View Full Version : Record Memories Type Spell?

2014-10-26, 11:49 AM
Hey all,

I am looking for a spell/ability that would allow me to record the memories of a friend or foe, with them knowing or not. :)

Record as in store some where like a stone/gem to be accessed later preferably.


2014-10-26, 11:57 AM
I can't quite remember what it was called, but there is an item from the Eberron Campaign setting that lets one record an event and then play it back later. As long as you're present as they are making a given memory, you can store it forever.

Jeff the Green
2014-10-26, 01:17 PM
It's not quite what you're working for, but crystalline memories is close. If the target fails a Will save you can Concentrate for three rounds. At the end of those rounds, the target's surface thoughts (as detect thoughts) congeal into a crystal, burst out of the target's skull (dealing 2d6 damage and 2 Intelligence damage on its way out), and flies to your hand. In the next 24 hours you can read it at your leisure.

2014-10-26, 01:41 PM
Maybe something like a mindprobe but one that I can record?

Milo v3
2014-10-26, 08:11 PM
Would a custom item made using, Amanuensis and Crystallized Memory, that reads memory crystals you place in it and copies them onto paper work or would you prefer something more RAW?

2014-10-26, 08:36 PM
There's a spell in Pathfinder called Share Memory, which allows you as the caster to share a memory of an event you have with another person.

2014-10-26, 09:40 PM
Would a custom item made using, Amanuensis and Crystallized Memory, that reads memory crystals you place in it and copies them onto paper work or would you prefer something more RAW?

I like the idea...but I am working on how you capture the memories first. I am hoping for something that could, perhaps given enough time and using an expensive enough gem, capture a persons entire memory. All of them...

I was thinking like a "Vambrace of Vision" that had say 12 mounted gem sockets that the owner could replace as needed.

When you shake someones hand or touch them you can command the item to start recording memories. Either scanning for specific things like, "all memories of the town where you grew up" to everything.

The memory gets stored in the gem once complete. Each additional time you touch the same person, with the correct gem still in the item, the "copy" continues where it left off.

Perhaps 1 year of memories for each 1kGP value of the gem or something?

Milo v3
2014-10-26, 10:01 PM
The aboves share memory idea actually woulf work rather well with a magic item. Though the gem would be taking 1/10 of the time to transfer a memory from a person to a gem which could potentially take too long, though theoretically if someone has the gem with them for their whole life the time issue only matters when trading memories between crystals.

2014-10-26, 10:43 PM
Agreed. The Share Memories spell has merit.

But I am looking at things a bit less formal, sometimes even without permission or knowledge.

The item needs to allow the PC the ability to walk through a random city, shake the guard captains hand and now know all his memories of the city...stored in the gem. Perhaps, even more.

Could "Share" be more "Take"? :)

2014-10-26, 11:04 PM
Complete Arcane has the thought bottle, which actually steals the memory. I think you can store XP in it as well, but it's expensive.

I think this mirror of the old Planescape conversion would have some information. Look under the Sensates faction. Memory and experience recording is their hat.

2014-10-26, 11:22 PM
It's third party, but it's related, and provides a baseline.

2014-10-27, 07:45 AM
Agreed. The Share Memories spell has merit.

But I am looking at things a bit less formal, sometimes even without permission or knowledge.

The item needs to allow the PC the ability to walk through a random city, shake the guard captains hand and now know all his memories of the city...stored in the gem. Perhaps, even more.

Could "Share" be more "Take"? :)
Well, the Thought Extruder from LoM has a no-save, SR-bypass, mind-reading effect. It requires 20 minutes to set up on your unwilling subject who has to be immobilized already. You need to be in telepathic contact to get any answers, you get one question per minute, and will probably drain the subject's mental stats to 0 after a dozen questions or so. Also, you need to make a hole in the subjects head, and the Extruder uses substances known only to Illithid Alchemists.

So yeah, not at all what you were looking for, but it's something.

It uses (Rary's) Telepathic Bond/telepathic ability as a base, which I think is normally for willing subjects.

2014-10-27, 08:13 AM
Well, mindrape gives you access to a target's entire collection of memory. Cast that, then cast a Major image of the memory in particular that you're interested in showing off and you're good?

2014-10-27, 08:27 AM
I was going to mention both Mindrape and the thought bottle, but they've been brought up already.

There's also the kiira n'vaelahr, from Player's Guide to Faerun, which does something similar to what you want it to do -- it even replays feelings, thoughts, and memories in a holographic projection.