View Full Version : Newbie Druid 3.5

2014-10-25, 08:19 PM
So I'm rolling a druid, want my roll in the party to heal that can still shape shift for bonuses. Is there a any handbooks to help guild me?

2014-10-25, 08:29 PM
Mandatory Handbook Index (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=skifnivd54dv5g3ll4j1n3rqb4&topic=399.0).
Mandatory Noob Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=9479.msg153181#msg153181).

And this mandatory Druid Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1354.0).

Healing is a bad party role. Healing in combat is an awful party role. The mechanics of the game make healing just less good than actively preventing damages. You'll be a better healer by summoning critter that can take blows in stead of your fellow party members than by using healing spell.
The same way a Wizard will cause more damages by casting Haste than Fireball.

The handbook Index has several handbooks on healing. You can read them. A simple solution is the Touch of Healing reserve feat from CChamp.

To be relevant to the party, you need a role In-Combat and Out-Of-Combat. Which is easy with the very versatile Druid.

Divide by Zero
2014-10-25, 08:42 PM
"Healing" in combat is usually done best by preventing the damage in the first place. Summons are good, as mentioned, as well as battlefield control spells like Entangle.

Healing out of combat is usually best done by wands.