View Full Version : Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End.

2007-03-19, 10:25 PM
I didn't see a thread like this on the first couple pages, so I figured I'd make one. If I was wrong, please don't kill me, or make me into a hat.

Moving right along, the trailer's coming out in about half an hour, apparently...

Could be good.

Midnight Son
2007-03-19, 10:41 PM
Just based off the pictures, I'm actually a bit excited. Didn't think I would be based off the last movie. Can I make you into a hat anyway? Making hats is fun.

Edit. Just watched the preview and it's full of awesome!

2007-03-20, 01:18 AM

That's the one I found after a couple minutes of searching. Looks shiny.

The Orange Zergling
2007-03-20, 01:49 AM

That's the one I found after a couple minutes of searching. Looks shiny.

Beat me to it.

Zomg, I can't wait. Davy Jones, Jack Sparrow, and Barbossa = pure win.

2007-03-20, 01:59 AM
It seems to be good. I don't like this "pirates=freedom, order=tyranny" thing, though.

2007-03-20, 05:14 AM

That's the one I found after a couple minutes of searching. Looks shiny.

Yeah so...yeah. I can't really articulate my emotions about this movie very well. It looks interesting and I'll sure as hell watch it...but it all, storyline and everything, just seems to speak "too much money," to me. The first Pirates movies was great because it was self-contained, simplistic, and accessible to everybody. It had a wit and feel to its characters, dialogue, and setting that let it draw near anybody in before really progressing with anything "important." It's biggest flaw, IMO, was that it was almost too supernatural, as they could've just made a cool pirate movie without making zombies the focus point. The zombies were cool, but I wanted more pirates. And that's pirates pirates, like Captain Sparrow, not fakey-looking monster pirates, ghost pirates, pirates wielding oriental magic, pirates summoning sea monsters, just fricking PIRATES! It's a nearly untouched genre, really.

The sequel, however...ugh, it just took everything out of hand. I didn't even believe half the characters' reactions in certain situations (pretty much everything Elizabeth and Sparrow seemed completely left field out of place, and a lot of Will too). Everything just seemed to be forced to make the ends of this crazy, epic, voodoo, cthulu (:smallfurious:) storyline meet...and then there was no end! My reaction then, and now, is just, "too much money." They were allowed to do whatever they wanted and seem to be wanting to go for BANG-type quanity rather than straight witty quality. They seem to be retaining the wit and feel of the first to a certain extent...but every big "revelation" just keeps bringing this series closer and closer to the biggest box office joke I've ever seen so many hordes of screaming fans obsessed over. I honestly don't think that the makers of Caribbean were responsible enough to be trusted with the budget granted them to continue the pirate epic with a fantasy spin...it's just too much everything, and not enough *oomph* to make it all happen.

This almost makes me want go read the Liveship Traders trilogy again...crazy pirate fantasy done right. Not Will and Jack hop a ship and nearly single-handedly spiral them and Will's quirky murderous girlfriend on a death-defying voodoo epic...with squids!

2007-03-20, 12:50 PM
i keep falling asleep at the pirates of the caribbean movies.

Midnight Son
2007-03-20, 01:09 PM
@Amodman: I agree. The second was decent, but flawed. I'm hoping they are able to redeem themselves with this one. The preview looks good to me, but so did the preview to part II. Either way, I'm gonna watch it, but I doubt I'll be buying it on DVD. PoC1 was a great stand alone movie. PoC2 and 3 have to have eachother to work and I didn't like 2 enough to buy it. Therefore, I will not be buying 3.

2007-03-20, 02:05 PM
I really want to see it now :(

I dont think im too got at reviewing things though.

2007-03-20, 02:20 PM
Kiera Knightly

Illiterate Scribe
2007-03-20, 03:09 PM
This has been said many times before, I imagine, but won't the combination of pirates + the far east spell 'Ninjae' for us all? :smalleek:

Mauril Everleaf
2007-03-20, 04:40 PM
I'm going to be a minority here, but I liked PoC2. I liked it just like I liked the Matrix sequel. The series is supposed to be a trilogy. Meaning it's one story in three parts. The first movie has to be stand alone (or already have a cult following like LotR) or the sequels will never get made because no one will see them. But with movie two and three, you can basically make a four to five hour movie and toss in a year long intermission. The Matrix did it, PoC is doing, and I hope more trilogies do it. I won't buy them until they come in a box set though. I am also most definitely seeing PoC3 as soon as I can.

