View Full Version : I have a couple of Marvel questions I need an expert opinion on.

2014-10-24, 02:34 PM
Ok, question 1. How accurate is this (http://www.electricferret.com/forum/index.php/topic/3620-unofficial-marvel-universe-power-rankings/) chart?
Second question, Assuming that chart is way off in a lot of ways, where does Mephisto in his own realm rank on the scale of power? I ask because of a story im reading that I swear is bouncing all over hells half acre on the power scale. At least, it seems that way to me. And even if its not, I get the feeling that a mortal being powerful enough to trade shots with mephisto on his home turf is more than a little crazy. He wasnt able to kill mephisto, but he was able to injure and weaken him enough to make him give up the souls he had claimed. Since he had a little help i would put this guy maybe a step down the ladder from Mephistos equal, because he was clearly stated to not be powerful enough to finish him off, but isnt that still high end god territory?

2014-10-24, 02:53 PM
Mephisto's more powerful than the Phoenix force? Really?

Admittedly I'm not this knowledgeable on Marvel, but still, Phoenix torches worlds it's not even aware of, Mephisto just sort of plots a lot, occasionally invades earth with an army of demons, and enrages spider-man fans by buying marriages on Craigslist. I don't know, just sort of seems they're putting him a little high on the chart.

Wait a second, he listed twice on the chart... Oh, I see, that's how powerful he is in his own realm, like the other hell-lords, as opposed to normally. Still confusingly formatted. But I can buy that he's near omnipotent in his own dimension.

2014-10-24, 02:56 PM
Well, it lists him as Tier 11. I guess that's reasonable.

That said, it's really not just a flat "power level" like it were pokemon or whatever. Folks have different strengths, weaknesses, and there's endless team ups, different circumstances, etc. I wouldn't worry overly much about some sort of ranking. No matter how you list folks, it's impossible to square it with all of comics history.

2014-10-24, 03:00 PM
Mephisto's more powerful than the Phoenix force? Really?

Admittedly I'm not this knowledgeable on Marvel, but still, Phoenix torches worlds it's not even aware of, Mephisto just sort of plots a lot, occasionally invades earth with an army of demons, and enrages spider-man fans by buying wives' love on Craigslist. I don't know, just sort of seems they're putting him a little high on the chart.

Seems more or less right, although there are a lot of people on that list I have never heard of. The only thing I disagree with is the Elder Gods are generally considered to be stronger than Celestials yet they are several tiers lower on the list.

Mephisto does seem a bit high, I think he should probably be comparable to the Sky Fathers, although he does occasionally pull really big Deus ex Machina out of his butt. Poor Spider Man.

As for The Phoenix Force, I agree it is low, but then again the full powered Phoenix (White Crown Form) is one of the strongest things on the list which seems about right.

2014-10-24, 03:08 PM
I took the ranking of mephisto in his pocket dimension to mean that there he is the ultimate power, he made everything in that dimension and controls it all, so he would be more powerful there than wandering around new york offering to reverse time or retroactively deleting events from history or whatever it is he did. :p And yeah, I knew just from seeing like, 3-4 different thors on the list that it would be hard to quantify. Every character has gone through so many powerups and downs that it must be nearly impossible to just say, "Here, these guys are here, these guys are there, period." Unless you want to post an updated org chart once a month to keep up with the latest changes. :smallbiggrin:

2014-10-24, 03:10 PM
Also, yeah, comic books are highly inconsistent, so power levels are very hard to judge. To paraphrase another poster in a previous thread "If you go back through the 70 year history of comic books it is hard to find a character who hasn't punched out Super God on one occasion and lost clean to Toddler Baby on another."

2014-10-24, 03:26 PM
Where the hell is Professor X on that list? The guy is one of the most powerful psychics in the world, and the Shadow King is on there. Sure there are precautions, like Magneto's helmet, but that would apply to psychics like Shadow King as well.

Also Iron Man seems a tad high, either that or they need to include a few more heroes in the high-end superhero tier. At the very least, Dr. Doom would share that slot. Sentry's also missing.

Also obvious flaw, they forgot the tier zero level, inhabited by the most powerful super-hero ever created in the history of ever. Squirrel Girl.

2014-10-24, 04:34 PM
Phoenix Force should be matching Galactus at minimum. She's done so before in the comics. He only won that fight with trickery when she stalemated him on power.

Thanos should be higher ranked even with out the gauntlet. Like, at least as powerful if not a rank higher then Odin, since when Odin lost his rocker Thanos was the one that brought in to get him under control.

Franklin Richards is less powerful in adult incarnations then in his child hood incarnation. I admit that seems off but that might be legit.

Mephisto is at best on a level with Galactus and Phoenix when in his own dimension.

2014-10-26, 01:50 AM
Where the hell is Professor X on that list? The guy is one of the most powerful psychics in the world, and the Shadow King is on there. Sure there are precautions, like Magneto's helmet, but that would apply to psychics like Shadow King as well.

Also Iron Man seems a tad high, either that or they need to include a few more heroes in the high-end superhero tier. At the very least, Dr. Doom would share that slot. Sentry's also missing.

Also obvious flaw, they forgot the tier zero level, inhabited by the most powerful super-hero ever created in the history of ever. Squirrel Girl.

Is it bad that the first thing I did was ctrl+F 'squirrel' and then got disappointed when she wasn't on the list?

Man on Fire
2014-10-26, 07:08 AM
You could ask that in marvel general.

Ok, question 1. How accurate is this (http://www.electricferret.com/forum/index.php/topic/3620-unofficial-marvel-universe-power-rankings/) chart?
Second question, Assuming that chart is way off in a lot of ways, where does Mephisto in his own realm rank on the scale of power? I ask because of a story im reading that I swear is bouncing all over hells half acre on the power scale. At least, it seems that way to me. And even if its not, I get the feeling that a mortal being powerful enough to trade shots with mephisto on his home turf is more than a little crazy. He wasnt able to kill mephisto, but he was able to injure and weaken him enough to make him give up the souls he had claimed. Since he had a little help i would put this guy maybe a step down the ladder from Mephistos equal, because he was clearly stated to not be powerful enough to finish him off, but isnt that still high end god territory?

Chart might be uite off on some specific entities. I've lost contact with my Marvel powerlevel expert but I'll try to find him and ask. And some entities are hard to measure - Dormammu for example might be quite above Odin.
Notice that Mephisto is o nthe list twice. His lower entry is him on his usual and upper entry is example of him in his realm.
Also, powerlevels usually take secondary place to the story.

2014-10-26, 05:10 PM
Is it bad that the first thing I did was ctrl+F 'squirrel' and then got disappointed when she wasn't on the list?

It's not a bad thing at all, since I did the same. She's my favorite!