View Full Version : Optimization Help me find builds for Dragon Familiars

2014-10-22, 05:43 PM
So my character is a lvl 15 undead caster (Dry Lich) who through Dragon Familiar and Stitched Flesh Familiar is now the proud "owner" of two undead Steel Dragon Wymrling familiars (Dragons of Faerun p.140).

Now i want to build those two familiars into the archetypes of the corruptive Hunger my character embodies, both for knowledge and pure unadultered power.

1. Should be the embodyment of the thirst for magical knowledge.
My thougts were putting Loredrake & Spellhoarding on it. Where to go from there i am not sure. With Feat Retraining i can assign 7 feats for it (2 racial, 1 from Spellhoarding [want to keep scribe scroll], 4 through Taint & Corruption).
Which feats & Items should i take for my first little buddy here?

2. Should be the embodyment of pure physical draconic power and hunger.
For templates i was thinking of Ravenous, what else could there be? For feats my first thoughts were of Clinging Breath, Lingering Breath, (Maybe Breath of Unilfe and Quicken Breath if i can get my Charisma up to 19). If i take those, i have 3 more left. But if you have other ideas, please tell me :)

The dragons have to remain wyrmlings & as familiars cant take class-levels.

Thanks for all your suggestions :)

The Super-Extra-Achievement: "The Dragon-Cloud" *drumroll*
If you manage to get the Caster-Wymrling-Familiar up to Caster lvl 7, so he qualifies for the feats obtain familiar and draconic familair, which dragon familiar of the 2nd degree then qualifies for obtain familiar and dragonic familiar, which dragon familiar of the 3rd degree..... you get the idea ;) Is this possible?

2014-10-27, 08:39 AM
Has nobody an idea on how to specialize those 2 dragons?