View Full Version : (3.5) Crusader Help?

2014-10-26, 05:23 AM
I plan on making a crusader, starting at level 9, and I could use some help.

First of all I want to play more of a smashy Crusader, rather than a tanky crusader.

My main goal is pretty simple, I want to be an unstoppable juggernaut that will obliterate everything in its way.

Minor goals would be along the lines of being hard to counter. I assume the DM might try to counter my character if its too strong.

A few notes, DM says we start at levle 9, have 46k gold, 30 point buy, and 1 flaw we can take (for an extra feat)

Things I need advice on are:
Racial Choice
Stat Allocation
Skill Allocation
Feat choice
Magical Item choice

I know humans tend to be the go-to race for most classes because of the feat, Skill Allocation seems simple enough but I wouldn't mind some input. For stats I know Str, Con are the primary but I wouldn't mind advice on that either. Feats I'm rather clueless with as well as magical items.

2014-10-26, 07:42 AM
If your goal is to do a hulk smash type deal then I'd go with a goliath with a barbarian dip for mountain rage and pounce. That'll still give you seven levels for crusader.

Avoiding counters is as simple as diversifying your offensive options. Devoted spirit's damage strikes don't work on foes without an opposing alignment while stone dragon strikes are hard to deliver to flying targets.

For feats; power attack is rather obvious and the shards of granite tactical feat can be quite nice if you're okay with taking stone power to qualify.

Skills are a mater of personal taste for this type of character unless you're eyeballing a PrC, feat, or maneuver with an associated skill(s).

Items are a bit trickier. Armor and weapon are obvious but beyond that is really more a question of what you expect from your DM. Anklets of translocation and a healing belt are usually solid choices.

Stats are just what you'd expect. Prioritize str>con>cha>dex=wis=int. Order those last three by your own preference.

2014-10-26, 10:08 AM
Starting at 9th level, you can say you already bought off a level adjustment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments.htm) and you'll only be a few thousand xp behind. There are some extremely powerful templates (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7044), such as Half-Minotaur (size increase, Str +12, multiple other benefits, +1 LA), or there's Mineral Warrior (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003e) (LA +1) which is more tanky than smashy. Dragonborn (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060105b&page=1) (no LA) is generally a go-to for Crusaders, since it boosts Con and it can give you wings (via feats in RotD) and a breath attack, which gives you something useful to do when you don't have a maneuver granted that you want, and with Entangling Exhalation it significantly debuffs your foes.

Templates have to go on a base creature of course, and for a smashy character Water Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#racesOfWater) is generally going to be your strongest choice. Dragonborn will remove everything but the stat adjustments, size/type, and movement modes from that, and you can add on Mineral Warrior afterward so you won't lose anything it grants. Otherwise a Water Orc Half-Minotaur gets Str +16 for only a +1 LA, or for 3,000 xp if you bought it off already. Warforged deserves mention as well, since you can get Adamantine Body and still be able to use skills like Tumble (and you can get it as a class skill (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) even). A Dragonborn Warforged still has the Living Construct subtype and all the benefits that come with it, and you'll still qualify for Warforged feats such as Adamantine Body. The only thing you lose is the default composite plating and the light fortification, plus if you pick the wings aspect you can fly with Adamantine Body since it doesn't encumber you in any way. In that case I would get the Quick trait (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterTraits.htm#quick) to still have a 30 ft. land speed, which also improves your fly speed. Also keep in mind that there's no limit to how long you can fly since Warforged are immune to fatigue.

You should definitely be able to fly, because you can use a piercing weapon and make a dive attack to deal double damage. Put the Valorous property on your weapon from Lost Empires of Faerun, it costs a +1 and makes you deal double damage with that on any charge, including a dive attack, so it ends up at triple damage per 3.5 doubling rules. Get Power Attack and Armbands of Might, and use the Battle Leader's Charge maneuver. If you Power Attack two-handed for -2 you get +4 damage, an extra +2 for the armbands, and with +10 for Battle Leader's Charge, 1.5x Str, and double your piercing weapon's damage, you'll be looking at something like 3d10+78 in one hit with Str 22. Get EWP for a Ritiik in Frostburn and they'll have to make a Reflex save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or get impaled on the weapon, giving you a free trip attempt (and an extra attack with the same bonuses if you have Improved Trip) and then when you pull the weapon out of them (no special action or effort unless you're trying to avoid damaging them further) it deals damage equal to that initial hit.

Red Fel
2014-10-26, 11:21 AM
I plan on making a crusader, starting at level 9, and I could use some help.

First of all I want to play more of a smashy Crusader, rather than a tanky crusader.

The thing is, being good at the second (tanky) requires being good at the first (smashy), to some extent; so really, if you build it well, you'll be able to do both, and can focus on the former.

The trick to being a smashy Crusader is the same as the trick to being a smashy Barbarian - be able to attack any enemy at any time, even when it's not your turn. Thanks to Thicket of Blades, you have this power. A classic trick is to use Thicket of Blades and Iron Guard's Glare to provoke things into attacking you, then a combination of Combat Reflexes, Karmic Strike/Robilar's Gambit, Knock Down, and various other pain-inducing methods to completely crush things. Basically, you get to wade into battle, make your full attack (bonus points if you go with Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian dip for Pounce), then let things attack you. Everything that attacks you gets mauled.

I like the Goliath advice, and I note that Dragonborn Goliaths keep their Powerful Build and can still take Goliath racial substitution levels. I also note that Mineral Warrior is pretty awesome, as is Half-Minotaur (which obviates the need for the Goliath substitution level for Mountain Rage), and second those suggestions.

Another option, if you're looking to have books thrown at you, is to play a Warforged, take the Jaws of Death feat (gives you a bite attack), and grab a Mouthpick Spiked Chain (a creature with a bite attack is automatically proficient with a Mouthpick weapon).