View Full Version : Black Crusade -- Swept up in the Tides

2014-10-24, 06:38 AM
The Xeria Mining and Production Compound at Miral.

It is a hellish planet, Miral. A rocky wasteland of sparse vegetation, and sparser water. At one point it might have been a lush paradise, there were signs of it here and there, fossils, bleached skeletons of vast beasts, etc. Today however? The nights are weeks long and filled with freezing temperatures, the days just as long and blistering hot enough to fry a grox egg the moment it hits the rocky ground.

It is an imperial world. Home of feral tribes that wander the wastelands as nomadic scavengers, stock for the founding of many Imperial Guard regiments. And of course, the Manufactoriums that still liter the planet, ancient beasts cranking out devices from patterns long though to have been forgotten, all feeding the Imperium that you fight against.

But today, your concern is not the planet, or its manufactoriums. Today, your concern is the Mining and Production Compound, as it's called.

High above the world, several rings of asteroids orbit the world of Miral. Not naturally formed around the planet, but hauled there over millennia by forces known and unknown, set into orbit, and mined by the dregs of Imperial Society. Chained together by tethers, some of them long since hallowed out and used as foundries for incredibly pure metals, some of them currently being mined, regular shuttle flights from the asteroids down to the manufactoriums far below on Miral's surface.

It all worked like clockwork, normally. However the dawn of this day was anything but a normal day. The skies were on fire, Heretical ships and local defense batteries and fighter squadrons locked in battle. An Imperial Destroyer Squadron limping away, barely voidworthy wrecks. You weren't sure if they would survive a warp jump. Most didn't care if they did or not, with the notable exception of the Khornish Game Hens who lamented the loss of blood and skulls from such a fate, and the cowardice of their flight.

You were on one of the raiders, being crammed into an Assault boat, one of many. Some were destined for the planet, some were destined for the Mining and Production Compound. Things were loud and hectic, a mishmash of everything from slavering mutants screaming for blood, to quiet plotters being crammed in.

Your orders have been passed down. You know your objectives, and the punishments that would come from both the Ruinous Powers AND your superiors for failure. The lighter takes off, your fate on the way as you are swept up in the tides of war, never knowing if a Fury Interceptor or lucky ground based cannon was going to instantly end your ascension before it ever started.

The engine spirits were screaming loud, the lights flickered in the shoddy cabin you were crammed in. You had been promised a 'stealth' insertion, whatever that meant, to the Compound. Against protests about preparation, against concerns about the strategies, you were pushed out to sink or swim.

No one loves you, no one cares about your complaints. Do or die. If you don't get shot down, you have maybe 10, 15 minutes before whatever this "Stealth Insertion" happens.

2014-10-24, 04:56 PM
Looking around prior to the ramp dropping, Cymru points first to Emin, then Ketzer,

I need you two to come with me if we are to live...we can corner our fortunes and garner the eye and patronage of powerful forces if we but reach out to take it!

2014-10-24, 05:09 PM
Emin tries not smile at the theatrics of the warrior in Purple armour, draws his sword and begin warming up. The armour purrs around him.

Relax, we are all here for the same reassons. Glory to the gods and all that.
You people got any experience operating behind enemy lines?

2014-10-24, 07:38 PM
Emin tries not smile at the theatrics of the wyrd, draws his sword and begin warming up. The armour purrs around him.

Relax, we are all here for the same reassons. Glory to the gods and all that.
You people got any excperience operating behind enemy lines?

I have experience operating from behind, in front and between...lines. We have two choices, follow behind this lot when they spill out and let them absorb the shooting, or when they go out we break left and head for the nearest command building.

Every time I post I can't help but think of that scene from "Blast from the Past"

Clip!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9-oHgRYPrA)

2014-10-24, 07:51 PM
Haven't we all.

Never bad to have a plan if the stealth in stealth-insertion fails to materilize, but otherwise we should proberly avoid drawing uneeded attention until we get our bearings. We only get one shot at slipping in unnoticed. And if we are met with fire then I will be right behind you.

2014-10-24, 09:16 PM
Haven't we all.

Never bad to have a plan if the stealth in stealth-insertion fails to materilize, but otherwise we should proberly avoid drawing uneeded attention until we get our bearings. We only get one shot at slipping in unnoticed. And if we are met with fire then I will be right behind you.

You think we might get "noticed" with this braying lot? Hmmm...cute, but not that bright...still, a genius compared to most here. I like your idea of sneaking in! Let's do it! (/wink)

2014-10-24, 11:48 PM
You think we might get "noticed" with this braying lot? Hmmm...cute, but not that bright...still, a genius compared to most here. I like your idea of sneaking in! Let's do it! (/wink)

Emin continues to smile at the hallucinating man while hoping he will snap out of it when they get some firm footing again. Seen it happen before on landingcraft with bad air.

Nice to have you onboard then.

(Yrvin - Hope I'm not being to abnoxius right now...)

2014-10-25, 12:11 AM
"You know marriage proposals before a risky mission are not always the best of ideas."

Shara walks forward and joins the two clad in her crimson armour with her chain sword strapped to her hip. "I don't know why you two are fussing over the plan it seemed simple to me." She continues. "If this stealth insertion is successful you peacocks do your work. If not then we fight." As she finishes her sentence she rest her hand on her chain sword in a symbolic gesture.

2014-10-25, 12:21 AM
"You know marriage proposals before a risky mission are not always the best of ideas."

Shara walks forward and joins the two clad in her crimson armour with her chain sword strapped to her hip. "I don't know why you two are fussing over the plan it seemed simple to me." She continues. "If this stealth insertion is successful you peacocks and witches do your work. If not then we fight." As she finishes her sentence she rest her hand on her chain sword in a symbolic gesture.

Well thank you for the compliment. I have no doubt you can take care of us more delicate creatures when the shoting starts.

Emin says and makes a mental note of daring the Khornate to be first through any boobytraped doors they find.

2014-10-25, 01:48 AM
Well thank you for the compliment. I have no doubt you can take care of us more delicate creatures when the shoting starts.

Emin says and makes a mental note of daring the Khornate to be first through any boobytraped doors they find.

Cymru raises a skeptical eyebrow, but says nothing...

2014-10-25, 02:00 AM
The way the man talked made her skin craw. Relax, she thought to herself, he only makes your skin craw because he is a useful peacock, for now.

"Your welcome, but I make no promises as to your safety. Besides, I'm sure even a delicate creature like yourself can take a hit in that fancy armour."

2014-10-25, 03:37 AM
Ketzers wings were folded behind his back while he meet with these other cultists. Neither seemed to be true believers as he was. One of them bleed the power of the immaterium around him but Ketzer said nothing of it.

I've spent time behind enemy lines before The Gods openned my sight. We are but pawns in their game but useful pawns send to live longer wouldn't you agree. Taking the command section would be a quick way for us to take control of the compound. We need to bleed this place before we move for the final strike. Sow confusion, fear, and discontent and when that place is at the climax we strike. Once we hit dirt after the drop we'll need to move. This lot isnt going to stay quiet for long when we land but they'll act like a wonferful distraction.

2014-10-25, 07:50 AM
And there we have a second for my idea! (@Ketzer) Thank you for your endorsement. (@the group) We should choose one among us to lead this attack, so that we don't work at cross purposes and get us all killed! It is my plan that we are using, with the endorsement of a second, therefore I believe it should be me!

Charm (need a lot o luck for it too!)

2014-10-25, 08:04 AM
Charm 28

Not that compelling!
LOL! Had I not had that penalty I would've made it. Such is fate!

