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View Full Version : Looking for someone to make me an Uber Monster

2007-03-18, 10:29 PM
I need someone to make me a monster. More specificly, i need Cthulhu. Here is what i got so far that i need built upon and turned into a workable epic monster with stats and stuff:

He is a very very very big (think, fully grown dragon sitting on his shoulder like a parrot) epic power outsider (chaotic and aquatic subtypes, i think). He has a pair of wings so he can fly but the wings are designed to work is space, so he cant fly well. The substance he is made of regenerates very fast but is soft, so his armor would be poor. He is telepathic at an extreme range and can control weak minds with ease but he usual has to work through dreams to do it. His mental stats would be almost off the scale and language isnt a problem for him. Like, all his spells would be empowered or something and he would have an aura of suggestion and fear around him for perhaps a few thousand feet. He would win fights by either blowing the baddies away, or making an epic diplomacy check with his crazy high skills and pretty much automaticly forcing everyone around him to become loyal to him by the time he finishes.

Anyone willing to make htis beast?

2007-03-18, 11:48 PM

Cthulu has awakened.
Roll sanity check.
You are now a weeping, blubbering sack of flesh.

The Demented One
2007-03-19, 12:06 AM
I think the phrase "Kills 1d6 investigators per round" should be the guiding philosophy in making Cthulhu.

2007-03-19, 05:53 PM
Im thinking that if i were not too lazy to make it myself, i would base Cthuhlu off of the flesh colosus (incorrect spelling) epic creature.

2007-03-19, 05:59 PM
Why do you even need stats for Cthulhu? Great Old Ones are not meant to be fought, at least not in direct combat.
If you want to scare your players with Cthulhu, that's not the right way to do it.

And for the description, look at my avatar, but less cute... definitely less cute.

2007-03-19, 06:06 PM
No offense.... but stating out Cthulu is like trying to stat out any of the dieties... except Cthulu is an _elder_ god, and therefore most likely around divine rank ∞.

2007-03-19, 06:10 PM
The deities are already statted out.

2007-03-19, 06:39 PM
And Cthulhu and other gods are statted too in Call of Cthulhu RPG, but I really dont know why... the only stat you need with them is how much sanity point you lose when you see them

2007-03-19, 06:56 PM
The deities are already statted out.

I'm aware of that. Apparently my statement wasn't very clear. To rephrase: You can stat out Cthulu in the same manner as any of the other gods, except Cthulu would have a much higher divine rank.

2007-03-19, 07:09 PM
You can stat out Cthulu in the same manner as any of the other gods, except Cthulu would have a much higher divine rank.

Not really, he might be a god but nothing lasts forever in the lovecraftin universe, and he cant claim to be the oldest, wisest, or strongest of the gods. Heck, he cant even leave his own tomb unless someone else helps him. I would say that he would have a very hight divine rank, but not neccisarily be above everyone else.

As a side note: If i want to take some folks who think they can take on anything and give them Cthuhlu to test out, i will. I just want it done right, and i cant make monsters very well.

2007-03-19, 08:19 PM
Apply the Pseudonatural template to a Wyrm Dragon and call it Cthulu. =P

2007-03-20, 03:42 PM
And for the description, look at my avatar, but less cute... definitely less cute.

I personally find your avatar hideous but each to his own.

Pseudo-natural (Epic book not Complete Arcane/Tome and Blood) + Paragon + Green Dragon would be a powerful enough challange to kill a group of level 20s.

Innis Cabal
2007-03-20, 03:51 PM
it would be to powerful, considering that a ancient wyrm green dragon is a hard opponent, plus the +8 ECL from the pseudo template and the +retarded for paragon, that would be a powerful epic "1st turn eat your face, second turn leave your empty husks" enemy

2007-03-20, 04:41 PM
it would be to powerful, considering that a ancient wyrm green dragon is a hard opponent, plus the +8 ECL from the pseudo template and the +retarded for paragon, that would be a powerful epic "1st turn eat your face, second turn leave your empty husks" enemy

Well, yes. It's Cthulu. That is how an encounter with Cthulu should go, assuming the characters don't go insane on seeing him.

The epic Pseudonatural template is a good idea. Unstoppable regeneration, too; none of this wimpy Wish and Miracle killing it. Then give it Divine Rank. It doesn't even have to be very much divine rank; just enough to get the immunities and a Salient Divine Ability. Use the Hand of Death salient divine ability, but have it drive mortals mad instead of killing them, and have it deal Sanity damage on a successful saving throw (as per Unearthed Arcana rules). There. Insane, permanently and irrevocably, and if they make the saving throw... they're still almost certainly insane, but they'd probably recover. If it weren't for the fact that Cthulu is still there.

Those are all the stats you really need.

2007-03-20, 09:52 PM
Basically say that anyone who looks at him makes a will save DC 70 each round or is permanently insane as the spell, and not even wish, miracle, etc. can cure them. Then give him Regeneration 40, an immunity to death effects, and spell reflection a la tarrasque. And he casts spellsmanifests as a lvl 20 psion. With that, you don't really need the rest of his stats. Although lotsa divine ranks couldn't hurt.

2007-03-22, 01:24 PM
Hahaha! "Kills 1d6 investigators per round!" I didn't think anyone else would remember that!

2007-03-22, 01:43 PM
Hahaha! "Kills 1d6 investigators per round!" I didn't think anyone else would remember that!
I kinda remember something like that, but that's very far in my memory... where is this from again?

2007-03-30, 09:35 PM

2007-03-30, 09:37 PM
Actually, a friend of mine is working on statting the big friendly sack of wings and tentacles, independently. I'll try to get a hold of his stats.

2007-03-30, 10:18 PM
Make a Fog Giant and apply the Half Dragon template. Make it a Barbarian/Forsaker with a buttload of rage feats and all the cheesey combos like Leap Attack and Shock Trooper. I don't remember though, which book is Shock Trooper in?

Innis Cabal
2007-03-30, 10:22 PM
heros of battle