View Full Version : D20 What D20 systems are there for superheroes?

2014-10-23, 06:45 PM
It's all in the title.
What D20 systems are there for the super hero genre?
Which ones are the best?
Which ones mesh well with other D20 systems?

I know of mutants and masterminds.

2014-10-23, 07:12 PM
white wolf's "aberrant" exists in the d20 format. M&M, as you already mentioned, is the biggest d20 superhero game. aberrant looks pretty cool, but I haven't ever had a chance to play it. I was mainly drawn in by the fluff, which is pretty cool, so you should check it out. BESM is d20, and could easily be fluffed as super heroes if you wanted to play a game of super sentai or similar.

what are your goals for a system to play with? do you want rules lite/heavy, do you lean toward more or less freeform? what's your group's experience lvl, etc.

2014-10-23, 08:42 PM
what are your goals for a system to play with? do you want rules lite/heavy, do you lean toward more or less freeform? what's your group's experience lvl, etc.

Goals: Being able to rip monsters/encounters from other d20 systems. Heavy rules I guess, with powers having a functional subsystem (akin to 3.PF's psionics, spellcasti g, or maneuvers). More freedom, less freeform (does this make sense?). The normal group is an older gamer who grew up on Ad&d, 2 newish people, my absent minded self (so help me if I can ever remember rules when I'm not staring at them), and upwards of 3 other people with decent experience who aren't as absent minded. All of us are used to playing in a 3.x/PF system.

2014-10-23, 09:35 PM
D&D 3.5 has loads of monsters, subsystems, and heavy rules. And once you get your levels up past 6 or so, the characters look *much* more like superheroes than they do sword&sorcery characters.

Just sayin . . . .

2014-10-23, 09:53 PM
D&D 3.5 has loads of monsters, subsystems, and heavy rules. And once you get your levels up past 6 or so, the characters look *much* more like superheroes than they do sword&sorcery characters.

Just sayin . . . .

yeah, have you considered just refluffing if you don't want a generic tolkien thing?

look at the eberron books, you can easily play superheroes in 3.5.

2014-10-24, 06:19 AM
I'd recommend Mutants and Masterminds - like any good superhero system, it can model everyone from a hammer-swinging god to a guy who's good with a bow. It doesn't really have 'systems' for different power-types, though - if you want to play a wizard or a D&D-style psion, you'll have to add limitations to taste to their powers to make it 'feel' like D&D magic.