2014-10-25, 08:26 AM
As Shara a Mr. Delicate where verbally squaring off. A new comer entered the conversation. All she hear was "Bla bla the gods opened my sight. Bla bla pawns that live longer. Bla bla command section. Bla bla Sow confusion, fear, and discontent. Bla bla we hit dirt. Bla bla need to move."

Surprisingly, to her at lest, the other peacock explained in a version that made more sense and didn't leave her wondering if he had some mutation that increased his lung capacity.

"So making a run for the command section huh. I bet their commander will make a good fight." She pulls her chain sword from its sheath and places it blade first against floor of the Lighter. "Very well, I Shara Law, do swear to aid this group in the coming battle. May the enemy provide us with blood for the blood god and skulls for the skull throne."

"When the ram drops I'll take point, if that's okay."

2014-10-25, 08:50 AM
"In due time. We have no idea of what kind of security we are up against. Lets lie low, snatch some worker and ask for information politely. And if being civil doesn't work we can begin breaking legs. Then we strike."

"I'll be right behind you, if only because I'm the only other with a jump pack."

Emin pats his bulky jump pack to emphasize.

2014-10-25, 09:05 AM
Hmmm...odd man out for flight I'm afraid. Guess I'll just catch up.

2014-10-25, 09:46 AM
There are two things you never want to hear when you're in a lighter in the void. One is the unmistakable sound of air hissing from a micro-fracture that was going to leave your vessel depressurized and yourselves sucking void.

... that was thankfully not the sound this time. The other was perhaps worse.

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!" being screamed out from the direction of the cockpit, at the top of someone's lungs with the edge of frothing insanity behind it. You felt the lighter trembling hard, the whine of the engines at a fever pitch, and unstable juking that made it hard to get out of your seats without being tossed around the cabin as the pilot let out a wordless scream of bloodied frenzy.

5 seconds later, an earth shattering kaboom, the violent, and sudden impact with something that most likely was NOT a landing pad made of goose down and sugar plum fairies...

(( DM Note: If you have Maglock Boots, you're fine. Athletics or Acrobatics Test, you're fine. Otherwise impact will count as "Falling" damage as you're jostled hard around the lighter and slammed against less than soft metals for 1d10 damage, 1d5 if you have Catfall. ))

As you shake off the crash and start to come to from the sudden and violent end of your 'Stealth Insertion' you notice a few things. One, the lighter is ripped open by the impact, the ramp is missing, as well as half of the left size. Burning wreckage behind you, several explosions going off from secondary reactions between the lighter's drives and something else. There is breathable atmosphere, and gravity just on the light side of Terra standard. In the wake of your "Entry" you can see the other landers of the invasion fleet descending to Miral, for the most part. Red flashing warning lights flickered through the area, several paths branched off, and dozens of bodies were twisted and burning (Those that were even THAT recognizable as bodies and not just blood smears) behind you.

2014-10-25, 09:55 AM
(First time Rolling, so lets how this works. Acrobatics test at 41 Agility:

2014-10-25, 09:56 AM

2014-10-25, 09:58 AM

[roll0] --> Left leg

2014-10-25, 09:59 AM
"Blood for the Bl-" Shara echoed, her scream being cut off as the force of the impact hurled her around.
[roll0] no damage

2014-10-25, 10:03 AM
Emin throws himself thowards the cockpit hoping to relive the crazed pilot of his head, but there is no time and Emin is thrown painfully against the hull by the crash.

(First time Rolling, so lets how this works. Acrobatics test at 41 Agility:



(1d100)[90] --> Left leg

By the way, I forgot to subtract 2 from the damage for TB... Could I pretty please get it anyway, this first and confusing try?

5-2 = 3 (Thanks.)

2014-10-25, 10:06 AM
Cymru is thrown to the floor of the lighter with a crunch. He rises, slowly, left hand gripping his side. (Fettered Psy rating 2 Focus Test: 81 [roll0] )His neural whip floats from its hook to his hand and powers up with a sharp crack and a hiss

In case we get separated, I will be on Vox Channel 6...now let's make those cursed Imperials pay for that indignity...

Cymru will survey the layout of the landing area, then hurries toward the closest buildings

2014-10-25, 10:16 AM
Emin stands up and stretch his battered body. His skin creeps seeing the purple warior moving his whip trough the power of his mind alone, but the thought of upcoming battle makes it easy to shrug of.

Lead the way then sorcerer.

2014-10-25, 10:21 AM
Shara Picks herself up quickly the blow not seeming to affect her in the slightest. "We need to move, now before any near by, Imps show up." she yells as she looks for a near by tree line or other shelter."Delicate grab your boyfriend, Wings with me. Lets move"

Command- Fel 35 [roll0]
Awareness- Per 32 [roll1]
well this is a bust

2014-10-25, 10:24 AM
Emin ignores the shouts of Shara, and look for the winged mutant.

2014-10-25, 01:50 PM

[roll0] damage. Location [roll1]

2014-10-25, 02:04 PM
Acrobatics [roll0] against 36

2014-10-25, 02:16 PM
Emin finds Ketzer laying dazed on the ground, and helps the mutant up and back to the rest of the survivors.

(Hope it not to much that we poke Ketzer around a bit as per the OCC.)

2014-10-26, 07:27 AM
Shara moves up the delicate peacock. "Look we need to go now, once we are some where not in the open. We can check on wounds from the crash, but now we need to go." She then leads the two if they follow, towards the buildings that the other peacock ran off towards.

2014-10-26, 07:30 AM
Emin sighs, but follows Shara.

No use antagonizing the Khornate further. Foolish allies are still allies.

2014-10-27, 12:00 AM

Ground. I'm on the ground. Ketzer's hand waves in front of him and for a moment all he can focus on is the movements of his fingers as he grips and unfurls his digits. How did I...oh, oh who puts a thrice damned Khornate pilot in the pilot seat. The Gods are good though as he is snapped back to attention as he became aware of delicious pain in his side from where he had landed after the crash. Nothing felt broken and he would need to take a look later. Ketzer rolls to his uninjuried side and looks around for signs of survivors. The wreckage is torn and fires are all around him. Suddenly he feels someone grab him and pull him upwards. Before Ketzer has time to reach for a weapon he sees it is Emin helping him.

"...now we need to go" Ketzer catches the tail end of Shara's statement. He doesn't know what she was saying before and he didn't much care but he very much agreed with what he had heard, they needed to move and quick.

The skull fetcher is right we need to make for cover before we getting pinned and sliced apart here. Ketzer gives Emin's shoulder armor a clank with his gauntlet as a sign of gratitude. Ketzer unfurls his wings wording a silent thanks to the Gods that they were not broken or maimed in the crash. Leathery wings reminiscent of a bats but with more bone and spikes spread from his back as he draws his sword and revolver. Ketzer runs after Shara as she makes for the building.

let me know if pictures bother you guys at all. Sometimes it just helps me to visualize. I envision his sword looks like a cross between these two. Not a significant detail but


2014-10-28, 12:55 AM

Emin, Shara, and Ketzer eventually reach the temporary "safety" of cover he wasn't even sure what it was that was blocking him from view. Perhaps it was a building, perhaps it was a crumbling piece of wall but it was cover non the less and that gave them a moment to collect themselves. As Ketzer moved to look right he realized that Shara was scanning him with a Diagnosticator over him. With a few quick motions and a nice injection of something, the pain subsides from his ribs and Ketzer moves like he used to with ease. He had done the same thing thousands of times in his old life as Adrian the Korp medic but it was surreal to be on the other end. Healing others seemed to belong to another life, to another person. He had spent much time stitching people back together again but taking them apart again was the fun part.

Did anyone see if the other one made it out of the wreckage. The one with the whip? We don't have much but we need to pool what we have for the next push.