The Orange Zergling
2007-03-20, 06:55 PM
I liked PotC2 as well. Sure, it was a lot different than the first one, but it was still good in it's own way.

2007-03-20, 07:12 PM
The trailer looks kind of stupid, to be frank. The pirates from Singapore, for example, seems a bit of an unusual step, even for a movie about magic pirates.
Of course, the movie will [I]actually[I] be awesome, and everyone will love it.

2007-03-20, 07:16 PM
The trailer looks nice.

Also, I stand with the people who liked PoTC2. It may have been different than the first, but I liked it. Meh.

2007-03-20, 08:10 PM
I found the 2nd to be an enjoyable romp and look forward to the 3rd, but to be fair, i love Johnny Depp and pirates...

2007-03-20, 10:44 PM
This has been said many times before, I imagine, but won't the combination of pirates + the far east spell 'Ninjae' for us all? :smalleek:

One day, mark my words, there WILL be a movie titled simply, "Pirates vs. Ninjas." :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-21, 12:43 AM
One day, mark my words, there WILL be a movie titled simply, "Pirates vs. Ninjas." :smallbiggrin:And the day that comes out will become a global holiday.

"The Best Goddamn day ever" Day

2007-03-21, 12:55 AM
And the day that comes out will become a global holiday.

"The Best Goddamn day ever" Day

Aliens vs Ninjas vs Predator vs Pirates :smallcool:

Renegade Paladin
2007-03-21, 02:00 AM
Jack Sparrow rocks. That is all.

2007-03-21, 02:31 AM
One day, mark my words, there WILL be a movie titled simply, "Pirates vs. Ninjas." :smallbiggrin:

And the day that comes out will become a global holiday.

"The Best Goddamn day ever" Day
Depends on if it grosses more or less than Snakes on a Plane.

Trailer's alright, and I'll be watching the third movie. Mostly because I frigging hate incomplete stories. This has suckered me out of many dollars over the years; I even watched the third Matrix film, which through some hellish violation of the laws of physics, was even worse than the second.

This is not the case with the PotC trilogy however, as I've actually enjoyed both movies so far.

Apparently still no Keith Richards, though...

2007-03-21, 02:49 AM
I liked PotC. I liked PotC 2. PotC 3, judging from the trailer, will be made of win. But don't mind me, I'm a horrible judge of movies. I liked movies everyone but me said were horrible.

2007-03-21, 07:45 AM
Jack Sparrow rocks. That is all.Meh. Depp was fantastic in the first film but its hard to steal scenes when you've been given them.

The Orange Zergling
2007-03-22, 02:23 AM
I liked PotC. I liked PotC 2. PotC 3, judging from the trailer, will be made of something better than win. But don't mind me, I'm a horrible judge of movies. I liked movies everyone but me said were horrible.

Fixed it for you.

2007-03-22, 04:04 AM
Fixed it for you.

Quite right there. It shall be made from a combination of pwn, win and awesome.

2007-03-22, 08:02 AM
Two pirate ships, cannons blazing away at one another, circling a the edge of a gigantic whirlpool just screams, "YOU'VE GOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!"

And, put me in the camp with the folks who liked PoC2. Come on ... a sword fight atop a water wheel rolling through the jungle; what's not to love?!!

2007-03-22, 10:46 AM
And, put me in the camp with the folks who liked PoC2. Come on ... a sword fight atop a water wheel rolling through the jungle; what's not to love?!!
The fact that it was stupid and 10 minutes long?

Sorry, they should have been puking their guts out after about 2 minutes...

2007-03-22, 11:03 AM
I liked PoC2, but not as much as the original. Worlds End looks like it's going to be a good combo of the two- we've got Keira Knightley in pirate mode (sorry, my extremely manly side showing here), Barbossa (wahey!) and Chow-Yun Fat! I'd say 'whats not to like' but I'd get told what IS not to like :smallbiggrin:

Looking forward to this muchly.

2007-03-22, 11:28 AM
Aliens vs Ninjas vs Predator vs Pirates :smallcool:
vs.freddy vs. jason vs. Chuck Norris vs. Bruce Lee vs. Vin Diesel vs. Conan O'Brien.

