View Full Version : DM Help Choose Your own Disciplines??

2014-10-26, 09:00 PM
So, I have a question.
I'm debating allowing my players to handpick their disciplines in an upcoming campaign. Now, mind you, we use all the new Classes and Disciplines from the increasingly beautiful PoW.
But with how PoW allows players to exchange disciplines, it's come up that just how broke would it be to allow free exchange? To be able to choose a class that appealed to them, then switch a discipline that was less their style for another, so long as a 1:1 ratio.
Am I asking for punishment here?

The brokest thing I think I see is the Diamond Mind and Riven Hourglass combo.
Otherwise, it doesn't seem to be a major deal.
I should put out that the general group has achieved a certain level of OP-Fu where I don't know that this would change the game dramatically.

What does the Playground think?

2014-10-26, 10:35 PM
Honestly, I don't know about PoW (haven't given it a good solid look through yet), but our group has done that with ToB for a while and it hasn't really caused any issues. It opens up some PrC stuff, but that's a plus in my eyes. Then again, most everyone else tends to plan less than I do, and I self-regulate without thinking about it usually, but I don't see it being a huge issue.

2014-10-26, 10:50 PM
Cool beans, cool beans.
I wan't too worried, and I think it'll allow for some really sick character options. I know you said you haven't read PoW, but when you do, picture a Stalker with Zen Archery taking Solar Wind, Veiled Moon, and I hope Elemental Flux does what it sounds like. Namer her Maliwan and send her in.

Extra Anchovies
2014-10-26, 10:52 PM
Mixing ToB and PoW can only lead to bad places. I don't recommend it. It would be like using 3.0 psionics and 3.5 psionics in the same game.

2014-10-26, 11:03 PM
Cool beans, cool beans.
I wan't too worried, and I think it'll allow for some really sick character options. I know you said you haven't read PoW, but when you do, picture a Stalker with Zen Archery taking Solar Wind, Veiled Moon, and I hope Elemental Flux does what it sounds like. Namer her Maliwan and send her in.

Isn't there some feat that ups your to hit once you've hit someone already? Add that on top and make your middle name Hyperion.

Mixing ToB and PoW can only lead to bad places. I don't recommend it. It would be like using 3.0 psionics and 3.5 psionics in the same game.

Out of curiosity, why would you say that? From what I get, 3.0 psionics worked markedly differently, while what little bits i've seen of PoW sound mostly similar. Are there notably huge gaps between the two?

2014-10-26, 11:09 PM
Mixing ToB and PoW can only lead to bad places. I don't recommend it. It would be like using 3.0 psionics and 3.5 psionics in the same game.

Why? Anything in Specific?

Isn't there some feat that ups your to hit once you've hit someone already? Add that on top and make your middle name Hyperion.

Made my day.

2014-10-27, 12:13 AM
Made my day.

Then your night's gonna be twice as good when I remind you that you can make weapons with the exploding property, solely so you can have your last name be Flexington. Maliwan Hyperion Flexington. MEEDLYMEEDLYMAOOOOO

Edit: Make a splitting explosive bow. Shoot swords out of it. You know what comes next.

2014-10-30, 11:04 AM
So, I think that with the lack of feedback, we're just gonna do it and see what happens.