Adrian had been a tiny little thing taken by the Chorus but Ketzer was a fiend and not limited by the mere senses that he had been born with. While he had fought along side the Chorus he was gifted with a embedded auspex while his saviors had been enlightening him. You'll see such sights when we are through with you. one of his tormentors had purred and when he openned his eyes he could feel so much more then before. Now Ketzer reaches out with those same senses to taken in his surroundings and see if anything useful or noteworthy is around them.

Perception roll. Best craftsmenship embedded auspex lets me reroll perception rolls

[roll0] vs 56
[roll1] vs 56

I was rolling awareness rolls but the book does say that I can make tech use told too. Not sure which counts so let me know if I should reroll something

2014-10-28, 06:52 AM
When he reaches cover, Emin seats himself against the wall and observe as Shara begin aplying first aid to Ketzer. His knee hurts and he is shaking slightly from the excitment of the crash. Damn, he has missed this, but now is not the time. He needs to keep a cool head, atleast until the the shooting starts. Hopefully he can get some painkillers soon.

2014-10-28, 07:13 AM
Peeking out from behind a pile of rubble, Cymru leans forward,

Broken ribs are a new sensation, but they are not conducive to completing our task. You have my gratitude, lady. Without your healing, the path to greatness might've been denied to me...@Ketzer, You may call me Cymru, I am a Sensate and a psyker. I pledge all the powers at my disposal to tearing down these monuments to the False Emperor.

Cymru rubs the sides of his armor as the diagnosticator is plugged into his armor and administers pain-reducing drugs and healing unguents.

We should keep moving, no telling how far the invasion has advanced. If we are to seize glory we have little time for rest...

2014-10-28, 07:30 AM
Emin winces as Shara plugs in the diagnosticator perhaps just a bit more roughly then necessary.

"Easy! I'm the delicate one, remember."

He stands as the pain in his knee shrinks to a dull throb.

"Sami Pashazade Emin" he says and gives a slight bow.

"But Emin, or perhaps now Peacock, will suffice. As the two physicaly blessed by the gods said, cooperation and aggresion will serve us well. I for one wants to have chat with some cooperative local as soon as posible, so onward."

2014-10-28, 09:39 AM
As soon as they reached cover Shara pulled out her medikit and got to work. The one with wings had slight internal bleeding with bruising, but nothing fatal. A small injection to keep the swelling down and he was good.

Next she moved to the one who reappeared calming he had broken ribs. "Your ribs aren't broken you woos, Just slightly misaligned." she explained as she listened to his story. At the mention of him being a witch she forcefully realigned said ribs. "Keep your witch powers away form me if possible." She hissed in his ear after treating him. To make sure she gets her point across she also applies a little pressure to his freshly realigned ribs.

And finally she treated the peacock. Who managed to slightly dislocate his knee. As she examines the knee the peacock makes a joke about being delicate again. "Well Emin your knee is dislocated, I'm going to have to relocate it." She grabs a small stick and wraps it in medical guaze and hands it to him. "Bite down on this, don't scream, just bite harder." She breaths "On the count of three, One." There is a loud pop as the knee is relocated.

"Alright, not that we're all patched up. We need to decide what to do next, I can think of three options two of which I believe you three won't disagree with." She say she looks out a window to check their surroundings, "Option one, the Imperials will have seen the crash and will send a patrol to check it for survivors we ambush said patrol. Option two, Most Imperial commanders have a witch with them, we get our witch to find it and them."

Awarness per 32

2014-10-28, 10:58 AM
As the Khornate warrior whispers in Cymru's ear, he turns slightly and licks her cheek...

"I like you...you've a fiery spirit. And I know exactly the source of your disdain. It pleases me to disturb you so. You should revel in the experience and not restrict yourself to one emotion. "

As she applies pressure to his newly healed ribs, Cymru hisses through clenched teeth and surreptitiously reaches out and caresses the inside of Shara's thigh.

"Glad to see you know how to touch me, dear..."

(Sorry I can't color the text. Posting from my phone! I really hope I'm sounding creepy as hell!!!)

2014-10-28, 12:27 PM
With out a second thought Shara throws a left jab, with all her might, catching the perverse witch in the jaw. In her ferocity how ever she almost misses, clipping the man with the smaller two of her four knuckles, doing almost no damage.

Her other hand she draws her chainsword, in the fluid motion that only a veteran of melee combat can accomplish.

"Touch me again Witch and I will take your skull."

All out attack- Full action
Quick draw - Free action
Talking- Free action

2014-10-28, 12:36 PM
Emin Watch as the Khornate swings at the psyker.

Khornates and impulse Control doesn't mix.

He raises his voice and tries to stop the scuffle from escalating.

Calm down, if blood needs to be shed, wait until we are done here. I doubt our masters will take "I killed a quarter of our team" as a achivment".

1d100 at 57+10

2014-10-28, 12:46 PM
[roll0] vs 57+10=67

Finally. The Dice thingy is way to dificult right now...

2014-10-28, 12:51 PM
I'm beginning to understand you now...so I will offer this: if you want a boy, I can be a boy; and if you want a girl, I can be a girl. And for the remarkably low price of 10 unsullied slaves you can have all this. And if you act quick, I may include a set of fine sacrificial knives. Now what do you think of that sweetie?

(Again, no color posting from phone)

Cymru falls back from the punch, landing on his backside. He makes no aggressive move. The smile on his face shows he not angry in the least. It is almost as if he enjoys tempting the Khornate warrior.

2014-10-28, 01:37 PM
Shara had almost calmed down. Her rage was all but going to evaporate dew to the wise words of the delicate peacock. Then the perverse witch opened his twisted tongue again. As he spoke, her past memories came boiling to the surface and with them a new rage. "DIE WITCH." She screams as sh swings the chain sword.

WS 45 All out attack +30 Best Craft +10 Test 85 [roll0]

If sucees and not doged or parried damage [roll1]+6 Pen2
Total 9 Pen 2 Rending to the unprotected head

2014-10-28, 03:02 PM
As you all get out and run for cover, you can see that you're inside a rock. Yes, inside. Apparently the pilot had rammed... something. A tower? A gun emplacement? A landing pad? Something. There was a scent of promethium in the air. The presumed "Entry Point", at least as far as you can tell based on the trail of bodies and rubble, a pile of rock and plasteel, a few engine parts that you frankly aren't sure if they came from your lander or from something else that used to be there.

The area you were in at least at one point seemed to be a mine. Lots of branching tunnels in the rock. Some more worn than others, some that showed tracks suggesting the passage of heavy machinery at some point. The corpses in the wake of destruction and burnination however didn't look like mine workers. They bore the flak vests and weaponry that suggested they were PDFers, poorly equipped as weapon wise you have a hard time spotting more than a few crude knives and las pistols among the carnage... but normal workers wouldn't be walking around in weapons and armor, right?

As the Khornate was readying to chainsaw the psyker's face in, a series of explosions ripped through the rock you were inside, the very ground trembling around you. You weren't sure where the other explosions were coming from, for there was clearly more than one... but one you did catch came from the Lander you had just evacuated, the wreckage detonating as promethium leaks and plasma engines mixed in the ways they are wont to do.

For the moment, outside of your cell about to rip itself apart with Chainsaws... you seem to have a breather. No PDF troopers stomping up. The ringing in your ears from the explosion was still pretty loud however.

2014-10-28, 05:05 PM
I'll try it in this thread instead
Dodge 46 [roll0]

Made it, no damage.

Move action: put on helmet

(I'd like to hold onto my standard action, if she means to attack again I'd like to pre-empt with Mind over Matter Rapid Push at Unfettered Str, Psy Rating 4)

Yes, yes, you've made it quite clear you're not interested, now put that sword down, we have work to do...