And I liked PotC 2 aswell.

2007-03-22, 11:52 AM
I'll throw my lot in with the (sudden army of) people who like PoC2. It was flawed, certainly, but during the first movie I distinctly remember thinking, "okay, I see pirates. So why is this so light-hearted? Nobody gets keel-hauled. Nobody gets 30 lashes. And to me Orlando Bloom is still acting like Legolas, but dressed as Errol Flynn this time." The second made up for all that as far as I'm concerned.

2007-03-22, 01:23 PM
Geoffery Rush makes everything good, Chow Yun-Fat just makes things twice as awesome. Thus with Geoffery Rush and Chow Yun-Fat you get quadruple the awesome, and sextuple the win. Take that D&D multiplier stacking rules.

2007-03-22, 07:56 PM

*headsplode with joy*

Any doubts of me seeing that movie? They aren't there anymore. And for my two cents, I also enjoyed Dead Man's Chest. Now to sit here and wait for May... this is going to be the longest two months ever...

2007-03-22, 08:05 PM
Kiera Knightly

Amazing, you won the thread again.

2007-03-22, 08:15 PM
One thing i like about the movies is how compeltely over the top they are (#2 more so), its almost like Jack is telling the story 20 years down the line.... except he would have left certain parts out...

2007-03-22, 08:27 PM
Amazing, you won the thread again.

Why thank you. I try.


I mean, people:


Midnight Son
2007-03-22, 08:44 PM
Why thank you. I try.


I mean, people:


Meh. She's hot and all, but I prefer her out of the corset. She's thin enough that she doesn't need it.

2007-03-22, 08:49 PM
Meh. She's hot and all, but I prefer her out of the corset. She's thin enough that she doesn't need it.

I know you didn't mean it that way, but wouldn't ANYONE prefer her out of as much clothing as possible? :smallwink:

Midnight Son
2007-03-22, 08:56 PM
Actually, I meant it both ways. The "Meh" was to throw everyone off. She's definitely one of my top 5. Just don't think she gets any better with a corset.

2007-03-22, 08:57 PM
seems like all movies trilogies just go down each movie...spy kids for example...lets not go there but still realy...lotr was the first trilogy in awhile that actually got better as the movies came out, in my opinion anyway.

2007-03-22, 09:40 PM
That looks freakin' awesome. I can't wait to see it.

I liked the second movie, but like a lot of others, I think it had flaws. Ultimately I thought its main flaws were twofold: Not enough action, and the action was too complex.

First of all, in the second movie you have to wait practically until the movie is 3/4ths over to get a good swordfight. Most of the comic running around the island with the cannibals was pure comedy and little action. You get a scene of Will dueling some monsters on a sinking boat with a flaming sword, but even that is over in seconds. Overall, the first and only good swordfight takes place on the rolling waterwheel. Compared to the first movie, which delivered an early swordfight with the Will/Jack fight in the blacksmith shop (which is probably my favorite swordfight in all of cinema) and kept delivering with occasional fights against pirates or guards or whatever until a thrilling climax involving another few spectacular bladeclashings.

And then, when you consider what little action there WAS in Dead Man's Chest, the situations were so complicated that you had trouble keeping track of what was going on. IIRC the three on the waterwheel were fighting over possession of the key to open the box, their position kept shifting and they continuously switched targets... all while balancing precariously on an unstable platform at breakneck speeds, meanwhile Kiera Knightly was swordfighting the monsters as she ran away from them, throwing swords and boxes back and forth between two allies as they made their way. At a certain point, everybody switched what they were doing with someone else. I worry that they'll feel the need to continue to make battles more and more over the top until they're fighting while hanging upside down on monkeybars with people standing on shifting platforms below them, engaged in 9 way duels and throwing plot items back and forth at the same time, while some people are going back and forth between being zombies and alive.

