View Full Version : [PF] Build ideas for solo campaign...

2014-10-26, 09:26 PM
So I'm going to be playing a solo campaign soon and I need to work out a good, well rounded build. But don't want to cheese out or do any text book builds.

I was thinking of a half-giant, strength based, magus or bard. I like the flavour of a magus more, but a bard would probably be a more well-rounded character.

My DM has ruled out druids and halflings as he hates them both, haha, but apart from that anything is on the cards (I think).

Throw me your suggestions!

2014-10-26, 09:41 PM
A spellcaster that can excel in melee combat is a good idea for a solo campaign. A cleric would also be a great choice.

2014-10-26, 09:44 PM
I would take a solo campaign as an opportunity to play something that conceptually could be really fun, even if it isn't the best mechanically. Now hear me out...

This is based on the premise that you can have fun without being the biggest baddest thing out there. Since you're the only player, you don't have to keep up with the party or make sure that you're pulling your own weight. I'm in a campaign right now where I play an old man who's been shut away in a monastery his whole life hiding from his cowardly past. Best game I've played in a while. So if you wanted to try Vow of Poverty, or Mystic Theurge, or something else usually poo-pooed as sub-optimal, now is your chance. The DM can tailor encounters to your abilities and your level. That's why we play with humans instead of machines.

You could build some big bad and have fun too, but as Obi-Wan said, there are alternatives to fighting...

2014-10-26, 09:52 PM
While I'm not a huge fan of the class, I think a Warpriest could be a solid option for a solo campaign. So would an Inquisitor, come to think of it.

2014-10-27, 01:42 AM
Alright, so after some more looking, I'm thinking Warpriest or Magus. With a side thought for Bloodrager.
I still really love the idea of a half-giant and its powerful build ability just to pump up the damage a little bit by using a large weapon.

Whilst on that, can anybody give me a straight answer on a half-giant using a large bastard sword in one hand and what penalties (if any) apply??