2014-10-28, 08:28 PM
The new found explosions snap Shara back to reality. She stands for a moment chain sword ready before lowering it. "Just keep your distance from now on, and I'll let you keep your head." She says. "What where those explosions?"

2014-10-28, 08:37 PM
Above us, my dear. When we landed it seems we broke the surface into a mine system of some sort. I would guess that the front gates are all manned and heavily defended. But who would watch the mine entrance at this time? I think we found our way behind enemy lines, thereby to cause more mayhem! In the interest in forewarning, I may speak into your mind, for the purpose of relaying information, I assure you! And that is only if you have no vox, or our lines are being jammed...

Cymru rises, and brushes the dust off his armor absently.

Which path...?

Would a Common Lore: Imperium tell me anything useful about this planet?


2014-10-28, 08:54 PM
[roll0] Hopefully this roll is less than 38

That would be 3 degrees of success...I hope we get something useful!

2014-10-28, 09:10 PM
"Sad to say, but I have no vox nor no need for one, my commanders always just pointed in a direction and told me to go that way and kill anyone I came across." she spoke as the witch pondered. "You may use your witch taint for mission essential purposes, but nothing else." She leans down next to one of the PDF courses."These guys must have come from some where if only they had a map." She searches a few.

Awareness per 32 [roll0]

2014-10-29, 04:14 AM
What Cymru Knows:

Mining colonies, as you might consider this, are often fairly rough and tumble places. Things are less "Planned" in terms of urban development, and more built upon exhausted mine shafts. That would be what you guessed here, that this place is an abandoned mineshaft that has been repurposed for something. Judging by the PDF troopers, you might guess that this was some sort of defense platform or lander pad that your pilot went all Khornish on.

Miral itself is known for using a lot of criminals for its mining, people that they won't mind if they get spaced by tunneling outside the rocks, or some critical accident occurring. There is probably an Enforcer Blockhouse somewhere near by, if your guess about it being a lander pad is correct, to help keep transfers running smooth and prisoner smuggling down.

What Our Valkyrie of Khorne Finds:

Bupkiss. Getting plowed by a rampaging lander apparently didn't do good for most people's belongings. Data-Slates were crushed, bodies turned to raspberry jelly, and most personal effects amid the rubble either burned, crushed, or both.

2014-10-29, 06:55 AM
<Cymru relates all the GM has stated above>

This miserable rock uses criminals for their labor force. I'd lay odds that if we find some of these criminals, they would do *anything* for their freedom..anything! Main arteries tend to be larger than ore threads too...if we find a larger tunnel that may lead to the exit closer to command building...or it may lead to an Enforcer Blockhouse. Either way, we move one step closer to completion of our goal. Potential slaves and/or ammunition replenishment and possible demolitions equipment. All good things! We just have to reach out our hand to take it.

Cymru eyes the tunnels speculatively.

We can either climb up top-side and try to fumble our way around on the surface, or follow the paths laid out down here. I say we follow the largest tunnel to the heart, take it over and plan our next step from there. Any better ideas?

2014-10-29, 07:07 AM
"Excellent plan. Lets libarate these huddled masses and bring them into the fold of glorious Chaos!"

2014-10-29, 08:44 AM
Shara had to admit the what the witch said made sence. Much as she hated to agree. I need to kill something to clear my head. "Very well, let us move on then."

2014-10-29, 10:53 AM
"Switching to auto - senses and Vox - comm channel 6. If you can't see in the dark, best to speak up now..."

(I'll color that in after work)

"Oh yes...do try to be as quiet as possible..we don't want to tip our hand too early..."

Cymru isn't talking to any specific person, but you get the impression he is deliberately addressing the Khornate Sword - lady.

2014-10-29, 11:23 AM
Emin feels pleased that people are finally acting with some sense. The gods are not pleased with foolish servants.
He draws both sword and pistol just incase things don't stay silent.

2014-10-29, 12:14 PM
Adeptus Arbites Knowledge roll to see if Ketzer would know that likely locations for a Arbites Blockhouse to be located. Hopefully some foreknowledge will keep us ahead of the eight ball

[roll0] vs 36

2014-10-29, 12:48 PM

Comms to 6, aye This bunch knows how to have fun it would seem. As Ketzer moves into the tunnels he survies the area on last time to make sure they hadn't missed anything valuable and at the same time reached out with his senses to skim the warp and see if anything unseen was lurking ahead of them.

specifically on the look out for any demo charges that might have been abandoned or dropped when the miners were ambushed

Awareness: [roll0] vs 36

Psyniscience: [roll1] vs 36

Why not have a look around to see what's cooking with the warp. Free Action thanks to starting talent

2014-10-29, 01:07 PM
"I don't have comms or fancy armour, so just tell me when its time to kill or you need patching up."

Stealth ag 31 [roll]1d100[/100] also any bonus for darkness

2014-10-29, 01:15 PM

2014-10-29, 01:17 PM

Don't worry Love, when the killing needs done you'll be the first to know. One way or another. Ketzer chuckles at then end as he moves to Shara's left side at a reasonable distance. When we find them we'll point you in the right direction for the must Skulls

2014-10-29, 01:37 PM
"I'll just add that slaves fetch a high price on most civilized worlds in the Vortex. Sometimes mass killing is counter-intuitive...just an idea..."

2014-10-29, 01:49 PM
"Slaves and money make men weak." Shara replied as followed the group.

2014-10-29, 02:02 PM
"Whats is the point of strength if it doesn't grant you money or slaves? And besides, I doubt our masters would aprove of us siphoning of the producers from their new and shinny manufactorum."

2014-10-29, 02:05 PM
better question whats the point of strength if you have to chose between the two. Slaughter in one hand and slaves in the other

2014-10-29, 02:10 PM
Emin laughs heartly.

"True, aftar all; slaves are for their masters' pleasure and who can stand a year without games and blood."

2014-10-29, 02:23 PM
Shara tilts her head to the side and stares at Emin as if he just asked the dumbest question in the entire galaxy. After a while she answers "To survive and become stronger still that is the point of strength, and you can't have both because one the natural the other is not."

2014-10-29, 02:40 PM
"And yet you use both armor and arms."

"But don't worry. We shall teach you the real value of slaves and entertainment in due time."

2014-10-29, 03:12 PM
"The mewling servants of the Corpse - God are fit only for service to the Dark Gods. Whether that be through toil, conversion or sacrifice. Whichever result occurs is a matter for the whims of their betters. I fully intend to be one of those betters."

2014-10-30, 04:34 AM
While Ketzer fails to find any demolitions charges, he does manage to find 4 frag grenades still in useable condition. Meanwhile, his Witch Senses pick up something from deep inside the rock. A dull pulsing that is rolling out in the Immaterium. It's like a slow, steady heart beat, one beat every 8 seconds. It seems to be coming from just over 1 km away, further away from the surface of the rock.

Looking up in the opposite direction though, you think you know where the Arbiters might have been hiding. Near the rubble that marked the entry point of your shuttle. A wide spur shooting off the main shaft that you're in. What marks it out as unique compared to the others is that the rock walls were reinforced by Rockrete barriers that were blasted, scarred, but still standing in the wake of your dynamic entry. Still that is probably the first line of defense for a blockhouse in this place. Near the exit to this miserable rock, with defensive cover. You don't know what else is down that tunnel. For all you know 20 Judges were kitted up storming into positions in the wake of the assault... or maybe it was just a storage shed...

2014-10-30, 08:45 AM
"Well this is promising...keep your eyes open for ambushes. Shara, keep your eyes focused on the ground at your feet. If we run into guards they may pop off some light grenades to blind us. Watching the floor may mitigate the effect."

