View Full Version : 3.5 Eberron SRD?

2014-10-23, 10:17 AM
I'm currently running three campaign set in the 3.5 Eberron multiverse, one of which is an open-world/sandbox type game, and I currently have no internet at any of the gaming tables, and do not own a working cellphone.

Is there a downloadable SRD for Eberron so I can get quick info on any of the thousands of places noted on my Eberron map the players might end up?

2014-10-23, 10:19 AM
While there is no (legal) Eberron rules SRD, there is a wiki (http://eberron.wikia.com/wiki/Eberron_Wiki)with fluff information, at least.

2014-10-23, 10:25 AM
While there is no (legal) Eberron rules SRD, there is a wiki (http://eberron.wikia.com/wiki/Eberron_Wiki)with fluff information, at least.

I don't believe the wiki is downloadable, though. :/

2014-10-23, 11:27 AM
Dunno if you have tried it but I find that public libraries generally have a wonderful array of 3.5e books... Check online to see if any of the other libraries that trade books with your one have some.

2014-10-23, 11:50 AM
If you're a bit tech-savvy, the Eberron wiki appears to be hosted on Wikia, which runs on (modified) MediaWiki software - there are tools out there that allow you to scrape/archive/mirror entire MediaWiki sites, including page revisions. You may not need all of those features, but such a tool would likely provide a relatively comprehensive way to dump an entire wiki for your offline use.

Further detail including legality considerations are left as an exercise for the reader.

The low-budget (read:ghetto) option, aside from manually saving every page of course, is to open up the pages you think you will need to reference on a portable device (tablet or laptop) ahead of the session and bring it in with you. Even without internet, they will stay up as long as your browser is still open.