Daedrick...ugh...Daedrick. Okay, Daedrick went to the lunar church and specifically asks for a female priest for these three mercenary men to take into the woods. I don't think I need to point out why specifically asking for a woman gave it this edge of maliciousness the church didn't like. The group received no aid from the church after that and wandered aroundlooking for clues about where the kobold could have gone. Eventually, while talking to the town's hunters Puck mentioned that he was a very good hunter, and they all mocked him for not being able to track an entire army of kobold without their help.

So with Puck leading the way they traveled into the woods and up the mountains for days following kobold tracks. Eventually the tracks split off with most of them going one way, and a few of them going another way, a single set of child's footprints going with them. The group reasoned that if they singled one child out it was either Belan, being the most important, or a different child that was being singled out for danger. Either way, they traveled after the smaller group.

Soon they found a cave with the sound of drumbeats coming from it. Inside were thirty kobald, dancing around an altar and a cauldron. Tied to the altar was an unconscious boy and standing over him with a kriss and a staff. Some of them beat their drums, most of them sang an incoherent song.

The group leaped into action, Timur stood at the entrance with his sword and shield drawn, Puck started raining down arrows from behind and Daedric got ready for something. Puck missed, a lot. Nearly every arrow missed, and the ones that hit did a single point of damage. In fact, his aim was so off that he shot Timur, twice. Timur on the other hand was a beast. The kobold couldn't hit him for anything. He covered himself in blood as he cut them down one after another. At some point, they panicked and just started trying to run past him screaming for help, he cut them down where they stood. One kobold made it past Timur and Daedrick chased it down in the woods, hitting it with a sleep spell, then spent the rest of the fight tying up the kobold. Eventually the kobold shaman got a clear shot and pounded Timur with a beam spell that hurt like crazy. So, ignoring the stray attacks he rushed down the open line and slammed into the shaman, killing him in one hit and sending him toppling into the cauldron.

The kobold forces broken and whatever was left running in retreat Timur got to the child, cutting it's ropes free. Before they could leave through an orange creature as large as Timur burst out of the cauldron, screaming at Timur "What have you done to me! What AM I?" He and Timur clashed in confrontation. Timur's swing went wide, then this thing grew a long orange spike from one of his fingers that slipped past Timur's defenses and stabbed him. For a moment all looked lost, Puck couldn't hit anything and Timur was gravely wounded. This thing, whatever it was, was far more than a mere kobold. If Timur fell here, the game might well be lost. Then Daedrick finally got back to the cave, took one look at the situation, and cast sleep.

I sat there looking over my notes, looking at the big boss battle of this section. I didn't make this thing immune to sleep, and it's will saves were it's worst stat. It was also exactly strong enough to be affected by a sleep spell. So, I rolled, and the thing fell over and passed out. Everyone sat there for a minute, in disbelief that that actually worked. Eventually Puck someone asked what to do, and Timur's answer was, they take the kid and run...they skipped my boss battle by slipping him a roofie and running away. Somehow, I wasn't ready for that.

The group traveled out into the woods with the child and the tied up kobold. Occasionally the kobold would wake up and ask what they wanted from him, Daedrick would beat it into unconsciousness. Eventually it stopped asking, but if Daedrick even suspected it of being awake he would beat it into unconsciousness. The child they had wouldn't wake up, and they actually didn't know if it was Belan, as it turns out they never actually got a description. Still, they decided to cut their losses and get back to town. Timur was hurt, and the kobolds knew they were there. If this wasn't Belan, there wasn't much they felt they could do about it by themselves.

That night they were resting, Timur was on watch. Out of the sky a kobold in fine orange silken clothing dropped like a meteor into the camp and slammed into the ground. Timur leaped to his feet and pulled out his sword, demanding to know who this kobold was.

"The Prophet."

The Prophet hit Timur with a shockwave of force, sending him sprawling into the dirt, unconscious. Puck, came out of his tent bow drawn and snapped off a flurry of arrows that bounced harmlessly off of an invisible shield. After a beam of frost drove Puck back he threw down his bow, surrendering to the kobold. Daedrick picked up the battered tied up kobold and put a knife to his throat. The Prophet's hand filled with fire as he stared Daedrick down saying the loss of a single kobold was little to him, he had thousands, but Daedrick had the one life he was throwing away now. With that Daedrick decided to drop the kobold and start throwing fire. He actually scored a hit, but with breakneck speeds The Prophet zipped across the battlefield and jumped on Daedrick, pumping him with so much lighting that Daedrick simply dropped the the ground, smoke streaming from his twitching unconscious body.

We came back in with Daedrick, a bag over his head and bindings around his wrists, being forced to march. Someone even cracks out the back of his legs with a stick and drops him into the mud, only to force him back up and push him onward. He is pushed into a wooden cage and left. Soon Timur and Puck help him remove the bag and his restraints. They are positioned in a secret kobold military camp. Around them carriages are maintained, weapons are being cared for, and hundreds of kobold practice combat drills. The three of them are stuck in a cage with all the elderly and children. They find out the child they rescued was in fact Belan, who is now awake and doing fine. Also with them, is Fae, who is in utter disbelief that they managed to get captured. When they point out she was captured she explains to them what she'd been up to.

After being assigned the assassination mission the three of them tracked down the kobold, eventually finding this camp. After a week of watching they found out The Prophet returns here every three days. When prisoners started coming in without being hurt they decided on a course of action. Fae allowed herself to be captured with tight leather armor under her clothing, concealed shivs and a set of lockpicks. When The Prophet showed, Stone and Volour would create distractions and chaos, fire, startling the horses and stuff. As soon as the chaos starts she would pick the lock, put a shiv in the back of The Prophet's head and steal one of the modified metal plated cartridges to break out. Her biggest concern was that Volour would take out The Prophet first and steal the glory since he planned to set up in a sniper position during this fiasco.

After they told her The Prophet has vast magical powers and beat the three of them by himself she agreed it might be best to abort the plan. If nothing else the client didn't pay enough to have a high powered mage assassinated. Still, there was no way for her to signal her team, so if they wanted out before The Prophet got back they'd have to do it on their own. Since Timur was the only one who spoke their language he distracted the guards, getting them yelling at him while Fae picked the lock and took off for one of the buildings. The guard yelled out and the whole camp converged on her, drawing all their attention away from the prisoners. Timur picked up the padlock and used it to bash in one of the guard's faces. With a quick fight they dropped the rest and took their shortspears, covering the children and elders as they got them into the carriage. Once inside Daedrick suggested leaving Fae behind to make an easier escape, because he's a ****.

The building was surrounded by kobold, but soon a carriage plowed through their ranks squishing kobold and sending them flying. As they passed the building Fae took a running leap out the window, landing on the back of the carriage as they tore off. They raced out of the camp as fast as they could, but soon victory turned to ask in their mouths as the kobold armies gave chase, two wagons and came after them, as well as a handful of trained dog riders. They were quickly overtaken since their carriage had the added weight of an armoured chassis, millitary supplies, and twenty civilians. Quickly they searched the supplies, but didn't find any proper armor. All they had was kobold sized weapons. Puck took up a shortbow, Timur a shortsword and buckler, and Fae got a belt of daggers. Daedrick found a box with twenty random potions. We ended with them staring down the overwhelming enemy force.

I know how long this is, but give me a moment. The next section is one I could leave out. Honestly, it's not even in cannon with our current game. But...whenever my group talks about chapter one we laugh about the bats and the threatening to kill everyone to save everyone, and Greypelt shouting "Bring me BITCHES!". When we talk about chapter two, we don't remember the epic battles, or slipping my boss monster a roofie. Everything is overshadowed by this thing that made us so angry we retconed the game and...I'll talk about that when I finish.