2014-10-30, 09:51 AM
"I have a better idea, you three stay here while I go scout it out. If you hear a bunch of shooting followed by blood for blood god, then I've been discovered, if not I will come back here and tell you what's there." Shara whispers, until told to do other wise though she looks a her feet, feeling a new sense of hatred for fancy armour.

2014-10-30, 10:10 AM
Stay with the Group. We can see in the dark, Emin taps his helmet, and you can not. There will be blood soon enough.

[roll0] vs 57

2014-10-30, 10:17 AM
(Vox Comm: "Let her go ahead. She's getting angry again. I would rather she is in front of us, than behind. Once she realizes she cannot see she will be more willing to bend to our will.")

Cymru will hold his hand up, palm outward to forestall Emin; while gesturing forward to Shara with his other hand.

"Ladies first..."

2014-10-30, 10:21 AM
Emin sighs. He doesn't trust the Khornate not to charge the first thing with a pulse she comes accross, but the psyker has a point in appeasing the blood hungry warrior.

2014-10-30, 04:36 PM
Shara being waved forward attempts to move stealthily up to the out lying perimeter of the compound, before taking a look and around.

2014-10-30, 05:51 PM
(Vox Comm: The Khornate will get all the risk but all the glory too. Hang back if you wish but I will make the gods turn my way here today)

Shara moves up to take the lead but Ketzer knows that the Gods favor the bold and his blade itched and thirsted. He knew that followers of the blood god held a special hatred for psykers but he still venerated their bloody god in turn. He offered a prayer to the skull lord for fury when he needed it and a prayer to the king of lies for calm until the moment was right. He feels the beating a heart through the walls of the cave. "This tunnel feels strange. Ketzer glances over to Shara as he says The warp seems uneasy here. Like a great heart beating every few seconds. It gets louder the farther we go in. As if we're in the capillaries of some mighty beast..

Ketzer moves in behind Shara trying to make as stealthy of a approach as possible but the terrain makes it difficult. When they reach cover Ketzer reaches out with his senses and tries to get a reading if there are any life signs or signatures worth noting. I'll keep scanning for life signs. Arbites aren't known for subtly but a ambush in confined spaces sounds particularly...bad

2014-10-30, 07:05 PM
<VOX COMM: "Yes, I sensed the same thing...but it felt as if it were a million miles away* I'm glad you noticed it as well."> Cymru pats Ketzer on the shoulderpad, then gestures to the woman, <"But she is only a step or two ahead of us; we will not be lacking for glory if she finds opposition."> Cymru treads silently down the hall, sticking to the shadows

[roll0] vs Deceive 38
[roll1] vs Psyinscience 33
[roll2] vs Stealth 23

Deceive failed lol!
Psyinscience: made by 3 degrees
Stealth: made it, barely. Only succeeded, no degrees

2014-10-30, 07:17 PM
Emin listens but continue to hold his words. The chatter on the vox is unsetling. This Heart the psykers feel reminds him of the warp spawned beasts of Voresha. Hopefully this time will be diffrent, with far less flame and light.
Shaking of his fears he carefully scramble through the debris strewn tunnel.

2014-10-31, 12:17 PM
[roll0] against 41

2014-11-02, 12:51 AM

While Ketzer and Shara move into position to better scout the Arbites guard house Ketzer reaches into the satchel at his hip and takes out one of the grenades that he found when they had crashed. He taps Shara caraprace armor to get her attention without a sense of urgency. For when the killing starts. Use it wisely you only get the one. He'll be hitting the guard house soon most likely if we can take them by surprise there heads could be yours before they even know you're on them. If we don't well they do make a really good bang. You don't seem like a born grenadier but your the best option I have in a pinch. Better question have you ever used one of these?

2014-11-02, 05:50 PM

As Ketzer is handing the grenade to Shara he is also running background scans using the auspex embedded within his skull.

Keeping an open eye for life signs or anything a miss

craftsmanship lets me reroll if is fails and a +30
[roll0] vs 66
[roll1] vs 66

Tech-us roll to spot power sources or radiation emissions
[roll2] vs 31

2014-11-03, 02:32 AM
Shara takes the grenade without question. She does find the witches talk of the warp a little unsettling, but she believed he just had a case of precombat anxiety. She could not fault the thing for this after all even veterans of the blood god got it from time to time. She did however fault him for sharing his fear with her. Fear has no place in a fight. Fear make you freeze, it makes you weak. She continued her slow progress trying to lead the party around the building stealthily. Once they had made a circle around it with no sign of enemy, they would breach and clear it.

2014-11-03, 02:35 PM
Getting the grenade, you come up to the spur off the main which holds what you think would be the Enforcer Blockhouse. Ketzer's senses detect that there are indeed some muted life signs down that spur before you get to it. Hard to tell how many as the readings are somewhat indistinct to your senses.

As the first one of you pops your head around the corner to look down, you see the tunnel goes about 40 meters. The barricades near the front have been blasted apart by the Dynamic Entry that you rode in on, broken into large pieces and knocked out of their place. You can see four troopers there in what you presume are states of Death judging from the ratio of Lungs to Rockrete Barricade where their chests are.

The end of the tunnel is one heavy metal door, currently shut, and two sets of what look like blinds on either side of it, one at approximately 5 feet high, one at 2 feet high, each about 8 inches tall and 2 feet wide. Small little slits of bright light are coming through the metal slats. You can see interruptions in the light where things are passing behind those slats.

Initiative is now going to be a thing, because it matters. Enemies are not on the initiative track yet. However the stomping around of some of your "Stealthier" teammates means that something most likely means you're there, as they were quite loud, kicking over objects like metal scrap, etc, that just echo'd through the tunnel.

2014-11-03, 05:19 PM

Faint readings light up nerve electrons in Ketzers brain visualizing as hazy green and blue images in the distance. "Life signs ahead 40 meters Ketzer lets someone else take the first look giving himself time to prepare for the coming assault. He usually got the shakes before a assault but it wasn't from nerves but from excitement. Assaults meant risk and risk meant glory before the gods. He was not worthy of them. You'll never be good enough for them monster. That was new. Ketzer scans quickly for vox transmissions to his power armor but nothing was coming in. He shakes the voice clear. It's familiar, like a lost friend. He pushes it to the back of his mind for now. Again, 40 meters ahead prep for potiental contact

2014-11-03, 06:37 PM
Cymru silently walks up to Ketzer and taps him on the shoulder, then points at the blinders on either side of the doors. <VOX COMM"Our prey is behind those blinds and that door. We can either avoid this tunnel or go through the doors. I think we already know what Shara wants. Curiously, I'm interested in seeing her "in action" hahaha">

2014-11-03, 06:51 PM
Emin silently questions the psyker's judgment in women. Never a good idea to wiev Khornates as anything more then mad dogs, even when they could be shaply under the blood.

<Vox: "I say we try another route. Unless we have some means to breach that door? And it got to happen fast, I'm not keen on eating more fire then necessary.>

2014-11-03, 07:12 PM
<VOX COMM: You could sell me on the idea to go elsewhere easily. Try explaining our sudden retreat to the psychotic female in the front. I'll understand your broken jaw when you come back here will prevent you from revealing her answer> (stupid forum giving me errors)

2014-11-03, 07:19 PM
<Vox: I am more then happy to let the blooddrinker get herself killed, if she's willing to charge that thing witout a melta bomb or something. There is no glory for us or the gods in pointless defeat. So either she backs down, or I go my separate ways.>

(Too short edit...)

2014-11-03, 07:42 PM
<VOX COMM: "I think you're investing to deeply in this...dare I say, be reasonable.">(again, with the "There are too few characters in your response" junk)

2014-11-03, 07:51 PM
<Vox: I am investing in staying alive. To attack without a means to open the door is beyond foolish. If there was some way to accomplish this, I would not back down from a culling of the weak. But I have so far heard no plan or method which can lead to victory.>

(Must pad it out again to post.)

