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View Full Version : LA 0 race with Bite attack? Also, Odd Characters

2007-03-19, 04:56 AM
It's two! Two! Two threads in one!

Okay, the reason I'm looking for an LA 0 race with a bite attack is due to Kensai and their enhancing of weapons. Since it can be done to natural weapons, I had the thought of giving a bite-enabled Kensai Metalline (Underdark, page 69) teeth. Now, it doesn't actually say a Metalline weapon needs to be made of metal in the first place, and the build's mostly conceptual anyway. The main thing would be changing his teeth to pentifex (Magic of Incarnum) and he'd be all blingin', yo. Another option would be brilliant energy teeth, for a smile that literally lights up the room.

LA 0 is mostly just an irrational knee-jerk dislike of any level adjustment. It can be ignored, I'd rather it not be. I'd prefer it to be a permanent bite attack, too, since I'm uncertain of the legality of a Kensai affecting the natural weapons of a shifter or wildshaped Druid. Awakened animals are also probably out, although an awakened dog Kensai with metalline teeth is an amusing image.

Feats or class levels that would grant a bite attack and still grant a full 10 progression in Kensai would also work.

As for the second part, I know I'd enjoy hearing about odd builds like the discussed one. Anything that takes a class feature and applies it to something really off-beat, or just breaks something that's not attack bonus, damage, HP, or AC.

Bears With Lasers
2007-03-19, 05:47 AM
Warforged can use a feat to gain a bite attack.

2007-03-19, 05:53 AM
I created an assassin character who wore about five different disguises simulatenously. That probably counts as strange, yeah?

2007-03-19, 05:55 AM
Willing Deformity+Deformity: Teeth. BoVD.

Edit: Teeth is from Heroes of Horror though, I think.

Thrall of Baphomet gives you stronger claws/gore I think.
Grafts are always fun for a WTF factor.

2007-03-19, 07:43 AM
Try adding Throwing, Returning, and Dancing to your +1 Metalline teeth :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-19, 08:02 AM
There's a race in Stormwrack called Darfellans (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050805a&page=2). They have a natural bite attack, +2 Str, -2 Dex, and great Swim related abilities.

The downside is that their base land speed is 20 feet. But given the fact that you can always make a secondary natural attack at -5 in addition to your normal attack routine, and that Power Attack applies to all natural attacks, I'd say they make a great melee combat race.

I'd also add that Kensai has a natural exploit for anyone using unarmed strikes, in that they are specifically allowed to enchant each fist. This allows a Kensai Monk to make his left fist +5 Defending, and the right fist +1 Wounding Speed, and then Flurry using his right fist for every attack, while shifting everything from his left fist to AC. There are a bunch of different defensive exploits like this, depending upon which supplements you play with.

2007-03-19, 11:09 AM
I think Shifters can get a bite attack as well.

2007-03-19, 11:26 AM
I know it's not quite what you want, but Poisondusk Lizardfolk have a bite attack and are a very respectable LA +1 race, and then you'd also be able to apply poison to your teeth without endangering yourself!

2007-03-19, 11:59 AM
Nezumi from Oriental Adventures have a Psuedo bite or claw attack but basically it just means they do 1d4 slashing with an unarmed strike. They have no LA and as another bonus they have a natural 40 ft. movement speed.

2007-03-19, 01:06 PM
You could also be a Druid or Wildshape Ranger and then head into Kensai.

For example, a Druid 8/Kensai X could Wildshape into a Giant Octopus, and have all 8 tentacles enchanted. Cthulhu is born!

But keep in mind that you still have to pay the XP cost for each individual weapon that you enchant. And any time a PC Wildshapes/Polymorphs into something like that, the DM has the right to slap them on the back of the head with the DMG.

2007-03-19, 01:12 PM
You'd think the Wizards CO board "List of Stuff" would have a list of class/template/race that granted say, claw attacks, or bite attacks, but I checked and they don't. :(

2007-03-19, 01:18 PM
If you use the web enhancement for Races of Dragons from the WotC site, kobolds have bite and claw attack. They're kobolds, so its still pretty weak.