Between sessions the players called eachother, preparing for the confrontation that would make or break this chapter. They set up a formation where Daedrick would stay in the carriage and fire out of an arrow slit. Fae would protect their driver and horses, Puck would start shooting out the oncoming kobold, taking out horses if he could, and Timur would stand between the kobold and Puck, making it harder to hit Puck while Timur focused on defense. If the kobold boarded he would engage them. Arrowfire between the racing carriages would be at a -8 because of the constantly shifting ground, giving the kobold the advantage based on the sheer volume of arrows they could launch. Daedrick would be by a window and pass up potions if things got bad. They hoped the potions would be healing potions. The next session, their plan set, we sat down to play.

As they watched the oncoming forces a figure in dark robes with red eyes and flames streaking off of him appeared to Timur. The figure claimed he was the demon of wrath, he would only ask Timur let him in, and he would help destroy his enemies. Timur refused, but the figure persisted, asking if it was truly fair that Timur risk the lives of helpless civilians just so he didn't have to do something he was uncomfortable with. That took longer, but eventually he decided he wouldn't fall prey to demons like his parents did, the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

With his answer the battle finally began the carriages approached, Puck scored a few hits, but not many and the kobold got off a lucky shot, sinking an arrow deep into Timur's chest. In pain Timur and puck dropped back, asking for a potion. Daedrick's player crossed his arms and said, "I never told them about the potions." I told him we could retcon it in, he refused. "I hide the potions from the group, they're mine." We stared in disbelief, but eventually the battle continued.

Timur was the first to die, he took down a few after they boarded, but there were too many and eventually one got lucky and stuck him through the gut with a spear.

Next came Puck. After Timur fell there was nothing to hold them back, Puck was overrun in seconds, drowning beneath a sea of spearpoints and blood.

Fae had been most effective, she'd jumped onto the enemy's horses when they got close enough and cut one of them free. She rode beside the carriage while the kobold wagon fell behind.

Daedrick, seeing Timur and Puck dying, took his box of potions and decided to jump onto the horses of their own carraige, ready to cut them free. The civilians he sacrificed would keep the kobold busy long enough for him to escape with his loot. His jump was terrible, he slipped and hit the ground, hurting himself as he avoided the wheels of the carriage. Fae was riding behind the carriage at the time and scooped him up, pulling him onto the horse. As they rode he revealed he had a box of potions and gave her one. It turned out to be a potion of enlarge person and she quickly became too big to ride the horse. As a last desperate attempt she told him to just throw all the potions in her giant mouth. Maybe it would somehow be enough to save them. He told her to go to hell, they were his potions. When she tried to take them by force he hurled them off of the horse and into the dirt, shattering them as the kobold rode past.

That jackass sat there with his arms crossed and a satisfied grin on his face. Like he'd won, like he'd accomplished something by sinking the entire team by being a ****. We turned on him, demanding to know what his problem was. Honestly, this wasn't the first time he'd screwed with my games, but this was by far the worst incident we'd ever seen. In turn he started blaming each one of us for the failure. It was my fault for throwing too many kobold at them, it was Puck's fault for specializing in range and ignoring melee, it was Timur's fault for not accepting the demon's offer. The bull**** this guy spewed make me want him dead, to this day I have no idea how anyone can have their head so far up their own ass. That night was the last time I ever saw that guy. We used to go out to lunch and the movies and stuff, after that night none of us ever wanted to see him again. Whenever we talk about this section of the campaign all we can remember is the hate. Technically it's not part of the cannon, but not talking about it is like discussing Voyager and not mentioning Threshold.

The next session we met again, agreeing that the kobold never brought Daedrick to the camp. Timur insisted they wait, but their window of opportunity was closing. They left because they had to, too many people were counting on them to fail here. We ran the fight again, this time with three PC's instead of four. half the potions were healing potions, but the rest had random effects. Timur stood on the carriage, sheathed in radiant light as the spears and arrows were shrugged off, his forcefield protecting him from most hits. The kobold hit him once or twice, but the worst blow he received was when Puck shot him accidentally...again. Puck shrunk down to half his size and turned into a cat-creature. Suddenly his arrows started finding their marks and dropping enemies. Fae turned into a ten foot tall minotaur who started skewering kobolds left and right. Eventually, they damaged the enemy enough that they were forced to fall back, leaving the group victorious.

They pressed on, taking unexpected backroads with lots of trees overhead to make it hard for The Prophet to hunt them from the air. In the end they made it back to town successfully. They were greeted with a hero's welcome, everyone was delighted to have their people back. The three returned the supplies, taking only horses, replacement weapons and armor, and supplies for the road. They took Belan and traveled back to Lord Tiberius's camp without too much trouble. When Lord Tiberius came Timur turned to leave, but Tiberius stopped him. He made a public apology to Timur for the way he was treated earlier. Whatever his past sins, he has clearly changed. Going above and beyond the call of duty to protect the people in bondage, and his son. He gives Timur a mask called the mask of redemption, an item rarely assigned by a Lord who believes one like Timur has been redeemed.

He even invites them to a personal dinner that night, and the next day they set out for the Blacksword camp. Once there they explain what happened to Daedrick and why Fae abandoned her mission. Captain Algrim was more than understanding, commending them on making the best of a bad situation. He felt this proved they were a cut above what he once thought. Fae was promoted to gamma squad leader. Timur and Puck both were promoted to gamma squad and put on her team, Fae protested, but couldn't deny that they must have skill to do what they did. Timur and Puck got their pay for a successful mission, and the three finally got a chance to relax.

Wow. Writing these things takes a long time. I'll probably take a break for a while before putting up the next section. Sorry for being so long winded guys, I'm condensing days worth of play into text and skimming over everything I feel I can. Well, till next time.

2014-10-23, 04:08 PM
I'm eager to hear more of this adventure. Thank you for posting it!

2014-10-29, 07:22 AM
This was long, goddamn long. Even with me skimming the details as best as I could it still took me forever. I guess I forget exactly how much goes on in our games. Also I'd like to apologize for messing up the story when I skim. There were things I mentioned in here that had been touched upon earlier but wasn't relevant to the plot then. Like people or places they saw, for instance, by this point in the game it was clearly established who "The commune." were, and how their society interacted. If every section is this long I don't know if I'll have the time to write more soon. Also, thanks *salute* my blathering is not in vain.

We left off with our heroes finally getting some well deserved rest. Earlier in the campaign I had established a character named Nine. He occasionally met up with Fae while she was in camp and talked with her. Essentially he is an alpha squad leader (The highest rank you can get in this company) who wears no armor, arrogantly insists that he's the world's greatest swordsman, and talks down to Fae with affection like a little sister. He met up with her and congratulated her on her promotion, but pointed out she had a lot to learn before she'd come close to him. Then he let her know Captain Algrim wanted her to assemble her team and prepare for a job. This was unusual for the group. The previous three jobs all came down the same way, Captain Algrim would call the leader of the group and ask if they wanted the mission, if not he would grant it to someone else. The fact that she was being called this way meant that the job was mandatory. When she questioned him, Nine only said whatever it was was classified, he wasn't filled in.

The three of them came into Captain Algrim's office and he informed them their unit was specifically requested for a job and he'd agreed to sign them to it. This mission was to never be revealed to anyone, and if caught the company would deny any involvement. After they agreed that they understood Captain Algrim called their employer in to talk to them. In walked, not Lord Tiberius as they expected, but The Prophet.

Instantly Timur and Puck were on their feet, weapons drawn and leveled at the finely dressed kobold. Captain Algrim started shouting at them for threatening their customers and Fae started yelling at them to put their weapons down before they got themselves fired. The two insisted that this was The Prophet. He was the bad guy. Algrim could only apologize profusely to The Prophet for their behavior and started reaching for his own weapon until the two begrudgingly lowered theirs.

The Prophet explained that he wasn't mad about what they did, they were only doing their jobs. In fact, that's why he needed them. The koblold people were a strong and passionate people, but they couldn't possibly match the deceitfulness and ruthlessness that Timur did with his team.

Timur angrily insisted that he was a noble hero, and that The Prophet was a monster who had attacked a village.