2014-11-03, 08:40 PM
Trust me. There are plenty of opportunities to open that door. I have a theory about those doors, and if true, I believe it will be the heart of simplicity to open them. You might say I'm appallingly rude, or even a touch blasphemous, but I believe you need a little...faith

2014-11-03, 08:44 PM
Shara listened as the winged witch spoke about the possible contact about 40 meters up. Damn it, that's behind the door. Anger swelled at the thought that good fight was just out of reach because of a stupid hunk of metal. Breath and think. We probably don't have enough explosives to blow it. So what else, if they were real men they would open it and face us, but cowards won't do that, or will they. She smiled as the though formed in her head. "Gentlemen, I have an idea." She said as she pulled out her data slate, with the Tatica Imperials. She taped a couple of runes directing her to the chapter on how to link up with unfamiliar friendly force. "Which of you are good at lying?" She ask as she hand the data slate down the column. "We clear, up to the door, then we get them to open it."

2014-11-03, 11:32 PM
My dear, fierce, warrior lady, with the proper inducements, I could be convinced to prevaricate. Although you may not like the price I wish to be paid. Now, before you lose your temper, realize this; I've seen your reaction to base carnal overture. Before you think I want you to "bet your a$$", think instead beyond the length and breadth of yourself...I wish to hear more of your plan.

2014-11-03, 11:59 PM
Emin need just a glimps to recognize the text on Shara's dataslate, and his anger quickly evaporates.

A cunning plan, deserving of a true follower of murder, warrior! I shall take it on me too reunify these two hosts of Mankind, the Imperium and all the lies of the false Emperor.

Hand me that dataslate and this obstacle is no more.

2014-11-04, 12:14 AM
Shara listened to the perverted witch as he spoke in what she thought was a mixture of high and low Gothic. The only problem of coarse was that she did not speak high Gothic. Next time kill him before you calm down. She thought to herself.

"My plan is simple. First we get to the door and make sure there is no welcome party. Then one of you with a silver tongue tell them we are friendlies sent to reinforce and help them. If these are arbites like you suspect, then they will likely not have the same battle comm as PDF or guard if we pose as one of those two offering aid and reinforcements they may open the door. Or I can try to smash it." She says as she continues to the door.

Common Lore (Imperial Guard) What Imperial guard or pdf regiments are active in the area Int 36 [roll0] close but nope

2014-11-04, 12:27 AM
"I will handle the doorman. But I'm afraid the mutant must stay out of sight."

Emin cuts ahead of Shara, and march forward with the self righteous importance so common for Imperial officers.

"You two other are now honor guards of an Imperial Navy High Provost, try to look the part."

He scolls through the information on the slate even as he sets of thowards the stockade.

2014-11-04, 01:06 AM
With a muted angry hiss, Cymru takes up position behind and to the left of Emin,

(Quick to pre-empt me...I'll have to ensure I react with alacrity around this one...not even a blessing either...What kind of Apostate is he?? He must have a chink in that armor somewh-...why you sly dog!!! I have you now! You'll be singing my tune again soon enough.)

Once in position, Cymru leans forward and whispers to Emin,

The reigns of war are yours, warrior of words; Slaanesh sharpen your tongue!

After whispering to Emin, he leans sideways to Shara, not looking at her directly,

I'll cover left; strike true, blade mistress and may whatever god you hold dear take note of your deeds.

2014-11-04, 01:34 AM
"The lord of skulls will hardly notice the coming slaughter of these cowards who hid behind metal, but it is a start." She pulls her bolt gun and takes the left flank. "Try not, to die worshipers of the snake." She waits until just before they are within earshot of the door, and whispers. "May this day mark the most important day in the lives of our enemies and to us be marked as Tuesday."

2014-11-04, 02:59 AM

The enemy was there just beyond the door. He just had to be patient for a little while longer and then he would vent his frustation over this op on the imperials behind the door. He wanted to feel his blade sink into flesh. Patience, he was not like the Khornates, he needed to focus his desires. It was descent plan. When you knock make sure to say please Skull Fetcher. These are tired and scared troops that most likely don't even know what they are fighting to defend. You use honeyed words when we should be using fear. Death is coming for them from the skies. We're proof of that and if you give them the opportunity they'll turn given half a chance in order to survive. Honor guard, pffh, that was rich.

You used to have honor

Ketzer shakes his head clear once more as the a unwelcome thought races to the front of his mind. Fine then we play it your way for now. I'll be here with the door on overwatch. Once it opens I'll put a round through one of their pretty little faces. With a motion Ketzer draws a his stub revolver from the leather holster at his hip. He knelt in the shadows working to steady his aim for when the door openned or if the situation turned south.

[roll0] vs 46 for darkness: Why I bother to try and stealth I haven't the foggiest. Ketzers going to have to work on that.

2014-11-04, 04:00 AM
Shara turned toward Ketzer before embarking with the others and whispers "Not that a witch would understand, but it is not the way of Khorne to butcher the helpless, let the serpents use honeyed words to open the doors so a fight of honor can take place. You have my word that only the warriors who fight will be slayed." She turns to walk away. "The weak and wise will be spared so they may become the strong. That is the way of Khorne."As she walks she pulls out her bolt gun and displays it across her chest with the butt of the weapon tucked in her shoulder, although it is not her preferred method of death, it was the most versatile of her arsenal.

2014-11-04, 09:05 AM
-- But a Few Minutes Earlier, Above The Xeria Mining and Production Compound --

The former Scion carefully inspected his expertly maintained Lasgun for any signs of damage or mechanical imperfection as he had done thrice prior since being crammed into their transport. In Zaddion's experience, even the slightest inefficiency with one's equipment could make the difference between a successful mission or a pile of corpses, then again the two were often indistinguishable for those in this line of duty.

There were others in the transport, others beyond the obviously ill-equipped rabble that he had grown so used to since falling to heresy. They were too loud, too talkative and too flashy with their equipment. There was a woman among them, she seemed less of a nuisance in her conversation topics but still made the mistake of conversing in the first place. It did not matter to him, chances are either they or he would fall on the filed of battle soon, either way they wouldn't be seeing each other again.


He often missed fighting alongside the others soldiers from the Schola, at least they had the decency to be adequate pilots-

As their excuse for an Aeronautical insertion came to an end, Zaddion found himself in the unfortunate position of inhabiting the left side. Try as he might his reactions just couldn't compensate for the strength required to maintain a position within the aircraft, instead Tzeentch decided he was fated for a little flight of his own...

-- Less Than a Few Minutes Prior, Wreckage of the Failed Aeronautic Insertion --

The physical trauma he could handle, the glaring headache was what prevented him from acting at optimum efficiency. He barely managed to bring himself around from his cramped position before the sound and glare from the exploding aircraft managed to daze him further. He wasn't about to give up, if he laid back every time he suffered an injury he'd have not nearly as many war scars.

Activating the visor on his helmet to check for any mechanical issues, some slight relief came in the form of the Preysense activating correctly. Unfortunately, this was no longer a mission he could do alone, he wasn't good for anything but killing after all. There was a sound reminiscent of talking over his blurring hearing, but whether they were friend or foe was not something he could ascertain from his current position.

Retrieving the Lasgun and hauling his Carapace encased frame to a standing position, the Scion followed the voices as best as possible while still retaining some measure of stealth. After tracking the party into a tunnel, Zaddion decided to use his Scion suit to his advantage. If they were Imperial, the Carapace should be enough to convince them of an intent contrary to what was true, if not he would have to find a way to prevent conflict.