So one of my biggest personal complaints is that Will should be the main character of this series. He's the reluctant hero forced into a situation where he has to question his core beliefs. After enduring failures and the supernatural, grows and develops into a more complete person. When occasion has called for it he has stepped forward to lead men and women, facing the worst the world had to offer with courage, intelligence and impeccable resourcefulness. His dedication to the safety of his friends and loved ones is unparalleled by anyone else in the movies. Truly a stand up guy... but... Johnny Depp is just so much of a better actor than Orlando Bloome, and the script spends so much time focusing on how charming Depp is that you get the impression that the static anti-hero is the main protagonist with the much more interesting and heroic (but less focused on and less charming) Will Turner seeming like a supporting character. It even seems to be implying that Jack is going to steal Will's girlfriend by the end of the third. (they already set this up in the second movie, and two distinct moments in the trailer hammer this home to me again)

It's Cyclops and Wolverine all over again!

2007-03-22, 09:57 PM
vs.freddy vs. jason vs. Chuck Norris vs. Bruce Lee vs. Vin Diesel vs. Conan O'Brien.

Not to mention old memes vs. my limited patience.

So is the new PotC actually going to have Keef in it then?

2007-03-23, 02:31 AM
seems like all movies trilogies just go down each movie...spy kids for example...lets not go there but still realy...lotr was the first trilogy in awhile that actually got better as the movies came out, in my opinion anyway.

Original Star Wars trilogy stayed the same level of awesomeness throughout. The Star Wars prequels went from "SHAME ON YOU GEORGE LUCAS! SHAME!" to "Meh, it wasn't all that bad". The thing about sequels is that they have to both connect to the orignal and have something new.

2007-03-23, 07:16 AM
And then, when you consider what little action there WAS in Dead Man's Chest, the situations were so complicated that you had trouble keeping track of what was going on. IIRC the three on the waterwheel were fighting over possession of the key to open the box, their position kept shifting and they continuously switched targets... all while balancing precariously on an unstable platform at breakneck speeds, meanwhile Kiera Knightly was swordfighting the monsters as she ran away from them, throwing swords and boxes back and forth between two allies as they made their way. At a certain point, everybody switched what they were doing with someone else. I worry that they'll feel the need to continue to make battles more and more over the top until they're fighting while hanging upside down on monkeybars with people standing on shifting platforms below them, engaged in 9 way duels and throwing plot items back and forth at the same time, while some people are going back and forth between being zombies and alive.

You mean you haven't seen that trailer?

On a serious note, the confusing action there was the point; so nobody would know who had the McGuffin until "tall, drunk, and mysterious" drops it on the desk later on.

2007-03-23, 07:25 AM

Chow Yun Fat. As a pirate.

It's almost like a prirate merged with a ninja.


2007-03-23, 03:09 PM
The fact that it was stupid and 10 minutes long?

Sorry, they should have been puking their guts out after about 2 minutes...

Zombie-pirates, magic compasses, gattling cannons, Aztec curses...but it's the lack of motion-sickness realism that you pick, eh? :smallwink:

2007-03-23, 04:12 PM

2007-03-23, 04:56 PM
On a serious note, the confusing action there was the point; so nobody would know who had the McGuffin until "tall, drunk, and mysterious" drops it on the desk later on.Except for that scene in the rowboat where he clearly realises what he has. If the point of the stupidly complicated fight scene was to confuse the viewer then it was all undone with a lingering camera at the end :smallwink:

I'd share the complaint that the sequel was far too OTT for my tastes. It was a case of deliberately setting out to making things bigger than the original. To my mind it lost a lot of the charm in the process.

So one of my biggest personal complaints is that Will should be the main character of this series. Two problems with this.

1) Orlando Bloom is not leading man material. Sorry but its that simple. He's proven time and time again that he simply cannot carry a film. My case in point would be Kingdom of Heaven and the original Pirates. Which leads me onto...

2) Will was the leading man of the first film. That was what the script demanded anyway. But Bloom couldn't escape from Depp's shadow as the latter really turned on the magic and stole the show.

2007-03-23, 05:15 PM
1) Orlando Bloom is not leading man material. Sorry but its that simple. He's proven time and time again that he simply cannot carry a film. My case in point would be Kingdom of Heaven and the original Pirates. Which leads me onto...

2) Will was the leading man of the first film. That was what the script demanded anyway. But Bloom couldn't escape from Depp's shadow as the latter really turned on the magic and stole the show.

Agreed, certainly... I just wish that if they could go back in time and cast someone else as Will Turner. Depp is a hugely talented actor, truly one of the greats, and Bloom can manage not to completely screw up (putting him just above Keanu Reeves in my mind) but not capable of working opposite Depp.