The Prophet responded by saying he wasn't a monster, he was a military commander. He claimed that the kobold people were an oppressed minority who were the indigenous population of the kobold mountains. The Commune moved into their territory and used their superior numbers and technology to drive them away from fertile land and safe hunting grounds so that they could have it for themselves. Then when approached dealt with them through religious persecution, saying if they wanted to share in any of their stolen bounty, the kobold had to convert to accepted commune religions.

Timur, angrier now, said he was a monster who was going to have a child sacrificed.

At this, the prophet got angry. Let me paraphrase "How dare you say that to me? We captured many prisoners of war, but it is a war, and we hold the right to execute captives. But you? My people know of you, they call you Timur the Butcher for what you did that day. Do you have any idea how old the kobold at that ceremony were? Did you even care? Did it matter to you when they tried to run past you, screaming for someone to stop the slaughter? When you stabbed them in the back did you feel even a bit of remorse? Or did it make you feel big to slaughter kobold half your size, with no combat training and no proper equipment? Did you even identify yourself and what you wanted? Did you even give them a chance to surrender? Or did you just see something that wasn't like you and decide that it needed to die?"

The game ****ing stopped. The looks of pain and shock and horror on everyone's faces were exquisite. Timur's player got mad, really mad, he swore at me and told me I was an *******, it was wonderful.

Timur finally stammered that the kobold were doing evil magic rituals. The Prophet pointed out that the man didn't have a problem using "evil" magic to put one of his people to sleep. Then drag him around for hours, torturing him before finally using the weak helpless creature as a hostage. The Prophet actually picked Timur up by the throat and started to force choke him until Fae and Captain Algrim insisted that was enough. With an apology, The Prophet set Timur down and they continued, with Timur sitting in the corner.

What The Prophet wanted was very simple. In this war his people were at a great disadvantage, and with all the kobold flocking to his cause he found himself short on real supplies. He had selected a caravan traveling from the Golden City that carried manufactured goods, excellently well made tools for farming and building. With those supplies they could build their own farms and walls and the like, really jump start their rebellion. The job was simple, they would go to the Golden City, then dress up with commune priest uniforms and request travel back home with the caravan. When they reached a small waypoint called Tirin Pass they would go to the roof of the tavern and fire a crossbow assisted grappling hook over the walls.

The Prophet called out and four Kobold came, with them they carried three bloodstained priest uniforms, and a bloodstained chest. The chest they had secured from the treasury of the town they had assisted in their previous mission, to show they could make good on payment. At this Timur snapped at them, saying angrily that these creatures were no better than common bandits who killed people for their money. With this The Prophet could only ask what he thought a mercenary did, if not kill people for money. Fae took Captain Algrim aside and told him they would like to turn this mission down, and he told her that she was a mercenary and if they couldn't handle mercenary work they were free to seek other employment.

After that The Prophet left, and the three of them cleaned up the uniforms. Soon they set out, traveling the three long weeks to get to the enormous monster of the city Fae had come from. Earlier on they had found and held onto a magical piece of equipment they had withheld from the commune. It wouldn't help the town recover at all, and it was worth a fair amount so they decided this would be the perfect place to unload this for gold.

They actually ended up meeting with a childhood friend of Fae's named Bela'kor. Since she had last spoken to him he had earned himself quite the nice life. He was staying in a nice home and had good things and welcomed her and her friends in pleasantly. Despite his Orcish heritage he dressed himself in the Golden City's fashions and acted much like the other humans here. He explained that he got a job as a middleman. A person who makes deals on behalf of employers who want to remain anonymous. After some haggling he took the magic belt and paid them nearly two thousand gold.

The group said their goodbyes and found themselves an inn. Fae and Puck traveled out in the evening dressed in their priestly garments to find the leader of the caravan to negotiate passage, while Timur would stay here and guard their things. Timur sat in his room until he heard an argument in the hallway that ended with a woman being beaten. Afraid that someone would try to take his money, Timur put all the gold on a pile on the bed and sat on it, refusing to move. He sat there for a full fifteen minutes, listening to this woman get beaten until the man hitting her finally left and she went sobbing back to her room.

As an aside, up to this point I would start my sessions with "When last we left our heroes," This was the session I stopped doing that, I never called Timur a hero again.

The next day they hooked up with the caravan and started their journey. They traveled with the merchant's caravan for weeks until they were in the kobold mountains. Tirin Pass was a very small waypoint in the mountians that the caravan stopped at.

Up to this point almost all of their interactions with the commune had been with the "lunar church". Each member of the commune belonged to one of two churches, the church of Luna, and the church of Solaris. The church of Luna was dedicated to the moon goddess who watched over creation at night, those members served as police, military, or any other job that required martial force. The other church was that of Solaris, the god of the sun who created the universe and breathed life into all things, members of this church did everything else from farmers to doctors.

They stayed at a tavern designed so caravans could rest and resupply here run by the solar church. Come nighttime they went to the roof, only to find it guarded by people who stood on watch,making sure nothing from the forest could climb their fences. Puck acted like he was sick and confused, getting one of the solar priests to escort him to his room and get him an herbal remedy for his stomach. This would serve to distract the guards while Fae and Timur came up the walls and took them by surprise. Unfortunately, Timur had no training at stealth at all, and was wearing metal...and rolled a 2. So when they reached the top of the tavern all the guards had walked to one side and were staring at Timur with an "are you serious" look on their faces.

Fortunately, that made it so none of them saw Fae when she came up. In preparation for this Fae had doused two of her daggers in knockout poison, and with two small cuts two guards dropped. Timur came up and fought alongside her, Timur knocked out another guard, but when the priest came back she hit him with a sleep spell. Fae stabbed the woman in the knee, vastly limiting her ability to walk, but then the woman hit her with a sleep spell and put her under too. The woman started to call for help, but Puck showed up. After a brief exchange and a flurry of blows Puck stabbed her in the throat and left her to bleed out. Then he went through everyone's pockets and found himself a medallion with a strange symbol and a note in a language he couldn't read. He stole the medallion and roused his sleeping compatriots.

They set up their crossbow and fired it into the woods, securing the line. Soon a squad of kobold in black leather with orange "X's" on their foreheads zip-lined over. Once there the kobold all drank a few potions and went downstairs, after five minutes they called for the group. The kobold slaughtered the tavern. The merchants, the staff, any other guests, all dead in a co-ordinated attack. The kobold secured the caravan's chests into one carriage and hid in the back, calling for the mercenaries to drive them out of here so they wouldn't have to kill anyone else on the way out. When they got to the gate and were questioned Puck said they needed to leave at night because they needed to make a profit sooner than they thought. Since the commune don't operate with money the guards grew suspicious and asked to see the back. When he opened the back the kobold shot the guards down with crossbows. One of the guards was a woman who started crawling away. Puck walked over to the woman and knifed her in the back, then went through her pockets looking for loose change. This was the last time he was referred to at a hero.

With that they escaped the town. The kobold paid them their due and sent them on their way.

When they arrived back at the camp Timur was visibly distraught at what they'd done, and at how greed had turned his friend into a remorseless killer. They found that things had changed here. Now kobold were abundant throughout the camp, training equipment for their size had been procured as well as small lodging. When Fae asked around about this she found out six weeks ago after they left the kobold had started coming in and requesting jobs. Soon the merchant caravans had begun insisting on kobold escorts since the kobold dissidents never attacked caravans with kobold escorts. Faced with losing the contracts to another company Algrim had allowed kobolds in and began training them. In fact, Fae's team was assigned to start training new kobold recruits on how to best fight. Timur refused, bought himself a bottle of vodka, drank himself stupid, then threw up and passed out.

The other two spent some time training them. Strangely enough Fae recognized that she needed to retrain the kobold with human knife techniques, for some reason they kept trying to run orcish knife techniques like the ones she learned from Bela'kor. Later in the evening she saw kobold outside the camp running combat drills. When she came out and asked about it the little kobold explained that this was a game The Prophet had taught them, and he wanted them to play it on a regular basis.