Slapping the bottom of his palm against the robust Lasgun, strong enough to just make a sound, the Scion adopted a defensive yet non-threatening as possible stance. The barrel of the weapon pointing towards the group, but his other arm tensed to the side with an open palm. If they were too stupid to get the message, they shouldn't require too much effort to drop, even the individuals in heavier armour.

2014-11-04, 01:03 PM

Ketzer took up position and sighted down the barrel of is revolver. Once those troopers opened the door he'd put a round right between, a sound comes from behind him. Ketzer reels around to bring the revolver to bear on the new comer. With measured tone Ketzer reported the new comer. Vox: Unknown contact rear How had he not show up on Auspex? Breathe, focus, who is he? What do you know. Imperial? No he would have opened fire as soon as he saw he had been spotted. Hand up to stay the violence, begging for mercy? No, his posture was well balanced and measured this thing knew how to fight. He looked like the enginseers that had maintained the Korps seige machines but different. More menacing. Neither one of them was shooting so that counted for something. State your purpose. If your with us we're taking the guard post if your just here to stand around and look menacing then look menacing in that direction.

2014-11-04, 09:18 PM
Cymru turns at the vox announcement and regards the soldier Ketzer is covering. He removes his helmet, a riot of emotions flicker in his eyes as he raises his right hand slightly, palm down and lowers it reassuringly twice to Ketzer.

So, you also survived. Now what? Where will you go from here? There are no allies out beyond that door. They would not take you back. Here you are an interloper. Invader. They would capture you. Torture you. Make an example of you. And then they would end you...But here, with us, now, you can begin to carve out your place in the galaxy. Take your rightful place here, with us! Together, we can overcome our adversaries! What do you say?

At this last, Cymru holds out his hand, palm upward in a gesture of welcome.

2014-11-06, 02:11 PM
"I say you talk too much..." a low, almost growling voice escaped from the thick Carapace Helmet. There was no point in deception with such trivial things, perhaps this scrap of a conversation would also be useful in demonstrating his lack of desire for new ones, but of course he could not rely on others to interpret his words for him.

It seemed that, for now he was on good enough terms with these walking headaches to avoid a firefight without provocation. Returning the grip of his most reliable weapon into his own, the Scion approached the door the rest of them were crowded around earlier, completely ignoring the outstretched hand in the process. Either they couldn't open it physically, or there was something preventing them from doing so, given the equipment they were sporting and the mutant's comments it likely wasn't the former. "What's stopping us from pressing on? There can't be too many guards inside, given the circumstances."

2014-11-06, 02:29 PM
"The door is locked, and we are going to ask nicely for them to open it."

Emin turns back thoward the tunnel leading to the door.

"Feel free to spill some blood when they do."

2014-11-07, 12:57 AM
As the cog boy walked on past the sensate ketzer gave a little smirk.
Ha, seems our new "friend" doesnt play well with others or at the least doesn't play well with you friend. Yes, we're going to ask ever so nicely if they would open the door and let us bash their skulls in... For chaos. I still say that we have the firepower to take the door by force especially now that we have the cog boy here.

2014-11-07, 05:13 AM
<VOX COMM: Oh good...*another* brooding antisocial. Because one in never enough! At this point, I think even a festering Nurglite would be preferable. At least then we might've heard a chuckle, amid the hacking. And coughing. And wheezing. And...*oozing*. He and the sword-hag should get along swimmingly!> Cymru withdraws his hand with an obscene gesture behind the back of the newcomer. We're on vox channel six if you have a mind to get with the program...

Cymru resumes his position behind and to the left of Emin.

@Ketzer Force was a foregone conclusion anyway. The game effect was getting the door to crack open, dear boy.

2014-11-08, 08:15 PM
Emin reaches the door with rest of the warband in tow. He strikes three blows against the door with the pommel of his sword and shouts:

"Heritics! Mutants! Traitors swarm the tunnels, and the overseers do nothing. Open this door before I need too kill more men for cowardice!"

He stands back and eyes the door with contempt showing through his posture.

2014-11-08, 08:16 PM
[roll0] against 57

So three degrees of sucsess, oposed by the Awareness of the doorman.

2014-11-08, 08:31 PM
Cymru reaches into a pouch on his belt and grips the small medallion at the end of a string of rich mauve beads with his right hand (psy focus). The medallion is a combination of the eight pointed star of Chaos and the mark of Slaanesh. He then slowly raises his left hand across his chest, forearm parallel with the floor, and forms his hand into a fist, prepared to throw his hand forward once the door opens...

I have but to reach out and take what is mine...

2014-11-08, 08:46 PM
Shara flips a small switch on her jump pack igniting the thrusters. Producing a low hum of the turbines. As she waited for the door to open she gripped the small hand grenade in her left and her chain sword in her right. The time was drawing near her thoughts screaming. Blood for the Blood God Blood for the Blood God Blood for the Blood God

2014-11-09, 11:30 PM
Miral was, as far as Shara knew, not an Active Warzone before the invasion that was just currently starting. Nor was the Barrow Subsector particularly well known for its garrisons of crack guard units. It was however the "last stop" before two other war zones that were currently active for the Imperials, you never could tell when and if Imperial Guard Regiments were traveling through on their way to other wars. But it was doubtful that any Imperial Guard units had massed here, for this War. It was too new, too fresh, and the Imperial Guard never moved THAT fast.

However there was one small problem with finding a way to convince them that you were friendly soldiers. And this came as you all knocked at the door, and a call came out of something that sounded like Low Gothic Gibberish, near as any of you could parse out, ""Corble?" spoken with authority and hanging in the air as if expecting an answer.

Those with Common Lore (Imperial Guard) would know that the Imperial Guard, and similar organizations, use their War Cants specifically for situations like this. (( OOC Rules Note: This is what Linguistics (Imperial Codes) is for, and in fact its description on page 103 of the Core Rulebook does explicitly mention Identification as one of its uses, so I'm not pulling it out of my ass, it didn't result in an autofail but it did come into play in the rolls. ))

The answer to the Apostate's words came in the form of the shutter blinds to the left opening up, so that they were edge on, and a small, round device rolled out to the floor. A Grenade! Bouncing against the rock it cracks open with an explosion of light and sound.

(( Mechanics Note!: Photon Flash Grenade detonates 1 meter away from the door. Blast Radius (10) would mean anyone at/near the door would pretty much be in the radius, possible exception of those with Jetpacks who wanted to Dodge (And be carried to the edge of the Blast Radius). Photon Flash Grenades do no damage but require an Agility +10 Test or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to Degrees of Failure. Note that those with Auto-senses on their Armor are immune to the Photon Flash grenade. ))

In the wake of the blast, our Favorite Psyker pushes his Power, a Warp Borne howl tearing through the shaft, drowning out even the ringing in the ears from the Grenade Blast with it's unnatural keening. The door's metal is a pale imitation of the witch scream from the Immaterium, as bolts are sheered and and the door is flung inside several meters, clipping and spinning around what looks like a very stunned Imperial in a Flak Vest. He manages to stay on his feet, but the impact has made him drop the blunt instrument he had been holding in his hands. A middle aged looking man, by all appearance, who judging from how he was blinking A) Didn't expect a face full of door, and B) Has no idea what to do at the moment.

(( Mechanics Note!: Door open. Surprise Round right now, advantage Team HERESY! You can see the stunned figure through the door, and yes, he is Stunned on top of Surprised. Face full of Door will do that. You can also see the Grenade dropper (kinda) behind the shutters is a different target. Interior of the room looks like a small area, 8m deep, some sort of check station/ready room judging from the interior door beyond, and small cogitator work station near said door. ))

2014-11-10, 08:10 AM
The ruse having failed, Emin scolds himself for listening to a Khornate, and await the hail of fire from the slits. But when the door rips of its' hinges accompanied by a infernal howl, he is not left flatfooted. He raises the pistol in his left hand and fires on the suprised man in the doorway.