Fae began trying to grill the kobold on information about The Prophet and where he learned to teach them orcish combat drills, but the kobold didn't know what she was talking about. When asked about his name, he told her it was "kobold." In fact, ALL kobold were called "kobold" they believed that every single kobold was made exactly the same and there were no differences between any of them. In irritation Fae told him his name was John now, this sent the kobold into a metaphysical crisis. Now he wasn't a kobold? What the hell was he! What would he do if the others found out he was different? Would they be mad at him for pretending he was a kobold all this time? Would he be ostracized for his race? In fact, what did "John's" do? He didn't know how he was supposed to be acting or what religion he was supposed to follow! After struggling with trying to talk with him for about five minutes Fae gave up and left.

The next morning Captain Algrim assigned Fae's team to do a quick sweep and look into reports about a nearby old battlefield as they'd had reports about strange occurrences there. She got Puck, and tried to get Timur, but he was in too much of a drunken stupor to go. Instead she got a squad of kobold to go with her. They traveled to the battlefield and started checking things out, things were going alright until dead soldiers started pulling themselves out of the ground and coming after them. Puck decided to start commanding the kobold, using them as disposable pawns to cover him while he laid down a hail of arrows.

The arrows and throwing knives had little effect on the zombies however, and it wasn't long before the kobold started resenting the ******* human who was ordering them to their deaths. The koblod closed ranks and formed heir own defensive squad, starting to take down zombies and protect eachotehr while they left Puck open.

One of the zombies rushed him, getting shot for the sixth time. Unfortunately this was the first time that "shoot it until it falls over" didn't work as a battle strategy. They were already dead, and poking holes in them didn't do much to fix that. One zombie caught him by the throat and choleslammed him into the ground. His windpipe shattered and he couldn't even scream as the undead closed on him, devouring him alive. In a panic Fae ordered a full retreat, getting the kobold to work with her as they pulled away from the battlefield and back to camp.

Timur woke up to a punch in the face. Stumbling about as he stood up Fae started screaming at him. It was his fault she said, Puck was dead and it was all his fault. Those things wouldn't have stood a chance against him, with no one to stop them the zombies got right up on top of their archer and killed him. He couldn't handle a simple job without going into a depression spiral and drinking himself under the table. He was a goddamn mercenary, this was what they did, how dare he leave them to fend for themselves, leaving their team without any muscle because he couldn't stomach their goddamn job. The job he AGREED to do. With another solid punch to the nose she stormed out.

Timur felt terrible about the ruinous path he had set himself on and felt there was no solace anyone could give him, so without telling anyone he packed his things up and left. Fae spent all afternoon looking for him, but in the end he just disappeared off the map. Timur arrived at Lord Tiberius's camp and asked to be seen to the Leopard man. When admitted Timur gave him back the mask of redemption, then confessed to his crimes. To assisting the kobolds to get into Tirin pass and standing idly by as they were all slaughtered. Lord Tiberius crushed the mask in his fist, which exploded with mystical energy, then he picked Timur up by the throat, demanding an explanation. Timur could only say he didn't know what else to do but follow orders, angrily Lord Tiberius demanded Timur admit ti made him happy, or that he'd do it again, but Timur only insisted it made him feel terrible and now he threw himself at the mercy of god, ready to accept whatever punishment she felt was worthy.

Tiberius was beyond furious, and wanted nothing more than to kill the man, but the part of Luna within him wouldn't allow it. In the commune religion the seven deadly sins are not to be acted upon, lest they bring ruin to the world. As such Tiberius couldn't kill the man simply out of rage. Also the man was apparently not a threat to anyone, and if he was truly repentant for his actions he was to be reformed, not punished. Timur was stripped of money and equipment and told to wait until he was ready to be dealt with.

A week passed, and finally Fae was told Lord Tiberius had a job for her. Puck was officially declared deceased and Timur missing, so Fae was given a new team. A spearman named Zephyr, and Volour. When the three of them made their way into the camp Fae was called to Lord Tiberius's tent. When she got there Timur was waiting with Tiberius. Tiberius informed her that Timur came her and confessed everything and that the guilty who refused to come forward would be punished. Fae started slowly reaching for her knives as he demanded to know where Puck was, she told him Puck was killed by zombies. Secretly she had a knife halfway out of it's sheath when he asked where Daedric was. She slid the knife back and asked him to repeat himself. Angrily he demanded Timur's team be brought to justice, Timur confessed, and the team Timur led, Puck and Daedric would answer for their atrocities.

Fae informed him that Daedrick had run off or something, she hadn't seen him, but also that it's hardly justice to punish anyone based on Timur's word they did something he disagreed with. He told her if her organization was hiding Daedric they would have hell to pay trying to operate in his territory. With her insistence that she knew nothing of Daedric's whereabouts he moved on.

Lord Tiberius's companion, a dire snow leopard he rides on named Vira, just recently gave birth to a litter of cubs. One of the cubs was a runt and has taken ill. While Lord Tiberius has phenomenal power and can heal grievous injuries he can't help the cub's developmental issues. Luckily, in a small town a ways off there is a gifted herbalist named Kaylee who says she can prepare a mixture that will strengthen the cub and help it fight off disease at the same time. What they need to do is take the cub there, get it fixed, and bring it back.

So they prepare to set out. At this point Fae had multiple interactions with Delphie and the two had entered into a serious relationship. This time however, Delphie wasn't at the camp, she had apparently gone to Palmcroft for a few weeks to teach people about the cure that they had found. Palmcroft was days away from here and was a large center they had been to a few times in passing. Essentially it was a tower in the center that served as home, clinic, laboratory, library etc... surrounded by miles of farmland. The entire place was surrounded by enormous magically enhanced walls and a Solar Lord named Lord Kayayos stayed at the top. It had only been significant previously to merchants, as getting food from Palmcroft and shipping it to the Golden City was an easy way to make a lot of money.

Lord Tiberius sets the cub up with a carriage and gives a small escort. First a solar priest named Casus that is coming to see to the cub's health on their journey. Next a lunar priest names kale that is tasked with defending the cub. Also Timur is set to go along with the group. During the week they were away Tiberius had crafted up a collar for Timur to wear, the collar was connected to a bracer that Kale now wears. Should Timur tamper with the collar or if Kale feels Timur is a threat to anybody he can simply channel Luna'a holy might into the bracelet and Timur would be instantly obliterated.

When they get a moment along Timur apologizes to Fae for leaving, but what they did was wrong, and this was something he had to do. Fae told him he could go **** himself, and that even the rumor that he broke a non-disclosure agreement meant he would never be allowed in any mercenary company, and probably not any business in the Golden City. Not to mention how he betrayed the people who raised him after he left the commune for alleged persecution.

After a few days travel they were sitting at a temporary campsite when beasts came tearing out of the woods and attacked them. Volour got on top of the carriage and started shooting, Casus stayed in the carriage to protect the cub, and the rest engaged in battle. These beasts had a sonic breath weapon that shattered random materials when used. After a few rounds all the potions they had were shattered, Timur's armor and weapons had all been destroyed, Zephyr's spear haft shattered. It was a brutal slugfest but finally they gained the upper hand. Volour started panicking and screaming that it was time to leave, but the group didn't want to leave stuff behind and were mad at the beasts so they kept fighting. The treeline was ripped aside as a T-rex sized one of these beasts pushed through and blasted the party with it's sonic breath. It was time to go.

The group ended up jumping into the wagon and tearing out of there, luckily the beast stopped to eat the freshly slain corpses on the battlefield instead of chasing them. Over the next two days their whole body started hurting and feeling stiff. Still, sore as they were they made it to the town and handed the cub off to Kaylee who took a day to figure out the exact dosage that would be best for the cub. In the meantime their bodies felt worse and worse, there was even a point when talking with Volour (who had somehow become one of the party's favorite people) that she offered to buy him a pack of cigarettes if he could figure it out. After a while Fae went to Kaylee and asked her opinion. Kaylee surmised that unlike the small beasts that broke glass and wood and metal the big creature broke bones and that the group had growing hairline fractures that would eventually kill them if they kept pushing their bodies with activities like marching and fighting. They needed time for their bones to recover. Well, that or they could use a remedy Kaylee had for hairline fractures, the only problem being that it temporarily paralyzed muscles connected to the bones during the rapid regeneration. They agreed to take the medicine.

Later that night the paralysis had set in and the group were laying in the dark when a figure slipped into the house and snuck up to Fae. Fae lay there helplessly as Volour loomed over her and told her he had figured out what the problem was, it was never specified in their deal that he had to find it before she did...so he'd just go ahead and take that coin pouch from her until they could sort out exactly where to buy a proper pack of cigarettes. Fae furiously fought to say something, but could only manage "****....you..." But Volour insisted if she need satisfy her carnal appetites with him she should probably wait until she could do some of the work for him, a commander needs to properly lead and all that.

The group awoke to the sounds of explosions and screaming coming from outside, but were still too numb to do much more than speak to eachother softly. Soon the door burst open and Kaylee ran in, explaining that kobold were attacking and explosions were going off everywhere, their defenses were helpless. She needed to try and gather rare and important herbs from her garden and there wasn't much she could do for them. She fed each of them a potion she hoped would help, then rushed off. After a moment the door crashed open and kobold ran in, and found themselves looking at three paralyzed kobold and a sickly snow leopard, a sacred animal of the lunar church. The kobold captured the leopard and "rescued" the polymorphed party members.

The group was pulled back to a hideout in a mountain cave where kobold physicians cared for the party until the drug wore off and they were able to stumble to their feet. The kobold lived here as refugees, cursing the commune for driving them out of their ancestral homelands and talking about random things. All the stuff from the town had been dragged in and put in a massive pile on a raised platform including the leopard.

As they were working on a plan Fae noticed one of the kobold secretly digging through the pile. After some time he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, smiled, and tucked them away. Fae angrily hissed at him "Volour!" Volour came over, asking Timur why he was a kobold now, but the group mostly came down to the consensus that he needed to get the cat out of here and finish the mission...somehow.

Soon the crowd hushed and The Prophet came in, congratulating the kobold on a job well done. He also called for certain kobold to come on stage, including the kobold who had been held captive in that town, our party. The three of them came up with a group and The Prophet told the group that they were wonderful and kobold like them were what would help prove that kobold were capable of great things. As a gift they were to be part of a special war party that would get to eat the leopard right before their assault on Palmcroft. The party wondered what that was about, an assault on Palmcroft was insane. The residents of Palmcroft were numerous, had better equipment, unbreachable walls, and a freaking demigod.

The Prophet then called on someone to give his blessing to these brave souls, out walked an orange six foot tall beast with wings and horns, they called it the demon of gluttony. Fae and her group started to panic as they realized what had come out of that cauldron the other day wasn't a deformed random monster, but a full on demon summoned to life, just like the demon the gnoll had summoned that threatened to wipe humans off the map. The demon walked down the line, giving his blessing to each kobold who swelled with pride as Gluttony drew an orange X on each of their heads. When it got to the three of them Kale refused the blessings of the demon, by his church's doctrine he'd rather die. Fae fell on the ground screaming when the demon lifted it's hand. The Prophet declared that perhaps whatever the commune had done had left these kobold less than kobold and it would be kinder to put them down. Timur stepped up, insisting that wasn't necessary, they were simply overwhelmed at the moment, but they would recover as he had and accepted the demon's blessing.

As a demonstration of the prophet's power he called on some kobold to come forward, the dragged out a crate. The group recognized from the symbold on the crate that it was one of the ones they had helped steak at Tirin Pass. From the crate The Prophet removed a rocket launcher and handed it off to a kobold, telling him to show the other kobold what he power of his faith could do. The kobold turned to a wall where the kobold had set up a cluster of straw targets and used for practice and fired. Every target was annihilated and the kobold went wild, screaming of how they would destroy Palmcroft and that with the power of their faith nothing would stop them from retaking the promised land.

At this point the game stopped for twenty minutes as everyone asked me when the hell rocket launchers became part of the campaign setting. Yes, rocket launchers are part of this campaign setting, I want them to be, so they are. I never said this was a straight sword and sorcery campaign, the Golden City has lots of stuff, rocket launchers are one of them.

A a massive feast began Fae and Kale escaped out of the caves and into the woods, immediately setting out for Palmcroft, hoping they could find some way to warn them before the assault began and in Fae's case, keep Delphie from harm. The two of them took off running.

After the feast Timur was drafted together with a war party made entirely of blessed kobold. They took the snow leopard with them to be eaten and traveled to Palmcroft. On the way, with a flash of light The Prophet appeared and said that it was time to eat the sacred animal! He just needed to perform a special ritual of awesome on it first, and it was a secret ritual. So he just needed the kobold in the collar, and the two kobold next to him. Timur and the two kobold went to another clearing when finally The Prophet sat back in a relaxing position and said something like

"Bit of a close scrape there eh? Still, you all owe me as the awesomeness that is awesome, in addition to the cigarettes you owe me. Okay ladies and gents, what say Kale ready the stupid cat for transport, Timur give it it's medicine, and Fae rub my feet while I have myself a smoke for pulling all your asses out of the fire. And be quick about it, eventually those stupid kobold will rub their collective two brain cells together and figure out we duped them."

The kobold looked at eachother and Timur yelled at him to watch out as the two there jumped him. Volour fought them as best he could. Timur on the other hand had problems. He tried to help, but every time he moved to attack a kobold his head would pulse painfully and he would start hemorrhaging blood through his nose and eyes. Soon the two kobold were about to overpower them, Volour shapeshifted into Kale and opened the cage, pleading with the snow leopard for help. The snow leopard jumped out, and even sick, with it's help they slew the two kobold. Volour told Timur that natural shapeshifters were very rare and if anyone found out he might be hunted down. He had just saved Timur's life, so he asked that Timur keep his secret, and Timur agreed.

With that Volour said they should head back to Lord Tiberius's camp to finish the mission, but Timur refused to tell him how to administer the medicine for the journey, telling him they would go to Palmcroft to help instead. After being strongarmed into it Volour finally relented and they headed to Palmcroft.

Fae and Kale got there first, initially taken hostage, but Kale's aura as a lunar priest lent credibility to their story and they got someone to change them back. They insisted on talking to Lord Kayayos, but found that she had yesterday, in secret, traveled to the Golden City to give an official statement to the leadership there about the Tirin Pass incident. They did agree to prepare in case something did attack though. Fae soon found Delphie, and even though Delphie was rushing to get her armor on and get to the front lines to defend in case of an attack, Fae eventually convinced Delphie she needed her after everythign she'd been through.

Before long Volour and Timur came in, verifying the others's stories and getting the cat to a medical bed where it could be cared for by someone who knew what they were doing.

Fae had Delphie naked in bed, enjoying eachother for the first time when the first bomb hit. Leaving Delphie to throw Fae off and trying to get her armor on despite Fae's protests that Delphie should stay out of it. The walls sustained no damage, but it wasn't the walls they went for. The demon flew over the wall with a large crate and a rocket launcher, firing into the supports on the wall. Soon the kobold outside unleashed a barrage, blowing away the dirt by the wall and pushing it over to a slight degree that let them run up it. A cluster of kobold took positions at the slanted wall, using rockets to decimate enemy forces as kobold lay down lines to rappel down.

The fields of wheat became fields of blood as kobold and man met in a could of explosions, bullets and arrows. Timur went inside, looking for whomever was in charge since Lord Kayayos was missing. He found priests preparing to defend the throne room and threw in with them after they told him their job was of the utmost importance, but couldn't tell him why.