[roll0] against BS 75 ( = 25 (base) +10 (standard attack) +20 (stuned target) - 20 (left hand) +30 (suprised target) +10 (close range) )

If hit

Location: [roll1] (Left arm)
Damage (using overload mode): [roll2] and Pen 2

26 rounds left.

2014-11-10, 01:31 PM

Ketzers hear and very soul rang with the sound of the immaterium. It was a roaring beautiful thing if impractical. He feels the Sensates power rolling off of him in waves as the daredevil pulls in massive amounts of power from the realm of the gods. He sees the door go flying and the guards inside reeling from the shock of Cythu's display. Ketzer stretches his wings in anticipation of flying at the helpless fools in the guard house but as he readies himself he lets a round fly. For the Dark Gods!

Attacking doorway guard- sorry I forgot to specify this earlier
[roll0] against BS 79 ( = 29 (base) +10 (standard attack) +20 (stuned target) - 20 (left hand) +30 (suprised target) +10 (close range) )

Hit location: 17 (Right Arm)
DMG: [roll1] pen 1

2014-11-10, 06:16 PM
Focusing all of his unholy will on a small point of the door, Cymru threw his arm forward, finger splayed and called upon every ounce of Warp energy he could summon...

<cue door break in, trooper behind it stunned, surprise round>

Green eyes sparkling behind the impartial mask of his armor, Cymru let his outstretched hand form into a pointing finger of destruction as he willed the Warp to heed his call once again...

Witless worm, doom is upon you...

Doombolt (200) (+0) WP test, Half Action, Rng: 20mx Psy Rating Doombolt is a Psychic Barrage that deals 1d10+ Psy Rating Energy Damage with a Pen of 8 (+1 bolt per 2 successes)

Unfettered Focus Test vs 51 (WP) +20 (Psy Rating 4) +10 (Psy Focus)= 81



[roll1] pen 8

2014-11-10, 06:22 PM

ok so six degrees of success, so that is three more bolts

First hits right arm, then right arm, body then head

[roll0] pen 8 (Arm)
[roll1] pen 8 (Body)
[roll2] pen 8 (Head)

Psychic Phenomenon


Breath Leech: Everyone (including the psyker) within 3d10 meters becomes short of breath and cannot Run or Charge for one round

Perils (if warranted)


2014-11-10, 06:24 PM
Crit to arm

[roll0] Energy to right arm

The shock of the attack causes the character to temporarily lose control of his autonomous functions. He is Stunned for one round and is knocked Prone. The arm is useless for 1d10 rounds.

2014-11-10, 07:12 PM
Shara didn't like the fact that the cowards had hid behind metal, but that was excusable. Using cheap tricks to blind her. That was not. "Cowards are not worthy of a clean death." She yells as she blindly throws the frag grenade into the room as best as she can remember. "Are there any among you with the metal to fight a woman who is blind."

2014-11-11, 05:16 PM
This was a rather problematic predicament. Zaddion had failed to react on time and as a result was promptly dazed a little by the flash. Such a mere thing alone wouldn't be enough to stop him participating in the now obvious conflict to come, but nothing prepared the Scion to expect the deafening cries of the Immaterium itself, only for his breath to escape from his lungs.

As the heavy indoctrination of the Tempestus set in, the Scion forced himself prone as he waited for the slight blur in his vision to fade and hopefully this unnatural deafness to go along with it. One thing was for certain, someone would be dying here in the next minute.

2014-11-13, 04:35 PM
Staggered, out of breath, but still standing, Cymru haltingly steps over the threshold of the door, ready to vent his fury on the first human being he sees.

Press...onward...you dogs...

2014-11-14, 12:17 AM
He was having a bad day, that poor man who had taken a door to the face. His last words were, "... Oh Throne..." as slugs, bolts of light, and the power of the Immaterium slammed into him. He stumbled backwards from the repeated assaults, the warpfire enveloping him and burning his body badly, the flames still cooking him as he hit the floor and twitched.

The blind Shara chucked that Frag Grenade in, barely clearing the door frame, and hitting the burning boot sole of the unfortunate man who had caught all the fury so far. Two bounces, just out of sight from those like Zaddion who did have their sight, and the explosion went off, just barely catching those who had been right at the doorway (( Reduce any damage taken by 8 for Cover from the doorframe/wall )). There was a chorus of cries from inside as the surprised troopers tried to shield themselves as best they could from the blast.

Zaddion at the very least could still see the Photon Flash Grenade chucker was still on his feet, and there was on on the other blind, on the other side of the doorway popping his head up as a silhouette behind the slats.

(( Top o' the Round. Remember anything that lasts for A Round/X Rounds is based on your turn. e.g.: If Cymru did something that lasted for A Round, it would go from when he activated the power, until the end of his next turn. ))

2014-11-14, 07:42 AM
Emin ignores the wounded doorman and staggers thowards the man which so inconvenienced the others with his photon flash grenade. He might have been without breath but he only needed five steps to reach his target when boosted from his jump pack. He lashes out with the sword against the soldier.

Standard attack:

[roll0] against WS 60 ( = 40 (base)+ 10 (best qual. sword)+ 10 (standard attack) )

2014-11-14, 07:44 AM
[roll0] to left arm (21)

2014-11-15, 12:04 AM

Ketzer stumbles through the door screaming obscenities that would make a Imperial Navy Rating blush, as he hits the threshold he slams into the door frame and sees the other trooper peering out through the slit looking down range at the new Cog Boy. His vision was swimming and his ears still rang with the sweet chorus of the immaturium, but he manages to slide just out of the door way knowing that something pissed, firey, and female was about to tear its way through there and he didn't want to be in her way when she did. He raises his revolver again this time at the trooper looking down range. They would need information moving forward and you couldn't rip information from the mind a corpse so they would need at least one alive. Ketzer spreads his wings creating as malicious and menacing a presence as he could manage and reaches out to the trooper with his mind sending the him a message

++Put it down son! Did you see what my friend here just did to your buddy that's raw malice your mate just got burned with. That's pure hate that mashed the door off its hinges what hope do you have against that?! You don't have to die here friend, throne alive your commissars will kill you just for being near this many witches at once. But you don't have to die for them! You can join us, help us, and there's a place for you here! Join or die trooper cause there is a raging berserker that is about to bust through there and I'm the only one that can save you from her so do as I say!++

Thought Sending
[roll0] vs 119 (54 wp + 40 difficulty + 10 psy focus + 15 psy rating)

Delude to add +15 to my intimidate check
[roll1] vs 79 (54 wp + 15 psy focus + 10 psy focus)

Intimidate check to have him drop his weapon and help us instead of attacking
[roll2] vs 69 wp (54wp + 15 delude + misc modifies as I think that having one of your buddys burned by warp fire and another one sliced open is a pretty scary thing to see)

2014-11-15, 12:46 AM
Hiding will not avail you...

Cymru languidly sweeps his left hand from left to right, as if pushing an obstacle out of the way. His right hand clutches at his psy-focus, the tiny needle points digging into his palm and sharpening his attention.

Focus Power Test vs 101; WP: 51 + 20 (Psy Rating 4) +10 (Psy Focus) +20 (MoM modifier)

Fettered Psy Rating 4 Mind Over Matter: Constant Motion


Made it with one degree. Provided the blind weighs no more than 40kg (88lbs), it will move to Cymru's subjective right, out of the way, and exposing the coward.

Cymru then lazily leans against the doorjamb and rotates around to face Shara

We saved you one...provided he has the mettle to face you...