It was kind of funny how it played out with Kale due to a week gap between sessions letting him thing about it. While the bombs were falling and people were running around trying to defend their homes Kale started stopping random people. He gathered together about twenty people who were confused and panicked, trying to defend their homes, and proceeded to march in front of them, giving a speech about how they would nobly and bravely fight, punctuated by scores of people who were ACTUALLY defending the place getting blown apart behind him. He was insulted when the people finally had enough of his pompous bull**** and ran off. He started running towards the battle, then, after running a half mile, spun on his heel and declared "The most important thing I should do is make sure Timur is being good!" And running back to the tower.

He did this because out of game the action inside the tower got intense. Gluttony landed in the tower with a metal trunk, a rocket launcher, and a bandolier across his chest. When Gluttony landed he paused, then pointed at Timur, declaring "BUTCHER!" Then tossed his things aside and attacked. The fight was swift and brutal, Timur landed several hits, but the demon's steel hard skin absorbed almost all of the damage. He advanced on Timur, his thin whiplike tail zipping around and striking Timur more times than he could prepare for.

Elsewhere Fae was following the armoured Delphie, trying to talk her out of fighting. She said the fight wasn't worth it. The kobold had inside information about Lord Kayayos being gone, they had stolen heavily armed hardware, and they had a demon coming to their aid. Palmcroft couldn't win this.

Delphie: They have a demon with them? Which one?

Fae: Gluttony, why?

Delphie: Palmcroft is nothing but miles of farmland, and you want us to surrender it to GLUTTONY?

The whole table looked at eachother as a look of recognition crossed their faces, finally figuring out the full extent of The Prophet's plans

Fae: Oh....****.

As they came out of the tower Fae stopped them, pointing out a man plummeting from the top of the tower, covered in blood. Delphie used her magic to catch the man and set him down slowly. When asked, he pointed up and said "The throne....Gluttony attacks the throne..." before passing out. In a panic Delphie ran back inside. Inside they had a pad called a lift that was used for bringing large crates of supplies up to higher levels, but you needed to be a priestess of solaris to activate it. Delphie started with them heading up when Kale burst in, saw them floating upwards at about forty feet and yelled that wherever they were going he wanted to help. Fae let down a rope and helped him up onto the lift.

The demon had killed or incapacitated all of the priests, then beat on Timur. When Timur was about to fall he grabbed Timur, reviving him saying "No...no you don't get to go that easily. He grabbed Timur's sword arm and snapped it at the elbow, then dragged him onto the balcony. He cuffed Timur's good hand to the railing and leaned down, pressing his bloodied face harshly against the bars. "It's your turn Butcher. This time you watch as we kill your people, and when I'm good and ready, then you die."

Gluttony picked up the trunk and set it on the throne, then set a crystal in it. "Wait twenty minutes, then explode. If anyone tries to remove or tamper with you, explode anyway." With that he left.

Kale, Fae, and Delphie ran into the room too late and found the bloody scene. Fae rushed over to Timur and picked the lock on his cuff while Delphie checked the trunk, gasping in horror. Inside were fifty rockets all jury rigged together and at their center was a glowing sphere. It greeted them cheerfully and announced that it was excited to fill it's life purpose soon and detonate itself. They attempted to persuade it, but it insisted that the only thing it wanted out of life was to fulfill it's purpose and detonate right here. The two girls decided they couldn't have it go off here and they would push it off the side of the tower. Timur sat there and said nothing because his player is a dense sponge who doesn't participate much in roleplay.

Fae grabbed Gluttony's discarded rocket launcher saying they needed to kill gluttony and take that crystal, fast. Delphie reasoned that since the blast radius would be limited, there was probably a reason he gave it a twenty minute delay. They surmised the demon was probably in the storage levels on the first floor, chowing down on food to gain strength. Fae told Delphie to turn on the lift and get them to the ground floor. Delphie told her that it OBVIOUSLY didn't go down, it was called a LIFT, it lifted things, stupid Fae. Everyone called me an *******.

Delphie said she could get them to ground floor, but she only had two feather fall spells left. SO it was decided that Kale and Fae would confront the thing . The two got the the ground level and over to the storage, where the doors had been torn open. Inside they could hear the sound of the demon chewing echoing through out the place. Kale went in, the most important duty of the lunar church is to combat demons. In fact, many priests dedicate their lives to preparing for when the demons would return.

Kale challenged the demon to a fair fight while Fae hid amongst the crate shelves. It wasn't long before the demon came to Kale, laughing at him for relying in his god to save him in single combat. The two clashed in a brawl, and after a few seconds of fighting Fae caught the demon square between the shoulder blades with a rocket, damaging it.

Now annoyed, Gluttony wrapped Kale up in his tail, threatening to kill him and whomever fired that. Fae noticed that he rocket had damaged the supports of the shelves around him. Quickly she got to the shelf and pushed. A full ton of fresh produce came rapidly crashing down on Gluttony and Kale, catching Gluttony off guard as he thought no one would risk killing his hostage, let alone so brazenly not give a ****. In a panic, Gluttony let go of kale and tried to fly away. With steel in his eyes Kale grabbed Gluttony by the tail and pulled, keeping him still long enough to be crushed under a crate of falling tomatoes. Because I had to earn my irony merit badge. Kale actually made it out of the way of some of the other crates, only taking a minor injury. Fae grabbed the bandolier and took off. She ran into the room in the nick of time and jammed the crystal in, demanding that it stop the countdown.

With Gluttony slain, the kobold who had been winning the battle each lost their blessings. Seeing it as a sign from their god they hurried into a frantic retreat, being swiftly routed by the humans and saving Palmcroft.

The next day everyone ate and were treated like heroes for their role in bringing the demon down, although the priests insisted it wasn't over. Gluttony was stopped for now, but it would take more than that to keep a demon down.

Fae started having breakfast with Delphie, but before long the two got into a screaming match. Delphie yelled that Fae stopped her from doing her duty by being a temptress and getting her to give into lust, one of the other sins. Fae screamed at her too about how stupid their society is with no one using money and pretending everyone is equal while the priests get special treatment. Then Delphie screamed that she needed to accept that the Golden City's empire was never coming back, they would never have another king, and their society would wither and die under their own sin. Fae bitch-slapped her and stormed off, ending their relationship.

Fae eventually tried to get her crew together and leave, but apparently with everything going on Volour had convinced a nurse to show him how to administer the medicine and slipped out, heading back to finish the job on his own.

By the time they got to their respective camps word had spread. Kale was treated well and fully ordained into the priesthood, Timur was snarled at less. At Lord Tiberius's camp he talked to her, letting her know he appreciated everything she did. he knew it would be hard for her to adjust, but in case she did, he gave her an open invitation to join the commune, calling her "Fae the Demonslayer" for the first time.

Fae however was called in by Captain Algrim. He chewed her out for what she did. They were a company of mercenaries, their business was escalating conflict. Had Palmcroft fallen to the kobold they would be getting jobs from both sides, but if Fae was shelling her skills for free no one would pay them. Through grit teeth she apologized and returned to her tent.

2014-11-16, 08:58 PM
*Wave* Okay, so this section is done. Things have been pretty hectic with Black Friday coming up, and I'm trying out the system Dungeon World. So far I don't like it, but I'll try it out for a while. Anyway...

Right, so. We last left the players when they saved Palmcroft from the Gluttony-kobold combined offensive. Timur and Kale returned to Lord Tiberius, who informed them Lord Kayayos was not there because she had gone to the Golden City to respond to allegations that the commune had attacked the merchant wagons at Tirin Pass. Still, with news that the kobold had summoned a demon, Lord Tiberius announced this meant open war. The kobold's numbers were far fewer than the commune and they would stamp them out long before their demon could become a legitimate threat. He agreed to call forth a legion of knights from the Lunar City, their capital. When the knights breached a certain distance to the Golden City they would be in violation of Non-agression pact that had held the peace between the Golden City and the Commune for the last 50 years. Since Lord Kayayos was busy rebuilding Palmcroft and required for it's defence, Lord Tiberius himself would go to the Golden City and make them understand this leigion of knights was in response to the kobold menace and not an act of war against the Golden City.

Meanwhile Fae was introduced to her new team member who everyone kept forgetting the name of because no one cared. They were also assigned a task. Nine, one of the members of an alpha squad that often taunted Fae and constantly proclaimed himself the world's greatest swordsman was hiring them as bodyguards. He intended to go to the Golden City for a few weeks and used his considerable resources to hire a team to wake him if anything attacked while he slept.

It wasn't long before Fae and her crew showed up at Lord Tiberius's camp in Nine's custom carriage. They would wait there until they could use Lord Tiberius's convoy as shelter against attacks all the way to the city.

Lord Tiberius was met by two envoys, an elvish envoy who immediately agreed to support the Commune against the demon threat, and an envoy of a species called the Rhonx who stated he wished to see all human leaders before joining this conflict, not just the commune ones. The Rhonx were a species of rhinoceros people who towered over the smaller races, but spoke very slowly and didn't like to speak of battle. Fae started needling all the details of the envoys out of Timur and Kale because they were terrible roleplayers and Fae saw this entire thing as a calculated diplomatic move safeguarding the Commune against political backlash while they moved in knights to prepare for a military strike against the Golden City.

Actually, for a bit there was this other character that joined, but he wasn't around long enough to impact the story, and the bit they did made the story worse. Still, he was a ranger, and he started asking who he should make his favored enemy. When Kale's player said that the two sides in the conflict were kobold and humans, so he should pick one of those depending on the side he wanted, Fae's player openly laughed in their faces at the idea that I'd run a full campaign where the players fought kobolds for the whole game.

During the ride they would stop to make camp for the night, and each night Nine would train vigorously, so eventually Fae approached him and offered to have a bit of a spar, and maybe he could give her a few pointers. The fight lasted exactly one round, Fae took a careful jab, then Nine stepped in, smacked each of her arms out of the way with his wooden sword, and brought it down squarely on her head, knocking her unconscious for 17 hours. Fae finally awoke with Volour crouched over her on a moving carriage smoking a cigarette and checking her vision. Nine apologized profusely, he was used to training with much better opponents and got out of hand. Despite that, Fae did start joining him for his nightly training sessions, just not as a sparring partner.

During the ride she actually got to talk with Lord Tiberius a few times. Despite her suspicion and dislike of the commune she felt he was a pretty decent guy, doing what he legitimately thought was the right thing. This started giving her the impression that the solar church was the real bad guys here, using the lunar church as a tool to get what they wanted.

Things went pretty smoothly until they arrived at a small rest stop outside the Golden City, while they all ate four dark cloaked figured came into the room. Kale got up from his table and walked over, offering them a hand in friendship. The lead one punched him in the chest so hard it dented in his armor and sent him flying into a table which broke under the force. They looked around, then pointed the direction of the group rising to their feet. From outside they could hear a whir, then suddenly the sound of Gatling gun fire opened up and the room was lit up with bullets smashing glasses and bottles, tables and people. Instantly the Rhonx envoy took three bullets square in the chest and dropped over. Lord Tiberius pushed his son onto the Rhonx and stood over them, taking bullets in the back as he shielded them with his massive form. As the group moved to the doorway the cloaked figures, ignorant to the bullets rushed in, killing people at random and starting fires, even intercepting the players. These things were strong, by far the toughest opponents to date with the exception of Gluttony. Despite the bullets they managed to take two of the four down, but Kale caught a few stray bullets and dropped, alive but in critical condition. Timur came to Lord Tiberius, insisting that he rise and face the enemies, but Tiberius refused to put his son in danger. Timur offered to shield the Lord's son with his own body, even if it cost him his life, so long as Lord Tiberius stopped the massacre.

With that Timur started taking heavy damage as Lord Timerius materialized a huge sword and used it to annihilate the mechanical drones, scoring hits even on a two. But not on a 1, the critical failure almost killing the downed Kale. That done, the group waited while Lord Tiberius stopped the gunman before rushing them out of the now burning building. Using his power Lord Tiberius saved the Rhonx diplomat's life, giving the assassin an opportunity to escape. Both Timur and Kale insisted that they cancel the trip to the Golden City and abandon the notion of peace. Lord Tiberius however, insisted that he wouldn't allow the actions of a single man end the fifty years of peace the Commune and the Golden City had enjoyed. He would, however, like them to look into the attack. The Rhonx are very well liked in the international community, an attack on one of their diplomats would sway public opinion against their attackers.

After they escaped Nine insisted the assassins must have been after him, after all, they were too cowardly to fight him face to face. Fae's group was doubtful, so he outright ordered her to find the assassin and take him out before he got another shot.

Soon they made it to the city and began their separate investigations. Timur and Kale investigated by walking into a bar in the middle of the district of the weapons manufacturer and going "MAN I SURE DO HATE THOSE DIRTY COMMUNE, BEING ALL COMMUNE AND STUFF, ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET A HEAVY MACHINEGUN AT THIS HOUR?"

The people in the bar told them they didn't have a problem with the commune, seeing as how the commune mostly left them alone. So long as they didn't affect the people and agreed to cede to their authority once they finally got around to electing a new king. Once one of them suggested that there might be a conflict between the Golden City and the Commune the air got considerably icy as a commando from this district grilled them over that statement before telling them to leave.

Fae went back to Bela'kor, who was happy to see her again, but wanted to know what the hell was up with all this "Fae the Demonslayer" Nonsense. After she told him she went off-mission to deal with that he scolded her. People in this world don't like heroes, heroes run around making big changes in the world and if something goes wrong they don't have a support network that can be held accountable. They even developed a group of assassins called the hero-hunters who would take down unaligned people who started trying stuff like this, stopping fledgling warlords and vigilantes alike. Bela'kor had seen too many people try to shine to brightly and get snuffed out for attracting too much attention. He told her he'd done well for himself, and that he'd saved up 4,000 gold for her. He pulled out a case with the money and told her to quit her mercenary life, 4k was enough to get her in with one of the factions here and get a decent education. She'd have a decent job here in the city and could stay with him, it's be like they always talked about as kids. She took the money, and told him she'd deal with it as soon as she finished this job, then asked if there was someone in the city who dealt in information.

Soon she found the abandoned house and picked the lock. Upstairs she found a man named Stem, the city's premiere information broker. After a bit of haggling over the price he eventually gave her the address of a place that had a heavy gun shipped to them two days before the attack, and a rushed request for a new one after the attack.

Fae decides she wants to check this place out, but she wants backup in case things go south. She doesn't know where Volour went, and doesn't even remember if the other member of her unit exists. So instead she heads over to Lord Tiberius's inn, presenting him with what she's found and saying if he's interested in the assassin this might be the place to levy some of his firepower. Kale and Timur agree to go along, but Tiberius refuses to send in a strike team until they've got some sort of proof.

So they head down there and Fae sneaks inside. She is captured basically immediately. She finds out this is the center of a large cocaine distribution operation, and the gang that runs this place is none to friendly. One of the guys in the gang comes down and states that he brought her in here for sexy times, and he is ejected from the gang when they let her go. Out of character she looks for any way to confirm her suspicions that it's Volour, including offering him her body. He quickly asserts that he is in fact, the gayest man in the universe and he needs to go do gay things. For some reason she follows him into Lady Snapdragon's district and into a gay brothel. When she approaches him at the bar it turns out it's another man, and some guy gave him the coat before heading upstairs for gay.

She comes out of the brothel and for basically no reason Timur feels this is a good time to betray Volour's trust and announce that Volour is a shapeshifter. Out in the open, where anyone who is willing to sell that information can hear. In the district of the woman renown for using prostitutes as spies...in front of a brothel. He's basically a traitor to everyone who ever puts any trust in him. By the time Fae heads back in the man she saw was gone.

The group decides that's enough for tonight, they'll come back in the next night. So they go to their respective homes and get some rest. The next morning Timur and Kale go with Lord Tiberius to meet with the Golden City's leaders, while Fae heads into town to see what this big celebration is about.

Fae wanders into town and asks what the celebrating is all about, and is told that it's the celebration they have every year for the "World's Greatest Swordsman Competition" Stunned, Fae asks if he's ever heard of Nine, and the man answers that of course he's heard of Nine. Nine has won the last six years in a row, the odds are 100:1 in his favor and the man STILL put money down on it.

Fae suddenly realizes that Nine wasn't messing with her, Nine has basically ruined the gambling pools here by being too good a swordsman, he is almost certainly the target. She sprints back to Nine's room and finds the door locked, with no one answering her. She picks the lock to the door and opens it to find a bloody knife sticking out of a body on the bed. She started to rush over when someone from behind the door jumped out of hiding and wrapped a cloth around her neck, almost choking her out. At the last minute Volour voiced his confusion and let her go, saying he set up this fake display and was waiting here to catch the assassin when they came in to check. Nine decided he didn't feel like sleeping here, he had other things to do.

The others finally got to their meeting, the first introduction to the six people in the Golden City wrestling for political control so they could become the next king since the fall of the last one in the Gnoll War.

First was Lady Snapdragon, a beautiful woman who ran the entertainment in the city, gambling and prostitution were her wheelhouse. Her bodyguards at this event were uniformly scantily clad women who all looked disturbingly similar.

Then came Duke Heron, the only one who had a legitimate claim to the throne as the head of the Heron household. He made his fortune in the city off of the best animal breeding around. The group had previously encountered one of his beetles he had grown to the size of a tank. His bodyguards were shiny platemail wearing knights.

After that was the Iron Baron, a hulking man wearing a black full body metal suit with one glowing red eye in the center. He made his fortune in smithing and weapon design. The heavy gun that tore the inn apart? The rocket launchers the kobold almost overtook Palmcroft with? Those came out of his factories. His bodyguards were lightweight troops with shotguns.

Then was Doctor Victor, a man who looked to be half gorilla wearing wide glasses. This man was all about augmentation. Making people more than human to secure the future of mankind. He made his money through drugs and personal modification, they had met a few people who had their eyes changed out for better ones from him. His bodyguards were half animal beasts.

Then came Kobrev, a woman who had outfitted her entire body with green and black mechanical parts. She made her fortune selling personal augmentation and drones who would perform menial tasks or combat models, like the ones in the inn attack. Her bodyguards had a lot of these augmentations as well.

Finally there was the Merchant Prince, six hundred pounds of a man carried in on a chair by six men. He dealt with all things trade, he owned the marketplace and all the caravans moving outside of the city to trade with the commune. Timur's player insisted that the man must have a legitimate claim to the throne, he was a "prince" after all!

With everyone there Lord Tiberius decided to star, but was stopped by the Iron Baron, who insisted the wait for his guest. After a moment The Prophet came in wearing fine Golden City clothes, to the anger of everyone there. The Prophet said hello to Timur and asked for him to GIVE HIM A KISS. Against his will Timur kissed the top of the Prophet's head. He would later insist he was forced with magic, but magic of the like would have been evident to everyone in that room, and this wasn't it.

With all this done The Prophet started the meeting. Announcing that after their offensive at Palmcroft was met with such firepower he now understood he couldn't hope to reclaim his homeland, and surrendered, asking for political asylum from the Iron Baron who agreed. Infuriated Lord Tiberius announced that the kobold must be wiped out to stop the demon.

The Golden City leaders were angry about this. The Prophet had come to them for months, airing his grievances about The Commune taking the homeland of his people. He had gone through all the paperwork and had officially declared war on them. Under the articles of war, eradicating the population of a surrendering force was strictly forbidden. For fear of public backlash against another war they would not start problems, but they unanimously agreed to grant asylum to the kobold fleeing their homeland and offer them citizenship.

Enraged, Lord Tiberius punched through a table and started yelling at them before Timur stepped up and calmly told him that wasn't going to get them anywhere. With a quiet agreement Lord Tiberius offered to pay for the table and withdrew.

That night the three of them came back to the drug den. Fae saw that many women were being admitted in through the back and decided to go. She went in and put everything to the side, took off all her clothes and was given a filter mask. Then was sent into the main room to cut and package drugs. Which apparently wasn't what she was expecting.

After many scoldings over her shoddy workmanship a man walked in and was presented with the heavy gun. He paid for it, gave his thanks and started getting ready to leave. Fae, not wanting to miss her opportunity started flipping the cocaine tables over, using the clouds of white powder as cover to move around. At one point she got cornered trying to get her things, but she bluffed them off with her rocket launcher.

So, the guys were waiting outside wondering how things were going in there when suddenly the massive doors burst open in a white cloud. Out ran several screaming naked women, then a carriage, then Fae, naked, covered from head to toe in cocaine, wearing a bandolier with a rocket launcher in one hand and a suitcase full of gold in the other screaming "Stop the carriage!" It was a fun session.

After Fae managed to clean herself off and get some clothes on she, now slightly twitchy, sat with her comrades around a table planning their next move. Fae was convinced that Nine was the target, and Timur and Kale agreed because. While planning their next move Volour announced he had to go see Nine, he hadn't known where the man was, but his next fight was scheduled in half an hour, if he didn't go now he might miss it. Everyone panicked and rushed off, getting to the stadium where the fights were being held. Once there they found the carriage, but it was empty, apparently it was a catering vehicle for a private box room to watch the fights from.

Timur and Volour were sent to the room, Kale was sent to evacuate the Rhonx diplomat, and Fae went down to the arena to stop Nine from entering. When she was there, Nine told her nothing, NOTHING, would stop him from entering that arena and claiming his win. As the match began one of the box seats opened up with heavy gun fire that Nine started dodging and deflecting as Fae began hucking smoke grenades into the arena to give them cover as she tried to get him out.

Timur and Volour eventually smashed in the door and were sprayed with gunfire. They quickly subdued the man, who insisted he had to kill Nine, if he killed Nine, millions of people would be saved. They refused, and it wasn't long before Lady Snapdragon's girls closed in and captured them all.

They went to Lady Snapdragon's place, where she released Timur. When Timur started making demands she laughed in his face for having the gall to try and make demands of her, then threw him out. The would be assassin was brought to the street where it was declared the people could decide what to do with him, then he was tossed down. Nine was apparently a hero to these people, a poor orphan who grew up and now showed up the nobility once a year with skill that all their personal trainers couldn't match. They mauled the man, tearing him to pieces for daring to attack him.

With that Nine thanked them, and agreed to show them where he would go. Nine had used his considerable wealth to found several orphanages in the city and keep them supplied with food and training materials. Some of the kids had even grown up and now stood guard. He'd been checking on each of them during the competition. He now invited them in, though trying to talk Timur out of the Commune, who would let these children die on the streets if they didn't convert to their religion. He claimed the Commune were tyrannical brainwashing cultists who used their resources to induct people into their fold to make them further the Commune's goals for free.

Fae took her suitcase of money at this point and went to the Iron Baron. Using the money to get word in that she was close to Lord Tiberius and she was willing to act as his agent. She didn't trust the Commune, and she was ready to step up from simple mercenary work.

After two weeks they were fairly good friends and Nine finally won the competition, beating out Duke Heron in second place. Nine even asked them to come on stage as bodyguards. They got up there in front of thousands of cheering fans to celebrate his seventh straight victory. During the celebration the Iron Baron came up to congratulate the man personally. And even introduced The Prophet. The Prophet announced that the kobold people wanted to put the past in the past with the one they called "Timur the Butcher" and offered him a gift, thanking him for stopping the assassin who tried to KILL NINE.

When Timur opened the gift it was a loaded handgun. His eyes and nose started to bleed, and when Nine came to him, asking with concern if he was all right Timur pulled the handgun out of the box, stuck it right in Nine's face, and pulled the trigger.

Averis Vol
2014-11-17, 04:31 AM
Only at part three, but awesome story man, and my condolences about daedricks player, that was absolutely disgusting.